St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 30, 1906, Image 4

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1 Dnnhnm 0 Piirrini" 1
Duiiiiain a uumci
General Merchandise
St. Johns the Center of Attraction
Now is the time to inuM In tlu spring
victors will flock here hikI prices will double.
We have h few Lot left Ht
niiKiiivMH Property I .tit
Lots with alleys
H. King Land
Your Valuable
Papers !
ffi Ati' you riiniiltix the of losing them Iy
keeping thettt around the on-inine? If m, ytm
SS hul U-tter rvitl n siif. (lcNisit box nl rotce.
S They cost vhi fitxii Is i.s m year, iimrding
ito si.i-. SiiiKlt' i'iivt'lo' cintl for nt liifliiig
cxpcttM. !;
I Peninsula Bank
V- -I.. 1 fiittn ami
, uii 1 ii in At tir m"tih i"MihIhIiI
in W HIm h" 1 hiimI m w it v 1
til Mflt rftlMl.tttt It WlttWMll Wtlt I'
I U tM I . HHl kH ll Hi "M lllltlt Nil. I . !
.11.1 Itii'tai- wtirlt 1 tiM'ltitu let w
Ill Mg Ht t
' J W Jit .
.'I'M,' Ittlll.llll. MM
!. 11 . II,. Mil 'i .
I.I 11
refill to la Iwrvtoy given thai ihv
iiimIIiik of ihti CiMncll of I he
Cliy of S4. John, Oregon, told
011 (ht INih dy of ScfHwiber ,
A. I), im, I be foil .wing r'
I.vkh: TImI Die Council l Hit
' John, i iregtMi, ilttnis il en
m hi. I itnMwm to iuimv- Lively
1 11. .in On' north lint- nl TImhiiimi
1 1 1 In- wiiith Inn ..I (.mini
' hi tin Minn Oik iiuiiiiui, in wit ;
1 il.liiliiiiM alight i mi ai.
1 hi Hi. billowing niiuiii. 1 tin- wtlttr
IIIIV TllMltk ,111 ; I. II III I, The
mi nut Mini l.ivi Iv olttvl lu Ih
'. in .111 nr
I 1 1 . ! 1 n . m
I 1 111 il lll,
v mllh the Chatter
Cllv nl 8t. Inhus.
". at Ion ami rsll-
nl III! Cl 1
. "I III. ).
!--- Til
1 1 1.1 Ih .im'
Ii 11 it r u
!. nil. illy '
. .1 1 lu ri'l
.rl lliw
'H.-ri fill-! in the
nl th' City f
. .' 'Mill iniirvi'
l iiivitlnl Itv llie
.i..iirtv kiasrially
hiii.i thervby and
1 ii. I i.. Ih- nil the
1 I p.ii. l U ( Uiul
I M...11 IiH' imUiilr
.i.l I iv l kttt-rl.
II ' nil . -UUMli of
i. i tin'
I t
111 1 1 1 lit- I
111 . "I 1 11 ll k .
1 lu I. ii) nun '
i' . 1 1 liililt lu
in- 1 .'I
I in .l j
' I'll I 111 I Ml
in. nl nl fcitil I
K 1 .nl I. Ii. '1
Ih, 1 in nl ,s.
I 1 1. .1 H.
ni'l i. . an nl nf
. HI' I i' .HUMU'i
' lli . 1 1. 1 WOi '
Hi llll.l
1I1 K
1 1 mil 1-, lit'irl
InMHH- III till- HVMi'll
illil I.Urh lnl ua
I 1
li'l ) till' I'll V ill.llU l.
I1..II tl.llKl-. itK'ljllnl lilt' llmtf IIM
ill. Ill IIMI U' lllnl III MIIIIIIH Willi
I. I lllt'tl M II ll I II I i 1 1, illl thi
'l lit. I11M I'lil li. ill llil iiii
i.'i I nt tin I .Kill. !
Citt KcM'r'U-r.
1 1
I'ullllklll.l III Illl
III ! ,
si l.'luiH Ki t u Mm It
.nil 1 ' w
1 rui.iu
4S- l.'ll y..i; fS l.lll II III' IIM l
built . jit'itr ktlukil Imuh'.
Suu lo 45k na . $i$ t-ai4i
month ! l-'iiu- ln-i-s
19 I.- txisJ . ! ii-.mii Ii-
flU KI
.' . f I.M
way iun.
afcjo l."l ji' ion. new four tuuw lumae.
aVt Irfit lusimHi. Ftucel am vulti
taltil. f ljuo lit 5 hi ; mar aton- ; Ant- for
ij.- Lot ,vkiiki ; lu-uraluu' , liiuiurns.
I.ail) Awiai.tut
IMll 'III' I'i.lal Mil',
Dr. S. C.
Rasidnt Undertaker and Embalmer
No, ;
U"lk -11 il.llltl.
V l. I -tilt I III , Cl.iM
Hardware, Tinware, Plumbing
Tin Roofs, (iulter.s, etc.
I'Jione Soett IU65
Cochran Block
. ,00.00
Co., St. Johns.
wirtL tttihiHii i
I llllll 1t W l-ll
111 hlililit I
Mold ft.
Notice in hurvh) kIvoii llinl l Hie
nuillnx of Hie Cilt Council of
llie Cllv of Ht. Johns, OreKou
held on Hie tiny of .March,
A, 1). I'MI6. the following
itHoliilIon wns iiiloplcil.
HKiMii.vKIt: Tlmt tlic Cmimll of tliv
City nl St. J'llni". rt-Kn, iWt-Mu il ex
iicifit'iil nimI ir"w I" imiwutt' Clmrli
inn fttm-t In mi IIm imrtll lint' ( It-rat-
Mrtt't I" ilif north Km- uf HihImmi int-t
In tin Mlnwinu uinnni'r. In it:
lit t-klrflllOllllU llulll Utrt.lf mi mini
Mrtt-t in 1 lit- Mlottiuu iiMiint-r lilt- Miiiit-
h tlif 11 uint v hmiU iin- ui.ultil.
iiitnvi-inrnt Ik U' miimIi. in Mtvnnluiii'i
Willi iIh-Climitr ami UriliiMUfen ! Hh
Cilt 1 'I Hi. Mm, uiul the Un, kvIiI
i-.iIhmi mi. I t-alimnlea ( I hi fit riiui
ut'i'r liU. I In ilit- itllicp o tin- murilt-r nl
tin Cllv ol St.loliiia, Tilt-ttM n( wiiil
imintitt'iiu iit 10 la- Mkwil aa iinniiliil
lit Ilit' cut i-liarlvr Ulam tliv imia-r.
lavidllt .mil im'ttlUrh Unt-lllliil tlitic
lit , uiul liioli ia brreby ilrt'luivil l In-
all Hit- Iin. iMirta thervnf ami tmrt 1 1 !
I.iii.l within a line itnfeet Imiii Hit- mil
Milt- lint- ol vavh akle u( mi til Ch.irlt-Mnii
Tht- i-iiKOM-t r'n eaihawte uf tin- ml
al'li t'ul tiMti fur law iinimivi'tiu nt ol
nOiI Mrtt l i fMi).t.
Tlu iikn. MVtBfatttMM -Iiiimi -
o tlu- t-iiv euwinrt-r (ir the imi.itt-UHiil
1 mm 1 11 iru-attiu kiitt-i ait- tu-ri'i't
Hmmi.vMi: Tlwt the t-ily uttink-i ol
Hit- Cilt ol Hi. John lie, anil i. Innl.t
Imvitil lu Kite notice of th-nMil
iiiintt mi nt ol auiil Cbarleatmi fired .is
I 'lot iilt 1 1 by the fity i-lwitvr.
Kt'ttbtuaimnt-e aKainat tin- almvc iiu-
I'mviHienl muy be Hlml In wilt ink Willi
iiu intiu-riiiiin witHIM (tflet-H ilata Iniin
tin il.ite uf the Ant iwblit-atum oi tliU
inn in
lit ofttt-r of the City Cnnnt-il
I. V. ll tMia.
City Keeunler.
I' ,li!ilu I in iiu ft. juhiia Ketit-w Mail
V, A-rtl b ainl I J, iuk
F. J. Kocrncr,
I'luim ami aaeilie(itioiia
I'uniiklii-il mi u)iilii-utiiiii.
iK.iie wiili neat neu atul
All woiii
llik m toh.
Nilit nllii-f '
l.tij tlav--iatri't't
1 11 ll l It
Illl llllllll'
I I'll I 111- I
-Inn M
A Matter of Local History
The DIarv of James St. Johns Now
1'rlnlcd l:or 'I he First Time.
I'rejiMri'l liv CieurKc H. ilinit-. I
is 1 1 June 1. Left here. Kit
i:mt).-d on the Imnks of the 1'lntte
;it two o'clock. Ik-re we en
cainiKtl. There ciiiue ud a small
ilouil, with, the appeitntnce of a
liht shower of rain. As itaroM.- it
mv darker. The thunder roared,
the rain and hail came until the
i.:totind was covered with hail as
l.ire an Hirtiitlne chh. nlu' motile
four titnt-s as larne. The rain
iiasetl a little while in the evening
lint nxnin and rained
netiily the whole niKht- 'I'he
".nards had a had nighl for stand
iti. All the imikK'IKV 1,11,1 wery
thhiK the rain could jtct at was in
dreadful condition in the morning
hut as had as the weather was
thete was a wedding in the cam
thi niitht Mr. Keliwy to Miss
Williams hy Kev. Mr. Jou-p
June 2 This moruiiiK n cotinci
whs held for the puriKise of tetfiilat
inn the time of starting, which was
UKreed to le at 30 minutes after
six o clock 111 the morniuu; nut we
ditl not early this mornine:
accotiul of IxritiLf so well dreuchet
with rain ami hail. The atiima
need no sail ht te. The ".round
covered with salt lor Mill many
places. We today at noon
near the Iiead ol (.rand Island
dry our ctothiiiK. Went on ahotit
1 3 miles hihI iiiiiiikiI on the hank
-if the Platte.
June t. This day went ahotit
2D miles. KiH-aiutxMl on the Platte
There was another shower of rain
today, and the air was cool.
June .1. Today we started early
Traveled hriskly iiIouk the hanks of
tin- Platte until 111 the afternoon
. In 11 some of our im-iisciitteied out
iinin (r- Coiiiimuv to hunt ante
Ioik-. Oik- of tin-in Is-'iiiif alone
-1 1 p linn alotiK lo net a shot at an
tuleloiie. was -urrouutled hy
mini of Shiiia Cheyt-niieJ Indians
mil roblietl ol his itiule, x"u am
iiislol. Thev tried to eel his cloth
1 on off him, hut he tore looe from
them, lie came tip with the Coin
tuny and informed the captain
the eiiciiuistaiin-. Immediately
iMilof the ComiMiiy were sent
Isuk to iccovcr the iiroiierty. The
Imliaus came, met'liiie them. I lie
teainsters hasteiKsl lo 1 ill t their
wauons in oitlei Istltle. .Some weie
l,inic stiuck. They saw the
Indian column, .to in iiumher,
aiiK.-aretl lo them lie 1111 army
thousands. When, lo! ,v Imliaii
oune and IiuiukIu the proierty and
lesloivtl It to tlie Compiiiiy. I hey
weie veiy fiiendly. 1 hev came tt
our camp, shiwik liamN anil smoke
the pin- of peace ami ciicauic
uInmii v ymds from us this nielli
June 5. I his inoiniiitr we set
nit Ik-Iou- Miiuisl-. SlupiKsl at
o'clock for hu-akfaKt. We seen si
llut hotitiin UmU luml a little helow
us 011 the livei. Sane of their
ciews en ilk- (o its mid informed us
that I hev were from I -oil Laramie
,ind that we weie iiImmiI .isi miles
from thai place. We sveii
nil melons Ih-mIs of laiff.ilo todav on
l Ik- optsksite side of the liver from
Ha, and we have killed two ante
loivstiKlay. I lieie came a tremeii
dons hail and lain storm this after
ihmiii. The wind hlew very haiil
where we weie, and on theopjsiaile
stile ih tin- liver it hlew ticuieinlnii
We saw Decs llyiuu in the air 11111
water hltiwiue up out of the liver
us upimieutlv as the cloud-
Aft ti the slot in had almted soiue- vie travelled about a mile
uitliei and found hail stom.s as
larjf us itcese eKs' We maile
veiy lucky escHie not to he in the
iitidat of it, hut there were some
lame h.iil where we were. W
vM-tti 011 ami ciicauiH-ti aifuiu on
the luuks of the Platte. We hwl
iiih mote than got our tent spread
livfiHe another storm ol the same
kind came oil and lasted until
uittht, leaving the Kioutid covered
with hail. It drowned out all the
lire 111 the camp, and wet the most
il inn iMiKKnite, mid left us in an
unpleasant situation.
June (lh. ! his illumine, we set
out earlv, iiccomiMtitcd hy 12 lu
liana, who eucamiKsl with us
Tlivy weie of the Chun Cheyenne
nation; they travelled and eueamiHs!
with it iwrhaps'tor protection from
lite Pawnee, l las day we killec
i elk. I he weather was cool until
twelve o'clock: then it turuetl
warm, and rained at night. W
eiuauiiHsl this uiuht on the hank
of the Platte. The Indians left to-
June 7th. Startetl at 7 o'clock
this iitoiniue. Travelled almost 10
miles today and eHcauicd on the
Iwnks of a small cieek. The
hutiteis killed two huffaloes ttnlay.
1 lie captain sends out a small party
of men every day hy tin n for the
purioe of ktlhiie, meat for the
comtMuy. We had another stotut
ol lain and wind this evenine, hut
not very much rain.
June 8th. This day we killed
some lour huttaloes ami a few
lahhits and encamped in the even
ing on the south fork of the Platte
mer. The huffaloes are very
plenty here. We have seen several
herds today consisting ot perhaps
some liiiudicds.
June jth. Today we erassed the
river at the same place that we en
cautjHHl at last evening. The river
being wide we occupied nauly the
whole day in crassiug. It is uhout
1. 1 hundred yards wide here and
The water is of
as that of the
.Miwitirie. W Imm s-m. I he
lieve, a thouanii iiitlfahns today.
We have killed j them today.
We forded the rir with our loaded
wagons, which weie 19 in number.
The bottom is s(, k-vel that the
water is about three feet deep
nearly all the, way across. We en
camped this night on the opposite
side to where we la last night.
June 10th. This tlay was
pleasant. We it. 1 veiled about 25
miles today; killed but one buffalo,
but was in swlit of them all
day. The river banks were lined I
with Ihetn. W i.m kill as many,
.is we wunt. We eiicancd this
evining on the I .inks of the .south
folk of the Platte. The plains herej
are sandy. T he river has a leve
plain on each -ide; vcxt to the
plains there is on each side n ridge
of sand hills.
June nth. I his morning we
were a little surprised. The oxen
strayed ttwav fiom the camp,
Two of the men went after them
and saw four or live Indians driv
ing them off. They came hack
running their horses and told the
news. Twelve of the Company
immcrii'ilcly set out to rescue the
cattle. When the Indians seen us
coming they left the cattle and fled,
ami we got them all safe to the
camp again. V lift the camp at
7 o'clock this illuming. One of the
men acted ven imprudent. He
was ritliug hy tlx side of a clump
of willows near the place where he
seen the Indians driving away the
oxen, lie, hei'114 enraged at them,
fired til the Iudi.nis, hut they could
uol he found. Some of the com
puny had a little sorl today in
killing a buffalo bull. They shot
him 20 times or upwards before he
fell. There Is u great many praire
dogs here. The burrow in the
ground and ate uliout the si.e of a
common house This evening
we encamped on the hank of the
Platte. This tint has been a warm
(TO III! l"S riNI HII)
Alums Keep Cliaiiiherliihrs Cough
Uciucdy In his House.
"We would not he without
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It
is kept on hand nutimially in our
home," iys W. W. Kearney,
editor of the Indeiieudeut, I.ourv
City, Missottti. That is just what
every family should do. When
kept ut hand reads for instant use,
a cold may he checked at the out
set and cured in much less time
than after il has liecome settled in
the system. This leuietly is aNo
without a leer for croup in child
1 c 1 1 , ami will prevent the attack
when given as soon as the child be
comes hoarse, or even after tin-
croupy cough apiears, which can
only he done when the remedy is
kept on liiiiul. I'or Mile hy Jack
sou's Phatmacy.
To Arrest Attorney.
It was declared the latter part of
the week that Citv Attorney Sam
uel Horatio Greene was to he
arrested the warrant to he sworn
out by 0. !. Learned.
Mr. (iii-iiic deserves to lur arres
ted hut mi heinous is his crime
that a del.i has la-en caused hy an
endeavor find under what charge
the guiltv man should lie prose
cuted, it s .1 toss-up whether It
will he 111 si hi, defalcation, assault
with a broken iieiicil or defamation
of ch.11 at tel
""i honor ami gentlemen of the
jury: lu prosecuting this case I
will make no argument. I will
uu-ieh show you that the defen
dant. Cineii. , on or about the 2A
tlay of M.iuh, Anno Domini 1006,
did, wilinlb maliciously, felonious
ly, ami wuh malice aforethought,
hy the aid f duplicate keys ami
the cil 111.11 shal, unlock , unlatch,
unclasp. ojK'u, push, force and
swiii", ukn its hinges one 6-6x2-0
"Then. r honor, what did this
lisprit x all 1 1 1 tin? What did he do,
I ak otr I will relieve your
awful tension, gentlemen: he
DOOR Uhuul him! And then,
Keutteiiieii lie commenced his fiend
ish work ot.lered hy the cttv conn
eil! Think of it, fellow citizens'
Think of tins sheep in wolf's gar
ments l.ntering that sacred eli-
ce pavsin through the portals
belonging t my client litis li recite
hesitatcsl n.'t one tiiometit before
coniiiietiiuu his work -Using my
lienl's desk, and, forsooth, spitting
into the stove wherein tny client
I r this jet, ikt se, ipse iitxtt,
tro Unto publico, et mix vomica,
r honor, my client asks punitive,
eoinpulkotv emphatic, counter-
iiutaut. tiiiaucial damages and
urges the defendant be taken
without tlu city hunts and stoned
todeath w . ih spltballs !"( Applause. )
l:press Their Thanks.
We desiie to extend our apprecia
tion of the generous assistance 1
given to .ud the fire department, ,
ami we fee! that esiecial thanks are ,
lite M. I, llolbrook, Cochran Hro-1
thers, Hiekner Druthers, the Sitbur-'
ait Uxprivs Coiniviny and many
others as well as the city council .
of St. Johns. I
Our deiurtment believes it has,
and desins to retain, the esteem of.
every cttieu of St. Johns: and we 1
taud ready at all times to do our 1
Sr. Johns I'Iku Diu'
Keep Your Kye On St. Johns.
has a sandy hed.
the mimic culler
I A FEW 1 '
About this tint
of year in St.
Johns the lid seems to come off.
Two Japanese at Oreshain tried
to thaw dynamite last Saturday.
They are scrapatiese now.
Trotitftshiug season will open on
Sunday. It'll be it toss-up with the
kids whether it is to be a good time
now or wait for the Sunday school
After soaking in the Colttmbi
three weeks a piano is found to he
unproved .1 tone. Most anything
will improve the tone of some
A Portland woman stole pjrfttme
to buy wliiskev. Why didn't she
steal the drink direct? It's these
confounded middle men who cause
the trouble!
Lumber has advanced 7 per
thousand within one year. At this
rate lumber in a lumber country
will soon he as high as apples at
Hood River.
Over in Vancouver when a mini
strikes his wife he gets thirty day
in jail while she hustles around
and gets washing enough to carry
him dainties.
In Germany people arc now eat
iug dogs and cats. I thought
they'll get on to our American ways
before many years. (Jars are
canned, though.
A Portland woman who was
chased by 11 man Satutday night
hid under her bed. I'll bet she
first stopped to sec if there was
man under there!
Say, wouldn't it be a mighty
good ioke 011 your neighbor to
straighten up that line fence and
nail 011 tlie few loos.-boards? Do
il then yell "April fooll"
No matter how much howling
may he done about sending away
for goods I've noticed that tiulcs
home folks do goo.l advertising
buyers will continue to send away
Next year election day in th
city will couu-011 April 1. There
will he many tivople in St. Johns
next Tuesday who will believe it
should have come on "fool's day
this year.
An Oregon City man last week
put up 250 of teal money to get
51000 in counterfeit. Some of
those Oregon City jieople would
willingly buy bottled climate if the
foolktllcr didn't get busy.
According to a Portland paper
Chinaman was stabbed the other
night "in the north end." If the
assailant desired to get at the
fellows brains he'll have to do
better work on the compass
A Chicago girl who wasdivotcet
the tlay after she was married ex
ciiH'd her iunxiliteitess hy declaring
that she wasn t very well tic
iiuaiutcd with the fellow, anyway
ami didn't care if she did hurt
his feelings.
When you see a mutt who has
"been out the night belore go
into 11 bakery you may safely be he
buys it "charlotte rttsse." It has
been ascertained that a "russe" is
the best known remedy for "the
morning after."
"The Pessimist" in the Oregon
iau says "Five Indies ami n tut
woman entered the car. What U
the weight-limit between a "lady
and "woman?" How fat does
"lady have to ue oeiore she may
be classed as a real "woman?'
And wouldn't it be better to cut out
that lady business and call every
good woman 11 "woman r
We have heard of the pastor who
said that there were a lew souls in
his audience so small that one hun
dred million of them could wander
one hundred billion years in an ex
cavated mustard seed and never
meet. We have heard of another
who decla.ed that some souls in his
audience could travel eight linn
dred millions abreast through the
eye of a tiny needle and none of
them be within seeing distance of
another. Dut it remained for a
Pottlaud writer to assert that a man
was "a two-spot in a seven-high
No. 186 1. 0. 0. F.
sr. Jonss, oki:uo
Meets each Monday evening in Odd
l-VHows lull, at 7:50. Visitor welcomed.
O. M.llatl, N.O.
H. Klliott, Secretary
Watchmakers, Jewelers,
Importers an J Wholesale Dealers
286 Morrison Street, Sffjffii PORTLAND
Wc now have whit tt a enpnlik-renlik-it
iirelilti-el, ttn-l ue can
yrmtig. to hiIvhih-o tmiiii-t to nil
tlii'se tvt'ii ileibc i t bitilil li'.tlt.'s.
Second Door Wcsf
of I'ostoff.'cc
Watch Ticking?
the Wiitrlitti.iki-r.
Hi- will guarantee It to ttek .it
least one ear.
I'irst-cl.tM work unit Nttlsfiietlini
or no j my.
I.ucfltvil nt Wllvin't Old Pl.tcc.
Tneoiati street, St. Jolnia, Oregon.
Tin- citii'ii of St. John t ) know v
liuve n milk route in this citv. l'are
milk ih'lit-red at yuiir dmir for u
month, AiMltiuaa'l iimtt at 71'.
Tnkt'ii TlattmlHts Mini Saturday, de
livered I'rliliiys'iiml Miimlnys: toeii
giillnn. Send 'orders to
M.W. GATT01M ?l johltoS;
1.1-tlAL NOTICi;.
In the Citenli Court of the State of Ore
gon, Comity of Multnomah.
IM. S. Stoeklen, I'lithttiff,
Annie Stockltin, D.-ft-mliuit.
To Annie Storklen, IVfetnLiiit :
In the t.iime of the Stale of Oregon
yon are hervby Mimmniiisl Had ri-itifivd
to niK-iir mid hiiwit the complaint llleil
agitiiMl you in tin- iiImivl- eatltliHl suit on
nr In-fore the ttvclllh dnyi-f May, 10j.
wtili'h Ih niter klx wi-uK'n huw i'X'heil
ft" n the date of the first publication of
this ktiminimn. It in priM-rilied In the
order for the piihlliiitiuti of aiimmons
thill the Mimninii he imlilltluil fur six
siii'ceaalve weeks, mill iuld ortler wits
miiile ami lUteil the tMciity-sveoml dity
of Miirch, ii6, and the flrt iiililli-utlon
thumif Is nude the thirtieth tiny of
March, 19.16, and if yon fail to aptwar
ml aiikwcr. the plaintiff will apply to
the court fur the relief iirayi-d fur in hi
Mid isimplidnt. to wit : That the Iximt
of m.itritmiiiy, heretofore mid now ev
iating lietween the philntiir ami the de
fi'iiiliiiit In- iII.miIvinI. 11ml for ktu-h other
uiul farther relief it klwIlH-t-m cnaituhte
This amiimniia a piililMnsl mire a w eek
for kix MicctsHive wreks hi the St. John
Review ny ortler ot tin- Mimonilile Jmlge
rriuter, iimge
uf the Mhn-e entitled
eotirt. iii.uU-
the tweaty-kvcoml tiny of
March. 1006,
II. Dlt.S'l.l.SV.HM,
Attorney fur the riniutiff,
414 ChumU-rof Cummcrc
I'lri-t insertion March 30, 1906; l.tat I
ertlou May 11, 1906.
Notice is hereby then that nt t he
niccliiig of the Council of the
City of St, Johns, Oregon, held
on the I8II1 day ot September,
A. I). 1905, the following reso
liitlou was adopted.
R 1101, van: That the Council of the
Citv of St. lolllii. Or. L'on. ili i iii it v
ts-iltt-iit anil iiromat-ii to itiniroi-i Citllu
kireet iroiit ute eat line ol Lively strict
to jersey 1,1 reel ut llie louowuig man
tier, icnvii:
liv et:iiii.iiiiik' a iil-iu eniile on
kiiid ktrct-t the same as county ro.ul
are eruilt-il. tattl Imtirovcmi-ut to be
made in accordance with the Charter
ami Ordinances of the City of St
Johns, and the plans, specifications
ami esiitnaitk 01 tue utty uiietuci-r
filed in the office of the Recorder
of the City of St. Johns. The cost of
aid improvement to he aved as ro
vided by the citv charter tit-Jit the nruiv
crty siK-ctally and tK-ciiliarly benefitted
rem- ami wiitcit is iieteliv declared
be all the lots, rurta thereof, and lurcels
01 lamt wuiiiii a nut- iuo I eel I rum tlie
outside line of each side of said Catlii
the Kneiiieer s ameiidetl estimate of
the prokibte total cot for the imjirove-
iiit-ui 01 sain street is -ii&,
llie plans, six-cihcattons ami estimates
.. I .1... i : - e
n uie viiv i-.iieuiirei wt uie iiupnire-
tucut of Mid Cilt I m street are herehv
KKSOUVKO: mat tlie City Keconlerof
tue uity ot m. jouns be, ami is, liereliv
lirecteil to give notice of the proposed
improvement 01 satu i.aiuu street as
provided by tlie city charter.
Kemoiislraticcs against tlie abote im
provement may be hied in writtm: w ith
the undersieued within 15 days fr0m ihe
date ot llie lust publication ot tills
Hy order of the Council.
J. W. Hanks,
Citv Recorder.
Published in the St. Johns Review March
16, 33 and 30, 1906.
Neatly printed books of notes and
receipts for sale at this office.
Keep Your Kye On St. Johns.
Office: Room 9, Ilrcolcn lltilld
big, corner Third nml Wnhlngtou
street, Portland, nml St. Johns.
Phone: Pacific J09S. Ki-siik-uce: St.Jolun
Joseph AlcChcsncy, M. D.
Office In llolbrook block
ST. JOHNS, - - ORi-dON
Ui'siilence! On Modue Stteet.
I'hoiie Hust 619S. Ollice: Hub
hniok Uriel; Illuek, rooms 3 nml 4
l'liuue Iinst (jht).
St. Johns, .... Oregon
Crown uiul llrlilge Work n
Kooms t nml 2, ltollirouk Ulock.St. Johns
I'liysklnn and Surgeon.
Ki'sidi-nce I'hoiie Scott 4064,
Offices llullirouk's New Ilrick lllock.
Keslilettce, St. Johns Hotel.
I'liyitclan nnd Siirgcon
Ollice next dour to lilliott's drug,
store, l'liuue, Hast 0n. Uesl
deuce on John street, first dour south
uf Wrinkle's. Plume l!ut6l.j.
St. Johns Orcgun
We lurnlce to I'lfc
11.1. Helen. MIA W llUmctte llnulctard.
C. W. ilukn, 2.IN lltr Slrcfl
sr. JOHNS, .
N. V. NOR EN & CO.
Iteal Hstnte, Loans, tnttiniucc nml
lliislness Chimces. S. C, Notion,
comer llntuswirk ami HuiImiii
slri-ilk, Kislili-tit Agent. Phone
Ral 6311.
Carpenter & Dolbcw
I'lasteiers, Ilrick Miisons mid Ce
ment Woikers. IMIiuutes given
ami s.itlfiictlon gtiiininti-i'd. Kcfcr
to cdllur of this p.iier. 755 Wiiy-liimUtrii-t,
Uulvi-rity Park. I'hune
Uiilou 6797,
Shun next dour to Amli-ixui'it ltakirv
oil TncuiiKi streit. (live me 11 trial order.
St. Johns, .
Goodrich &
S.ilul Johns nml Portland, Oiegon
Chicago Rooming House
V. w.
IltNMAN, Prop,
Oood rooms from
Corner Chicngunml
i a week up,
Iv.iuhoe streets .
Saint Julius
General llliicksinithhig unit Rejvilr
big. Ilorackhui-lng 11 kjKciiilty. All
wurk warranted.
Cor. Ivnuhoenml Tacuma ats., St. Johns
Houw ,Mocr nnd Repairer
llou.ea moved, ralaed and re
iKilred. Odd jobs of all kinds.
Prompt service, reasonable charges.
Ivouhoe nnd Catlius trcets. Phone
Ita.t 6 S;,
S.dnt Johns ... Oregon
Bon Ton Barber Shop
M.V.NSI'II'.M) it K.UiMUil.V.
First class work nml clean hot towels for
ptrons. Hair cutting a
Agents for West Coast Laundry.
Jersey street St. Johns
lUHKV IAIXS, Proprietor
Goods delivered, crated or tin
crated, in city or Portland. Pi
uuos a sjucialty. Leave orders
ut Ilickuer's. Phone Union 6998,
Holbrook lllock, 103 South Jersey
street. 1'lione Union 285,
Saint Johns . . Oneon
Clothing cleaned, preyed nml
mended with care ami piomptuess.
Ladies' clothes a specialty.
Old Poatoffice lluilding
Saint Johns . . Oreeon
Dray and Baggage Line
Phone Scott 130S.
Piano Moving a Specialty.
.eave orders at Blackturi.'s Furniture
store and they win receive prompt
Fuel furnished, either short or
long. Praying and team-work
of ever)-kind. Prompt service, '
Terms reaaouahle.
Conier Jcney and Catlin, ST. JOHNS