St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 01, 1907, Image 3

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    Always watch
This space
for one year
Sorry we cannot announce our opening
in this issue. Will be ready
for business next issue
Opposite Postoffice,
We have some special bargains in Cutlery,
Wire Door Mats, Heating Stoves, etc. Our
"Niagara" Ranges nre wiinicro. We nro
selling several every week.
Muke 1907 an ELECTRIC YEAR in your household as
well as in your STORE, and enjoy the convenience, the labor
saving, the healthfuluess, the safety, the economy and the pros
perity that attends the use of ELECTRICITY.
Free Lamp Renewals! ffiffiES
to all meter customers, new Edison base lamps of 4, 8, 16, 33 and
50 caudle power, in exchange for old lamps heretofore furnished
by the Company, Lamp renewals will be made at Nos. 147-149
FREE LAMP RENEWALS mean better light, and is EQUAL
ForTuformation call MAIN 6688.
First and Alder Streets,
Telephone Mala 688
A Word to the Wise is Sufficient.
Present investment in St. Johns realty means future independence.
For reliable information about prices and
best locations, write or call on
Colvin & Henderson
10 1.2 I'hlUilelplila Street ST. JOHNS, OREGON
Notarv Public. Conveyancer. Titles Kxamined.
Promptness Appreciated.
St. Johns, Ore., Jan. 26, 1907,
T. M. Glover, Chief of Fire
Department Dear Sir: Through
you, I wish to thank the members
of the chemical company who last
night made the run to my home;
thus showing their williugness to
do their duty as volunteer firemeu,
and help a neighbor, when the
prospect was good for a serious fire.
I enclose $5 to be used for benefit
of the company, as they may see
fit. Respectfully, C. W. Potter.
A Card.
We wish to heartily thank all of
the neighbors and friends who so
willingly and quickly responded
when the prospect was good for a
disastrous fire at our home last
"Friday evening, Jan. 25.
C. V. Potter,
Mrs F. C. Potter.
this space for
is contracted
by Calef Bros.
St. Johns.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to thank Hie friends
and neighbors for their kind assis
tance, and sympathy during the
illness, and after the death of my
beloved husband. May the same
kind sympathy be accorded you
and yours any time that you may
be similarly afflicted, is our earnest
wish. Mrs. Lou Patriquin and
mother Mrs. A. J. Burr.
Card of Thanks.
We sincerely thank the Knights
of Pythias, strangers and friends
who so kinuly and faithfully assist
ed us at the time of the accident
and in laying to rest our loved one.
Mrs. Mak Wright,
D. Perkins and Family,
Bert Wright and Family
Mrs. Ellen McNarr and
Local News.
Try Hinkston & Frazen's bread.
See Larson for durable, . low
priced children's shoes.
Rough dry washing at 6c per
pounu. west Coast Laundry.
Call and inspect the fine stock of
millinery at 107 Taconia street.
iry Thwnite for photographs,
Uallcry in the Holbrook block.
Singing lessons given by a lady
Terms 50c per lesson. Address
Music Teacher, 594, E. Morrison
street, Portland, Ore.
uon t rent, uuy a neat, now
home cheap. J. M. Meiklejohu
Building Contractor, 430 Gilbert
near Cedar Park station.
.Mrs. jean iM orris nuts will be in
our city until Saturday evening
only for the purpose of giving ex
animations in phrenology.
i). is. boutlimayu, painter, paper
Hanger ami decorator, lias plenty o
1900 wall paper in stock at 708 W.
Kicntuoim street, bt. Johns.
A thoroughly exicrienccd dress
maker from the East has opened
parlors at 410 h. Richmond street.
1'irst class work guaranteed.
Put away your firearms until
next fall, liotli land and water
fowl are now protected by law, the
season closing on the latter yester
Rev. Young, who has been
spending the past several days at
Mount Vernon, Wash., returned
home this week. His mother no
companied him here.
The Portland General Klcctric
Co. have had n large force of men
setting up poles and stringing wires
11 the business and residence dis
tricts during the past week.
If the person who found a near
handled carving set on the St. Johns
car several weeks ago will call at
The Review office they will be
llrccted to the owners of the same,
Ladies will be permitted to use
The Box alleys free Monday morn
ings and I liursday afternoons of
each week. All ladies are cordially
uvited to take advantage of this
A good, sober and industrious
man desires to secure employment.
Will work at anything. Any one
laving need of the services of such
a iktsou, please leave word at the
Review oiliee.
A defective Hue and green wood
that filled the room with smoke
sent in an alarm of fire from the
residence of C. W. Potter last Fri
day night. Outside of a general
scare 110 damage was done.
An amusing incident happened
on iucsuay nltcrnooii' wlici two
ladles raced madly up jersey street
to catch a street car that had been
standing on the track in front of
Bickncr s store for a couple of days.
Mrs, Mattie C. Klugle died at
icr home, 502 Hudson street, Sun
ny, January 27, aged 39 years.
Mrs. Klugie had been a resident of
St. Johns but a short time. A hus
band and nine children survive.
Services were conducted Tuesday
y a Norwegian minister from
Usher Curtit and Miss Susie
Scales were united in marriage at
the home of the bride's parents at
801 Alleghany sheet at 8:30 Mon-
lay evening, Rev. bred J. Warren
KTformtug the ceremony. The
groom is a conductor on the North
ern Pacific out of I acoma, Wash. ,
and the bride is one of our well
uowu and popular young ladies.
1 ne worst storm lor many a year
began last .Monday, and for a
whole day car service was suspend
ed. No mails were received for
two days and the stores and rcsi
deuces went back to coal oil lamps
tor ligut. 1 lie cause ot the uisord
er was the coating of the electric
and telephone wires with Ice,
causing them to break under the
strain of their heavy load, While
no heavy damage was done in this
city it amounts to several hundred
thousand dollars in Portland.
The suggestions made in The
Review last week in regard to an
ordinance regulating all plumbing
work to be done in St. Johns have
been approved by many property
owners. As long as a plumber, or
any other mechanic for that matter,
knows that he can do slip-shod
work and get a first-class price
for it he will do it. When there is
a law describing the manner in
which such work shall be done
everybody is guaranteed a good job.
Go after the plumbing ordinance,
gentlemen of the couucil, and pass
A stick of giant powder found on
the right of way of the electric line
near Peninsular station last Friday
morning was the cause of several
columns of sensational matter in
the Portland dailies. It was alleged
that the explosive was placed on
the track by one of the striking
street car men with the intention of
killing or maiming a motorman.
A street car employe who has been
on the line for a number of years
expresses the opinion that the stick
of giaut powder was accidentally
dropped on the right of way by
some one engaged in blowing out
the stumps on the lots now being
cleared along the right of way. The
iucident served as a topic for many
wild stories, but the general public
do not believe the strikers so blood
thirsty as to resort to such a diabol
ical plan to gain their end,
The Review will keep you posted
Ray Bullis is quite ill at his
Mrs. E. C. Hurlbnrt has been
quite ill for several days.
The West Coast Laundry makes
a specialty of lace curtains. t
A little money buys the best
children's shoes at Larson's.
Mount Hood Yeast made in St.
Johns has no equal. Try it.
Miss Stella Campling came home
for a short visit last Saturday.
Little Robbie Dunbar has been
very ill during the past week.
For Ren t--4-room new cottage
w. C. Adams,' 120 Burlington
Miss Sena Madison has accepted
a position as clerk in the St. Johns
grocery. .
The finest of new spring hats at
away below Portland prices at 107
1 acoma street.
The grand-daughter of Brett
Henderson died nt Green Bay Wis.
the first of the week.
Those who-would "rnlher have
the weather In the cast" have had
their fill during tile week.
Dr. Whiting and Stanley Nccl-
ings arc in the vicinity of Albany
and Corvallis buying horses.
Cosy Homes at bed rock prices
and good terms. Address J. M.
Meiklejohu, 430 Gilbert street, St.
Johns, Ore.
Rev. C. C. Jiarick and wife of
Astoria, Ore. visited at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Thorndyke
Mrs. W. W. Williams and four
boys from Atbitia visited Mrs. E,
C. Hurlbnrt 011 Monday and Mrs.
C. N. Brnasch on Tuesday.
The Ladies Aid of the M. E.
church will give a 15 cent supper
at the home of Mrs. I). C. Weeks
next Wednesday evening 5 to 9.
If you arc tired of the monoto
nous meals served at restaurants
and hotels and desire good home
cooked meals, go to 403 West
Johns street
The Methodist Ladles Aid met
nt the home of Mrs. Ilninsch last
week. An interesting and profit
able meeting was held, at the close
of which delicious refreshments
were served.
couple of gentlemen who have no
objection to rooming together can
secure n good room and board,
irivatc family, batln Board and
room fs.oo per week. 403 West
Johns street.
Recorder Thorndyke is engaged
in compiling a city, .directory. He
desires evcryrcMnent to call at his
office and furnish the desired infor
mation. The names, furnished will
c tabulated and kept for reference
at the city hall.
Several steam shovels and ma
chinery to operate them have been
unloaded by the rortlaud subur
ban Express Co. at this oint dur-
ng the week. We have been
unable to ascertain the purpose for
which they nte intended.
The Review has it on good au
thority that n large force of men
will be put to work on the electric
iue 011 the opposite bank ot the
Willamette March 1. A large con
signment of machinery is now eu
route to be used in the work.
The Ladies Aid of the Congre
gational church will hold a Valen
tine social and a 15c supper,
Tuesday evening, Feb. 12, 1907 in
the manse on church grounds. All
come and mail your valentines in
our postoffice. Mrs. F. Horsmaii,
The fountain fund committee
announce that they will give one
of their popular dances in Bickner's
hall on bt. Valentines evening,
Thursday, February 14. A five
piece orchestra has been secured
for the occasion and a jolly good
time is guaranteed.
The Northern Pacific is prepar
ing for the business it will soon be
called upon to handle at Lliiutou
on the opposite bank of the Wil-
amette. A new station 70 teet
ong by 30 feet wide is being built
and arrangements are eing made
to lay several side tracks.
There mav le economy in the
electric company hiring new men to
operate its cars, but the patrons of
the line cannot see it. It the strik
ers had been paid the cent an hour
advance they asked for the com
pany would have been dollars ahead
and the general public better satis
flexl. At present the service is
Harry Harvey won the diamond
scarf pin at The Box Tuesday even
ing by a score of 14a. Jesse l.ind-
quist had 144, L. D. Brink 141,
and Barney Noonan 136. A meer
schaum pipe and case is the next
prize olfered. 1 lie highest scores
made by the ladies Tuesday evening
were made by Misses Alma Ville
neuveaud Alma Francis, the former
winning the box of chocolates prize.
Now is your chance to invest a
small amount with good results i.i
sight in the first addition to Linn-
ton. These lots nave a view equal
to those on Council Crest. Those
who come first can secure the best
locations. Lots $40, $50, $60, $75
and $100; 10 per cent down and
I5 per mouth. For particulars see
II. G. Ogdeu, agent. Review office,
St. Johns.
For shoe repairing go to Larson's
Philadelphia street.
Found Gentleman's ring. In
quire 204 Hayes street.
Lowest priced children's shoes
at Larson's shoe store, Philadelphia
Wc wash and iron all fiat work
at 25c per dozen. West Coast
An inspection of the millinery
and prices at 107 Tacoma street
will make you buy.
Anyone wishinc to buy a Rood
clean hat at cost call at 1 1 South
Edison Street. Mrs. M. E. Perkins.
Automobiles delivered the Tele-
gram to the carriers in St. Johns
Monday evening, arriving about
7:30 o'clock.
Why pay rent when a very small
payment down and $15 per mouth
will buy you a complete home?
If what I already have built does
not suit you I will build as von
desire. W. C. Adams.
The annual meeting of the stock-
holders of the Peninsula Bank of ; A large room furnished with com
St. Johns, Ore., will be held at the , fortable easy chairs and supplied
bank at 4 o'clock p. m., Tuesday, with all the latest papers, nioga-
feu. 5, at which time there will be
elected a board of directors con -
sisting of nine stockholders, and
such other business will be trans -
acted as may properly come before
M, ...m.ti....
Col. T. J. Monohan and Muior
Geo. M. Hall of St. Johns and
Emperor William of Germany cele -
btated their birthdays last Stiudny.
The colonel confesses to having,
seen the snows of 61 winters, the
major admits to being on earth 30
years, while Enicror Bill has bteu
illuming the beverage of Kinir
Gainbrinus for the past 48 years,
Locally the event was celebrated at
the home of Mr. Monuhaii on
Oswego street. While Col. Monti-,
lan carries off the honors in the
matter of years, he is the colt of
the trio. The major, on account of
nil nceidcilt soilli litilf ni'O Is 11ml.
ergoing repairs, but promises to be!
good for 1 00 years when he leaves
the hands of the surgeon. As to
the German see any encyclopedia.
Ask your grocer for Hinkston &
Frazen's Bread. It is good.
Get the baby s picture taken for
a holiday present at the photograph
gallery 111 the lioibrook block.
The latest styles in millinery at
the lowest prices at 107 Tacoma St.
Buy your cigars and tobacco of
Harris & Goodell. The only ex
clusive cigar store in St. Johns.
Corner Jersey and Tacoma streets.
Hereafter all advertisements nnd
reading notices intended for The
Review must be in the office at 4
o'clock Thursday afternoon to
insure publication in the paper.
Four or five persons who want
j tlt a rcaS0nablc rate, can be acconi-
good, Home cooked meals close in
modatcd. Steady mealers desired.
Apply at this office for particulars.
W. J. Galyean, manager of the
White House, 107 Decatur street,
reports n first-class business and the
hotel filled to overflowing. This is
one of the best workiugmcn's hotels
on the peninsula and
all the home
comforts arc provided for patrons.
zincs and periodicals is one of tlie
infractions of the house that is
. highly appreciated by the patrons.
! ,.
" "K" -''l""y e
1 was no taste to a kiss the editor of
, nil Arkansas paper burst forth with
1 the followlnir: "No taste to n kiss?
1 Well bv the hen feathers in Ctmlil's
'darl. the Times man must ho blind
in the palate. They tell us, those
who have tried it, that it tastes like
the doubled distilled essence of
honey spread thick on n piece of
pumpkin pie. Away back in the
dim and ovfu vears turn, beforu
we lost all our teeth and the cltieh
on the beantv prize, the prettiest
L-irl in all the world told us wlili
her own eyes that it felt like a
covcv of minlls flvlnir out of each
1 ear and ended with a sensation like
a flock of nneels poutinir nmlusses
'ilmt'ii mih.'u IhkL v.. 1, ict.. (i. ,.
kiss. Great Scott I It would Inake1
11 cigar Indian's hair curl ami his
toe nails quiver in eestaey. The
Times man must he an ice house.
Fine Opportunity to Invest
Small Amounts!
The best opportunity to secure quick returns on a
small investment is in I.innton, the thriving manufacturing
town cn the Willanuuete River opposite St. Johns.
Attracted by the deep water frontage several large
manufacturing plants have located here, and more are to fol
low. With the railroad and new electric line Linuton will
have unsurpassed shipping facilities, This means additional
factories and homes.
We are offering lots in the original town site of Linn
tonn, situated on a beautiful bench overlooking the peninsula
where wc are offering
At $40, $50, $60, $80 and $100 each; ten per cent down
and $5 per mouth.
The proposed electric line passes through this prop
erty. These lots will double in a year. Buy while they are
cheap. These values are only for a short time. Remember
how values have soared in St. Johns. They will do the same
in Linuton. I?or particulars sceC. 1 Bunker, 514 Chamber
of Commerce, Portland, Ore., or
St. Johns, Ore.
Do you know that during
the week beginning Jan
uary 13th, you can buy
Wine of Cardtti, regular
fi.oo size for 85 cents.
Theaford's Black Draught,
regular 25c size for 20 cents
or five 25c packages for 95c
Black Draught Stock Food,
regular 25c size for 20 cents.
Holbrook Block,
St. Johns
Book Store
Has just opened at
420 Jersey Street
iMcChcsney Building
The best line of reading matter
will be carried by them. A circu
lating library, ohmi to the public
from 7 a. m. to 9 p. 111,, is on hniid.
You pay the price of any book in
class you may select, after which
you can exchange it for any book
in house, in same class, ut price in
that class, from 5 to 20 cents per
1 Blank books, legal blank, sta
tionery ami children's honk;.
, XNc
ulso carry a small stock of
tobacco and candies.