I wmmmmmmwwmwmmii TRUFFLE HUNTING. A BATCH OF QUEER TRADES ECCENTRICJTRAVELERS. Bonham & Currier General Merchandise Cochran Block o I A Few Bargains in Homes : jj I One acre with a to-rootn house, nil finished in good shape, for $2,500.00. One quarter acre close in with four room house, for Moo. Also fine river view and business property and factory sites. Good time Riven on projcrty. W. H. King Land Co., St. Johns. I Fly and Flea Catcliors Lion Hunton Humnn Incubator. A loqucdt was recently sent out by an English paper for suggestions of novel ways of earning money. Some of the replies have novelty enough iind to spare. Hero aro a few "professions" which were pro posed : A professional Ilea catcher, a cus todian for siifch pins, a collector of dried (lies for hulls' food, purveyor of fads to the leisure classes, a lion cure a new pig for his work ho vis- j hunting nnenc for society's use, a Hit fl.n nnnn.st .-ounlrv fnir. With motor ear library to call at out of a truiilc lied to his hoot he stands Dogs and IMgs Trained to Locate the Hidden Treasures. ! Trufllo hunters of Italy frequent ly emplov trained pig's in their search for that duliiaey, which is found ino.4 abundantly in the depths of forests. .Men who derive a livelihood from Irulllc hunting with pigs are firm believers in tho importance of family traits in tho annuals. They think certain strains possess the hunting instinct to a greater degree than others. Wlion tho 'hunter desires to sc- beside a road along which the hogs are driven. Should one stop to snilT ut the delicacy it is at once bargain ed for by the hunter. Taken inlo the forests, tho pig's censo of trulllo detection is further developed until it has little dill!- I cully in picking out the edible I growths, no matter how well they i mav seem to lie concealed the way place with the newest books, a maker up of minds, u griev ance abater, a manners teacher. Among the q.ieer occupations de scribed as already followed is that of artistically painting with harm less pigments uctitious, if scanty, hair on bald heads. "A man I know," says one an swer, "makes his living out of fu- I nerals and wcdd.n.;s. Ho attends a Mnke Hny While the Sun Shines. There is a lesson in the work of tin 1irifv ttmiwr. I To Wnmvu flint A European Tour That Was Confined Lj ,u bright sunshine 111 ay last 1)11 1 a w (iny nlK lie prepares for tlic showers An Kii.'l.shman once went abroad w,)cl arc so unljc to f0now. So with the design of taking an exten- Jt sholI(i j,e witll cvery i10sci10ti. Bive tour on the continent, but was DyScntery, diarrhoea and cholera diverted from his purpose by find- mori,l1s lny nttack sonic ineniber ing himself so comfortable 011 board of Uie ll0inc withoiit warning, a canal boat in Holland or Holgiuin Cimmbcrluiii'8 Colic, Cholera and that he went no farther, preferring Diarrh0ca Remedy, which Is the 10 ue a uauy passenger best known medicine for these (lis wliicli went ami returned ooiweeii certain limits on alternate days. It seems to be agreed that this mun started on his intended tour in 18ir, the year of the battle of Wa terloo, that hu landed at Ostend tvith the design of pushing on to Jlrnssels and that the canal boat which arrested his progress was one that nlied between Jinnies and t 14.. eases, siiouid always .ue Kept at hand, as immediate treatment is necessary, and delay tuny prove fatal. 1'or sale by Jackson's Pharmacy. SIMMON Office: tlli wish to call your atten tion to our complete line of Children's, Misses' and La dies' Oxfords and Shoes In medium priced goods. Also 1 Iosiery.l Iats, Overalls, Pants. Phone Union 4066. i"L"R line of Groceries was never so complete. Wc have just received n case of fancy cream brick cheese which Is very fine. Try It. Now is a good time to buy sugar; it will go higher. Couch & Company 206 and 208 Philadelphia St. In the Circuit Court of the State of Ore imiii. Cnimt v n( Miilttimiiiili. (Jhent, starting one day at Uhent ,.,.nri nrrI. vuu.,ut. and the other at Unities, vs. According to one account which O. H. Harris, Defendant. wo have heard, the individual In To O. K. Harris, defendant: n 0t !mm wont nliriviil not morel V to ",u "al,lu of ,,,c tn,c Oregon you question s cut tWo.m . not, inert i) 10 nrclcrL.b Mlllimollc,t ull, rcnlrcd to see foreign lands, but 111 the hope of ,,,.,. ft MVcr the complaint filed iMi'i'tihi' with I UstriOUS licrsoliaees tumliiit vim In thi! nbov; untitled mitt tin Other trufile hunter in Italy and unom, gets a list of the wreaths and distinguished characters, which ',."l'wr, '" 'UIi ,ny in Kngla.,,1 employ dog to from the undertaker (on roeiproca will account for his making Hrus- terms;, iukc a Miorinuiui 11010 01 sois in 1010. iimiing, minuter, this numinous. It Is prescribed In the the minister's address, draws up a that on board the canal boat he not order for the pahllentlnu of Munitions souvenir topurt of the whole Hung only fell in with many persons worth that the miiiiuiohs Im, published for six and ollcra it to the survivors, meeting, but had tho opportunity successive weeks, nu.t wild order was "Jlereavcd people are an easy of silting down with the!.! at a ta- AfffU prey. No; iiifrc-iuciitly he receives hie d hot?, he thought he could not made the 39th day 0 June, 1906, ami If encouragement also from the print- do better, and went backward and you fall to appear mid answer, the plain er or typhi if he can persuade them forward, never getting farther than " 1 1 r'-Vr 'J1.?' 1 . i" V.Th . A1 - fll1.; 1 Uliont, until Ho railroads were in- Vlmt the Ik.u.Is of matrimony heretofore vented, when he drowned himself on and now existing ltncuii the plaintiff the last trip of the passage boat. and the defendant he dissolved and that Another Kngllshinan is said, to 'c divorced from him and for such ...... T . 4i,. t i, other relief as shall seem enu ah e. have made it bet that ttii An - Thlssuuuuonslsin.hllshcloneea week blirgll, tho lion tamer, would be cat- for six successive weeks In the St. Johns Office 203 South Jersey street AM!, ell by his ferocious pupils within n ltcvlcw by order of the HonoMhlc Judge . ' K)w )WCd llilll llbOUt l')'"ur-"KV m 11 u mmv wincf AD r 1 11 many aid them. Two small poodltM once dlscoveied a reh Uirvesl of trulllcs for their ouner, a Surrey fanner. .Poodles in fact arc imro valuable for this work than any other canine breed. These dog. are trained to such hunting. Almost iu toon 11s one can walk he is given n trufile as a play thing. Pawing and gnawing it at first like a rubber ball, he is taught to retrieve it. Then as soon its he has grown ac customed to his new plaything, like a trick dog, he is taught to find it when hidden. Oradtially he is trained to search for it on lib) own initiative. Then the system of rewards and punish ments comes into play. Kuch time to have it put in tvpe. "His ta -ties are similar in regard to weddings. Hut there, as ho suf fers sevendy from the competition of the no spapers, his great source of profit fs net in- us agent for the loan of wedding pro enK It is sa!d that at tho fecnud wedding of a well known politician at llirmiugham tl 0 prei-onts ure valued at i'(!0,(IOI', and two-thirds of them were hired. Commission on L'iO.OOO worth of AN OFFuTi0 QREENB Attorncy-at.Law, big, comer Third a T Z , .I,ni1''- i titllMI, anil !. -hvn l'hone: Pacific , ' "'-Johns Joseph McChcsncy, rj" IMIVSICIAN AND SUROnuN Oflco In llolbrook Ii0fk DR. L. G. HOLLAND, PHYSICIAN AND SURQEON Residence: On Modoc St,t Phone I'fi.i r.ion fiS;.B,!t. brobk "rlekl lk, Z ,Vt.,r Phone l'.ast36H9. ' ""land St. Johns, . . . - Ofcoa Dr. VV. E. HARTEL, DUNTIST Crown and Prldc Wotk . Sjieclalty Uooms t and a, Holhrook "lock, St. John, Dr. MARY MacLACHLAN ' Physician nnj Surgeon. Itcsldence Phone $oit i, Office: Hollaook'sNewiiJiciuf Kesldci.ee, St. fohns Hotel. Wkl A. VV. VINCENT, At. d7 H()Mi:oi'ATIIICIIIVSICHN AM) SUROCON FIRE INSURANCE Agents for the Queen IiiMir.inceCo., American Cen tral of St. Louis, Norwich I'nion h'iic Ins. Society. These companies ure thtee out of thethiity-twothut tire paying their losses in full at Sail h'tancisco. It costs no more to lustitc iu 11 good company than In 11 poor one. Don't Insure in a Six Company. Shepard, Dobie & Peterson, Phone Scott .ooi. Krai CsUle aud fire Imurancr. ST. JOHNS, OKI',. be finds his Irddon tniisure ho U husines in not to Ins despised." Untight to brng it unmolested to Anolhor mn is that of a bus," hand, and a small piece of cheese or t fnnner's wi.'e in Australia, who hail raw meat is g-ven bi n. "e iiiiforljiiu to have a imralytic son wno wuj iH'iiriiitien. sue was a notable tnntiager, and. considering the great cost of the invalid and THE $ PENINSULA BANK St. Johns, Oregon. Capital, fully paid up, . $25,000.00 Surplus and undivided profits, 1.152.3S Coniuieuccil business June 5, 1905. Ol'i'ieims-J. W. I'.mhify, Prwlduut; It. T. Pktt, Vice Priwl.lent: C. A. WimkI, Cn.hli r. ItoAiiiioi' DiHitcTi.nsJ. V. Ponlnoy, It. T. Piatt, V. C. Kuapp, W. A. Iliewtr, II. I,. IWi-is, Th.w. Cochian, M, HiiIImin)):. C. A. WimmI. 11 t t t KADDERLY TRANSFER & COMMISSION COMPANY I)rl.r In FEED, HAY, LIME, CEMENT, SHINGLES LATH. COAL. KTO. (let our Prices, and we get Your llu.lueM. Plu.ae Scut I 6W. ST, J0iNSt imm)S - In exchange for the trufile, which is prolmbly not specially treasured by him, some dainty his soul han kers nflcr is njlVrcd to him. Finally the trufile dog, for such he is iiou culled, is brought Ut thu open woods where the trufile Is sus pected to lurk, and his career begins 111 sober earned, for now ho has to depend entirely on his sharp scent and lo put the' reality of his train ing to work and test. " .Many a man who delights In tho wonderful brain of the sporting dog will find even more to discover in its marvelous, If untraced, powers of scent when implied to that wonder ful lliing the underground and mo't delicious trufile which to hu fully enjoyed miut bo cooked iu its earthy, if scruluVd jacket, roasted in greased paper a dainty, many tliliiK, lit lor a Klng.i-r.xcliauge. An Enibarranlno Joke. When Lord Kldon was appointed deputy professor of law at Oxford uiuvcritv he was made the victim of an eiubarraiHiiug practical joke, of which hu gives the following ac count iu his journal: "Immediately after I was married 1 was appointed deputy profeor of law at Oxford, and the law profe sor sent me tho first lecture, which I had to read im mediately to the students mid which I began without knowing a siuglu word that wiu in it. It was upon the statute of oting men running away with maiden, I'aney mu read ing with about IM) hoys and young men all giggling at tho profivsorl" 1 tie secret or die situation, of coure, lay iu the fact that Lord hldou hud just returned from his own elopement. T EDMONDSON CO., I Hardware, Tinware, Plumbing f T i Tin Roofs, (tuUors, etc. Phone Scott -1065 ST. JOHNS, Or Houses For Rent Your Horse Lame IIV- DANIEL BRECHT If YOU WANT A II0U8K CAI.l, ON MK ST. JOHNS, OREGON Star Market V .shall handle only the finest of MEATS and our patrons may be sure of being .sit isficd in every case YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Take him to Godsey & Clark Expert Horseshoers. Our sjiocialty is horseshoeing, and we guarantee our work. O.M.I'AUI.K O.I'.MUKRIU. Smith & Hoover Next door to Kduiondsou's JIJRSI5V STRIJKT. ST. JOHNS Faulk & Merrill Coal, Flour May, Grain, Ground Feed, Paints, Oils and Building Materials Phone East 713 Unlvartlty Park, - Oregon .Mail Schedule Mail arrives at St. lolms at 7'in n. in and 1:15 p. in. i.cuvi'h at io;jp a. iu ami 4:45 p. ui. OlIlCC 01)011 uci'k ilavs from t: Jc a. tti. to 6;io p. 111, Muuilays from 9 to 10 a. 111, so umtia arrive or depart Suuilay. t.o Turners For Him. 'There was a millionaiie," said 1111 art denier, "who decided that hu would form a picture gallery. Ac cordingly he visited a dealer and bought a lar.'o iiumbor of costly works of Mrt. Toward the end of tho visit the dealer said: 'My the way, if you want some thing iiniiiue, something reallv ex traordinary, 1 have a trenuhio Tur nor, "Tin .Shark acd the Sailor," tuat I d I Ke 10 how vou, "Hut the millionaire, all pultVd up wmi newiy aiipiireii art lore, frown ed and hook b:s head. 'No.'heaid pompotiiily. 4.o. A pietare that's painted on one sido is good enough for ine. Always pro vidin', of course, that it's well ilone." Needed Wettlno. When a delightfullv opon winter the Iiim of bin r. ii-o on the farm, the K.'rnii;iile 1 I. 1 lo a. low clutched of eggs to he pi.iied with proper precaution in il,e bed, that tie oiiul and emit In ml wnrmtlt mlht hatch them. Yhi wa-t accordinj';,' done, and tho (Mralyxed yo.ith xttU lot iiro'id of the broo.U i'ia poib.'c anil thoroueh.'y carted hin livbuj n ldcs uuiiiii.; hii intere.t in I if". Tha Jury Con Agreed, dudf-o Afin. ii .1. Parker of Albany wad lis wiijibh i.t l.e wa Icruetl. Having hail a ,ic days' trial of -i broach of prit iM- m! e, the jury dhuijirced and ti.at a verdict won impow ble. Said, I nil ;o Parker: ''ThU ii iiufor' in ie. and I an mm- ry for the cieo nf irtab'e nll.t you liave panel, bit I have a circuit term to Ik d ii Nc York which cannot take io.i,;er tlmn a fortnight, wlien 1 hIiiiII return to receive your vordiet, if by that time you have reached one. .Meanwhile I im11 dirft t (he tdicriu" to make you as comfortable in circuiindnnci' will iiermlt." The foreman glared at hit fellows, and they jflured at him, but Iho foreman, reeoveriii his p-Cfcncu of mind, carried up and do vn thu row 01 iiouiiie simm ami in a row minutes nnnounced a vordiet for the defendant. Il.it the fair plaintiff obtained from tho appellate court a how trial on Iho novel ground that tho judge had coerced tho j-iry. Making an Island, There iued to be 1111 old store- keeper at Chatham, on (Jape Uod, who was formerly a ea taptnin. With very serious mien am1 manv shakings of the head he told of bow thu continents of Ktirope and Amer ica In the hope of seeing him ut lust devoured and no winning hia stake. K'ipno Sue introduce this mythical Kngliidiniiin among tho dramatis pemoline of "Tho Wander ing dew." The ItiiMians also have a story of an eecenrie traveler, likewise an Kngliidiiinii, who posted overland and iu tV depth of winter to SI. Petersburg merely to ceo tho fa mous wrought iron gates of tho Mimiucr garden. Hu is said to have died of griyf at finding tho gatva superior l those at tho entrance to his own park at home. Add to this the lying traveler, who boattod that ho had been every where, ami who 011 being asked how hu liked Persia replied that ho scarcely hnew, as ho had stayed there only 11 day. Xoto aleti, among eeccntricitloa, the noDieman of wliom it was in- (mired at dinner what ho thought of Athens. Ho turned to his body Mirvaut, waiting behind his chnir, uud said, "John, what did I think of Athens?" Sundiiy Miigazino. Priceless Knowledge. "Aro you the celebrated Mmo. Kombastoii ':" he asked, after ho had climbed four bights of stairs und was admitted into a mysterious aparimcnt. "Yes," replied tho bizarro look ing personage who had received him. " 1 no great clairvovantr" "Yes." "And yon foretell tho future?" "Yes "And rend tho mind?" "Yes." "And unfold tho past?" "Yes, yes." I hen, said tho visitor as ho took a roll of bank notes from his pocket eagerly, "tell mo what It waa my wife asked mo to bring homo for her tonight!" Pearson's vteoKiy. titled court, iiui'le the ajud day of June, 1900. 11. PUNUNOitii, Attorney for tlic plaintiff. 414 Cliauibcrof Commerce. Portland. l'lml Insertion June 39, 1906; lnt Inner- tlou Atiguitt 10, toon. onicliour, 9 to i,.in ito3p.n, omit l'hone, tkolt 1104, KnUcure l'lione, Union Office In Unlrtnitr I'sik IiruslWot,. Housekeeping Apartments Suites of two lo four rooms, nl single rooms. Situated one bloc! from Columbia Unlvurlty, near cor. of I'isk St. mid lluulcvnnl. I'urulhlicd or UiifuruUlicil. A plcawiut walk from St. Johns, suitable for mill men. UNIVERSITY PARK A. W. DICKSON Phone East 0200 BOLEN BROTHERS CARPBNTIiKS AND CONTRACTORS ., - Uuirsntit lo I'I.im I!. T. Ilokn, 1116 WIIUmtlK lloiiWtiU. C llvkn, 2JS ttr Slietl Sr. JOHNS, ..... osrna N. F. NOREN & CO. Real Hstnlc, Ians, 1 11 mm nee nd IIusIiicm Chances. S. C. Noiton, comer ilrunswirk ami llmlton streets, Kcslilcut Agent. l'lione Itatt (y. JUKSUV STRItl'.T - ST. JOHN'S I M. PARSONS Conlrnc:or and HuilJcr. Cnrcntrrlng hi nil Iu lirnncliri itutli- price. Kcililencc 727 Lively t. F. J. CARTER nOOTS AND SHOOS RCPAIRCD Slion next door to Anilcnnn'i lUktrr on-Tueoum street. Give 111c n trial onitr, St. J0I1111, Orri;on C. AlARION SALISBURY Graduate- Optician Will tct the cyc free of clrtojc. 1 10 Tncoma Street. St. Johns, Orrgoa. L. B. CHIPMAN Real Hilalc. An Important Meteag. A well drfeiied vouhl man tin ho once got even with a rival captain Poached the desk in a telegraph ol uy selling linn an innocent ippear wrote u messago. Laying ing unti-foaliiy paint. mis, sir," aid this old h- rnucle, "b'guni. sir, when Cap'n Darius got out inter inidocean, yoa m"c!:e,o 1110 or not, tht iiaiut I had so!d him begun to colhvk evorvlhim,' lloatiu' on the ocean, seaweed, dnr'tuood, until at last, h'guin, the i-hip could jiot move at all, no, sir; kho tjrned hiter an il.ud, thet's what !ie did, and (die's out there yit in lat't .:do let in' neewaal, 1 clean fer,'it tho p'inta but howsumever there !,e lie to this day. shipmate betcha a dol. lar." tho pen down, ho handed tho inea- age to the girl and said, "You can rush this for mo, can't you?" " a, indeed." replied the girl. "It's very important," ho went on, "I must havo it rushed." "It shall go right through' "All right," ho said, turning u burw anu rusn it now." hon he had gone the girl show- eu mo message 10 unotlier operator I Goodrich & Goodrich, ARCHITECTS I'ull Professional Services I'Iac I'crCtnt. Saint Johns and Portland, Ore. Zcller-Byrnes & BlackburnCo, Undtrtaherj and Embalnwri 269 Jcrty Street I.mly Aiiiftant. REAL ESTATE f ijoo 1m 50x100, cor.; two-htory brick will soon be erected In same block. Th s is a splendid Investment, and you had better look Into it at once. $jaoo-I.ot 35x100; a close iu inside lot on Jersey street. fooo Lot 50x100. Many Such. Old Mrs, 11., a ladv notorious for her saving habits, one morning en- stundini: neaF. "Look what U u tk t .LViill 'ou, !""" ce- be rushed," she said. "half casV ' ",B ,ocauoni 0,,e' Tho mospiH'ii roml "linn.,, aitu I am also aeent fur Hit. a. ..,!..,.. ii loves his little wife and wishes she l,rest wire,ess Telegraphy Co.'s stock. cotim uo witii linn." Donver Tost. Tho Second In Command. 'Pl. 1 ..v. w.. ,,.,r ,.i..,.i, uv imii iiiujj i'u 1 iivj luiiuiiuv wero rattier a tored the doi tor's suruerv. leadiiiL honeless lot of nvrnira n,t t.t- OaltllV l)OV nf lllIU'i Vt;ir ''Woll I FIimiHliv na fluftit IVfl illildimlv f'nllmi,..ii I.,h1. 1... Afrj 11 cii.'l 1 .... (....!.. ..... I...L .l.lll in.. ,? . ,l"oug" - , i, i ....tv.il uj i iiv uiMiM, i a tiur I "-u linn luueeti mu iro oi mo can- a sprity of deep unows and heavy l patient?" "My nevow from town," tain in charge. For tho hundredth -UlS W.J.PEDDICORD m. L. ROWLAND, Oenerul Illacksinithiug and KepaU-. Ing. Horseshoeing a specialty. AH work warranted, Cor. Ivanhoe and Tacoma sts., St. John N. A. GEE House Mover and Repairer Houses moved, raised and re paired. Odd jobs of all klnd. Prompt service, reasonable charges. Ivanhoe and Catlius treets. Phone East 6189. Saint Johns - - Oregoa Notary Public. ice many New Knglanders wore pttz iled to understand tho need of such unwelcome weather. N'ot so Uncle .Ned Willoughbv. "I told 'eni!! told 'em!" he sua cheerfully, as he drove his exnress sleigh about town in tho teeth of the third blizzard. "What'd you tell ein, Undo ed.' asked a curious villager, "lilt, I told 'em I savfl. sava I. 'Winter,' 1 says, 'can't rot aout yit,' I says, 'not withaout more wettiu 'n it hez had." Youth's ConiDanion. E. O. MAGOON ill North Jersey Street. Wines and Liquors. KXl'ORT HOP GOLD BURR. Family trade supplied. H. replied. "Not much .vroiii time thev turned tn tlm ,t,. with him, I should say," laughed tho tho order had been right, and ran doctor, pinching his red cheek. "It's "bout liko lost r.heep at tho order nhou 'is appetite, doctor," said tho "Korm fours." That was tho las! boy s aunt in a low voice. "What I" traw. e.c aimcn iiieitoetor.staring. "Sure- "ion knockkneed. flatfoorl F. M. LASHBAUQH Puel famished, either sliort or long. Droyiug and teaui-work of every kind. Prompt service. Terms reasonable. you to give mo sutnmat to make 'h appetite lcs. 'K'll eat mo out of 'ouso an' 'onto afore 'is month's holi day i up if 'is appetite ain't cut down!" Sacied Heart Review. Central Market! Holbrook Block. See us for the Choicest Cuts of the Best -Meats Obtainable. teach you." Then sheathing his sword in a passion, ho turned to his companion. "Xow, lieutenant," ho roared, juu cimrgo oi tnem. " The Wellington KNIGHT 4 CLOVEB. froirittort. Bon Ton Barber Shop MANSKIKI.D & KAHMI.KIN. First class work and clean hot towels for Corner Jersey aud Catlln, ST. JOHNS special tv. ii'aci fnl.i t . , i innnl I nillih No. 186 I. 0. O.F. ST. JOHNS. 0RE00N Jfeets each Monday evening in OJi Pellnwu-hnll nt Rroo. Visitors welcomcu. Agents for West Coast Laundry. flttfet Jersey street St.VnaNlBIP lie lloesil t noml mi niinntivm.?" I lilintri " 1,A valln V.. i ,?0ood gracioiu, no, doctor," replied thy of being drilled by a captain D C Xk TA rrs. H. in horri:icd accents. " want What you ,,eed is a rWeros to KUULKj Ct LU. Real Estate and Insurance G. M. Hall, N G- B. Rlllott, Secretary. u G. W. OVERSTREET, PLUMBER Orders Filled and Family Trade Solicited Pine Wines and liquors. Family Supplies a Specialty. i J5 Lots 50x100 in South St. i,i,n I'tnest residence lots in the city. Sahit Johns CI I " ,vanhoe stree'. Jiooo and up-Business loU on Jersey street. Pli in J 1 900 -A new modern 5-room cottaee LOt lOOXIA nn I tVO Into Tit , ' Hue "iock irom car Holbrook Block, 103 South Jersey street. Plioue Union 385. Oregoa MRS. N. McCANN CLEANER AlcCUVE & WARD, Props. I Holbrook Block, St. Johns, OregoJ CLOTHING Clothing cleaned, pressed nJ inendel witlfcare and proinptnes' Ladies' clothes a specialty. Old rostoffice Building Oregoa Saint Johns Phone Scott 3104.- Subscribe for The Review.