THE ST JOHNS REVIEW Publlahed Krerj Frldty IlV McKlSON & SuUcrlptlon rales, $1.00 per resr In sdrsnea. Advertising rstei, $1.00 per Inch per month. All sdterllilng bills pastle flrtt of eeh month. Job Printing emitted In flrit-eUai njte, nilli tor Job 1'rlntlni cmh on delltcrr. All communlcllon should be addressed to The BeTtow, St. Johns, Oregon. ROOM ENOUGH (he Tint Uitvntw Is entered nt jst office In Saint Tohns. Orcuoii, as mall liintlcr of the second class under the Act of Con i;rcss of Mnrch i, 1879. Official Newspaper of the Oltr of Bt Joans. Phono East 6108. FRIDAY, FI5HRUARY 8, 1907. Killing bills seems to be the fav orite pastime of tliesolonsat Salem. , Nowadays wc hear very little about that Jap come off." "smile that won't It lias been a bad winter from one end of the country to the other, but look out for a bumper crop and continued car slmitac. I The idea of Oregon donating $60,000 towards the Jamestown fair suuucsts robbery. Better let the Salvation tinny have it. Just why the remaining A fire will undoubtedly be start ed under the kettle of pitch St. Tohns alwavs has banning on the tripod. - . . The railroads have an ample fund for maintaining a lobby at Salem, but very little money for building cars. I Benton County Republican: Did vou ever realize that planting ad vertising is like planting fruit trees? You couldn't expect a whole wagon load of apples the first and he smiles as the music is wafted year. Neither would you tear the along, and warbles this lay of his For the Genuine Booster at Foot of the Throne. The following from the Jefferson Ike defines the fate of the knocker: Saint Peter, 'tis said, sits out by the gate, his hands on the strings of his lyre; and he sings as he sits a low song as he waits for the spir it of those who expire. He hears in the distance the chorus of song that swells at the foot of the throne, tree up by the roots at the end of the season if that wacon load of fruit were not forthcoming. Yet you run a big ad., and expect a car load of sale, and inst because you didn't do as much as your neighbor own: "There's room in this region for millions of souls who by sorrow and woe were bereft; 'tis for those who have suffered the melody rolls, but kickers must turn to the left. There is room for people who when over 111 the other orchard, who lias they were young persisted in sow been tending His trees lor years, ing wild oats, yet who boomed up you yank your advertisement out their town witli sinew and tongue of the paper and say, "Advertising but the kickers must go with the doesn't pay." Wc wouldn't ex- goats. There is room for the pect you to get married to tulver- people who pointed with pride to Using the first time you made its the beauty and growth of their acquaintance, any more than we town, who kept singing its praises would expect you to marry the first and charms till they died but the girl who winked at you on the kickers will please amble down. street. There is room for the burghers 1 who cheerfully paid their taxes for and cvctitntr. I--..... I II. .I..- 1.... .1... ,.!-! . I " The suggestion advanced by The " ."' ' "tVun' V " 1 : K,KKS Christian Churcl.-St1.1dav School . . . . - .1.-. 1 iiiiiNi sinv wiicrn hip rirnuintrn mi ... kcvicw iasi wcck mai ocnoot urn- , , - v - , illumes CHURCH NOTICES. Baptist church K. A. Leonard, pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at it a. m. B. Y. P. U. 7 p. in. Preaching at 8 p. m. All are cordially invited to attend these services. Methodist church S. L. Young pastor. Sunday school to a. m. preaching at 1 1 a. 111. and 8 p. in. Epworth League at 7 p. 111. Holy Cross Catholic church, Portsmouth Station 8:15 a. 111., low mass; 10:15 a- m high mass; 7:30 p. tn., vespers and benediction. St. Andrew's Kplscopal Chapel, university Park Rev. Wm. R. Powell, chaplain. Regular services tt a. tn. Sunday school 10 a. 111. Evangelical church Sunday scliool to a. in. Preaching it a. 111. Junior K. L. C. E. 2:30 p. tti.j Senior K. I,. C. E. 6:30 p. 111. Also preaching at 7:30 p. 111. E. E. Mo Vickcr, pastor. First Congregational Church F. J. Warren, pastor. Sunday school to a. m.; preaching tt a.m. and 7:30 P- Baptist Church, University Park. Rev. A. B. Waltz, pastor. Regu lar services every Sunday morning f oooo LINNTON LOTS ! f ,i,.tu Wna , n,t o i, nnmlitiiP.I Imu "atl Bllli Hie Ulirill Sllipillir II 1 .',..,.11 r,.nni..,.,i 'I' the nights. There is room for the land ,i.i , Ifliin Minl.t(i ..!,. i"o menro voters on whose loyal support their fraud cases are not to be prosecuted Vvilh l'ortlniul, Mt. Tabor, Sellwood Par,ly col,m always rely, but the is a conundrum to many. Are n,i ottlcr suburban tioints in the 'ekers must go to the Satanic court Messrs. lleney and Hnstol going to ,,..... if u,ju i,ml ..ti ilnnr nt n P'"cc '"cy can't bolt when they stop with the work only half done? tu. cccti(, last June the tax levy ' would now lie tint over two and n at to 0. in., 0. W. Overstrcct. su perintendent. Services in Bickncrs' hall. Preaching at ti a. m. and 7.30 p. tn. If certain couucilmen wish to be reminded of what has happened to the city hall let them read the back numbers of The Review. It was a half mills instead of six mills as at present. The patrons would also have the advantages of many de partments now omitted because of .(-.. t.l a1...!ulrt InrtlV tC ft I twltl tt ftttlf ttr! liMiMlftrtl emeu 1 ni sonic one wumu l n:ir .....v.o rri.ntx tnttt MWt ,i..,u comb cut-and it has come to pass. and furnish equipment. The mat- K"fJ "J ter will no doubt be taken up and tllcy ." fo.r " Jeweler off to the die. There is room for all those who at last and at first supported their tradesmen at home, but the kickers who branded home goods as the worst, from mansions forever must roam. They'd say that the music was all out of tune and the The Torrcns system of register inn real estate titles is a safe and economical one, mid its iutrodtic tiou is only needed to make it pop Mar. It may be tt trine Hard on the abstract men, but it prevents the payment for a lot of tyewritiiig that many are not able to decipher. The snow blockade in the middle west inconvenienced, among others, the newspatiers to judge by the following from 11 clipping from one of them: "The North Dakota State Journal npivenrs today printed on yellow wrapping paper, the fteighl blockade preventing the shipment of print paer. Next week it will print on pine siding If the blockade continues." It has been proven to the satis faction of many in St. Johns, cs K.'cmuy those who have money coming to them, that the sale of improvement bonds under the llau croft act is 1111 uphill proposition. While the bonds tire gilt edge nud first-class, the investment of like amounts in real estate gives prom ise of 1 nicker mid greater teturiis. Again, the bonds olTercd are in such small amounts that the bond buyers do not cine to bother with them, thoroughly discussed and some action taken at the election next June. The first step to be taken is to circulate n etitioii to obtain 50 names in this district and 100 names in the Portland district. This list of names will then be sub mitted to the boundary board for approval. THE LEGISLATURE moon to sample the gold in their crowns, bo while there is room for the millions of souls who by sorrow or woe nre bereft, wc want no complaint of the music that rolls and the kickers will turn to the left. Pithy Parairmplis from our Corrcj. (undent nt Snlcm. The State Hoard of Control bill giving a commission power to ap point nil state officers for public institutions, and providing 11 rich salary for the commissioners and clerks, was vetoed by the governor. Hut when it came before the senate the governor's veto was sustained six republicans voting with the democrats. The governor never forgets the taxpayers. It is reported that the legislature has decided to cut out two of the normal schools and that Ashland and Drain will be the ones to go. 1 he greatest hog of them all- .Moiimnuth still remains to keep its snout in the public trough. 1 lie legislature is sun divined on the iiucstiou of free locks at Oregon 1v.11.... r...i...i i n. 1 City. A new bill is to be Intro ,11V." I.IIIV.'I WIIUIIIIM IIIIIMlSlie.t III! 1. 1,. " I J. ... !...!.. ntK.ll lt!..r. In ll.Vr.. U " "J'l "'I'""""" REM EM HER THE FOUNTAIN FUND DANCE NEXT THURSDAY EVENING 1 Neglected Colds Threaten Life. (From the Chicago Tribune) "Don't trifle with a cold," is good r.u vice for prudent men and women. It may be vital in the case of a child. Proper food, cood ventilation, and dry, warm clothing arc the proper safeguards against colds. If they arc maintained through the changeable weather of autumn, winter and spring, the chances of a surprise from ordinary colds will be slight. But the ordi nary light cold win become severe if neglected, and a well established ripe cold is to the germs of diph theria what honey is to the bee. The greatest menace to child life at this season of the year is the neglected cold." Whether it is a I ciiiki or auuit, the coid slight or severe, the very best treatment that can be adopted is to give Chamber lain's Cough Remedy. It is safe and sure. The great popularity nud immense sale or this prcparn- 11011 uns been attained by its re markable cures of this ailment. A cold never results in puctimouin when it is given, ror sale by St. Johns Drug Store. Fine Opportunity to Invest Small Amounts! The best opportunity to secure quick returns on a small investment is in Liuutou, the thriving manufacturing town cn the Willainmctc River opposite St. Johns. Attracted by the deep water frontage several large manufacturing plants have located here, and more arc to fol low. With the railroad and new electric line Linnton will have unsurpassed shipping facilities. This means additional factories and homes. Wc arc offering lots in the original town site of Liun touu, situated on a beautiful bench overlooking the peninsula where wc arc offering RESIDENCE LOTS At $40, $50, $60, $80 and $100 each; ten per cent down and $5 per mouth. crty. cheap. The proposed electric line passes through this prop These lots will double in a year. Buy while they are These values are only for a short time. Remember how values have soared in St. Johns. They will do the same in Linnton. For particulars sccC. F. Bunker, 51.) Chamber of Commerce, Portland, Ore., or A Stitch In Time will save nine. So will n bottle of Ballard's Horcliound Synin always kept on hand save niniiv n spell of I sickness. A sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis nud Whooping Lougn. Mrs. , not springs, Ark., writes: UI keep n bottle of Ballard's Horcliound Syrup in my I medicine chest, and thank my fore thought many tunes, it has pre vented many severe spells of sick ness, bold by St. Johns' Drug btorc. H. G. OGDEN St. Johns, Ore. in every sentence, addressed to Senator Hotline, giving the reasons why it opposed his election to the upper house of congress. It is a manly statement. Ivditor Heuuett comes out fiat-footed nud tells why he did so, mid takes the whole of the blame. The Review did not improve of the course adopted by The Optimist, but we like the style of The D.illes editor. lie has proved that he is capable of giving or taking a good licking. He got a gooti tiirtisiiiug mm acknowledges it. He stood up for what he thought was right, but he lost by a mile. No disgrace uttaches to it, however If there were more like him there would be belter uewspa wrs than thcicaie. Heic'stoyou, Mr. Huiiuelt. Now let us all pull togelliei. gov ernment controls all the rivers nud hnthors, it is clearly its duty to open these locks tree to the public. The state is growing unite fast. but the taxes, grafts and appropri ations are getting ahead of the pro cession. Jeff Myers bill to appropriate .(5,oo to the Jamestown exposi. tiou was defeated in the senate by 1 a to 15 votes. Jell will have to stay at home or buy his own ticket nud ti eals. Just what good there is in the ollice of attorney general for the siaie, no one can ten, aim last year the appropriations to sustain it cost 533,500. The Osteopathy bill is ineetinn with much opimsitiou in the senate. 1 in ninny iuiliui Local News. many doctors there. They The status of affairs in regard to don't want a man to be cured by the tin roof nud cornices on the new city hall are about finished. Improved car service is what St. Johns needs more than anything eise. r.ggs touched the record mark in the Portland markets during the week, selling nt .12H cents n dozen nt wholesale. I he Bums bakery in the French block was sold to n Portland man yesterday through I). C. Rogers & Co. The river nccrmliiiii totheweath' er bureau man, will be nt its high- est stage today. The headwaters of the Columbia are still to be heard from, however. Careful Investors I oooo should find Richard Shepard &Co. in their new quarters nt 1 10 North Jersey street. WE FIND THE BARGAINS. White House EUROPEAN HOTEL Finest rooming house in St. Johns. the building nud completion of the rubbing and when he breaks n leg new city hall in St. Johns is not all to them to get tt c cut off. that was hocd for. To an outsid .. fi t .l . .1 I . a. . er u iookk as iiiougu me city is ' going to get something it did not anticipate. Although the building siiouiu have been enclosed Jan. 1, the work is still dragging alotv The contractors, tired of their job, I I !. . . ... ' 1 nave milieu 11 over 10 ineir ixnuis- men. It is alleged that the bonds men are willing the city .should take it off their hands. This shift has been trial, but it fallal. I'nder the contract the bondsmen forfeit io lor every iay the work is in complete from January 1, last. Whether this penalty will be col lected remains to be seen. It suoiiHi do. 1 iciayuig the work is dangerous and will serve only to complicate matters. The council have been lenient in their demands, niui suouui now (.omiKM those in charge to compleie the building .: . ; .. 1 iiv tunc lui v.wu.-x.s i-i pasi. 1 ne money is 011 hand to pay for the building. If the com actors are pursuing dilatory tactics they should be brought to time. If the Sergeant Major Schoof of the Britisli nrmy, nn Africnn explorer nun traveler, will sin-ak in the Methodist church next Siimlav . I , iu give evening, kiimii in I ,u ri-l... I.. T , . . 1 iiv iiicvu.i i.mmiuy is now in shniH! to take care of all work off- 1 ne promoters of the Tuberculo- erat trout carpets to lace curtains Chamberlain's udvice lobbyists no quarter don't have much elfect. sis sanitarium near Portland ate at Salem, not asking for aid in run uiug the institution, but urging the members to provide a home where poor creatures who have nothing to live on may have n place to shel ter nud feed them 111 their last hours. They ought to have it. Instead of increasing salaries, and . .... 1 1 1 1.;.. 1 . e ... vuwiiK nn an Kinns 01 useless things it would be more sensible to vole for a home fot the homeless and helpless. Even From the Mountains Ballard s Snow I.iuiment is praisal for the good it does, A sure cure for Rheumatism and till naius. Wright W. I.oviug, Grand Junc tion, Colo., writes; "I used Bal lard s Snow I.iuimeut, last winter, for Rheumatism and can recommend and will guarantee everythimr first- class. Stop our wacon and vour wants will be attended to. Perkins iS: Scott, proprietors. The Ladies Aid of the Evangel ical church met at the home of Mrs. I J. Monahau last Friday aim enjoyed a prohtable meeting. lea was served from .s to 7 to a large crowd. In the eveninir the young people of the Endeavor held their monthly business meeting. Recorder Ihorudyke is eniraual in compiling n financial statement of the city finances for the past year. It will be published in The Review next week, and will show the receipts and expenditures. In addition the report will contain recommendations governing future tunas and legislation. L. H. SMITH, REAL ESTATE A l'HW 11AKGAINS f iiy 9 room house near new school : iiiocks trout ear. M50O room house and lot joxioo on car line near school. fujo 3 lots In Portsmouth withasix- room hoiiMS which is renting for fi2 KT lllOIUll. f5J5 Lot 61x100 with btuall house: these lots sold when vacant several mouths ago for moo. You may have it now with all imnrovemenU for fljo I have two lots in Portsmouth at a Krcut luruaiu: Is a cash snap. Several fine tracts of acreage iood for luttiu); cheap lots on monthly menis, etc. L. H. SMITH. Brand new house and furniture. Modern electric lighted. Hot nud cold water. Bath and toilet rooms on both floors Telephone, readlntr room and al the latest daily news. No extra charge for any of the ex tra accommodations of the house. All free. Rooms from 75c per week up. Same treatment to all we have no pets or star roomers, We nre out for busiuess and are getting'tt. Give us a trial. Working men a specialty. Phone Scott 4065. pay. J. S. McKINNEY Real Estate St. Johns Heights, where the car stops. Photic Unlou jSj. W. J. Galyean, Mgr. 107 Decatur street, ST. JOHNS, - OREGON. Near Riverside Hotel. BIDS WANTED. city of St. Johns was in the place of it us the best liniment on the mark- ute contractors wnat would happen net. I thought, at the time I was It is easy to guess. It is time that the work was exialital that the building may be finished. The leople are willing to live up to their agreement and pay the price, I,et the contractors or their bouds meu do the same. taken down with this trouble, that it would be a week before I could get about, but on applying your i.miment several times durimr the night, I was about in 48 hours nud well m three days." Sold by St. Johns' Drug Store. Wanted. Hand ironers at the West Laundry. Apply ut once. Coast For Sate. Folding bed, table, heater, chairs. inquire h. w. Kobmson, 126 Ham ilton street, uear French block. Scaled bids will be received by the Hoard of Director of School District No. 2, Multnomah Countv. Oreuon. til) to the hour of 4 o'clock p. ui, February 18, I97. for builditi'' an cicht-roout bchool house in the not them part of said dis trict, according to plans and specifica tions by Pu-'h it Lcjjg. Plaus, etc., may le seen at the office of PurIi & I.egK, 16 Ainsworth lUg Portland, Oregon, and Potter .S: Ooold. St. lohns. Oreuou. No bids will be considered unless accom- tuuied bv a certified check for s Per cent of bid. The Hoard reserves the riuht to reject anv or all bids. Address bids care ol clerk. Per order of the Hoard of Directors. J. U. Tanch. School C erk. St, Johus, Orcgou, I'cb. 5, 1907. R J. Koerner, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Plans and specifications furnished on application. done with neatness and promptly All work dispatch. L. B. Chipman Real Estate REAL ESTATE f iyx Lot 50x100. cor.; two-story brick is uciug erecieti iu same diock. This is a splendid Investment, and you had better look iuto it at once. f joco Iot 35x100; a close in inside lot on Jersey street. $500 I.ot 50x100. A nearby residence lot; t cash if you build at once. fico Lot 50x100, Fine location; one- lialt cash. t 2,000 Lot 100x100 on Philadelphia St. W.J.PEDDICORD Notary Public. J. R. WEIMER Transfer and Storage Your Patronage Solicited 105 East Burlington street. St. Johns. To Make Money from real estate investments care should be exercised iu buying. The mati who makes the most money out of real estate is he who in vests iu property that will increase in value rapidly. Some Rare Bargains are to be found iu our list of desirable properties. A visit to our office and an investigation of property listed with us will prove that no better investment can be made anywhere iu St. Johns than the pur chase of some of our late offerings. Call and let us show you what we have. Dobie, Peterson & Co. Jersey Street. Housekeeping Apartments Suites of two to four rooms, also single rooms. Situated one block from Columbia University, near cor. of Pisk St. and Boulevard. Furnished or Unfurnished. A pleasant walk from St. Johns, Convenient to Bridge and mills. UNIVERSITY PARK A. W. D I C KSO N Waodlaww SOS THE LOUVRE! I,. RICHARDS, Prop. The Finest of Wines, Cigars. Liquors .and' A Fine Lunch Sen'edEverykDay. I