St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, June 29, 1906, Image 3

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    Wilms Moxon. F. w. Valkntink.
Philadelphia Street.
430 feet frontage, 1200 feet
deep, near Peninsula mill.
Building on Jersey street
corner, $10,000; annual ren
tal $1,300.
Hardware !
Finding that we bought too heavily in
vc will, until July first, sell any Stove or Range in mr
R our stock at 10 per cent discount for cash. J
III ! . ... . t!l I I! .
We will also give a liberal dis
count on tunc sales.
m Our stock of Screen Doors, Window Screens,
and Screen Wire Cloth is still in good shape. 'mr
Our H. & M. raiut stock is replenished every
j week. Get estimates before you buy.
m Our line of Builders' Hardware is complete. f
FREE! 30 Days Trial!. FREE!
The Greatest Household Convenience of the Age
New Model Electric Flat-Iron
Fill in coupon and mail to us nud you will receive free of cli irge
Seventh anil Alder Slrcit, Portland, Or.
Gvntleiuuii ; Van may clcliver to me one Fleet ric Flat
Iron, which I agree to try, and, if uiis.itisfuctory to me, to
return to you within 30 days from date of delivery. If I do
not return it at that time you may charge sune to my account
at $4.00.
It is understood that 110 charge will l: nude for the iron
if I return it within 30 days.
Nam it.
Portland General Electric Co.
Seventh and Alder Streets,
Telephone Exchange IJ, PORTLAND, OREGON
Most desirable bus
iness and residence
lots in St. Johns.
Terms to suit purchasers.
Office at Residence, 618 North Jersey Street, St. Johns X
There are several bargains advertised in this week's Review.
Chicago Rooming House
V. Hinman, Prop,
Good rooms from ft a week up.
Comer Chicago and Ivanhoe streets
Saint John
Watchmaker. Jeweler.
Importer and Wholesale Dealers
286 UerriSM $.rl,: PORTLAND
Local News.
Remember the Fourth I
School election this (Friday)
evening. the Peninsula Hank write you
n fire insurance policy.
Watch repairing n specialty nt
C. Marion Salisbury's.
Miss Jean McCombs of Seattle is
n guest of Mrs. F. P. Bnbitt.
Dressmaking done by Carrie
Wood, 615 North Ivanhoe street.
Mrs. Frank Peterson attended a
wedding in Portland on Wednesday.
Wc wash and iron all flat work
at 25c per dozen. West Coast
Furnished rooms with bath
everything new. 531 South Jersey
w. valentine is building a
cottage in the rear of his blacksmith
shop on Ivanhoe street.
The election of two school direc
tors will be held at the
this (Friday) evening.
Kthel Armstrong, of Burlington
street, gave a hlrthdav anniversary
party on Saturday afternoon
Did you ever note the fact that
the merchant who docs the most ntl
vertisiug does the largest business?
Miss Kdna Magnus, sister of
Mrs. T. T. Parker, is expected to
arrive from Wheatland, Ore., for n
The ball last Saturday night for
the benefit of the baseball club was
n well-attended and very enjoyable
All insurance twney in a reliable
company is as good as money in your
iHKket in case of loss by fire. Ask
the Peninsula Hank.
Mrs. M. Halt of Seattle am
Mrs. .1 1.C. Hxouof Portland, sis
ters of S. W. Simmons, were visl-
tors at their brothel's home last
15. II. Drunson, 11 shartHMicr of
tools of all kinds, lias niieiicdti shop
on I vanlioe street. .Shears, knives,
razors and every kind of an edge
tool will be tint in condition at i
ow price.
W. I) Nelson, publisher of the
Haines Record, accompanied by
Mr. and Mrs. W. I). Nelson and
Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Ltihbus of
Haines, Ors., were St. Johns visi
tors last Satuiday.
Young Gordon Parker left St.
olius alone 011 Saturday night for
Yreka, Calif., where he will visit
his aunt, T. T. Parker's sister.
until August. His aunt ami uncle
will return with him.
C. K. Barron, of St. Johns,
Mich., has been added to the ton
sorial force of the Hon Ton barber
hop. Mr. Harron is a first class
workman, nud will proven valuable
addition to the shop.
Saturday afternoon Rev. F. I..
Young united in marriage Miss
Anna Gertrude Madison, of St.
olius, and Mr. W. II. Ticdciuau,
fSenttle. They will make their
home in Seattle -where Mr. Ticde-
man is employed by the city as en
Several scows for use in the con-
(ruction of the new railroad bridge
have leeu delivered and are now in
use. 1 lie machinery bar tie was
auncbed at a Portland shipyard
last Tuesday, nud n half dozen
scows are now under construction
at the yards.
Carpenters begnn tearing out the
old refrigerator in- the St. Johns
meat market last Tuesday tor the
purpose of installing n modern cold
storage room. 1 he new meat pre
server is one of the latest on the
market. The contents ore always
kept at a uniform temperature. It
is convenience itself. With the new
refrigerntor Mr. Donnelly will have
ample room for storing and keeping
a large supply of meats during the
coming hot weather.
Dr. McChesney last week sold to
Patrick Skelly two choice lots on
the corner of Jersey and Chicago
streets. This protierty is on the
east side of the street between the
McChesney nud Jower blocks. The
price paid was $3,750. Mr. Skelly
is having plans drawn for a hand
some brick budding and will build
at once.
F. M. Lashbnugh purchased an
other fine team last Friday. They
cost him f 500. With a brand new
harness from Sweugel's harness
shop they made a hue appearance.
"I now have fourteen horses in my
barn," said Mr. I.nshbatigh, "and
they cost me fa, 600. No, I haven't
got all I want. Show me something
good and in ouy it.
There is a great demand for ten
ant houses in St. Johns. Every
day inquiries are made at this of
fice concerning houses to rent. It
would surely prove a paying propo
sition for capitalists to build a num
ber of residences to let. The popu
lation of our city is rapidly increas
ing but not so fast as it would if
tenant houses were available.
The Review was in error in stat
iug the school meeting for the elec
tion of two directors to fill the va
cancies caused by the resignation of
Messrs. Hrice and Ogden would le
held tomorrow evening. It will be
held this (Friday) evening at the
Central school building at 8 o'clock.
No other business outside of the
election of the two directors will be
transacted. Be on hand and vote
for the man of your choice.
Keep Your Kye On St. Johns.
Keau ioucu x uo. s new ad in
this issue.
The West Coast Laundry
a specialty of lace curtains.
Try the "Par F.xcellence" : the
champion 5c cigar: made in St.
Shears, nxes and knives ground
at the new repair shop in rear of
Cochran block.
First class and reliable insurance
companies only arc represented by
the Peninsula Hank.
Doesn't the noise of the mills
along the water front sound good
to you? Boost for more of them I
L. L. Bailey is again proprietor
of the confectionery store on Jersey
street, taking possession last Tues
Mrs. Hurl, of the Herbert & Far!
Co., went to southern Oregon
I hursday night to visit her mother
who is seriously ill.
l'lacc your orders lor your next
winter's supply of slabwood now
Later on we may not be able to
supply you so mtickly. Price File
Co. ' Phone Woodlawn 22
Chief of Police Hredeson has been
confined lc his home by illness dm
ing the week, nud J. W. Whitscl
has been wearing the star.
Henry Smith recently ptitehiisei
a line stepper of the Lovelace-Mam
brmo siock mat uorsemeti pro
notiuce an exceptionally line animal
How about your job printing?
better leave your order with lis
now before you are out. Our tirices
cannot be excelled 111 l'ortl ml.
Do not foreet that you can fill
uish your house cheacratH. F.
Llark s new mid second hand stole
2ox Jeisey street, St. Johns, than
at any other place.
Mrs. L. M. Mills mid L. M.
Mills, jr., of Grand Rapids, Mich.,
motliei and brother of Mrs. Rich
ard Shepard, at rived in St. Johns
last Monday, and will remain for 11
summer s visit.
tt if. .1 II 1 .a
ji. v.. .miicucii, wue ami mice
daughters, were guests of Mr. am
Mrs. I horudykc on TiivmIiiv.
1 hey were former resideirs of
Lovclaud, Colo., but exp.-et to
settle in Oregon.
On the Fourth of July rvfrcsh
in 1 . . . 1 , . ... . . .
incuts win lie serveu ov toe lames
of the Baptist church. Sandwiches,
Mirk nud beans, brown bund, sal
ads, ice cieam and cake, colTcc nud
tea. Near the city hall.
Tomorrow evening the bids for a
our-tooiii addition to the present
school building, ndvcitiscd else
where in this issue, wilt be oivcned
by the school board. All who care
to bid 011 the work have ample no
tice, and the indications me that 11
number will put in bids.
The members of the file depart
ment wish to tender their thanks to
the management of the Poitlaud
Woolen Mills and Supt. Bishop for
their generous donation of the cloth
ftom which the new iiuifoiiii sliiils
were made. The act merits the ap
preciation of every mciiiler of the
The jury in the case of M. II,
Magoue, guardian of Uocoe Ma-
gone, vs. the Portland .Mauufuctur-
ug Co., after being out over twen
ty hours brought in 11 verdict of
,.ioo for the plaintiff. The suit
was brought for I 10,000 damugis
for the loss of 11 hand while at work
in the defendant's mill.
Rough dry washing at 6c per
poumi. west uoast Laundry.
Smoking is a pleasure if the cig
ars are bought at Valentine's.
Try the "Par Kxccllcnce" : the
champion eurar: made in St.
First-class dressiuakinir by Mrs.
Zclln E. Johnston, 531 South Jersey
Remember the ball of the fire
W. A. hall
Through the courtesy of Mana
ger mink 01 the rl ohns terry
about twenty St. Johnites were tu-
ken up the river above the renin-
ula mills 011 the launch Rover to
meet Admiral Goodrich's squadron
as it passed down the river Wed
nesday morning. It was a highly
nioynble trip and greatly apprecia
ted by all on board.
Al. Ashtou, the well-known mo-
toriuau, wants to get up a fat men's
race far the Fourth. Said he: "Put
on a heavyweight race for tie
Fourth. I'll lie the scratch starter.
I weigh 365 jMiuuds without my
coat nud vest, mid will give n huud
leap to all the other sprinters who
enter, and carry weight for age in
the bargain."
One need not lie born with u
veil or the gift of prophecy to fore
sec that lots between Fisk street in
University Park and Macrum ave
nue in Northern hill 011 Dawson
street which extends through the
centre of that rapidly growing dis
trict between the rivers in Portland,
and now selling for $15 jicr front
foot, will, within twenty years from
today, sell for one thousand dollars
per front foot.
If there is anyone who thinks
there is not a goo-l-sized payroll in
St. Johns they should station them
selves near Burlington Place any
week day evening shortly alter 5
o'clock and keep their eyes ojieu
for an hour. They will see the em
ployes of the mills coming up the
hill in droves. And every one of
these men earn good wages, too.
The drydock, Portland Manufac
turing Co., Steel Shipbuilding Co.,
Marine Iron Works, Mcdern Ma
chine Works, St. Johns Lumlier
Co., Jolies mill, ship yards and
woolen mills send a corps of em
ployes home whose numbers will
astonish many well-informed resi
dents of the city. The new bridge
across the Willamette is daily add
ing workmen to its force and ere
long a regiment of men will be em
ployed 011 this particular job. It is
good to watch this working brigade
return from their labors every night.
partmcnt at M.
morrow niht.
it you have river view property
for sale or small houses for rent see
II . G. Ogdeu, Review office.
Mis. M. M. Bloom and daughter
Leona, of Portland, we're guests of
Mrs. A. W. Markle Friday.
Harry L. Crary arrived yesterday
from Debt van, Wis., to spend the
summer with C. K. Bailey.
Protect your proiwrty from loss
by fire by insuring in only first class
companies. See the Peninsula Bank
Phone Woodlawn 22 for your
slabwood stove and 4-foot lengths.
Wood dclivctcd from St. Johns mill.
Remember! You cannot buy
liner candies or cigars than the
goods Valentine sells in his neat
Miss lilva Hurlbert was the host
ess nt a very pretty lawn party
given at C. S. Thump-son's last even
ing. C. W. Potter, Geo. C. Carhart,
II. W. Hrice and Willis Moxon ate
mentioned ns candidates for school
Mi.-ses Carrie and Ruby Martin
and Grace Harris, young ladies of
Lovclaud, Colorado, who 11 re tour
ing the coast, were guests of Mrs.
W. L. Thorndyke yesteidav.
File inny destroy your home unv
time. Are you protected niminst
Mtlitilor total loss; If not. call
at the Peninsula Bank ami Icttru
the small umouiit that will uivcvoti
Mises Bniasch, Douglas, Long,
Peikins. Mrs. May Wright, MisMS
Amy Golan, Svlvia Rowland and
Wyleim Thorudvkc attended Miss
l.iuu l.hiehan's recital at Mt. Tabor
riiuiMlay evening.
.mix. win vtccKs entertained a
number of ft lends at luncheon in a
delightful manner in honor of her
istcr, Mrs. Dean, of Ashland,
I'm-sdny, June 20th, at her new
lome in South St. Johns. The
guests weie Mixlaines Dean, Day,
HuteliiiiMMi, Churchill, 1 tinman,
'arkcr, I ranger, Learned ami
Miss V.Wm Cole gave 11 surprise
urty on the eve of thedepaiture of
her niece, Miss Maude Cole, for her
home in Sveiisen, Oiegou. Theie
were eighteen guests, mostly play
mates of Miv, Maud. Singing, rec
itations and games, followed by ice
cream and cake, made the evening
:iss in 11 pleasant manner. Miss
Cole had attended school heie the
mst winter and made many warm
friends who were loth to have her
If there is anyone in St. Johns
esiriug to make improvements 011
their proiwrly on a street where the
grade has not yet been established
they may have the grade defined by
K'tltlon al a cost of about $3K iter
mile. This will enable all who de-
ire to improve to govern the
height of their foundations nud lay
their sidewalks so that everything
will lie uniform nud systematic when
the street impioveiueiits are com
plete. Call at the city hall and
Recorder 1 horudykc will explain
O. Arvitson was relieved of $05
in cush about 12 o'clock Wednesday
night by 11 fellow who was acting
as n guide to show him his way
tome. The theft took place in
front of the Arvitson home near the
(limping station. Mrs. Arvitson
was attracted outside by the noise
made by the men, and knocked the
mt of the light-fingered man off hi
lead. The hat is now nt the city
hull, and may be the means of iden
tifying the robber. It is 11 soft
black hat, si.e 7I4. Although tin
Mlow is known there is no clue as
to his whereabouts.
The ieople of St. Johns were
treated to the sight of u lifetime
Wednesday morning when Admiral
Goodrich's .squadron of I
pasted down the river.
front of the city the boats formed in
line, the flagship Chicago passing
from the rear to the head of the
procession, followed by the gunboat
Princeton, the tnrcdo-hoat Preble,
the battleship Boston nud the tor-edo-loat
Paul Jones, in the order
named. With the exception of the
Paul Jones, which went to Santa
Crux, all the ships steamed north
for Puget Sound oiiit.s. Many
people witnessed the gra1 d sight
from every point of vantage.
AVith several miles of sidewalks
to be laid in the city many projcrty
owners are debating whether they
will follow the instructions of the
council and build a wooden walk or
whether they will lay the everlast
ug cement walk instead. The
rapid decay of a wooden sidewalk
and the constant repairs necessary to
keep it in a safe condition have led
many to consider putting in the
more durable cement, The life of
lumlier in a walk is variously esti
mated from four to eight years.
The cost of a cement walk is but a
trifle more than one of wood, and
when put in by one who under
stands the business the expense of
maintaining an absolutely safe walk
Join the Commercial Club I
Reliable insurance at the lowest
rates at the Peninsula Bank.
For fine cigars it will pay you to
can at valentines: opposite city hall.
Fhc material used in Linue's
bread is the best and can t be better.
Smoke a St. Johns cigar best 10c
cigar on the market the "White
Insure against fire before volt
have one with D. C. Rouers. auent
for the "old reliable" Phoenix of
London. '
Smokcn St. Johns cigar best 10c
cigar on the market the "White
Apostle George A. Smith of the
Mormon church will speak in th
Klisky building, Portland, tonight
rite public is invited to attend.
Don't forget the dance of the fire
department at M. W. A. hall to
morrow nii'iu. i ne best of music
and the usual good tinieiniaraiitced
Stove length slabwood nt $2.25 a
oau ami J-ioot slab at 52. so per
cord, inside of untlin, Stewart, Wil
lis Boulevard nud Tvler streets
Phone your order to Woodlawn 22
Good Paint
Used Right
When 111
Artisans Initiated.
At their regular nieetiiii: Tties
day eveniui: the local order o
United Artisans initiated fifteen new
membeis in the mysteries of the
odge. An exemplifying team from
Portland No. 2 had charge of the
nitiation. Supreme Master Artl
sail iiuiison ami Mipreme .Mcdlca
hxntniner Ohnstead were present
mid assisted in the work. At th
close 01 the meeting ice cream am
cake was served and a good time
enjoyed. The outer is growing
rapidly ami will soon teach the too
111111 k.
Fire Insurance.
We wish to announce to the
business men of St. Johns that we
ate agents for the Glens Falls In
mii mice Company: that this com
pany is paying nil its losses in Sail
brancisco: am! that 110 advance
rates lias been made. See us when
you want reliable and reasonable
insurance 011 your bulldiiiesor uier
chaudise. Moxon-Viileiitiue Co.
Hand iioners at the West Coast
Laundry. Apply at once.
Women Wnnlcd
To work in basket factory. Apply
at Poitlaud Manufacturing Co., St.
For Sale.
Fggs for hatching fiom purebred
Golden, Silver, Riug-Neckul nud
Lady Amherst pheasants. Inqttlic
of Paul or Thomas Cochrnu. Uni
versity Pink.
For S:i e Clienp.
One pluuuer pump, brass fitted
with easing, capacity 5,000 gallons
lour ; one iy horse ixiwet motor
for alternating current, and in ex
cellent condition. Call nt St, Johns
Water Company's office or phone
vist 0.VI7. I . II. I'.dlelsen, Suiwr-
July 4th
Will be celebrated at
St. Johns
In Befitting Style,
Races and
Come and
Join Us!
French Block.
St. Johns.
Central Bar.
8M, Cociihan, 1'rtlp.
Thus. Conpox, Mgr.
Fine Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Cochran Block, St. Johns, Oregon
UV uou-Imvf with 114 11 itfftdl
uililt'Mt ari'lilUrt, and ur omi
yrrutiKO to advance innncv to all
lliw uo (Unite to ImiM lnnun.
Second Door
of Posloff.ce
F. J. Koerner,
I'Imiih ami Niil1iiatiiiM
riiinixiu'ii mi iipniliwitiim.
Iltllll With UtWtllMM ami
II. Crook. fs Jiwy
I'lioiu- So at iMKt.
I). K. WhIUmi.
t'Hitt-iit)' ISuk.
Crook & Walton
Plan Drawn ami I'.Mitmitr I'lirnMied.
(i-mnil JiiIiIiIiik ami ltt-Miriii(.
Shop ioH I'miii 11 kiri'i'i. m-r Jry.
Your Horse Lame
Take him to
Godsey & Clark
Uxpert llorst'sltocrs.
Our specially is lionasdunrfiui, hihI
we guarantee our work,
11 the Circuit Court of lliu itait uf Qrtt.
gnu, County of .MiiltiHiiiitth.
utrl IliurU. ruimiii.
n. 15. lliirris. Dtifuiitlaut.
To O. It. Harm, dufeudriHt:
In tlio name of Hit hUilv of QwgOM yw
ure liurchy wiiiuwnit.l uml rpilrf tu
iipMur unit mutter tin- toui.Uml Uml
iijjiiilikt )m ill till- ulxive entitled Mii I (Ml
or liefore tlio lllli (lay o( Auuukt, Ku6,
which ik ufler klv wetk Imvc exuiiml
roin the "late of the lin-l iiultllcutHiH of
this kumiiioiiK. It ik iirvwriueal in ttw
order for the tiutilu-utitm uf Mini mow
that the biimiiions 1 publlMlrtl fur iiz
miTcssive wevkk, iiimI Mtui ortlur wt
made and dated the ijimI Uy of Jiihv,
I'M. uml the lirt iaillu-iUou tlit'iutil to
iiiuile the 2th ilwy of June, I'M'. nl If
you fall to uivur and uiikHt-r. th plain
tiff will apply to the court for the rvlkf
prayed for in her kuid toinpUiiul, tu wit:
That the UiiUof matrimony urrviofow
uml now exiktiiiK lctieen tin- puiuliff
mul the defuiulaiit Ih.- iliktolved uimI that
he lc- divorced from him uml lor kitcli
other relief ie khall keem etpiiuhlv.
Thik summons u aiijitiiei one u w mik
for nix kucccttivc week in thw St. JulllM
Review liv order of the Honorable Jmluu
Alfred Sean, Jr., judge of lht (Umjyw oil
tltleil court, mane tin- 221111 nay 01 jujiu,
Attorney mr me pinnum.
iu Chumliur of Coiuiuurcu. Portland.
Pirn insertion Juno 39, 1941; Uut iii&yr
tion Augiikt II, i''.