THE ST JOHNS REVIEW I'ubllihed Kterr Friday HV McKltON & MAKKMt. Subscription rM(, $1.00 per rear In adranee. AJTfrtlnInc ralci, $1.00 per Inch per month. All adteillilng bllli pajalle flrat of each month, Job Printing eiecuted In flrit'Ctan nle. Ti 11 la (or Job l'rlntine caah on dellrerr. All communications ehontd ba addrened to TUB Rarlaw, St. Johna, Oregon. Tint Ukvikw Is entered nt txist office in Saint Johns, Oregon, ns innll innttcr of the second clnss under the Act of Con gress of Mnrch 3. 1879. Official Hawipaper of tba Oily ef St. Jokns. Phono East 6100. FRIDAY, FUHRUARY 1, 1907. When Judge Hihbard of the California superior court charges his fellow members 011 the bench with dishonesty, weakness and in corrigibility, there is little hoie that Uuef nntl Schmitz will be con victed in Snn Francisco. llccnuse State Printer Duniway requested the legislature to cut n $10,000 or 1 2,000 graft front his salary -and it did the Sautian News thinks he is in line for one of the Carnegie hero ineditls. The ironmaster might investigate. There are some ugly rumors afloat in regard to the building of the city hall mid the manner in which the contract has been manip ulated that may soon come to light through the proper channels. If these stories are correct vigorous probing is fast what is needed and demanded. How many of us have the same sympathy for the rat-eyed Jap that we had when the brown man was pummel in tr the armies of Russia to pieces? And Russia was our frieni when we needed a friend 1 It is said that the back-stamping of letters in this country costs the government about four million dollars tcr vcar. and if one man had to do it all by hand it won take 4000 vears. says The Dalles Ontimist. And as an offset about 300 disputes arc settled each year and ten thousand postmasters "called down." The first order for bank-stamping was issued about 1882, if our memory serves us aright, and the custom has cost us a itreat sum of money, a great loss of time, and has done almost no good. It is time to stop it. t There is .something radical wrong with the mail service be tween Portland and St. Johns. For two days no mail was recciv here owitiir to the fact that the THE LEGISLATURE The suggestion in another column over the siguiitute of F. I.. Voting in regard to the consolidation of School Districts Nos. 1 and 2 is a good one, and it is surprising that the icop!c of St. Johns did not take advantage of it at the election last June. The real leasou is that the people did not understand the advantages to be gained by the step. The mere fact that such consolidation would tend towards icduciug the taxes and nt the same time give the patrons increased facilities for iiistiiictiou is enough to commend it to all. The Review uuderhtaiids that the change can be made without uxenseor inconven ience. The best to be had is none too good and every citizen should strive for it. Taking refuge behind the Port land Commercial club the railioads are winking the uewspaers of the state out of huudtcds of dollars worth of advertising 011 the plea of unking thutit to boost itud become public sphitcd. Right here The Review wishes to go on rccoid as a booster. Hut it has nothing to give away, Through 11 law which leccutly went into cITccl the rail toads claim they ate unable to exchange transportation for adver tising. Hut thev ate willing to work the p;iHMS thiough the enter prising Commercial Club of Port laud by axkiug it to ieiiest publi cation of their cheap rates to the west. The Review will herald the cheap rates at so much kt Hue, mid if every nik.t in the slate will adopt the same title the railroads will be convinced of the benefits of itdvcttising in short order. Pan handling by huge cot potations is a contemptible business policy. street car company refused to hav the mail delivered to this city in any other manner than by the use of their cars, claiming their con tract witlt the government provider for 110 other means of transporta lion. If this is true, in case of street car strike tying the line tt for several weeks St. Johns would get no mail for that length of tune If the government made a contract as this company claims it did, tit postal authorities are getting ratty, If the contract provides for the tie livery of mail to St. Johns twice day except Sundays, a suit fordam ages by our citizens against the car rler is in order. The postmaster should have the matter investigates without delay. liven Front the Mountains Mallard s hnow Mniuiciil is praised for the good it does. A sure cure for Rheumatism and all pains Wright v. Loving, Grand June tlou, Colo., writes: "I used Ha latd's Snow Mulinciit, last winter for Rheumatism and can recommeiK it as the best liniment on the mark et. 1 thought, at the time 1 was taken down with this trouble, that it would be a week before I couli get about, but 011 applying you Liniment several times during the night, I was about in .(8 hours ant well in three days." Sold by St Johns' Drug Store. The deplorable scenes attending the election of school clctk Monday uvuiiing thoiouglily disgusted the the citizens who had gatheicd to participate in the election. It was one of those affairs that a newspa per would much rather ignore, be cause such occiittcitccs do not te licet much ci 11I it tiH)ii the city or its inhabitants. The spectacle of a lawyer making a disttessiug Miow of himself by hurling insult after in sult at a man who was not a candi date was suiely disgusting and out of place. The chair was not blame less, either, lie should have at least attempted to stem the tide of vitiiH!iatiou and invectives that (lowed front the attorney's vocal or gan in a stream that was long and filthy, even if he favored the elec tion of the candidate whose cause the speaker was estHHising. Dis graceful scenes of litis nature arc far fiout edifying, A spirited con test is always appreciated, but a dirty one never. The voting, how ever, was fair and above board and The Review does not in the least tegtet or begrudge the election of Mr. Tatich. His tecoul apparent ly is clean, his eligibility alleg ed and his ability is uumtrstioucd. Hut yet we cannot help believe he disproved of the manner in which his candidacy was advanced by an over zealous supporter. It is cer tain that Mr. Hlack was not pre pared for the abuse that was heap ed upon him. lloth candidates en tered the race to win. That was tuetr privilege, j he tropic went to the meeting to cast their votes for their choice, and not to listen to the abuse and coarse wit of compar ative "stranger, ' who said he was sober, and reiterated the statement, and who said he was not luted to make the attack, thus establishing n precedent. It is the great Ameri ca n privilege to tltifer with jvople. Were it not so what a monotonous world it would be. So let us abide by the verdict of the people. Let the scenes of Monday night be for gotten and let the bitter feelings perish and the dissentients and strife aroused pass into oblivion. The case and alacrity with whicl the council responded to the hurry up call font for the Home telephone Co. has been the subject of remark in more than one quarter. As toiccasted by 011c of the mem hers of the council a week ago the franchise asked by the Home com pauy passed its second reading hist . 1.... 1 1 1 iii'.-wiiiy evening, nun, iiuie.n.1 11 strong leiuonstriincu is made, the company will 110 doubt receive what it wants for the asking, Whether thete is a clause in this franchise prohibiting the transfer to a rival company, The Review does not know, and it is doubtful whether all members of the council can answer this question correctly. Is this franchise obtained to build a telephone system in St. Johns or for the ptiitmsc of disusing of it to 11 rival company? Are the interests of the city safeguarded ns hey should be? These questions should he saltsiaclorily answered. Alto gether too much speed has been develotK'd in the introduction of this franchise. It has apparently MipK'd along well greased ways into the clear waters of Itttal pas sage. It will be sixty days from its introduction before it can come tip for final action, III the mean time something is liable to develop. Phrenological Lectures. The Phteuological lectures which have been delivered during the past week by Mts, Jean M. Kills have been of unusual interest to both young and old. Mis. lillis is hap pily ikissesscd of the faculty of holding her audiences in rapt atten tion till the close of each lecture, Any one listening to the lady for five minutes would he convinced as to her thotougli scientific efficiency hue comes from an hnglis phrenological family. Her brothe is a tuemlKT of the Phrenological college of New York city. At th icqticst of many who are interests lit the subject she has nearly con settled to organize a class for th of teaching the art of Phrenology and Character Reading it thete are a stttlicieut nituibe interested she will oikmi her class 011 her return from Salem in about a mouth's time. Pithy Paragraphs from our Corres p ndent at Salem. Governor Chamberlain has won a great victory through the decision of Judge Wolvcrton. The govern or held that the state was not bound to issue deeds to those who purchased school land certificates, as they obtained them through fraud. The other state officers disagreed with the governor, so he had to go it alone. The decision of Judge Wolvcrton sustained the contention of the governor, so that 115,000 acres becomes the property of the state. At $5 per acre this will amount to $565,000. George is a governor worth having. A bill is to be introduced in the legislature prohibiting the giving of passes to the people, but allowing public officials to ride free. This is not in accordance with the anti pass law adopted by the people last spring. The only mistake about the bill is that it proposes to give passes to the wrong party. A law which proposes to give something for nothing cannot be right. Everybody who can strike a blow at the attempt to give a large ap propriation to the Jamestown exhi bition ought to strike it. About thirty new commissions and eighty new offices ore to be proposed nt this session of the legis lature. It would not be surprising to sec n poultry commission, a millinery commission and a laundry commission established. These would not be more absurd than a barber commission and 11 horse shoeing commission that we now have. Governor Swetteulmm is the most colossal blockhead of the age. It is u pity the earthquake did not swallow him up while it was about it. The OrcL'on state senate adopted it memorial to congress asking it to remove the tariff from the importa tion of jute mid jute cloth and bags. This is the worst blow aimed nt our iniiiuitotts protective tariff which we have yet seen. Mr. Hryau's visit to Salem was greatly enjoyed. His Scechcs were oratorical gems, and the citi zens followed him from one meeting to another with wild enthusiasm. I'lie legislature started in well by cutting out the old graft of exam ining the books of all the state ustittitioiis with its horde of clerks which examinations were purely farcical. Hut later 011 they de stroyed this good work by voting themselves a copy each of Hclliugcr it Cotton's code, nil expensive work. The rate stood 57 to 1.1. wits sorry to see the name of our olut representative among those who were guilty of the steal. A bill will shortly be introduced making the majority of the jurors ecide a case in n civil action. 1 he bill might go further uud have a majority decide n case in a criminal action also, LIVE ONE THE ST. JOHNS PHARMACY White House EUROPEAN HOTEL Finest rooming house in St. Johns. OPEN EARLY AND LATE lirand new house and furniture. Modern electric lighted. Hot and cold water. Bath and toilet rooms on both floors. Telephone, reading room and all the latest daily news. No extra charge for any of the ex tra accommodations of the house. All free. Rooms from 75c per week tin. Same treatment to all we have no pets or star roomers. We arc out for business and are getting it. Give us a trial. Working men a spcclnlty. Phone Scott 4065. EVERYBODY'S HEADQUARTERS ARIZONANS Shivering Because of Unusually Cold Weather. St. Johnitcs have had their kick about the weather. But there arc others. Away down in Arizona, where they usually serve ice cream with every meal during the winter months, they arc singing the same tunc about the weather that we in Oregon nrc. J. J. Collins, sou of Michael Collins, one of the employes on the new bridge, in writing to Frank Goodcll from Wiuslow, Arizona, tells of the severity of the weather in the laud of the cactus. Mr. Collins tells of a severe snow storm in November, mid the extreme cold weather ever since. He says the whole southwest is flooded out with rain. Then there is a shortage of coal and the railroads arc compelled to let freight lie in the yards to rush coal through. Although the mines arc only 120 miles nwny coal costs 98 per ton. Ah much wood ns a Chinaman can tote brings $1. rotatoes are ?i a saclr, sugar 10 for$t, butter 50 cents a pound, eggs 50 cents n dozen, and nil canned goods 25 cents per can. The unusual weather in the south has caused a great deal of illness and much suffering. W. J. Galyean, Mgr. 107 Decatur street, ST. JOHNS, - ORKGON. Near Riverside Hotel. DOWNEY &, WARREN ORDINANCE NO. 136 An Ordinance to Establish n Ferry Landing at the Foot of Pitts burg Street and Granting a Franchise to the "St. Johns Transportation Company" to Operate a Ferry Thereat for a Period of Fifteen (15) Years. The City of St. Joints docs ordain as follows! Section t. Tlmt n ferry landing be, and Is, hereby established at the foot of Pitts burg street, mid ferry bonts shall have the right to come, anchor nnd depart from such landing without hindrance or obstruction from or by nny vessel, raft, craft, wagon or vehicle of any descrip tion, nnd the owner or owners of such ferry toat or Iwats shall have the right to make nny Improvement that may be necessary to perfect n good nnd sufficient ferry landing nt the foot of said Pitts burg street; provided, that nothing con tained in this section shall be construed ns giving the right to cut or destroy any jwrt of said Pittsburg street cast of a point one hundred mid fifty-five f 155) feet west of the westerly line of ilradford street. Section 3, There Is hereby granted to the St. Johns Trmisortatiou Com pany, Its successors nnd nsslgns, herein after designated ns the grantee, the right to construct, maintain and opcrnte n public ferry nt the foot of said Pittsburg street for the tieriod of fifteen (15) years ferry boat, and conveyed across the river by the grantee according to the schedule time of said ferry boat, and if the grantee shall act contrary to this regulation it shall forfeit and pay the sum of three dollars ($3) for every such offense to the party aggrieved, to be recovered before nny court having Jurisdiction; provided, mat mimic omcers on urgent imstncss, post-riders, couriers, physicians, surgeons and mldwives, shall in nil cases be first carried over where all cannot go nt the same time. Section 13. I'or the effectual secur ing of efficient service; for the prompt nnd complete compliance by grantee with Its agreements and undertakings herein nnd hereunder; and for the con tinued maintenance by the grantee of the property in good repair and con dition throughout the entire term of this franchise, the said grantee shall, on fil ing its ncccptnucc of this franchise, give to the city of St. Johns n good nnd suffi cient bond in the sum of one thousand f toco dollars. Section 14. The powcrnnd rlghtrcn sotmbly to regulate in the public interest the exercise of this franchise nnd rights thereunder, shall remain and be vest ed in the council of the city of St. Johns. Section 15. Any person or persons violating nnv of the provisions of this ordinance, where the penalty has not liccn designated, shall, upon conviction thereof before the municipal court of the city of St. Johns, be fined not less than five fs nor more than twenty-five fi$ dollars, Passed the council January 32, 1907. Approved January 32, 1907, I. W. UlNMAN, Attest: Mayor. W. I,. TllOHNDVKIt, Recorder. Published In the St. Johns Review Feb. 1,1007. . from, and nftcr, the final passage of this Anniiat A mts h.ts iif ordinance, nt the rate nn.) charges .here- ORDINANCE NO. 135 Innftcr stated, sub ect to the restrictions ntni obiigrtiious licrciiuutcr written and io84 Jersey Street. Real Kstatc Bought nnd Sold. I,ist your property with us. street 011 the snid l'ltlshurg F. J. Koerner, CONTRACTOR BUILDER AND COUNCIL There is n strict law forbidding members to smoke during the sit ting of the house or senate. The other day, a country member sat in lis seat pulling at the wet end of a Igar and the scrgeaut-at-nrms acked the nerve to stop him. It is amusing to see the farmer repre sentatives walking around witlt is cent cigars in their mouths, perhaps tor the hrst time in their lives. It gives them an aristocratic npjicar-mice. Notwithstanding the vole of the ople against the granting of pass- nearly every member of the legislature has one or more in his est MKket. What Wat Done at (he Meeting Tuesday Night. A regular meeting of the council was held I ucsdny evening with nil members present. The minutes of the last meeting were rend and approved. There was a remonstrance against the owners' rejxirt 011 the opening of Richmond street. Owners of the projierty in Tract A, Severance addition, claimed that the benefits were unjust nnd unreasonable, as almost the whole of lots 8, 9, 10 and 11, block 1, were taken for street punwses, and the addition was not enhanced in value. Attor neys for Crackiiibush & Learned, owners of the property, were pres ent to protest against the awards of the viewers. The Home Telephone franchise was taken up and passed its first and second readings. Plans nnd spcclllcatlnns furnished on application. mono wiiii tioatncss and ill woil dispatch. To Make Money from real estate investments care should !c exercised in buying. The man who makes the most money out of real estate is he who in vests in property that will increase In value rapidly. Some Rare Bargains READING ROOM Wanted. Hand trouers at the West Coast Laundry. Apply at once. L. H. SMIThTrEAL ESTATE A l'HW 1IAROAI.NS f ioaxi 9 room house near new school blocks from oar. N5o j room house uud lot 50x30 oil ear line near school, J 1 3503 lots in Portsmouth withnsix loom house which is renting for fu IKT motiin. fSiS l.ot 63x100 with small house: these lots sold when vacant scveiul mouths ago for f si". You may have it now with idl iuipioveinents for 535, fljo I have two lots in Portsmouth nt u great bargain; is a cash snap. Several fine tracts of ucreuge good for platting; cheap lots 011 monthly pay incuts, etc, L. H. SMITH. Hotter look over your stationery and order your printing now. Neglected Colds Threaten Life. (From the Chicago Tribune) "Don't trille with n cold." is good advice for prudent men uud women. It may lie vital in the ease of it child. Proer food, good ventilation, and dry, warmclothiiiti are the proiw safeguards against colds. If they are maintained through the changeable weather of autumn, winter and spring, the chances ot n surprise from ordinary colds will be slight. Hut the ordi uaty light cold will Ixxntuc severe if neglected, and a well established ripe cold is to the germs of diph therta what honey is U) the bee. The greatest menace to child life at this season of the year is the neglected cold." Whether it is a child or adult, the cold slight or severe, the very best treatment that can be adopted is to give Chamber lain's Cough Remedy, It is safe and sure. The great nooularitv and immense sale of this prepara tion has been attained by its re tnarkuble cures of this ailment. A cold never results in pneumonia when it is given. For sale bv St. Johns Drug Store. and Hoard of Directors Chosen the Outlook Bright. At u meeting held at the lecture room of the Kvangelical church last Friday evening the St. Johns Public Reading Room board of directors were chosen as follows: T. J, Mouahati, president; K. K. McVicker, secretary; J. F. llrooks, treasurer. A committee was appointed to prepare a constitution and by-laws uud to prepare a program to be ren dered at a mass meeting oti Satur day evening, Feb. 9. The soliciting committee reported one subscription of $ 100. 1 he board will meet at the same place tomorrow (Saturday) eveuiug at 7:30 sharp. are to be found in our list of desirable properties. A visit to our office and an investigation of property listed with us will prove that no better investment can be made anywhere in St. Johns thau the pur chase of some of our late offerings. Call and let us show you what we have. Dobie, Peterson & Co. Jersey Street. rttAL ESTATE For Rheumatic Sufferers. The quick relief from min af forded by applying Chamberlain's Pain Halm makes it a favorite with sufferers from rheumatism, sciatica, lame back, lumbago, and deep seated and muscular twins. For sale by St. Johns Drug Store. Obituary Abratn Patriquin died at his home near Point View station, St. Johns, Ore., Jauuary 18, aged 54 years, 3 mouths, 30 days. The cause of his death was inflammation of the bowels. He leaves besides his wife, uti aged father and moth er, six brothers, oue sister. For Salt. Folding bed, table, heater, chairs. uqtiire ! W, Robinson. 126 Ham- iltou street, near French block. PHONB UNIO.V 3105 Liquor for Medicinal Purposes uud Family Use W. H. McBRAYER (Cedar Brook) This whiskey direct from the distiller to us. lu bond six years old uud aged iu wood. E. 0. MAGOON, Distributor 1 1 1 North Jr$y SC St. feksu. Ore Jix lyot 50x100. cor.; two-story brick is being erected in same block. This is a splendid Investment, and you iinu uciicr iuuk into 11 m once, 3000 I,ot 3jxloo; a close iu inside lot 011 Jersey street. fSx Lot 50x100. A nearby residence lot; f)$ cuili if you build at once. f4oo IM 50x100, Pine location; one half cash. $3,000 l.ot 100x100011 Philadelphia St. W.J.PEDDICORD Notary Public, Housekeeping Apartments Suites of two to four rooms, also single rooms. Situated one block from Columbia University, near cor. of I'isk St. and Boulevard, furnished or Unfurnished. A pleasant walk from St. Johns, Convenient to Bridge and mills. UNIVERSITY PARK A. W. DICKSON Woorilamit 606 J. R. WEIMER Transfer and Storage Your Patronage Solicited 105 Hast Burliujjtou street, St. Johns. imposed mill such siiDcrvlidon on the turt of the Coitt.cll of wild city of St. Johns ns the public good tuny reasonably re quire under the laws mid ordinances of said city. Section 3. The grnutec shnll retain, nnd nt its own cost nnd cxjc!iK durliiL' the term of this franchise, repair nnd keep in n Kood, sound nnd safe condition (nnd reconstruct If necessary) tlte present plnuk roadway the full widtlt of the street from said ferry slip or lAiiditij; to a direct jKjInt oncdiuiidred nnd filly-fivc 1155) icci wesi iroin tue westerly line 01 llrniuord si street. Section 4, The snld Kmnlcc Km re ndu the gasolene launches now iu okt ntion between the foot of Pittsburg street nnd the ojxltc nhorc of the Willamette Ittvcr, or others equally nsood, to trans port foot p.tsiciucrs buck nnd forth across said river between said pilnts nnd shall continue to crntc the present ferry boat to and from said txdnts for trails lxHtiitlon of tenuis so fur ns the said furry boat can be operated with safety, anil shall, on or before the 1st day of Mnrch, 195)7, have in operation between snld ixiluts, u ferry lont of six tenm catuicitv. capable of handling comfortably, con veniently, expeditiously anil with nfctv nil the traffic that Is or may le offered. Section a. Said ermitcc shall oncrnic will ferry Iwnt to nnd from said iwluts iroin i x o ciock 111 me nioriiii 1? 1111111 clht o'clock In the evening of every day durinu the continuance of tills franchise. nnd ns often ns the nubile welfare may reasonably demand, provided, that the council of Mid city may further regulate iiit wiiii kivicc in inc imunc KO"1' may require. Section 6. The Mid urnntee shall have the rlht to charge and collect the following maximum fares nnd charges for their services uud 110 more: Poot pissciiKcrs, each way,. uvc 15) cents. Teams, when the bed of the wagon or vehicle and the load placed thereon does not exceed twenty-four 134) feet in lenuth. I a. 1'... . . I Mingle norsc anil vclilcic Includ ing two croiis tweutv-five f a.O cent. Single teams, including two jwr- sons.. .. tlilrtvlivc il cents. Double teams (4 horses) Including two persons.. . .fifty f so) cents. Automobiles. twenty-five (35) cents. Saddle horses . ... ten (to) cents. When bed of the wauon or vehicle and I . am ... tue loan contained tiiereou exceeds twenty-four (34) feet iu Ictieth. one and otic-hall fare may be charged. Section 7. TheMld grantee shall have tue use 01 mis iraticiiise, nnd the priv ileges granted thereunder, for the term 01 1111CC11115) years aner tue mini passage of the ordinance granting it, and ns full cotiiPeiiMltoti tlierefor. shall pay to the city of St. Johns, one ami one-half (i 1-3) irom Mtii ee to the Mid city of St. Johns monthly not later than the fifteenth futhl tlav of each succeeding month during the life time of this franchise; provided, that this sec tion shall not exempt the urantee from any lawful taxation upon its property nor 1 rout any license, cuarges, or impositions not levied 011 account of such use. Section 8. Said urautcc shall keen a full ami correct book ot account and make stated monthly reports in writlnp to the city recorder of the city of St, joiius, wiucn snail contain an accurate statement in summarized form, as well as iu detail, of all receipts from all sources, and the city recorder may in spect or examine, orcause to be inspected or examined at all reasonable hours, any and all books of account and vouchers of sjld grantee. Such books of account shall be kept and such reports made in accordance with the forms and methods prescribed by the city recorder, and every failure of the grantee to keep such books of account or to wake report as above specified shall authorize tue city to declare a forfeiture of said franchise. Section io. Unless the grantee shall establish a good and convenient ferry across the Willamette river at and from l'ittsburt! street landiui! within the time limit mentioned in this ordinance unless prevented by accidents or incidents oc curing or happening or arising beyond its control, or unavoidable litigation and in the event of unavoidable litigation, then within thirty days from the termi nation of such unavoidable litigation, which snau nave ueeu prosecuted as ex leditiously as the course of law will ail. mit, then the right of the grantee under this ordinance to the use of the foot nt said Pittsburg street as a ferry landing shall terminate. Section 11. The grantee shall have the exclusive privilege of transporting all persons and property over and across the Willamette river at the said terminal at foot of said Pittsburg street in the City of St. Johns, County of .Multno mah and State of Orecon. ami for distance from said landing of a snare. of 8ve city blocks in either direction both up aud down the said Willamette river, and shall be entitled to all the fan- ana proms arising therefrom; provided, that nothing herein contained shall 1 construed to prevent any person from crossing the river at such terry in his own boat or to take iu and carry over his neigh bor when the same is done without fr. or charge, and not with iutent to iiiiurc the grantee. (section 12. All persons comlurtimr themselves in a peaceful and resiiectahl maimer shall be received into or on the An Ordinance Legalizing Official Acts of Acting City Engineer, W. W. doojrich. The City of St, Johns does ordain as follows That, whereas doubts hnvc arisen ns to the legality of official nets of the acting City ltugiiiccr W. W. Goodrich, of the City of St. Johns, nnd Whereas the best Interests of the said City of St. Johns, nnd its citizens re quire Hint such nets of Mid acting City Unglnccr should in nil rcsjiccts be legal ami 01 iuii lorcc ami ciieci. Now therefore, The City of St. Johns does ordain ns follows: 1, Thnt nil officlnl nets of said nctlug City Kughiccr, W. W. Goodrich, rclntiug to the n (M Irs of said City of St. Johns. Oregon, nrc hereby legalized, declared valid mid of full force, virtue and effect, Passed the council January 12, 1907, Approved January 32, 1907. P. W. lll.N'MAN, Attest : Mayor. W. I TllOKNDVKIt, Recorder. Published In the St. Johns Kcvlcw Feb. 1, 1907, Careful Investors should find Richard Shepard ft Co. In their new quarters at 1 to North Jersey street. WH FIND Till? I1AUGAINS. L. B. Chipman Real Estate THE LOUVRE! I,. RICHARDS, Prop. The Finest of Wines, liquors aud Cigars. A Fine Lunch Served Every Day. Central Bar. Sam. Cochran, Prop. Tho3. Condon, Mgr. Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars. Cochran Block, St. Johus, Oregon