St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 25, 1907, Image 2

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t'ubllifaed r.Tcry t'rlday
Ruliacrlpllon ratoa, $1.00 per year In ailfanre.
AtlrprtUlnff rati. SI. no tier inrh tier month.
All nJiorllilnc bills payallo flrat of oub
Job Printing rtcculcd In flmt rUm mlfl.
milt lor .inn l-rinung caaii on uenverr.
All communlcAllona aboulil ba addrciaeil to
The RoTiew, St. Johna, Orceon.
Tint Hi'.viiW Is entered lit tnt office
in Saint Joints, Oregon, lis mail mutter
o( the second class under the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 187';.
Official Hawipaper of th City of fit. Joim.
The governor's message was mi
admirable state doctuncnt, mid if
1) is .suggestions tire carried out, the
present legislature will not have
met in vain.
Jonathan Hoiirne, with 80 out of
-S? votes cast, and brcderick V
Mulkcy, with 87 out of 87 votes,
were elected long and short term
United States Senators, respectively
at noon last Thursday by the Ore
gon legislature, Senate and House
balloting separately.
Phono East OIOO.
Harry Thaw, the murderer of
White, is now having hi inning
before n New York jury. It will
be a hard pull on his mother's pur.M.-
Thc tallest man in the House at
Salem is Retireftcntiitive Hones of
Yamhill, who measures 6 feet, s'A
inches, and he is not all bones,
About two hundred thousand
people are asking themselves what
they are paying the police of Tort
laud for. N'one of them have
ptovuii speedy enough to keep mcc
with the thugs who make contiiiu
otis evening calls.
A press dispatch says that in nil
probability p.. I,. Hilton, of (Jkla
Iiotua City, will be one of the first
cougremnieii elected by the new
Mine 01 ukiaiioma. I'liiton is a
Democrat, but is the most popular
iiuil successful campaigner in Okla
hoiiia, and can win the election
"hands down if he wants it.'
In order to boost the pi ice of
oysters a lengthy dispatch was sent
out (luring the late cold snap to the
ir i.. . . .
uueci 1 mil on iiccoiiui 01 uie lied
being exposed at extreme low tide
all the oysters along the coast had
been killed by being fioeii. The
Ittaine (Wash.) Journal biands the
.story UN a lot of rot ami concocted
by some teHiiter who was loo la.y
to go out in the cold and ask for
mid hunt up the facts.
wiiii as line a vein 01 coal iik
llieic is in the west within twenty
miles of its com I linn-the city of
Notching is badly in need of fuel
I his coal vein is iiucoveicd and
shows fuel of a line giade, but the
niiliiMil has lefiisid to 11111 a spur
10 uie mine. 11 llieic wen; any
get-theic K.oile in the southeiii
buig piivate euteipiise would oiicii
the way to cheap and plentiful fuel
liy litiililmg a load to Hie mines.
With the amount of building
now Hi piogicMM anil soon to be
commenced it is almost imetativc
unit 11 plat ol the city showing the
gniile on every stiiet lie seemed
IlieieUa crvinu lUiuiiud for it
If the city council should unlet lid
plat tile act VMiuld be uppinvcd by
t'veiy lax aycr. Iweiy one tlesii
lug lo iuiHove then piopeity
wotilil Know exactly what liny
wui doing and the placing of
lHllldliiM would U- iiiufoim and
con vet. Ami is now the height
Ot IlllllillUgs Ik all u liens willk
1 ... 1 . .
niiwuy uie 1 .using mihi loweiuig
ol lioines ami luisiiiess pioiK ilv ha
eot twive the amount of a fiist-
iiluiK rfut sluiwiiig the guide of
evuiy utievt in the city. ,el Mime
iiiuiiiIkm of the council take the
matter up mid hiki it thioiigh
- - t- -
I he Home Ulephom- fianchic
which is now Mote the council foi
action iimiii is a uiatlei thai ie
ipiiiei. CHieful lU liUi.itHMi While
it lit Hue the ieM-iit Mivice len
duiod by the Pacific States telephone
is iiuuleiuate ami alHiiniuable ami
the Hfople of St. Johns aieeageily
looking for leluf. vet lite fact must
liu taken into coiiMdeiutioii that the
city lis but few Itaiicliixa-K to di.
I'OJW ol, ami these lew should U'
doled out in a way timM adauta
geouii to St. Johns. The piopoi
tlou olToted by the Home Tclplioue
is a fair one, urn. pickeiitcd in a
com Icon and hUMiiCM. like maimer
ami will iui doubt be IicmIwI 111 a
like manner by the city falheis
To null thiough a voluminous dv-
umuiit the Me of (his franehie. us
0110 uicmU-i of council uliuot de
mnudod at Tuesday evening'.,
Mini, without directing and dclih
milling over each seiitciiev. would
le unwise, uiibiisuivais like and eet
tuilily unjii.t to Ihe Miblic, howevet
much a better m-i vice is wanted by
it long-Miffcting vople. Conees
bionti will not I gi anted 1101 can
thoy be exHvted aflei the iustiti
meiit hn km accepted. Now j
the time to have the faults adjusted
and dinciepancies u tilled. Noth
iug u gained by haste, unlou. it is
in buyiitu St. Johns lealty. This
was fully deiiioiisiiatwl when the
racifie btates lelepliouc Co. had
their franchbv liefoie thecily coun
cil. With an olki uot half m ad
viuitugeoiih its jiussage was uigeil
by the auue couiicihtiau. but wiser
coiuisol pievttiled. While the Homp
company's pupoit.ou is a genei
ous one cuuipaietl with their com
IKititur's oflei. yet we Ulieve it is
not as goisl as it .should be nor is it
the bent offer they will submit be
foru the opoittuuty jMsses by them.
The, telephone field hele is looiioh.
too extensive ami the future pre-
Items too 1 my o uc iguorwlor turn
ed down by the lulephuuo iw)plo,
even if the city guardians do nut
Ijaliesvu in jmuiunjf at llio fli-st gp.
liortmiity that pi about itself.
I he state senate voted tins year
to give every member of that body
a stenographer in addition to the
usual number of clerks. Senntor
Malarkey is the author of this
infamous resolution. Next year
each will likely be provided with a
bootblack and it barber.
The demand lor appropriations
exceeds anything ever before wit
nessed at the state capitol, and
unless the legislature tints its foot
down hard upon them, the taxes
of the slate will be something
enormous. Ihe demand for 170,
000 for the Jamestown exposition
will likely be placed under the ax.
While everybody, little and big,
is complaining about the tax levy.
docs any one know the rate and
amount paid by the timber barons
who have gobbled up nine-tenths
of the timber of the state? Of
course this ntiestion will not be
answered by any of the subsidized
iters of the ring.
The bill before the legislature
pioposhig to raise the pi ice of a
notary public's commission to S10
and allow 110 one but an attorney at
law to act, is one of the innocent
ineasiiies (he legal lights are trying
to feather their nests with. At
this distance fioin Ihe capital the
looks pictiyuiiish and advances
the idea that the lawyeis have ie
solved that 110 fish, huge or small,
shall vmiik their net.
II is a singular thing that police
men as a tule me such notoriously
had imuksmcii. Invaiiably in a
pistol duel with a buiglar the isilice
ollicer comes out second best, as
was the case in I'oitliind last week.
One of Ihe teiiiiiciiieuts of pel sons
euteiiiig the (silicc service should
Ik- thai he must be able to hit the
ide of a two story building at thirty
iifievs once out of live limes with
Alderman Hewitt hit the nail 011
Ihe head when licofTcicd 11 resold
lion in the council last Tuesday
evening iiistiiictiug the city attor
uey to draw up an oidiuauce ice 11
latlUK the iiliimliiiii! in the citv
Seveial attempts have been ma Ie
to msn tins oidiuauce, bill for some
lensnu II has been suinlheicd and
foigotten for a lime. The icceiit
exeiieuce with the plumbing has
ilcmoiihtiatctl the need of such an
oidiuauce. The phiiuhcis ate will
ing and the coplc demand it.
Uly Attorney Oieviie says thai
illidei the initiative and lefeieiidllill
intendment to the state constitution
il will be iiiiHMjhlv to adopt the
new ciiy chattel thai is about tin
ishcd alter several mouths' woik
lie claims theie is no eniibliue act
ami that uiiIvm. the pu-sciit legislat
uie Mssvs one the new chat lei can
not Ik- adopted. Il had been pin
ihswiI to submit the new chatter lo
the Council, then ton mnskiucvtiui!.
ami then liuallv to the vote of the
jnople the lust Monday in Aiuil.
mil accoinuig 10 tne winding ot the
initiative law the only way to net
it U-fititf the eonV is by elitiou lo
tne LimiiiciI. Ihe Cllv Attorney
holds that even this will not be
efleclive mile the legislaliiic jstss-t-s
an enabling act.
The Chances I his Week
.sih in South St. Johns u.
ik shack, lot cleat ed and water, for
ioomou Miiitn m. Julius, comer
ami cai line, Koi.
I wo acies on Willis lllvd leadv
for plaiting L'.ja
I loom house O.ik Paik. 57 u.
and your own terms.
One acie within the new istckiug
disttict, 5.oHifor . days.
Lots in Uie fust addition to I. inn-
ton iuh) easy tuyiueuts.
N'itv uiodeiu Hats for tent at $10.
1 hicv stole buildings for lent at
m iier mouth. 11. O. Oudeu.
Review ollice.
Whal was Done at Ihe Alceling
Tucs'ny Night.
Is a stage, and Hallatd's Snow
l.iiiiuieul plays a most piomiuent
pait. It has no Mictior for iheii
nut in.ui, stiff joints, cuts, sniaiiis.
ami all Mius. Ituy it. try it and
you will always use it. Anybody
who has used Mullaid's Snow I.ini-
incut is a living prtwf of what it
does, liny a trial bottle, .'.sc. 50c
and 1 .00. Sold by St. Johns Ding
The .jail regular meeting of the
city council met at the usual hour
Tuesday night with all present
except Alderman Norton, whose
absence was occasioned by illness
Minutes of the previous meeting
were read and approved
A petition sinned by eighteen
property holders praying for the
. .. f . .. lf.-l. ... .1... !.....
erection 01 an arc ugui 111 me jiun.
tion of North Jersey street and St.
lohns avenue was referred to the
street and light committee, which
at once reported favorably and the
light was ordered placed ns petition
A communication signed by nil
the hotel and saloon men wns read,
in which council was requested to
remove O. W. Allen from the oiTicc
of night police, if it wns proven
that Mr. Allen was not n free hold
er, ns Section ly of the city chnrter
provides. The communication was
referred to the health and police
committee with instructions to look
into the eliuibility of Mr. Allen's
appointment and return report of
finding to council.
The Home Telephone franchise
was taken up nnd Attorney Cireene,
who had been instructed to inves
tigate the document, stated that
there were still three requirements
that he believed would be best to
have ad justed befoie the franchise
was accepted by the council, wliic
related to the charues to be made
for service. Alderman Hewitt
stated that out of deference to the
wishes of Alderman Norton, who
requested that no iictioif'be taken
with the franchise until lie was
able to be present, and who was
greatly interested in the matter, he
believed it no more than right that
the council should accede to hi
desite. Hut Alderman Ra.sercouli
not see it in that light. The people,
he said, were clamoring for better
telephone service ami he thought
the franchise should be granted at
once. He had conferred with rep
resentatives of the company am
they agieed lo do anything within
leason in order to get the service
heie as soon as possible, ami they
told him they would uot stand for
any monkey business on the part of
the council; that they had made
fair ami geiietous pioisisal to the
council and that that body shouli
not waste any time in granting the
concessions asked for in the frau
chise; that they were hesitating on
whether to hud 1 their lines to the
Sell wood district or heie first, but
if the council would get down to
business the line to this city wotth
be rushed through prior to the
other tHiiiit named. Therefore Mr.
Raser could see no good reason why
the matter .should be further de
layed. As for Alderman Norton
not being pieseut, he only had one
vote and it was not likely to cut
any ice In the lestilt. lie was quite
emphatic in his desue that 110 time
be wasted lest we lose this valuable
( ?) addition to the city's exchequer
ami his constituents he comcllcd
lo cither Have to worry along with
the sior service I hey now have, or
go without eutiiely. Alderman
Hewitt, in teiily, stated that the
council icvoguucti tne company as
living composed of gentlemen ami
cxpectrtl to tieat them us such, but
he thought it iiuliUkiuess-like to
rush the thing through, and he
had an idea that Alderman Norton
might have something "up his
sleeve" he would like to make
known befoie action was taken.
He, theiefoie, favoied del.t) ing the
matter for at least a week, and in
Ihe meantime have Attorney
decile endeavor to have the mat
teis adjusted which weie still left
cii. wimiu a vote being taken
the franchise was held over lor a
week. Alderman Rasei's being the
only dissenting vote.
A huaucial texrt of the lire de-
Mitmeiit was lead, and council
was leqtiested to pay a number of
the items mentioned such as tent.
coiiiH.'iisatiou fot deputies, 1 ubber
coats, etc. Kclcrml to liiiauce
The following bills weie present-
I ,t I .1 .a r
i: V.011CII v lo. tor groceries
tmtushed the Atkinson family,
Mo. 1.'; Loitcn kv lo. lor groceries
Itiiuishcd the Daueheity family.
T. i;Sl. Johns Hotel, for food
I ut nulled prisoners, $6.00. Alder
man Hewitt took occasion to state
that the city had paid enough bills
for aiding the oor; that it was the
outtty s duty to loot lulls.
and Ihe city in paying for the main.
tenauce ol the poor 111 this maimer,
was doing more than it had a light
to do. Hefatheieda motion that
the chief of police heieafter be
oideied uot to fin uish relief to the
poor lo exceed two dollars at any
one time and to at once reort the
destitute cases to the piopcr county J
aiuuoruies. lie argued that two
dollars woi th of goods would re-'
lieve any inuuediate distress and
would keep the family alive until
the county could do its duty.
Motion carried. The above bills,
including one for Ivatihoe street
iinpioveuient of $.35 were allowed.
The Viewers' ropoit of Richmond
' J Rule the World C
" I , K
.Member of l'owler & Wells Institute, New Vork, has the honor to niiiiotuicc
Lectures on Human Character
.1 4 a . . . ...
Aim uie Art ot Kenning It In the Head nnd I-itce.
At (he St. Julius High School
Prldny Evening, Jan. 25, and Tuesday Evening, Jan. 29
Prominent citizens, selected by the audience, examined on the stage
tit the close of each Lecture.
And diameters differ nccordlngljr. Phrenology explains theno dlfTercneei,
ousi:itvi: tiii: eo.vrn.tsT.s in riii:it iikads.
SI i
Hlahup IVIillo.
icaiI IiIkIi. Jloml kii I I
ntuAt oreans ri-rjr liiv.
vrrr trnnir ira-
oclo iowrni ami tnriiiurjr.
forrbribl. Vrry t
Ootllaa rrolUftof Jlflrt iliajifj llJt.
AlxnnJi-r VI. 9. 7-no. IlinSlnlc. S. ItfT
)r, Olxrllii (. I'lillllp II, of Spain, a IjraaU
Su lit mi, An trUli pud.
Ill, II1111I rry lihiaj. Ani
mal iialum almiii;. Jloril
mcaiij iii'-.lrat. Cootrul
In I'ikIii'P Wlillc.
Ill lot. Vrrr inll htm.
Miiallr ilritrlmt In tlx
(nrrliwl, Id (La ri;luu of
The Followlne lre Noilcct will (Ihe Some Idea of Hie IMImalloii In Which .Mn. I2IIU li Held.
The lliillfiu llirulil: Mm. I'.lli 1 one of the
heat I'hrenoliieittii u ho has vbiteil Halifax kince
I'rof. l'owler in 1K81.
New York World: A Uw mid eiuhiilalle
andlutu'c tn.irkeil the oieuliiK Ifcture of the llu
iimu Nature Miclvty lul evunhie. The lecturer.
Mr. Jean MorrU Hill. U n hriht woin.iu mid
liaiiilli-K herMiliject with force and t'loinience thut
iMirlcn eonvlit Inn to her lieuer. Much fan wan
created liy the ulille exiiiniu.itluiiii at the clic of
the lecture.
The Hnterrie (New C,lii(iw) N. S.t One of
the clcvereat and moat eurnot eximnclita now
IIvIiik of till IntercalliiK k-Iciicc of 1'limioloc.y.
The C.nntte, (St. John, I N. Il.t Mm. Kill
rmitia Kceond to none of her wx hi the world iih
an onitor. Her delivery atroiiK' and cniiili.itle
mid eiilerliilnli'e In the extreme,
Dulutli HveiihiK Heruld: Over two hitiidred
eoile weie turned from Ihe diKimnt Mrn. Hill.'
lecture lat evcuhie. Hrvre chair ami uvmII.iIiI..
foot of HtaiidhiK nxnii Mux tiikru to that It wiu
imiilile towiucce into the hall a few uiluulc
Waahhieton Tribune: No one can attend her "her eitjlit o'clock. Hound after round of aj.
lecture w iiiioiii neuiK ocneiiiieii tuerviiy,
Muutreal Star: Mr. WIU U a hlnlily talented
liidy and an excellent iaker, Her ability as a
l'lireiioloxUt in uiiiuctiouaIile.
platiac K'rceteil the iiiauv lirlht hit made. Mm.
I'.lli liu la-eu reiiiarkaldv titcceaaful In Dnlnih
loth hi her lecture nnd private ileliiiejitloii of
characlvr, having exaiuliu-d a lar'e pmportioii of
the heat known jnrople in the city.
I'lircnolouical l:aiiiliialioiis given daily from 10 a. in (o 6 p. in. at New St. Johns Hotel.
I'rlday evening Mr. HI1U w ill lecture on children' rights and parent' duties. A numlicr of
children from the audience will lie examined on the atae at the cloc of the lecture, l'.ireut will
he ahowii how lo iiiiilerland and train turbulent, wayward ami keliUh children.
TucMlay cvviiiiiK'k lecture will l on love, courtkhip, marriage and jealoiuy, Mrs. Hill will
khow ami contnikt the iMirtruit of thoe who could and thoe who could not live happily together.
She will explain how to tell the kljjii of love, jealou.y, etc. Admliou 25 cents.
. the umW.kiK.KHl tvtilionoik. ., s(r " Vas eml ,,,, .f r T, .
tfoUy nipiuii (hat )ou, if ekstcd. , Mrtct Nva! ,tfml ,UKl e-"l the
lualily ami cro.u m-IumI clerk hi 1" ei eoiiiiiiiitee.
Uiktrict No. j. ehviion to tie held on the Alderman Hewitt made u nmti'nn
that an ordinance be framed reta
liating plumbing and providing for
the appoiiituieut of a pluuibiiij; in
sjvtftor, and that all plumbers
.should be rwiuircd to secure ncrmits
j from the iccortler before doinji any
I work of this nature. lie contended
that if the plumbers had done their
work as they should have done lew,
if any, pijK's would have froen
durin; the recent cold snap. After
some discussion in which it (level
ojvd that it would only be an
additional hardship to property
owners in paying the one dollar
venuit, the motion was not sup
ported. An ordinance leKalUiug the work
done by V. Goodrich was read
and placed 011 its final passage, and
will be found elsewhere in this
The ferry franchise passed third
reading and was adopted,
Certainly smashed a hole in the
bar-rooms ot Kansas, but Mallard s
Morchotiud Syrup has smashed all
records as a cure tor Loughs, llron
lutis, Inlluena and all Pulmonary
diseases. T. C. 11, Horton,
Kansas, writes; "I have never
found a medicine that would cure a
cough so quickly as Hallard's Hore
hound Syrun. I have used it for
years." Sold by St. John s Ding
Haptist church I;. A. Leonard,
pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. in.
Preaching at 1 1 a. 111. 11. Y. P. U.
7 p. in. Preaching at 8 p, 111. All
are cordially invited to attend these
Methodist church S, I.. Young
pastor. Sunday school 10 a. 111.;
preaching at 1 1 a. in. and S p, 111,
Kpworth League at 7 p. 111.
Holy Cross Catholic church,
I'ortsmouth Station 8:15 a. m., c H
low mass; 10:15 a. in., high mass; J. o. UOWIlCy, St. Johns.
7:30 p, 111,, vespers and benediction.
108 Jersey Street.
Real Ivstate Uotight nnd Sold.
List your property with us.
White House
Finest rooming house in St. Johns.
Brand new house and fttriiittite.
Modern electric lighted.
Hot and cold water.
Hath nud toilet rooms on both floors.
Telephone, reading room and nil
the latest daily news.
Xo cxtru chnrge for nny of the ex
tra accommodations of the
house. All free.
Rooms from 750 per week up.
Same treatment to nil we hnvc no
pets or star roomers.
We are out for business nnd are
getting it.
Give us 11 trial.
Working men 11 specialty.
Phone Scott 4065.
VV. J. Galyean, Mgr.
107 Decatur street,
Near Riverside Hotel.
L. B. Chipman
Real Estate
270x230 FEET
Corner of I Inyes Street and
Maple Avenue.
Two fine homes on this property
one 5-rooiu cottage and one 6
room. All modern with full
They will be sold at a bargain.
f isoo Lot 50x100, cor.; two-story brick
U being erected hi wine block.
1111 iu kpiemllil luveatuiciit, and you
had better look into it at once.
f nooLot ajxiui; a eloe hi huldc lot
on Jerey street.
5ool.ot joxiio. A nearby residence
lot! . cah if von Imlld at once.
moo Lot 50x100. Pine location; one
half cah.
f Lot Koxioo 011 Philadelphia St.
Notary Public.
Suite of two to four rooms, also
single room. Situated one block
from Columbia University, near
cor. of Pisk St. ami Uoulevard.
I'uniiahed or I'lifurniahed. A
pleasant walk from St. Johns,
Convenient to llridge and mills.
A.W.DICKSON Woodlawn 505
St. Andrew's Episcopal Chapel,
University Park - Rev. Win. R.
Powell, chaplain. Regular services
1 1 a. m. Sunday school 10 a, in.
school jo a. in.
Famous Confections
church Sunday
I'rcacliuig 11 a. 111.
junior rv, i.. w. n. 2:30 p. in.; r. , r ,
AIm. Vlillb illlU lUDUtCOS
JMli day ol January. 1007. to fill tin- n-
caucv in that ollice caucvd by ouater pro
ccvdlugk ayainat the furuir clerk.
ltd. S. Cut tier,
T. I. MuiwUiiu,
WiflU Moxon.
W. I.. Tliomdyke.
Qco. 0. Ctuliart,
Autl Jflum! iy 59 ot.hur.
All saloons in the city of St
Johns, Oregon, are hereby forbid
den under iienalty of legal prosecu
tion to sell, barter, exchange -or
give to H. Hngebretgson, of the
city of St. Johns, any spirituous,
vinous or malt beverages at any
time or place, or under any coiidi
lions whatsoever.
Mrs. II. Kngebretgsou.
Dated St. Johns, Oregon, Janu
ary o, 1907.
Senior k. I,. C. h. 6:30 p. 111
preaching at 7:pp. 111. K. 1
tckcr, pastor.
b'irst Congregational Church P.
J. Warren, pastor. Sunday school
to a. in.; preaching u a.m. and
7:30 p. m.
Haptist Church, University Park.
Rev. A. 15. Waltz, pastor. Regu
lar services every autuiay morning
ami evening.
Christian Church Sunday School
at 10 a. m., u. v. Overstrcet, su
perintendent. Services in Hickuers'
hall. Preaching at 1 1 a. m. and
7 30 p. ni.
For Sale.
Folding bed, table, heater, chairs.
Inquire H. W. Robinson, 326 Ham
ilton street, near French block.
I" X, Jersey Street, St. Johns, Ore.
Real Estate Bargains:
One-half block, reaching from Richmond
to Charleston streets, ii.ico.
Three room house, ami lot 50x100, close
Pour lots one block from car line ii.oco.
A twenty acre tract close in, on line of
IMv.-k.iuc piam, ji.ono per acre.
Ollice In CocUrau Block.
The Finest of Wines, Liquors and
A Fine Lunch Served Every Day.
Central Bar.
Sam. Cochran, Prop,
T1103. Coxdox, Mgr.
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Cochran Block, St. Johns, Oregon