t t t t Bonham & Currier General Merchandise Cochran Block A Few Bargains in Homes : One acre with a to-roont house, nil finished in gootl shape, for $2, 500.00. One quarter ncrc close in with four room house, for iffioo. Also fine river view and htisiness property and factory sites. Good time fjiven on property. W. H. King Land w Hi, wish to call your atten tion to our complete line of Children's, Misses' and La dies' Oxfords and Shoes in medium priced goods. Also I losiery.I lats, Overalls, Pants. I'houe Union 4066. Couch & Company 206 mid 208 1)1111(1(1011)111(1 St. FIRE INSURANCE Agents for the Queen Insurance Co., American Cen tral of St. Louis, Norwich I'nion Fire Ins. Society. These companies are three out of the thirty-two that are paying their losses in full at San Francisco. It costs no more to insure in a good compnuy than in a poor one. Don't Insure in a Six Bit Company. Shepard, Dobie & Peterson, Phone Scott .n. Real Estate atid Urc Inwrince. ST. JOHNS, OKIt. THE PENINSULA BANK St. Johns, Capital, fully paid up, Surplus and undivided profits, Commenced business June 5, Oi'i'ieitus J. V, Forduey, Priwliluut; U.T.Piatt, Vice President; 0. A. Wood, Caolikr. llOAHKOi' DiuiiCTous-J, V Forduey, U.T. l'latt, 1'. C. Knapp, W. A. Ilrewer, II. I lNinct, Tho. Coclir.tii, M. I,. Holbrook, 0. A, Wood. I PAINTS AT COST I KADDERLY TRANSFER & COMMISSION COMPANY Will sell you paint at wholesale pi ices. "liny Now." Dealers in FEED, HAY, LIME, CEMENT, SHINGLES LATH, COAL, ETO. See us for pricts. 202 S. Jersey street, St. Johns, Ore. EDMONDSON CO., Hardware, Tinware, Plumbing Tin Roofs, Gutters, etc. Phono Scott -1065 Houses For Rent -HV DANIEL BRECHT ik vou want a iiouHK oAi.i, os un ST. JOHNS. OREGON Star Market We shall handle only the finest of MEATS and our patrons may be sure of being sat isfied in every case YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Smith & Hoover Next door to Kdmoiidsoii's JI.RSKY STRKUT, ST. JOHNS anil to I Co., St. Johns. 0" kUU line of Groceries was never so complete. We have just received a case of fancy cream hrick cheese which is very fine. Try it. Now is a koo(1 time to buy sugar; it will go higher. - - - $ Oregon. ft 8 1 $ I $ 35,000.00 1905. 1 V i ST. JOHN'S, Or Your Horse Lame Take him to Godsey & Clark Gxpert Horseshocrs. Our sjK'cialty is horseshoeing, and we guarantee our work. O.M.I'AUI.K 0. I. MCRRILL Faulk & Merrill Coal, Hay, Grain, Flour Ground Feed, Flints, Oils and Building Materials Phone East 713 Unlvaralty Park, Oregon Mall Schedule Mall arrives at St. lolms at 7:10 a. in. 1:15 p. in, Leaves at 10:30 a. 111., anil 4:45 p. tn. Office oieii week davs from 6uc a. tn. 6:10 p. in, Sundays fruui 9 to 10 a. 111. .so luttus arrive or depart Sunday, FREAKS OF GOLF BALLS. Havo Killed Dlrdi on the Wing and Cauted a 8heep to Drop Dead. It docs not often huppen that a bird falls a victim to a golf ball in its flight, although such a mishap has occurred in two or three in stances, buys London Tit-liitB. Ono of tho players, a Mr. Crocker, having driven off at tho eleventh tee, his bnll croatcd somo astonish- mont by coming in contact with a lark in midair and literally knocking off its head. A similar incident happened last season but ono on the ground of tho Hirkdalo club. Two members wcro playing a round when ono of them mado a brassio Bhot. Tho ball was in full flight when a bird of tho wagtail species was scon crossing tho lino of flight, and tho next moment both objects camo into collision at a distance of about forty paces from the striker. Tho consequences wore fatal to tho unfortunate bird, which was not only killed, but decapitated. As for the golf ball, its .light was slopped by the impact, tho ball falling to tfiu ground within a few yards of its slaughtered victim. The incident had tho further object of losing the player tho match, ho having to mako an extra stroke or two to cover tho distance short covered, thus costing him tho game. A still moro extraordinary freak of a golf ball resulted in a tragedy on tho Uulcontlo links in Scotland. In tho course of a match 0110 of tho players, in his drivo from the sixth ' tee, put so much vigor into it that tho bull struck a Bheep on tho head .with such force as to cause- it to fall dead on tho spot. 1 A very different, but no less In teresting, story was reported from another links in Scotland about tho same time. In a foursome match played at North llcrwick, 0110 of tho golfers drove his ball against a wall. 1 It rebounded into hoiiiu rough grass I and for a fnw minutes could not bu traced, but ultimately the caddio found the ball lying in a lark s nest In which wero four eggs all un broken. Tor a ball to drop into a tivjtt of eggs without breaking any was surely an extraordinary occur 1 rouce. It it not long since a player at Woking in approaching the hole ' lauded a bull on the top of tho clubhouse. This little incident di 1 not, however, upset his cmiilibrium very much. As nimbly as he could ' he followed Ilia ball to the roof and from that coign of disadvantage played it so well that ho was sue cejsful in ticcuring a half of 11 hole which ovorylMidy considered trro trievnbly lost. A similar sceno was onco wit neiMcd on tho St. Andrews links in Not long ugo an incident oi uus man -vips. ..-.-.f, -kind was reported from Hayncu J delighted in wandering over tho Park Golf club. It took placo in mountains in the garb of a common 11.. f !...; .nn,,mt!llnn Imttinr. nrtund Willi a rifle, atld tllO oltlin courno of n throe bnll match Ono of tho players happened to drivo his ball on to tho corrugatod iron roof of n shed and, in tho belief that ho had consequently givon up tlio hole, tlio other two calmly pro cevded with tho match, Ihit thoy hud reckoned without their host for tho next moment Micro was n great clatter of feet 011 tho iron roof. Barely had the vrarning cry of "fore" reached tho nluyora ears when n bnll whizzed on to tho couroo cloao by. It wiw that of tho otlior player, who had mounted to tho roof ami played it from that unox poctcd comer. HU Only Duol. No subject could bo mentions' on which Uncle hrantiu hud not something to nay, and in many mat tern ho had a lurce experience. "No, h, I don't approvo ob duoln," ho said to one who delighted in hearing him talk, "Oh, van, fall, I's fought a duel once. Vos, enh, with a trifling yallar man, about u nil. Ya. fan, wo war bound to marry de tame one. "We fought dat duel out in do road, sab, in a lonely spot, an' wo uiun t cxpcr cncd no shots on do puspon, either ob us, but wo brought down a lino cow, sail, dat was watch ing do affair from a medder ovah do fence. "So 'Uustus ho paid fo' do cow. rah, an' he dono tuk do gal, an' I'd stayed single an' ken ol'ar ob duels do rest ob my life." Youth's Com panion. Blind to SlgnaU, A brakemun retired to a farm and started to lead tho simplo life, llav ing a piece of new land to break, he hitched up a team of mules, wrapped the lines arouud his waist In farmer fashion and started to work. He had gone but a short distance when he saw a stump ahead and immediately began giving tho railroad "ston signal with both hands. The plow struck tho stump, and tho brakemnn went head first over the plow. Picking himself up, ho ran angrily to tho muled and roord, "You flop eared scoundrels, uon't you ever look back lor a Mil xiair Atchison Globe, Oregonian and Telegram AGENCY 1 1 1 N, Jersey St. ; Phoue Union 3405, PAY HERE. E. 0. MAGOON, Agt. DUKE MAXIMILIAN. The Only Money He Ever Earned a a I Mutlclnn. ' Tlio following amusing incident is related of the Duke Maximilian, who was a great lover of the zither, n singularly plaintive instrument I and tho national guitar of tho Ocr I zither hung around his shoulders, ' During ono of these excursions ho sat down on tlie iruiiK 01 n tree aim , awakened tho echoes of tho opposite chain of hills. Concluding ho was alone, he reveled long in tho sweet sounds. When, however, ho ceased somo peasants who had been Ills secret auditors drew near to him, and ono addressed tho duke in tho cordial wav of tho country, as fol lows: "Thou, Indeed, canst play it wonderfully; now como with us anil wo will danco to thco in tho inn down there. Wo will pay for as much boor as thou canst drink." "Thank you," replied tho duko, "I am not 'thirsty, but I shall cer tainly go with you," which ho did, and played for moro than two hours in "tho inn down tnero." Tho peasants and their lassies wero in eestasio while dancing to tho tunes of their new friend. ith tho noctical fcclintr nativo to the mountaineers of tho Alps, they sang Jumncd about and kout un a steady demand for moro tunes. The duko, whoso faco beamed with Joy, at length became weary and prepared to leave. "Thou mayst go," said ono of tho peasants, "but not till tliou uast B'ayed tho new danco composed by uko Maximilian. It is tho most ox nuiaito piece of music I cvor heard. l'lny it ana I'll gtvo tneo s-i Krout zers." Tho duko complied with tho re- 3ucst, took his krculzcrs and then cpartcd, when ono of tho peasants mado tho following speech to his fellows and their partners: "My dear comrades, permit me to tell you that vou are all asses, r.vory one ol you plumes himself on his kuowb edeo of tho zither, ami none of you while hearing tho best player in the land rccniinized Duko .Max. I did at once." Tho peasants, still moro delighted with tho condescension of their Il lustrious friend, ran after him, thanked him and got tho promise Hint lio would play (or tliem once moro. "As to tho !M kreulzers," the duko said, "I will keep thorn. 'I hey are all I have ever mado by playing my ziuior. Saving HU Dignity, Tho ceremonial of the Chinese court, which used to include com pletn prostration before the throne, was onco the occasion for a display of cool nudacltv. In the cicrhtcentli century a Persian envov refused to go through tho degrading ordeal, and directions wero given to tho officials to compel him by stratagem to do so. On arriving ono day at tlio cntranco to tho hall of audience tho envoy found no means of going In except by n wickot, which would compel liiin to stoop very low. With great preenco of mind and consid erable audacity tho ambassador turned around and entered back ward, and thus, according to liU own conception of ctiquotte, saved tho dignity of his country from out nB. PrlvaU Drury. M. Drury, an eminent Trench his torian, served when sixty years old during tho siege of Paris as a pri vate in tho national guard. One day M. Jutes Simon, a member of tho administration, caught sight of a familiar faco belonging to ono do ing sentry in tho uniform of n pri vate) soldier. "Is that you, Drury J-" ho cried. "To bo sure," gruffly. 'And a private 1" "Why not ?" said tho other lacon ically, "Wo can't all bo primo min isters." It Mad All th Dlfftr.nca. An excited individual ran up to porter at a railway station and asked, "Have you seen a parcel I left on this seat?" The iwter re plied that ho had not. ''Oh, what shall I do?" exclaimed tho excited fasscnger. "It contains threo poems havo written!" "Can't vou writo them ni'flill '" nsWnd tlin nnsrinnn. thetic porter. "Yes, I can do that, but," hesitatingly, "thero wero two sandwiches in tho parcel as well." - UilttSlillll liuiiu. Lack of Spaca. Thero are somo trials which be set ono at an early age. Uobbv. vis iting his grandmother, suffered one or them. "Did you havo a cood time?" asked Hobby's mother. Tho small son hesitated before ho answered Iot so very," ho said sadlv. "You see, grandmother kept telling mt to eat all the dinner I wanted. auu j couiun tr Central Market! Holbrook lllock. See us for the Choicest Cuts of the Best meats Obtainable. Orders Pilled and Family Trade Solicited McCLAVE & WARD, Props. . i 111 A 1 1 1 . t in ait mm f tin RUSSIAN VERSUS TURK. r.M..t In Which Ivan Won With LaughabU Eats said tho Hussiaif, "how pcrlcctiy nnr nmn aro trained." and ho called hia nr.lnrlv. "Ivanl" "Sir." "Goto Mehcmol's, buy mo a pound of to Imrrn nnd como back at onco." Tho soldier saluted, turned on his honl nnd xvnllt Ollt. "NoW." Said tllO ttussinn ofllccr, taking out his watch, "my orderly is walking straight to the next comer, wiicro no musi turn; now ho is turning; now ho is opposite tho whito mosquo; now ho is crossing tho maydan; now ho is at Mchemet's; now ho is buying tho tobacco; now ho is coming back; now ho is on tho block below us; now ho is at tho door; now" And tho Ilussian called out, "Ivanl" "Sir." "Where's my tobacco?" "Hero, sir." Tho Turkish ofllccr, showing no sicit of atirpriso at tho precision of this Husso-tobflcco movement, promptly broke out: "Ho, hoi My soldier can do that ovorv dav In tho week," and no called, "Muchtarl" "at, "Go'to Ali Effondi ffondi'a ftnd'flCO that ii,nn a pound of tobacco. vou brim mo My pipe is empty." "Instantly, sir." l'ollowlnir tho tactics of tho Ilus sian ofllccr, tho Turk pulled out his watch and went on: "Muchtar is in tho street ; now ho is passing tho pal pooch bazaar; now it is noon and ho Is saying his prayors; now ho is drinking at tho stone fountain; now Ali KlTcndi hails him and-asks him about my health; now Muchtar is paying for tho tobacco; now ho is coming back by another way; now ho is on our street; now ho is at tho door; now "Muchtarl" shouted tho ofllccr. "Sir." "Whero is my tobacco?" "I haven't found my shoos yet I" FotUd. "Did you hear about Samuels?" asked Mrs. Uraymaro s husband. "No, I didn't hear about Sam uels," tho lady answered. "When you havo anything to tell, why don't you tell it?1' "ios, dear. Yoll, Samuols wan going homo tho other night when a footpad shot at him and tho ball lilt a latchkey in Sumuol'it vest pockot, and his lifo was saved. So you sco what good a latchkoy is." "Indeed! If bamucls had been going homo at a rcasouablo hour ho would not havo mot any footpad. bccoiuiiy, no carries l,uuu insur ance, payablo to his wife, and if I it had not been for that latchkov eho would bo a rich widow now. So if you aro hunting arouud for a latch key you will havo to bring back a better story than that ono. Thnt'n all. I'm going to bed now, and if you wont to read you'll havo to go to tho kitchen, and don t wosto tho coal." London Kxpross. The Flnt let Cream. Tho glory of introducing ico cream to America is ono which. In tno minds ot tho younger olomont at least, would rival any of tho pre tensions 01 (Jiirlstophor Columbus, Sir Waltor Ralolsh. Fulton. IIowo or Edison. It was Mmo, Delacroix to whom Americans aro indobted for tho becinniiiff of tho notorious passion for "cool interiors." Her portrait, ono of St. Momin's mezzo tints of early Aniorican notablos. shows hor to havo ken a handsomo and forceful character well worthy 10 go uown 1110 long corridors or famo as tho mother of Ico cream and tho stepmother of tho ico cream soua inuu8trv. Ann oton'a Mai?a. . .... . .. . zino, , w . - U Philadelphia's Famous Sorappli To mako Philadelphia scrannle siuw two pounas 01 iresu porlc until -1 1 i . . .. thoroughly done. Take tho meat up and odd enough water to the liquor in tho kettle to mako a ouart. Itcmovo tho bones and chop the meat, thon put it back in tho kettle. beason, uddinc saco or summer sr. vory and onion, if desired. Then sift in cornmeal, boiling slowly and stir ring as if for mush. Mako it thick enough to slice when cold. Turn Into a dish, and when wanted for the table slice and fry in drippings. The quantity may bo increased, as u wui Keep a long time in winter. HU Part 'Oh, yo-es," remarked Ketchley in a self satisfied way, "Lulu and I will start out in married lifo under very favorable circumstances. Her mother gives us a neat little home, her fathor furnishes it, and her Uncle Do Long has given a carriage and pair. Besides, Lulu has a snug lutumu in ncr own name. "What part do vou f umi-h ? "Well principally the name principally tne name," London Dianaaru. The Wellington WIGHT CWVEJL Proprietor. Fiue Wiues aud Liquors. Family Supplies a Specialty. Holbrook Block, St. Johns, Oregon' Somo years agoh Russian and a great pain from n burn 0.1 the hand, Turkish ollker wero having a dis- ami ns co d applications only In. pute ns to the superiority in disci- creased the inflammation, Mr. Kline of their respective soldiers. Strauss came to James M. Nichols, "I can prove to you on tno spot, " ' 1 iZ mi" "1, . Pnln from n Burn Promptly Rcllecd by Chamberlain's Pain Balm. A little child of Michael Strauss o? Vernon, Conn., was recently in stop the pain. Mr. Nichols soyj 'I advised him to use Chamber lain's Pain Balm, and the first ap plication drew out the inflammation and gave immediate relief. I have used this liniment myself and rec ommend it very often for cuts, burns, strains and lame back, nnd have never known it to disappoint." Por sale by Jackson's Pharmacy. . CITATION. In the County Court of the Stale of Ore. K011, for the county of Multiioitmli Inthctunttcrof tliccstntcof M. A. Town- send, deceased. Citation copy. To Ma Hltev. lidwnrd Scott. I.ucy A. Ounv. Wilfred Scott. Alfred Scott nnd Hnttic A. Towiiscud nnd l'rnnk Towuseml, minors, and to I.ucy A. Quay ns guardian of Mild minors. In the tinine of the state of Oregon, vou arc uerenv counumiucti 10 uppenr ic- fore the Honorable County Court of the state of Oregon, In nnd for the county of Multnoumli, nt tne court house tu the CIIV 01 I'oriiiiuii. on inc 20111 nay ui neii tetnber. louo, nt the hour of lo o'clock A. M. of said day. to sliow cause, If tin v exist, why that an order should be made nuuioriMni: nun cinixiwcriui; r.iwoon 1;. Qmy. as udmlnlstrator of the nfoieNild estate, to sell nt private sale the follow- , , ,icri)Cd prpiwrty, to wit! Lot elKhl l) nun nine (9) m iiiock one 111, Cliipiunu's Addition, and lots three m, lllock three Adam's Addition, nil in the city of St. Johns, Multnomah county, Oregon, or n sale of so much thereof ns may be necessary to txiy off the claims igniusirnuii seme sain esuite. Witness my hand ittid the seal of nnid Court nlfixed this 10th day of August, 6. P. S. l'lltl.PM, Clerk of the County Court. 11)' lr. W. I'HAnT, iicptuy. t'ublhhed in the St. Johns Review All- gutt 17, 3.,.i, September 7, 1006. Housekeeping Apartments Suites of two to four rooms, iilco single rooms. Situated one block from Columbia University, uenr cor. of 1'lsk St. and llnulevnnl. I'urulshetl or Uufurublted. A pleasant walk fnini St. Johns, Mtitnhlc for mill men. UNIVERSITY PARK A. W. DICKSON Phon. Enat 0260 L. B. CHIPAIAN Real Estate. DTAI rCTATP I Hsbo-u 50x100, cor.-, two-atory brick ...in 1 . . . niiisuun uc crecicu m satne uiocic. 1 ins is a splendid investment, and you had better look into it at once. f .000 Lot 35x100; a close In inside lot on Jersey street. fSoo Lot 50x100, A nearby residence lot! tic null if vnn Imllil ... n.iou J400 IM 50x100. Pine location: one I am also aueilt for the Amerlmii TV Forest Wireless Telej-raphy Co.'a stock. W.J.PEDDICORD Notary Public. Bon Ton Barber Shop Manskii.d & Kakmlkin. I'irst class work and cleau hot towels for patrons. Hair cutting a specialty, Anents for West toast jersey street St. Johns D. C. ROGERS & CO. Real Estate and Insurance $-50 Lots 50x100 lu South St. Johns. Finest residence lots in the city. 50x100 on Ivanhoe street. Close in. ipoo and up Business lots on Jersey I Ji9oo A new modern 5-rooni cottage. Lot I0OXI36 on ear lln 1 -w h .iiJ-tc 111. f 2600 New modern house. ...v. wU woe irom car Phone Scott 3104. 1 sum liic iiliiii mi iin-uui.i ouva. AN 0FfCIAL DIRECT S. H. GREENE " Aftorneyat.Law streets, Portia, lVni" L ,M,,,M"to J'hone: Pacific filiy, Joseph McChcsncy, A rj DR. L. G. HOLLAND, PHYSICIAN AND SURflljON St. Johns, Dr. VV. E. MARTEL, DfiNTIST Crown nnd IlrMgc Work t Specialty Rooms 1 nnd 3, llolbrtnik Itlock.St. John, Dr. MARY MacLACHLAfT"" l'liylclan nnd SurRton. ltcsldencc I'houe Scott i,,, Oificc: llo1ImMjk;.NeWiwSBgS; Kcsldcncc, St. Johns Hotel. ' A. W. VINCENT, A. D.. MOMI'OI'ATHICI AND SUKOI'ON HVSICIAN Office .03 South Jersey trect. All houn OSCAR DeVAUL, M.l) omceliouts, 9lou. ni llosp.n, Offlce I'lionr, Scott 1104, Kealilcnce I'lionr, Union Odlceln Utilvcrslty I'aik UrufS(4r. BOLEN BROTHERS CARPENTERS AND CONTRACTORS ., W ClutnnlM lo l'lm II. T. lloUrt, SI6 WltUmillt lloukuri. C. V. Ilokn, 2Js TkrSlrt( ST. JOHNS OKOM N. P. NOREN & CO. Heal Hstatc, Loans, Iniurance in4 llutlncss Chances. S. C. Norton, corner Hruuiwlck and Hudson streets, Uesldeiit Agent. Phone Hast (yp. JKKSItV STRHKT F. A.. PARSONS ST. JOHNS Conlrnc or and Builder. Cnrpcutclng In nil Its branches ttutit- pricc. Kesiilence 727 Lively It. The 6, HEITKEMPER CO. Watchmakers, Jeweler, Silversmith. Importers and Wholtiale Deslers 286 Morrison Street, .n:',b POflTUUMJ R. WILCOX, Dray and Baggage Line Phone Scott ijoS. Piano MovhiK a Specialty, Leave orders at Hnllbcri;' I'urnltuit store and they will receive prompt attention, C. MARION SALISBURY Oraduste Optician Will test the eyes free of clwrge. no Tacoma Street. St. Johns, Oregon. Goodrich & Goodrich, ARCHITECTS t I'ull Professional Services I'Ue Per Cent. Saint Johns and Portland, Ore. I Zeller-Byriies & BUckburnCa 1 Undertakers and Embalntrs 209 Jersey Street Lady Asshtant. A. GEE N. Mouse Mover and Repairer Houses moved, raised and re paired. Odd jobs of all kinds. Prompt service, reasonable charges. Ivanhoe and Catlins treets. Phone Uast 6189. Salut Johns - Offf F. M. LASHBAUGH Fuel furnished, either short or long. Draylng and team-work of every kind. Prompt service. Terms reasonable. Corner Jersey and Catlin, ST. JOHNS LAUREL LODGE No. 186 I. 0.0. F. ST. JOHNS. OREOON Meets each Monday evening m ? Fellows hall, at 8:00. Visitors weico- II. t, IICWIHl F. R. Foote, Secretary. G. W. OVERSTREcl, 'plumber' Holbrook Block, 103 South Jersey street. Phone Union 285. Saint Johns MRS. N. McCANN CLOTHING CLEANER 1 and inendel with care and promptness. Ladies' clothes a specialty. Old Postoffice nullum,. Saint John v' "