Vou Should Patronize The Hume I'npor. It menus helping St.Johns nud thi.'i mentis n better city If you work with THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW ST. Johns review Advertise In The Review Its circulation Is genu. Inc nntl H covers the field. Its better tllnti n dnlly In the field. IT WILL REPAY YOU Devoted to the Interests of the Peninsula, the MnntifacturlnR Center of the Northwest VOI,. 2 ST. JOHNS, OREGON, PRIDAY, AUGUST 3t, 1906. NO. 45 TheNew St. Johns Hotel S. COCHRAN & CO., Proprietors. Finest Meals in theCity Served This hostelry is one of the finest in the Northwest, being mod v... u..u ...i.wt in an us appointments. The wants and comforts of guests are carefully looked af ter at all times. Rates are rensnnnhlp SASH LGLAziNG DOORS WE CARRY "ODD" SASH IN STOCK Columns Spindles Brackets Lime and Cement It U I - r Hi , i, mim'A Paints KNITTING MILL Would Ik S3 PER BOX, This Price Received for Oregon Ap-IS pies from l-nstcrn Plrm. J Prom Hood River conies the tid- nigs that the Fruit Growers' Union a Profitable mid Pa. Inc Business Here. Just why n knitting milt would not be n navinir institution in St. Johns is th duri covered that there is not n knitting mill on the Pacific co.mt. Kvnrv fill nnce for ntmli- flm.. ilntWo article of knit goods used on this P-r bushel, or more than four cents !j; coast from Mexico to the Arctic to. a niece. And thk tirii'i iu until f.if . Rions has to made and purchased iu , apples two months before they '3! the east. This means that, iu spite i are rlw by a New York firm who 1 J! of the fact that Oregon produces ns I traveled past miles and miles of lli'X Rood wool as any part of tlie union, ! finest kindof looking apple orchards 4i a question that has been ot mat valley hnved snoscd of their i e cause of nuitea little disctiKsmii entire croti of Snltztithirir ,,imi..e i tii ng the week. It has been dis- the remarkable price of $i per box 5! or better. Tins is trnlv n wniuW. A St. Johns Land Co. PHONE UNION 3104 mm amps minions oi poumis east, ""icr to get to uiegon and .secure X every bit ol hosiery is umnufaclured , lcr best apples. Imagine making a miles away, when it should be done , trip back east and Mopping off at $ right here at home. There is an , n fnrm house where the farmer mm ! Oils nd the scoured and denned wool is the principal item of exiwnsc. The factory will not icduircitu exneimlvi site. There is a demand for the manufactured product because it is an absolute necessity iu every home. statistics show that Oreuon Is St. Johns "D." Glass Redwood Gutter ST. JOHNS SASH AND DOOR CO. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL PHONE SCOTT 4063 JERSEY STREET immense demand for these goods. " Rathcriug his crop of npples. ' And with the wool at our door tliis' And saunterimr over in wlim. In. 2t class of goods can be manufactured was busily engaged iu filling his cheaper and more profitably in St. '"'H or barrels with big apples mid 5 onus man iu any oilier part of the "' appies, wormy apples and s-1 country. eased apples which had weathered , JI I hose familiar with the business 1 the frosts and the storms nml ttu SIIV llml ll frwfnri. fur ll lit Mln till lii vim ntitt tiMii I.I J ' niv iiiiiiiiiiif vi" - " niv ouii) iiiiii wil nilUtllll ft ure oi Kint goods could ens v he Kenny wiusner in i s ear that flm. nit on n paying basis for a noiuinaf K "it raisers were getting three sum. Little or no skilled labnr is dollars a bushel for their ntmW required. Machines do all the woik 110 matter how well vou might be acquainted with the farmer nor how high your reputation for truth and veracity might be in that par ticular locality, this farmer would then mid forever thereafter look with suspicion on your statements and doubt nnv further assertions producing 28,000,000 pounds of you might make concerning the Or- $ wool annually. Of this amount cgon country. Anvthinirelseronlil '! 3,000,000 pounds nre manufactured "t exacted of the average east- at home. At a cost of two cents a '" farmer. He knows he raises t pound we ship 35,000,000 east. In- some very gocnl apples iu his own 1 eluding grading, freight and clniy- j "rcluinl mid is very glad to dispose 1 ' age this amounts to Sjoo.ooo. On )f ,,ll'm fifty cents a bushel, til nil average these wools will shrink ,,Ml '" dollars a box is beyoml J 7ojercent, showing that we are '''s comprehension. 1 paying 235,000 for shipping Oie- So inaiiy things out of theordi-'j! gondlrt east. After the wool Is nary occur iu Oregon and mere.'' scoured its manufactured products , polled from time to time that east- ' are returned to us by freight at three lcr" people are iueiediiloits. Theij! cents n pound. j middle class never taste a Hoh1 J1 ly studying this matter St. Johns Kiver hpitzenberg. The dea of will be nble to discuss the nronosi- p:yiK cents apiece for them iu 1 2! tion intelligently, and. perhaps, add tlic New York markets Is preposter-1?! n knitting mill toher numerous in-,n,ls to them, but it is a fact that i ilustries. : they are readily disposed of there to 1 11 4 1 the wealthier class at from so to 1 : f ( per bushel. mere lliev will iviiiilnn.. in iiu. Where Cities nre Built. liditor Dennett of The Dalles Op- tiuiist, iu taking exceptions to the Now and then one will get 11 cargo -knocking received. by Portland over at Astoria as now and then one t : "Ouiiiuern 01 me yregoiiiau nt , will loud at Vancouver, St. Johns The Coming City. With 75 blocks of street improvement un der way with ,j new brick business blocks, under construction with new business and manufacturing enterprises coining every week and finally and greatest of all, with the adjunct of the SWIb'T PACKING COM PANY I he great future of St. Johns is assured. We have for sale choice business lots on Jersey street lots that will withiu.a year from now bu worth twice what we can sell them for now. Holbrook's Addition. Choice Resilience District. Lots 50x106 feel with 1 6-foot alleys. Prices, $300 and upwards; $5 00 down and $5.00 per month. No shanties iu this, addition. A building restriction clause iu each contract from now on. Before fall these lots will be with 5500 and upwards. We have the largest general list of any firm iu the city. and Astoria Portland. N. H. SUITTER Contractor and Builder Designs and Ustlmntcs Furnished, and nil con struction guaranteed to please the most partic ular. 217 Mohawk Street ST. JOHNS, OREGON Btildtnec of W. L Thorndykt, Si. Johns, built by mc from my mn plins. :iT.i'.y.u!i:ni:'JikM .. Laity A&siktuut. Phone Wootllmvn 332 Nh!it office: 1002 O.wtnoSt. I Dr. S. C. COOK 1 Resident Undertaker snd Embalmer l!iuipmentaiul worltKtiarutiteeil equal to any 011 the coast. No. joj Jersey strict, In Clark's furnl. I Hire store, St. Johns. St. Johns Market I!. !0N.m:U.V, Proprietor The House of Quality" We take special care to buy only the choicest, Government Iusccted Meats so leave us your order for a Prime Rib Roast or anything iu the meat line. Phone Scott 4062 113 Jersey Street WANTED The citizens of St. Johns to know we have a milk route in this citv. Pure milk delivered at your loor for j a mouth, Additional quarts at 7c, ORDERS FOR IJUTTKRAtlLK Taken Thursdays and Saturdays, de iieen- 2; Mminlli 1111,. nt .kll,ae I..., A t . . i ... 111111.4 iniuiin, if iit T- canon to htiow wliere cities are tin. irri!it mn!iir!ii nf 11 latlt III tit I built. InkitiL' Ids view of tliecasty iiw. f.ttn, ,.c ti.. :. h will never be n rival iTT wnil He stales; m. t(kii., Mw.tmiwJL ,:: iiw 4 knvi 1 i4n niiinvn iiivi 1 y uvirr - i 41 l i nearer tlccn water than the inetron. 1 An endle.ss chain of nraver. said olis and just fnr enough removed to originate from Rev. Win. Law from it to give safe and coin mod i- Ireuce of Huston. .Mass,, has been otis shelter to the ships that hail in causing quite a stir throughout the from the sea.' : United States. Whether this an- J Actrtrtnti ndll ir.t.1vt.. .1 ll(fll fMIIIII fr1lll I lw i. niw cvii-.w. ,m llie most ot those s 1 ds ' one punusiicu 111 I lie Keview . . 1 . 1 ... . 4t 41 nit that that 'hail iu from the sea' do not stop at Astoria, but wend their way onward and upward to Portland. And that paper will probably ad mit there Is reason for it. And the reason is that freight can be moved more cheaply on water than on land. last week mid accredited to Rev. Severance we know not, but judg ing from the style and language it is evident that both mine from the wune author. As both the divines emphatically deny any knowledge of the matter, it is nrobablv the work of some religious fanatic who St. Johns Land Co., I St. Johns i'Ikhii! U11i1.11 ami Oregon "We will not go very deeply into 'ins """"w enthusiasm than brains. this subject at this time, for the rea son that almost any school bov knows the location of nracticallv all the great cities of the world is not on the seashore, but just as far in land as vessels of sail and steam can crawl. There is hardly an excep tion iu the civilized world. Look at London, Paris, Herlin and New York. '1 he latter city may seem like an exception, but it is not, for Long Island sound is only a great river or estuary, and the Hudson livered Fridays ami Mondays: iocais navigable above New York only gallon, Send orders to M.W. GATTON Sl!nj"hni,Do'eKon, If you have REAL ESTATE for sale and want to buy in St. Johns or surrounding country See II. G. OGDEN Have complete list of property for sale. Call in for bargains. Review office, St. Johns. a part of the time "Look at Philadelphia and Hal-' timore, and compare them with the cities at the mouth of the Delaware and of the Chesapeake. f ft 1 iwjiiinc nave men received Dy (he thousands regarding the chain by the reverend gentlemen which indicate that the fears of numerous persons have lieen worked iiikm by the "dreadful accident" clause. One lady wrote that she was "sick with fear" because her husband would not jcrinit her to follow the instructions, and finally disobeyed him and placed nine others under the "ban of thecurse." The prop osition is an outrage, and no ersou should be so weak or superstitious as 10 neip peretiiate tlie chain. I Bickner Brothers I I Department Store j i- All Goods Sold at Portland Prices! OoiiiId, Unnecessary Hxpcusc. Acute nttucks of rnlio nml illnr. Notice rlliic.'i mini mi u'illinnl tcnniinir nml Chicago at the very point of the j ,,,,, relief must be obtained.1 lake, ami go up to Puget hound and There is no necessity of incurring 1 look for a great city at its mouth. It is not and never will be there. "If iu the dim and distant future some means of transportation is found which is cheaper than by water, then the cities of tlie 21st and later centuries may be 011 the sea coast, but not iu this century. "As a matter of fact had it not been for the Cascades and shallows the metropolis of Oregon would be at The Dalles. This is, otherwise. the logical point. Hut the shoals and cascades arc there, and great ships cannot get here. They can get no farther than Portland, and there they have been coming and the expense of a physician's service if Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy is at hand. A dose of this remedy will relieve the patient before a doctor could ar rive, It has never been known to fail, even iu the most severe and dangerous cases and 110 family should be without it. Por sale by Jackson's Pharmacy. Ki'uii a In run Muck of (ii-nt ral MciclmudiKo, iiiclmliiii; Dry JioutH mid KhocH, (iruceriiM, Iliinhviiii', Ilousu PiirnUuiiigii. Peoil, Ktc. In fact uveiytliiiiif. Their Prices nro rilit. Don't wasto your time going to Portland, hut comu iu and tcu our block and jirices. Remember The Big Department Store Corner Jerhoy Sheet and Hroadway jjj St. JoluiR, Orogon Wanted. ; Hand ironers at the West Coast Laundry. Apply at once. , Keep Your Eye On St. Johns 4 PLANT AN AD. IN THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW AND WATCH YOUR BUSINESS GROW SHIP BY PORTLAND and SUBURBAN EXPRESS CO, CITY ri!()XK-MAIK 3S Reasonable Rates Quick Serv Jj ice n IOOOO PHONE EAST 6098 C. W. STEARNS, Agt. at St. Johns o Q 5