St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, March 09, 1906, Image 2

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fiMl.arlntlnn ratt. St. 00 tin- Teftr Id ftdvBllC6.
AilvrtlilniF rim. tl.00 Btt Inch car month.
All adterllilng bllU prtl flnt of each
Job Printing tteeuted la flrtt-cUii ttle.
Hills for Job I'rlntlng cuti on iieuter.
All eonitnunlcttlnnt thonld h ddred to
The Biniw, St. Johm, urtcon.
Till'. UKVIHW Is entered nt post office
in Saint lolnis. Orwoii, ns innll innttcr
of the second clnss uttilcr the Act of Con-
KreM of March 3, 1879.
Business Homes, Residences, School
children Keep Increasing
In St. Johns.
The St. Johns Ferry Will Formally
Open Sunday, March 18.
All Rl."e Free.
Offlclil Ntwipiptr of th Oltjr tf BL Joins.
Phono East 0100.
Mass Alcetlng.
Attention, .voters of St. Johns'
A mass incctiiiK will be held at
Hickner's linll Saturday evening
March to, nt 7:30, for tlic purpose
of nominating candidates for the
spring election.
All are requested to he present
Hv Okdkk 01' MAVUK
WITHOUT doubt no state in the
union has such n farcical election
law as the one under which Oregon
nroDoscs to hold its coming elec
tion. There is not one redeeming
feature nboiit the law as a whole
and some or its propositions arc so
absurd that they appear ridiculous
when one examines the whole thing
liven "statement number one
in the Hue of a pledge is so ex
tremelv idiotic that lew of the
candidates are willing to sign it:
and those who do siun it never in
tend to keep the agreement. Ccr
tuinlv they will not keep the agree
iiieul if the state goes other than
their way. To sign such a state
ment as "Number one" means that
the roster of liars will increase more
than the usual percent and that
there will be someone badly "let
down" when the finish comes goes
without saying.
Why was a law like the Oregon
election law ever passed? A
ttutheriiii! of ehildien under the age
of consent could not have made a
worse conglomeration of what might
have been a tlecent and lirniny
uffoitl If the Otegon election law
contains one point count them!
one! that is not a lotteu proiMwi
tiou we have failed to discover the
samel Possibly, some one had a
dav off at one time, and desired to
see how absuid and questionable a
document he could produce: lie
labored and brought foith the docu
iiieut under which the state is to
work at the nearby election!
Whoever may have Itien the
father of the election law or who-
ever may have voted to make the
same a valid document mot eer
taiuly deserves the sympathy and
the pity of the mass of voters of
Oreeou: it would be unjust to con
demii Ilium, ntton the ground that
to chastise a fool is an insult to
the Almighty! Vet it is a hard
pioiKisitiou that the' state is up
acainst and theie si-ems to be 110
euie in the immediate futuie!
WHKN White, the young niiir-
neror of Washnigtou, was inform?
last I'riday that his hanging was to
bu delayed several hours lie ex
prutc(i coiisitieraoie impatience
over the matter. He was in a
huriy to have the affair over am
kvuminl as cool when going to the
scaffold as he was when he com
mittml the muider. He told the
mianls as he started on his last
walk, "If I don't walk up those
steps out theie 1 want you to. give
me a good swift kick.
(iovcruor .Mead showed goo
sense in paying no attention to the
many petitions sent him bv highly
sympathetic women nsKtnii tor a
eiianuu of sentence He cnuite
ously replied to the letters then
diopHrd them cniefully in the
was e-basket. Ilntl tlieiv Ikvii an
iota of doubt as to the guilt of the
accused, theie would have lieeti
some giouuds ujhmi which to base
elumeucy: but theie seemed to he 110
evidence of that nature.
SINCIv Hlshop Potter started his
"saloon ' project in New York, lie
has had many imitators ill different
portions of the world. The latest
is Rev. 15. S. Thackery, of Lou
don, who has just bought an inn
called the "Pish and Ivels, and
will Open the place as a moderate
priced resort.
With the inn there are fishing
rights along three and ouehalf miles
of river, and the reverend is to
make a bin attraction in the sport
lug line. When asked to explain
his new departure Mr. I hackery
"There is a good deal ol caul tu
these days. My Itcllef regarding
the Sabbath is that it is first a day
on which man's mind siioiiki turn
toward Ills creator. Therefore I do
my best to get my patrons to attend
divine services on Sundays. Hut
after that is attended to I can see
110 harm in their fishing or boating,
Innocent amusement is never harm
fill, whether it be indulged in 011
Sunday or Monday. The reciea
Hons on Sunday should be such as
fit a man to go about his duties
durinir the lest of the week in a
law-abidiui: and cheerful manner.
I am not going into this business
purely as a philanthropic promts! -
tion. I exited to make money out
of it. At the same time I cxttcct
to piovide good bed and board and
good amusement, And I exect to
make my church vxeiciscs sum
eiently iutcicsiinir to draw nltcti
tiou. The Saloon will he ottciieo
during the hours prescribed by
law. oil see we are not so pro-
vinclal here as in America. The
idea of forced prohibition I do not
believe to be practical. Nor is it
airreeable to an enlightened free
Iteome. Such legislation as this is
destiuclive of liberty an iufrigc
ment on individual rights."
The outcome of this scheme will
Ik.' closely watched by all classes in
School Clerk Tanch has finished As promised by Thk RnviBW
his census work, and we have some months ago there is to be a
gleaned from him the following bits
of pleasing information:
1 ...... 1 r T-.1.....
ropmmioii 01 01. juimn niim.ii i,
iqoj?, (in round numbers) 2000.
Population of St. Johns March 1,
icjoo, (in round numbers; 2500.
Cain in one year 500or 25 per
Number of homes and business
houses 70s.
Number of homes and business
houses erected from March t, 1905,
to March 1, 1906 -201.
In taking tha school census,
children of school age only are
counted. School nge is from four
years to twenty years of age. To
facilitate the work of securing a
perfect list the city was divided
into four districts, towit: North,
Hast, South and West. The north'
em district comprises tne Jjycrs,
Catliu. Holbrook and Oak Park
tracts and north of those tracts.
The east is the Smith and Point
View tracts. The south takes in
the Adams and Catties tracts, and
south to the Portland line. The
west district is old St. Johns. The
number of children in these dis
tricts is as follows:
1906. .231
1906.. 188
19c). .130
1006. . 180
Total ill 1905, 559: total
7jH: total gain, 179.
Number of pupils in 1904, 329,
Get Tickets Ready. 1
According to the city charter all
nominations for the coming city
election must be in the hands of the
city recorder on or before Thurs
day, March 22. The charter says:
Section 32. All persons to be
voted for at any city -election shall,
not less than ten days before each
free opening of the ferry and the election, file with the recorder of
date has now been fixed as Sunday, 'said city a certificate of nomination,
March 18. Remember that date ( made by some political or mass con
and tell all your acquaintances vention, or a nomination signed by
about it. No doubt there will be not less than twenty-five legal
a large crowd from out of town, voters of said city, together with 1
while this city will of course be the candidate's written acceptance'
largely represented. I of said nomination'.
It may be remembered that, According to the common ac
when the ferry franchise was be- ccptance of the term, "ten days!
fore the city council Tint RttviKW, before" means ten days between'
promised that as soon as the ferry thciday of filing and the day of the
was In proper running shape this election not counting in cither of.
patter would see to it that there those days. Let there be no I
was an "opening day." 1 hrough . blunder made to invalidate the
Shepard, Dobie & Peterson
Come and see us in our new quar
ters in the room formerly occu
pied by Peterson's Cigar
Store for Snaps.
Si'ccial-H.Tgain in a cj-room house. Phone Scott 4061.
the courtesy of Manager J. IS.
Drink this matter has been arranged
showing that what Ton Rkvikw
says may always be counted upon.
Everybody and their acquain
tances should sec to it that this free
trip is enjoyed. There will be no
change in date whether it be
stormy or not: it has been set for
Sunday, March 18 and on that
day the ferry Itoats will be thrown
ojtcti for the conservative use of the
Remember the affair and make
your trip.
1905 .143
1905. .141
1905.. 134
I95 I'
Gain .
Gain. .39
In 1906,
Smoke a St. Johns cigar-
cigar 011 the market the
Crow." '
-best loc
legality of the election.
Among my list can be found 1
some fire insurance to please you.
W. H. King.
Nice Dance.
The dance given for the benefit
of the St. Johns fire department !
last Pnday evening is reported as
one of the most pleasant affairs of
the season. While the attendance
was not cxtraodinarily large there
was a sociable set present, and
everyone seemed to enjoy each
minute. About $16 was netted for
the benefit after all expenses were
For Business The Year 'round
Alay He Arrested
There is a law against jumping
on and off cars as they pass through
the city but there are many small
boys who ttersist in doing this
damierotiH feat. Along the whole
lenuth of Jersey street both morn-
lug and night theie Is a trail of the
small boy doing this very act.
Some of these days there will he a
few arms and legs missing and
then the conductor and the railroad
will be blamed. The marshal
should arrest some of these boys
and hale them la-fore the justice.
The name of the thief who stole
Rose Bushes from the yard of my
house at the corner of Leonard and
Charleston street is known, and un
less the bushes are returned at once
their arrest will follow.
Square Dealing Low Prices
You don't have to register
or tell your polics BUT
St. Johns Pharmacy
R. D. JACKSON, Proprietor.
Help Advertise St. Johns by
Subscribing for The Review
Proposals for Street Work Notice Of City Election A large scarf pin. The
finder will be suitably icwarded by
leaving same with W. I.ougheed at
St. Johns Pharmacy.
Celebrated Anniversary.
Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs.
COKCUDK. if you will, that the
fight against the Poitlnud (ins
ComiKiuy was caused by some per
xnial spite iiixtu the paitofthe
Oregoniaii. Concede, farther, that
the gas company could have made
ovuiiuii which would nave ik-en
fully witisfaetory to the Oiegouiau
had it commenced in time. Vet
it must he admitted that the Oiegou
iau ha been making a hard fight
against the coi intuition ami the
common people will lie the gamers
111 the end while the gas-stock will
That the Oiegouiau has a strong
mill with the city of Portland has
Iteen shown by the outcome of the
fight locciiUy instituted. It shows
that the pie is still a good thing
taml in with when it comes to a
Uliiuh a condition which seems to
have lokt belief iu the minds of a
Bigot many jvople.
possiiily wii.i. mi-kgi;.
VI f .
i view 01 tne uceut show up
01 tne gas company nt . I'oitlaud
theie may be a huge company
loimed as 111 m.uiy other cities
and both the electric and gas sys
tems go into the combine. We are
not sure that it is anyone's business
about how much a firm or cor
poration is making so long as the
public is given good service at fair
prices: and by tins merger everyone
could he given value received for
his "white alley."
Our Local Grist
Sunday was one of the finest of
spiiug days.
Rev. (iuy Phelps will occupy the
P.vaugelical pulpit both Sunday
immune mid evening, uo and
hear him.
'I'or Kent" and "For Sale"
cards for sale at this office.
1' who have not alieady
colds or coughs should prepare to
catch them soon or miss the
Smoke a St. Johns cigar ltest ioc
cigar 011 the market the "White
Rev. R. K. Ham, of Hassalo
street Cougicgatioual church, will
preach iu M. W. A. hall Sunday,
Match 11. at a p. in.
"Just a little diffeient" at Hick
uei s hall Priday night, March id,
for the benefit of M. I?. Church.
Watch for programs. Admission
5c and 1 5c.
Reliable insurance at the lowest
rates at the Peninsula Hank.
1 lie M, Johns uroccry is now
selling stoves at lower pi ices than
ever a Portland merchant ever
dared to adveitise them. It fact,
there is uo need of going to that
city for any goods of the staple
Protect your piopcitv Iroiu loss
by fire by insuring iu only first class
companies. See the Peninsula Hunk
1 . r. miiuu uas imitroveti nis
residence on Htiiliugtou street by
suriouudiug it) with a handsome
it on fence. The lawn is being
placed in fine condition and the
whole place will soon be a thing of
W. C. T. U. Note.
The Women's Christian Tern
Iterance union will hold an open
session on Monday evening, March
5, at the Adventist church, We
coidually invite all gentlemen who
aie interested iu the temperance
movement. A short ami interest'
ug program will be given after
which there will Ite time for dis
cussiou. As they say iu Texas
"let's have a general round up."
lindl Hurt.
John Simpson, who lives iu Point
Frank Mason rcmeinlcred the first View near the residence of Charles
anniversary of their wedding, and. Urcdeson, was badly hurt at the
a small circle of close acquaintances mill iu I.iuntou on Tuesday. He
is a single man and has been at
work at the I.iiiutou mill for spine
He was engaged with others iu
moving a huge planer which Was
jacked up to facilitate moving,
when the machine fell and caught
him by the legs. One of his legs
was broken iu two maces, and the
other was badly cut and bruised.
f . 1 ik .
11c was iiiKeii 10 a roruami Hos
Sc.iU-d nroixitiiW will he rveelvcd nt
the ollici' of the Ucconler of the City of
St. John. Orreou, until Mnrch i. iut6.
nt .1 o'clock n. in., fur the hiuiniveiitcnt
01 intwlnril Mrcet, from tliLMitirly 1 for the Mlil city for tlieeamiliig year, vie
At .Methodist Church.
Rev. I I,. Vouiig, pastor.
Services next Sunday;
Sunday school at ten o'clock-
C. K. Thurston, sutteriiiteudent.
Pleaching at eleven.
Pleaching at seven-thirty.
were invited to tneir iionic on
Hurlingtoii street for a dinner.
A sumntuous reiwist was providcu
from 2 no to 4:.v. and all the
delicacies of the season were served
in a toothsome manner. 1 lie
affair was a pailicularly charming
one and the guests were at the
height of happiness ere they left
for home.
The guests were Mr. and Mrs.
William Morroff, Mr. and Mrs.
Milton Roeers, Mr. and Mrs
Josetth Hickuer and daughter Alda
1.."-. .... mm
Miss Mary lilcktier ami neiiry
It is to be hoped that Mr. am:
Mrs. Mason may celebrate many
anniversaries iu as happy u manner,
Dinner Notice.
Hlcctinu day, Monday, April
the Ladies Aid Society of the Con
gregatioual church wilt serve din
ner at the M. . A. Hall from 11
a. u. to h p. m.
Remember the date: Monday,
April 3.
Ckan-Up Notice.
All property-owners Inside the
city limits are hereby ordered to at
once proceed to clean the property
iu a proitcr, sanitary manner: re
move all rubbish, and put the same
iu nroiter shatte. For a refusal to
comply with this order there is
ttenalty prescritxu by ordinance
and all who do not at once proceed
to clean premises as hereby ordered
will Ite subject to arrest.
Chief of Police.
9 Cts.
9 Cts.
9 Cts.
Didn't Like It.
Our readers may see this week
that the large ad of Klliott's Phar.
macv is worth reading. Last week
. . t 1
I an intelligent: ad-settcr imaginei
that he could better the poetry
drought iu to appear as an ad for
ihat firm; but Mr. F.lliott arose iu
his might and smote him (the
said i. a.) and demanded that his
ad Ite not "fixed" any more. I he
ad-setter will be out of the hospita
in a few weeks: meantime the ads
of the pharmacy will be set in
proiter shaiv by a man who knows
.Mince is nereoy given mat atler
this date I will Ite resitousible for no
tents contracted by Mrs, Anita
llornsliuh, now of the California
Restaurant, St. Johns, Oregon,
Dated: March s, loofi.
Any one wishing to tent a six-
room bouse, near business center,
with fine river view, call at this of-
Baptist Church.
Rev. 1?. A. Leonard, lustor.
Services next Sunday:
Sunday school at ten.
I'reachiug at eleven.
Preaching at seven-thirty,
All are invited,
Saturday, March 17
Saturday, March 24
We have iut went through u week of
9-cvut wlc, unit it uus kiicli a big UiiiiK
that we will Ik? very luiiv from now un
til the 1 7th hut. uiuMiik preuanilions
lor uie meei-ki u-eeni wile tnai ever !iui-
IK'iieil. llumltetU uixtu humlmU of ar
ticles w ill le guthered jut for IhU one
week' Mle. We ure kimply surpriMsl
that m many hundreds of article ettu I
put muler tluo' head. lv the big circu
lar that will enumerate Mime of the arti
W ood For Sale.
ai tne lerry lauding at 1001 01
Pittsburg stieet, we have opened a
woodyard ami are prepared to lie
liver good dry wood in any part of
Will furnish planer trimmings
blockwood or slabwood either
four-foot wood, or stove length.
Let us have a trial order. No
wood is better thou ours.
Hkink & Fostkr,
Foot of Pittsburg Street,
St. Johns,
United 1-vangcUcal Church.
Rev. H. K. McVicker, pastor.
Services next Sunday;
Morning at eleven,
livening at seven-thirty.
1st. Johns Grocery Co.
Save Money.
He sure and cull or leave address
here before insuring your dwellings
or contents and learu sotnethimr
to your advautage, Thk Rxvittw
Afflicted With Rheumatism.
"I was and am yet afflicted with
rheumatism," says J, C. Hayuc,
editor of the Herald, Addiugtou,
Indian 'territory, "but thanks to
Chamberlain's Pain Ualm am able
once more to attend to business.
It is the ltest of liniments." If
troubled with rheumatism give Pain
Halm a trial and you arc certain to
be more than pleased with the
prompt relief which it affords. One
application relieves the pain. For
sale by Jackson's Pharmacy,
line of rhlnlniru Mrvet to the caotcrlv
line oi Miem mnci, in uie manner pro
vlilcd by ordinance .So. 71, mililecl to
the iimvUioa of the Charter mid Onlin
mice of the City of M. John: mid the
plaint, Miccllkulioiit unit cMlmatcn of the
city eiieinccr mi file.
hid imi.t he ktrlctly in accordance
with minted blank which will lie fur
nblied 011 application nt lliu ollice of the
itecomcr 01. uie uty ol M. Joiuu. anil
Mid Improvement iiui.t Iteeoiutiletcd nu
or before nlxty day from the date of the
hut publication of notice for propoMW
ior wini worn.
.no iuoixmi or it a will lie con
tillered mild. uccoiiimiiicil by u certified
check wtyalile to the order of the Major
01 111c wuy 01 m. joniii. ccriuieii ny u
. ..,-,.... r - . - .
retixiiixoie imiik, ior an amount cuuai
10 icii ier cent 01 111c a'reate pro
The rfgtit to reject any mid till hid
hereby reserved.
nv onier 01 uie city Louiicll,
1. W. IIaxkh,
Recorder of the City of 81. John
O, R. Downs, Deputy.
PublUhed in the St. John Review l'eb-
ruary 13, ,iarcu 3 ami 9, uX.
Notice U hereby elven that nn election
will be held 011 Monday, April 3, 191)6,
In the City of St. John, Oregon, for the
iturNic of electing the following officer
Surprise Party,
a ciiiiuren s surprise party was
given ISva Creswell, of St. Johns
Heights, 011 Friday evening, Feb
ruary 33, A pleasant evening was
spent iu games, and n delicious
lunch was served.
Those present were,- Mildred
Ilradley, Muriel Ilaiu, Lillian
Nelson, Laura Jones, IvininaDahne,
Auuaeskie, Percy Ilradley, Mel
Star -:- Market
We shall handle
only the finest of
One Mayor:
One City Recorder;
One City Treaturer:
Three Councihiicu for the city at
Two Cotiiiclbncn for the flnt ward;
Two Comicihucn for the ecomt ward.
At Mid election there will be unbuilt
ted to the qualified elector of mid City
of .St. John the following protxtidtiou,
'.Shall the City of St. John Incur a
municipal bonded liidchtcdncM In the
um ol ten thoukaud dollar (floooo.oo)
for the erection, coiittructloii ami main
tenance of 11 public building for City
Hall and other city purpocii; kald bornf
to run for a term of ten year from date
and bearing lutcrot at the rate of tlx
per cent per annum, lntret payable
kcml-anuuslly, and interest ctiuxiu tu
bear Interckt at the rate of nix jer cent
ter annum after maturing."
The followllU! have been dc.lL'iialcd at
polling lUce;
for the firt ward, Learned' real
cttatc ofllcc at the corner of Richmond
ktreet and Columbia boulevard.
for the ccond ward, the Council
1 be poll will Ite oneued nt nine
o'clock a. 111, and cloc at keven o'clock
p. 111. of ald day,
ny order ol the council.
J. W. Hanks, Recorder.
Hy O. J, I.KAHSKit, Deputy,
PublUhed iu The Review March 9, 16,
JJ, 30, 1906.
u Hanks,
euce Jones,
Paul Dohtie andClar-l
and our patrons may
Ite sure of being sat
isfied iu every case
Tall line of all
Meat Market Sundries
Spring is Coming
new Coat of Paint will add to its
Remember! You cannot
finer candies or cigars than
goods Valentine sells iu his
Cook and Heating
Tope & England
Have everything iu Paints, Oils and
Wall PajK-r.
Smith & Hoover
Ne.xt djor to Hdmondson's
H. Crook, 6o6Jerev
l'lione Scott 6690,'
I). S. Walton.
I'uiverkity I'ark.
Our new line
of Cook Stoves
arrived this
week, and we
want you to call
ami see them.
They are guar-
amceii in every
way. Also our
line of Heaters
are now on dis
play, and you
are invited to
call ami inspect
this line. We
can furnish your
entire kitchen
Crook & Walton
flans Drawn and Kstimate l'urnUhnl. jobbing anil Repairing.
isliop lob l'esenden street, near Jersy.
On.s and Lkad Our Lkadkrs 1
Phone Uast 6341,
French Block. St. Johus.
Faulk & Merrill
Coal, Hay, Grain,
Ground Feed,
hub, Vk Hi MUh UMmk-
Houses For Rent Phone East 7,3
Unlvarslty Park,
All stoves sold on installments of
$i down and li per week.
St Johns Grocery Co;
DANIEL BRECHT f. m. lashbaugh
ir you WANT X HOUSE call ox UB
ruei iunns::e(i. either snort or
long. Draying and teaia-workv
of even-kind. Prompt service?
Tonus reaso:iablc.
" General Merchants,
Corner Jersey
lice, .
Keep Vour Kye On St. Johns. st, Johu.
Oregon, Othce,
St. Johns,
Insure with the
Peninsula Bak;