THE ST JOHNS REVIEW Cubllihtd Rrirr Friday JIV McKKO.V &. TllORSUVKK. Subscription rate. 11.00 per rtsr In adrsnce, A, rafni. fl.oo Dir Inch ter month, All ndteltlilnz bill! prlle lint of (Scb inotilh. Job I'rlnllne treutcri In flnt eUit lyl 1 illx for Job I'rlnllne cain on ueiiterr. All commnnlritlont thouM b addrened to Th IlOTltw, HI. Johm, Ortfon. Tint KKVIIUV Is filtered nt port office In Saint lolius. OrcL'on, ns malt timttcr of tlie second clas. tinder the Act of Con grcss of March 3, 1879, OmcUl Howipipir of tht OHj tt St. Jokni, Phono East 6100. FRIDAY. . .IMUIRUARY 23, 1966 GROWING IN POPULARITY. IT whs n very clever scheme of the railroads of this country to give birth to the slogan "bee America Pirst" because nil over America the newspapers have nicked it til mid coined column after column of gush from it. The dwiired end is a cx cellcnt one to gain: but why should the newspapers do all the work am the railroads leap all llic rewards The railronds of this great north west do not have the same oticn policy possessed by their brethren of the cast: nor do the papers here acting til)on the .selfish precedent o the raihoads, have any sincere love for the roads. When the railronds of the north west tilirstte the same liberal policy adopted in all civilized communities the uewsiiatiers will do more than their share of urging jwople to "Sec America Mint." Were it not for the country press thousands o localities would fail to be brought into prominence: and it is to th wiiue country ptus all railroad should enter. HANG TO RUTS. Till. UK is an item going the rounds of the pi ess to the effect that in the government departments at Wuhiui!tnii tlfete are 670 clerks each mote than 70 years of age, One of them, a man over 00, lias 11 record of holding his Hsltiou foi 14 years. This is really lament able. Any one with 110 nunc am billon than to iImj nbovca clerkshii in one of the huge tieadmills at the nation s capital is of hut little use to himself and the test of the world While a position with Uncle Sam is supposed to be a "snap," it one of the most trying and exacting that can be imauiued. A man is ineiely a cog in the machine, and 11 Doudeious machine at tliat. Am your Uncle Samuel is one of the hatdest, and we might say. one 1 the most vicious, ltosse.s in the world. ANY OI.I WIIMt MIGHT 1)0 The well-worn ciy of the Tacoma boomer of "Watch Tacoma Glow! has .HUH.'i.scdcd by something in the same line that will have the center of the stage for a while ProsMM, a thriving county scat town some 30 mile oust of Nortl Yakima, Washington. wishing to attrai-t the attention of the home seeker in imiticular and the worlt in General has selected "lliing Youi Wife to Pioscr! as some thing attractive. Meuhauts am otht'is use Mittionaiy with these words piomiiieutly displayed, nut they haw iccuivcd the endorsement of the town's hoaid of trade. J ut why anyone should take his wife to Piomci' is not cxplaiuct PeihaMi it is the climate. NAM It ON II CITY. REGARDING Sunday closing tlie cottage l. rove Leader says "nine-tenths of the cities of th I'nitwl States have found it for their let intcieMs" to have closeii Minilay. II the Lender can mention one city nut one in the United Stati1 that has an absolutely closed Sunday Tint Kltvutw wotil be plcuscrt to know whuiu that good biKit is loctitud. In an in veMigatinu of over ,tex) cities and a ixirsoimi vihlt to moic than 1500 we have never found a city that wasn't oiKMi for business in many line 041 Sunday. Jfweaiu in toi Having lioswi Sundays let's do it right nud clrtte'tltu whole khooting match. 1110 RHL'ORI). THAT Mormon initio, M. W Metrill, who iccently died In Salt Lake City, left U-hind bim many encumtirnuees. oven wives, 47 sons aim daughters, 141 grand l ninui-ii nun men some is a tecord few men achieve in one short lifetime. Seven wives! Think of how the H)or critter must have IV a . .... MUieusi! Jh-vcii scoie cuthlrcu to climb upon his lap, muss his shirt 1 rout, mm tickle ills neck I Happy, happy nnui to die! THK ONI.Y WAY. MONTANA politicians certainh know how to do things and do tiieni tignt. une of them is uying all the e.Nenses ot 75 newspajier men of that state for a tound-tiip excursion to l.os Angelas- and it may le a surehing guass he'll lose nothing by it. Oregon politicians? Well? f AWFUL. IPy.a-c.h-t spells "yot" whucht a lacht of hacht shackt would racht on thespacht during a campaign by those who could nacht spill GUSHING GUSH. HVHN in this democratic country it is cstimnted that fully five hundred thousand columns of stuff have been printed about a mere wedding. Frankly speaking it is two-thirds rot and the other third is maudlin idiocy. Just as good couples arc married every day and a dozen lines tell the story of each. Alice Roosevelt happened to have a father who is as truly a ruler of America as this great country has ever enjoyed while Nicholas Longworth was sufficiently lucky to gain her as a wife. Farther than these two facts there is nothing about the jierson ality of either of the couple to make them better, grander, or greater than the thousands who are con tinually entering upon a like part nership. The American people ton certain extent delight to gush over any thing in society circles: and in order to satisfy this yearning column after column is written. When one stops and calmly considers the case he wonders why so much comment is made upon a simple marriage. Why all this balderdash over an affair which resulted from two people being stuck 011 each other! America, as n nation, is getting tired of grand-stand plays. PISACli, GKNTLK PKACK. A LL the rough houses are not among oliticiaiis und papers. In Chicago Sunday a mob drove a priest from his sanctuary, one man was killed and many injured, and a special detail of police had to pro tect the man. This riot was started by women. The same day at St. Paul a preacher in the African Methodist church ixiundcd a deacon who de sired to handle the contribution plate, theiuiuister was then knocked galley-west, and a general free-for-all followed for thirty minutes. "Heboid how good and how pleasant it is for biethreu to dwel together in unity." 1 TWO OONK. JOHN A. McCall, of insurance fame, credited with being one o the smallest giaiters of the times is dead, before dying he receive! absolution. Joliu II. Mctson, an honest am conscientious maker of good hats is dead. Not heiug a chinch mem her he required no absolution to make him safe. The present whereabouts of both men is at present unknown to us The question is, ilid thedeathbei repentance of the one or the death bed iinu-rcciitaiicc of the othe save or damn tlie dlllereut in dividuals? If this luint could be settled a much-mooted question could Ik: taken off the list. PKRSISTKNCV. Wl'l II an overplus of zeal the Women of Oregon bless 'em nre hustling for all varities of free ad verlisiug. Knelt week we receive communications fiom them advo eating that all voters should help to lower them to the scale of common politicians but communications fail to contain the regular advertis nig rates. ,mi party or issue can deadhead space fi 0111 Tint RitVlltw it is 11 pity unit tlie women are mi iKTslstent in their endeavor to "mix" with the "mixers." If successful it will ptove a dreadful blow to them although it will le quire-several years to "show them.' t Gl'ARANTliHI). ONK blight individual has in vuntcd a calendar good lor 200 yeais and has placed the same 011 sale. If a buyer should Hud at the end of 300 years that the calendar was in any itftpoct incorrect he may nave 111s money returned or a new calendar given him. A HAI.FRATIi. TUOSK pieachers. Rev. Sharp and Kev. IImiii, who patronized tue romaiui par iree luncli, no doubt ate to be good fellows. There was 110 harm done except to es liuilisu 11 money -Iosiiih precedent 1 he next time, however, they Minum carr their I1.1lfr.1te permits, TKI.L THH TRUT.L . 1 t, ma 1 i4 t 1 uk i icy mini is anxious to have all salmon can labellct truthfully. F r instance "Packet by Siwadi Indians, a filthy gang o nasty unwashed creatines, who link so one can smell them four hundred feet away." 1 Many of our exchanges contain notices to the ellect that on such aud-such u date "the prices of lots in uiauK addition will m advanced J.S ier cent." This shows that values me tcudiiu: upwards all over .. . . me state, and now s the time to my. Chicago, MinueaiHilis, Duluth or Seattle were not built up by ob structing the progress of everv euterpnse that knocked at their looi. ResiKxtfully letencd to the slow hoys of the village of Portland. - t- When you rvalue what vou could have done by investing that little surplus of cash you had on hand a year ago in St. Johns real estate, loesu't it make you feel queer? 4 Now let some fearless individual deep up and jwke a little ginger nto our local lioard of trade. 1 Portland wants 100 additional wlicemen. The indications are that Portlaud needs them. NOTHING DOING, Audience Disippoinled At The Lnck Of Anticipated Pireworhs. At the adjourned meeting of the council Wednesday evening there was a luck of excitement. Mayor King was in the chair and only Councilman I.eggett and Uudquist were absent. Hills to the amount of $22 were audited and ordered paid. The Miner note, amounting with interest to $449.50, wns reported paid. Deputy-recorder Downs made his declaration of principles: it was either $too per month for him or "Goodbye, Annie, I Must Leave You," for him. He had set his stake and wouldn't backdown. It was the general idea that $100 was too much especially as there was still $40 per month going to Re corder Hanks. A projKjsition was received from Otis Learned and another from Klmer Hutiuu: both agreed to .lak the iob at $60. A Mr. Churchi consented to take the place at $40 but after discussing the thing ot some length it was made apparent Hint t he council did not anno hit .Mr, Downs as deputy nor could it accept his resignation. Attorney Greene offered to do the work free until Recorder Hanks was able to work. It was finally moved that Re corder Hanka ba notified to have u deputy for business Thursday morning. Adjourned to the regular meet ing, March 5. Potter & (loold buy their poultry netting, nails screen doors, etc., at the factory ami are daily receiving large ad ditious to their well selected stock of hardware and paints. Resolutions of Conilo'encc. Peninsula Lodge, No. 128, I.O.O.F University Park, Portland, Oregon February 17, 1006 WllltKKA.s: The Angel of Death hascutctcd the houieof otirbrother K. S. McKcen, and taken from him his beloved wife' therefore be it Rii.hoi.viii: That Peiiiusu Lodge, No. I2S, I. O. 0. F. extern to the husband, parents, lister am brother of the deceased our pro found sympathy in this season of their tireat sorrow nud bereave meiit. He it farther Riwoi.vhp; That a copy of these resolutions be spread uihiii the mill utes of this Lodge, one copy be fur uished the St. Johns Review foi publication mid 11 copy be sent to the family of the dcccescd. Fraternally submitted. L. G. R1tv.N01.PS. C. A. T. A. RilVNoi.PS, Jr. Committee. United llv.mgvllcal Church. Rev. K. I?. McYickcr, pastor. Services next Sunday: Morning at eleven. Subject: "The Disadvantage of Holding Meinlersliip in 11 Large church 01 None At All." Kvening at seven-thirty. Sub lect: "Fiom The Creation To The Flood." A 9-Cent Tinware Special We want every lady in St. Johns to call and see our big sivcial in these gtods. This is the biggest bargain that we have been able to secuie in these gods, and they wont last long. These are not cheap goods, however. Not any cheajer in oualitv than iiuvIkkIv else sells, Hut we aie selling them at our reg ular grocery profit, and this is con siderably less than most eople like to take Some of the articles we ciimiier :tu here U Dish I'.tn. It of well nud nd of Kxl quality. Our price Oc. A nice r.tutnU' DitiiKT, ult atiuuij: tliia Mini- y-vrm u-xiruiK'iii now on aalc at our More. llili 1 a in c Dukt ran U now retailed in our hardware dp. parttui-ut at ijc eaeu. out you wilt find it on the Vc. lurKahi counter. This is another article that is among the 9cnt bargains. Some articles are now on sale at the tniutciiM-lv amall price for v cents for your choice. St. Johns Grocery Co. Our Local Grist - Many trees ure now in full bud. For best fire insurance see W. H Kimr. S. McClave the second hand man, is quite ill. A Wurwan of Red Men was organized here Wednesday even Several children gave a surprise nartv to little Laura Oberu on Thursday afternoon. Trv the "Par Kxcellence" :- the champion 5c cigar: made in St lohtis. Ruds on the trees are now be comiiur very proud. 1 hey are fearfully swelled up. ' Among my list can be fount some fire insurance to please you W. II. Kimr. Mrs. M. A. Goethe, of Portland, was a guest of Mrs. W. L. I horn dyke on Thursday. For fine cigars it will pay you to call at Valentine s: opposite city hall Miss Mabel Ralston, from Gas ton, Oregon, has been guest of Mrs hltner h. Haiiua for a week. Smoke a St. Johns cigar best 10c cmur on the market the "White Crow." The Methodists are planning for a "somethinir different" social on the evening of Friday, March 16. Carnage repair trimming ami painting neatly done at the St. Johns flarucss Shop. D. P. Kllis was up from his bottle at 'Ridgcfield, Washington, last week to sec his relatives in St. Johns. Smoke a St. Johns cigar best 10c cigar on the market the "White Crow." A surprise party was given to the fireman of the veneer factory Saturday night. A jolly time was enjoyed. The family of James Near lias removed to the old homent Mnuton, Michigan. They will be back here ere long. Remembcrl You cannot buy finer candies or cigars than the goods Valentine sells in his neat store. Recorder J. W. Hanks came from the hospital in Portlaud to his St. Johns home last Sunday and is getting along nicely. I. S. Flynn, son of Mrs. N. G. Plyiiu, arrived from Pheonlx, Ari zona, 011 Sunday morning, for 11 visit with his mother. Try the "Par Kxcellence" : the champion c cigar: made in St. Johns. The lodge of Knights of Pythias will be instituted by the Grand Chancellor on Saturday evening of this week, February 24, at Hickuer hall. W. Arthur Flynn and family re ccntly visited with Mrs. N. G. My 1111, for a week, on their way from Coos Hay to Canada. Mr. Flynn is n son of Mrs. N.G. Flynn. 5500 to load at once. W. C. Adams, at his office. A good three-plank walk is being built by M. L. Holbrook across his sixty-acre tract. It is on the east side of Lively street between St. Johns avenue and the Gattou prop erty. Suittrllous hair, moles, etc., per iimiicutly removed by the electric needle. Fiances Vaiihorn, 311 I'.ast John street, St. Johns. On Thursday evening, Fedruarv 32, at the German Lutheran church on Williams avenue, Portlaud, John A. Valentine, brother of F. W. Valentine, was united in mar riage to Miss Luella Hrous. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Valentine attended the wedding Protect your property from loss by lire by insuring 111 only first class companies, X'c tlie rcninstiia Manic. Saturday evening a birthday stir prise was given for Hliner U. Hanna. "under the hill." Mr. Haiiua was thirty-two years old, and was genuinely surprised. Mrs. Haiiua. his mother, had ordered an elaborate birthday cake, und with other substantial refreshments nud games and music the evening passed joyously. Miss Nellie Reid, one of the promising music teachers of Port laud, visits St. Johns every Thurs day. Lessons given on piano, man doliu, guitar and banjo. Address 709 hast 7th Street, North, Station II, Portlaud. I weut five girls and boys who neglected to "surprise" Wylena 1 horudyke on the occasion of her fourteenth birthday unuiversary were reminded of the fact by Maud Peterson, and accordingly the v. on ruesduy evening, gave her an en joyable patty Delicious refresh- uients were carried and also a fine copy ot Miss Alcott's "Little Women' as a gift. Games, music and lunch occupied the hours until miuiugm. rnose present were Lowell, Jesse and Geraldina Alder-1'1 son, Arthur Clark, Norman and uertrtule HaUIwin. Anna and Howard Price, Gladas Hrederson, Ralph Carlson. Clarence Conroy, nam ami Louise Couch. Fred Monne, Jack Douglass, Hazel Knight, Hertha Merrill. Palmer utul Jennie Mcvicker, Maud and ua Peterson. Harry Saruuelsoii. Archie Smock, Kthel Thayer ami I any Yotiug. At Methodist Church. Rev, P. lf. Young, pastor. Services next Sunday; Sunday school at ten o'clock C. K. Thurstou, superintendent. Preaching at eleven Preaching at seveu-thirty. W. E. SWENGEL, The Harness Maker m We use the old-fashioned genuine Oak Tan California Leather. Very best obtainable. Gives long, fuithful service. Trimmings perfect. Thread, Irish Linen. My work is all hand sewed: and it i.s seldom that a stronger or more durable harness can be found than those I han dle. We make a speciulty of repair work doing it neatly and satisfactorily. One trial will convince you that we do pleasing work. W. E. SWENGEL, HOW CAN YOU ADVERTISE ST. A Wcll-Huwkcd CamlL'nto. Nearly all the older residents in this county either personally know or feel fairly acquainted by popular ity with S. C. Ueach, of Portland. He has been before the public in 1 . ... . various capacities tor a nuinner 01 years, and all who have kept track of his work for this portion of the county realize that he has few superiors as an official. His term in the legislature was marked by fair dealing -and it is asserted by those who arc in a position to know that he lost no opportunity to do good work for this section of the county. Mr. Reach is now before the ptiblicasun aspirant for the x)sition of state senator on the republican ticket, and asks that he be given that support which his past acts have merited. We shall have more to say of this' matter tit a later date. Social. The M. I;. Kpworth League will give a "hard time social" at the M. W. A. hall, Wednesday, February 28. Fine program. All are in vited. This livening. At the "anniversary entertain ment" at Hickucr's hall the Ivvau gclicaii society will present the following program: Piano Solo Miss Fdmnudsoii Selection .... Carnation Orchestra Duet .... The Misses McKinnie Recitation .Rachel Schelter Instrumental Duet .... Misses Reach and Castle Recitation , . . Miss Marie Marcy Reading Mrs. Minnie Hall Piano Solo Miss Castle Reading Miss Minnie McClave MARRIAGK IN HIGH LIFF. Selection , .Carnation Orchestra Refreshments are included in the price of admission. Adults 25c; children 15c. For Sale. 100 cords of wood green, dry ami mixed. Also 5000 cedar jwsts. Orders socicited. J. K. Williams, Phone Fast 6.300, 810 Kellogg street, St. Johns. Married. George 11. Lashbaugh. of St. Johns, was married on Friday, February 16, to Miss Annie Cal kins, of Centre Station, Oregon me ceremony oeiug performed in Portland. The groom is son of F. M. Lashbaugh, and is well-known in this vicinity while the bride has a large circle of acquaintances at her Home. I he groom s father nresonte.1 nun a nue team wttli al the extras while the bride's father made a cash gift of $150 to help start in lite 1 here were many other eifts o - Cries To Come Back. W. R. Pettinrew. who. with his family, went back to Oil Citv. J'entisylvanta, six weeks ago, drops .iiiv iu iiiu u'.w in sav mnr he yearns for old Oregon's climate and conditions. He has pnttf lit work at carpeuterimr but the morning he commenced it was 20 legrees below zero and he diiln't nice it. liven It. llVCIl Mrs. Pettiirrew iU. cided that "the old home aiut like usel to be" ami she would like 10 oaclt n Oregon. Leased A Hall. Laurel Lodge, No. 1S6, I. 0. O. K has just completed a lease for votws nan, over the room for meny useu as a liowling alley. piucc ls 10 be Handsomely nueii up -as t ie lease nuw f- three years aud a Rebekab lodce .a iu uc lIlMllllieU 111 the HMr future. The lodge will have a gala nicht on ruesday evening. March 30, when it is expected to have every thing nicely arranged. Keep Your Eye On St. Johns, JOHNS BETTER THAN BY SENDING Bickner Department Store All Goods Sold Keep a large nlnik of General HimiIh ami bliuex, (J 1 ixciIiih, reeii, i,ie. in met eci-yiiiing. ineir ntres aio rijdit. Don't wante your time going to Pol I html, hut como in and neo our slock and price. t at 1 $ Remember The Big Department Store o Collier Jersey Street mid Hmndway S St. Johnii, Orogon Shepard, Dobie & Peterson Come and see us in our new quar ters in the room formerly occu pied by Peterson's Cigar Store for Snaps. Special bargain in n 9-room house. Phone Scott 4061. RESOLUTION Nollce is hereby given that at (lie meeting of (he Council of the i City of St. Julius, Oregon, held on the Nth dn. of February, A D. I06, the folUvlng rcsolu tiou was adopted: Ritsoi.viiii: That the Council of the Uty of ht. Joint. Oreuon. ilceiu it ex iKMlivnt and proposes to improve I.eavitt street from the northerly line of Hayes street to me Mmineriy line 01 jersey atrect in the followiiie manner, to wit i To establish the iicceawtty grade for tuving ami to improve hjiil I.eavitt atrect lay kiuc walks, graue, etc, bam lin provement to lo made in ncconlauo with the Charter ami Ordinances of tlie City of .St, John, ami the plans, specifi cations nud eatimatea of the City Hnui neer, filed In the office of the Recorder of the City of St. Johns. The cost of Mill improvement to be assessed as iro vuled by the city charter ujmn the prop erty specially and jwuliarly benefitte'I thereby ami which I hereby declared to be all the lots, lurts thereof, and tiarcel of land within a line loo feet from the outside Hue of each aide of said I.eavitt street. The Kneineer's estimate of the nrob able total cost for the improvement of awn aircci is 307.07, t lie plans, apeciticattons and estimate: Utile City Kuirineer for the iinurove nient of said I.eavitt street are hereby adopted. Rhsouvkh: That the City Recorder of wie CUV ot M. otitisJi:. and is. herein- directed to give uotice of the proposed improvement of Mid Teavitt street as provided by the city charter. Remoustrauces ayalnst the above im provement may e filed in writing with the undersigned within it ilavs from the date of the first publication of this no nce. Ily onler of the Council. J. W. Hanks, City Reconler. Ily O. R. Downs, Ieputy. Published in the St. Johns Review Feb ruary 16, 33 and March a, 1906. Baptist Church. Re IS. A. Leonard, pastor. Services next Sunday: Sunday school at ten. Preaching at eleven. Preaching at seven-thirty. Exposition 1st Pralm. All are invited. THE REVIEW EAST TO YOUR FRIENDS? Brothers at Portland Prices! Mcifliaiullhc,- nrhtilinir Drv (loouV Hardware. Hotixo Fiirninliini:. . mi at F. Al. LASHBAUGH Fuel ftirtdalicil, either tliort or long, Untying ami team-work of every kind. Prompt wrvice. Terms reasonable. Conic? Jersey ami Catlln, ST. JOHNS RESOLUTION meeting of the Council of le City of St. Johns Oregon, ItU on the Nth day of February A. D. 1906, the following r.jefci' tiou was adopted: Rhsolvko: That the Council of tk City of St. Johns, Oregon, deems il pedient and proposes to ioiprote IrM street from tlie easterly line of BonjiKP ton street to the westerly line of mond street In the following iuBftK, w wit: ... To cstablisli the necessary g!u,! luvlnir and to improve said ivw street, lay side walks, grade, etc. ImnrnvwiMPiit in he made In OCCOru" with the Charter and Ordinances of Ik City of St. Johns, and the pUns, cations and estimates of the City W neer. filed in the otUcc of the Keco of the City of St. Johns. Tueco said hnproveuient to be assessed P VUleU by tlie c; erty sjeclally 1 be all the lots, parts thereof, and p of laud within a line l feet f" ouume line ox eacii siuc street. , ., v. The Knglneer's estimate 01 "r Ic total cost for the iwvtn. The plans, specifications and e1" of the Citv Kngineer for'tSSt ment of wi'd Ivanhoe street are Rksolvxd: Tkat the City Rec . 1... r-:... f il, .. Iw. and l. directed to give BOtice of the pwj" Improvement of said Ivanhoe provided by the city clwrter, . Remonstrance against tbe provemenx may oc iuiu ... .7 ""TT- At the undersigaed within 15 o?? Iri, date of the first- plliftk " notiee. ' ' By order of the Council. ' J, W. lux', J City Rtcof; Published in the'St. Johns, Rc,T'' ruary 16, 23 and March h.l?2j- Vatlv nrintd books of H0? receipts for sak'at tkls oftce. 0000000000000 mi! peculiarly