St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 07, 1906, Image 3

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Orders arc coining in so rapidly that you. can
not expect to have yours filled in time for your
winter's supply if you wait until the rush is on.
We Are Prepared
To furnish either short or 4-foot lengths, dry or
green. This wood comes from the
St. John Lumber Cos
LKKlUt rutL UU. Phone Woodlawn 22. A
Hardware, Builders' Supplies,
Carpenter Tools,
Tacks, Nails, Spikes, Stoves, Ranges,
m uiuc i iuiiic unu
Paints and Oils.
Make your cow happy by using
our So-Bos-So.
No matter how sultry or uncomfortable the day, an IvLKC
TRIC PAN will insure comfort for the business man nt his desk,
for his employes nt their work, for the customers in his store, niul
for the entire household nt his home.
The cost for nil this SUMMKR COMFORT is a mere trifle.
A 16-inch fnn can be operated nt n cost not to exceed one cent nn
hour, and n 12-lnch fnn enn be rim for even less. Think of ten
hours of solid comfort for less than ten cents.
Keep your store cool and breezy and your customers will find
shopping a pleasure, nud your store nn Inviting place in which to
linger. KLttCTRIC FANS will increase your business, whether
it be n restaurant, nn ice cream parlor, a dry goods emporium or
an iron foundry.
We have fans of all kinds, nil styles, suitable for every pur
pose. Don't delay order your fan TO-DAY.
strong combination for summer comfort.
Send us a post card with your name and address we will do
Hit; rest.
PortlandGcneral Electric Co.
Seventh and Alder Streets,
Telephone BxchnKo 13. PORTLAND, OREGON
Most desirable bus
iness and residence
lots in St. Johns.
Terms to suit purchasers.
Office at Residence, 618 North Jersey Street, St. Johns
1 ,08, .jersey Street ST. JOHNS, ORKGON
1 Notary Public aud Conveyancer.
I Choice business and residence property in all parts of the city
I Superintend St. Johns Branch of the American
t , ' Hospital Association.
uustJiuii; aiuvcs,
Local News.
Uritig in your printing now.
Are you going to the state fair
next Thursday ?
Let the Peninsula Hank write you
a fire insurance policy.
Watch repairing n specialty at
C. Marion Salisbury's.
0.R. Downs has left Newport,
and is now visiting nt Salem.
Mount Hood Yeast, made in St.
Johns, has no equal. Try it.
Try the "Par Kxcellence": the
champion 5c cigar: made in St.
The dust is annoying, and the
much abused rain would be more
than welcome.
C. A. Wood and 0. I,. Chapel
returned Monday from a week's so
journ at Martin's Springs.
Miss Nettie Marey gave her Kvau
gelicnl Sunday school class an out
ing at City Park on Friday.
Are you going to paint ? Huy of
the Kadderly Transfer Co. nt whole
sale prices. All colors nud tints.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hiekuer and
daughter Alda left Monday for
southern Oregon for n prolonged
Kcmemneri you cannot nuy
finer candies or cigars than the
goods Valentine sells in his neat
Haptist Church, University Park.
Rev. A. C. Ryder, pa'stor. Regu
lar services every Sunday morning
nun evening.
St. Johns was a very quiet burg
last Monday Labor Day Dcsirinir
to imitate1 father none of the rest of
the family worked.
An Insurance policy in n reliable
company is as good as money in your
jiocket in case of loss by fit c. Ask
the Peninsula Hank.
You can go to Salem by siwcial
car nud into the fair grounds and
back home again next Thursday
for $1.60. Arc you going?
D. S. Southmayd, painter, paper
hanger and decorator, has plenty of
tooG wall patier in stock nt 708 V.
Richmond street, St. Johns.
0. I,. Chanel left Wednesday on
a prosecting tour through British
Columbia. He will visit the Al
berta country and the district north
of Calgary.
A large sign painted 011 the roof
of its main building iulorms the
passerby of the location of the Ma
rine Iron Works. Good Idea I And'
one that can be followed by others
in the city.
Fire may destroy your home any
time. Arc you protected against
partial or total loss ? If not, call
at the Peninsula Hank ami learn
the small amount that will give you
The Dalles Optimist: Have you
any old cigar boxes? If you have,
burn them up. ' The law now says
that all cigar lioxes must be de
stroyed as soon as the cigars they
contained are sold.
Chas. Johnson Inst week fell into
a cesspool, inflicting n severe scalp
wound and fracturing the base 01
his skull. Despite his 68 years and
the .serious injury received be is
rapidly recovering,
Kngluecr Cralk of the woolen-mill
was severely injured last I uesday
while repairing some overhead
shafting. The ladder on which he
was standing slipped, throwing nun
to the floor. Fortunately no bones
were broken.
The nrice of new harness has
none up f 2 to $3 in Portland, but
we maKC mem uerc 111 ni. juiiua m
the same old prices; hand made
besides, and all warranted. Do you
want a new harness f Oive us
call. W. K. Swengel.
Tomorrow or Sunday has been
set as the time for the Geo. W. hi
der to be released from the dry dock
If the steamer couiu ue nut unci me
water on Sunday 11 would oe me
" - -
means of attracting one of thelarg
est crowds ever seen in St. Johns.
M. L. Tufts came down from the
lumbering regions last Saturday to
spend a few days at his home in St.
Inlms. "Mose" says he is well
pleased Willi ins worK amuus me
firs, and his looks do not belie his
... . . .- .1...
words. "The best tiling auoui our
rnmn." said he. " s that we have
the best cook 111 wasuington.
The Review acknowledges a fine
photo of Camp Cyclone Food Co.
v 7H4 Kasv Street, Newport
nr.. The nicture represents the
home of P. J. Peterson and family
their stay ut the seashore
p. J. is shown standing by a large
ctrintr nf flounders and other salt
fish, while Master Pete is ex
liitiitint' a half dozen live crabs tied
onto a stick. Other members of the
fo.niiu me at a convenient distance
admiring "Pa" and "Pete."
Ten dollars down and ten cents a
day are the terms on which Univer
sity Park lots are sold. University
Vnrlr lots are selling right along
while others stand still, because
University Park has the largest
payroll on the peninsula, be
T,.c has null Run water
a university which brings a cultured
iocc n lienor restriction which ex-
eludes saloons, Portland public
schools, and first and foremost it
that a steady growth and
good morals pay best in the long
run. Francis I. McKenna is the
.oiiimr nirent for Uuiversity Park
Old papers for sale at this office.
Many St. Johnites are busy in the
hop lields.
School begins Sept. 17 a week
trom next Monday.
Roomers wanted nt 210 Catlin
street. Coinfortnble rooms.
Reliable insurance at the lowest
rates at the Peninsula Hank.
I or fine cigars it will pay ydu to
call nt Valentine's: opposite city hnll
1 he material used in Linue's
bread is the best nnd can' t be better.
Advertise St. Johns by sending
l he Review to your friends 111 th
Smoke a St. Johns cigar best 10c
cigar on the market the "White
We wash nud iron all fiat work
nt 25c ter dozen. West Coast
first class nud reliable insurance
companies only are represented by
the Peninsula Rank.
Private boarding house, home
comforts, home cooking. Apply
403, West John street.
flocks ot wild geese Hying over
the city have been aggravating the
ninirods during the week.
Petite Prunes for sale nt C. N.
Hrnasch's. One cent per pound.
Hast end of Burlington street.
Protect your property from loss
by fire by insuring in only first class
companies. Seethe Peninsula Bank
P. J. Peterson nud II. W. Smith
returned home with their families
after 11 season's outing at Newport.
A couple of carloads of St. John
ites nt the st 1 te fair in their specinl
cars will be n good ml for St. Johns,
Buy till the paint you want at cost
of the Kadderly Transfer Co. They
nre closing it out nt wholesale price.!!.
You can go to Salem by sik-cial
car and Into the lair grounds and
back home again next Thursday
for $i.Go. Are you going ?
S. C. Norton went to Ncwjwrt
Friday last, where Mrs. Norton had
been sojuriiing for n mouth. They
both returned home last Monday.
Any one desiring n ride on the
river call nt the city dock boat house
mid take a ride in the new family
boats lately purcha.sed by J. B.
The Artisan Lodge will give
another of their fine entertainments
Tuesday evening, Sept. 1 1 , nt Odd
Fellows' Hull. Admission 25c;
children 15c.
Welch, the reliable clothier, has
a new announcement in this issue.
There is 110 clothing house in Port-
and that gives better values for the
money than does Welch.
Hie light house tender Mnn.auita
with n hole in her side is on the dry
dock undergoing repairs. The dry
lock now holds two boats the light
house tender nud the Klder.
Just opened I The Multnomah,
lu the Jower block, 302)4 N. Jer
sey street, nensani, newiy nir-
nished rooms, by the day, week or
mouth. 1 rausients solicited. Rea
sonable rates.
Shepnrd, Doble & Peterson yes
terday sold 50X 100 feet of the lot
mmediately north of Raser s store
to Sherman it Stine, who will erect
a modern brick block on the prein-
ses this fall.
The K. L. C. Iv. of the lSvaugel-
leal church will give an Ice cream
social on the lawn next to Miss
McClave's rooming house, comer of
lersev und Leavitt streets, tins
(Friday) evening.
With the IjcsI o Bartlett iwars
retailing on the streets of Portland
at ten cents a dozen, and even at
five cents a dozen, it would seem
that the money supposed to be in
the fruit business only exists in the
uiagluation of those who have fruit
lauds to sell.
The local ball club captured a
name from Oregon City Sunday last
1 he contest was pulled oil nt the
grounds of the latter, the score In
ing 10 to 2. On Labor l;ay the lo
cals also added nuother game Jo
their string of victories by badly de
featiug uu amateur club from Port
land, score being 27 to 2.
H. J. Hufford husapiealed to the
State Circuit Court trom the dects
ion of the authorities of the city n
St. Johns appropriating 10,383
wjuare feet of his laud for the im
provement ol Aloooc street, lie
was allowed uoiuiug tor tue lauu,
which he says is worth S2150, while
he puts the excess of damages oyer
benelits because 01 tne street uu
provements at $1500.
Pascal Hill returned yesterday
from a week's stay at the seaside.
While at the beach he purchased a
half dozen lots at Newton. If Pas
cal keeps on buying he will be the
Rockefeller of desirable property
along the seashore. He brought
home samples of the finest of ri;
strawberries. "People down where
I have been are living on the tat o
the land," said Mr. H.
Schroedcr's dancing academy wil
open in Bickuer's hall Saturday
evenintr. Sept. 1.5. All the latest
dances, including the new Floradora
will be taught. Lessons will le
given every Wednesday and Satur
dav evening. Admission Wedues
day evenings. 25 cents : Saturday
evenings, 50 cents. No charge will
be made for ladies. A flashlight
picture will be taken of the class on
the opening night, and a prize waltz
will be arranged. Remember the
date and be ou baud.
For the State Fair 11 tut For n Knit
ting Mill.
beventecn members were present
wnen tne Lonitnerciai (Jiub was
cnlled to order by President Rogers
Wednesday evening. The meeting
proved very interesting throughout.
Clarence Bishop introduced the
matter of St. Johns doing a little
advertising nt the state fair nt Sa
lem, stating that transportation
could be obtained for a nominal
sum and a most enjoyable day spent
it tue people ot the city were so
Others spoke 011 the subject and
nil become enthusiastic over the
proposed trip. It was decided to
procure suitable ndvertising to be
distributed on the grounds and se
. !. . . , ... ... . .
cure uanuers 10 nnug ou tiieouisuie
of the enrs. Badges will nlso be
provided for all to wear on the trip
It is proposed to let the people know
that St. Johns is alive and ready to
help others nnd nt the same time
let everybody know the best town
in the state is right here on the
L. Walker was present and ex
plained the knitting mill proposi
tion. In a brief speech he made a
very favorable impression. It was
shown n mill would pay here. The
location, raw material, labor and
shipping facilities were nil witliu
easy reach. All that was lacking
was the enterprise to go ahead. To
see what can be done in the matter
the chair unpointed the following
committee: Messrs. Bishop, Per
kins, King, Chipmau and Ogdeii.
These gentlemen will report at the
next meeting.
By ti unanimous vote I). C.
Rogers was selected as 11 member of
the committee to revise the citv
charter, as per request of the city
council that an additional member
be chosen.
Occupancy When the
Opens September 17.
Although numerous school build
ugs in the county will not be ready
for occupancy when the bells ring
announcing the owning of the full
termor school, the repaiis ou the
St. Johns school wilt be completed
and everything in first class shape
for the teachers and pupils.
As one steps into the frontdoor
of the remodeled building the lirst
impression is that Contractor Adams
has done a first clui-s job. The old
chimney mid partition have been ie-
moved, and an assembly hall thirty
feet wide and running the full
length of the building with n stage
I2X2S feet greet the eye. I his as
sembly nail is 120x30 icet and 000
people can witness all that may be
(loin: ou the stage. The lirst floor
arrangement is bound to please ev
eryone. With the three additional rooms
just built the building will have
thirteen rooms. I he late arrange
incut gives inch room plenty of light
ud roomy clonk rooms for each.
About 600 lineal leet of first class
ilackhoard has been added, nud
some of the Inferior blackboard put
in the rooms 11 year ago will be iu-
An additional furnace will be in
stalled nud new toilet rooms for
10th sexes have been arranged iu
the basement. It is only owing to
the uou-arrival of the toilet fixtures
that the building is not alrealy
turned over to the school board
flie work nud material is in ac
cordance with that of the plans and
specifications. I he fact that the
contractor has not been asked to
change any of the material used
shows that nothing has been slight
ed by the contractor. We honestly
believe every patron of the school
will be pleased.
For the Full Program iu Ne.t
Week's Review.
To provide a new piano a novel
iitertammcut will be given iu the
assembly hull of the schoolhousc
Monday evening, bept. 17.
Short stories and music will U
the features of theeveniug. Among
those who will participate will la-
Mayor Lane, Tom Richardson of
the Portland Commercial Club,
Psesidcnt Jelferson Myers, Fditor
Bennett of The Dalles, Hditor Lev
inson ot the uregouiau, senator
Beach and Prof, Hughsoii.
Wutch next week's issue for the
program iu full.
Join the Commercial Club I
Bring your work to The Review.
Ask yourgrocerfor Linue'sbread.
The West Coast Laundry makes
a sK.cialty of lace curtains.
Rough dry washing at dc jer
pound. West Coast Laundry,
M. L. Rowland aud family have
taken up a residence in Portland.
Try the "Par Excellence": the
champion 5c cigar: made iu St.
Smoke a St. Johns cigar Intst toe
cigar on the market the "White
Desiring to obtain additional room
for their rapidly increasing business
Bonham cc Currier have erected a
balcony around the sides of their
store room iu the Cochran block,
Minnies of Last Tuesday Night's
The rumored resignation of F.
W. Valentine ns mayor of St. Johns
drew n full house to the stuffy little
room where the business of the city
is transacted by the council last
Tuesday evening. Aid. Bredeen
was the only absentee.
As soon ns the lengthy minutes
of the previous meeting were read
and approved the mayor pulled n
paper from his pocket and handed
it to the recorder, who began to
read as follows:
To the Honorable the City Coun
cil aud Citizens of St. Johns:
Owing to facts with which you
are all conversant that there is a
question of the legality of one per
son holding the ollice of mayor and
the ollice of postmaster that being
the attitude now confronting us
nud wishing only to contribute my
efforts and energy for the welfareof
the city of St. Johns and good fel
lowship to all of its citizens, I deem
It expedient to resign the office of
mnyor and do hereby tender my
Aud, gentlemen of the council,
with it you have my heartfelt
thanks for the earnest support you
have given me iu our ninny under
takings which we have considered
for the common good of our city.
To the citizens I will say that
what I have done while mayor I
have considered for the best inter
ests of our city. While there may
have been some friction recently, I
hope it may soon be forgotten by
all. I can nsstiie you It will be by
me. F. W. V.U.UNTlNH.
From the way the document was
tecelved all anticipated it.
Aid. King arose and said he
hoped the mayor would continue to
Ou motion of Aid. Norton the
mayor was asked to pieside until
the end of the session, which lie did.
W. I. Stine asked for and se
emed permission to build several
frame cottages at thecoruerof Ivan-
toe and Tacoma streets, within the
file limits.
On motion of Aid. Hewitt tin or
dinance was ordered drawn to gov
ern the action of the council iu
similar cases that may come up.
I. W. Pnts was given ihm mission
to ojieii Cedar Park today (Friday)
to entertain the Woodmen of the
Mr. Woodhnuso addressed the
council and by an elaborate map
showed the new grade on Philadel
phia stieet.
A rcpii'scntntivc ot 11 chemical
engine company again urged the
council to purchase his wtnes. 1 he
matter was postponed tor 11 week.
The Kadderly Transfer Co. regis-
tcrcd a complaint against the ob-
tructiou of the city dock by the
barge used to convey the workmen
to and Irom the Northern Pacihc
bridge, and the chief of Milice was
nstructed to older its lemoval.
A itetitlou for an electric light at
the corner of Gilbert and Hartman
streets was referred to the Light
A remonstrance ngaifist the ac
ceptance of the I vanillic street side
walk was accepted ou the ground
that the sH.cilicatious were not fol
lowed, W. W. Goodrich submitted a
written demand for the fees due
him on account of the stteets al
ready improved and accepted. As
there had been some friction over
the fees claimed by the engineer
the communication was tabled by
unanimous consent.
The rejKirt of the chief of Mlice
for the month of August was ae
cepted and filed.
Ou motion of Aid. Hewitt the
street committee was instructed to
make the necessary repairs, as de
sired by the owners, 011 S'.ilem and
Crawford streets, the bill not to ex
ceed $.
The matter of the improvement
of Hayes, Oswego and Charleston
sheets teceived considerable atteu
tiou fiom the council, and the re
sult of their deliberations is shown
by the legal publications elsewhere
iu this tunc.
On motion of Aid. Norton the
following resolution was adopted:
Resolved, That in the resignation
of Mayor F. W. Valentine, we. the
city council of the city of St. Johns,
feel it our duty ns well as our iu
dilution to ex press our appreciation
of his services as duel executive o
said city, and our regret that the
exigencies of the case require sucl
a course 011 his part.
Acting ou the recommendation of
the charter commission that two
additional members be added to
that body, the council named 1
W. Valentine us its representative
leaving the other member to be se
lected by the Commercial Club,
The petition for a sewer on Bur
liugton street was referred to the
street committee.
Bills were allowed as follows:
W. W. Goodrich, Richmond
street extension . . . T39 5
W. W. Goodrich, widening
Modoc street 45 75
Hlectric lights for August. 42
The resignation of F. W. Valen
tine as mayor was then accepted
Insure against fire before you
have one- - with D. C. Rogers, agent
for the "old reliable" Phoenix
You can go to Salem by specia
car and into the fair grounds aud
back home again next Thursday
for $1.60. Are you going?
Good Paint
Used Right
' Decorators -
French Block. St. Johns.
Central Bar.
Sam. Cociiu w, Prop.
Tin. Cos-pov, Mgr.
Fine Wines, Liquors nud Cigars.
Cochran Block, St. Johns, Oregon
We now Imve with u- a eniwliltf
reflltU'til uri'hlttvt, niul vu' e.n
irningi In iitlvumv iiioiuj t M
tint weo ik'-lre to ImiiM liomra.
Second Door West
ST. JOHNS - - Olil'.tlON
J. Koerner,
lane niul HHU'lnVialfiw pHiiniMly
rmiiiliml on piliiiition. All wwfc
linn with inmtnww nml illjtt.
N Till'. CllllTIT COl'KT Of TIIK
Ol' Ml'l.TNOMAM.
T. J. Kri'inWr. I'lnliittN,
Waller W. Hupp, I t'ffiUt.
To Walter W. IUH. ik-luiMliMt t
In thu 11:11110 o( tin' HUU- itl OmuM.
1111 lire lu rt'liv miiiiiih'ik-ii
mm rcquiRM
11 miH-ur niul Miinut r tltv tituiuUii
muiiiikt miii 111 nn- aiMivt- i-mmm i
wit on
irln liire 1 Mil nay m?., ivs. wiwn
U idler tix weuki. mv ixpunl I row UW
liltf ill tin-lirM Hl.ll Hrtl t IIIMMUU-
lliiill. II I IMVcniH'l in in unm wr
thu nl kuunuuua ""I UW
Miniiimiik he Hi1itWn'l fur tx euiiiMiu-
live weekt., awl mmi unier w mwiv uu
.mil thu il liny Auuimi, i. wuni
flrnt imltlliiUiiiii thiTvol l mmW thu jni
lay ol Atigilki, 11rfi, ini 11 yiw in w
innr ami uwur, Ih iiUiiiliA will
to thu i iiiirt fur tin- rvhrf mvt tor iu
111 Mid coii,tiut, to wit :
l'lrt: Hir u )iniunicni ii"i
(umlaut fur tin- um of tm with lutrl
tlimiui t tb t.Uv of to ir eviil per
mini from 1'ilmuiry 17, iy5, uml Um
(Hither miiii ol Jj.Hu Um- lor III yf
"'5- . .. .
htiiuui: I'or jfjiiioriH-y
Thiol: I'or u iliirct' for tbi- lof
thu follow iau 1lrw r1U.1l premliMm belong,
lug to ilefimiUiit to kulikly wild jultfUInt
to wit: All of lot iiuMibvird wwa (7) ol
Taylor' kiilxliviinoii ol wetHMt two (),
tw. oiiu (11, S. K. 1 r.. w. conutin-
lug live i n-. uu in hii'"m
Oregon; acionllllK to im- law oq uhj
iirm tlcc 01 wiin eouri, nun iiw uwwu
of Uu- Mild kiiIu U- u).liel lo llu- t'-
int-iit of thu uiiioiiiii iluf tin- piitiiiun mm
that the lU'iuwlmii urnl nil inioii i-Uim-
hit! urn er him miwwiuwit to ut won-
gugc iiiL'iitiiiiitd in i4uiutiff' counilatut
be iMirred unu iorifK!i iroiu n hhh.
claim. or iiiuitv of reilewtlou lu mm
iiri'iuikM ami every jmrt ilwiuoi.
That the plaintiff r any other fmwM
to the Miit may iM-iome urchmr nt mud
wile; that the slieralf evuu it iUmnI to
the j.urehau r, Hint that the m tuner m
let HUM lKe(iloii oi kttiu viuw,
l'oiirth: I'or fttu h other furtlwr or dif
ferent relief us to the court "nlwilt Ktn
This kiimmons U 'aililmlietl ottt-e h
week for six uiccotive weekii in In
Johns Review hy order of the Honorable
judj-e t'raer. Jutlkeof tlieubove viitlthMt
COlirl, IIIUUC WIC JO nay 01 .iuuk,
II. Ul-.M.IMiBK,
Attorney for the li-iinliu,
414 Clmuiher of Couniieree,
I'or thin. I, Oreuou.
1'iri.t insertion August 3. I'
Last insertion September 1 1. i'-
Well Digging.
Any one wishing to have a well
dug on short notice and in a good,
substantial manner should coll 011 or
address Gitouoit loniNtiQr. St,
Johns, Oregon.
v r