St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 23, 1906, Image 3

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Tfuvour house for lighting you have also the
mpfitis for usiiur
- 0
TiUphona Exchanoa 13 Sovanth and Aldar Striata.
SShtlf Hardware, Ranges, Cooks, Heaters, Oil Heaters, Tin
ware Kuiimelcdwnre, Voolenvare, Uanner and Ocean
" . tir....t. ...... Mr.!...,..,., rv.l.l.. "ttl.....
WaVC KOIiirj WHm if, ii viiuit v.iuiui:a
I.iiK'S, Heath & Million "IJest Prepared
Paints," Wright & Hill's Five Holl-
ed I'ure Unseed Oil,' Inside
Paints, Creolite, the best floor paint
tnmle; Chi-Nnniel, Varnishes and' Varnish
Stains, DisMlon and Stanley Tools, Garden Feeds,
.. . . f - I tl!.- A ...... f , I
A Special Mixture lor uuwiis, iig, Ji.vtuiiineiii ui iiiirucn
I Tools, Screen Cloth, Poultry Netting, Paint, Urushes, etc. etc.
j r W I I Issstl 1 V VlVVhb
1 1 Hakdwakk Mkk.
Tin Roofs, Gutters, etc.
Scott 406$
Fwlk & Merrill
N Hay, Grain, Flour
Oround Feed,
i Building Materials
Pwne East 713
Prk. . 0rmHam
If. nettiZZVt waiton,
! " Scott 6690. University Park.
N & Walton
C" aa Estimates Furnished.
JobUnj; and Repairing.
fc. sireci, near jersey.
I 2: lax Tlmn,. c.
,' jWafe 4 Tacoma Street.
' iZri4 6103. am,- ifi.
n.tricil devices are Instantly ready for use, mul nre
.CLEAN and ECONOMICAL in operation.
TP Electric Flat-Irons can be used lor general laundry work
"7 the residence, and they appeal to every householder as
' "iomnotan expense.
f the increasing demand for installation of our service AT
t,ineTHERKDUCED KATES, application should be made
General Electric Co.,
Full Line of Builders' Hardware !
I have finished plat tin tills slghlly
nml convenient addition to St. J tins,
( nd now offr flnce Husincss nud Resi
dence Lots, with alio, s, on . .
nt prices which will move the pn pcrty
ery swiftly. Al lots nre . bo e the
street grade, and nil will be sold on
excellent terms. Investigate this.
Office at Residence, 618 North Jersey Street, St. Joqns
Dfioirlnnnn nnrl Dnamnoo I nto
iicoiuGiibc aim uuoinioo lueo
Hardware, Tinware, Plumbing
Sell Better
Lk Better
Painline, Paper Hanging
Ml llttfiOT DKKltMf.
Tope & England
t'lione nasi o
r..i Avenue - French Block
Watchmaker. Jeweler,
mad Wholesale Dcalera
Our Local Grist
Here's to Teddy
Rough and Heady
Hear his battle cry:
Get the habit
Like the rabbit
Go and multiply.
Nearly time for election work.
N. A. Gee is now moving several
buildings at University.
Harness neatly tepaircd at the
tt. jonns Harness bliop.
Claude Rowland returned from
California on Wednesday.
Reliable insurance at the lowest
rates at the Peninsula Bank.
George Hall was too ill to be at
his barbershop last Monday.
Ifor painting and paper hanging
see Tope & England, French block.
Mrs. Fred Valentine arrived home
from her Washington and Idaho
trip on Monday morning.
Let the Peninsula Dank write you
a fire insurance policy.
Kvery day from twenty to one
hundred visitors are in the city try
ing to secure choice real estate.
Smoking is a pleasure if the cig
ars are bought at Valentine's.
N. A. Gee is laying a sidewalk
on the cast side of Kellogg street
from Catliu stfeet to St. Johns ave
nue. Everything in paint and oils 1
Totk? St KiU'liitiil'H. Irpiifli lilnrlr.
E. C. Hurlbert is now owner of
the lot in lirnasch's addition which
lies to the north of W L. Thorn
dyke's residence.
1'lrKt o1im4 ntwl ri'liulilp liimiriinrc
conmauies onlv are represented bv
the Peninsula Dank.
It seems very strange that a fine
in tli Iiiik lu'Pii iilri'iulv IrYMldiMt ovlt
tlii? i'rnvL'1 rnntl illroct from the
store of 0. R. Downs to the new
St. Johns hotel.
Fashionable dressmaking: fitting
iv most nmimvi'il methods. Mrs.
Fred Brown, 423 liast Chicago.
Several ot tuc fat. jonns music
iitinik nf Mrs. Tin:i (Convert, of
University Park, helped to give
her a surnrise narty 011 Wednes
day evening.
Fire may destroy your Home any
lime. Are you protected against
t:irtiul or total loss ? If not. call
at the Peninsula Bank and learu
the small amount that will give you
'Pin. cntiTtiiiiimL-iit liv the Con
gregational jHiople at the M. W. A.
hall Friday evening diew a crowded
house. On the whole it was a very
creditable uffair.
Up-to-date modern cottages for
rent at St. Johns Heights from $10
tip. Inquire ot J. 11. uunpoeii, ai
boat house.
A. D. McDonald keeps adding to
his storeroom on his Jersey street
lilnol;. It now looks as if he ulti
mately intended to turn it into a
3oo-Joot bowling alley.
An insurance nolicv in a reliable
company is as good as money in your
ocket in case 01 loss uy inc. auk
the Peninsula Bank
Mr. nml Mrs. 1. U. Killer liuve.
we regret to say, returned to their
oldhoineinNormui, Illinois, nieir
cinv tliore will not be vcrv long as
thev intend to close up their affairs
and return to Uregon at an cany
I have the best life insurance
policy to be found in America:
The Union Central Life. The
safest and best at a fair price.
Come in and talk it over. W. u.
Some time ago Packiughain &
nonv e sued O. Umtano lor extras
in building a house. The amount
nf iw. ivres sued for was $475.
Tli ilwUInn was aL'ttinst the con-
irinrc I he case win ue
fi tl rAn 1 !
If..... .. C .....!..r ni
Will do an kiihi.1 hi '
very reasonable prices, ami in satis
factory manner. Mrs. h. banders,
j to Chanel street.
P, J. Peterson & Company nave
i iiifir ri-tiiii (lenarimciu iiiiu
the office of tlr new St. Johns hotel
where the business will be con
The ivnrkshnu will remain
where it Is and the vacated front
will be occupied by tlie realty nriu
nf fihenard. Dobie & Peterson.
It doesn't pay to have your me
tvihev written UV a
,.,..,rr mi iiw it done here in at.
Johns by a home man. I have the
best company m we www.
II. Kimr.
An attractive ad appears in tins
issue calling attenuou to m
arranged furniture store of Rudolf
Mr. Hallleri: desires to
impress upon the leople that he
undersells roruaim
of iroods he handles and
urges that our citizens support a
home instituuot:.
A.,nne wishine to rent a six-
room house, near business center,
with fine river view, can at una ui-
It was a blunder upo the part of
this office that Elliott, the druggist,
last week advertised valentines two
days late. The error was uw U
bad one, However, u",
nearly every state to send valentines
throughout the entire month of
February is all right. The ad is
changed this week.
One need not be born with a
veil or the gift of prophecy to fore
see that lots between Fisk street in
University Park and Macrum ave
ue in Northern hill on Dawson
street which extends through the
centre of that rapidly growing dis
Set between the rivers in Portland,
and now selling for i5 pw front
foot, will, within twenty ytxom
today, sell for one thousand dollars
per front foot.
Twenty-One Elegant, Ne rly New
Pianos to be Sold at Once, for
Virtually Half Price.
During the coming week we wish
to dispose of 2t excellent, slightly
used pianos, received in part pay
ment for Pianola pianos of late,
Some of these instruments are ex
actly like new, some show a little
wear, none of them enough to
impair appearance or tone quality.
Any of these Instruments may be
obtained on payments of $to cash
and !f6 a mouth.
Here is the list:
Fancy walnut Couovcr upright,
Fancy mahogany Wing & Son,
Large oak-cased Bailey, $186.
Very nice Thompson & Co. rose
wood, $145.
Rosewood Rudolph & Co. upright,
Large mahogany Lcicht, $158.
Large mottled walnut Everett,
f 180.
Fanciest mottled walnut Vosc,
Elegant mottled mahogany Kim
ball, $264.
Fancy large-size Krakauer, $264
Very fine mahogany Schumann,
$286. .
Mottled walnut Hamilton, $176.
Fancy mahogany $425 Lester,
Oak-cased excellent Jacob Doll,
Fancy Milton oak case, same
Great big oak cased Wellington,
1 1 26.
Fancy mahogany Kingsbury,
Very fine knabe baby gtautl, in
genuine rQscwuod case, $425.
Genuine mahogany Pease baby
grand, very choise, $485.
Beautiful, nearly new bteinway
baby grand. $435.
These grand pianos will be soul
on payments of $25 down and $12
a month.
All must be sold during the com
ing week. Telephone or telegraph
outers to hold certain instruments
till letter can arrive will be honored
2.1 hours -only. A deposit of 5 tier
cent to show good faith will be re
quired from purchasers living out
of town, whereupon piano will be
sliipK.v. subject to approval, with
the understanding II, upon receipt,
it is not found exactly satisfactory
to the buyer It may be returned at
expense of freight both ways of
Filers Piano House.
Everything we sell we guarantee.
Money back if purchase is not satis
factory. Filers Piano House,
largest retailers of Pianos in the
United States. Main oilicc 351
Washington street, Portland.
(CrnwiU'd out lint week.)
Mrs. E. McKcou is still quite ill.
Miss Jessie Mack, of Portland
Heights, is visiting in the Park.
The Board of Trade is trying to
secure betterments wherever it is
)os.sille, and is anxious for more
electric lights as well as extensions
of watei mains. President Pcddi
cord is by all means a pusher.
A valentine party was held on
Monday evening, February 12, at
the home of Mrs. Thurston, 1700
Hurst street, in which much
pleasure was exhibited. Refresh
ments were served at ten o'clock.
The guests were Misses Grace
Merrill, of Lents, Loma Colamoor,
Edith Anty, Roxte Catc, Flossie
Tully, Frances Paine, Katie Force,
Hazel James, Dorothy Nash, Ester
Thurston; Walter Peddlcord,
Harrold Cate. Ivlwiu and Dolph
Thomas. Henrv Larsen. Cecil
James, Cecil Brase, Earnest Cur
Revival Meetings Continued.
Tne recent evangelistic services
closed at the University i'arK nap
tist church resulted in large ad
ditions to the church. The nastor,
Rev. John Beutzien, assisted by C.
II. Hart, choir leader and soloist,
will conduct two weeks more of
ctwini nicptint's. beinuniiit: Sunday.
February 25 speaking each night
on one of "The Ten Command-m-ntc
Annlied to Modern Life."
The following are the topics for
the first week:
Sunday February 25' 1 he
First Great Sin, or Religious Shams
nml tJlnlll Kelil'iollS."
Mondav "A Father's Sin, or
The Voice ol science ami uie votee
nf Orwl."
Tuesday "The Most Popular
Sin, or The Dialect 01 ueviis.
Wednesday "The Most Com
mon Sin, or What Can I Do On
Thursday " Voting America' s
Greatest Sin, or Bringing up a
Pnmit in the WflV lie SllOtlUl Go."
Friday "A Brother's Sin, or
Who is the Murderer?"
Sunday March 4 "A Sin
Against Society, or Marriage and
Sold His Five Acres.
Si weeks aco- P. I. Peterson
bought a five-acre tract adjoining
Oak Park paying tnereior Wa00
Last Friday he sold it to Frank
n.ilrer. of Portland, the irreat repub
lican chief of Oreiron and received
I6500 for it. It is understood that
Mr. Baker will plat it and locate
Mrs. Hattie Woodcock thereon as
selling agent the two being great
An Ordinnncc to License, Tax, In
itiate and Rest nin Barkeepers
Snloon Keepers and Dealers in
Splrit-ous, Vinous or Malt
Liquors, Bar Rooms, Drinking
Shops, or Places Where Spir
ituous, Vinous or Malt Liquor
are Kept for Sale, or in Any
Manner Disposed Of, and the
Disposal Thereof.
The City of St. J0I1119 docs ordniu m fol
lows X
Suction 1. No ncrson or iicrsoits
shall, in the City of St. Johns, illrcctlv
or Indirectly, In person or by another,
or otherwise, open, maintain or carry
on any saloon, room, drinking shop,
or any place where spirituous, vinous or )
malt liquors arc kept lor sale, or In any
manner disposed ol, or sell, barter, de
liver, or In any way dispose ol for or on
his or their or any other pcrson'saccoutit.
any splrltous, vinous or malt liquors in
any such plnceto any person or persons,
or sell or barter to nt'iv ncrsnn oriH.TiU)tis.
any vinous, malt or splrltous liquors In
any other place without obtaining a li
cense therefor in the manner hereinafter
provided. Any one violating the pro
visions of this section, shall, iqx.ii con
viction thereof before the imiulcltut
court of the City of St. Johns, he pun-
isiicii uya line 01 not less man twenty-
five dollars (t m.oo) nor more than otic
hundred dollars (f.100,00. or by iintiris.
onmcnt In the city jail not less than
thirty (30) days nor more than three
mouths, or by both such fine and im
prisonment. Suction 1. The following jiersons
sliall not lie entitled to take out 11 license
Iirovldcil for in this ordinance : The
:ccicr of a b.iwdv house, uamlni! or
eauiljlitiK house or disorderly house, or
house or place resorted to for the pur
ix)c of smoking opium, or the keeper or
kcencrs. proprietor or proprietors of any
house or place, or bar room or drinking
shop or saloon resorted to for uambliuu.
or for the puriwcs ol prostitution or fre-
picnttu or visited uy lewu or
lUsolute women ; or the keeiier
or keepers, proprietor or proiirlc
tors of uuy bar room or drinking
shop or saloon conducted directly or in
directly In connection with any bawdy
house, or contrary to the laws of the
Mate 01 Oregon, or gamming nouseor
dace resorted to lor tuc purse 01 miiuk
in? oulum. or pcrMins who have liceu.
within a year, convicted of a violation ol
tills ordinance, or wno are not wen dis
posed towards the irood order and peace
ol society, and who are not ol good
moral character. Ami no uceiuc suau
he granted to any such iiersoiis for the
purpose of currying on a saloon, or lor
the ntle of spirituous, vinous or mall lid'
ours within four hundred ( oo) (cet ol
nny school house, nor in any locality
where the same is obnoxious to the resb
leiits In the vicinity.
Sitmos' . It shall be the duty of the
Mnvor of the City of St. lohus. and he
is hereby authorbed and ciniMiwercd to
appoint 11 committee of three ( 3) mem-
iters 01 tne council 01 sain city, 10 "-
known 11s the Liquor License Committee,
whose duty it will be to examine into
and Investigate all applications nud ap
plicant lor licccuse under 1111 ordinance.
Svild rniiimlltce. In order to properly In
vestigate nud determine tne character 01
applicants, shall have jiowcr to adminis
ter oaths, examine witnesses, and com-
Ik I their attendance, mid send for uqers
and documents.
Suction j. Anv perMiu. firm or cor
jKiratloii desiring" a license under the
provisions 01 nils omnia cc. suau pie-
sent in writing bis. their or it applica
tion uiereiiir.msmii Liinxir shi-
inlltec ut least twenty (jo) days More
the issuance of such license, Such ap
plication shall state where the promised
business Is lo he conducted nud the na
ture ol Mich business.
If, qx)ii Investigation, the said com
mince shall lie satisfied that such appli
cant Is entitled (o 11 license under the
provisions ol this ordinance, and the
nlnct! where it Is nroposed to carry oil
said business Is u pnqier place therefor,
tlicy snail approve Mid application ami
file the Mine with the City Recorder, nud
u'Iiihi tin- uiitilicnni shall thereafter Pre
sent to the City Recorder the receipt of
the Treasurer for the amount 01 uie lee
for license for the current year, or unex
pired portion thereof, n llcensn shall
Issue as applied for, ami not otherwise,
except that the council may. liy resold
linn, either L'rautor refuse a license, not
withstntidlui! the approval or disapproval
ot Mid committee, ami either the com-
inlttec or council may revoke u uccnseni
anv time, in which case there shall here-
llllldi'd to tne licensee 11 iiniiiiuiMiic
sum of the money paid by him equal to
the proiKirtlou ol the unexpired term to
the entire year.
rovided, That before the issuance 01
such license the applicant shall file with
the City Recorder u iwmi in 111c h-iii
sum ol five thousand dollars (,
with good and sufficient sureties, condi
tioned that lie. thev or it will conduct
said business and saloon In strict coll-
fiirtnitv with the laws ol the state ol
Uregon, tne cuaricr oi 111c v.iiym 01.
" .. . .
Jolius ami tlie ponce regulations ui mid
SUCTION n. Kvery person, firm Vr cor-
pornttoii to wlioui license suau issue
iindrr the omvisions oi this ordinance,
shall uiv Into the city treasury a license
Ice 01 one iiiousaim iiunur.
per milium in advance of the issuance ol
license. And no license shall In any
case issue until the license fee for the en
suing year or unexpired jxirtion tlicreoi
has been paid as herein provided.
Suction 6. Any keejier or proprietor
of any saloon, bar room or other place
where wines, spirituous or malt liquor
arc sold or kept for sale, who shall in his
place tcnnit any breach ol the tieace or
disturbance of the public order or de
corum uy noisy or disorderly couuun
when it 1s within his power to prevent
the same, or shall sell or give or pcrmii
to he sold or L'lvcn any intoxicating li'l-
iiiirs to auv person already intoxicated,
or to any person under the uge of ma
jority, or to any person ueiweeu 111c
hours of twelve (13) o'clock at night and
five (5) o'clock a. 111., or during the vot
ing hour of any election day, or shall nt
any time permit or employ any woman
in nd us waitress or bartender, or to sing
or dance or to serve in any capacity in
his, their or its saloon or oar room, or
who permits any gambling or smoking
ol opium or disorderly conduct, or any
bawdy house to lx carried on in such
place, or in connection therewith, shall,
upon conviction, be fined not less than
tui-ntv.iive dollars (:.oo) nor more
limn mir hundred dollars flioo.oo). or by
imprisonment not Its than ten (10) days
nor more man iiuriv yn ,
forfeit any license which he, they or it
may have under tne provisions 01 imsw
Passed the Council I'ebruary 6, 1906,
Approved February , if.
' ' W. H. KINO,
Attest: .Mayor.
J. W. Hanks,
Ily O. R. Downs, Deputy.
Published In the St. John Review Feb
ruary 33, 1900,
If You Trade at the
St Johns Pharmacy
" The Busiest and Best."
R. D. JACKSON, Proprietor.
0000000000 000
Star -5- Market
We shall handle
only the finest of
and our patrons may
be sure of lieiug sat
isfied in every case
Full line of nil
Meat Market Sundries
Smith & Hoover
Next door to IMuioudson's
Houses For Rent
y you want' a iiouhk o.u.i. on mk
Suites of two to four rooms, also
single rooms, Siluati-d one block
from Columbia I Diversity, near
ror. of Pisk St and boulevard.
I'liriilshcd or I'lifurnlslie.l. A
pleasant walk from St. Johns,
suitable for mill men.
A. W. DICKSON Phono Eait 0200
The citien of St Johns lo know we
have a milk route in this city. I'ure
milk delivered ut jour dinir for f 1 11
month. Additional quarts ill 70,
oKDHiiS for ntrnriRAUi.K
Taken Thursdays and Saturdays, de
livered Pridays and Moiiduys: loe a
gallon. Send orders to
M.W.GATTON SI. JiiIiik, Orcicon
Dr. W. U. 1 1 ARTEL,
Crown and bridge Work a
K00111 1 nud 3, 1 lolhrook block , St. Johns
Olficv hours, v l ' 'u 5 !' "-
Oilicc I'liuiir. Stolt 1104.
Krslilrurc I'honr, Union i''i-
(Wire In Unlvcisltv I'sik Drugstore.
Proposals for Street Work
the office of the Recorder ol the City ol
St. Johns, Oregon, until March 13, 101,
Ut 4 O CIOCK l. III., lr lilt iiiijuun.iin.Mi
I t'lllsliurg sueei, uuui ure "-;
ine of Ilradford street to the southerly
1 1 r....l ......... tli tin iiiuiitier
IIIIGUiktantHiii .. ... ... ; -
provided by ordinance No, 73, subject to
the provisions ol the Charter and Ordin
ance of the City of St. Johns; and the
Mans, speciiicauous win u, mv
ity engineer on file,
bids must lie strictly in ncconlancc
vith printed blanks which will lie fur-
.... n....ll.. .ili,M (Iw. dllir,- nf the
Keccider of the City of St. Johns, and
... 1... .......tu,...i ..
said tmproveiuciH niui c iui'rewi
. ... I... .l..,.. if
or neiore siaiv nr iium ...v ...
publication of notice for projsisals for
said worie, , . ,
vn ir lilfl will ht- cmisiilered
unless accoiiipinlcd by a certified cluck
payable to the oriler of the Muyor of the
City ol St. Johns, certified by a resell
siblc bank, for 1111 amount equal to ten
. ..I .1... ..... ..Simula
The rk-ht Ui re ect any and all bids
liereoy reserved.
Itu nrili-r nf the CltV f Olllicil.
- --- - 1
I. W. Hanks,
Recorder of the City of St. Johns
O. R. Downs, Deputy.
Published in the St. Johns Review I'eb
ruary 33, marcu 2 ami y, iju,
proposals ror tonsiruc-
rs t n .
tion of Sewers
Scaled pnqiosal will be received at
the oilicc of the Recorder of the City of
St. Johns, Oregon, until March 11, 1006.
at 4 o'clock p. 111,, for the construction of
it sewer or sewers:
Commencing at the intersection of
Johns and Jetscy streets in the City of
St. Johns: thence to Philadelphia street:
mid thence lo the Willamette river on
Philadelphia street; in the manner pro.
vldeil by Ordinance No. 60, subject to
the provisions ol the Charter nud Ordin
ances ol the City of St. Johns, nud the
plans, sH'cllicatlous nud estimates of the
city engineer 011 lite.
uids must be strictly In accordance
with printed blanks which will be fur
nished 011 application ut the o I lice of
the Recorder of Uie City of St. Johns,
and Mid sew er or sewers must lie com
pleted on or before sixty davit from the
date of last publication of notice (or put
sisa1s for said work.
No pnqxisals or bids w ill be cousidcicd
unless iiccoiupiuled by 11 ccitified check
ptyahlc to the outer ol the Mayor of
the city of St. Johns, certified by a re
sHinsihle Itatik, for an amount etpial to
ten h.t cent ol the aggregate pnqsis,il.
The right to reject any mid all bids is
hereby reserved,
lly older ol the Council.
I. W. Hanks,
Recorder of Hie City ol St. Johns.
lly O. R. Downs, Deputy.
Published In the St. Johns Review Peb
rtinry jj, March J mid 9, 1006.
Proposals for Street Work
Sealed proposals will bo leeched ut
the oilicc ot the Recorder ol the City ol
St. Johns, Oregon, utilil Match 11, I'rfi,
at 4 o'clock p, iii for tin- Improvement
of Salem street fioiu the northerly line
of Crawford street to the westerly line
ol lliirlliigtou stiect in llie manner pin-
video uy iJiniiiance mi, 70, suiiject to
the pmvlslnus of the Chatter nud Ordin
ances of the City of St. Johns; and the
plans, sH'cificatlous and estimates of the
city engineer 011 file.
Uids must lie strictly In iicconlaiice
with priiilcd blanks which will be fur
nished on application at the ollice of the
Ri-cotder ol the City of St. Johns, and
Mid Improvement must Ik- completed oil
or before sixty days fioiu the date of
last publication of notice (or proHis
for Mid work.
No pioiaisuls or bidswilt be considered
unless aecoiupinied by a certified check
piyable to the order of the Mayor of the
City of St. Julius, certified by 11 resMiu.
siblc bulk, for an amount equal to ten
kt cent of the aggregate pnqsivils.
The right to teject any and all bids is
hereby reset veil.
lly onler ol tlie Council.
J. W. Hanks,
Recorder of the City of St. Johns,
lly O. R, Downs, Deputy.
Published In the St. Johns Review Pub-
ruary J.t. March 1 ami q, i6.
Proposals for Street Work
Sealed proiniMls will he received at
the cfiice of tlie Recorder of the City of
St, Johns. Oreuon, uu'.il March 13, 1 ".
ut 4 o'clock p. ni., lor the improvement
of Crawford street, from the westerly
line ol nil-burg street to Uie easterly
line of Salem street, In llie 111 inner pro.
vided by ordinance No. 71, subject to
the provisions ol the Charter ami Ordin
ances of the City ol St. Johns: and the
plans, slur ideations and estimates ol the
city engineer oil file.
Uids must lie strictly 111 accordance
with printed blanks which will he fur
nished on application ut the oilicc of the
Recorder of the City of St. Johns, and
said Improvements must lie completed on
or belore sixty days from the date of the
last implication 01 notice lor proposals
for said work.
No proposals or bids will be con
sidered unless uccouipiuled by a certified
check payable to the order ol the Mayor
of the City of St. Johns, certified by a
resjKiusiblc hank, for an amount equal
to ten ier cent of the aggregate pro
The right to reject any and all bids is
hereby reserved.
lly oriler 01 tne louucii.
1. W. Hanks,
Recorder of the City of St. Juhiut.
O. R, Downs, Deputy.
Published in the St Johns Review IMt-
ruary 33, March 3 and 9, iXj.
Good seasoned, stove-length
delivered anywhere 011 the
Peninsula. The let wood.
Orders may be left at Don
nelley's Market or phone
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Peninsula Feed and Fuel Go.