THE ST JOHNS REVIEW rubllOiKl Bterr Frldsy Hv McKkon St Makki.k. Subicrlptlon rte, 11.00 per er In sdfsnte. A.lrillnr mini. II. on tier Inch Bar monlB All iltttllns Mill pr l trt of (ten month. Job rrlnllne tircuteil In Ant-eUni ' mils for Job rrlntlne cmn on atuterr. All rommunlcmlon il.ouM le addrtntd fL. d. .-I.-- n. 11. Will.. V.VKV". Tltu Kitviiuv Is entered nt post olTice in Saint Joliiif. Oregon, as mail inntter of the second claw under the Act of Con Kress of Mnrch 3, 1879. OfflcUl Kawipxper of th OU7 of BU Jekni. Phono East 0106. FRIDAY, KOVHM1IKK 9. J' Did your York ? favorite win in New What a rumpus these elections do ttitiku I The always well i;roned machine in rmuwylvniiiu won with ease. The miiis season is here, but building uoes merrily on in St, JollllK. The New York campaign was that of two bar Is and the biKKest bar I won. Quite a bunch of money ehutmed hands over the result of the New York election. The people ate patiently waiting for a show down 011 what is known as the telephone ordinance. There will be no "passing of Hutirst." If his health lasts he will continue to be a thorn in the. side of thegrnf tens for many moons to come. I he eastern sports want some thing to tcplacc the fast disappear ing prairie chicken and me imtort ing the Denny phetisanls. They have contracted for 1,000 pairs, and they ate getting the gainicttt bird that Hies. Alice Roosevelt l.ongsworth litis been Mumping (he Iluckeye slate in behalf of her husband s caudi dacy. Mrs. l.ongsworth has been in the limelight so long that she finds it itkhome to take a back seat in the married row. The otigiii of man seems to ngi it is the only cientiite that chews tobacco, eats anything, wears wills hers and butts in, A convict signing himself "C. A. Y." in (he Ptisou Mitror, a weekly paKir published by the piisouers in the Minnesota stale prison nt Mill writer, ihmis the following bit of wisdom: "Mirny a man has dubbed 11 genius when as a mutter of fact (he secret of his siicccns was a liking for good plain hind work,' - If the mini with the big brush and the coloted poster keeps up his liuk nt. Johns will Decome the Hill board of Portland. Why these men are allowed to come out to St. Johns and plaster the walls with cheap lith ogruph and scatter ilodgcis about the stieets we cannot explain. They etiiiuot do it in Portland. And why should it be toleiatisl here ? -- Ardent ndiuiiers of PteMdent uuowvni wvre hotuew uui iukvii i. ... ... . ...... 1 1. ......... 1.1. .. ...1 I "" i".-u nvn.111 nm mui "iiiuui. I in t uik city tu ivii nie i--i) ne miiw to vine. 11 ih 11 senons ie nueiMin on me iineiiigeiice 01 nie Amy 1 lean tKHiple when .1 pi evident ilueuw it nilviMiltltf to scud his i-alii net uUieetii to IliediUfieiit Mutes to instinct the common folks how to out their IniIIoU. It will in no wit rwlmuul to the piekideut's Hipu istlty. Aftw Feb. 1. next the Aiuciican Muk Note Company will maiiit tnclliiu all I'uiteil States Histage MuiM. Under a contract juM made with liieiioveiumeiit. the concern mutt deliver 37 Mamiin daily wx tiitivt u week. The American llnuk Note Couimny made the fust KtRKc Mauiw fur the Government mid held the contract up to thirteen ymu ago. At that time the Gov oinnteut went into the business it Mtlf, and down to this day the Huimi of liugiaviiig and Printing um turuuil uttt all taini. It u de elated tlmt the Government hai de- ekltl tlwt the work etui be done ehunwr by contract. Anna Gould in reaping the whirl wind for nmriyithi that brainleNS, diuKdute ami immoral Count lloui de CnMelUne. Theit mat tied life has been one continuous period of suite hiiii turmoil, and the way the Count link been making way with good American dollars is astonish ing. '1 he wife is to be pitied for ln(e scientists from time (o time and U". or as he supposed the case to .'. ... , 0 t...i v.. they seem .0 ngtee that we descend- be. Any one tK.tnting u g.,n or re- J' hhXuZi K "mch" et irom iiMvciesot iiK;ornionKey. p"ivti 1.1 11 iwm.ii even u ne , . . - . . , . worU tl) If man evoluui from auv an mill morally cut lain it contains no load, f. ,, of the . . I .1 1.l I ... I. ..I .1 IIIIH'WWI lirVII llll Illtlll Wl UVtinit I I being sK) weak an to marry the fop, but Aiii.'iicaus ate not shedding litany tears over her unhappy wed ding. Too many American heiresses have sold their Inxlie-s and souls for nu empty title, and if a good, honest son of this soil is not good enough for these young women to liestow (heir hands and fortunes, they de serve all the misery and tiuluippi iicss that invariably ensues from .such an unholy alliance. ing. 1 111 Let tis hear 110 more from the Oregoninti about yellow journalism. The whisky end of woman suf frage won at the recent Portland convention. The work in the game of politics tolls L'elt til? to be ex cecal mm' coarse I '7 - rt - - . . I ..... Tl... 11... .iiiiiil.ittlnl mil M an ... iiiiii till. .111.11 1 1 ... it. ..... not fooling all the people. It is really not surprising that Mrs. Unruh was defeated for presi dent In the woman s .suffrage con vention. Her picture as printed is not bad looking, winch is sure to create envy in a suffrage conven tion. The users of coal who did not lay in a supply early in the fall are now up against it. J lie first of the week there was none to le had in the city. There is no clanger of any one suf- ferini' on nccouut of a scarcity of fuel, however. Peary, the pole hunter, again failed to secure that coveted article. He, however, claimes to have got ten closer to his (marry than tiny other cxploicr. nils may be a source of great satisfaction to him, but most iK-'Opk- would have been letter pleased if lie had been sue cessful in bringing it with him Attorney General Crawfonl has sent a circular letter to each member of the legislature soon to convene at Salem offering to examine any bills the members may be preparing to utrodiice, and uncertain whether they are in tinnier form ami are cnu si.stcnl witii existing laws rind in harmony with the constitution. The number of fake sales in Port laud seem to increase in numbers. "Mis-scut Freight," "Fire" and "Fartluiuake" sales meet one at al most every turn. Anything and everything to cntcli the unwary is the older of these sales where they unit K goods I rom 5 down to i that ate worth 50 cents. fellows will likely see 11 linger fire one of these titties that Mhey caiuiot W away itom. The fellow with the gun he didn't know was loaded Is getting in his best licks at this season of the year. I1 rom various sections of (he coun try come refills of n fool killing or wounding some one with an empty with the fust thing that comes to hand. This will save funeral ex- Ileuses and at the same time tench thoughtless cr.son a much needed lesson, BEAT HIS WIFE Strong Al'in (hat Needs Looking Aflar. An able bodied bully named Sam- beig, living on lltirliuglou street, while cta.y dtiiuk, is said to have beat his wife and dtnvc her out of dunis late last Wednesdiiy night, where she was coiuiielled (o stiitui tor 11 long time 111 her nie lit clothes. If some one will give this woithy a shock at (he end of 11 list he would not get half that is com iug to him. Notice to whom it inuv concern: This is to cuitifv thai fm emnlnci tin lutratn nit ntiiiiiiiu.v ntvo . ' , . .T. ... .. . iiiiiiiiN.sii r. r. iMiker iioiii my ease Deiul n lie 01 e Kecoriler 1 hnrii- itvko. vv. (V Atiwiv Wanted. Hand itoueo. at (he West Coast Lnuiidiy. Apidy at once, Local News. - I'he Ml vet wedding of Rev. and .ui.s. iHiiiij was ceieoiuteti 111 ttie M. K. iMtMiiiaKe last evening. WantedGirl about tt yeats old to take cute of .1 Imby, lniuite .o; liteMmm. cottier Chnik'stou Mreet. The LadicV Aitl Society of the ,M. lv. ehuivh will serve a New ung- hiud supper rnday evening next from s (o 8 o'clock at the home of U Huilbeit. kuitilit iS: Glover are remodel iug nieii oowiitig auey, ami when completed will lie a great impioye mem over their fouiier alley. Will be tinishcd Saturday, U you expivt to live in St. Johns and want the city to grow, don't get your punting done in Portland Pattonue home business houses and you will gel better results. tin . 1 k 1 ue 1 uicm. mint will give a soties ot dances in the M. W. A. nan iH.-gitiiiine h.Uiiriliiv, .Nov. to. Goixl onler, giuvi music and a good tune are features of these dances. Raymond Hrown, living on Chi lit 'Wl1lr. I I J - . ........ . . . . .... Wi li.ln..! .Un 1 I t . I It 1 tt'i vi 1 1 wi I Tllllllllll III? I1II11I1I11IV KIlflCKL'tl llll W 1 1 I . . . IMUll cago street, was badly injured in tcrually while playing fiKitball near the school house last Friday morn He is now considered out of oiiugcr. Mr. and Mt.s. Clark and Chas, Aruette extvet to leave for Illinois the next few days. They ate called east on business demanding their personal attention. They ex pect to be ttlueut several weeks. PROGRAM Of (he Entertainment for the Foun tain Fund. IJelow will be found the program of the entertainment nt Hickner's lititl npvf WVituptul'iv I'Vi-llllltr. NflV. . . it... I., r ...l.:l. .... i, I... 1 Jtl. IIIU PI Wl 111111 111! iw f rt 1 . . - .a purchase n fountain for the city. The doors will open at 7 o'clock and the entertainment will The tickets begin an hour later. will cost 25 cents each, and are now in the hands of the committee Instrumental duett Messrs. Uailey and Mr. Miner 2. 3- 7 8. 9 to. it. Reading .... Mrs. Geo. Hall Vocal duett . John and Clif- ford Harlow . . . . Mr. Ordaman! Vocal solo Reading Vocal solo .Mr. Giblin. . .Miss Kiuma Harlow, Reading Louise Couch. Vocal solo Mr. Staples, Piano solo . . . Hazel Couch, Vocal solo . . . Frank Young Vocal solo. . . .Miss Douglas, Communicated Will the parties wdio turned over the toilet on Mrs. Kemp s place on the night of Hallowe en go back some night and replace it, as a party wasseen that nig it there r It might save trouble. I o injure the prop ... ...... - erty ol a widow woman and an old lady is not fun. Site is not able to put it back herself and has no one to do it for her. You have had your fun. Now do t he louota li 1? mimr v lixitii? n as found. Thefrult treesthatwere .1 1 I. In...l llinuifjiii Hill i l Viltii.wil. Notice. Members of the American Hos pital Association in St. Johns mid vicinity can now pay their monthly dues at the branch oliice of the as soclatiou, located nt the oliice of Stieticer, Dey 6c Hamilton, 201 South Jersey stteet. The oliice will remain open until y p. in. for the accommodation of members who cannot call earlier. Keep in good standing by paying your dues irnlimllv 111: CIIARITAIil.l! to your horses us well as yourself. You need not sillier from pains of any sort your horses need not suf fer. 1 ry a bottle of Mallard s Snow Liniment. It cures nil pains. I Notice My business is grading lots, feuc iug, etc. Anyone desiring 1111 artistic .0. by ob will do well to give me a trial, the day, or ly contract. 1 erms letiouable. Satisfaction guaranteed. JAMIIS ClIKKKV. Leave unlets at real estate oliice of II. Heudeisou ioS'j Jetsey st. Subscription Notice. 1 lie sub-ctiptiou price of Tint RttVlKW outside of Multnomah county Is 51.50 per year in ad viince. All patK'rs will be dis combined at the expiration of the time paid lor, New Designs In Mattings Jnt 1, line ili-kigiik fit the line of grade, iik well a cheap grade of matting, ranging in price fumi 15 cents lip to .vs cent per vurd. 801111 mokt Ikmii- tifut ilckign. t)ur mU umoiintcil to in varilk in one 1l.1v in tin kihhI. Our price U urely riKht. New liiieof wimples ol Inuilciilll and llooroil cloth. t'iiinitureilcp.irtmcut. St. Johns Grocery Co, W. G.- CLARK Practical Blacksmitliiuir and Expert Horseshoeing. Wagon Making One of Our Special Features. Hring us your crippled horses and wagons and we II do the tot. O. . I'ADLK 0. 1'. MUKklLL Faulk & Merrill 111, a line ery Coal, Hay, Grain, Flour Ground Feed, Paints, Oils and Building Materials Phone East 713 Unlvaraity Park, - Oregon SURPRISE Party in Which Scvcnte:n AUitcs Participated A suprisc party was tendered Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Groinachey nt their home on north Jersey street Satur day evening. The affair was gotten up by their eldest daughter, and the k0UI?,B ,VT totally unprepared for me incoming 01 uiiir many menus. Mr. and Mrs. Gromachev and arc both mutes, and the 17 guests were also devoid of speech, tG of whom were from University Park and one from Portland The affair was Kcatly enjoyed by all, and while noi oisc or confusion was In evidence. the evening was pleasantly spent by the guests !u their unlet way. Dainty refreshments were served, and those present demonstrated the fact that while they were deprived of speech, they were in no manner delinquent when it came to eating. TIIHRK'S NO USIi talking, you can't beat Herbine for the liver. The greatest regulator ever offered to suffering humanity If you suffer from liver complaint II you arc bilious and fretful, your liver, and Herbine will put .. t,ro,,r C(imillo,. A positiv 1 -i ----- cure tor constipation, Biliousness Dystiepsia and all illsduetoa torii liver. I ry a bottle and you w never use anything else. Sold by St. Johns drug stores. npnirNIANCP Nil l?0 11 i mm. Kcgiilatimr the Construction, firec (Ion, Enlargement, Raising, A terlon mid Repair of Buildings Providing for Fire liscnpes nm! h.vits, and Further Providing for (he Issuance of Permits. The City of St. Johns doc ordalu n fol iiiwb. oiiuun uiiir irvimiii, lirill ur llll1 iKirittion ilcMrltiK to construct, erect, en liirue. ritlM.'. nllir or iimlcrlullv rc-ui uuy building within lliu corioriiiu limit of the city of St. Johns, nt 11 cost exceed hie fifty dollar (ivJ.oo). before lceluiiliiL Mien work sunn nie wiin ine c iv re conler of wild city 11 statement in writ Ing coiitidtiing 11 tleK.-rlition In geiieml terniitof the Imll-llng or work for wlilcli 11 permit in iiculrei), mill olinll ulMintitte iimiicrot the lot nml lilock uimiii Mild Imllthnu U to lie loented or lie iK-rformed, iiml the iiiiiiiIk.- Ktrcct or i-lieetH In front thereof, ohiill iiIwi Ilk' with the ctlv rccontt- 11 written iiiillc.itlon or 11 rmit for Mien oniitiing or wurK. neiore nny men iK.-rinitn arc i-miki the niipiicntil kliull tmy to the city the turn of one dollar, unit the nvoiiler lull keep it record of Mich vriiin. in-t'tiiiii ;. Uvery hnlldhii! ued or 00 cupleil or hereafter mi coiiktrncted to no llHi-u or occupied 11 u Ihe.Uer. IwkdI titl, myltim, H.-nilnury ncudemy. colleee or M.-11001 01 nny kiiih, noiei, riHimiiig Iioiim.', iiiuirlineut honx, tenement Iioiim.-, liMiglng lioiue, or for factory, mill or mitmii.ictory, or for ol!icc. uorkkhoiM or public 1'iitrrt.iliiment or aemlilu;ei( kiiiiii tut c luuoomoi cxil oiK-n ntr out. wiirdi, mid when of more thmi two tor- Iw In licleht Minll lie nrov tied mill t iiiupiKil with iiit liilllc lire i-k-iiik'. com hiiitsl with Miitulile metiilllc h.ilcoiilc. liUtforiim and mlllne firmly M-cnri-il to the outer wiilU, unit erected mid urrungcii In Mich 11 way, unit In Mich immliuitv to one or more wimtowii, or tout utility win dow of etch ntury alxivc the lintt a inuv Ito to nmkc mid render Mid lire i-ki-iiiivii mulily uccemllile. mic mid udc ( lor i'mniivc ol the Inmate inriueof lire. A (allure to comply with till sec tion uliitll lie ilcciiK'il n iniMli-meiiiioritiid punlHi.ilile a licreiiiulter pniviileil. M-ction t. Any lierxni. lirm. com tuny or Coriir.itioii that violate, ill, olii-y, omit, nvglect, or refine 10 comply witli, or relt or oimkisi- Hie execution of, or violates nny of the lnvinn of till on! nance lialt he guilty of 11 iiitMteme.tnor. und uiui con- victim! thereof lull lie punished by a fine not exceiMlni: two hundreil dollar. or 1 iy tuipriMinmeiii tor not more than nun ty ilav. or ly inith ucit line ntut luipriMiiimeut, unit every uclt pcrwiu, nrm. comuiuv or curutntttiiit kliull 1h? deemed giuli of it Mrisir.itt' offense for every tuy Midi violation, iltMilKslience, titKitvt or rcliiwl kliull continue, ami klwll he tmuiklieil nminlhiL-lv : uml ane builder or Coulructorwho kliull coiiktrticr any liuililiug 111 violation of uuy of the piou.ioiih of this ordiuuiice, mid any archittvt haviuir charge of Mich luiildiiig wlm kluilt iH-rmlt it to U- mi coiutructeii, kli.ll! U- liable to the Kiiultiis uroviilttl and iuikHs l.y till t-rtion, I'awieil tin- lotiucil Novemlier 6, 1906. ppavid Nuvetnlier 6. 19.16, 1'. V. lliNMA.s-. Attckt Mayor. V. I.. TlUiRNIiVKK, Recorder, I'ulih.lied in the St. John Review Nov. 0, 1900, ' H. HENDERSON livS i-j Jersey Street ST. JOHNS, ORI-OON Notary Public and Conveyancer, Choice business and residence projerty in all parts of the city. SujHjrintendaut St. Johns Dranch of the American Hospital Association. PLANT AN AD. IN THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW AND WATCH YOUR BUSINESS GROW CHURCH NOTICES. Uaptist church K. A. Leonard, pastor. Sunday school at to a. m Preaching at 1 1 a. m. B. Y. P. U. 7 p. m. Preachinc at 8 p. m. All ' are cordially invited to attend these 1 services. I Methodist church S. L. Young pastor. Sunday school to a. in.; preaching at tin. 111. and 8 p. in. Iipworth League at 7 p. m. Holy Cross Catholic church, Portsmouth Station 8:15 a. m., low mass; to:t5 a. m., high mass; 7:30 p. 111., vespers and benediction. St. Andrew's Kpiscopal Chapel, University Park Rev. Win. R. Powell, chaplain. Regular services t a. m. Sunday school to a. m. r:VUI1Rciical clUrcll Slultlay scnooi ton. in. Treadling tt a. in Junior K. L. C. K. 2:30 p. 111.; Senior K. L. C. K. 6:30 p. 111. Also preaching at 7:30 p. tit. 15. 12. Mc Ylckcr, pastor. Rev. Win. Plowman of Sodaville, Ore., will fill the pulpit atthcKvatt gelical church next Sunday morn ing, and Rev. D. M. Metzcr of Dal las, Ore., the dean of the college, will preach in the evening. All are invited to attend these services. First Congregational Church F. J. Warren, pastor. Sunday school 10 a. in. preaching 11 a. 111. and 8 p. m. Church of Christ. Services ev ery Lord's day at 3 p. in. in the Uaptist church. Communion and preaching by Rev. Hrucc Wolver ton, acting pastor. All cordially welcomed. Uaptist Church, University Park. Rev. A. C. Ryder, pastor. Reini- lar services every Sunday morning t and evening. Christian Church Sunday School at to a. in., G. W. Ovcrstrcet, stt jieriiitendeut. Services in Hickners' hall. Preaching at 1 1 a. in. and 7.30 p. nt. Hvnngellst J. Perry Condor will preach at both services. At the evening service he will be assisted 1 by 11 largs choir from Portland. h-K-cial music. All are invited. THE LOUVRE! L. RICHARDS, Prop. I'he Finest of Wines, Cigars. Liquors iiiii A Pine Lunch Served Kvery Day St. Johns Market PULL LINK OP BEEF, PORK, AlUTTON and VEAL, HAMS, BACON HOME AlADE LARDnnd SAUSAGES. Also nil kinds of Pickled meats. Poultry Dressed to Order. We make Family Trade n spe claltv. Orders solicited and delivered to any part ot the city. Call 011 us and you will be con inced that our prices are right. Phone Scott 4062, BENNETT BROS., Props. Notice to Contractors Scaled liitU will l! received tiv the 1111 dmigiied ut his oliice in (lie city ball, St. Jolui. Oregon, up to four o'clock p. 111. of Tuesday, November U. lgo6. for the completion of the new city hall ns cr llie pun. kiHX'ilicatiout unit ilctuiU I . V. tSoodricli. a rcviel. now un file tit the ofliccuf the recorder. All bid must lie uccomnaiiled bv a certilie.1 check equal in amount to five er cent of the hid us an evidence of gotxl faith. The rieht to reject any or all biiU is hereby reserved. W. I,. TIIOKNDVKU, City Recorder. uhlishcil in The St. Johns Review Nov. 3 miii 9, 1906, Ten Cents' Worth of Stove Putty HEN you buy your Btovo, you can't seo tho stove putty tr n the. joints and seams Dut In a month or two, you'll bo wondering why It takes so much fuel to hont tht rom. Tho putty has shrunk up and fallen out, and thoro'a a big crack to suck lu cold air. It Is not surprising that perfect combustion of fuel in ltnposelblo undor these conditions That your flro goos out on cold nights And that your winter's coal bill is twice what it ought to bo at tho end ot tho season. St. Johns The Douglass Planing Mills Foot of Pittsburg Street, ST. JOHNS, - - OREGON SASH AND DOORS And Alnniifncturcrs of MOULDINGS, COLUMNS, BALUSTERS And All Kinds of Interior Finish. A Home WE SOLICIT A SHARE We Will Dress You Better THAN KVHR THIS PALL AND FOR LP.SS MOXKY A SUIT To Your Measure $17.50 to $40 TROUSERS To Measure $4 to (10 Volume of business deter mines cost of opcratliiK. We have just increased the capacity of our workshops to one hundred suits per week. New machinery, new modern equipment and skilled work men enables us to make your clothes to your measure more inexpensively than ever be fore. Look over the new fall stock. We offer more than two thousand patterns for your inspection. Glad to show you the linings and trimmings we use in our garments. COLUMBIA Woolen Mills Co. TAILORS. Klks' Building, Stark and Seventh Streets. I 'n. order t0 Insure a change of ad- Subscribe for The Review !pdTV and Keep posted. , Wed"day. at 3 o'clock p. m. Please I May Cost You $200 In Fuel In the Next Three to Five Years. Throw away your imitation stovo with puttied joints tho longer you uso it tho moro It will cost you. Savo tho hooting energy ot your fuel by using Colo's Original Air Tight Wood Stovo for Wood, or Colo's Original Hot Blast Coal Stovo for Coal. Thcs wonderful hoators havo a practically Jolntlcss construction, without a grain of stovo putty In them. Tho patented air-tight con struction holds back all tho gases wasted with other stoves until thoy aro burned, honco but half tho Usual amount of fuol Is required. 50L0 0Y Grocery Co. Dealers In Institution. OF YOUR PATRONAGE Proposals for Street Work I Sealed timmwl will be received nt the office of the Recorder of the City of St. John. OreKou, until Nov, IJ, 1906, nt 4 o'clock ). 111., fur the Improvement of Chnr'Atoniitreet from the wmtlicrl line of Jerey utreet to the northerly line of j l'lllmoro mreet in the maimer pro. vldeil by Ordinance No. 127, kiihject to , the irtvllon of the Charter mid Ordi ; uiuice of the City of St. Johns; mid the ! plmm mid eclfic.'lloii anil cttlmntet qf , the city engineer 011 file nt tlie office i)f the City Kccorder. Illil mint be Hrlctly in ncconlnuce j with tirinted blniik which will be fur ; nlthed on implication nt the office of the Recorder of the City of St. Johns, mill taid iiiiproveiucnt iiuitt he completed on or before ixty day from the dittc of I ait puhlicatioii of notice for prcpoKili for Mid work. 1 No jiropoal or hid will he couriered unlc nccoiiijwnied by a certified clieck iviyiihlc to the order of the Mayor of the City of St. Johiu, certified by a retpon kihlc bank, for an amount equal to ten percent of the nL'c.rei;ntc prt)MMl(. The rlk'ht to re ect nnv unit all U I hereby recrved. iiy oraer 01 tlie city council. V. I.. TllOHNDVKIt, Uecorder of the City of St. John, ruhlblied lu the St. John Review Oct. 26, Nov. 3 ninl 9, 1906, Proposals for Street Work I Sealed propowl will be received at the office of the Recorder of the City of St. Johns, OreKon, until Nov, 13, 190(5, nt 4 o'clock p. m for the improvement of I vanhoe street, from the wciterly line of nurlinetoiistreettoeasterlylineof Catlin street, in the manner provided by Ordi nance No. US, subject to the provi sions of the charter and ordinance of the City of St. Johns, and the plans, IecIfications and estimates of the city engineer 011 file ut the office of the City Keconier. Hiiis uuut lie strictly in accordance with printed blanks which will be fur nished on application nt the office of the Recorder of the City of St. Johns, and said improvement mukt be completed on or before sixty days from the date of last publication of notice for propolis for wid work. No proposals or bids will be considered unless accompanied by a certified check payable to the order of the Mayor of the r, y, of ,St' Ju,,s certified by a responsl ole bank, for an amount erpial to ten per cent of the aK(jreiate proposals, The right to reject uuy and ull bids is hereby reserved. by order of the City Council. W. L. TllOKNDVKK, Recorder of the City of St. Johns. Published in the St. Johns Review Oct. 26, Nov. 2, 9, 1906. ,LET US YOUR DESIGN. HOME And you will have something to be proud of the rest of your life, W e are specialists on the Califor nia llungalows and Mission style Cottages, beyond a doubt the most beautiful, convenient and inex pensive residences in America. urn!.4h Plan, specifications and details complete auv carpen ter can build. If vou are in the least interested, scud us a stamp and we will mail our prospectus, or send 50c for handsome book of designs. R. N. LAMBERTH & CO LOS ANGELES, CAL. NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. I remember this and avo the printer