St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 01, 1907, Image 4

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The H ami C Store
Bargain Counter
Bargain Catchers
Shoes, Gents' Furnishings, Dry Goods
107 South Jersey Street, St. Johns.
St. Johns,
Statement nt close of business December 4, 1906:
Ptiriilltiru iinil fixtures. 1,970,86
Ciuli , mi Imnil I mill ilue
hMU 7,3foAS
N the above Minnie you will observe 11 tiny dot.
Noticed it, didn't you? Now if YOU saw that
little Seek think of how nil the rest of our
tenders noticed it. Then, if you. Mr. Business-
mail, placed 1111 attractive announcement of your wares, at
corit'ct prices, in that space, you'll have some idea that it would
have brought you trade. Metier try it next week.
New Bargains
1 00x1 do South St. Johns, terms $ 700
imxioo South St. Johns, corner and ear line 950
50x100, best income proH!ity Juisey street 0,000
50x100 on Juifcvy slieel with patty wall oud alley 1,500
50x100 S. St. Johns, isxiHshack, water, domed 175
50XUKJ, south St. Johns, easy payments 400
! Two acies on Willis lloiilevard romly for platting -i.15o
i 50x100, ft loom house, fiuit, fine liver view 1 ,375
jj 3 lots, eloc in, Willamette Houlevurd , 900
!j 1 acie near ear line and N. I'. railioad 1,300
i Onu acio within the new packing district , 3,000
f 100x100, fine factoiy situ, 011 milioail 3,500
llotiMf and lot, 150x150, 011 Jeisey bttvut, 2,750
i 23x100, Jeoey stteet 1,300
Lots in first addition to Liiuitou 40x100, easy payments,
jj UiuiuitiK locations for lent.
5 Review Office. ST. JOHNS, OUKGON
Keep in (ouch with the Western World, Business and
Bargains by subscribing for the
Monthly Investors1 Guide
y 17 IMmoiil Stieet, 1'ortlnml, Oivkii,
Faulk & Merrill
Coal, Hay, drain, Flour
(irouiul Feed,
Painls, Oils and Buildinj Materials
Phone Hast 713
University Park, . Oregon
Buy your wocxl ut the I
Old Reliable !
Peninsula Feed & Fuel Go,
Coal For Sale.
Green and dry slabwood.
Phone liast 297,
13 A 71 5' ophy of History,' tho 'Phenomenon-
II A W IV W of the .Mind then the Thilos-
1 mm 5 ophy of again and finally the
& 'Logic,' tho 'Natural Philosophy'
? iiml tho 'Philosophy of tho Mind in
Cnplt.i1 Stock fi5,i
Stirphu ml undivided
mfiis a ai
Dividends uli. . MS".'"
l)Cwlu ...!. . I74.95-I
This Week
We now have witli us u capable
resilient architect, ami we can
arrange to advance money to all
tlu-MMUio done to build lu
Second Door West
of Postoffico
Th Way It Was First Disclosed h
George Brandes.
In lils young manhood George
Brandes lived almost entirely in the
life of the intellect. Once ho miss
cd keeping an engagement with a
girl because he was absorbed in He
gel's philosophy at the time when
ho ought to have been at tho tryst
ing place. Ho tells about it in his
"Hccollcctionsi" "With a passionato
defliro to reach a comprehension of
truth, I grappled with tho system,
began with tho encyclopedia, rend
tho throo volumes of VKsthctics,'
the 'Philosophy of Law,' tho 'i'lnlos
n vcritnblo intoxication of comnro
hension and delight. One day when
n voting cirl toward whom I felt at
trnclod hnd asked mo to no and nay
good by to her before her depnrture
I forgot tho time, Her journey unc
mv promlfc to Her over my ncge
As I walked up and down my room
I chanced to null my watcu out 0
mv nockct and realized that I lint
missed my appointment and that
tho girl must havo started long
Onco before in earlier day nai
ho missed nnother enua''ement will
unolhcr young lady, one Henrietta
For tho enko of Henrietta-!) Dcauu
ful eves and under those eyes ho
. . " .... . . .1 mi.
had Boundly thrashed anoiner nine
bov. Then Henrietta asked him if
ho would meet her tho samo evening
under tho old bay tree. Dr. Brandos
writes: "When wo met sho had two
lonir st rans with her and nt onco
asked ma somewhat mocKingiy nnu
. " . ... .
dryly whether I hnd the coiirago to
let mvscir ha I10111111. ui courso 1
said I had. whereupon very careful
ly and thoroughly she fastened my
arms together with onu strap. Could
I move mv arms? io. I hen Willi
dicer liasto snu swung 1110 oiuer
. . 1 . .
strut) nnd let it full on my back
ngnin and again.
.My llrst 'smart tacKcr was
well thrashed one. She thoroughly
enjoyed exerting her strength. Nat
urally my boyish ideas or Honor
would not permit mu to scream or
complain. I merely stared nt Iter
with the profoiindcrit astonishment
Shu gave 1110 110 explanation, re
leased my hands, wu each went our
own way, nuil I avowed nor lor inu
rest or my stay." Then Henrietta
went away muftold people. "This,"
snys Hrundes, "was my llrst oxperi
enco of woman's perfidy. This was
my first real experience or reminino
No Quail For Him
"Quail, villain 1" Ho pointed his
trustv shootiiiL' iron nt tho head of
the man who had been treating tho
beautiful maiden to a job lot of gon-
oral wickedness ever since tho cur
tain went up.
"At Inst I havo theol Quail 1"
Hut. contrary to the direction in
ct ;), scene 2, tho villain stood his
"U110II, 1 tell theol Why dost not
"rant risk it on .10 hob 11 week,"
quoth tho villain, with n delimit
sneer saved over from tho first net,
"because, forsooth, iiuail is legally
out of reason, nnd I k'u a gauiekecp
er in tho audience."
Then ho kicked over an Alp. wail
ed through tho bay of Naples, fell
into the thunder and only stopped
in his mad llight to remark to thr
mnniiger that an actor with a repu
tntiou must decline to plav 011 that
stage, as there wero (lies on it.
I Varson s eekl v.
Hit Three Thinks.
A father instructed his son ncvoi
to speak until hu had thought three
tunes. l)no dav tho old gentlciunn
was standing with his back to a fire
pluco and his coattail dangerously
near the burs. Tho lawabidiug son
was in the room and suddenly jump
ed olf his chair.
"Father," ho said, with wonderful
deliberation, "I think"
"Well, what do you think?" was
tho reply.
"rather, repeated tho youth, "I
"Well, well, my son, what do you
think?" said tho father.
"Father," again the boy remark
ed, "I think"
"Well, well, what do you think?"
said tho father impatiently,
"t think your coattnil is on iirer
Her Compliment.
"Well, goodby, Mr, Green. It
was so nice of vou to come, It does
father such a lot of good to havo
some onu to talk to,"
'1 was delighted to come, Miss
Drown, but I'm not much of a con
"My dear Mr. Green, don't let
that trouble you. Father's ideal lis
tener is an absoluto idiot, with no
conversation whutoer, ami I know
ho has enjoyed himself tremendous
it. Coiiuh
Remedy n
"We prefer Chamberlain's Couch
Kemeiiy to nuy other tor our chil
dren," says Mr. I4. J. Woodbury
of l wining, Mich. "It has also
done the work for us in haul colds
and croup, and we take pleasure iu
recommending it," For sale bv
St. Johns' Drug Store.
The finest of callinir cards at The
Review oflicc.j .tfttw
Roisbuthst Shipped In Wet Most Al
most Burned Up.
A peculiar case of spontaneous
combustion or something like it is
described by n writer in Cassier'u
On Feb. 17, 1900, two largo re
frigerator cars of young rosebushes
were received nt Hannibal, Mo.,from
11 nursery in California. They wore
shipped in wooden cases containing
numerous auger holes for vonlilo-
lion nnu wore cnreiuuy pucKcu wiwi
wet sphagnum, or California swamp Arriving at tho postoffico of our that her predecessors, nil men, had
moss, to prevent eliafing and to sup- quarter, 1 made known my errand successively, under nctivc compul
port their vitality. to thrco young gentlemen in succcs- eion, left tho schoolhouso in mid-
No ico wns put in tho cooling
tanks, and the covers of theso as
well as all other openings in the
cars wero closed as tightly ns possi-
ble. Tho enrs were ten dnys in
transit. Tho outside temperature
was CO decrees 1 nt the stnrt nnd
. - - 0 . .. ......
15 degrees nt tho end of tho trip.
Upon arrival stenm wns issuing
from every crevico of tho cars
Upon removing tho tank covers it
rushed out in large volume. The
doors wero opened, and ico was put
in tho tnnks. Tho ireo circulation
of cold nir soon cooled tho contents
of tho cars.
In unloading it wns discovered
that somo of the upper layers of
boxes wero badly damaged by heat,
which naturally wns most intense
near tho top of tho enrs. No signs
of nctnnl combustion wero found,
but this would probably havo oc
currcd in a short time had not tho
cars been quickly cooled.
Tho temperature must havo been
nearly up to tho burning point, as
many of tho green stems of theso
plants wero black and brittle.
Wet sawdust in largo quantities grcnt poat, nd I wns sent to fivo
frequently becomes very warm in different departments before arriv
tho interior even when exposed to 1 nt tho ono for misdirected let-
winter weather in fact, tho lower
temperature of tho atmosphere tho
hotter usually tho sawdust.
Couldn't Ruffle Hie Temper.
Quincy Tufts, an old timo denier
n men's furnishings, whoso plnco
of business was in tho old Herald
building, on Washington street,
Hokton, was celebrated for his ox
tremo courtesy in dealing with try
ing customers, un ono occasion a
man whom wu will call Mr. A. re
marked on this trait to another
man, whom wo will call Mr. 11.,
whereupon tho latter lata a wager
that ho could ruillo the temper of
.Mr. Tufts. 'J he wager was accept
ed, and tho two repaired to Mr.
Tufts' placo of business. Mr. B.
asked to sco samples of men's suit
ings. Mr. Tufts produced pfeco art
or pieto of cloth until tho supply
was exhausted, and Mr. Ii., select-
ing ono, said, "I will tnko just 1
cent's worth of this." Mr. Tufts
took a penny from his pocket nnd,
placing it upon tho cloth, with a
niece of chalk drew an outlino unon
tho cloth and cut out a picco of it
nnd with tho utmost politeness
handed it to Mr. B. Tho wager was
paid. Boston Herald.
Pluge of Tee,
"I'lugs of tea, not unliko plugs of
tobacco, aro used by tho Itussiun
poor," says a globo trotter. "This
Is 11 low grndo of tea, tho stems aro
mixed with tho leaves, nnd all are
pressed together by menus of an ad- somowhat tho appcurauco of an In
iiesivu gum into a hard cake, or diun. It was even rumored that ho
plug. A very strong nnd bitter cup
of tea is mado out of theso tea
plugs, a cup that would civo you or
1110 a nervous licndacho. But tho
mouiik is used to it. nnd ho will
down twenty or thirty cups of plug
1 1 1 t if 1 I
1 en nioiiR wiwi uiacK ureau, raw on
ions nnd salt fish and afterward
light his cigarette with as contented
sigh ns you or I will hcavo on
Thanksgiving day at tho end of a
nino course turkey dinner." Now
Orleans Times-Democrat,
Petti and the Emperor,
A nrottv storv is told of Pattl'a
friendship for the old hmperor WU
. . 1 . . . . . . .....
lain I. of Germany. Unco when sho
. . . xl 1 . 11. 1
was singing at Ifamburg tho king
cnt her a message osking her to
walk with him in tho morning when
10 took tho waters. "Certainly
not," replied tho prima donna to
tho bearer of tho message. "I get
up early for no king in huropo. In
later venrs when tho emperor, then
an infirm old man, sent to ask her
to visit him in his box, apologizing
or being unable to go to nor bo
iiml tho scenes, sho replied, with
ears in her eyes, "Oh, now, sire, I
would run anywhere to see you."
Milton was born in 1608 and died
in 1U74. 111s tirst noem 01 note.
"On tho Morning of Christ's Nativi
ty," was written in 1GV9. The
I'aradiso Regained" was tlnished a
hort time before his death. Ilia
iterary labors covered forty-firt
ears. His Kreateit poem was writ
ten by tho hand of an amanuensis,
and his most serious annoyance was
the petulance of his daughters, who
sometimes refused to write when ha
was in tho mood to composo.
Central Market!
Holbrook block.
Sec us for the Choicest Cuts of the lleot I
Meats Obtaiuable.
Orders Wiled and I'auilly Trade Solicited
Ward & McCUVC, PropfS. I
A Misdirected Litter and a Tangla !
Red Tape.
A young Englishwoman visiting
in Paris received a noto from a
friend saying that tickets had been
sent by an earlier post for a concert
to tako place that afternoon, but by
error a wrong street number was
written on tho envelope. This, said
her correspondent, might make a
delay in tho arrival of the letter,
nnd it wniilil tin troll in mnkn in.
quirics at onco nt tho post of the
nearest division.
sion. The Inst younir ncntlcmnn
took out a lonr paper and demanded
peremptorily my name, age, address
nnd birthplace. Ho wns proceeding
to that 01 my father nnu mother
when I suggested that all this infor-
motion, although doubtless of thrill -
. , . 1 1 i, 1 n ....
ing interest 10 1110 posioiucc, couiu
scarcely nssist in restoring my lost
letter, which contained tickets I
must positively havo before 1
o'clock that day.
"Ha! It is then of n letter lost I"
ho cried, as though suddenly illu
minated. "Well, misdirected, ns I hnvo al
ready explained to thrco persons
"But it is not hero whore 0110
brings tho letters which find them
selves badly directed. Those letters
aro united in another department
of tho great post. This document
hero" 110 pointed to my biogra
phy "tho chief of my department
will dispatch to tho great post. One
will mako a communication to you
as soon as traces of tho letter aro
jt wn9 n.-30 when I reached tho
tors. Feeling both snubbed and ill
used. I innuircd whether before wo
proceeded to fill in more forms this
monsieur would kindly tell mo
whether theru was tho remotest
chnnco of recovering tho letter that
day boforo 2 o'clock.
"Today! This day itxclfl" ltu
cried in shrill indignation. "Par-
bleu, but you imagine to yourself,
then, madam, that the post con
ducts itself liko an automobile I"
"I hoped that sinco my letter is
hero actually hero in this depart
ment that ono could place tho
hand on it in tho course of two
hours. In Knuland," I continued,
with 11 fine outburst of patriotism,
"wo have such a perfectly organized
systom that I should havo tho letter
I required in ten minutes."
"Kcmind yourself that hngland
is. after all, but an island. Hero wo
aro in Franco" ho threw back his
head proudly "and here things
mnrch not so quickly. It will per
haps bo fifteen days before your
caso comes up. hncn must proceed
in turn."
"Then it is useless to go into tho
matter," I answered, nnd in deep
depression turned away. Kx
change. Stevens and Maynard.
Thnddcus Stevens was onco op-
..p,! i (inmto bv Hornco Mnvnnrd
0f Tennessee Maynard wns very
tall nnd straight nnd hnd long black
hair, which ho wore well down over
Ids coat collar, nnd which envo him
had some aboriginal blood in his
veins. Maynard prided himself on
his scholarly nttninmonts, and at
tho close of his address ho quoted
ono or two Latin verses. Old Thad
replied to Maynnrd's argument in
lit.i titnnttiia inniiiin nnd fliAn
n ip'1"" ..., ......
paused for a fow seconds until ho
had secured tho attention of tho on-
tiro house. Turninir to Mavnard.
who sat somo distance behind him,
ho delivered this parting shot: "So
much for tho gentleman's English.
As to his Choctaw, I do not profess
to understand it."
Mr, Stockton's Chlckene.
When Frank Stockton started out
Willi ins uuuuur vutwiuu i-Aiiudi-uiva
hQ undortook to k$ Jch!ckong
Qne od motherly Plymouth Bock
...m. i.!.. t...i.i n .!...,
brought out n brood late in tho fall,
and Stockton gavo her a good deal
of his attention. Ho named each of
the chicks after somo literary friend,
among tho rest Mary Mapes Dodge.
Mrs. Dodge was visiting tho farm
somo timo later, and, happening to
think of her namesake, sho said:
"By the way, Frank, how does lit-
tlo Mary Mapes Dodge get olong?"
"Tho funnv thine about little
Mary Mapes Dodge," said he, "is
that she turns out to bo Thomas Bai-
loy Aldrich." Everybody's
Artletlo 8eneltlvenees,
"Why are you so resentful
ward that writer?"
"Because," answered Mr. Storm
ington Barnes, "lio onco said there
were moments when my work did
Bot realize tho highest possible
standard or excellence."
"My dear sir, I welcome criticism.
but I cannot endure such ignorant
abuse." Washington Star.
The Wellington
KNKIT CLtVEt. Pnarkttn.
Fine Wiues and Liquors.
Family Supplies a Specialty.
Holbrook Block, St. Johus, Oregon
Sunn B. Anthony's Experience
School Rebellion!.
Susan U. Anthony, the eminent
ndvocnto of woman suffrage, was for
fifteen years a tcuchcr before begin
ning her more public career.
Brought up in a household of
Friends, she united gentleness and
finnncfd nnd was an ndmirnblo dis
ciplinarian. Her rule was mild, and she ab
horred tho rod. But she learned on
taking tho district school at Center
ln n nbout sovontv-livo venrs niro
session by way of tho window, and
that sho herself although in con-
sidcrntion of her penco principles
and her sex she wns to be permitted
an exit by the door wns already
openly doomed by tho young rebels
, to forciblo ejection. That was too
1 . 1 . ,f. r 1
mucn ior ncr lingering iuaKcny
As soon as their hulking ring
leader entered upon a preliminary
course of antics tho new "school
ma'am," in sweet and even tones,
summoned him to her desk. Ho
came, and in a manner equally
pleasant nnd unru filed sho requested
liim to rcmovo his jacket.
In sheer nstonishmcnt ho com
plied, nnd before ho quite know
whnt hnd happened ho round him
self receiving from n limber birch
rod skillfully applied tho ncntcst
and complotcst whipping of his lifo.
Ho went back to his scat a chasten
ed nnd crestfallen youth, with tho
swnggcr quite taken out of him, nnd
Miss Anthony for tho rest of tho
term received admirably prompt
obedience from her pupils.
It was tho only school rebellion
which sho quelled in that way, but
by no means tho only ono which sho
overcame, for sho taught in somo
very rough nnd neglected districts.
But sho mot every emergency with
spirit, tact and rendiness nnd al
ways conquered.
'"Ono of tho reasons for her suc
cess," said nn old school friend,
"wns Hint nobody could ever toll un
til it happened just what Susan
would do or how sho would do it
Wo only knew there was ono thing
sho would not do give in. Sho hnd
more courage nnd persistence than
any woman I over knew." Youth's
What Joaquin Oald.
It is related that when Joaquin
Miller wns nsked to go to tho races
ho poetically replied: "l'lanol l'i
ono!" Ah no diagram accompanies
tho puzzle, wo are forced to put our
own construction on tho poet s cnlg
matical remark. It may bo that
Joaquin meant to convey tho idea
that it was all right to play the
races. On tho other band, ho may
havo wished to hnvo it inferred that
races wero not his forto tho lyre
being more in his lino of business,
Of courso tho meaning is thoro, nil
right, only wo haven't tho optical
nfllntus to spot it. In tho dagocso
of tho I'lorcntine, piano meant
soft, nnd it is barely possiblo that
Joaquin merely meant to havo the
person who extended tho invitation
spenk softly, lest tho fomnlo mem
bers of his housohold tnko cogni
zance of his proposed whereabouts,
Perhaps we'd better let it go at
that. Cleveland Plain Dealer.
The Scented Court
"Tho scented court" wns the
namo by which tho court of Louis
XV. was known throughout Huropo,
on account of the rage for pcrfumci
which tlion prevailed in Franco.
Tho expenditure of Mmo, do Pom
fiadour for this ono branch of her
oilet amounted to $100,000 annual
ly. It becamo tho fashion for the
host or hostess of a great ontertuin
ment to signalize to their guests
what particular pcrfumo was to be
employed for scenting their rooms
on tho night for which tho invita
tions were issued, and they wero cx-
Jected to uso no other, so that the
olicato elTect of a unity of odori
might bo produced. At court a dif
ferent prfumo was presented foi
each day of tho week.
A Succeee.
Mr. Goovius pushed his plate
from him and folded his napkin.
"Matilda," ho asked, "who cooked
this dinner?"
"Oloriaua," said Mrs. Goovius.
"Sho insisted on doing it all herself.
You know, sho has just completed
courso at an expensivo cooking
"Well," rejoined tho husband and
father, with emphasis, "tho mone
was well invested. This is the best
dinner I ever ato." Chicago Trib
A Ride on a Donkey,
Small Boy Can I havo a ride 01
a donkey, ma r
Ma No, dear. Your papa sayi
you aro not to navo ono.
Small Boy Why can't I havo 1
nde on a donkey ?
Ma (to her husband) Oh, foi
goodness' sake, James, givo hira a
nde on your back, and eee if it U
keep nun quiet I
until tomorrow what you can do
today. It you are suffering from a
torpid liver, or constipation, don't
wait until tomorrow to get help.
Buy a bottle of Herbine and get
that liver working right. Prompt
ness about health saves many sick
spells. Mrs. Ida Gresham, Point,
Tex. writes: "I used Herbine in
my family for six years, and find it
does all it claims to do." Sold by
St. Johns' Drug Store.
Bring iny our printing now,
L. E. STORY, M. D.
Day nnd Night Office, Rooms 7
nnd 8, Holbrook block,
Office: Room 9, Drccdcn llulld
lug, corner Third and Washington
streets, Portland, nnd St. Johns.
Phone: Pacific 209S. Residence: St. Johns
Joseph McChcsncy, M. D.j
Day and Nlelit Office In McChcsney Block
I'lione Woodlewn 475
Residence: On Modoc Street.
Phone Woodlawn sj6. Office: Hol
brook llrick block, rooms 3 nnd 4
Phone Kust 36S9.
St. Johns, .... Oregon
Dr. W.
Crown and llrldgc Work a
Rooms 1 mid a, Holbrook block, St. Johns
Phyilclsn and Surgeon.
Office lu Holbrook's block.
Residence, The Rnyniond.
Office liouti, 9 to 11 a. ra 1 to p. m.
Office I'lione, Scott 1104.
Kcnlitcnce I'lione, Union 2901,
Office In Unlttmlty l'tk Drug Mote.
Carpenter and Contractor.
Ily the dny or by the job.
Plans nnd ccllicntloni furnlihcd oil
AH Allegheny street, a blocks iiul of the
I'retich block, St. Johns, Oregon.
(Iradunlo Optician
Will test the eyes free of chnrge,
Jersey Street. St. John, Oregon,
Goodrich & Goodrich,
Pull Professional Services l'lvc Per Cent.
Snlut Johns and Portland, Ore.
Houto Mover
nil Repairer
Houses moved, raised and re
paired. Odd jobs of all kinds. .
Prompt service, reasonable charges,
Iviinlioc ami Catllu Streets, I'lione
Woodlawn 586,
Saint Johns ... Ofcgon
l'uel furnished, either short dr
long, Druylng and team-work
of every kind. Prompt service.
Terms rcusouable.
Corner Jersey and Catllu, ST. JOHNS
No. 186 I. 0. 0. F.
Meets each Monday evening In Odd
Pel lows ball, at 8:00, Visitors welcomed.
II, S. Hewitt, N, G,
P. H. I'ootc, Secretary.
Holbrook block, 103 South Jersey
street. Phone Union jSj, ;
Saint Johns
RcjI Estate
Resident agent N. V, Noren & do.
110 S. Jersey street.
Phone IJast 6390. St. Johns, Oregon
Bon Ton Barber Shop
Pint class work and clean hot towels (or
patrons. Hair cutting a
Agents (or West Coast Laimdnr.
Jersey street St. Johns
Mall Schedule
Malt arrives at St. Johns at 7:10 a. in.
and 1:15 p. m.
Leaves at 10:2a a. in,, and 4:43 p, tn.
Office open week days from 6:43 m
to 6:10 p, m. Sundays from 9 to 10 a, m
No mails arrive or depart Sunday.
3ne Dollar will
lit you to eye classes or spec
tacles. Perfect fit guaranteed.
Your eyes fitted at home. Write (or
free booklet describing; our meUiod.
Remember, the glasses we fit yov
to are worth $3.50 any where on
earth. Our price, only tl.OO.
OUR REPAIRING department I mow
complt te. Mtlotpruii'tl.OQ. WsteheWsii)
SI .00. Send row work br rrfttterid mail.
(2J0 repairs asr watch.
In order to Insure a chang of ad
vertisement the copy for such chang
should reach this office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Picas
remamber thla and sava the orlnter
Subscribe for The Review.