Saturday, April 28, Specials ST. JOHNS GROCERY CO. Granite Pan. This is a most licatitifiil piece of grnnitewnrc, cnnincl lined, i Only two doen in stock. Reg ular 40-ccnt wnrc. I Saturday Special, at cents. Ladies' Underwear. ; bleached rili- ! bed pants, fine yarn, French band, jwarl but tuns niul strings, ' shell stitch side openings, cover- I ed seams, tun- ! brella bottom, four inch lace. Regular price, 45 cents. Special Saturday, at cents. Granite Soap Dish. Urunitc soap dish only three dozen, Sell regularly at to cents each. Saturday Siecial, 6 cents each. : MEL DO YOU KNOW THAT I POTTER & GOOLD I SELL THE BEST Tl it tl ri lttn1 1-TtM tit AN fi1tt at lutely guaranteed for five t.t 1. v. m:ii: That AlWillll V.- ill 1 1 1 lllll. Come nntl let us talk j your paint M. & M. paint .... i i W. 11 1.... -I i per ganuii, inn uic.tpcM unci ucm wnen me ju is fc done. Full line of oil and varnish stains, screen ii fR door and family paints; l'ratt & Lambert's varnishes, J jj and best in its class, the great Chinese wood finish, & Chi-im-niel. Come and get V get our other lines. POTTER IlAKDWAHlt Electric Light and Power A talk with us will convince you that IvMiC TRIC LIGHT is the only light you can afford to use in your home, or put in the house you are building. Your proerty will rent more readily, will pay n higher income, and attract a better class of tenants. IF IT IS I-QUIPPUl) WITH IU.KC TRIC LIGHT. The use of F.I.F.CTRIC I'OWKK means Great saving in machinery and initial cost of plant, high ECONOMY In cost of operation, and an IN TKN'SU'IKD PRODUCTION possible only where KI.KCTRICITY is used. Advantages in the cost of producing power en ables us to make terms exceptionally favorable to manufacturers, and to furnish une:U died service at lowest rates. Portland General Electric Co. Seventh and Alder Streets, Telephone Ehanc 13. PORTLAND, OREQON HILLS ADDITION 1 have finished platting this sightly and convenient addition to St, Johns, and now offer fine Business and Resi dence Lots, with nlle.s, on . . JERSEY, KELLOGG and LIVELY STREETS at prices which will move the property very swiftly. Al lots arc above the street grade, and all will be sold on excellent terms. Investigate this. P. HILL Office at Residence, 618 North Jersey Street, St. Johns Residence and Business Lots Chicago Rooming House V. W. Hinman, Prop, Good rooms from $1 a week up. Comer Chicago and Ivanhoe streets orco V Saint Johns Garden Seed Special. Saturday only. No more than ten packages to one jicrson. All 5 cent seeds, two packages for ,s cents; nil to-ceitl jMckngcs, two for 10 cents. This will afford n fine opjwr tunity to get garden seed nt n very low price. Chase & Sanborn Coffee. The finest coffee on the mar ket. Sells regularly for 25 cents jkt pound. Saturday only 19 cents. Only one iwuiul will lie sold to each customer. Bottle Ammonia. Three bottles on hand. Regular selling price to cents. Saturday only, 2 bottles for to cents. PAINT MADE? - fi Ititcf tlffiniBJtjl !.. years, not by ns, but by sv means something to paint jl with yon before buying is not cheapest in price jjj, 1 1 1 ...1 .... ... v 1 1 1 ...1 . 1. ... t ... A free sample. Don't for- & GOOLD MltN. The G. HEITKEMPER GO, Watchmaker, Jeclcrf, Silversmith. Importen and Wboleule Dealers 286 ItorriSM StrMt, au'suTs PORTLAND Local News. April showers! Roy llnllis recently visited friends in San Francisco. Ilarn for rent, close in. See Dr. W. li. Hnrtcl, city. Let the Peninsula Hank write you n fire insurance ollcy. The cherries of the curlier vnri ties nrc already ns large as jKMf. Miss Secret, from Vancouver, has liecn visiting Mis. Wilcox. Reliable insurance nt the lowest rates nt the Peninsula Hank. Kvcrything in paint and oils nt Toe & Kngland's, French block. Jesse Alderson came home from the Portland hospital the fust of the week. Try the "Par Excellence": the champion 5c cigar: made in St. Johns. Among my list can be found some fire insurance to please vou. V. H. King. A great many parties nrc going across tlie river toward. Limitou these flue days. Aaron Snckctt recently fractured two ribs and has been staying closely nt his Point View liomu I since. Ccdnr Park was thronged last t 1 tt..i 1 , 1... oumiuy niieniuou aim eveuiui; oy crowds of old nnd young recreation lovers. Insure against fire before you have one with I). C. Roger., agent for the "old reliable" Phoenix of Loudon. A rainbow extending part wav around tlie sun nt noon was an unusual ight to some St. Johns residents 011 rriiluy. Wanted A lady solicitor to work in St. Johns nud University dis trict. Leave application. ill St. Johns Grocery Company, St. Johns. Surveyors were at work Monday ocntlug the corners for the new block on the lots covered witli burned debris on Jersey street. The Review office has just printed lot of "KorS.ile" and "l"or Rent" cards that are large enough and plain enough to sell or rent any piece of protierty anywhere. Fire may destroy your home nnv time. Are you protected against partial or total loss ? If not, call at the Peninsula Rank nud learn the small amount that will give you protection. Members of Lodge No. 1 Knights of Maccabees were in the city rucsday selling tickets for their annual excursion to Albany, Ore., on Sunday, May 6. Round trip 5 1. .10. All will be guaranteed seats and a good time. A lnrge party of girls and boy. surprised Maud Peterson and Iar.el Knight at the home of the latter "under the hill" 011 Monday evening. The usual games and refreshments were indulged in, nud gifts were carried to both girls. One need not be born with a veil or the gift of prophecy to fore see that lots between I'isk street in University Park nud Macruiu avc uue in Northern hill 011 Dawson street which extends through the centre of that rapidly growing dis trict between the rivers in Portland, and now selling for $15 er front foot, will, within twenty years from today, sell for one thousand dollars per front foot. Last Monday Chief of Police Hredeson had collected $fo for dog tax. "May i," said the chief, 'I start out with a wagon to pick up all tlie unlicensed dogs in the city. A dog without a license goes into the wagon and to the jkmukI. If it is not valuable enough to wear a tag it will le killed. And, what is more, I have the wagon and cage all ready to begin opera tions." Hanging over the horn that is used at the ferry station on this side of the Willamette is a card inscribed as follows : o o Dont Tak This Horn A ! : Way This is Old Gabriel's : ; Horn. Wow the Horn I : ; This Horn Uelongs to Mrs ; ; Gabrell She is a peach o o Last Saturday Thos. Mouahaii found a cow at the corner of Haves and Tacoma streets. The critter is of a dun or cream color, and probably a Jersey. She has been dehorned, is thin in flesh, has a hole in her right side, and limps forward on account of a short left leg. Any one who is the owner of the stray bovine may obtain her by application to the representation of the Portland General ISlectric Co. P.S. The cow does not give milk. Last Monday several letters reached here from San Francisco and other California points minus the usual postage stamp. It is supposed the government gave all refugees the privileges of the mail without postage. Among the mail received by Postmistress Clark was a small piece of paper that looked as though it had teen torn from a book. It was neatly folded. The address was on the outside while the inside was covered with writ ing. It was missent to St. Johns, and to expedite its delivery Mrs. Clark placed it in an envelope under a special delivery stamp and started it toward its destination. lhr Iwst flic ttiMitMttvr W. King. Now the apple tiM air i fM bloom. Try the "Par IvxcIIwhw" : the champion 5c cigar: mink in St. Johns. Mrs. W. I.. HulIN has been con fined to her led by .1 hwio Imui- cliial affection. Cnpt. Smith of the Portland (Ire boat was noting tlie mprovemonN of St. Johns last Mono iv Dressmaking nt reasonable prices. LallntJlH u.ivton, Point view Mrs. 0. Huery. First class and reliable insurance companies only are represented bv the i'eniiisula Hank. Ladies: have your dressmaking done in St. Joints by Mrs. Zona IS. Johnston. 531 South Jersey street. Charles Palmer and Mrs. Muson were married nt the home of Mrs. Mason's father, on Sunday, April 22. Mrs. Lottie Heebee, who, with her parents recently moved to Washington, was visiting in St. Johns last week. Mrs. Cowan of the Central hotel had n sou in Snu Francisco at the ,imc of lhe Cllrt1(1,,nkc. Wls .......1. nlnmiMl nliotit lilm. much alarmed about him. Teams were busy the first of the week at the ferry lauding unloading several scow. loaded with gravel. It was hauled to Pottsinotith. The Portland fire boat George II. Williams went 011 the St. Johns drydoek Monday morning for general overhauling nud repainting. Daniel Rrecht of the St. Johns Lumber Co. during tlie week visited x)iuts up tlie Columbia to make arrangements for logs for the new mill now being completed. I have the best life insurance iMilicy to be found in America: The Union Central Life. The safest nud best nt n fair price. Come in nud talk it over. W. II. King. Mrs. F. W. Vnlentiiie recently entertained Mrs. Maude Smith null children, nud Mrs. Smith's mother, Mrs. Ilidbb, from Poillnud, nud Mis. Zcnns Young and children from Moutiivilln, who nrc Mrs. Valentine's cousins, ulso Mis Susie llrndbury from Seaside. The pace set by M. L. Ilolbrook in the building line is a merry one, Last Monday he began excavating for u pressed brick front building on Iltirliugtou street, adjoining the pool room. 1 lie new block will be 50x00 feet nud will be divided into tiiree Mores V. . Koeruer ha the contract, nud the premises will be ready for occupancy by the first of July. rhe piles for the 0. R. & N. storage warehouse and oil tanks have been 011 the bank of the river on the tract of ground recently pur chased on the Roberts farm. The work of placing the oil tanks will proceed nt once. It is said to be the intention of tlie company to Install tanks of such capacity that not only the engines on the railroad will take their fuel at this ih int. but the line of steamers as well. ISverybody knows a steamboat man will race with a rival craft nt every opportunity, nud the sight of two or more of the river boats nt full siKcd and cIom. together is n common sight to the residents along the Willamette. Something out of the ordinary occurred last Saturday when n couple 01 steamers, both with two rafts in tow, were seen racing toward Portland. They were only n few feet npart and moving at n snail's pace. The crews were out on the decks ex changing bantering remarks and urging each other to "Get n move on you!" Until Joit sight of the pair were side by side with tlieir tows of logs. Very few of our residents know that the small black bear of Oregon is an inhabitant of the hills on the opposite side of the river. They are not numerous by any means, but there are a few of them, L. A. Foster of St. Johns killed n fine two-year-old bear a mile below Liuutou last Saturday. The car cass was taken to the ro idhouse, its hide removed and tacked up on the front of that holstery, where it proved quite an attraction to the frenitenters of the resort. These bears are comparatively harmless and flee at the approach of man, only showing fight when wounded or protecting their cubs. J. H. Laudram, formerly of St. Johns, but who now lives on his fine farm on the .summit of the mountain across the river, was in town Friday last. Said Mr. L.: "I hoe The Review and the busi ness men of St. Johns will get after the trade of the farmers across the river. There is a lot of business there that wants to St. Johns. Yes, I know a lot of tickets have been sent over to us, but we do not want tickets. We have money enough to pay our own fare. Rut we do want good roads and trans portation facilities to get our teams and produce into town. I want to come here and sell my produce and do my trading here. So do my neighbors. We have all kinds of fruit. This fall I expect to have over 40 tons of prunes and an equal weight of pears. 1 lien we have potatoes and fuel to sell. Stir the people up so that we can get in and out of town without inconvenience and we will all come here." c.l'IfiaS,-:. v " For flue cigNts it will iy vou to enllm Vnlentlne'siopiHiMteeitylmll. Uee enitnins done up bv Mrs Uvlllette. -ui Gillwit street,' Cednr IHiik. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. llickuer nnd daughter Aldn sient Snitdnv witli relnlIe..H nl 0,,.n ' relatives nt Oswego. J. It. CnmptK'll has n fine line of tow IkwUs, canoes and launches for bite nt the city dock. Cochran llros. are building n latge addition to their llverv stable to lie Used for storing vehicles, Protect vottr tironertv from loss by fire by itiMiriuir in only first class companies. See the Peninsula Rank W. Jower has hi stock of ladies' and mens furnishing goods all on the shelves in the Jower block and is doing a good business. An insurance imlicv in n reliable company is a good ns money in your pocket in case of loss by fire. Ask the PcniitMila Rank. The gray pressed brick in tlie front of the McChesney block presents n vrv aristocratic nppear- mice. Laid down in St. Johns this inilding material is worth 45 er 1000. It doesn't pay to have your life insurance policy written by a strunger. Have it done here in St. Johns by a home man. I have the best company in the world. W. II. King. Linus M. Clarke, brother of S. F. Clarke of this city, telegraphed last Friday front San Francisco that it. t. i 'i i inline iii iiiv: uii'iu catmniU that befell the California llll'IMIJHHIl, Mr.. W. IC. Ilurtel teceived new am Monday of the set inns illniss of her father in Charlotte, Mich., nud left nt once for that point. Site will probably remain awitv several weeks. In all parts of the cuiustiln many fir trees show tlie effects of the late sultry weather. The foliage lias n withered, burned tip K.'iiiatice that is the cause of con siderable discussion. J. C Cranio, tlie founder of The Review, is seeking fame mid for tune in the gold fields of southern Nevada. I le litis many well wishers here who hoiic ho may strike it rich in the new hldorudo. Just to keep up with tlie match of improvements in this vicinity the little town of Liunton is doing its share of building. Almost every week new residences are elected in tlie thriving lumber town. A carload of lumber ut rived yes terday nt the site of tlie new bridge nud the work of building the tool houses and blacksmith shop will be gin at once. It is said a largo force of men will be given employment. Moses Tufts, formerly in the real estate business here, but now in tlie logging business near Yule, Wash., was a visitor in St. Johns last Sunday. The former local Adonis has developed n grip like that of a hired man. Some of the St. Johns residents who have been anxious about friends nud relatives lire Mrs. II. F, Aruett, who had u sister mid niece at the striken points in Cali fornia, mid Mrs. I?. Iv. McVicker, whose cousin was a telegraph ocrator there. A well attended meeting of Masons was held last Monday evening for the preliminary work in connection with the establish ment of a lodge in St. Johns. "It pays to advertise," said it member of the tinier. "We had a good attendance and there nre a large number of applications for member ship." The Forest Grove Times says that an examination of the cherry bloom shows that Royal Ann and other early sweet varcties supposed to be hurt worse by the cold sjiell in March still have enough cherries to make n fair crop. The buds on the sunny sides of the limits were generally killed, but the buds that were shaded lived through. A. W. Ilussey, alleged to have cut the arteries in the wrists of a man pinioned under the timbers of the St. Katheriues hotel during the fire in Sail Francisco, is well known by Chas. Aruett and Harry Mans field of St. Johns. Mr. Ilussey was principal of the Genessoe, 11)., public schools for several yeaiN, and is highly siMikcu of by Messrs. Mansfield and Aruett. I). C. Rimers Of late the Civic Improvement League lias not been ''i 111,1,1,1 " ''V unsafe by the board ..'.riimlnrlf nptlf,. u'lii. ii ulmiitil ' "f fire commissioners, the said board particularly active. l y it should , ,,., 10jf ju wriliMK ,ht. owllcri r he dormant I do not know. At ,M-cui,ani of the building that the same this season there are a number of must he repaired or removed within things it should consider. Heallti-1 days; and if the ;.arty or. parties f.,!" ,t. :.,, ,....1. f(ir insKmr.. I 1 " uotilied shall persist ill using any fy." C,',,y ) rk 'or,, ls,Illlct;. 1 .Hue. sinokepipe or chimney which en- wish lhe Review would iiivtitinti aKer. the building to which it is the fact, and perhaps tlieir activity attached, or adjoining buildings, the may be tlie result of a great deal of board of tire commissioners shall 'i cause the same to be repaired or re- " moved, and the cost of such repairs The iiopularity of the White "hall he made at the expense of the f'mie riirir in-ioiif-ietiiretl ill this "wner or occupant of the building. Lrow cigar, m. nutacturui in uiis Section h. No stovepipe shall stand city by P.J.Peterson it Co. has withill ,w fl.ot of any woo,icl, or necessitated the employment of four 'cloth wall, unless such wall is fully additional cigar makers, making ! protected by tin or zinc plates ten ii. all now rolling this yt$$. brand of cigars. A visit to the llact(, llMlh.r sllch stovcs yinc or mlu,r factory will convince me most tasti-, diotis smoker that these goods are made of the finest tobbaccos and by the most expert workmen under conditions that are unsurpassed as to cleanliness. From a small le gining tltis industry is already as suming large proportions. ORDINANCE NO. 87 " , An Ordinance to ProiJc for the Freu-ntlon of Fires nud the Protection of Person and Prop. erty IIiidniiKered 1 herch. , 1 rh,',t'.,,, ,,f ,S .nlam ! .... fciHHt 1. .n HMHlrn imiMiMK within the ftre limit ( the City of St. John hnll U altrrfd or chanced wlihoMt the written crmiimi of llic lliwnl of rire Ctnmii4Hicr, which permit halt eeify uilly the alteration or chanKr roiimel, and 110 licit permit hnil lie unrn if Mich change or alteration will increase the value of mu-Ii Imihlmic more than JA per colli. I tic atitilicfltioii tlicie fur and .1 copy of each of Mich permit liall he kept on tile m the unite of the city recorder. I'roviiled, Hint not more than one permit per year hall ne tueii 10 repair til any one build iiiK. except to repair ilntnnKe c,nied by fire. Section S. No hnihliiiK within the itre limit snail be removed, except to a Portion of the .nme lot on which it tuny have Mood to make room for more permanent improvement, or to a point outside the lire 11111115. Section ;t. Whenever any ImiMitic liall he by any menu mi much in jured a to be. m the Judgment of the boat'l or lire eoimnlloner a danger on nuioauce. or when any wooden building within the lire limit hnll, 111 the judgment of the said board of lire commiMioiicr be damaged by lire or oilier casually 10 exceed III per cent thereof, a provided by section I of Ordinance No. M of said City of L. , .1... . ....!.! .1 .... f .-i. joiiih, eniiiieii t Ail ordinance creating n board of lire cotninisMon er. nud denning their duties nud power.," approved April 17, WHO. the hoard of lire conuuiloner. shall im mediately cause to be served upon the owner or person having control thereof, n notice reipiiring such per son to move the same forthwith. and the person receiving such notice , ,, .;, . , I - - -- -- evW rc the requirement thereof; and anv nerson or pcrMiti violating this section shall he deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof before the aiunicipal court of said city, shall be punished by a line of not less than ten 0 iliars nor more than one hun dred dollar, or by imprisonment not !es thnn live nor more than thirty ''avs. or by both such line and im tiri.otimenti and each day of tnniii l iiniiig or continuing such violation hll be deemed a new olteuse nud in'iiished nud upon con viction of nnv nerson under this cc- 1 'ion, the court shall direct the chief of po',ce to forthwith tear down or remove such building, nud the cost thereof shall lie paid in the first In stance by the city, lint the same hll be tnxed and recovered ofT the defendant ns pait of the costs in said action. Section I. No cornice of wood shall be placed on any building within the lire limits. Section ft. Tlint every chimney or line that inav hereafter be built within the lire limits of the City of St. Johns shall linvc walls of good quality of brick or lone, nt least four inches in thickness of the same material which shall commence nt the ground, executing in houses one story in height, nud be laid in good lime nud morlnr, ami to be plastered on the Inside, nnd when passing through or near the wood work to be plastered 011 the outside; Provided, that patent 'huuticy may be used when desired upon written permit of the board of lire commissioner. No chimney or line shall be buill which shall have anv Joist or timber resting on or entering into the same further than will leive nl least sis inches between lhe end thereof nud the chimney or line They shall be well secured and shall extend nt least four feet above the roof of the building to which they nre attached, measuring from the point where eich chimney or Due passes through such roof, and should such chimneys or flues be deemed moafe to the building or buildings adjoining by the hoard of lire coin miktioneis, they shall be carried up to such a height as may be deemed necessary, not to exceed four feet above tlie extreme height of said building or buildings adjoining. Section it. No siuokcpipc in any building with wooden or combustible Honrs or ceilings shall enter any line miles said pipe shall he at least eigh teen inches from either Doors or ceil ings, nud 111 all cases where sinokcpipcs pass through wooden partitions of xiiy kind, whether the same shall be plastered or not, they shall be guard ed by a double collar or metal, with at least four inches of air space, nud ludes for ventilation, or by a soap stone ring not less than three inches III thickness nud extending through the partition, or by a solid coating of plaster of paris three inches thick, or by an earthenware ring three inches from the pipe No stovepipe or smoke pipe shall pass through any windows, side or roof of any building, except by written permit granted bv the board of lire commissioners, ami such permit shall designate the lime for which such leave is granted. No smukcpipc shall bv placed nearer than sixteen inches to any wall, except at right angles therewith in passing through the same, nor nearer than Mxtct-u inches to the wall of any ad joining building. All owners or oc cupants of any building within the lire limits of the City of St. Johns. 111 which there is a siuokcpipc, shall, when notified by the board of lire commissioner, comply with the fore going requirements, and also replace a bad or defective siuokcpipc with a new one when ordered Section 7. That any Hue, smoke imie or chiinucv within the lire limits I of ihe City of St. Johns which shall incoinbutible material siilhcicut to protect the Moors from fire Section 0. It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit any ashes in any wooden vessel or on any wooden lloor in the city, or deposit them in any place in their or others' premises that will be nearer than tun feet to any wooden work. Section 10, No person or persons 7 ukall NMirafactarc ri ret .r tim I., a trccM Mjr mfh araitt. marltinvry or MlMtMi far Ihr mannfariurt ( rimbtMMt Mail ( an) dM-rirtt wtthm tfc WMta f the I it) of Si Jolm WttlMM irti , having obtained a wrttttM Wfm ; inemnr irm inr Hoard t nre ' miMtmr Velum II l'.crv person 'r using shaving shall al Ihe cloM d rarh da) cause ihe mmic to In rrurrty stored or disposed of m a to br safe from hre. All hair, MflW or other combustible material tmi be so stored a to be afe froM Hre. and when not o noted the board of fire commissioner mar direct the remittal of the same or cauee the me I . 1 I L..,..! f.M. 1. -. t t ! dV. I..- .1 .1 f irnr in i hi- imnrr or wfwpsni m the premie. Sec I ii hi til. Spark catchers twit be placed upon all chimney or Mttoke stack ned for cemveying; off thg -nil ike of any steam hoder or tteam engine whenever deemed necessary for lhe safety of the adjoining prop erty by Ihe board of fire eommlwlflii er Section 1.1. That any member of the hoard of Are commissioner Mmll at all time have the right to enter any building within the city for the purpose of discovering or ascertain ing any violation of this ordinance. Section It. That whenever the hoard of lire couiimiouers deems it necenry for the safety of any build ing or adjoining buildings to have, nu accumulation of mo removal from the roof of such budding, the said board shall notify Ihe owner or oc cupant of such building, who shall nt once have the same removed. Section I.V No person shall make a lire or cause a lire to be tiinde on any wooden pavement or planking within the City of St. Johns, or make or cause to be made any open lire for burning rubbish or oilier com bustible material on nuy street or lot within thirty feet of any building; nor shall such lire be made on 'any street or lot within the lite limit. Section HI. No person shall, in this city, boil nuy pitch, Inr, rosin, turpentine, varnish or nuy it her In llniumnbte substance, unless the Mime be done in an open space, at least thirty feet from nuy building, boat, vessel or other property Hint might be injured thereby, or in a tire-proof building. Section I. The board of fire com missioners, and each member theie- of, is required o see that the pro visions of this ordinance are enforced, and to make complaints to the muni cipal coin t for violations thereof. Section I A violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall he punished by a Hue of not leu limn live dollars nor more thnn one hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in lhe city Jnil not less than three nor more than twenty days except when otherwise provided in this ordinance, mil the continuance of maintaining of such violation shall be deemed n new olfeiise for ench day on which the same is so continued or main tained, nud shall be puuiihed accord Inely. Section in. All ordinance and narts of oidinniices in conlllct with this ordinance are hereby icnciilcd. I'assed the council April a I. I Win. Approved April VI. limit. F. W. V.m iixrisr, llest- Mayor. W. I.. Tiiiihnuvki:, Recorder. ORDINANCE NO. 88 An Ordinance Assessing the Co:t of Improving IMiilmlciJhin SI re .'I from the Center Line of Ivanhoe Street to the Center Line of Itr.'idford Street In the City of St Johns, Oregon, n ml Directing an Untry of Sikh As sessment In the DocKct of City l.iens. The City of St Johns does onhtln ns lollows' The council of lhe t'ilv of St. John. having ascertained the cost of improv ing Philadelphia street from the cen ter hue of I viinlioc street to the center line of llradford street, m the City of St. Johns, as shown by rcsolutiofl of council of record and dale March ft, I'.iui). and notice thereof Imviuu liHtm published in the St. John Review', n w eekly new (taper of general eireuUi lion published at St Johns, fur three CD consecutive weeks from the Oth day n( March, loon. ( the Mrtl day ot March, loon, inclusive, a siiovvh by alhihmt of the foreman of anid paper on hie. and the legal posting of nonces of .iicli street improvement as shown by allidavit ol city engmwer on lite with the city recorder, no re monstrance having been tiled, and a provided by resolution of March 3, tout): and the sum of right thousand, live hundred and seventy two and 1ft tun dollars (i.5T.3S) being city engin eer' perliiniiury estimate of the coat. but to be more accurately iieicriuiHiHi by city engineer. I lie tune williiu which anl improvement is to Ix com pleted is hereby fixed at sixty day from tlie last puiiiicatiuu 01 notice for proposals fur said work, which pro- nosuls miisi he tiled with the recorder of said city by the I Mil day of May, luoil, at I ociock p in. Now. therefore, it is hereby ordered thai said street lie improved accord ingly, and that the recorder shall give notice by publication bit not Kt than three t:t) insertions in successive pub lications m the St. lolius Kevlew, weeklv newspaper of general circula tion m the said City of St. Johns, Ore gon, inviting proposals lor tiiaKliiK said miiiroenieiit, and said sum, as estimated by the city engineer as cost thereof, or such sum as shail be finally fixed and determined by city engineer not exceeding said sum, is hereby assessed to the hits, parts of lots nud tracts in their several proportions ill the assessment district of said 1'liila delphia street from the center line of Ivanhoe street to tlie center uue 01 llradford street in the said City of St. Johns, in the respective amounts to be hereafter determined aim asseuoo lo said lots, parts of lots, and tracts it t-in i- benefited bv said street improvements, heretofore declared and now designated as an tne iois, pari thereof, and parcel of laud wtthm inn feet from the outside line of each side of said Philadelphia street. The recorder is hereby directed to enter at the proper time the said a sessment hereby made in the dockot of city liens, and cause notice to b published a provided ny tne cny charter. I'assed the council April a i, tuuu. Approved April it I. 100'!, F. W. V.MH." Attest: W. L TllOKHUVKB. Recorder. atfjyQr,