St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, August 24, 1906, Image 2

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Published F.Ttrr Friday
Subicrlpllon Mir, 1 1.00 per rr In tdfanre.
Advertising rules, $1.00 per Inch per month.
All advertising bills parttlo flnt of iaeh
Job Prlntlnp eiecuted In flrst-cUss i.le.
Hills for Job I'rlntlng cash on delivery.
All communication shnnld be addressed to
The Review, St. Johns, Oregon.
Tint RuviUW Is entered nt post office
In Saint Johns, Oregon, ns limit innttcr
of the second clans under the Act of Con
gress of March 3, 1879,
Official Newspaper of the Oltj cf St Joins.
Phono Cast 6100.
FRIDAY, AUGUST 24, 1906.
If tin; city had 110 money to do
business with there would he some
thing to complain about.
Are we going to have a repetition
of the hdwnrds muss in the conn
cil? Nine and nine-tenths of the
people hope not.
Most of Its Business Held Until Next
Meeting Night.
If any one went to the city hall
Tuesday evening with the expecta
tion of witnessing n "Wild West
Show" as per program outlined by
the Telegram, their anticipations
were far from being realized. liv
erything passed off in a quiet and
orderly mnnner, and no violent re
monstrances by the property owners
disturbed the serenity or interfered
with the deliberations of the city
guardians. The little edifice was
filled to overflowing and the door
and windows were packed with
faces eager to hear the proceedings
of the august body. Interest cen
tered in what action the mayor was
going to take regarding the ques
tion that has been agitating the
public mind more or less since he
received his appointment as post
master. Many had contended that
an individual could not legally
hold n government position and act
as mayor at one time, and that the
council proceedings under such cir-
The value of timber destroyed
by fire near Detroit last week ag
gregates more than the total loss of cuinstnnces were null.
the San Francisco fire. Some say; Therefore, when Treasurer Unll
ttn luilittrvit null nt ttiM fri'iMidu nt i stilled Id council Hint lie would re-
tin? fire mini ens nro rvMMitmilitu for fuse to honor nnv warrants slimed business were
the fire. Kxncrlcnccil woodsmen bv Mnvor Valentine until the issue would honor no documents
were discharged and their places! was satisfactorily settled, a ripple My the mayor until he was enlight
01 excitement and expectancy went tn- " w"je.
from 12.3 to 10.6 per cent. The
plan seemed a feasible one, and
apparently met with approval. Al
derman Norton said judging from
the remonstrance the people were
not in n hurry to have improvement
made, nnd he was in favor of let
ting the street rest for the present.
Aid. Hewitt remarked that he fa
vored pushing the street through if
not enough properly owners had
signed the remonstrance to knock
it out. Matter held over for one
Treasurer Hall was present with
his little hatchet, and stated that he
understood several hundred dollars
had been received by the recorder
and paid out by the same source
without the treasurer receiving n
record of the transactions. He said
that it was a difficult matter for him
to keep books when he did not
know how much was received and
paid out. Council ordered that
hereafter all monies received for the
city must pass into the treasurer's
possession. The recorder and the
treasurer were requested to prepare
their reports for next Tttesdayevcn
ing's session.
Treasurer Hall also stuted that
he had been informed by one of the
cotincilmeu that the acts of Mayor
Valentine in relation to the council
illegal, therefore he
Alderman Hewitt opposed this plan
Lon the ground that it would cotnpl
catc matters too much and perhaps
the fund would run out before the
structure was completed. It was
then decided to have the architect
modify his plans so they could easily
be interpreted by prospective con
filled by men from the city.
I. Walker, editor of the Pacifi
Coast Manufacturers' Journal.
his issue of August 15, gave St
Johns and her industries one of the
best write-ups it has been hcrgoot
fortune to gel. I he article occu
pied several pages, and contains n
the information necessary to enable
the stranger get a good idea of th
city and its resources.
The recuut land fraud convictions
were rather hard on Oregon's fai
name in one sense, but in another
prove thai no matter how promi
neiil a man may become he Maud
no more chance of escaping punish
iug for his misdeeds than does his
brethren with a standing less higl
tit the hands ol 1111 Oregon judge
ami jury. While it is 11 matter o
regret that .so many prominent men
of our state havchecu proven guilty
of laud fraud, we cannot help hut
t ... .... ... ...
icei prouti 01 me inci mat wealth or
distinction is no saviour from Ore
gon justice where guilt has been
established. Can any other state
say as much ?
While there is 11 great deal of talk
being indulged in over the local ik
liticnl .situation, there is practically
nothing new of note outside of the
declaration of Treasurer (?eo. M.
111111 mat lie will not pay warrants
.signed by the mayor. Mr. Hull
contends thai he is under $10,000
bonds, and wishes to protect him
self and the city. Mayor Valcu
tine says there is nothing new in
the .situation its far as he is con
cerucd. 1 le said a week ago that
he would hold the office of mayor
nun poMtuiiNicr until lie is con
vinced he lins no right to them.
The stand taken by the Mayor and
the Treasurer does not help matters.
If both lemain firm no money will
Iw paid out. With the money tied
up there will be no business. And
with nothing doing everybody
knows the result.
fixplalns His Position ns to the Cash
lug of City Warrants.
"Are you going to cash nny war
rants?" was asked City Treasurer
Hall yesterday.
"No, sir; I 0111 not," replied Mr,
"What is your reason for taking
tins stand ? was asked the treas
"I do not think Mr. Valentine is
entitled to hold two paying offices
tinder the law, and for that reason
any warrunt signed by him is not
legal. I am looking at the matter
in purely a horse sense way
have not taken the counsel of any
one, and there is nothing persona
In the matter with me. I want to
be absolutely sure I am right before
I continue to pay out money,
am 11 poor man. I am under $to,-
000 bonds, and I want to be abso
lutcly right before I go ahead."
I fli iitttttitl t rmtin ! ft r tit ttt
The officials who have charge of
the city in Portland should go
on a tour of iusjiectiou through the
amusement yard and then issue or
ders to their subordinates to clean
up the various jieus and cages in
which the uiiimuls are confined.
Neailyall the places where the
birds and beasts are kept are filthy,
a majority of them stink. No ani
mal or bird in its wild state toler
ates the filth imposed upon them in
men i-iaiiipcti prisons at tue city
p irk. The fragrance arising from
the bear pit would not do to scent
milady's handkerchief. The row
of animal cages emit a .stench that
docs not icquiie the services of a
policeman to make tK'ople move. A
liOod hotlSi rli'Mliiiur ifti.M ...... ....I..
matters. As the park is now con- " u,t" J ""K 1U s presented
ducted the societv for ntevemtmi f 1 n "II w" 2o. 1 he matter was laid
eiuelty to animals have good cause
to act.
the rounds of the crowded room and An ordinance regulating licenses this stand, do you, Mr. Hall?"
caused all to sit up and take notice, '"r um posting, circuses, merry-go- "Yes, sir; I do."
Council was called to convene at rounus, etc., passed second reading. "Suppose the council threatens
7:30, but owing to the late arrival 11 ordinance relating to the to Impeach you?"
of the mayor and one or two conn- keeping ot domestic animals in the "i would much rather be Iin-
cilinen, the hands of the watch city limits was sent back to tue at- peached than to think I am paying
pointed to h; in wnen tue mayor s iui ikviskihchi, nm. nunun out money illegally. I cannot nf-
gavel sounded for the meeting to contending that it wns too strict in ford to take the chances. All I
come to order. regard to keeping or cows. Mr. want Is the same as the mayor asks
koii call showed all present with "u"u greni inciui 01 ine oo- for some one to convince him that
the exception of Aid. IJobie, who vine, ana took occasion to give 1111 ,e is not entitled to hold the two
had not yet returned from being 11 entertaining little talk on the "ba- offices. When I nm convinced that
soldier boy. wes mother as lie termed it. 1 can cash warrants signed by Mr.
Minutes of the previous, or nine- " irnucnisc was petitioned for by Valentine, and do It legally, I will
teenth regular session were read and lle u. k. cvc a. railroad company cash them as long ns I have money
approved without comment. ' '"' smetrnck on uieensl side of to do it with," answered Mr. Hall.
A communication from I'.nginecr "rinuoru street, irom uniuniore 10
Goodrich, in which he demanded ev York streets, for the benefit of
ns warrants 011 the Improvements woolen mill. Aid. Hewitt was
of Catlin and Uvely streets, was ' favor of giving the woolen mill a
read. These warrants had been hle track if they asked for it, but
leld back until the advertising bill was emphatic In declaring that he
had been liquidated, lint as these Mid not think the franchise should
streets had been advertised ami re- ln! K'ven to the railroad company,
advertised in 17 or 18 publications M,u S!,i(1 if this company was given
in all, and as the cost for the iin- 11 ''lock here and a block there they
proveinents was light, it was found would soon have all they wanted
that the percentage allowed for the when the city desired a station
engineer, out ol which the printing ph'ced at any designated oint the
Dill was to be deducted, did not company would he 111 a po-
cover the advertising charge. Ho piuou to no as tney pleased iiDout
the engineer, in his communication Knintiug this or any other conces-
demanding the warrants, refused to that might be desired. Aids.
pay the bill for advertising on these d Norton favored granting
streets. Attorney Oreen then read the franchise since same is so
the law covering this point, ami it badly needed by the woolen mill,
ifiiu I..Mrn..,l tli, tli. . I. bill (lid not believe ill iriiilmr llw.
i.... ...... t.iui 11 nviw t.iv viiki I . ... .....k ..wi . .
neer'.s percentage was too small to concession for 25 years the length I f JriP MlinHfOll
cover these- evivonses tlie nmtiertv OI lime USKCd lor 111 tile. Octitton. II
udders along said sticet should be I " was then decided to hold the nf-
re-assessed to the extent of the de- '"ir over for one week.
ficit. The attorney stated that he An ordinance accepting viewers'
lid not want to see the engineer lose I rejMrt of Modoc street from Char
on his work, and requested council lesion to Pesseiidcii streets received
to have nu ordinance drafted for third reading and was placed 011 Its
the re-assessment. passage.
Aid. Hewitt wanted to know If '' Hurlbert arose to Inquire
the engineer was to be permitted to concerning the bonding act and was
continue making his estimates so informed by the attorney that under
ow that contractors would not hid the charter it held good.
on the work and thus pile up the Messrs. Poff ami Smith wanted
advertising bill. On motion the ' k,,l)w If they could go ahead and
matter was held over for one week. ''O' their own pavements on Hurl-
I'.ngiueer Goodrich also had 11 ingtou street .since 110 contract had
communication in regarding the O. I)CCI 'et for laying sidewalk 011 this
K. & N. cars being allowed to re- street. After thrashing the matter
main on the street crossings, thus vcr pretty thoroughly they were
obstructing travel to the ferry. Af- d vised to use their own judgment
ter some little discussion as to the 111 ' matter, as it was not quite n
length of time cars should be per- regular proceeding.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Hlackburn.
undertakers and emlmlmers, wish
to notify the public of St. Johns and
vicinity, that owing to the recent
fire which destroyed their olTice and
funeral chapel, that should their
services be needed at any time, day
1 or iiigiit, tney can lie louud at their
residence, corner Chicago ami I ill
more streets, or n phone call nt
Hickner Hros. Store will be prompt
ly attended to.
We Can Make
A' Week-We Have
Doubled the Capaci
ty of Our Workshop
It's no
Gentlemen I
WELCH cuts the price during
The Big Midsummer Sale
f 20.00 suits $14.75 jf 10.00 suits $7.45
25.00 suits 19.75 15.00 suits 9,75
2,000 pairs men's nnd boys' shocs;each paira bargain
If not right Welch makes it right
221-223 Morrison
Corner First
Haptist church hi. A. Leonard,
pastor. Sunday school at 10 a. 111.
Preaching at it a. in. U. Y. P. U.
7 p. in. Preaching nt 8 p. in. All
are cordially invited to attend these
Methodist church S. h. Young
pastor. Sunday school 10 n. 111.;
preaching at it a. 111. Union ser
vices 8 p. in.
Holy Cross Catholic church,
Portsmouth Station 8:15 n. 111.,
low mass; 10:15 a. in., high mass;
7:30 p. 111., vespers mid benediction.
St. Andrew's Kpiscopal Chain.-!,
University Park Rev. Win. K.
Powell, chaplain. Regular services
tin. in. butulnv school 10 a. in.
Ivvaiigclicnl church Sunday
school ion. in. Preaching 11 a.m.
Junior K. I,. C. Ii. 2:30 p. 111 ;
Senior K. I,. C. I!. 7 p. 111. H. Ii,
McVicker, pastor.
First Congregational Church P.
J. Warren, pastor. Sunday school
10 a. in.; preaching 11 a. in. and 8
in. j
v.iuircn 01 cnrist. .Services ev
cry Lord's day nt 3 p. in. in the
Iiaptisl church. Communion und
ireitchlng by Rev. Hruce Wolver
ton, acting pastor. All cordially
Subscription Notice.
The subscription price of Tni
Riivuiw outside of Multnomah
county is Si. 50 per year in ad
vance. All papers will he dis
continued at the expiration of the
time paid for.
Jowcrllock,N.Jcrscyst '
Special Bargains.
Hoys' and youths' SWS
In box calf and vici kid, '
lieavy soles, $1.00,$,.
1.50 and $2.00. These
prices are extremely low.
We have suit eases frofu
.50to $5.00. HR W.
gains all week. lluyllow
and Builders
Por Sfile.
New six-room house and
lots in St. Johns Heights addition
House modern throughout and has
never been occupied. A very
desirable home. Inquire at this
.St. Johns l'hotic
hcott 6999
Mnnton I'hone
Main si
Summer Diarrhoea in Children.
During the hot weather of the
summer mouths the first unnatural
ooseuess of a' child's bowels should
itive immediate attention, .so as to
heck the disease before It becomes
serious. All that Is necessarv is a
few doses of Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
followed by n dose of castor o to
cleanse the system. Rev. M. O.
Stockland, pastor of the first M Ii.
church, I.ittle Palls, Minn., writes:
We have used Chamberlains Colic
Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy for
several years and find it n very val
uable remedy, esjiccially for sum
mer disorders in children." Sold by
Jackson's Pharmacy.
In order to Iniure a chanae of ad
vertisement the copy for such chango
(hould reach thlo office not later than
Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. Pleaio
remember thlo and mve the printer
$1600 for House and Lot
50x100, near car barn,
West Piedmont, nil con
veniences; J600 to $800
down, balance 011 time.
House just completed alt
street work clone. Address
or phone
Thompson & Gage
517 Commonwealth build
ing, Sixth and Aiikeuy Sts.
Portland. Pacific 2439.
Absolutely Duslless Streets
I dive
An Ordinance Adopting VIcwcrs'Rc.
port on Alodoc Street From
Charleston Street to Pcsscnden
The city of
St. Johiu doci onUIn u
mitted to stand on the cross streets.
I during which Aid. Norton gave
council the benefit of his railroad
cxiwiciicc hi this connection, an
ordinance was ordered drawn mak
ing the time limit not to exceed ten
minutes at any one time.
The engineer's acceptance of im
provement on Salem street was then
read, and after 11 little eruinblimr
about grade stakes, was accepted by
Aid. Norton made a motion that
Miss Cole be paid for damages done
Attorney Perkins stated that the
notices jmsted by the engineer were
not constructed according to char
ter, and thought the engineer should
he admonished by council to stick
to the charter's instructions regard
lug the notices mid not deviate so
much therefrom. Mr. Perkins said
lie nan made out notices in strict
conformity to the charter nnd en
dorsed by Judge Greene which he
desired the engineer to shin in read-
iuess for posting, but as yet he had
not done so. Council instructed
lieu the TcJeuram's Kast Sid..
correspondent made his apjwarance
in the council chamber mid sat
down with his tablet on his kuee
t uesnay night it was thought that i that a
to her properly through the care- K'ngiueer to sign proper notices.
lessuess of the engineer in placing The only bills presented were for
tue hukcs on naiem street, and or articles purchased for the fire tic.
tinrtniiHit nnw .ii ir!
, ... .... ll-JI VUIIJ'IIII i -
ailll S2.75 was Paid to several fire.
aside for another week. men who assisted in extinguishing
in a discussion regarding the es- the brush fire near the dry docks
lapiisiiiueut of grades raised by Re- recently making a total of $9.00.
corder Thorndyke, the attorney Hills were ordered paid,
ruled that it was council's privilege At this stage of the game Aid.
alone to establish grades. Hewitt opened up on the mayoralty
Attorney Perkins, in behalf of uuestion. and stated that he did mt
the Hayes street contractors, asked
resolution be passed estab
would lu ii,i i 1" :V.:;T" l "- 'e uu uni-cn street uem tue postmastersiiip.
truihfuUu, : , er " J?.'" J "r M"r Yal atl
L'l-ini's reiu.n i. cVt i . ', u,""",- ""any oniercti to man nan a ngnt to u.s
Maui .s report the fol ow ntr dnv t H 1 mm..! .i.:.. . 1 1... 1... , ...
- 11 m vmiwiiik 1111.1 Kiutiiiii, 19.1111 111: iiiui me wimiu
believe the actions taken by council
were legal so lonir as the mnvor
In reply
that every
opinions, but
re of the eiv
A remonstrance was read signed too much at heart tn dr nnvtiim.r
uar- bv a number of
It W nmt. ... .1 11 w. v...... , jllllKCI
Parent to all that iintes .1,.. . . , Z : ' '" n,,LV, ' ' "'K y'"11 ' uuu co"c procmt-
uniin' tireoM.t i,,cY cY. L I Z . vwiiiitu lu'i o improve saui .street us I nigs uiuier present circumstances
live is ,un soon 3 ' 1 " rCS? !! .' 'M.,IS 1 !? ? -erB.!'erf!tIy legal nnd legitimate.
fields the eirenh, i, . f Zr" " l. . . wooci- titai innocent public cannot be made
.iii ,.m.V!.;.. . VV 1 ' 'l' , "Ul,!,c uiiuiug engineer ot some to stiller
same old mess of misstatements, un
uiuuiiiiuess, mid inalieiouslv
inl tacts apiK-'aretl.
Miitiniibu 1 iiiu iKjii 1 iiiui 1 rum r itt ctn 1 1 mi M'riohj,.,... i... it.. . 11 .1 .
insula. Cmitieiliiien .,! . ' 1 -. niiinKiuu, mui. uv euuieiuied inai since
pie of St loli 1 is i 1 1 e 1 ! ' r 1 1 was present ami introduced to conn- the mayor's chair was filled by the
i S l,,Y AWenuan Norton. Mr. voice of the public and is in nowise
iVtioiV rl.ri..i n l'ln.lls- Womlhouse is a Philadelphia street an apjintive office, the only way
hrli tIlu ,erwl U,e slrcct bnproveiiteiit. by a decision of the court.
roS thico umns ofS ml i ,"e ?,,nl hct Wat T l,resc,,t This' lhe' is where this much
pen rft s of t ,e ,rescnl mootwl (l,,esti0 wi likd' t.
ha it is elthe the J T l? nU "Reer. but rather to aid and as- and while it will likely be a bone o
mm 11 is inner uie news oaoer's nr wt iiim if . . i? ...m h..
...., ...... .. nra,Uiv, nam wic i-uiuciiiiuu ior some tune to come.
The Columbia Woolen
Mills workshop has for the
past six months been too
small to handle our trnde sat
isfactorily. We never have
slighted a garment or turned
out nny careless, hurried
work, but the disparity be
tween our business and our
facilities has sometimes re
sulted in unavoidable delay in
delivering clothes,
Henceforth we shall be able
to deliver suits promptly.
Our new fall fabrics are arriving.
We have 800 new patterns
011 exhibit. Cheviots, Tweeds,
Worsteds, Serges nnd Cash
mere. Suits to Your Measure
17-50 10 40.00
Trousers to You r Measure
$4-00 t0 lo-oo
Visit our store see the fin
est collection of men's dress
goods ever exhibited in Port
land. Kxainine our new,
modern, uptodate workshop.
See how the Columbia Woolen
Mills Co is keeping her place
in the vangunrd of the march
of progress being made by
"Greater Portland."
PI re Insurance.
We wish to announce to the
business men of St. Johns that we,
are agents for the Glens Palls In
surance Company; that this com
pany is paying all its losses in Sail
Prancisco; and that no advance in
rates has been made. See us when
you want reliable and reasonable
Insurance on your buildluiis or iner-
chaiidise. Moxon-Vnlentiiie Co.
The best paint for all metal roofs.
gutters and all metal surfaces. Guar
anteed for five years wear. See
samples. lor sale by Potter it
Goold, the- hardware men.
your plotted addition oiled.
I'riccs reiiw)imlilc.
115 Kiiukmki: llcii.nixis.
LOTS $112.50
Ten per cent cash down
nnd $5.00 per mouth for
balance. Residence lots,
business lots and factory
sites for sale prices rea
sonable. Houses for Rent
ami those who have houses
to rent will do well by
leaving tiiem with
Canright & Barker
Cochran Hlock, St. Johns.
Thnt, wliercim.oii the 17th slay of Julr
1906, the council of thcCltyofSt. lohw
by rcwlutloii.duly nn.l IceUy t,Llti'
to the effect that tlicrc be tlirte xlntn
itpjwlitted to uscm the IwncfiUsml dim
ngcitof thcMvernl pnicrtlc alone the
proponed oiwnliig, Inyhu; out ami ub
Hulling or .Modoc Mrvct nt crtliei.
Ifictilloim of the city eiihiccr; iml ttut
rhiiriMlny, July a6th, v,,, K ti,e j,,
nnd date, mid 10 o'clock n. m. be u,,
hour, mid the St. Johtii City IUII le tht
place of the firt hiccIIiil' of the M
viewer 5 nniltlmt nil prurty ownm
lutcriMcd In the mIi! wotk lie Invited to
meet the viewers nt the nhovc time il
pmce; nun, wncren, nil the irotrtr
owner along Mid tiroiioctl owhId,
Inyhig out mill ctnljIOiiiig of uM Mo.
iloc Mrvet were duly mid legally notified
of mch uicctlng, m ruiiiiml bythcUw
nnd the charter of mIiI city; niul,
Wherciit, 011 the mild :6tlt tiny of loir,
1006, nt 10 o'clock n, 111. nt the St. Johti
city hull In Mild city, Mid mccUss vn
duly held hy mIiI vicucn in compluiire
with Ktid rvM)ltitlon uiul the Ur uA
charter of Mid cllv: anil.
Whcrcuii, the Mid v(cmc, after heir
ug "II the tckthiiouy ami sUlcmccUcf
liitcrentcd jwrtlc tirvHiit. ami after tint
dclibcmtloii, iiimlc their fiiiillngi In
wonU mid fik'nrc following, to wit:
".St. John., Oregon, Augutt 1,
To the llouornhlc the Mayor ami lie
Council of the City of Si, Jolmi.Ot-
uciitleiueii: We, the viewers ip.
Kiliitcd hy your honorable body to turn
the ihinincH mid Iwuefit to tlieKrtnl
procrtlc nlong the route of tlie pro
nosed ODcnliiL'. invhiL' out ami iunrorinf
of .Modoc street. (11 t ie wld city of St.
JohtiH, Oregon, accord I iik to the pUos,
)eeincntionii niul estimate ol the city
engineer, do hereby make the folio Is
U'e fllnl Hint liiminiirli as tilt rrflt
hulk of property owner nlone the pro
l)M.'d street have donated ami will dcJi-
.. ... ..... ..t 1. ...1
mic iu wic ciiy iiic urea ui uuu umr
wry to crfcct the street, thetc ounen
mould not he forced to pay any iiauugti,
nnd the bcneflta to tlicc tcople will
ennui the dnniauei. We find that In the
cum: of 1!. I. llnfford.of whose land there
will he required lo.jHt MHiare feet, Uut
his lMMielits will he fully n jjreat a the
muouiit of damiiecs winch he my incur.
The street which it is contemplated t
complete will, we believe, prove a greater
For Sale.
A 1 I -
.Moulin iiaiui double express
1 !.. 1 . , . '
iiuiucaa in goon repair, torsa e clieun
at the St. Johns haniess shop. W.
xv. aweuei.
BritiR your work to The Review.
Huy your wood at the
Old Reliable
Peninsula Feed & Fuel Go,
Green and dry slabwood.
Leave orders at
or phone Kast 297.
correspoiulent's design and purpose
w MiuK Hunt in 01. joiius at every
possible opiortunity, and it is up to
our citizens to retaliate by boy
cotting that pajer so long as its
present representative continues in
his efforts to bring our city into dis
repute with the aid of its columns.
grade as established on this street
was entirely too heavy for street
cars and automobiles to ascend
without difficulty, and being a prac
tical engineer with years of experi
ence, he had made a survey of the
street and made
how the grade
Mayor Valanttue will no doubt be
postmaster and mayor until the end
ot tue chapter.
The new city hall was discussed
at some length. Aid, King was in
favor of getting the work done bv
a sketch showing the day. clainniiL' that the pitv mnlil
couui oe lessenei save at least if 1.000 bv so iin nr.
Woolen Mills Co.
Klks' Building, Stark aud
Seventh Streets.
N the above sou are von win aUi
4 - ... v. U tU- UUt
Noticed it, didn't you? Now if YOU saw that
little speck think of how all the rest of our
readers noticed it. Then, if
man, had placed an attractive announcement of your wares, at
correct prices, in that space, you'll have some idea that it would
have brought you trade. Better try it next week.
benefit to him than to any other prop
erty owner idoni; the route. We.twrf
fore, unless lib da inures ami UencnU
being equal, Verv respectfully,
John foil,
Which said report of said viewers boa
file with the city recorder of saidcitjr,
Whereas, mch rexrt apjars to t
couucil to be in all resjiects reasowwe
mid just; now, . ,
Therefore, the city of St. Johns does
ordain as follows: That said viwer
port be and the same is hereby saopiw
In all jwrticulars, ,
Passed by the council August Jl,
Approved Augut 31, 1906,
F. W. VausiiM.
Attest: Nayor.
Pnfi11ti.l I., ii.- r r.ilwis Review "
gust 34, 1906.
I Proposals for Street Work
Sealed promsals will be received''
the office of the Recorder ol tlie "
St. Johns. Oreeon, until Aug. , I9i
4 o'clock p. in., for the iuiproveuiw
waviti street, irom me nuii".v
Hayes street to the southerly hneoyn
sey street, in the manner pttvwwv
Ordinance No. 93. subject to the p"
sions of the charter and ordinance w
the City of St. Johns, and Jl
specifications and estimates of the
engineer on file at the office of tW-,lJ
Reconler. . i,nrt
rtMa .im I strictlv In acconispw
with printetl blanks which ytll be iw
tiished on application at the office " ' J
Recorder of" the City o St. MnV0
said Improvement must be .completw .
or before sixty days from the date 0 1
publication of notice for propyls ior
saiil work. , . .cM,rtJ
No proposals or bl'ls win oe r' k
unless accompanied by a certified
payable to the order of the MJ
City of St. Johns, certified by
ble bank, for an amount equa to ten r
cent of the aggregate proi,s , bJdl j,
The right t refect any and all wu
hereby reserved.
By order of the City Council.
Published In the St. Johns Reviews S'
10, 17 and 34.
The firTest of callhTg cards atTb
Keview omce.