St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 31, 1906, Image 2

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t'ubllshtrt F.icry Frldny
iiv McKijon & Markms.
GOUNCli PROCEEDINGS, prr mr In ndrAncc
i.uu per men per mcmn.
Fulnerlntlon rate
Ailvpt tlnlnff mtPN. S
All mltpttiilng bills pujal le first o( '(
Job I'rlnttnir executed In ftrst rlnnn itW,
HUM for Job I'rlntlng rsh on deliver?.
All coinmunlcMlons should be addressed to
Thu Iterlew, St. Johns, Oregon.
Tint Kltvntw Is cntcrctl nt jiosl office
In Saint Johns, Oregon, ns innll mutter
of the second clnss under the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1879.
omcUl Newspaper of the City ef St, Joins.
Phono Enst 6106,
A Pew of (lie Things tlint Happened
Tuesday Night.
Thcr- was a tegular Ring-Around-Rosy,
Seven Devils in Het-
sy ana nignt nanus kouiki son
of a time at the meeting of the city
dads Tuesday night. The show
had heen liberally advertised and as
, a result there was a crowded house.
! Tim fun boimn almost from the fall
' of the gavel, and lasted until mid-
nignt. aki. ucwiii acieu as nng
innster and Recorder Thorndyke,
Treasurer Hall, Attorney Greene
! and Mayor Valentine were among
those who wore the spangles. It
j was a Ihree-ring nffair with the
I Itanium & Hailey outfit hacked up
1 against the fence. The only things
lacking were the red lemonade and
the bearded lady. Oratorically it
was a battle royal, and embryo
statesmen went down one after an
other in the mighty slaughter.
1 Numerous attorneys, like hawks
perched 011 a high stump watching
'a lone chicken, were distributed
! fonveiiientlv nbniit the slnffv room.
If 1 he Review would kick all the nd the boys who hustle the news
kicks through that it is daily re-1 fr the Portland papers had taken
quested to the proprietors would not J up their stand in it corner. livery
be able to issue a paper for a month, body was ready to assist in the
Let us all love one another.
The Lord only knows of
trouble we are in
City Treasurer Hall
paying city
day noon.
Portland papers please copy.
has been
warrants since Wedties-
two jobs, and I don't think he can,
either," thundered the attorney.
The commotion aroused the re
corder, who sat in his eyes closed.
He woke up and immediately topk
a hand in the debate. Rev. Warren
and Attorney Greene were arguing
matters, so were Aid. Hewitt and
the recorder, and Mr. Parker was
seeking a place to insert another
oratorical wedge.
In the midst of the turmoil the
mayor said, entreatingly: "Well,
boys; let's settle this thing."
Hy this time Aid. Hewitt and the
recorder were having a tilt about
the money received and paid out
during the week.
"Von took in 65 the other day,
didn't you?" Inquired Aid. Hewitt
of Recorder Thorndyke,
"Yes, sir; I did."
"What did you do it for?"
"Because I wanted to."
"You did, eh? Didn't we tell
you last week ttot to take In any
more money?"
"Yes, sir."
"What did you do it for?"
"To pay the warrants."
"Are you the recorder and treas
urer and does this town's money
all pass through your hands?"
The rapid fire gun of the alder
man annihilated the recorder. Hut
It will pay not only every resident
of this city, but of the state, to read
I-.ditor Walker's writetip of St.
Johns in the Pacific Coast Mauu
facturcrs' Journal. Many hitherto
unpublished factsate brought before
Hie reader.
A 25-year franchise for using two
blocks of streets will be asked for
and acted upon at the meeting of
the council Tuesday night. It will
be well to study this matter of free
gifts closely liefote parting with
them. St. Johns is very young
ami may need .some ot . the now
available material in her old age.
Nearly every visitor from the
hast who has made an extended
tour of the coast, sums up his ob
.Nervations by declaring: "If Pott-
laud hud the push and vim of Seat
lie me largest city 011 the coast
would have been 011 the Willamette
f!.... it fe . . ...
nf ini.t hko. j course 1111s
dous not sound very nice, but isn't
it the gospel truth?
If two or three men collectively
and one mini individually would be
a trifle decreet in their utterances
St. Johns and and its niiinldiul nf
fairs would not attract one-tenth of
the undesirable publicity that they
no. w 01 King ine not air rou e over
time .sometimes nets ns a boomerang,
ii 1 . . . . "
ue iiiiMie.-t. iiy aci or deed oil
your part that entitles you to stand
in me limelight will surely lie tec
ogiiUed. The continual blowing of
your own Horn is weai isouie to the
tuiijoiity, iiixl all have had enough
01 11 10 last mem lor some time.
!.....- ..... ..
1 ne neiiiie ueseiiicd ny uie .so
called minister Sinythe in his nt
tempted denunciation of Rev. Fret
J. Warien in the pulpit of the Con
Kii'giiiioiiiii cuurcii nisi Mtutiay was
Humiliating to the last degree to
every mini in St. Johns. The
secluculur effect. pietuud by tin'.-
man of the cloth was something
0111 01 uie ordinary anil lur beyond
the cniupichciiNiou of the man with
a ioiiI gtieviiutv. The very fact
tluil he is willing to sacrifice the
...... I .e 1.: :r . . ... .
Kim,i 1 1 1 v.- 111 1 1 in wile III IH!l Ills
so-called wrongs is enough to con
demn linn in the eyes of all. Xo
one iHflieve his story, and the gen
vnil opinion is that he should have
been Uliceieiiioniou.sly kicked out
of the city on the completion of his
tiruinaue denunciation of the minis
ter whose pulpit he disgraced.
grand opening.
The meeting opened by roll call
unit ttii ri'iiilimr ot tin. mimiliw nf
the last meeting. The wording of '' gentlemen of the jury: In my
the order given the recorder by the opinion you ought to "
n . . . . ' .1 I IF f- Tl. !..
council at the last meeting in regard . "Y 111111 ' urKtr !UUJ' "'
to the receiving and payment of suiting the council," came from
moiiev was changed from "forcer- Aid. Rascr.
tain financial reasons" to "in order With an 1 oueiided look Mr. Par
to comply with the charter." At-subsided, and, leaning over,
tomey Greene stated that the inln- whispered to Aid. Raser: "ou
utes as read reflected upon the in- wottldn t cut me out, would you?"
tegrity and honesty of the recorder. "Well, boys, let's settle this
The city engineer was present wing, picatied uie mayor.
and advocated the adontion of the I reasurer Hall then asked for
... .. ... ' .... . I.I - f I .11
Minneapolis, Minn., building laws. " passage 01 n resolution auiuori-
le was fo owed bv a renresenta- '"" ! we warrants, mil 1
iIvm of n cliutnttttl LMHfitio rnmiuiiv. the council would not agree to
who wishes to sell the city one of 1'IikIIhk that nothing could be done
his inneliiiies. After soiiiuexDhinii- to break the deadlock the co
tion, etc., Aids. King, Norton and proceeded with the regular ord
Dome were atmoiuted it committee UUSIliess.
to investigate the matter. A communication from the city
Engineer Woodhousc was present engineer relative 10 111s ices was
wth a t raw ntr for the uinrove- "" ver, uie - owl cars were re
I I I I I M.
incut of Philadelphia .street. His coiuuieimwi, " mi
iilaus were for a 1 1 per cent
Scene at the Congregational Church
Last Sunday.
A most successful exhibition of a
man making a consummate ass of
himself was given in the Congrega
tional church of this city last Sun
day morning when one known as
Rev. C. M. Sinythe of Hubbard,
Ore., attempted to disgrace Rev.
Fred J. Warren, pastor of the
church, in the eyes of his parishon
ers and the community. It was an
attempt at sensationalism never at
tempted by the most versatile writer
of the modern circus. The congre
gation witnessed one of the most
despicable and contemptible acts
that could be concocted in the brain
of a dyed-in-the-wool sneak. The
whole scheme fell flat, however.
Instead of the congregation believ
ing the story derogatory of their
pastor, a meeting was at once held
and the would-be defamer roundly
The morning service had begun.
Among the voices in the congrega
tional singing Rev. Warren recog
nized that of the Rev. C. M.
U.iii.lli.. T ......t.i.r ll.n .tl.t.iit I,..
h, 1,1 At .f .f 1 1 I kJIIII 1IIW. JVtlWUK tUW IfUll'Ifc III.
e had the sa isfactlon ot playing a wct tQ th(. Smyme wns
poor hand well. 'seated and asked him to conic for-
Attorney Parker pre-empted the ...i ...i ....... ,, 1...
The greetings were very cordial
and the two walked to the pulpit,
where Sinythe was given a seat.
1 After a brief prayer Rev. Warren
. introduced hissupposcd-to-bc friend,
saying he would deliver a short ad
dress. Little did the local minister I
I think he was presenting a bicd
who would sacrifice every manly
instinct upon the altar of notoriety.
No one had the faintest idea of the
tirade that was about to be deliv
ered. With a face blanched with
hate and vengeance, the visitor be-
tr; 1., t .1.... 11
.. ftiiu . itij ii nulla, 1 11:1111:11111:1 wv.ll
was closed. Mrs. Sinythe or Rev.
Warren have'never attempted to re
new their acquaintance.
Mrs. Stnvthe is described as a
handsome young woman and the
mother of two children, bhe is
now at-the home of her parents at
Howard Lake, Minn. Those who
know her speak of her as a tt tie
wife and a most estimable woman.
Rev. Warren has been a resident
of St. Johns for several months as
pastor of the first Congregational
church. He is a man of 30 or 35
years, is married and lias a wiie
and five children. He is well and
favorably known, mingles in any
gathering and is popular with all.
His congregation is with hint body
and soul against the accusations of
Sinythe. A resident of St. Johns
who has known Rev Warren since
he was a child says he has never
known a mean or dishonest act by
hint in his life.
Sinythe is well known in Port
land, beveral years ago he was
the pastor of the Mississippi Ave
ntte Congregational Church. Leav
ing there he became a Pullman
conductor and accepted tt call of the
Congregational church at Hubbard,
resigning that charge Aug. t.
One of the humiliating features
of the affair was the fact that last
Sunday was the first time In several
months that Mrs. Warren attended
the morning services, being de
tained at home by the care of her
children, the youngest of whom is
an infant of only a few mouths.
The exhibition given by Sinythe
last Sunday is characterized as tlint
of a person who is seeking notoriety
at all hazards and nt tiny expense,
aim 111c only regret is that he was
tolerated to the extent In making
the exhibition that he did.
Haptist church 15. A. Leonatd,
pa.stor. Sunday school nt 10 n. in.
Preaching at 1 1 a. in. U. Y. P. l
doiie! fir,t u"orls w.crc mm,u t0 7 I. Preaching at 8 p. in. All
uiicil cs,S,,,.h ""KK-'K1111011"1 cliurch are cordially Invited to attend these
I " J nt St. Johns. You now worship in services.
a beautiful church, instead of a hall Mclho(list cMTcl-.S. L. Young
tirade lire hose was ordered paid.
aealnst a t t ter cent tirade bv Citv On motion of Aid. Norton the
f rt
ami lent as ueiore. 1 nope you are
getting good out of your church and
your pastor.
I IT .... I. ...I .. I. .....I.. ..At I
uiivw nun 11 no fiy wiic HIUI
lor .,1,11,1 ct .. !.:.. 1
I viiiiiii vii. .jut u iiiiiuieui 11 m
pastor. Sunday school 10 a. m.;
preaching at 1 1 a. in. Union ser
vices 8 p. m.
Holy Cross Catholic church,
iiodic and as true 11 woman as ever 1 orisiiiouiu aiauon :i a. m
was. I loved her. Hut she has "v mass; 10515 n. in., high mass;
gone from me and I have lost her utfo p. in., vespers and benediction.
and all. t Amlnw'u i;,.;....,,..! ri..,..i
" - i'niM'iii wiiuin.1
Win. R.
Regular services
Kni'ltieer Gii.Mlrleh. Mr. WimmI. city attorney was ordered to corres- read figures that lessened the P01"1 bondsmen of the for-1
extiense of the improvement several mw c.ity recotder towartl the end of:
thousand dollars. .securing n complete reort.
1 he charter cotiim ssiou
stmii.H. mnilnsi t I.. iiiiir....i......i nf tiered to hold its first meet ntr t 1 IT" .V". ": V.' " funtiav senooi 10 11. in. I
- ."1 ... . 1 lereii mv iiouie ami won mv w l
11. ii. ..1.. 1. .1.1.. ...1 1... 1 1 in 111111' 1 ni'iMiiuir 1 a
ii iimieii.i ia.siieeiMKiieii wy uvo- v A""v """" . away from me. Yotlitiea traitor
fn...Mr7A, I'ome and I
1.1....1... , " :.. "... '"enounce
.111111.11 mu uiuthn iiiUK nil lintll-
r I "I 've waited long for this hour University Park-Rev.
in' was or. "lien I cottld tleiiottnce you, Krcd Powell, chaplain. Regul
.cting thialL.!:. wl! T "' Suiiilnv sehoo
thirds of the proiierty owners. Con
siderable tllscussiou followed, and
finally, by a vote of 4 to 1, the re
monstrance was accepted Aid.
Hewitt voting in the negative.
At this point 1 reasurer Hall
stepK'd forward and explained his
position in regard to the payment
of warrants. He did not think he
could pay them. Neither did his
loiidsmeu. In his opinion the
mayor was not entitled to hold two
offices. He was willintr to lie
shown, however.
Prom half a dozen sources ones-
lions were hurled at the treasuier.
It began to get tt bit tropical over
his way.
I he mayor told the council in a
very llat-rooted way that he was
mayor, had held the olltce since he
was elected, that all business trims-
acted was legal, and that he did tint
see any reason why Treasurer Hall
should not pav the warrants.
1 his declaration starlet
delayed until the J
. uredeen gave notice that the' . " V,',"" '
fortl .street was
next meeting.
Aid. Uredeen gave notice that the
drants, The city entii
tiered 10 produce plans 01 the Ivan
hoe stteet sidewalk. The recorder
was ortlered to ascertain the num
ber of m!cs and miles of wire In the
city limits owned by the telephone
and railroad companies.
Recortler Thorndyke .submitted
the following report, showing that
the city has been doing n prosperous
misiiiess. deceived from all sour
ces, $3,1,5.13. .18. Disbursements,
f 33,5 19.63. On hand, $33.75. lfor
the above amounts the recorder has
receipts to show where the money
has gone.
Members o'f the American
you as a traitor.
deny wniii 1 charge you
.11.1 . I. 1 1 1 I .
1 win iiih Kin you wuen sue
me to do so. You cannot
livitngelical church - Sunduy
school 10 a. in. Preaching 1 1 a. in.
junior K. u. c. IS. 2550 p. m
senior K. L. C. I?. 7 p. m. K. K.
Mcvicker, pastor.
First Couureuatlonal Church K.
House J Warren, pastor. Sunday school
10 a. in.; preaching 11 it. in. and 8 1
After finishintr his talk Smviho P nt.
dramatically reeled to n seat In the Church of Christ. Services ev-
rear 01 ine cnurcii and hid his face ery Lord's day at 5 p. 111. in the
in ins nanus, likely tor the purpose Haptist church. Communion uud
oi leering cunningly through his preaching by Rev. Hruce Wolver-
lingers 10 see me eilect of his words ton, acting pastor. All cordiallv
the fire- Members of the American Hos
works. pitnl Association in St. lohns and
Aid. Hewitt did not think the vicinity can now pay their monthly
mayor could hold two offices. tines at the branch office of the as-
1 he mayor asked that the ones- soelation. io8'J Jersey street, nd-
tion of paying the warrants be set- joining Review office. Office will
tied first. remain open until 7 n. m. for the
Attorney Greene was appealed accommodation of members who ' ir . . k:7,.1. ur,naMen "ahleremetly.
in Ifhiiil.. I (H111m pull inrliir In imnJ i i . ... . :V
stautling by paying your tines
on those present.
The effect of Siuythe's wortls
fairly stunned the nudience. All
eyes were turned on Rev. Warien
as he Mepied Into the pulpit. Re
ferring to the tirade of Sinythe the
minister said: "The brother once
undertook to show that I was in
sane, but you can judge from his
conduct here which Is the rational
Summer Diarrhoea in Children.
During the hot weather of the
summer mouths the first iimmtnrnl
looseness of a child's bowels slmntil
have immediate intention, so as to
check the disease before it becomes
serious. AH that s neeessarv .1
few doses of Chamberlain's- Colin
. ' 1
done him no wong, and Inn, hilly S!f 1 f Sy?,cmr M- -
responsible for and 'answerable Z ff R,,? S? firSt M.K
my own'acts." ?, , ,' wtUe s M,l,n" writes:
He then proceeded with the er. Yf.!",ve C """plains Colic
. . . . I 1. 1 If 1 ltr!l ntlll I nri man I J I . . e I
vices mid delivered Ins sermon. ' iM-mwty ior
tti . incvtrriii vi'iir; iiiii utii it n . . i i
1 nose present sav t wus nmtHrK. ' ' ' ' " VC'J viu-
to. His answer was very
and unsaiistiictory.
Aid. Hewitt again asked If the promptly.
mayor ctaild hold two olhces.
Attorney Greene's answer was
still unsatisfactory.
treasurer Hall and the mayor
exchanged compliments in regard
to holding olhce and paying war
Rev. Kred Warren saw n wav
llllt llf t lit itiliillltlltl flllfl nine . v.
.... . I ... .1 ti, 1 . . I mi mill iiii.-i v .-v -
.. kV m 11 em g Wednesday night, plaining very clearly, when the
. i.v .iiiiiiuK vu. picseuicd cnoius ot voice:
Interesting .Meeting Held
nesd.iy livening,
icniiie me i.iei inai mere were
just thiiteeu meiiibtis in attetiduuee
at the Commercial club there was
All persons knowing themselves
indebted to the firm of McKeon &
1 horndyke or R. W. McKeon are
requested to call ami settle. Auv
one having bills against the abov
parties will please present them for
especially for sum-
a Patch of correspondence from the
u. K. v: iN, Co. explaining why
their boats tin not hind at the city
dock. It is claimed that the ap
proach to the city dock is unsafe,
but the defect can be remedied at
slight expense. On motion the
chair appointed I, II. Chipmau, A.
R. Jobes and R. V. McKeon as a
committee to investigate.
L. It. Chipmau and Clarence
Hishop weie apiKiiuted as deleeatox
...I. .. . . r- -
to uie meeting ot the Oregon De
velopment League at Forest Grove.
Considerable discussion was given
the Oiegon State lutir, and it was
the opinion of those present that
St. Johns and her citizens would
iC iiinit liSm lit.
V tlHVU tllltl tilt lll.l I .
theme and he sat down tlioroiiL'lilv suibcnpilon M)tlcc.
confused. I he subscription price of Tuij
Aid. Hewitt again asked the le- KKVIKW outstde ot Multnoiualt
gal department for information, but county is i .50 jkt year in nd
the answer was unsatisfactory. vnnce. All pajwrs will be dis
Attorneys Perkins auJ Dey lent conuuuwi at the expiration of the
find it profitable to attend.
naps a special eat at reduced rates
could be obtained. To this end a
committee consisting of Messrs:
Itishop, Perkins. Hriggs, Chipmau
and McKeon wasappointed. They
will also interview the citizens ami
ascertain their views in the matter.
The proivisition of some verv
attractive advertising for .St. Johns
was discussed and arrangements
made for it to appear in the near
future. It will be a campaign of
publicity that will attract attention
c-t T..1 r
10 01. juiiiis irom many sources
If you want to obtain a list of the
really j)oor iK-ople of the city, keep
within earshot of Deputy Assessor
Kirk for a day.
men services towards drawing up
the 111 tides of agreement, but it only
acted as fuel for the flames.
Attorney Greene, spurred on by
the inquiring Hewitt, was busv
pouring over the pages of a law book.
Rev. Warren took another shy at
the tangle, but it was too compli
cated, Then, in sepulchral tones, T. T.
began; "Mister Mayor and gen
tleinen of the council: We are now
on the eve of a great revolution. It
behooves every man to be true to
his trust. There have been dissen
sions in our ranks, but let us iet
together. If you will let me make
a suggestion 1 believe this thing will
vauisii tiKe uie morning dew. I
suggest that the mayor resign."
"That's all right," answered the
mayor. "I'll attend to the re
signing." "Now, Mr. Attorney, will you
read me the law on the subieet ?
I've asked you a half dozen times to
read me the law the Oregon law.
Let us hear what the code says,"
demanded Aid. Hewitt as he tapped
a sheejwkin bound book with his
time paid for.
For Sale.
iew six-room house and two
lots 111 St. Joutis Heights uddition.
House modern throughout and ha
never oeeu occupied. A very
desirable home. Inquire at this
The best paint for all metal roofs,
gutters and all metal surfaces. Guar
anteed for five years wear. See
samples. 1-or sale by Potter &
uooid, the hardware men.
Sunday evening. Aug. 26, black
silk watch fob with gold ornament
engraved "P. H." Return to P. W.
Hitiiuau, Chicago Rooming House,
for reward,
In order to Insure a change of ad
vertisement the copy for such change
should reach this offico not later than
The law says that he can't hold this Vnd veP,th, oVlnr
heard. Seemingly inspired bv the i,""? s " cl'." Sold by
attempted humiliation bv Smv.l... H"00" 1 ''"iacy.
- -- -w
he delivered a severe criticism of a
man with a guilty conscience and To Water Users.
nit: iil'L'ii 111 11 mmipr Kinm ir ri nt ...
manhood. All who 1, ' Say sprinklintrs orM 'T H
the innm-onro nf n. nt. i-b ..7.1?. bl)r"h""K ynnls or sidewalks or
.....i.iT... , 7" 7.' . - ::" " wasnuig iwrches or w tu lows im.e
oe paid ior iu advaiice, and used
only between the hours of 5 and 8
a. n . and 5 and 9 p. m. It must
1101 oe used tor sprinkling streets.
..JUiic using waier contrary to
these rules, or wastefully, will be
aiiui on wimottt further notice. St.
orks and Liirhtimr
... ii.i: 1. . 1 -.. ... 1
i.-miuii.-iiied 111 incir miiHis,
The services over and the con
gregation dismissed all gathered
around Rev. Warren to shake his
hand and express sympathy and
confidence iu him. At a meeting
which was convened immeilintelv
the following resolution expressing Jol , s W. er wo k
the sentiment of the congregation Co P.H.SSn
was passed: "Resolved, That it is "etson,
1 ""4.
- -
The Douglass Planing Mills
Foot of Pittsburg Street,
Dealers in
And Mnnufncdircrs of
And All Kinds of Interior Finish.
A Home Institution.
It's no
cuts the price during
The Big Midsummer Sale
f 30.00 suits St.j.75 $10.00 suits $7)5
25 00 suits 19,75 15.00 suits 9.75
2,000 pairs nien'snnd boys' shoes; each paira bargain
If not right Welch makes it right
221-223 Morrison
Corner Flrsl
ine sense ot tins meeting that the
person who denounced our minr
from the milnit this mornimr w n
sneak anil a coward."
The attempted ex nose wns ram.
fully planned by Sinythe, but his
I'luua tm ikh inn, oniyute even
went so far as to inform n rennrter
of the Oregonian of his intentions,
and he was preseut during the
morning services. The affair was
written up at length iu Mondav
morning s paper, and it was through
the information of Sinythe that it
It seems that all parties concerns!
nave oeeu acquainted for years.
year or ago wittie the families of
uoui ministers and a sister of Mrc
Sinythe were in bathitic near Hut."
bard, Mrs. Sinythe got beyond her
uepiu aim was 111 dancer of drown.
tug wuen sue was rescued by Rev.
iium-ii, i no rcsuu 01 ine respite
was mat a warm friendshin snmmr
up between the two. This fnV.i.
ship Sinythe imagiuetl was one of
love, aim so iuformed Rev. Warren,
who, at the solicitation of Dr.
House, wrote a letter to M
Smythe sayiutr that all wns m.r
l.lft,,..ul,. .1...... 1 .1 . .
vmwu uiciii uiui inai uieir ac
tljiaintance had better be dropped.
This was satisfactory to all parties
and it was supposed the incident
An insurance policy in a reliable
company is as good as money in your
P n ,'U?C "l ,oss ' re. Ask
t ciuubuia uank.
uoimrs l,olge No, 101.
.Jra. VLh. ?'?' F- t 8 o'clock
isitiug Knljjhts welcome.1.
H. G. Sibray. C. C.
T.W,.-Tlll,i-,a.K- S'
Jower Block, N. Jersey st.
Special Bargains.
Hoys' and youths' shoes
in box calf and vici kid,
heavy soles, $t.oo, i.25f
$1.50 and $2.00. These
prices are extremely low.
We have suit cases from
5 to $5.90. Big bar
gains all week. Buy now.
We Will Dress
You Belter
To Your Measure
$17.50 to
To Measure
$4 to $10
Volume of business deter
mines cost of operating.
We have just increased the
capacity of our workshops to
one hundred suits per week.
New machinery, new modern
equipment and skilled work
men enables us to make your
clothes to your measure more
inexpensively than ever be
fore. took over the new fall
stock. We offer more thau
two thousand patterns for your
inspection. Glad to show you
the linings and trimmings we
use in our garments.
LOTS $112.50
Ten er cent cash down
ami $5.00 h.t mouth for
balance. Residence loU,
sites for sale prices rca
Houses for Rent
and those who have houses
to rent will do well by
leaving them with
Canright & Barker
Cochran Illock, St. Johns.
Huv votir wood at the
Old Reliable
Peninsula Feed & Fuel Co.
Green and dry slahnood.
I,eave orders at
DONNELLY'S Meat Market
or phone Kast 297.
and Builders
St, Johns Phone
Llnnton PhoM
Absolutely Duslless Streets
Have your plotted addition oilnl.
Trices reasonable.
Woolen Mills Co.
Elks' Building, Stark and
Seventh Streets.
Notice toContractors
The fittest of
1 Review office.
Notice is hereby given that !eJ
will be receiveil by the "'"l7'8n0r.
his olhce in the City uau, m. j- -
of Tueslay, September n. 19 '"r
furnishing of materials and
ami builllinKof a City HaUfordl
said City of St. Johns, OreKon.acwra'J
to the plans, specifications and estw ,
of the architect, the City Egwf
said City of St. Johns, Oreuon, no
the city recorder ot -J;-i
must be accouijunied by
1. ... .... ,lr cent ot t
nic witn t;
Said bids 1
tified check for ten
amount of the bid. . , . stionlil !w ncconipanieil 'r.
titPtw nf tar lirick to be USCU
building-whether clay or cement.
comolete details may be secureu v
architect or of the recorder.
details may
ine recoruci, , ,t.t
right to reject any and all bid
1,1 Reorder.
Published In the St. Johns RevA8'
gust 31, September 7,
Keep. Your Eye Ou St. Johns.