St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 07, 1906, Image 2

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fuWNlifd Ktfry Friday
nv McKhon & M.VRKMI.
Subscription rlf, $1.00 per er In sdrsnce.
AilvprllMnc rMn, $1.00 per Inch per month.
All Advertising bills psystle lint of nteb
Job Printing eiecuted In flrit-claii itl.
mils for Job 1'rlntlng cnih on delivery.
All communication! should be iddreeied to
Tho ItoTlew, St. Johm, Oregon.
Till! RKVIKW Is entered nt ost office
In S.dnt Johns, Oregon, ns timil inntler
of the second clans under the Act of Con
gress of Mnrch 3. 1879.
cmclit Newipaper of the City or SU Joins.
Phono Enst 6106.
And Saved the Picnickers from Go
inn Hungry j
I.nst Sunday a party consisting-of
Of IScllson Street and It Will Benefit
Every Other Street In the City.
With the matter of street grades
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Drown and three so prominently before the people it
children, Misses Jennie, Annie and
Margaret Steichen, Mr. and Mrs.
M. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Quigley,
Miss Josephine Harris and John
Stein went to Sauvies' island on a
After roaming around and wad
ing and having a good time gener
ally, Mrs. Drown and a few others
conceived the brilliant idea of hid
ing part of the lunch.
Hie lunch was especially tleli-
Will you go to Salem nextTliurs
day ?
will not be amiss to call attention to
the grade of Kdison street from
Richmond to Durlingtou. This
street is on what is known as the
county road, and the work of grad
ing and keening the roadway in re
pair is done by the county. So far
as tlie care of the highway is con
cemed everything is and has been
in first class shape. It is of the
grade itself that we wish to speak.
The writer believes that the ores
cut grade of Kdison street between
wiches. cream salads, fine dough- Richmond and Durlingtou is n piece
nuts, fruits, etc. The daintiest por- of botch work from beginning to
(inn l lit. itnt imf It iIlfti tfttifl If line rlnutrnt'DM fiilltp ntm
.... - I LIU 11 Ui 11IIIV.I1 4tn ilW lllVtVlV.111 V.IIV4I V MWJUUI WVI 1""J VSI.
1 lie street improvements win K )t,t two large baskets of the more i half the lots facing the river be
on. Good I
substantial edibles were removed to cause of the deep cut made. Again,
Make 11 good showing for St.
Johns by going to Salem In the spe
cial car next Thursday.
Buttling Nelson is now Battered
Nelson, and the negro Onus did the
job in a trifle over two hours.
n distance, so ns to give the others
the impression that some light fin
gered party had purloined them.
Kvery one was having the time
of their lives, totally oblivious of
the joke that was in store. Finally
the time to eat came around. And
where were the baskets of good
things that all were so eager to de
vour ? All turned toward the cool
and comfortable stwt where they
What are you doing to give your
city a boost? Nevermind finding hwn Ml beneath a clump of
fault with the other fellow. Get L,lllL.i.. r1M. itt,n.,i,le tlie stirnrise
1 tri : ' : n---- . . .:
mo juuiBcm utul consternation of all to behold n
drove of hogs industriously at work
Tom Richardson of the Oregon devouring the daintiest part of one
Development League, although ab- of the best lunches ever taken out
sent at the National Irrigation Con- of St. Johns.
gress at Boise, Idaho, takes occa- All were lamenting the loss of the
sum to remind tlie newspatnirs ol good things when Mrs. Drown and
Oregon and others that now is the the others hastened to ascertain tlie
time to boost for the biggest state extent of the depredations of the
Iorkers. The hidden lunch was
found unmolested, and because of
fair the state ever saw.
The Dalles Optimist reminds The
Review that it is mistaken in stating
that the total lo.vs of the timber
destroyed in the lecent forest fires
near Detioit involved a greater loss
than the recent conflagration in
San Francisco. What should have
been said is that the forest fires in
Oregon have desttoyed timber
enough each year for the last fifty
years to total (he San Francisco
the practical joke the hunger of the
party was appeased and a vote oi
thanks tendered the jokers for their
1 ...1 ' I.,
I Mill 3UI11C 01 me iroiii'ics i:ncoiin
tered iii His Official Capaci y.
The city recorder has his troubles
as well as the remainder of the c tv
The next mayor will be elected officials. The other dav he was be-
by the council by ballot. The sought to accept for bonding several
nominations will be made and bal- lots in a lump the separate assess-
loting will begin at the next regular incut of which would not permit the
ineeuug 01 me council 1 uestiay bonding. It was claimed by the
evening next. The balloting will man who owned the lots that the
bcseeiet. In case no selection is recorder must "lump" the lot in or
made by the council Tuesday even- tier to do this one particular man a
nig, tue ciiuncr provides mat tliey favor autl the recorder refused to
.shall meet every day thereafter and do the act. The following coin
cast their ballots for mayor until the iiiuuicatious are worth reading:
office is filled. irti,,.,,i n c...,. ,
wtltllt WlJWIIf WV.1'1
W. I,. Thorndyke,
Recorder of St. Johns,
Sir: Unclosed is my che,ck for
the payment of my street assess
incut in St. Johns Park addition.
Rather than be annoyed further
wiiii tue ground under (lie trees
coveted with fruit which the ranch-
eis claim will not pay them to pick
up mid ship rcpicociits the condition
in some parts of the ft it it growing
districts of the Mate. Oregon grows by the iiicnmtretciicy of iettv official
.o n.... r...i, t.. .1 t I ! 1 . ' " .. .
11 -iiiv nun iis mi)- mini: 111 me iiintiu ism i nave ucciticu to pay mis as-
and the fact that only a poitlon of .sesMiient. We are learning. The
it finds a market Is not going to en- next election will feel a movement
courage this branch of fanning, against the graft that is only too
The groweis claim the excessive llagrant at St. Johns. We shall be
freight charges pieveut their mar- in good for time if the property
KuHK mis mm. ricviousnucinpis values at M. joiius are not slumped
have tcMilteil in the proceeds going by it lefore the axe can be brought
10 pay ine ireigui cuarges. it tins
is tine, and we have every reason
to believe it is, a remedy should be
sought and applied at once. It is
exactly such things that make the
tropic hit up and take notice.
the grade itself is so steep that
teams have a bard haul the entire
length of tlie street and until the
boulevard is readied at the too of
Richmond street.
It looks as though someone had
an object in view to establish this
grade. If it had been done as it
should have been done hundreds of
dollars would have been saved and
an easy grade would have been in
sured. Instead of the deep cut,
which starts nt Charleston street, a
line could have been drawn that
would have left the roadway fifteen
feet Higher at Dtirliugtou than it is
at present. This would have given
mi easy haul the entire length of the
present grade.
This would have made it neces
sary to have filled in Durlingtou
street fiom Kdi.son to the railroad
tracks. It would also have made
the grade on Durlingtou street avail
able for loaded teams. At present
the driver of a single horse or n
team has to be absolutely sure of
his animals and harness before as
cending or descending the precipi
tous road.
Teamsters claim it would be far
better to have a hard haul on Dur
lingtou street to Kdison than to
have the present one.
Witli the grade of Kdi.son street
raised along 1 s entire length the
grade of every street in the city
running to the river can be tint on
a grade that will be passable nt all
seasons. Kdison is the key street
to the water front. Make the fac
tories nud docks as easy of access
as possible. As it is at present it
seems ns though there is a scheme
on foot to isolate them. The gnu
on every street in the city lending
to the O. R. & N. tracks is too
steep for comfort. If you do not
believe it take a walk down and u
one of your own selection.
Daptist church K. A. Leonard,
pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. in.
Preaching at u a. m. D. Y. P. U.
7 p. ui. Preaching at 8 p. m. All
are cordially invited to attend these
Methodist church S. L. Young
pastor. Sunday school to a. in.;
preaching nt i r a. in. Union ser
vices 8 p. in.
Holy Cross Catholic church,
Portsmouth Station 8:15 a. 111.,
low mass; 10:15 a. 111., higli niass;
7:30 p. 111., vespers and benediction.
St. Andrew's Kpiscopal Chapel,
University Park -Rev. Win. R.
Powell, chaplain. Regular services
1 1 a. 111. Sunday school to n. in.
Kvnngelical church Sunday
school 10 a. 111. Preaching tt a. 111.
Junior K. I,. C. K. 2:30 p. in.;
Senior K. I,. C. K. 7 p. in. K. K.
McVicker, pastor.
Rev. II. I,. Pratt, presiding cider,
will preach at Kvangclical church
on Saturday evening at 8 o'clock,
and also Sunday at r 1 a. in. Quar
terly conference will be held nt the
close of the Saturday evening ser
vice. First Congregntiounl Church F.
J. Warren, pastor. Sunday school
ion. tit.; preaching 11 a. 111. and s
p 111.
Church of Christ. Services ev
ery Lord's day nt 3 p. in. in the
Daptist church. Communion and
preaching by Rev. Drucc Wolver
toti, acting pastor. All cordially
The Douglass Planing Mills
Foot of Pittsburg Street,
Dealers in
And .Manufacturers of
And All Kinds of Interior Finish.
A Home Institution.
Proposals forStrcet Work
I I St. Johns, Oregon, , ,i j ,lc
J 4 o'clock p. in., for the Im,'3,
yswego street, from the .V"??1 6l
'ortlnitd Iloulcvor.l to ".Bt
in me iimtincr
iiuiicc No. itu.
nrov iilf.l 1...
8ltbliTt 1,.
b bus of th clmrtcr nml or, Lpf0Ti"
lit City of St. Tol UTSrj?6'
specifications . tl ,,u" nufy.
nIM.eA on mmtlcnUon nt the X ' . t,N
....... imuvi'iui'iii must Decoinnln.ri
or before 9 xty d(iyn from Hi . ,iPi .l00
publication ,,f nodce ir .. '?st
Willi work.
No proposals or l,Ms wm )u . .
'.y . : u"ier 01 me Alavnrnln
City of St. Johns, certlfk-,1 hy S"
ble for an minium npml toK
cent of the nggn-LMie proiUi,
lHSLV1lrel,,,,y,,,,,, n,u,Ji"
Ily order of the City Council.
............ i :.I.V,T'10.?''VKR1
11 , . - 01 Hl.Joh,,,,
into play.
C. S. Nicklin.
St. Johns. Ore., Sept. 5
Mr. Carl S. N'ickliu,
Dear Sir: Your IiikIiIv esteemed
autl most courteous communication,
coutaiiiiiiK your clieck to cover as
I segments is nt hand. It was De
mised with 11 pleasure exceeded
only by our gratification at having
awakened within you the .strain of
Chesterfieliliau politeness evinced by
rentier, you who have ivet on 11 "e lavor.
farm, did you ever ask youisclf the There is .something about your
ttchlinti why boys leave the farm? lH.-r.sounlity which draws people to
Nof Never miiiil thinking of that Whether it be your tact,
lot of young Mock a mile fioiu the )'"ur diplomacy, your charming lo-
house that hail to have ground feed ipiacity, or your broad nud noble
every morning and the long walks niiud it weie difficult to ussert with
livery once
nicely written
loiinds under the caption of "Why
Moys l.eave the hirui." Gentle
in 11 wiuie 11 very
item travels the
. . I ... I ... . !. .1 f
iiimiid 111 ni it uteie, or 01 me
.seeding in the spring, or the long
hours of harvest, or the bitter cold
of winter, or the chores that loomed
up every uight'after dark.. Some
any degree of accuracy; pcrhups it
may he your apt iercept;oii of hu
manity. Whatever it be, it is sure a
As one of the city officials of the
01 tue aliove might have uiaile. some Joiius we enjoy most
boys leave the farm, but the old thoroughly any business transaction
grindstone that usually stood back with so fairiiiiiidcd a mail as your-
of or in the wagon shed has been sylf. However petty the transac-
the cause of more husky youths tiou its completion is uplifting and
emigrating than any other thing 011 ennobling because you are so con r-
.1... t.. . . I . !.. . .
uiv liiim. mien an overworKeti win vuutce 111 your every ex
boy onto a hard iiinning giiudtone pression, and so free from that nig
with an able-bodied man restimr gardly and penurious strain fre
himself 011 top of a scythe or axe
laid on top of the stone, and fre
cpiently reminding the boy to "Get
a move on yourself and you have
a partial answer why the boys leave
the farm.
ipictitly charactcriting ineti of your
great mental character.
If at any futuie time this office
can do you any farther favors do
not for a moment hesitate to ask.
With best wishes tor your suc
cess, I have the honor to remain
Yours most sincerely,
W. I,. Thorndyke.
Meet i anil Temporarily Organizes
Meets Tonight.
The committee to revise the citv
charter held its first ineetiuir last
Friday night. City Attorney Greene
ami Aid. (J. Norton from the city
council, autl u. J. Perkins nud K
W. McKeouof the Commercial Clu
were present. Mayor Valentine
was not present.
Teiiifiorary organization was ef
tected by the election of It. W. Mc
Keou as chairman and G. J. Per
kins ns secretary. The elfort
make the temjoniry organization
iieruinuent was met with the sug
gestion by the chair that, in view of
the fact that the entire commission
was not present, it would be well to
delay. It was also pointed out that
it would facilitate and expedite bus
mess if two additional tnemliers
were added to the committee.
In the discussion that followed it
was decided to delay jwrmatient or
ganization, nud ask the council to
adtl two more members of the com
mission one from tlie council and
one from the Commercial CHdi ami
to delay the permanent oriranizntiou
until such time as all members were
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy Act:
on Nature's Plan.
it - . ...
1 ue most successiui met c ues
are those that aid nature. Cham
berlain's Cough Remedy acts on
this plan. Take it when von have
. ... "
a coin and it will nllay the cough,
relieve the lungs, aid expectoration,
open the secretions ami aid nature
in restoring the system to a healthy
condition. Thousands have testi
fied to its suierior excellence. It
counteracts any tendency of a cold
to result in pneumonia. Price 25
cents. I,arge size 50 cents. For
sale by Jackson's Pharmacy.
Will Build Large Smelter a .Mile lie
low the City.
To Water Users.
Water used hrough hose for
I'he Guireenheiuis. at the head of ' " ? 'n'"" Jl . ..."
---- - 1 uiiiiiiiiil: ihjiliilvi iii iviihiiii imiivt
be paid for in advance, and used
only between tli
te nours ot 5 and a
a. in. and 5 and 9 p. 111. It must
not be used for sprinkling streets.
Anyone using water contrary to
these rules, or wastefully, will be
sunt on without further notice. St.
Johns Waterworks and Lighting
Co., P. H. lidlefson, Superintendent.
the Smelter tiust of the world, have
.selected a site about a mile below
the city 011 this side of tlie Willam
ette and will shot fly begin the erec
tion of a large Miicltcr for the re
duction of refractory ores.
The information is authentic and
comes from a reliable source. Tlie
uiiggeiiiieims nave smelters at var
ious points throughout the country,
mid rcaliziiiL' tin imivir hnw.. .it"
plant nt this point, have decided to , , Uranititc.
locate one on the Willamette. The best paint for all metal roofs,
The alwve is welcome news, and fitters ami nil metal surfaces. Guar
proves that it will not be long be- unteed for five years wear. See
fore the entire water front from samples. Kor sale by Potter &
Portland to the mouth of the Wil- Goold, the hardware men.
latuette will be the home of tiiuuer
ous industries. Keen Your live On St. lohns
Hoarders Wanted.
First class board may be obtained
by school teachers and students.
Apply to Miss Rich, North Kellogg
street, St. Johns.
Sunday evening. Aug. 26. black
silk watch fob with gold ornament
engraved "l. U." Return to P. W,
Itintnan, Chicago Rooming House,
for reward.
Members of the American Hos
pital Association in St. Johns nud
vicinity can now pay their monthly
dues at the branch office of the as
sociation, ioH'j Jersey street, ad
joining Review office. Office will
remain ojcii until 7 p. in. for the
accommodation of members who
cannot call earlier. Keep in good
standing by paying your dues
LOTS $112.50
Ten per cent cash down
nud $5.00 per month for
balance. Residence lots,
business lots nntl factory
sites for sale prices rea
sonable. Houses for Rent
and those who have houses
to rent will do well by
leaving them with
Canright & Barker
Cochran Hlock, St. Johns.
Buy your wood nt the
Old Reliable
Peninsula Feed & Fuel Go.
Green and dry slnbwood.
Leave orders at
DONNELLY'S Acat Alarkct
or phone Iiast 297,
and Builders
St. Johns Phone
liiiintou Phone
Main 26
lloliur UhIsc No. 101.
Meets in I, O. O. 1'. Mull at 8 o'elock
each l'riihiy evcniii);.
Visiting Knights welcomed.
II. O. Sibruy, C. C.
J. II. Muck, K, K. S.
Tonlj-ht Third rank work.
Smoking is a pleasure if the cig
ars are bought at Valentine's.
Notice to Contractors
Notice is hereby uiven that seale.1 hM
win ie received uy tlie unilersiKiieil at
ins omce in tlie City Hall, St. Johns, Or
eon, up to the hour of fouro'clock p. in.
of Tuesday. Sentetnber n. 1006. fnr ti,
furnishing of materials and construction
anil lmililingof a City Hall for and in
said City of St. Johns, Oa"Kou, according
to the plans, specifications and estimates
of the architect, the City Engineer of
wm tuy 01 i, joiius, uregon, now on
file with the city recorder of St. Johns.
Said bids must be accompanied by a cer
tified check for ten per cent ol Hie
amount ot tlie bid.
lliils should be accompanied by speci-
mens ol the (ace brick to lie used in th I
ouilillnK whether clav orcement. Mnrc
wuipieic iteiaus may be secured ol the
architect or of the recorder.
The council reserves unto itself the
rtgnt to reject any and all bids.
Published iu the St. Johns Review Au-
gust 31, September 7, 1906,
Hut Cured by Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.
"When my boy was two years
old he had n very severe attack of
bowel comnlaint. but bv the use of
. . 1
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy we brought him
out all right," says Maggie Hickox
of Midland, Mich. This remedy
can be depended upon in the most
severe cases, hven cholera infan
tum is cured by It. Follow the
plain printed directions and a cure
Is certain. I-'or sale by Jackson's
... ' 1
Suits $7.45 to $25.00
If not right Welch makes it right
221-223 Morrison
Cor. First, Portland
lied In the St. John Review
An Ordinance 35tnbffs!ihiK the Grade
of Hayes Street from the West,
crlv Line of Burlington Street
to the Easterly Line of Catlin
Street, In the City of St. Johns,
The city of St. John doe onhln M
Section i. Thnt tin- it,.,!,. ,i it....
Htrcet from (he westerly fine of Ilurll.
ton Hired to the wutcrly line ofLWn
street, la the Cltv of Si. fnlnu. n..'.
aiitarvcyed, located ntul MtnMtih br
the city engineer of the mM City of St
Joluis, heretofore try order of the toua'.
ell of wild city, ns shown Uy the profilt
rcixirt nnd notes on Mid Mrcet of tbt
said city ciiglnccr on file with there,
colder of mild city, nnd which, for the
piirixiMis hereof, arc made n turt of thU
ordinance, Is hereby ndoitcd and u
gmdc ctnhlUhcd.
rnscil the council Seiteml)cr4, lyi,
Approved Scptcmhcr 4, 1016.
V. W. VAUNtlXr
Attest: Muor.
V. L. TiioHNDVKr:,
Published In the St. Joints Ucvlcw ScpL
7, Kfn.
We Will Dress
You Better
To Your Measure
$17.50 to
To Measure
$4 to S0
Volume of business deter
mines cost of otxirnUiig.
We have just increased the
capacity of our workshops to
one hundred suits per week.
New machinery, new modern
equipment and skillet! work
men enables us to make your
clothes to your measure more
inexpensively than ever be
Look over the new fall
stock. We offer more than
two thousand patterns for your
inspection. Glad to show you
the linings ami trimmiiigs we
use 111 our garments.
An Ordlnan e Assessing (he Cost of
ImrovliiK Oswego Street from
the.'oulh l.incof Portland Boul
evard to Dawson Street, In the
City of St. Johns, Oregon, nnd
Directing An l:nlr, of Such As
sessment in the Docket of City
An Ordinance G fabllshlni: (lie tirade
of Oswego Street from Iht
South Line of Portland lloulf
vard to Dawson Street, In the
City of St. Johns, Oregon. ,
The City of St. Johns doc orilalii si fol
lows :
Section 1. That the grade of 0itfo
street from the south line of I'ortlsnJ
lUmlcviird to D.iwsou street, In the City
of St. Johns, Oregon, as surveyed, loot-
fil titnlt1Uli.l liv t'lfi riti!n(r
The City of St. Johns does oriluiii ns fob of the Mid City of St Johm, Ortgoa.
lowi.; I heretofore v order of llie roundl of uld
The Council of the City of St. Johns, city, n shown by the profile, report sb1
IiiivIiik iikeerliilned the cot of iuiiiroviiik' line on said street of the uld city tofl-
Oiwee,o street, from the Miuth lino ol neer 011 Tile with the rcconlerof uMritr,
l'ortlund boulevard to Duwmiii street, in mid which, for the purpose hereof, srt
the City of St. John, as shown hy reso. mude 11 part of this imlluance, i licrtb;
lutiun of eon lie II of rivunl mi. I .Int.. ndonted nud snld t'ruile estiihlUlietl.
ioi6, mid notice thereof haviui! l'rtsswl the council September 4,
Approved September 4. 1906.
j', w. VAi.11.vnK,
liecn imhllheil in the St. Johns Review,
H Weekly liewstuiier of itiiithI i-lri.ln.
1 tlon, published nt St. Johns, for three t) I Attest: M.yor.
consecutive weeks from July 37, 1906, to Tiioksdvkk,
Aujiut io, 1906, Inclusive, ns shown by Recorder.
the affidavit of the foreman of said iwpcr Published in the St. Johns Review Sept.
011 file; uud the legnl jwsthiK of notices 7, 1906.
of such improvement as shown by afiida- - '
fiV NO. 118
iiu i(uviiieu ov saui res
olution of July ji, 1906, the sum of Jtj,.
169-19 being city engineer's preliminary
estimate ol tlie cot, but to lie tnorenccu.
rately determined by city engineer. The
time within which said improvement is
to he completed is hereby fixed at sixty
day from last publication or notice for
proonls for said work, which protwsals
IlllUt be filed with the
city by September aj, 1906, nt 4 o'clock
Now, therefore, it is hereby ordered
that said street be inmrnve.i
ami that the recorder shall give notice
j ruiIMuvi, ,or hoi 1 uiaii three l)
insertions in successive nulillrnilniw I..
An Ordinance nstablishlng flic OraJ
of Charleston Street from the
South Line of Jersjy Street to
the North Line of Fillmore
Street, in the City of St. Johns,
l. t? 1 t . . I'MIMIVMHWIU lit
the St. Johns Review, a weekly newstw.
per of eeucral clrculnilm, I., ti.u i.i ...
of St. Johns, Oregon, Inviting proposals
for the making of said improvement, und
The City of St. Johns does ordain
t . ! .1 . . 1 . f Pli . .14.
I. .....:... i oceiioii 1. iiiai 111c giuiic
said sum as estli iaTp i J Yi Ai, ' V ton street from the south line o jeRcy
ner ns cosuhireo street to the north line of Fillmore
f rally he fxel nm' deten I?,p !' V Uul ,,e City of St. Johns. OfW,
enu lYeeT: not evrL 1 ?'1 . cU: as surveyed,. localied and estab mA
hereby assessed to ih . 7', . t,,e c Uy eng neerof Uie City ol &i.joui.
ami trects bi their AS1.? ,0,U heretofore by order of the emm-
7i. . c" " V,e f ?e.v?rol. Proportions In cli A ciiv. as shown bv the profile.
reet Ton ' e Z liL nf vTRti rem t and notes on said street of tne id
iii;Ir"VU.f?utl1 1 "e of. PortUiMlIci- ennhieeron file with the recorder of
... ow( St ICL III Lilt? KJI111 I ..,.1.1
-'Uy of St.
SOU Street ill llie sniil -iV.. r mminiH
Johns, in the rTotlA . m wniwi, iur . l-r .
. i MUM111 n s sit o 1 1 u n nirr f T 1 fl I M 1IIII1U8"
IPTHnillllMl niwl I. . . i . .1 aflatb
Sum gnc
Woolen Mills Co.
Elks' Building, Stark and
Seveuth Streets.
The finest of calling cards at The
Review office. ,
amounts to be hereafter detenuined I and . aTx 1
assessed to. said lots, Jarl. o JoS and Jl! adoPted and
iniCIS as bellll inw u l.. l . ". '"""" . . .. . Ji
said street in rov,W,T .V ' i y assl e council Septemoer 4.
chireil ffl SpSd'asTtfed pt? 'NTIsr,
parts thereof and mir.0c nt i...i ...1.1.1..' VALr?' "I
a line 100 feet fro, . the outside line of AVserti r
each s 1l-of u.i.1 n...J.. . e ."e,0, W. U Thorndvke.
before describe . Recorder.
e,fecor,ler is hereby directed to en
ter at the proper time the said assess,
inent hereby made in the Docket of City
Wens, and cause notice to be published
iV i :. ' '"c " cuaner,
I'assed the council ,.t.i,..
Passed the council September 4, 1906.
Approved September 4,'ioo6.
AtteS.- V' W' Vawstink,
Published in the St. Johns Review Sept.
7. J9o6.
Published in the St. Johns Review bepi.
7. '96-
One Dollar will
ft van tn eve classes or spec-
i,.rfTi hi euaranteed.
Absolutely Dustless Streets
Have your plotted additions oiled.
. Prices reasonable.
445 SHKRI.OCK Building.
... . I .
Your eves fitted at home. n J
free boi.klct describing ourmctnou-
Remember, the clas w?,,5'
to are worth svw f'i,"
earth. Our price, only ? 1 w-
complete. ainiprios "uii.,4 null.
$1.(0. Send our work by ref'"cu
$2J0 repair "r watch.
Keep Your Eye On St. Johns.
" . -j .4.
In order tov Insure a change
vertlsement the copy for tuch chjng
should reach this office not
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. rn. ''"
rmtinbr this m4 mv th prtn