St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 04, 1907, Image 2

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.fubllahed Krery Friday
Bubacrlptlon rates, $1.00 per year In drnce.
Advertising rales, 1.00 per Inch per month.
All sdrertlilng bllli payalle Brit of ssch
Job Trlntlng tiecuted In flrit-claii style,
mill for Job Trlntlng on delivery.
All communication! ilould be tddreiied to
The BsTlaw, St. Johne, Orecon.
Tint RKVIIUV Is entered nt txst office
In Saint Johns, Oregon, as mnll nmtter
of the second class under the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1879.
OOdal Xtwtpsptr of the Oltr of Bt. Jokni.
Phana East 0106.
St. Johns will have n popitlation
of 7,000 by Jan. t 1908.
Start the new year by boosting
for St. Johns.
As regards Hood River apples:
Kvery knock acts as a boost.
Kx-Statc Printer Frank C. linker
died at Portland Wednesday.
This year will be the greatest
in the history of the ienlnsiila.
Imitate the Chinese and start the
new year with all your debts paid.
The next state fair will be held
during the week beginning Sept. 16.
St. Johns, during the coining year,
will bo one if the p.ty-as-you-go
cities. And every'j body will feel
better for it.
Tim law makers soon to emigre
crate at Salem should call to mind
thit oromlscs they made in their
flight of oratory last June,
The Telegram is deploring (he
Plant an ad in The Review and
help us boost 1 We cannot do
everything on good wishes.
With a $12,000 city hall, a $20,
000 school house, a $50,000 tur
pentine and alcohol plant.a $2,000,
000 railroad bridge, and business
houses and homes Hoinn up so fast
that you can hardly keen track of
them, St. Johns begins the new
year under what looks like very
favorable conditions.
Tim tax levy in bt. Johns seems
to be bothering outsiders consider
ably. Especially those who have
real estate to sell outside the city
limits. St. Johns is like the young
couple who have begun housekeep
ingit has everything to buy.
Never mind worrying, gentlemen.
Just watch the smoke of St. Johns.
A year ago nine-tenths of us were
afraid to buy real estate in St. Johns.
When a bargain was oirered we laid
back in the breeching and imagined
some one was trying to rob us.
We thought the price of proerty
too high, just as we do today. It
was not worth the money, many of
us said to ourselves, and we did not
buy. Hut can you get the same
projierty today at the figures it was
offered to you a year ago? Not by
a long shot I The price is higher.
A $200 lot of n year ago is worth
from 300 to .ioo today. Pretty
good interest on the money, isn't it?
It would have paid to have hiret
money ami bought this real estate
year ago. lint a lot ol us were
afraid. It would be safer to kee
our money In our tickets, w
thought. And just as good oppor
(unities are here today as there
were a year neo. Are we going to
continue to side step these oppor
(unities? Ask yourself whoeve
tost auythiiii: by investing in St
Johns teal estate.
Choice Lots nt l.liintoii for Little
Now is your chance to invest a
small amount with good results in
sight in the first addition to Linn
ton. These lots have a view equal
to those on Council Crest. Those
who come first can secure the best
locations. Lots $40, $50, $60, $75
and $100: 10 per cent down and
$5 per month, For particulars sec
II. G. Ogden, agent, Review office,
St. Johns.
iYicdrnth's ISnrgnins.
MANTItf. FoMMNO Ultl), $7.5!
6-piece black walnut parlor suit, $15;
dresser, $55 $30 birdseye maplechif
fonier, $15; good iron beds, $3; 6
foot extension table, $.50; ash side
board, $8. 50; plush bed lounge,
$6.50; couches, $3 up to $18; large
No. 8 Charter Oak cook stove,
Haptist church F,. A. Leonard,
pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. m.
Preaching at 1 1 a. 111. II. Y. P. U.
7 p. 111. Preaching at 8 p. m. All
are cordially invited to attend these
Methodist church S. L. Young
pastor. Sunday school 10 a. tu.
preaching at tie. 111. and 8 p. 111.
hp worth League at 7 p. m.
Holy Cross Catholic church,
Portsmouth Station 8:15 a. in.
low mass; 10:15 a- m '"g'1 mass;
7:30 p. in., vespers and benediction.
St. Andrew's Episcopal Chapel,
University Park-Rev. win. R.
Powell, chaplain. Regular services
it a. m. Sunday school 10 a. 111.
Evangelical church Sunday
school to a. m. Preaching tt a.m.
Junior K. l4. C. h. 2:300. 111.;
Senior K. I,. C. K. 6:30 p. m. Also
preaching at 7:30 p. m. E. E. Mc-
Vickcr, pastor.
First Congregational Church F.
J. Warren, pastor. Sunday school
10 a. m.; preaching tt a.m. and
$12-50; good No. 8 cook stoves,
$7.50; kitchen safe, $3; nurse rock-
nr it irnrul enllil firm rnrtf t?rI. !?3:
7:30 P. 1
on ton. t2o: revolving office! "aptist Church, University I'ark.
range" .i. w. i. rr n . f tnm ' iv. v. n. wan, pastor, rcku-
V" 1 1.. - ...... .1 u i ! i
fio: so d oak mirv table. , KK'J
nun evening.
Christian Church Sunday School
at to a. m., G. W. Overstreet, su
perintendent. Services in Ilickucr.s
hall. Preaching at tt a. In. and
7.30 p. m.
bill (tasting nuisance in Portland in
an editorial way. We have the
Name allllcUon, only mote so.
When James Johns, the fotiudc
I of this city, made his will, his in
tentiou was to leave his tirotierly
to the cause of education. Prom
I developments that have recently
Iconic to lMit it looks us tlioui;
The Dalles Optimist has Jonathan certain tersous have taken it for
Uourne over 11 barret, and each granted that Mr. Johns inlcudct
creek takes a little mental exeicise that his pioerty was to lie swallow
by lambasting the political cateer etl up by tlie legal fraternity. Hi
of the future senator with whacks forty-two blocks left by him have
that echo throughout the state. been sold save one. And, as we
understand it, the school boan
With the automatic telephones in ve engaged a lawyer to see f tliey
tin ct 1'ortluud thete ought to be a " K " " " MtKk
chance for St. lohns to t-et out of I he Review has been asked to ex
the telephone mile. Hut St. Joints l" wlicic the f 25,000 worth ol
tm Lviiiiiellnifii who LoIIl-vl. In leal estate said to k-loug to the
ting coriMiratioiis do as they
II you wish to see a future can
tJldutc lor the divorce com Is note
the yotuiK woman who practices a
music lesson while her mother
humps up her back nibbing the
vine off the family washboard.
1 be week lias men one ol a
erivi of disastrous railroad wiecks.
A long as the twople trust their
lltcs to the f a mouth telegtaph
operators hired by the railroad
companies (hrse disasters will fol
low tnch other with clock-like
a. iff.. .
a new iiiigiuus see 1 mis mane
its appearance in Portland, and is
vtakitig itself ubuoxious to the ik-o
pie In that neighborhood, i be 1111
t'cu nnd degrading manner in which
the meetings uie conducted is said
to lie omethiug lierce, Portlaiul
cnu to always be lietwccn the
devil nnd the deep sea in 11 telig
ion way, anyhow,
- -
I lie vxpciicucc til the present
winter has taught us that all street
crossings to be laid hereafter shouhl
he raised high enough so that they
will be of service. Nine-tenths of
tint atrevt ciossiugs built last season
ar practically worthless. They
are generally covered with a couple
of inches of mud and are icgardcd
as nothing mote than a joke,
It ia getting to Ik.' something
atrnnge bow many imirdereis es
cape nitlng punishment (or their
Crimea 011 the plea of insanity, All
that h tmitderer retinites these days
la a little money and lie need not
fetu the hangman's iHMse,
tniiy. 1 lie Moaue murder ease is
a fair instance of this miscarriage
of jtiktice, while (lose, who was ex
rented recently at Salem, is an ex
ample of what show a uiutdcicr has
ritti 110 money and no friends.
1 he idea Is beiiiK advanced that
it would be a good plan to take a
portion of the money obtained for
Jame licenses and use it to iniHr(
hincsc pheasaiKs. The birds now
in the Mate are inbred to a great
CEteut and the infusion of new blood
would not be out of the way. As
it it now the bulk of (he money
goes to pay the deputy wardens.
Practically no services are icudcicd
by these gentry. The apKintinent
as deputy game warden carries with
it a sort of a pension. True, there
are a few who give value received,
but those who hunt know the ap
pointment of these deputies is a lot
of poppycock. If the game warden
of the atate was allowed to use this
money to replace the birds (hat are
mowed down each year those who
pay for their licenses would be
11. .(....i rni rv . . 1
ocuarsauMieu. i oeuregon pueas- An old man
ant la one-third smaller than (he sulTerimr from
imt birds in China. This shows was (aken to St
that the stock is detcrioratiuir and Sundav niuht
needs an infusion of new blood. looiiiintr house.
estate is. We do not know, mid
have referied all iiuiuireis to the
administrator. Just why another
lawyer should be engaged to help
complicate matters is what a ma
jority of the eople ate wondering at.
Why the estate ot the philanthropic
pioneer should Ik swallowed up
under the cloak ol law is .something
that has not been explained. If
The Review can learn the purlieu
lars of the ease it will lie willing to
publish them.
liblallel lly (he Local Lodges Dur
ing the Week-.
St Johns Camp, No. 75 ifi, M
W. A,, installed the following olli
cera last evening :
(. W. V. C.
11. 11. Smith, W. A.
W. A. Coon, Hanker.
A. F. Kaeiiiliu, Cleik.
W. A. Scott, It.
(J. S. Thompson, W.
II. Simmons, S.
Managers Geo, Mnher, one year;
I,. ,s. l hompsou, two you is ; 11. ,S
Simmons, thuv yeats.
A. A. Manna was appointed Chief
Coffee and sandwiches weie serv
ed after the installation.
On Wednesday evening the Yeo
men installed nlhVcis as follows :
D. H. Sonthuiayd, F.
M. P. llaruetl, M. of C.
Mis. A. K, Mansfield, Cor.
lleniy Allen, M. of A.
Lee Fortune, C,
Alice F. Davidson, 0.
J. S. Davidson, W.
Roy Wilcox, S.
Ficd Moigau, G.
Rebecca Wilcox, Roweua.
lleviie Hall, Rebecca.
Managers I). S. Soulhtuaytl. M.
P. Harnett, A, H. Mansfield. 11.
W. W. Kaser, IVputy,
Rose Clt) lltisiitesi College
The Rose City lltisiucvs Colleee
which was established by Prof. W.
W. Williams in Pot (land last Sept..
has had a very rapid growth. Prof.
Williams is well known in S(. Johns. I
having a large iiuiiiIkt of relations!
and friends heie. Several of the
St, Johns young people ate now at
tending this college. Among them is I
ex-Mayor King's .son. and others
aie planning on entering soon, Our
young ivoplc who wish a good busi
ness course or shorthand course will
find (he tales of tuition eheatvrand
(he instruction first class at the Rase
City Husuiess College. For jur-
ucuiars luidiess w, W. Williams,
Portland, Oie., st? Commonwealth
2 feet ( inches by .1 feet 6 inches,
$0; lots of odd pieces for parlor,
dining-room, sitting-room, bed-room
or kitchen, too numerous to mention,
suitable for Xtnas gifts. Your old
house-hold goods taken in exchange
for new, or cash paid for same.
Any sort of an exchange will be
considered and fair treatment guar
anteed. M. J. McGrath, fifiN. 3rd
street, between Davis and Kverett.
Phone, Main 2087.
New Stock Yards to be Hull!.
The Pacific Meat Company is se
riously considering the feasibility of
erecting large stock yards 011 the
lower ciiiii.sula that will cost $50,
000. Mt. Tabor, Llnnton and St.
Johns are under consideration as
sites for the plant, with chances
very much in the hitter's favor.
For I:clu111ge or Sale
Ten acres at Ciiuby, Oie. ; nine
acres in strawberries, one acre bear
ing fruit (res; 5 room modern cot
tage, good bam. Will exchange
for St. Johns projierty and give a
good trade. AddicssG. II. Hamp
ton, Canity. Ore., orimiulieof Mis.
F. A Valentine.
Subscription Notice.
The subset ipt ion price of Tun
Ritvigw outside of Multnomah
county is $1.50 er year in ad
vance. All paiets will be dis
continued at the expiration of the
time paid for.
270x230 FEET
Corner of lluycs Street and
Maple Avenue.
Two fine homes on this property
one 5-100111 cottage ami one (
room. All modern with full
They will be sold at a bargain.
J. S. Downey, St, Johns.
uuuophan norm.
'iue.s( rooming house in St. Johns.
llraud new housenud furniture.
Modem electric lighted.
Hot and cold water.
Hath and (oilet rooms on both doors.
Vlephotie, reading room and all
the latest daily news.
No extra charge for any of the ex
tra aecoinuuxlatioiis of the
house. All free.
Rooms from 75c per week up.
.1111c treatment to all we have no
pels or star roomers.
We ate out for business ami are
getting it.
Give us a trial.
Working men a specialty.
Plume Scott .1005,
W. J. Galyean, Mgr.
107 Decatur street,
Near Riverside Hotel.
1 1 1 Jeisey Street.
Professor Max V,. A. Wagner, prop.
Oysters in all styles at all hours.
Families supplied with fresh oys
ters on .short notice.
Central Bar.
named J. P. King,
a paralytic stroke,
. Vincent's hospital
from the Chicago
Sam. Cocukax, Prop.
Tiw. Conikjn, Mr.
Fine Wines, Liipiors and Cigars.
Cochran ljlock, St. Johns, Oregon
Certainly smashed a hole in the
bar-rooms of Kansas, but Dullard's
Horehouud Syrup has smashed all
records as a cure for Coughs, Ikon-
hltis, Influenza and nil Pulmonary
diseases. T. C. II, Horton,
Kansas, writes; I have never
found a medicine that would cure a I
cough so quickly us Mallard's Hore
houud Syrup. I have used it for
years." Sold by St. John's Drug
Houses For Rent
It's Fuel that's Expensive Not the Stove
A Cheap, putty-jointed stove will waste more than its Original
Cost in Fuel every winter.
As you know, all fuel, soft coal, hard coal, lignite, wood and cobs contains n large amount
of gas fully one-half the carbon available for heat in soft coal is gas the entire gas supply used
for fuel and illumination in many cities nnd towns being made from common soft coal. The ordi
nary stove in burning soft coal allows this gas-half of the fuel to pass up the chimney ttnburncd,
thus wasting it ns n heat producer.
Cole's Original Hot Blast Stove, by means of the patented Hot Blast draft nnd other
patented features, making air-tight joints without the use of stove putty, distills this gas from the
upper surface of the coal, utilizing it as a heat producer aloiuj with the fixed carbon or coke in the
coal, thus burning all the coal. Cole's Original Alr-Tlgbt wood Stove on account of the patented
construction without the use ot stove putty noius oacic me gases in wooa
nnd lighter fuel until burned. This is why
Cole's Original
Save the Dollars nnd make n ton of common $3.00 soft coal or
lignite or a cord of wood do twice the work of other stoves.
Your old Move nnd Imltntlon Stoves nrc not Ir-tlght. do not save
the escaping gases nnd do not give yuu n warm house nt tilKlttt because
tlicv ntc tmidc wltli tinttv ioluls, You cannot afford to mv to yourself,
"My old stove wilt Imvc to do this winter." Tlio old stove Is cAtingup
the price of n new stove every year. Not only that, hut on top of the cost
is the unsatisfactory result it gives. It U always out the coldest morning.
Even Heat Day and Night Fire Never Out
Cole's ttot Blast Coal Stoves and A r-Tlght WkmI Stoves are so per
fect in construction that fire keeps h I ntght, (t ml when the draft is opened
In the morning will bum two or three hours with the fuel put In the
night before, No other stoves do this, l'lre, therefore, never goes out,
nnd tliu rooms nrc kept at nit evnti temperature all tlio time.
1 We Rimrsnlce n mvIiijt of unr-ttilrl In fuel over any latter t!rf I itore or the
sime tlie, with mil coal or stuck.
We RMAmnlre Cote'a Hot III.kI luuc lt Imnl coil fur heating clrrn space than
any taa Imrner ttiAitewllh Mtiielimnni .nrfnev.
j W uuaratiter that the room, can Ik- liralut ftutn tine lo two hours each morning,
with the mlt ccat or haul rojl nt til I lie alntc Hip rvtnltiaj hefore.
4 - We tturttntilet tint the aluvc will hold Ilia with Kilt coil j-ihoun without
j We iruitnntee a uniform henl ihvnul nlit'it. with fl coat, haul coal nr lignite.
6 We Ktiarnnlte every wmitlor cwl lo healing our iuihc totcuuluabaolulcly
1 f aim
(rrz: J3-ww&
lonir d nnl.
ce ilie frtil ilnor to tie amoVe and iluit proof.
alr.tTiiht n Ionic
7 We guarantee ll
The aIk guarantee Is mail) with the unilrr.'auilltig that the atove h
parateJ aonling to direction, aud xt up wall a guul Uue.
For Hard Coal Saves Half
The extent of unhtirned gstca In hird coal Is shown by opening
the tnaeniluc cover of n Iwwi Imriicr t1ilii the ettra nivuvn
iQi suniillrd filla the entire i.tiivy with fliinltit i.ta. U'twwl ulm rnu.
uiiusn inrKcniuouni 01 j;ns,
1 ne met mat no iovi iniuy u nwi 10 mair ing Joint, glrc a yon
perfect control mcrlheitralla mi Coir's Hot lilatl Coal hiuvea ami Alr-Tfittit
wmi Htovea. To alow rciuiomlrHl eiuiliulloii, ami the large, twslilvc radl
alliix nil face make tin in the grealt.t liicliavlu alovea in the world.
Would You Lose $50.00 in Fuel to Save $1.00 on the Cost of Your Stove?
That Is what you do when you buy a cheaply constructed, tnittv jointed, showy made Imitation stove. I.Ike nil
successful Inventions, Cole's Original Hot Blast Coal Stoves and Air-Tight Wood Stoves have many Inferior Imita
tions avoid them.
The Imitations lack the patented features anil careful construction, which ante the Cole's Original Hesters
n great success. They do not stay tight, ami scams nnd cracks soon open, which render them worthless ns file keepers,.
We Will Dress
You Better
To Your Measure
$17.50 to
To Measure
4 to '10
Volume of business deter
mines cost of operating,
We have just increased the
capacity of our workshops to
one hundred suits ier week.
New machinery, new modern
equipment and skilled work
men enables us to make your
clothes to your measure more
inexpensively than ever be
fore. l.ook over the new fall
Mock, We offer more than
two thousand patterns for your
inspection. Glad to show you
the linings and trimmings we
use iu our garments.
For Improvement Honds, Cit. of St.
Johns, Oregon
Scaled lirorwsals will he received by
the uuiU'ftdL'iicd itt hU ollice in the eltv
hall ut St. Johns, Ort eou, until Tuewlny,
u.iry 12, iy7, at tour o'clock p. ui.
the sale ut nut les tluu oar value
I and Mccrurd lutcrett, of liilpiovemint
IUiiiiU of the said city to the value of In
touiiit nuiuUra f ,ux..
nidders wilt be reiiuired to siiliuiit n
Hat liiil, llhoul roiidltlout. except us to
I the rrviilaillv f tlu la.uu nf IhiiiiU. mnl
lull Mils mutt he accouiitilvd by 11 certi-
lieu chick tor an amount equal to live
h.t cent of the face value of the Ixxids
ild for. The ileht Is rvervcd to reject
any mid all IjIiU.
W. 1,. TIIORMlVKi:,
Auditor of the City of St. (otitis.
Dated January 3, ivij.
rulilUhed In the St. Johns Uevltw
4, It and iti, 1907,
An Ordinance Fixing the Rjite Per
Cent of the Tnx Levy of the
City of St. Johns, Oreg. n.
The City of St Jolms docs orJaln as ,
That the rate ikt cent of the tax lew l .
tor ine .uy 01 m, jolms. Oreeon. is I
hereby fiieil at eveii l?J mills on the
dollar of the auessed valuation of the
property of the said City of St, Johns,
(Jrciron, as certified by the County Clerk
ol the county ol Multuoiuali, state of Or
egon. Ann mc recoriler Is Hereby re
tiulreil to at once notify the County'
Uerk of said countr and state of the
above levy.
rasei the council December 2J, 1906.
rtpprovett iiecetuner j;, 1000.
V. V. HlN'MAN.
Attest: Mayor.
Published iu the St. Johns Review Jan.
A, tW.
One Dollar will
New Bargains This Week
50x100 North Jersey street f 1,000
50x100 on Jersey street with party wall nnd alley 4,500
Quarter block, too feet of postolTice 2.750
50x100, south St. Johns, easy payments 00
35x100 with alley aud wall 011 Jersey street 3,750
100x100, 6 room house, fruit, fine river view 3,150
3 lots, close in, Willamette IlouleVard 900
1 acre near car line nnd N. P. railroad 1,300
50x100 on Ivauhoc street ; . .' 450
New 7 room house, 75x100, fruit 2,160
100x100, fine factory site, on railroad 3.700
House and lot, 150x150, on Jersey street , 3,750
55x100, Jersey street I1300
Business locations for rent.
Review Office.
Woolen Mills Co.
Klks' llmlding, Stark aud
Seventh Streets.
fit you
to eye glasses or spec
Perfect ht guaranteed.
Your eyes fitted at home. Write for
free booklet describing our method.
Remember, the glasses we fit you
to are worth J,50 any where on
earth. Our price, only ft ,00.
nllC BPPAIRINR dtnirtmtnt il moil
eomrUt. Mainipnn$1.03. WatchcleanH I
S1.0O. &cnd your work by reentered mau. 1
1J.50 repair any watcb.
Keep in touch with the Western World, Business and
Bargains by subscribing for the
Monthly Investors' Guide
947 lWltuout Street, Portland, Oregon,
L. B. Chipman
Real Estate
In order to insure a change of ad
vertisement the copy for such change
should reach this office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Please
remember this and save the printer
The finest of calling cards at The
Review office.
f 1500 Lot 50x100, cor.; two-story brick
is being erected Iu same block.
This is a splendid investment, and you
bad better look into it at once,
f jooo Lot 35x100; a close In inside lot
on Jersey street.
f5oo Lot 50100. A nearby residence
lot; f ?5 cash if you build at once.
f-co Lot 50x100. Fine location; one.
half cash.
f 3,000 Lot tcoKiooon Philadelphia St.
Notary Public, i
The Finest of Wtnesj Liquors and
Cigars! '
A Fine L,uuch Served Every Day.