I Bonham & Comer General Merchandise Cochran Block I ST. JOHNS t& ATTRACTION For the Manufacturer. Now is the time to invest. Tills siimmir in vestors will flock here unci prices will double. Wc have n few Lots left at Htisiness Property Lots Lots with alleys TERMS TO SUIT W. H. King Land 1)0 NOT FORGET THAT Couch & Company 206 and 208 Philadelphia St., Sell all goods tit lcgctiumtc profits. We tire closing out one lot of No. 2 Small White Ik-aits 10 pounds for 25 cents. Granulated Sugar - $4.80 Per Suck, Subject to market clmne. $300.00 ! For a Fine Corner Lot Close to the High School Building. 1MUH INSUKANCKWKITTKN IN Till; lll-ST COMPANIES Shepard, Dobie & Peterson, I'lllllll! SOltt .l)fi, PENINSULA BANK CAPITAL STOCK, 35.000 PAN) I'l'. AHSOMJT1-: SAI'KTY is the best thing we have to offer. Other inducements are of secondary importance. Upon this basis only do we solicit your patronage. ST. JOHNS, KADDERLY TRANSFER & COMMISSION COMPANY Pmlrr lu FEED, HAY, LIME, CEMENT, SHINGLES LATH, UOAU KTO. (ti'l our I'iIitk, uiul we m t Vuiir UuMm-wi. I'honc Scon nVW. SI". JOIINS, UKI'.IION t t t EDMONDSON CO., J Hardware, Tinware, Plumbing I Tin Roofs, I'honc Scott -1065 Houses For Rent 11 v DANIEL BRECHT If YOU WANT A UOUrlK OAM. ON MK ST. JOHNS. OREGON Star Market We shall handle j only the finest of MEATS and our patrons may lie sure of twiiiR sat isfied in every case YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED Smith & Noover Next door to ICdmondsou's JKRSISY STRUKT. ST. JOHN'S $200.00 550.00 .00.00 CAM. AND SIsIS J Co., St. Johns, i ST. joiins, nui A X OUI-CION. - (hitters, etc. ST. JOHNS, Or WOOD (iood .seasoned, Move louttlh tlchwutl anywhere on the lVuiiiMila. The KM wood. Unlets may he left at Don nelley' s Maiket or plume J Hast .'07. Peninsula Feed and Fuel Co. PORTSMOUTH O.M.I Al IK O. i',MI!KKIi.l. Faulk & Merrill Coal, Hay, drain, Flour Ground Feed, Pilots, Oils and Building Materials Phone East 713 University Park, Oregon .Mall Schedule Mail arrives ut St. Julius at 7:10 a. til. ami 1:15 p. 111. Leave at 10:20 a. 111., ami 4: 15 p. m. Office iqvu week days from 6:45 a, 111, to 6:u p. 111. Sunday from 9 to 10 a. 111. No mailt arrive or deiurt Sunday, COUNCIL, More Street Improvements -Tele- phone Prnnchlse. All members of the council were present Tuesday evening, except Aid. Hewitt, when the mayor called the meeting to order. The minutes of the last meeting were read mid approval. A net t on iroin me roruanu woolen mills for a switch on the east side of Bradford street from Hnlliniore to New York street was oresented. discussed and granted The management of Cedar Park objected to the payment of ? 2 per Sundav for the noticing of the park. The council thought the benefits derived were cental to the amount assessed and refused to take any action in the matter. The telephone franchise came up mid was the cause of considerable discussion. The telephone people are of the opinion that the building of a central station aim tne employ incut of three persons and a lineman should be .sufficient compensation to the city for a franchise. At present there are 108 phones in the city. Orders are in for nine more. They think the payment of 2 1-2 per cent of the gross earnings would work a hardship on them. They are willing to pay 5 per cent of the net earnings. The council is of the opinion that the franchise is worth soiiieihiiiL'. On motion of Aid. Kaser the matter was tabled for one week. Later it was moved by Aid. i King that the percentage be made one er cent of the gross earnings. A tie vote resulted and the motion was lost on the vote of Mayor Val entine. The recoider was ordered lo con fer with the property owners on Kdisou .street from Ilurlington street to St. Johns avenue and as certain whether they would be will ing lo pay for the establishment of a grade oil the street. An oidiuauce for the improve ment of Richmond street was or dered for the next meeting. The purchase of 500 feet of hose for the file department wasoideretl. On the pioM)sitiou to purchase hose at 70 cents a font 11 tie vole tesiilted. The mayor east a negative vote. On motion by Aid. Kaser 500 feet of Patiol hose was ordeied at Ho cents per fool. The flic hydrant oidered at the last meeting at the comer of Until fold and lluiliiigton streets was or deied placed in Mition, The plans for a di inking fountain for animals, drawn by City Kugi ueer (ioodiich, weic shown. A secial committee was iipHiiitcd to asceitaiu the cost of a public water ing dough, with instructions to iu port at lite ueM meeting. A teniorary water pic was or dered placed at the bank corner to supply water for the thirsty 011 the Pom III of July. The committee nptoiutcd to pass on the construction of the Jower building Aids. King, Norton and llicdeeu made the following re Miit, which was adopted. To the Honorable Mayor and Council: Your sKcial committee to inves tigate the condition of the Jower building submit the following rcoit: Witnesses weie called and examined Ihe same living the suervisiiig contractor, the .sub-contractor ol the bnck-woik, the cniieiitcrs and em ployees who made the foundation, also the owner and the tenant of the building, and the city engineer. The evidence of these we here with submit. Your committee made a thorough examination of the building. It found that the north wall was out of etpcudU-ular not to excwil two and one-half inches at a distance fioui the gtoiuid of fiom three to eight feet, but this did not extend a gieater distance than about one- third the length of the entire wall. I he ciacks in the 1101 th wall of the second floor on the inside indicate a slight settling ot the building, but not any moie so than other brick buildings show ami not of an alarming uattiie. The evidence shows tliat the 1101th wall has not changed its apivarnucc or condition since it was limit. I lie uniliugs of our committee aie that the build ing is sate lor occupancy ami mini tattoo, or for any ordinary business 1 'aside fiom manufacturing or printing or some busiuees which would necessitate inachiueiy that would cause jairiug or vibration, j Kesivctfully submitted: S. C. Nor-1 ion, w . 11. King, r. . iimiecn, Committee. Contracts for the improvement of Crawfoid. Pittsburg and S.tloui stieets weie let to Chilian & Co., ami the grading on Chicago street was au aided to Oce & Co. The bill of ltouham & Currier of f.s for supplies for the jioor was allowed. TI.e Wry Host Remedy for Dowel Tro hie. Mr. M. P. Dorroughs, an old and well-known resilient of Dluffton, Iud., says: "I regard Chaiulterlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy as the very best remedy for1 bowel trouble. I make this state ment after having used the remedy iu my family for several years. I am never without it." This rem edy is almost sure to lie needed be fore the summer is over. Why not liny it now and be prepared for such an emergency? Por sate by Jackson's Pharmacy. The finest of calling cauls at The Review otlice. MR. THORNDYKE Has n Pew Wor 's lo Say Regarding Certain Statements Atndc. At the school meeting Monday evening the chairman look occasion to score me over the back of 1 lie Review, and, what was also a mat ter of very bad taste upon his part, took the liberty of intruding matters wholly irrelevant to the subject under discussion upon a good-natured audience. It seems that the ill until red thrust against The Review was made because t. at one time, made a charge for the insertion of a set of resolutions engrossed by the school-teachers, The present man agement of The Review nau no more to do with the charge 011 that et of resolutions than the august chairman of the recent meeting hat to do witli the contract of the late addition to the school house pos sihly not so mucin I here were some things not touched upon at the meeting M011 day which might have been di u ssed with pleasure and profit In advertising for bids for building why was so little time given th contractor for figuring? Why were not Home contractors given an equal chance with outside bidders? Why were not plans and specifications kept in bt. Johns in place of fore ing prostiectivc bidders to go to Portland? How did it happen that a partner of one of the directors of the school board secured the first contract and had the lowest bid in 011 the next job? How does it Imp tieti that the firm selling schoo supplies to this school owns n bloc of stock in the oil well being sun by one of the directors? Of course these arc trilling que ries but it might be well to let th public know something about them I would not for worlds cast any siuiiallon Hint there had been undue iniliiencc used anywhere: but it is matter of much comment how the astute chairman, who certainly can not preside projierly over n meeting can wield so much iiilltieiicc ove another member of the board. ni 1 nere was a ciiaige matic iy me when I was with The Review for the insertion of a set of resolutions and if the same circumstance should similaily arise once more I would do as I did. Had I know that some of the inemler.s of the board were so "close and near" as lo refii'e to pay for the work out of the public funds ami that the teach ers would have to pay for the saini' 1 siioiiki ceri.iimy nave made 110 charge -or have paid it myself. Hut it seems unfair to have The t . at . kcvicw uircsitui lor wlint were my own individual acts. And to this end I desire to have this cxptaua lion mane ami the lew suggestion made as well. And there are othe suggestions, W. I.. Tiiokndvkk OUR RALL CLUB Defeated by the Heavy Hitting Pciiinstiln Hojs. An iiiteiestiug game of base ha was played ut the Hill grounds on orth Jersey street Sunday after noon lietweeii the Peninsula am St. Johns clubs. Por a time it looked as If our boys would suffer a shutout, but iu the latter end of the game they got their eyes on the ball ami swatted it some. Their opponents played a good, steady gmue throughout and easily won the contest by n score of 1 1 to 5 The game demonstrated the fact that the St. Johns boys are quite weak wltli the stick. THelr second baseman also had nu off day nni was resiHiusible for several of the runs that were rolled up against the Home team, A little more practice and team work would not come amiss. Gardner, with his steiito rian voice which could be heard at over the grounds, gave general sat isfactiou iu his decisions as umpire. I lie game was witnessed by quite a number of the fair sex. Following was the line-up: St. Johns. Pi eulusula, Peterson P. I.oy II. I.oy Norcn Attain catcher 15. Wutkiu pitcher , 1st base 2d base, . .3d base . .short stop, right field. Hacti . . .Harris . Savage . . . Moore I.eer Scales . IligerstHiT I I.ee . . Campbell .left field O. Watkins j Talbot .center field. . Next Sunday morning 1 o'clock the Jackson, Wade team of Portland will play Drown at 10 &Co. the lo- cats. In the afternoon the Sa waua nine from the city and tin home club will begin a game at 2 o clock, For Sale. New six-room house and two lots in St. Johns Heights addition. House modern throughout and has never been occupied. A very desirable home. Inquire at this office. The Review office has just printed a lot of "Por Sale" and "Por Rent" cards that are large enough ami pl.'.in enough to sell or rent any piece of proerty anywhere. Bon Ton Barber Shop Manshklo & K.KMLK1.V. l'irst class work and clean hot towels for patrons, Hair cutting a specialty. Agouti for W est Coast Laundry. Jersey street St, Johns D. C. ROGERS . Real Estate and Insurance 350 Lots 50x100 in South St. Joints. finest residence lots in the city. 650 Lots 50x100 on Ivanlioc street. Close in. fiooo nail u Business lots on Jersey street. Close hi. 1900 A new modem j-rootn cottage. Lot looxt 26 on enr line. 1 2600 New modern houc, eight rooms, two lots 50x100, Mock from enr Hue Miotic Scott 3104. L. B. CHIPA1AN Real Dilate. W.J.PEDDICORD REAL ESTATE t .too Lot 50x100. North St. Johns. .joo Iit 50x100, South St. Johns on car line. 500 Lot soxioo, near school house dUcoiinl for cnoh. 1500 Lot 50x100, hiislness. 1500 lit 25x100. htulncss, 16007. room hoiitc, comer lot 50x101; fruit, river view, jx) cash Iwdnucc monthly. Other procrty. Office 114 Philadelphia street. .Notary ramie. If you UUAI, P.STATP. for sate and want to buy iu St. Johns or surrounding country See II. G. OGDKN Have complete list of projcrty for sale. Call in for bargains, Review office, St. Johns. IN THlt CIRCUIT COURT OP Til II STATU OP ORHOON, COUNTY OP MULTNOMAH, Kttie Putton, Plaintiff, vs. ames K, Pattou, Defendant, To James K. ration, the above named iieiemiunt : Iu the name of the State of Oreuon. yun uru ucri'iiy Miiuiiiuiicti ami miuireu to appear and umwer the complaint filed . 1 .... 1 - ? , uguiiikt you in the above entitled suit 011 or lefore the 7U1 day of July, 1906, which is after six weeks have expired from the date 01 uie una inioncation 01 tins sum mans. 11 is prescnoeo lu Uie order lor the publication of summons that the kuiumons te published lor six consecu tive weeks, and said order was made and dated the list day of May, 1906, and the lirM puDueaiion tiiereo! is made tne 5tn lay ot May, 1900, and II you tail to ap pear and answer, the plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief prayed for in ner sam comniaini, 10 wit : I liat tne bomis 01 matrimony hereto fore and now existing between the plain tifl and defendant be dissolved, and that she be divorced from defendant ; for her coNts and disbursements of this suit, and (or such other further or different relief as to the court shall seem equitable. i ins summons is puDUsned once eck for six successive weeks in the St. Johns Review by order of the Honorable Judge Alfred Sears, Judge of the above entitled court, made the Jlt day if May 900. II. UKNLlXUnR, Attorney for the I'laiptilt, 414 Chamber of Commerce, Portland. Oregon. Hirst insertion May 25. I9"6. Last insertion July 6, 1906. AN OFFICIAL DIRECTORY S. H. GREENE Attorney-at'Law. Office: Room 9, Drceden build ing, comer Third and Washington streets, Portland, and St. Johns. I'honc: Pacific 209.S. Residence: St. Johns Joseph McChcsney, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURUEON Office In Molbrook Block ST. JOHNS, - - OKEQON DR. L. G. HOLLAND, PmSICIAN AND SURGEON Residence: On Modoc Street, l'hone P.ast 6198. Office: Hoi hrook llrick Mock, rooms 5 and 4 Phone Hast 3689. St. Johns, .... Oregon Dr. VV. E. HARTEL, DBNTIST Crown and llrldgc Work a Seclalty Rooms 1 and 2, Holhrook lllock, St. Johns Dr. MARY MacLACHLAN Pli)tlclan and Surgeon. Residence I'honc Scott 4064. Office: Hollirook's New llrick lllock. Residence, St. Johns Hotel, A. W. VINCENT, Al. D., IIOMI'.OPATIIIC PMVSICIAN AND SUKQT.ON Office 20J South Jersey street. All hoars OSCAR DeVAUL, M. D Office hours. 9 to 11 a. 111.. t to 5 p. m. omce l'hone, Hcult 1104. Ktalilrnce t'lione, Union J701. Office In UnUcr.llv I'arW Diuk Store. BOLEN BROTHERS CAKI'HSTUKS AND CONTRACTORS We (lu.f.nl. e lo I'let. II. T. Ilolen. 106 W lllimt lie lloulf J. C. W. Ilolen, lilt T)ler Street ST. JOHNS, OKIKION N. P. NOR EN & CO. Real Hstntc, Iinns, Insurance mid Iluilncss Chances. S. C. Norton, corner Ilrtuiswick mid Hudson streets, Resident Agent. Photic Hast 6j'j. J1JR8KY STRRHT ST. JOHNS F. A. PARSONS Contrnc or mid Builder. Curciilcrlng hi nit its branches at sail prices. Residence 727 Lively si. P. J. CARTER DOOTS AND SHOES REPAIRED Shop next door to Anderson's llakery on Tucotua street. Live me 11 trial order, St. Johns, Oregon C. AlARION SALISBURY Graduate Optician Will test the eyes free of charge. 1 10 Tacoum Street. St. Johns, Oregon Goodrich & Goodrich, ARCHITECTS 1'ull Professional Service 1'i.ve I'er Cent Saint Johns and Portland, Ore, Zeller-Byrncs & Blackburn Co Undertakers and Embalmers 209 Justy Street Lady Assistant, Al. L. ROWLAND, General Illacksmithing and'Keiuir ing. Horseshoeing a specialty. All work warranted. Cor. Ivanlioc and Tacoum sts,, St. Johns N. A. GEE House Mover and Repairer raised and Houses moved, vi i red. Odd jobs of all kinds. rompt service, reasonable charges, Ivanlioc and Cutlins treets, l'hone Hast 61S9. Saint Johns ... Oregon F. Al. LASHBAUGH I'uel furnished, either short or long, Draying and team-work of every kind, I'rompt service. Terms reasonable. Corner Jersey and Catlin, ST. JOHNS LAUREL No. 186 LODGE I. O. O. F. ST. JOHNS. OREQON Meets each Monday evening in Odd Fellows hall, at 8:00, Visitors welcomed. U. .M. Hall. N. O. K. Elliott, Secretary. G. W. OVERSTREET, PLUMBER Holbrook Block, 103 South Jersey street. l'hone Union 2S5. Saint Johns Oregon MRS. N. McCANN CLOTHINO CLEANER Clothing cleaned, pressed, aud mended -villi care and promptness. Ladies' clothes a specialty. Old lWoffice Building Saint Johns Oregon Keep Your Eye On St. Johns Proposals for Street Work Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Recorder of the City of St. Johns, Oregon, until June 26, 1906, at 4 o clock p. m., for the improvement of Monteith street (now Jersey street) from the center of its intersection witlij Bu chanan street to the center of its inter section with Learned street In the man ner provided by Ordinance No. 103, sub ject to the provisions of the Charter and Ordinances of the City of St. Johns, and the plans, specifications and estimates of the City Kugiuccr on file at the office of the City Recorder. Bids mint be strictly in accordance with printed blanks which will be fur nished an application at the office of the Recorder of the City of St. Johns, and nld improvement must be completed on or before sixty days from the date of last publication of notice for proposal!) for Mild work. No proposals or bids will be considered unless accompanied by a certified check payable to the order of the Mayor of the City of St. Johns, certified by a responsi ble bank for an amount ctpial to ten per cent of the aggregate proposals. The right to reject nny and all bids is hereby reserved. By order of the Cltv Council. W. L.TltORNDVKIt, Recorder of the City of St. Johns. Published in the St. Johns Review June 8, 15 and 22, 1906, Proposals for Street Work Scaled proposals will be received ntthc office of the Recorder of the City of St. Johns, Oregon, until June 26, 1906, at .1 o'clock p. to., for .the improvement of Charleston street from the north line of Jersey street to the north line of Hudson street in the manner pro vided by Ordinance No. 104, subject to the provisions of the Charter and Ordi nances of the City of St. Johns; and the plans and specifications and estimates of the city engineer on file at the office of the City Recorder. Bids must be strictly in accordance with printed blanks which will be fur nished oil application at the office of the Recorder oltlic City of St. Johns, and said improvement mint be completed on or before sixty days from the date of last publication of notice for prcorats for Mid work. No proxil or bids wilt be considered unless accompanied by a certified check (Myablc to the order of the Mayor of the City of St. Johns, certified by a respon sible bank, for an amount equal to ten cr cent of the aggregate proK)Sils. The right to reject any and all bids Is hereby rvscrved. By order of the city council. W, L. TllOHNIlVKII, Recorder of the City of St. Johns, Published iu the St. Johns Review June 8, 15 nud 22, 1906. Proposals for Street Work Scaled pro!uls will be received at the office ot the Recorder of the City of St. Johns, Oregon, until June 26, 1906, ill 4 o'clock p. 111., for the improvement of Hayes stiect from the westerly line of Burlington street to the easterly line of Maple street lu the manner provided by Ordinance No. 105, subject to the pro visions of the Charter and Ordinance of the City of St. Johns; aud the plans, kitcclfiiMliou and estimate of the cltv engineer 011 file, at the office of tho City Kccorncr. Bids must be strictly In accordance with printed blank which will be fur nished 011 application at the office of the Recorder of the City of St. Johns, and said Improvement must be completed 011 or lKifore sixty days from the date of last publication of notice for proimsals for said work. No proposal or bids will be considered unless uccoiiiiiaiiied by u certified check iKiynble to the order of the Mayor of the City of St. Johns, certified by a respon sible bank, for an amount equal to leu lr cent of the aggregate projosat. The right to reject any and all bids is hereby reserved. uy order 01 the city Council. W. L. TllOKNIIVKK, Recorder of the City of St. John. Published iu the St. Johns Review June 8, 15 and 22, 1906, Proposals for Street Work Sealed proiwsal will be rvcclved at the office of the Recoider of the City of St. Johns, Oregon, until July 3, 1906, at 4 o'clock p. 111., for the improvement of Philadelphia street from the center line to the center Hue of Bradford street ill the manner provided by Ordinance No, 88, subject to the provisions of the Charter and Ordinances of the City of St. Johns; and the plans, specifications and estimates of the cltv engineer, on file at the office of the City ucvuiuer. Bid must be strictly in accordance with printed blanks which will be fur nished on application at the office of the Recorder of the Citv of St. lohns. but will le considered either for the whole of Mid Improvement, or for side walk or grading separately, as per resolution of council, and said im provement must be completed on or before sixty days from the date of la.t puoiicauon 01 nonce lor proposals lor said work. No proiiosals or bids will be considered unless accompanied by a certified check nayauie 10 me oruer 01 uie .Mayor ol the City of St. Johns, certified bv a resnonsl. ble bank, for an amount equal to ten per cent of the aggregate proposals. The right to reject any and ull bids is hereby reserved. ny order ot the City Council, W. L. Tuornovkk, Recorder of the City of St. Johns. Published in the St. lohns Review June 15, 22 and 29, 1906. Housekeeping Apartments Suites of two to four rooms, also single rooms. Situated one block from Columbia University, near cor. of I'isk St. and Boulevard. Furnished or Unfurnished. A pleasant walk from St, Johns, suitable for mill men. UNIVERSITY PARK W. DICKSON Phona East C268