St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 04, 1907, Image 3

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i Hardware
We have some special bargains in Cutlery,
Wire Door Mats, Heating Stoves, etc. Our
"Niagara" Ranges are winners. We arc
selling several every week.
Make too? an ELECTRIC YEAR in your household as
well as.iti your STORB, and enjoy the convenience, the labor
saving, the hcalthfttlucss, the safety, the economy and the pros
perity that attends the use of ELECTRICITY.
Free Lamp Renewals! MSffiKffiSiJ
to allmetcr customers, new Edison base lamps of 4, 8, 16, 33 and
50 candle power, in exchange for old lamps heretofore furnished
by the Company. Lamp renewals will be made at Nos. 147-140
FREBILAMPiRENHWALS mean better light, and is EQUAL
For information call MAIN 6688.
Flret and Alder Streets,
This space
Inquire Review Office.
A Dollar Saved
Wo save you money on Furniture.
Sieel Ranges our specialty.
W Mil them from ?26.00 to 36.00, with a ten
year guarantee. The kind you pay $50 for else
where. A Center Table free with each Phonograph sold
next week.
Wo buy your Second Hand Furniture.
106 Tacoma Street ST. JOIWS, OREGON
A Word to the Wise is Sufficient.
Freaent investment in St. Johns realty means future Independence, g
For reliable information about prices and g
best locations, write or call ou g
Colvin & Henderson t
loj i.a rhiUillpJiU Stre:t ST. JOHNS, OREGON 5
i NoUry Public. Conveyancer. Titles Examined. S
Established 1880.
Youngferdorf ft Son
Contractors and Builders
Phones East 3443
East 2776
Portland and St. Johns, Oregon.
Specials! t
for rent.
Is Twice Earned
should find
Richard Shepard
in their new quarters at no North
Jersey street.
Local News.
Mrs. A. T. Moe
ill for some time.
nns oeen quue
Let the Peninsula Hank write you
n fire insurance policy.
Mrs. L. A. McKcon returned
last Sunday from a three weeks
visit with friends in Spokane.
The finder of a lone, flat office
key will find the owner by. inquir
ing at l lie Review oilice.
The night hawks announced the
beginning of the new year by
violent ringing of the fire bell.
It is reported that the comer room
in the Sherman & Stine block has
been rented to a gent's furnishing
iNcw Years day wns n quiet one.
The business houses closed early
and everybody rested during the
afternoon save the printers.
D. S. Southmnyd, painter, paper
Hanger anil decorator, has plenty of
tqoo wall paper 111 stock at 70S W.
Richmond street, St. Johns.
After spending her vacation at
home Miss Anna Swcuglc left for
Dallas Sunday to resume her stud
ies at the college at that point.
The first concrete sidewalk in the
business district will be laid In front
of the Sherman & Stitic block on
the corner of Jersey nud Rurlicgtoti
A very turn covering of snow on
the hills opposite the city was one
of the sights of New Year's day.
i little altitude makes a great dif
ference in Oregon.
Capt. btiltes and wife moved to
Portland the first of the week to
take up their residence. The move
was necessary 011 account of the
captain's duties as harbor inspector.
Father Maples wishes to thank
the unknown friend who remember
ed him at Chilstiniis time. The
gift is highly appreciated by the
old pioneer.
A. O. Anderson of Silvcrton,
Oie., was in St. Johns last Satur
day ou business connected with hi:
real estate interests here. Like nil
others he is pleased with his invest
l'nr 1 1 10 ImiiuiU of n
Thursday livening, Jan. 17, 1907
Five-Piece Orchestra.
Given bv the Ladies of St.
Tickets, One Dollar.
All are cordially invited to come
and help toward u swell time
nud a swell fund.
The four-masted sailing vessel
Aurorn finished loading lumlxir nt
the St. Johns Lumber Co. 's mill the
first of the week. She carried
away 1,500,000 feet of first clnss
lumber for use at Sun Francisco,
A. B. Van Drnu, landlord of the
Depot Hotel ut Albany, Ore., was
In town the first of the week, look
ing over the bnrgaius in the renl
estate line. The gentleman nu ex
tension breeder of Cliinese pheas
ants, and has a number of birds 011
exhibition nt the depot at Albany
that are admired by thousands of
Our husky friend W. G. Clark.
fresh from his eastern trip, showed
up Wednesday morning with n
sample ear of Illinois corn 13 inches
long. Like all others he says, the
east is a nice country and very pros-
txrous, nut lie prelers to live in
Oregon. Tljat the trip agreed with
him may be inferred from the fact
that he gained 22 pounds during
his absence.
Mrs. Mae Wright has returned to
St. Johns. Any one wishing Ies-
sons in vocal music or elocution will
find her at 510 Gresliam street, near
the water tower. Mrs. Wright
came to St. Johns highly recom
mended. She has studied in the
National College in Chicago, and
has a diploma from the Chillicothe
Conservatory of Music. Voices
tried free of charge. Hqurs 10 to
12 ami 4 to 6.
The West Coast Laundry Js now
ocated in its new home near the
ferry lauding. The change was
made the first of the week and work
resumed Wednesday morning. Lit
tle or no inconvenience resulted.
The laundry is now one of the best
equipped on the peninsula. He
sides increased floor space the new
machinery installed will enable Mr.
Johnsou to turn out more and bet
ter work than ever. The reputa
tion of the West Coast Laundry is
second to none ou the coast and the
increased facilities will serve to add
to its fame.
The differences of opinion that
prevented the Philadelphia street
improvements last tall nave been
adjusted, and we understand as
soon as favorable weather comes
the widest street in St. Johns will
be graded and sidewalked from the
top of the hill to the banks of the
Willamette. It is to be hoped the
property owners will insist on a
grade that will permit of teams as
cending and descending the hill in
perfect safety. The lesson learned
in the Burlington street grade should
be put to practical use by the Phila
delphia street people. Unless we
are awfully mistaken it will be.
A great future is predicted for
Mnegley Junction.
W'ntfMi ,-.iif ,,lir n tMtnr..n 1 .
c. Marion Salisbury's.
Sec J. S. Downey's ad in this
issue. It may interest you.
The West Coast Laundry makes
a specialty of lace curtains.
Henry Young has been on the
sick list the past week or so.
Reliable insurance at the lowest
rates at the Peninsula Bank.
Try Thwaite for photographs.
Gallery in the Holbrook block.
As yet no clue 1ms been obtained
to the theives who robbed the post
office. We wash and iron all flat work
at 25c per dozen. West Coast
George Mapes of Clearfield, Pa.,
spent n day or two in St. Johns the
past week.
Get the baby's picture taken for
n holiday present nt the photograph
gallery in the Holbrook block.
Do you need a child's bed? We
have some beauties cheap. Uhlig
Bros., House Furnishers, 106 Ta
coma street.
Those in need of shoe repairinc
or a Cue easy shoe should try T. T.
Larson in tue Adams building on
Philadelphia street.
Dr. F. D. Whitinir. Veterinary
Surgeon, is pcrmantly located ntSt.
Johns with headquarters at Cochran
Bros.' Livery Stables.
The Portland Manufacturiiu: es
tablishment is making necessary re
pairs this week, and the regular
force is laid off as a consequence.
Buy your cigars and tobacco of
Hnrris& Goodell. The only ex
clusive cigar .store In St. Johns,
Corner Jersey and Tacoma streets.
Gust Frank has purchased the
G. W. Moody residence ou Kelloirg
street. D. W. Arnold, who re
cently purchased the St. Johns Art
store, engineered the deal.
If more business men would ad
vertise there would not be so much
cometitiou in some ol the business
linos. A man who does not adver
tise is never considered n couicti
tor by nu up-to-date man seeking 11
new business location.
E. C. Hurlbcrt and wife exiuict
to leave the middle of this mouth
for n tour of the eastern states. It
is Mr. Humbert's, intention while on
the trip to make arrangements for
the manufacture of a two-iu-onesalt
nud tapper shaker which he has
The man who has 11 place where
hu can go nud pull off his wet shoes
and then shoves histootsle wootsies
into a .pair of comfortable slipiwrs
1.. ....... 1. ....,11 in- i.-. f 1 '111..
in 111 v wen uu 111 way ui ihmiiiv
comforts. It is only when lie in
deprived of this luxury that he
knows how to appreciate it.
Supt. Edlcfscii of the water works
is entitled to the thanks of tlieuum
erous iiuniie iiiiiiicrs wlio live ou
West John street lor thcexeavutions
made and the trestle he built across
the mud hole at the corner of John
and Fillmore. The men, women
nud children in this locality have
jumped this particular mini. Hole so
often that thev are proficient ns
goats in the art.
One of the nastiest rain storms
St. Johns has seen in years pre
vailed Wednesday night and all day
yesterday. There was water every
where. Everybody had a had case
of the blues. When the ladles met
they would greet each other with
"My, but isn't this dreadful?" and
the sterner sex gave vent to their
feelings by greeting each other with
"Goddlemity, isn't this Dell?
As yet the ferry company have
not begun the construction of their
new boat, being unable to secure a
practical boat builder. The im
mense amount of shin building now
being done ou the coast has hadjthc
eflect of making workmen scarce
and hard to get for anything out
side the large contracts, The ma
chinery for the new boat has been
ltirchascd and the company lias
given bonds to deliver It wiieu
called ut)ou at any time within the
next 60 days.
Last Wednesday M. L. Hoi-
:rook added to his already large
real estate holdings in the south
eastern part of the city by purchas
ing twelve acres of A. C. Fatrchild
of Long Beach, California, 1 lie
price paid was $12,000, The sale
was made by W, J. Peddicord, the
Philadelphia street real estate dealer,
whose office is in the Adams build
ing. Mr. Holbrook' s new purchase
will be platted and placed ou the
market in connection with the 100
acres recently bought by him in the
vicinity of Maegley junction.
The drug store had several loaf
ers loitering in it wiieu an aged
lady came in and handed the drug
gist a prescription to be filled. In
few minutes the task was done,
and the customer, after hunting for
her purse, inquired the price, the
druggist blandly replying: "Sev
enty cents." "Seven cents," said
the old lady, who was quite deaf.
Seventy cents!" roared the drug
mixer. "Seven cents! All right,
here is your money," and dropping
nickle and two pennies ou the
counter she sailed majestically out
before the astonished pharmacist
had time to recover his breath.
Upon being guyed by the loiterers
he said he didn't care very much
because he made five cents ou the
deal, anyhow.
Try Hinkston & Frozen' s bread.
More improvement bonds arc ad
vertiscd in this issue.
W. W. Goodrich is convalescing
siowiy trom lits recent illness.
Rough dry washing at 6c per
pound, west Coast Laundry.
1 he pupils of the public schools
resumed their studies last Wednes
First class nud reliable insurance
companies only are represented by
the Peninsula Bank.
An insurance policy in n reliable
company is as good as money in your
pocket in case of loss by fire. Ask
the Peninsula Bank.
D. L. Page, who was severely in
jured by n fall from the new city
hall nbotit n month ngo, was out on
the streets for the first time last
The council met Tuesday evening
last and passed the ordinance des
ignating the tax levy for thecoming
year, nud then adjourned. Only
five members were present.
An outline cut of the new $20,-
000 school house to be built In the
southern part of the city appeared
in last Sunday's Oregoniau. It will
have eight rooms, and the style of
architecture is very much like that
of the present school on Jersey
Rev. J. Perry Cornier, who con
ducted services in the tent on Ivan-
hoe street the past summer, was
married at Salem on Wednesday of
last week to Miss Claudia Childers
of that place., Gilbert Overotreet
of this city acted ns best num. The
newly married couple will mnke
their home in Salem.
Buy of the large furniture dealers
and vou help pay big rents, big ex-
(tenses nud itig salaries. Our way
small rents, small expenses, small
profits, small prices nud quick sales.
Investigate. Uhlig Bros., Furni
ture, stoves, ranges, phonographs
and sewing machines. 106 Tacoma
street, St. Johns, Oie.
Newly arrived residents from the
east have u hard time figuiitig out
why there is so much water in the
wood they buy when the denier
swears it is dry. Dry wood in St.
Johns in winter is what they call
wet wood in the east. The reason
the word "dry" is used lure is be
cause it commands a belter price.
Whose business is it to lake
care of the street crossings uud see
that they are navigable? is a ques
tion that a (teople asked in
The Review office yesterday. As
the present is the only time of year
that any benefit is derived from the
expense of putting the crossings it
does seem that some provision
should be made to keep them cleat
of mud.
Clias. Aruett mid W. G. Clink
returned Inst Tuesday from 11
mouths visit in Illinois, Minnesota
and Colorado. Mr. Aruett said in
regard to to the trip: "We found
everybody prosjierous. The furin
ers hud big crops, the factories are
crowded with orders uud everybody
has money. Laud continues to go
up in price. In Illinois it sells from
$50 to $200 an acre. In Minnesota
they nre enjoying a season of pros
erity. No, I would not go back
there to live for the best farm I
saw, Urcgon is good eiioiigli lor
me. I did not see 11 place that had
the prostH-cts thut Portland has.
Unless the unexpected haptens my
address will continue to be St.
Johns, Oregon.
The following front the Koseburg
Review is the truth plainly told,
Nail it to the wall and read it once
a week: It is little use for the local
editor to waste his lungs and sprain
his spine in trying to Ikjoiii a town
when the cifizens all stand around
with their hands in their pockets
and indifferently wait for something
to turn up, If the capitalists or
business men do not (tut their
shoulders to the wheel and do 11
little boosting, it is useless for the
editor to try and boom things, He
can write "boom" urticles till he
gets bald headed, but if the citieus
themselves do not take hold and
push, the town will forever Mick in
the mud. Of what use is it for the
local pajier to suggest improve
ments and new enterprises if the
suggestions are not acted upon?
One man cannot boom a town. It
requires the concerted action of the
cttuetis. When one man shoulders
town and attempts to carry it
there always a lot of cranky kickers
ready to jump on top of the load.
Unity ol action is what counts.
Harvey Briggs, the former well
known clerk at the Peninsula Bank,
but now in the lumber business at
Bridal Veil, Ore,, spent New Years
day in the city. "You St Johnites
think you have too much rain,'
said Harvey, "but you ought to see
the water come down at Bridal eil.
It is awful. Umbrellas are of no
use. We all wear oil skin coats and
overalls, and even they do not last
over a couple of weeks localise the
rain drops bore them full of holes.
And when you want to know how
hard the wind blows come and see
me. Our office dog only wears hair
under his collar. His body is as
bald as Rockefeller's bead. All the
mill men come and go from work-
carrying a crowhar in each hand to
keep from going up 111 the air. But
tons on your clothes are of no use
because the wind cuts them off,
and Here comes my car I" And
the Adonis of Bridal Veil sprinted
for the cannon ball bound for Port-laud.
Instead of one, St. Johns is likely
to nave two packing plants.
Ask your grocer for Hinkston &
braen's Bread. It is good.
I'tirnisiicd housekeeping rooms.
Inquire 605 N. Fillmore street.
Oregon has had a touch of iiood
old Virginia weather for the past
tew days.
The rafters of the new city hall
nre 111 place and it will not be long
uetore the roof is iinislie:!.
During the week The Review
received a letter from far-off Bangor,
.Maine, inquiring about St. Johns.
Mrs. F. W. Valentine was called
to Silverton the first of the week to
attend the funeral of a dear friend.
J. C. Robinson, wife nud daiiuh-
tcr Bessicfonuerly of Michigan, but
now residents of Portland, were the
guests of Dr. Hartel and wife on
The charter commission meets at
the city hall tonight to finish the
work of revising the chatter. Any
tax payer interested in any chnmrc
should be on hand and make the
fact known.
There will be a Meeting of the
Commercial Club next Wednesday
evening nt the office of D. C. Rog'
ers. Ginger up, and try nud be
one of the live ones in St. Johns
by attending the meeting.
Dr. nud Mrs. Hnrtel of this city
inve each recently suffered the loss
of n father, and the mother of the
alter also died several weeks ngo.
rite three deaths took place in the
state of Michigan, where they re
Why keep your wife's temper
nulled with a poor stove? We keep
the best stoves nud ranges nt prices
that are hard to beat. Come in and
see lor yoursell. Ulilig lit oh..
House Furnishings, 106 Tacoma
The users of coal say the mineral
fuel was not to be obtained in the
city (luring she week. Will some
lealer in coal kindly leave his name
at this office so that iniitiircrs for
this kind of luel may be directed to
his place of business?
The masquerade dunce of the
firemen on New Years eve wns 11
grand success. Miss Jessie drown
nud Frank Robertson secured the
two fitst, while the second fell to Frank Thorudyke nud
Norman Rhouberg.
$11,000 Writing for Hint In Port
G. F. Hundley, who attempted to
conduct 11 news stand ut the renin
stilit Bank corner some mouths ago,
is shaking bunds with himself that
he was not allowed to do so. Be
cause his stand occupied 11 portion
of the sidewalk he was arrested for
violating the city ordinance. Not
apeariug for trial his procrty was
confiscated nud sold, Mnuy felt
sorry for Mr. Hundley. But he
iMttkcktl his loss uud went to Port
laud, wheie he rented 11 building nt
the corner of Fitst and AlderMteets
and put in 11 confectionery nud news
Mr. Hundley's store is near the
meal market of Frank L. Smith,
whose "Fighting the Beef Trust I"
nds have made him uud his miitket
famous. Somebody, piohahly of
the opinion that Mr. Smith's adver
tising was bringing him uioie than
his share of business, decided to
oK'ii 11 market near him. Mr.
Hundley held the key to the situu
lion by holding u five-year lease ou
the premises desited by the oppo
sition. Would he sell Ins lease ?
Of course he would if he could get
his price. After some dickering
Mr. Hundley was offetcdfi 1,000 in
cold cash to move out. He accepted
the offer.
I'lie deal is a record one consider
ing the money invested. Mr. Smith
says his comjRiiior is hacked ny me
meat trust, mid that he will will be
found doing business after the other
fellow has quit.
In the meantime Mr. Ilaudley
js congratulating himself thaf he
was not allowed to begin business
in St. Johns,
From Father Maples
Santa Clans came to St, Johns ou
the 25th day of December and vis
ited five churches and loaded the
Christmas trees with candy and
nuts and many toys. The officers
of nil schools were pleased, and we
think the number of children in the
schools will increase.
The old gentleman, Santa Clans,
came through the mud nud rain to
Father and Mother Maples nud gave
them many useful things which will
never be forgotten.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Maples.
Is a stage, and Ballard's Snow
Liniment plays a most prominent
part. It has no sttjerior for rheu
matism, stiff joints, cuts, sprains,
and all pains. Buy it, try it nud
you will always use it. Anybody
who has used Ballard s Snow Lini
ment is n living proof of what it
does. Buy a trial bottle. 25c, 50c
and $1 .00. Sold by St. Johns Drug
Greun baud bag, Dec. 17th inst.,
containing money and check. Re
turn to Alma Francis, St. Johns.
Smith's Pharmacy
Ballard's Celebrated
Cough Syrup
It pays. They never foil
St. Johns ;
Book Store
1 Ins just opened nt
420 Jersey Street
McChisucy llulliling .
The best line of rending mutter
wlll be onrticd by them. A circu
lating llbrnty, oh.-ii to the public
from 7 11. 111. to ) p. in., is ou hand.
You pay the price of any book in
class you iniiv select, after which
you cut 1 exchange it for tiny liook
lit house, in same clnss, nt price in
that class, fiom 5 t -o cents- Kr
book. ,
Blank books, legal blanks, sta
tionery uud children's books.
We ulso enrry u small stock of
cigars, tobacco uud candies.
To Make Money
from rent estute in vestments
cure should be cxetcised'
in buying. The miiti who
makes the most money out
of teal estate is he who in-,
vests lit property that will
iucietise hi value rapidly.
Some Rare Bargains
1110 to be found in out list
of desirable piotei tic.s. A
visit to our office nud nu
investigation of proierty
listed with us will jtrovu
thut no better iuventmetit
cult bv made anywhere in
St. Johns thuii tint pur
chase of some of our lute
offeiings. Call nnil let tut
show you what we have.
Jersey Street.
& Co.
Siiltinof two t'l f-nir roM'iv do
liili rtMtiiis sun id -I i-ni i.iK-k
fiom (.'0I11111I1I11 t iiivtiMly. iii-ur
cor of l'iik SI utiil lli.ul. ..ii,
I'ikiiiOk-iI or I'nfurni-.lit'l. A
iiliuwiiil w.ilk ftum M John,
Coiivi-nli-iit to Hrl'lK' "'"I iiulU.
A. W. DICKSON Wooiilnwn 60S
Real Estate IWirains:
OiR'-lmlf liUu-k, rt-w lung from Klcliuowl
tn Clurli -.11111 Htli-rW. fi.i.
Three KMiiu Iiuum.'. uiut lot sox 14). i'Uxw
in; only f 7V
Pour loUom- l,lmk f iti lim ?IM,
A twenty ne re Irmt elon hi. mi UiMtOl
Mcklllg ptltllt, fl,"'l vt MK.
Oilice in Cochran Muck,
P. J. Koerner,
l'lmis and tpeoiitcntioua
t'imiifclicil on implication.
All woilc
ilonu with nuatiiuM and
St, Johns Cigar Factory
A., Proprietor.
Handle reliable uootU.
Ill Hoy 5 cuiiU, HI ikivutitU-o locmiU.
I, a lniH)tte no v. una 3 lur s ewi,
McChuiiuy Mm. St. Jolutf. ,