St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 04, 1907, Image 4

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The H and C Store
Hargnin Counter
Harguin Catchers
Shoes, Gents' Furnishings, Dry Goods
107 South Jersey Street, St. Johns.
St. Johns, Oregon.
Statement at close of bti.sinc.sH December ., lyofi:
Inns f 1j7.73j.11
l'uriilliirc nml fixture. a,y6M
Cash on liimil nml line
from banks 7ijty5
N the nbove Miiuic you will oIiktvc 11 tiny tlt.
Noticed it. didn't you? Now if VOl' saw that
little think of how nil the uM of utir
icadcis noticed il. Thin, if you, Mr. IhisiiicsH
man, hail placed tin tittiactivc iiiiiiotiiK-cmcnl of yniir wines, tit
correct prices, in that .space, you'll have Mime idea that It would
have bimtglit you trude. Hi tter try it iicnI week.
The Douglass
Pool of I'Klsliur Street.
And .Mtiiiiifticlnrcrs of
And All Kinds of Interior Finish.
A Home Institution.
t). I'. MIKKII.l.
Faulk & Merrill
Coal, Hay, Grain, Plonr
Ground Peed,
Pilnlt, Oils md Building Materials
Phone Uast 713
UnUeralty Park,
Jluy your wood nt the
Old Reliable
Peninsula Feed & Fuel Co.
Green and dry sdabwood.
Phone Kast 297.
Cnpitnl Stuck jf 3s,ix.
Surplus nml imiliviilL'il
profits . .
Dividends iiiimM.. . 1,350.00
D!it . 174,395.10
Planing Mills
We now have with us a c.iulle
toMilent im-liiWvt. mid wo can
arniiiKi' to advance inoiii'v to all
Uh'm'wIio ile.Mie to build homes.
Second Door West
of Postoffice
the Major Asked For Tea, but That
Made No Difference.
Hack in the seventies of the Inst,
.l 1 11... 1 .,..,, Ji'.j.
of the Union Pacific was called the
Kansas l'ncific, Mnjot E. D. Kcd
dington, who had served with dis
tinction in the civil war, was pay
master. At that time the paymas
ter was the biggest man connected
with the road in the estimation of
the employees and tho people living
in the towns alonir tho lino, and hi3
nrrlvnl in tlm nnv ear was usually
n. nw.inn f; n r,ni mitnniirinir
nt t i
JL LIIU I f U ' . I M 1
One night Major
, 7S"
I 01 anacc.
car lulled into the tow
Tho major nnd his clerks were giV'
cn a grand welcomo by tho people.
They were escorted to a railroad
boarding house and treated as royal
gnosis. It was conducted by a bux
om Irishwoman, who boasted that
pho set tho best titblo 0 any town
along tho road.
At supper that night every regu
lar boarder turned up at the tablo
looking his best. Tho Irish "land
lady," as they called her, appeared
Ln a neat blue calico dress, all
primped up and smiling.
X "Tay 'r colfeo?" she asked, with
a pretty courtesy, ns sno passcu
from ono guest to another.
Tho regular boarders understood
it all, and they nnsweri'd, "ColTco,
please, mum. .Major iteiiinngion,
lio'vover, was a down cast Yankee
and not much of a colfco drinker,
ho when the question was put to
hint hu replied with bis usual po
liluucss: "I will have 11 cup of tea, if you
It almost took her breath away.
The look of disgust on her face
enticed the regular boarders to tit
ter. Then slut llarcd up.
"Say collee, yo omadahn, f'r wo
I have no lay," who paid as xhu poured
' the major's cup full of steaming
! miff..., IviitiMiirf fill Sllnr
Prompt Action Necessary.
"I this Lawyer Shurpley?" asked
the caller, who appeared with a big
lump on Ids jaw. Tlio man in tlio
Kwivel chair admitted that ho wiw
Mr. Shurpley and ulso that ho saw
tho lump.
"Yo, it is unite noticeable," said
the caller, with 11 cheerful smile. "I
got it a couple of days ago whilu I
was htepping on a street car. Tho
molormaii started too soon, and ho
mailt) mo hit my Jaw against tho
1 side of the car. I thought at first
I that it had broken tho bone, but it
I hadn't quite. It hurt 1110 awfully,
I though, and I want you to bring
Htttt against tho company for dam
agon." J "I am very busy just now," paid
tho lawyer, "but I can take it up
1 for you in tho eottrso of three or
four days."
! "That won't do at all."
i "Why not?"
! "Hociiiiso," answered tlio caller
, hesitatingly, "thai might bo too
litle. Tho lump is getting smaller
every day."
1 8entlment In the Wedding.
I Very few perron have tho cour
, ago to bo married quietly, without
1 ftifct or i'.K'iie. .Men hitvii some
1 times gone through tho ceremony
anil left their wive at tho church
I door. Hut in Mich ohm tho mar
riage was ono of compulsion or
ptnte itectwiiitv and in nowise af
fected the general custom. Tho old
fiiiihion of tho piwv ring, given on
tho wedding day, vn pretty, nnd
thto ring, with their miaiu't con
eoiU and ttlTiH'tionato mottoiM, aro
now wtgerlv nought after as euriosi
ties. In thoo proMtie times lovers
no longer idutro broken coins or
the halviw of a locket or give min
iature to wear around the neck, ns
even tleorgo IV., that heartless and
selllsh mouari'h, did, being buried
with the picture of Mrs. Pitz-ller-bert
haiigiug on his breast. Little
items of sentiment aro gradually
disappearing, but not the lino
j clothes, tho pantile, the mtrava
1 gaiu'o, the crowd and the cham
pagne. I AUtdott Queen.
The Black MarU.
Ill Hoston's early days a nogress
named .Maria' kept n sailors
lntanling hoiwo near tho water
front. She was a woman of gigan
tic size and prodigious strength and
was of great assistance to the au
thorities in keeping the peace.
When an unusually troublesome fol
low was on the way to the lockup
Black Maria, as Maria l.ce was call
, ed, would coino to the assistance of
the policeman, and her services
were in such requisition for this
purpose that lior name was associat
ed with almost every arrest made,
IJlack Marttv often carried a oris-
oner to mo tocKiip on iter shoulder,
.... . 1 .
and when the niison van was insti. 1
tuted for the purpose of carrvimr
prisoners it uaturnllv enoueh
stlcd tho Black Muria.
The Pennington
375 Alder Street.
Furnished Rooms
Day, Week or Mouth.
Mrs. Ada Pennington
Main .13S6. Portland, Ore.
QeeM. Plat and Dearf Not Hard to
Train For the Stage.
A fnrmcr would scnrccly bai v
wot a L'ooso requires uim uuv-ui,
1 11 i . I I V. .. .
lhll ,10u",nl "dr. tSfC
iur inu luuuifjmn mm ui.oi -
clicnco ami turn a
common pig
which has boon bought in tho mat-- j,et us explain briefly. In doublo
kct will in thirty hours bo compt- cntry bookkeeping, the only kind
tent to blossom forth as an actor. tat deserves tho name of book
According to Clyde Powers, a keening, every debit must have its
Iraincr of wide experience and .roilll that is fn nnv. nvorv item
much patience, it takes a duck
, nooui mree uy iu lemii no iu
InnrcI on tho slSc to iolIow t,,c
c lori19 nml ,,m.rcl1 911 nSlli.n. ?
I tho ProPr tl,nc' 11 t,lkcs n cluck-
I. .....1 1 . . I . .
' cn " wcok or ,norc "nd n furk?y
1 cnnn"t 8"P 1,10 "I .of nctin in
cgg tm, slx monih9 time.
Mr. rowers has tried to train
peafowl, but ho finds that it Is Im-
possible. A goo?o is tho most Intel-
lfgent of all tho fonthcred trilm,
and a gooso is also tho only do-
mesne iowi mat snows miucuuii.
Animals aro alwnya entertaining,
nnu so mucn in ucmanu arc tuey
. ... . ... 11 1
by managers that ovcry vaudovillo
theater in America tK)oks for Its
programme at least ono animal act
and often two every week. A good
animal troupe is contracted for
many months ahead, nml its owners
nnd trntners rccctvo salaries far ox
cecding thoso of tho nvcrago troupo
of vaudovillo performers of tho hu-
man Species.
During a visit to n dress ro-
icarsal at tho New York Hippo-
drome, says n writer in Leslio's
Weekly, tltrco or four Cllh hears
wcro being schooled in lite art of
standing on their heads, in driving
an auto, or at least appearing to do
so, and last, but not least for it
amuses nn aitilienco greatly to
drink out of bottles.
To teach tlieill tills last ltd is not
very dilllcttlt If the bottles tiro filled
with sweetened water. In fact, tho
dinietilly comes in preventing tlio
cubs from stealing these bottles nnd
rehearsing before It is time, so fond
aro iitey 01 mis pariicuinr lorm 01
Jicars nra iioeitieiny iiiimorous,
ami, while they know perfectly won
what they nro doing, they often do
11 trick the wrong way, apparently
just for tho .humor of the thing,
1 11 . . 1 11... 1.1
ami wiev seem to enjov uie sconi-
111K, which wiui many oears m iui
dom uccompanied by puiiishtiicnt.
Tlio trainer's pockets aro usually
bulging witli Mignr, and the cuIm
nro given a taste every time they
ouer oniors ami go wiroiigu a itick
with willingness. If a hear is good
temporcd ami or a.laptalilo disposi-
if 1. 1 1 i
won n new iricK can 00 mnsiiercci 111
about four WOtks.
A Healthy Bill.
wealthy New York banker,
, , , 1 Hvi-uni, iiiiu
visiting his parents in a small town
wai stncKon wiiii lever, ror uireo
..,.. 11. 1... 1 :.. i...
mwiiiiin iiv ttue iiiiiiiinn hi iiiu inn
liomesteail, (litttlully nttended bv a
fond mother and a very zealous doc
tor. Tho bankor recovered slowly.
One morning ho decided that fresh
nir would do more for him than
medical environment, and in n
short time ho was enabled to dis
miss Itis phvsiciiin. When tho doc
tor's bill arrived tho banker studied
it very eloi-ely. A few moment
later the mother snw Iter son go to
the wood sheil, procure nn n.x nnd
begin hewing at tbo hitching post,
which had stood in front of tho
IteMso for fifty years,
"Frank," slto shouted hysterical
ly, believing her son in another do
ltritim, "whnt nro you doing?"
"You'll Itavo 110 further use for
it," chuckled tho perspiring bankor.
"iioreaitor tlio doctor win coma tn
nn nit to mobile."
Hie Richard II
A theatrical manager tells a story
about a country nctor who studied
liiehard III. under John McCul
lough until ho felt letter perfect,
witen ho essayed to piny tho part tn
1 western town. When ho renched
tho words, "Thus far into tho
uowels of the land have wo marched
on without impediment," his mem-
ory completely failed. Haying ro-
pouted so much of the statement
several times ho was called down by
a general hiss. Coming forward,
he houed and thus addressed the
audience: "Lulics and Cieiitlemeii
I litis fur into tho bowels of tho land
hnvo wo marched without impedi-
merit, and ettrso mo if 1 canjjet nny
farther." New York Press. '
Moit Durable Wood,
Which kind of wood is the most
durable? To answer this question
tomo interesting experiments hnvo
been made and the following re
sults obtained; Ilirch nnd poplar de
cayed m thrco years, willow and
horse chestnut in four years, ma
ple nnd beech in five years, elm and
ash in seven vcars. Oak nnd bcot-
" " .
"f r decayed to ttio itepui 01 nnu
inen ' en years, and junipor
ns uiiiiijiircii 111 inu i-Ajiiiaiiuu uii
tic.' seven uirs.
Central Market!
Ilolbrook lllock.
tnv us for the Choicest Cut of the ltest
Meats Ob ilc.
Order. Pilled ami Validly Trade Solicited
Ward & McClaVC, ProprS. I
A Monthly Teat of the Correctneia of
the Bookkeeper! Work.
Ask a bookkeeper what his "black
I . . . . - . . ti .
beast" is. nnd he wi to VOU tlio
i00 nthly trial balance. Some of you
snow wnat tnai is, 01 course, uui
hi mninritv of vnu norhnns do not
that ia carried to tho debit of one
account must Do carried to tlio crcd
it of nnothcr.
Say, for example, you buy a bill
i 0f K00ds from merchant. Ho en
I . . .
tors tho amount to your debit on
Itis books and nt tho Fame time
credits nn neenunt enllnd "mnrchnn-
disc," this account being debited
with nil thn irootk broticht into tho
anil croditcd with all tbo
pond Rnld from It. Wlmn von nav
the bill you arc credited with tho
nmotint. nnd nn nneount cn ci
"CI1sh" is debited, bccntiso it re
roivoq the tnnnnv.
This will explain to tho uninitiat
ed tho meaning of the term "double
entry," and It will also explain why,
after tho entries have all been car
ried to the ledger and balances itavo
been struck thereon, tho debits and
flio prpil'ln will norri If tlio lmnke
jmvo occn COrrcctly kept. To test
u,0 correctness of his work the
Knnkknntior tnkn nfT nvorv tnnntli
n trlnl balance, which consists slm-
tv of tho debit bnlntioo In nnn
column and the credit balance in
nnnltinr. If Ibov fnnt on tlio
h,0 work has boon correctly done.
If they vary ho must look for nnd
find the error or errors before tlio
next month's business is entered on
tho ledger.
You can readily understand
M.nn.fnrn wbv tlin trlnl Imlnnrn U
tho bookkeeper's "black beast." Wo
mvo known cases in which trifling
CTton m.0 cluded tlio most careful
scarc, for f(iVcril days and nights
nml even for weeks, torturing tho
goui of tho bookkeeper almost past
endurance. Hut ho has to stand it,
r0r t in error mint m fnimil.
oird Are 80 Queer.
V0. I never did like him. Wbv.
w,Un ho used to write 1110 glowing
i. ... . ..
mvo letters I would only glnnco
over tlimn onco."
"Only once, dear?"
"Well or sometimes when I
couldn't make out his nbominnblo
gcruwl I would glnnco over them n
nccontl time,
"Indeed I And was Hint all?"
"Kxcept somotltncs nt night I
I , 1 . . . . . 0
won t til ico t 10m from under mv
nillow nnd read them lust to kill
"And that wns tho end?"
" AH AM lie AM fittni il.llfj T llsml
m0 look over them just to seo how
aiuy , Cl, i0 wj,on l0 8tllrtll
wr U ntr ovo otter. Hut I on v
. .. . .
L'lnnooil ovnr llipm. i nnr. I nnvnr
did like him." Chicngo News.
A Clever Lawyer.
All old lawyer in Paris had in
structed a very young client of ids
to weep ovcry timo ho struck tho
desk with Ids hand. Unfortunntoiy
tlio barrister forgot and struck tho
desk tit tho wrong moment. The
client fell to sobbing nnd crying.
"Wlttit is tho matter with you?"
nsKctt tlio presiding judgo.
"Woll, lio told mo to cry ns often
us ho struck tho table."
Hero wns a nico predicament, but
tho astuto lawyer wns count to tlio
occasion. Addressing tlio jury, lio
snui :
"Well, gentlemen, let mo nsk you
how you can reconcllo tho idea of
crimo in conjunction with such can
dor nnd simplicity. I nwnit your ver
diet with tho most perfect contl
1 - . -.
To Fireproof Cloth.
Tho following is tlio process by
which to fireproof cloth: Dissolve
by gentle heat forty parts boric
acid, thirty parts aluminium sul
phnte, seventeen parts gum tragn-
cantlt, nine parts potassium silicate
in 450 parts of wator. Then make
another solution of tho following
Thirty pnrts sodium nitrate, seven
parts ammonium borate, seventeen
parts ammonium phosphate, 400
parts ot water. Mix both solution
nnd permit tho mixture to subside
and settle. Decant tho clear sola
Hon, snturato tho textiles with it
and hang them up to dry without
wringing. St. Louis Republic.
Atkins Thnt fellow Smithers
who lives next door to me has more
confounded cheek than nnv man I
over met.
nriggs How's thnt?
Atkins Why, yesterday ho cam
over to my place to borrow a gun
Said he wonted to shoot a cat.
Briggs Well, where docs the
cheek' come in."
Atkins Why, it was my cat ho
wBmeu 10 buooi. i.oniion 1019
The Wellington
KNIGHT GLOVEB. Proprietor.
Fine Wines and Liquors.
Family Supplies a Specialty.
Holbrook Block, St. Johns. Oregon
A Problem That Wai Worked Out aid
Written During Sleep.
Many persons have written while
wrapped in slumber. Coleridge
writing the poem of "Kubla Khan"
in his sleep is n classic instance, but
there arc numerous others. Hero is
ono which Dr. Carpenter mentions
in his book on "Mental Physiology."
A professor nt Amsterdam had
been given by n bnnking houso of
that city a question to solve, involv
ing a long and dilllctilt calculation.
Several times ho tried to obtain tho
solution, but each timo bo made
tonio mistake.. At last, ull wearied
out, ho gave the problem, to some
of his students, tolling them that
if possible ho would like tho answer
In thrco days. Ono of them, eager
to got into his teacher's good grace?,
took it home and worked on it for
thrco successive nights in vnin.
"At last I bent myself over my
figures for a third evening. It wns
winter, and I calculated till half
pnst 1 in tho morning, nil to no pur-
pose. The product was erroneous.
Low at heart. I throw down my pen
cil, which already by thnt time hnd
bccipbcrcd three slates. I hesitat
ed whether I would toil through tho
night, as I knew that tho professor
wanted an nnswer tho very same
morninif. Hut. lol my candlo wns
nlrcady burning in tho socket, nnd
Mm nnHMii u-llii wlmtii I Itvml find
V.IU .wo"..a ...v.. - ......
gone to rest. Then I nlso went to
bed, my bend filled with ciphers,
nnd, tired in mind, I fell asleep. In
tho morning I nwoko just early
enough to dress nnd prcpnro myself
to go to tho lecture, vexed nt
heart at not having been ablo to
solve tho question nnd' tit having to
disappoint my teacher.
"ilut, oh, wonder I As I approach
mv writing tablo I find on it n paper
with figures in my own hand and
(think of my astonishment!) tho
wholo ttroblem oii It solved quite
aright and without a single blunder.
I wanted to ask my hostess wnet tor
nny ono had been in my room, but
wns stopped by my own ltnndwrit-
ing. Thus I must hnve cnlcnlatcd
tho problem In my sleep nnd in tho
dark to boot. And, what was most
remarkable, tlio computation was so
succinct that what I saw beforo mo
on n single folio sheet hnd required
thrco rdutcftils, closely deciphered
on both sides, during my waking
stnte. Professor on Sw iiden wn
ntnnzcd til tlio ovciu ami ncciarcu
to mo that while calculating tho
problem himself ho bad never once
thought of 11 solution so simple nnd
conciso." Kxchnngo.
"Tho sexton of a uuaint old
Maryland church," said n clergy
man, "showed mo through tho cool,
dim building one warm afternoon
nnd us wo woro departing pointed
to tho Iliblo on the Ico turn and
"'A Ktrini"o thin1' lumncncd last
Sunday in connection with that III-
hie,' ho said. 'Wo hail a strange
minister preaching hero, nnd when
ho opened the book ho emtio upon
n notice nnd read it out with nil
. duo solemnity.
It was n request for
tho congregation's nympathy nnd
prayers for John Q. Griggs, who
ind been deeply nfllictcd by tho
loss of ids wife.'
"Tho sexton paused nnd chuckled
"'You ee, sir,' ito snid, 'our
regular minister has been using
thnt paper ns n bookmarker moro
than n year, and John Q. Griggs, in
a natty gray suit, sat in a front now
with tho new wifo ho hnd taken just
tho week before' "
A Cattle In Ireland.
Tito namo of castlo for n country
houso is presorved in Ireland, rath
er curiously, for Ireland has not tho
vestiges of French customs 60 no
ticeabio in Scotland. Tho dullest
littlo villa, so it bo solitary in an
Irish country place, bears that
name, and tho smilo of tho Saxon
when ho arrives nnd sees tho cnstlo
is cheap nnd unscholnrly. Where
tho Celt tho femalo Celt, that is
does earn and deserve that slight
sign of derision is in iter practice
with her visiting cards intended for
London uso. Tho word castlo there
for n second nnd country nddrcss
does seem to suggest machicolations,
if not 6ieges nnd sully ports. Lon
don Chronicle.
Qot Hie Answer,
An Knglisliman traveling in Ire
land complained that ho could find
none of tho famous Irish wits of
whom ho had heard. Ho was nd
vised to sneak to tho next farmer or
teamster he met. A littlo later he
encountered a peasant leading a
horso with a load of turf. The
ho.rse had a blazed face.
"What n white faco your horse
has, my man!" said the Knglisliman
by way of nn opening.
"&uro," replied tho Irishman,
'your own will bo as whito when it
has bceu as long in the halter."
Birmingham Post.
Of living is to have good health.
Use Herbiue and you will have
bushels of joy. You need not be
blue, fretful and have that bad taste
m your mouth. Try a bottle of
Herbine. a positive cure for all
iver complaints. K. Harrel, Aus
tin Texas, writes: "I have used
Herbiue for over a year, and find it
a fine regulator. I cladlv reccom-
meud it as a fine medicine for
Dyspepsia." Sold by St. Johu's
Drug Store.
L. E. STORY, A. D.
Day nnd Night Office, Kooins 7
anil 8, llolhrook Mock,
st. Johns, ... orcoon
Office: Room 9, Ilrccilcii lUiilil
lug, corner Third nml Washington
streets, l'ortlnnil,iitiil St. Johns,
l'lione: l'acific209S, Residence: St. Johns
Joseph AlcChcsncy, M. D.
Day and Nlzlit Office In McClic.incy Mock
l'lione Woodltn 475
Resilience: On Modoc Street.
Photic Woodlmvn 576. Office: Hoi
lirook llrick Mock, rooms 3 nml 4
I'luilln Ifntl 1AM11
!sii joIlt!1( .... Oregon
! Crown nml ltrlilgc Work n
Rooms t nml 2, llolhrook Mock, St. Johns
I " '
Phyilclan nnd Surgeon.
Resilience Phone Scott 4064.
Office: Hollirook's New llrick Mock.
Resilience, St. Johns Hotel.
A. V. VINCENT, Al. D.,
Office joj South Jersey ulr'cel. All hours
i 0mc ho,,,.., to .,.. .to,,.m.
on.iee VhontM (l04.
, M"1',,"cc,,,,0""t""",
omctl t'iiivrn.iiv rek mug mote.
Carpenter and Contractor.
lly the iky or liy the loli.
Plans nml opccllicittlon furuiilieil on
4 Alk-glienyireei, j l,lik...M,t of the
Preach Idock, St. Johns, Oregon,
Watchmaker, Jowelori,
Importers and Wholesale Dealcra
286 Morrison Street, WslSill PIBTLAND
(lrnJitnlo Optician
Will test the vycs free of chnrgc.
Jt'ivy Street. St. Johns, Oregon.
Goodrich & Goodrich,
Pull Profctnlount Services l'lve Per Cent.
Saint Johns nml Portland. Ore.
llouw Mover and, Repairer moved, raited and re
paired. Odd jobs of all' Winds.
Prompt service,. reiiMinablv charges.
Ivanhoc and Cntllu streets. Phone
Woodlawn 586.
Saint Johns ... Oregon
I'uef furuUlied, either short or
long. Draylng anil
of every kind. Prompt service.
Terms reasonable.
Corner Jersey nnd Catlin. ST. JOHNS
No. 186 I. 0. 0. F.
Meets each Monday evening in Odd
I'ellow hall, at 8:00, Visitors Welcomed.
II. S. Hewitt, N. G.
1 It, 1'oote, Secretary.
Holbrook lllock, 103 SoutlJersey
street.' l'lione Union 3S5.
Saint Johns
W'e Quarantce to Pitate '
C. T. Ilokn. SI6W UUmclle lloulctaril.
C.W, Uokn.JJS T)kr Street
Re I Estate
Resident agent X. V. Noren & Co.
110 S. Jersey street.
I'hoae Hast 6390. St. Johns, Oregon
Bon Ton Barber Shop
Mansfikld & Kaf.mi.kin.
l'trst class work and clean hot towels for
(xttrons. Hair cutting a
Agents for Vest Coast Laundry.
Jersey street St. Johns
Mail Schedule
Mall arrives at St. Johns at 7:10 a. tn,
and 1:15 p. in.
Leaves at ioijo a. nt., and 4:45 p. m.
Office open week days hopi 6145 m
to 6:10 p. ut, Sundays' from 9 to 10 a. tn
No mails arrive or depart Sunday,
Subscribe for The Review.