, ST. JOHNS REVIEW You Should Patronize The Home Paper. It mentis helping St. Johns and this means n better city if you work with THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW Advertise in The Review Its circulation Is genu ine nud It covers the field. Its better than a dally in the field. IT WILL REPAY YOU Devoted to the Interest ot the Peninsula, tho Manufacturing Center of the Northwest VOL. 3 ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 8, 1907. NO. 13 The New St. Johns Hotel S. COCHRAN & CO., Proprietors. Finest Meals in the City Served j This hostelry is one of the finest in the Northwest, being mod ern and complete in all its appointments. The wants and comforts of guests are carefully looked af ter at all times. Rates are reasonable. COUNCIL SASH GLAZING DOORS WE CARRY "ODD" SASH IN STOCK Columns Spindles Brackets Lime and Cement Paints Oils St. Johns "D." Glass Redwood Gutter ST. JOHNS SASH AND DOOR CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PHONE SCOTT 4063 JERSEY STREET PLANT AN AD. IN THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW AND WATCH YOUR BUSINESS GROW A PENNY SAVED Is a penny earned. Many pennies could be earned every day by buying your groceries, dry goods, con fectionery, footwear, etc., at our store. Then the satisfaction of knowing the goods are reliable is worth while. Try it and see. Couch & Company 206 and 208 Philadelphia St. Real Estate If you are looking for real estate In vestment! that 'till briiiK quick returns and double your money in a short time, call on S. C. COOK Office near Point View Station, St. Johns Market FULL LINF. OF BEEF, PORK, AlUTTON and VEAL, HAMS, BACON, HOME MADE LARD and SAUSAGES. Also all kinds of Pickled Meats. Poultry Dressed to Order. We make Family Trade a spe cialty. Orders solicited and delivered to any part oi the city, Call on us and you will be con viuced lhaKour prices are right. Phone Scott 4062. BENNETT BROS,, Props. ST. JOHNS OYSTER HOUSE 1 1 1 Jersey Street. Professor Max K. A. Wagner, prop. Oysters in all styles at all hours. Families supplied with fresh oys ters on short notice. PIANOS! Direct from the factory to you. Saves you f 100. Write for our price list before purchasing. Address Wbeclcr Piano Manufaclurlnj Co. P. O, Box 367, Portland. A Lively Session nnd ConsiJcrnblc Explaining Done. All members of the city council were present nt the regular meeting Tuesday evening. The minutes of the last meeting were read nnd approved. Goodard Iloffstraml, contractor of the improvements on West Charleston street stated that he was unable to complete his work on account of the inclement weather, ami asked for another extension of time for thirty days. Granted. N. A. Gee, who is grading Leavltt street, was also granted another extension of thirty days time to finish his work. A communication was received from W. W. Goodrich, architect 011 the new city hall, asking for instructions as to the maimer of procedure in regard to the work on the building. This inquiry was the cause of a heated argument and many explan ations in regard to the work 011 the new city building, and brought out many points heretofore not thor oughly understood. It was clearly shown that matters in regard to the new building were not in as good shape as they might be. Young fcrdorf & Son, who had the con tract, had turned it over to their bondsmen, who, it is understood. desired to assign it to the city. It is alleged that much of the material is not paid for and that the wanes of some of the workmen have not been paid. The inclination on the part of some of the city olheinls to agree to the proMsitiou of the bondsmen and take over the con tract caused the minority to curry the necessary ammunition needed. The reading of the architect's communication brought Aid. Nor ton to his feet with the iutiuirv: "What date does this letter bear?" "Today, the 5th, " answered Recorder Thorndyke. "Has this letter niivtlilnir to do with the conspiracy of a few days ago? "lucre was' no conspiracy," answered Attorney Greene. "The plan is to pnslu the work on the city hall. I understand it is to be done by the bondsmen of Young- fordorf & Sou, to whom they have assigned the contract." " That may be, but notices were printed several days ago and . was simply astounded when heard the news of this deal. It was when the mayor called at my oliicc ana told me the particulars. I asked him if he had signed the papers. lie said he had not. I never felt more grateful in my life." Here Mr. Norton turned to Mayor Hiumau and asked: "Mr. Mayor, wasn't you sent for to sign this notice releasing the bondsmen from their contract?" Mayor Hiumau replied that he had been scut for, but refused to sign the paper. Aid. Hewitt said the whole thinir Mad a queer look, nnd believed the recorder should be censured for drawing up and printing bills with out the instruction and approval of the council. City Attorney Greene explained that he had been sent for and wrote the notices nt the request of the architect of the city hall. It was finally decided to let the contract nlouc pending further in structions by the council. 1 he following bills were allowed: St. Johns Lumber Co., lum ber 42..C.0 Godscy & Clark, repairing chairs 2.00 0. W. Overstrect, repairing S2wer 20.40 MM1.1 littl (nr utr..t Iti.litl.i.v ,..t,u referred back for reduction because 1 Jl of no service. I J l'lie mutter of opening Richmond street was again taken up and a Iced from Mrs. Nancy Caples read and accepted, on the condition of the donor paying lor recording the same. In the matter of paying the rent for the storage of the (ire apparatus and providing rubber coats for the ! 5 liremcu Aid. Norton thought that, I f the charter permitted, the city should bear the expense. I Uu motion 01 Aid. Hewitt it was nriliriwl llml I lie lilll for tin. rvvitu ZV mill tin. run! frmti Tiiiittnn. f '4 ...... ...... ..V... , amounting to $43.6,1 be paid. Also, '? that the fire department inventory all the apparatus and equipment nud file it with the city recorder. Samuel Cochran asked for and was granted a renewal of his license to sell intoxicating liquors at the New St. Johns Hotel. Secretary Perkins of the charter commission stated that type-written copies of the new charter would be ready to be placed in the hands of the council at the next meeting. Aid. Hewitt believed it would be a good plan to acquaint the tax M. L. HOLBROOK C. B. BAILEY St. Johns Land Co. PHONE UNION 3104 The Largest and Oldest Real Estate Pirm in St. Johns. Choicest Business Property in the City Corner 75x100 on Jersey street, $3,500 Corner on Jersey street near postofficc, $5,000 50x100 adjoining postofficc, including party wall $.1,700. Three other fine building corners on Jersey Street at reasonable prices. SPECIAL HEADING ROOM Alnss the arrangements made to tukc the , payers wltli n linancial report of contract out of the hands of the the city's business, and the record bondsmen," said Aid. Norton. cr stated that he was preparing a Mr. Norton also wanted to know rvmxt thut would be ready for the by whose authority this was done ' printer next week. and why so much haste had been I On motion the plumbers of the exercised. It was the secretive city were Invited to be present nt manner in which the plans had , the next meeting of the council to been laid that botheicd him 1 assist in drafting uu ordinance gov Aid. King stated that he knew of erning plumbing in the city. no conspiracy, uml claimed that if it had not leeu tor the minority in in the council the new city hall would have been completed long ago. Foremau I-.nwalt, who has charge of the work on the new city hall informed the council that a lack of material and the unfavorable weather had retarded the coiuple-! tion of the work and that the con tractors were making as much ' headway as jwssible. In fact : material that had been ordered some time ago had not yet been , delivered. I Recorder Thorndyke asked fori permission to speak. He said he' did not like the insinuation by Aid. Norton that he was a grafter. He had been doing his duty. He had been requested to draw up and print the notices but declined to do ' so until tie uati conicrrcd witn others in the city government. He wanted it understood that he was doing his work conscientiously and expeditiously, and it was with out the least taint ot gratt. Meeting to be Held at Schoolliouse. A mass meeting of the citi.eus of St. Johns will be held at the school house tomorrow (Saturday) night nt 7:30 o'clock for the purpose of perfecting the arrangements for establishing n reading room. The committee having the matter in charge has !cen very successful in interesting every one in the project. I hlegaut quarters nave been se cured in the Holbrook block on Ihirlington street, and the room has been partitioned o(T to meet the requirements. In the matter of subscriptions the committee feel greatly encouraged. M, L. Holbrook has donated f 100 and Laurel Lodge of Odd Fellows at their meeting Monday night i voted $ 1 20 to aid in the establish ment of a reading room. Several I 1 1 111! Aid. Norton retaliated by asking ."""L, ? F B why such haste was exercised in "V"" i?" .1."". ' V. ,mS -.:,,.. nPt..ii..., r .iw.ns mm 111c uncciura win ic wen inciliUUtlVM I'l'llfclUK Ui kill. 1 1 II of ' relenrfiiir he bondsmen lPId financially. from their liability on the contract? Pine 12 acre tract on car line, ripe for platting, $15,000. St. Johns Land Co.. 1 The Pioneer Dealers. St. Johns VhmG Union m i Oregon in Let all who feel an interest establishing and maintaining a reading room attend the meeting tomorrow evening. A special pro gram has been prepared for this occasion and a good time is promised. It looked like a conspiracy to him. "The minority," said Aid. Nor- ton, pointing to Aid. Hewitt and Dome, "have been fighting tins city hall proposition all the way through in order to give the city a 10,000 city hall and pay tor it, but by the looks of things it is linlilu in rsL'i tiHn lliof ciitii tfrrt it it is completed and the lawsuits jf V? ,qU,ck S?m Pa,!B.f t i... !.. ctMrfnr i, forded by applying Chaniberluin's "last three weeks," said Mr. Norton, 1ai" Halm ,nak,eS U a .f.avori,e. ith and I was somewhat nervous when ""'" ' ""w found out a little underhanded For Rheumatic Sufferers. I business seemed to lie under way. To me it looked like a conspiracy, and I do not think I can be blamed for calling it by that name. I lame back, lumbago, and deep seated and muscular pains. For sale by St. Johns Drug Store. The Review will keep you posted. Bickner Brothers Department Store All Goods Sold at Portland Prices! Dry Hoods, Keep a Iar(,'o stock ot Ui) lie nil jtiurcliundUo, including J'ry JIooIh and Shoes, Orocorinx, Hardware. IIouku Furnish; Feed, Ktc, In fuct uvorytliiug. Their l'riecs arc right. Don't wntto your timo going to Portland, hut coino in unci tcu our stock and prices. Remember The Big Department Store Corner Jorsoy Street nnd Ilroatlwny St. Johns, Oregon EDMONDSON CO., Hardware, Tinware, Plumbing Tin Roofs, Gutters, etc. Phone Scott 4065 ST. JOHNS, Or ? PORTLAND and SUBURBAN EXPRESS CO. CITV 1'IIONH MAIN 358 Reasonable Rates Quick Service Phone Woodlawn 818 C. W. STEARNS, Agt. at St. Johns : S I t 1 1 s 1 1 t v t 1 . t t