sr. Johns review fn should Patronize The Home Jl'apcr. It Sani helping SUohni ndUilmn better city :u work w,th TIE ST. JOHNS REVIEW Advertise in The Review Its circulation is genu ine nnd it covers the field. Us letter thnn n dnily In the field. IT WILL REPAY YOU Devoted to the Interests of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest VOL. 2 ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, KIJBRUARY 23, 1906. NO. 18 6 I O&O&OXiO&O&Q&QO&O&O&O&OXiO&O&Oih PHONE UNION 284. 207 JERSEY STREET St. Johns House Furnishing Store j CARRIES A SPLENDID LINE OF v ! Furniture, Carpets, Mattings Rugs. Linoleums. Wall Papers, and A Nice Line of Cooking Utensils My Prices Are At Least Ten Per Cent Under Portland Sole Agent Tor the Celebrated Charter Oak Ranges and Stoves Don't waste time and money by going to Portland to trade when I can furnish you the same quality of goods at lower prices. Keep the trade here and h Ip build up home enterprises. Be loya'. RUDOLF HALLBERG O 5 Furniture Repairing Stove Repairing of All Kinds Picture Framing S$g SASH GLAZING DOORS "HARMONY" HIDES HER HEAD Councilman Lcggctt States His Belief In Validity Of The Saloon License Ordinance Council Essays To Kill An Ordinance By Resolution i St. Johns Land Co. PHONE UNION 3104 DcjI.c An "Illegal" Proceeding Illegally Rescinded In Order, Perhaps, To Alake Probable Litigation For City have been granted ami Issued to The St. WE CARRY "ODD" SASH IN STOCK Columns Spindles Brackets Lime and Ce'ment Paints It was really the wannest baby of the bunch the tucctintr of the city council last Monday evening and "yellow dog" epithets scattered uiuong the members very carelessly. Mr. bliiems accused Mr. Lcceett of bciiiK a liar but Mr. Lorectt kent his caltnucss very nicely and merely denied the allegation: and then he voted with Mr. Shields. Mayor King presided ami all members or tue council were present. On the minutes being read Mr. Hricc moved to eliminate that portion mentioning the grant ing of the license. The question of 11 "majority of the council was warmly discussed. Mr. Peterson asserted that there were nut six members of the conn cil Mr. Shields not living here, lis family miles away, and Mr. Shields coming to the city only occasionally as the council met. It was then suggested that Mr. eterson "prove it it would cost lim only another $400" but Mr. 'eterson said lie didn't fear it. Mr. Hricc joined in the opinion of Mr. Shields. The opinion of Attorney Greene was sought and ic reiterated some of his former statements. The lecords were approved as rend. Petition for improvement of Hayes street from Hurllugtoii to Maple was referred to the street committee. Kngineer's report on liurliugtou street wos acccptc 1. J J. Merritl Hanks presented his resignation - which was accepted. Charles Hredrrson wns nnonintcd, confirmed, and was sworn in. The O. K. &. N. railway applied for a perpetual franchise to lay 1000 feet of sidetrack John Hotel ConiMuy. on Hridford street from Richmond to Phila- dclnliiu streits: read and referred ' 1 to the street committee. "tiiihi: That uxn the adoption of these resolutions and the consentient re. .vocation of wild pretended license, and uiion sumcicni prooi mat mini St. Johns Ifotcl Company has ceased to operate under Mid pretended license and to sell intoxlcntlnir Honors in Mid cltv of St. Johns, and upon due demand made therefor, then the sum of one thousand dollar twld by Mid Coiinwiiv for uli pretended license fthnlt. liv iironer imi ecedluei. le returned and txdd back to Mid St. Johns Hotel Company," Mr. Brice believed these resolu tions should be adopted - and so moved. Mr. Shields claimed that the council had 110 ower to giant a license on the resolution. tr. 1 .ttiflmitut llu.t, f,r,w ,it,i 1 a ... .11.11 made a tew remarks to tue point. He said it was useless to again j agitate the liquor question: the'jj matter had been settled ami it was 1 not right to bring expense upon Ji the city. J Mr. Shields wanted the question ,; to adopt put: lie wanted to see howl J some ot tho tnemlHr4 Ktnivl mi tlit.i.' matter -and he looked hard at Mr. I.cggett. Mr. I.cggett said "I have kept still. My honest opinion is that the liquor ordinance was legally passed and was a law. I voted on that question ns I felt: I said no; and I wondered why it was that the rest of yon voted for the ordin ance." Mr. Shields said "If. you had kept your agreement and not voted on the resolution when Mr. Hricc was absent things would have been all right, lint you went back on your woidl" Mr. I.cggett preserwd h.s e.lm nc.v, us he said Mr. Shields wa mistaken -but Mr. Shields wus ex tremely angry and said uncompli mentary things. Then Mr. I.eggett JERSEY STREET BUSINESS LOTS Corner Lot, 50x90, close in - $.j,ooo Corner Lot, 50x100, with Alley 5,000 Two Inside Lots, 25x100, opposite School House, each - 1,000 Kiuc Corner, Jersey and John sts., 50x100 - 4,000 All of this property is good business property, and will double in value within a year. Ifiuc lots in St. Johns Park, 50x106, with i6-fcet alleys $275.00 and upwards $5.00 down and $5.00 per mouth. These lots are near the great Weyerhaueser site Oils Jersey Street Addition Corner Jersey and Richmond Streets. We have just platted this tract into eigh teen lots. We think we can safely say that there is no finer property in St. Johns. Let us show it to you. Glass Redwood Gutter Cjl. JOIlllS "U. ST. JOHNS SASH AND DOOR CO. PHONE SCOTT 40 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL JERSEY STREET fteHAZELWOOD MERCHANTS' LUNCH From II to 2 o'clock. 20c Try It t k"Ton Barber Shop r BU & KAKMUHK. "el4 w0tk amJ c,eaa hot toweUfor Pa. Hair cutting a .., , rcialty. UforWestCotor. St. Johns Market E. DO.Nf.EIXY, Propffelor The House of Quality" We take special care to buy only the choicest, Government Inspected Meats so leave us your order for a Prime Rib Roast or anything in the meat line, Kmc Sott 402 H3 Jersey Street -FOR- Watch Repairing thai Soils -00 to- W. LOUGHEED MRS. MAY WRIGHT Teacher of Voice Culture a4 Elocutlea Call at residence or drop a card la postoflice for rates, etc. Burlington street St. Johns -at the St. Johns Pharmacy, Cochran Blk LAUREL LODGE No. 186 I. 0. O. F. ST. JOHNS. OREGON Meet each Monday ctenlng In Odd Fellows hall, at 7:30. VUlton welcomed. C. M. Hall, N. G E. Elliott, Secretary. Keep Your Eye On St. Johns. moved that the resolution be tabled I which was seconded, but it was not . . f . . . . ... . , A petition for more fire hydrants ,vc IWT preeeueuce-me in the mill districts was read. luevions resolution being first voted The recorder was instructed to u'Hm n',nU. ",,CH ,of ",.,UT ,llv tpieMiou 01 niiumg mmhiki nave been first put: and it would have killed the motion on the resolutions. The resolutions were adopted by the yeas of Messrs. I.eggett, Hricc, Kdwardsnud Shields; nays Messrs. Peterson, Thompson and I.iudipiist. 1 Recorder Downs stated that if 1 that resolution was legal It merely I meant a transfer of a serious law I suit from private individuals to the city. The resignation of the deputy "ltl'.SOt.VKI) bv the cltv council of the ! ri riiriler vns itispnsxeil nt muuo CltyofSt.Jolm.tHtc ol Oiwon.mrt .,,.,, Mr j)owlfJ Mj(, .,,. ,,J . bad done I100 worth of work the! wwvvi' past moiitli for o ami would 110 longer continue. He didn't have to. It was agreed that bis resigna tion should be given J. W. Hanks, and that he would fill his ositioii till Tuesday afternoon at five o'clock. A bill tor one load of wood ($5-5) was allowed. Adjourned to Wednesday, Feb ruary 21. draw a warrant in payment ol the Miner note S400 with interest in full settlement. Ily motion the time limit for the .acceptance of bids 011 the sewer and 'on improvement of Pittsburg, Salem ' and Crawford streets (as given in ordinances 67, 70, 71 and 72) was extended to March 12, 1006, at 4 o'clock p. 111. j The following resolution was then .introduced by Mr. Shields: in regular session on the 19th duy of February, Ip: "1'ikst: That the pretended llceiic to tell In oxlcatlng liquor in the ild city o St. John, puiporlliitf to have lieeu granted hy t I e uucll ut i.s teuton on February n, infi, t The St. John Hotel Company, and signed hy V. H. King at mayor und O. H. Downs tu deputy recorder of said city be, anil the Mine it, hcrehy revoked. 4 St. Johns Land Co., I St. JollllS Plionc Union 3101 QrCgOll "Skconii: That thit council (low not hy the alxtve redution or in any other way recognize or admit the validity of taid pretended Ilccutc to iiuriwrtlng to Philadelphia Street to be Improved. A petition has been signed by the majority of the property owners along Philadelphia street asking that this street be graded, side walked and paved with rock and macadam from Jersey street to the Willamette river. This work will be pushed through as rapidly as possible and by early summer it is IiojkhI to have it com pleted. The council has already ordered the construction of the sewer along this street aud this, too, will be laid as soon as the grade is established. The early completion of these Improvements is retarded as of the first impor tance as it is generally recognized Believes In Advertising, There are no more firm believers in a lileral use of printers' ink than ! the managers of the St. Johns I Grocery. They are issuing each 1 mouth thousands of printed cir culars regarding their wares le-1 sides the considerable amount of advertising space taken in Tint Kl'.VJKW. The trade at the store is on the increase aud it is the intention of Mr. Wagoner to continue to push for all the trade that can be secured. It is the intention of this establish ment to make a department store that will draw trade from all over the euiiisula as well as from the district across the river tributary to Try a pair of our Village School Shoes AND BE SATISFIED COUCH & CO. 206-208 Philadelphia Street Phone Union 4066 that this street furnishes the easiest St. Johns as quickly as the ferry grade from the business part of lauding shall be complete, town to the water front, and it is l The store is a well-stocked one only a question of a short time and keeps adding to its list of de- when Philadelphia street will be second in importance to Jersey street. The coming year will see a very large amount of street work aud the era of walkless and gradeless streets is just about a thing of the past in St. Johns. partments. Potter & Qoold have a large Hue of the Heath & Milligan paints. Try their "Creo lite" the best interior and floor paint ever made. We Carry A Complete Line of Stationery at Portland Prices Of course everyone in St. Johns knows that our Drugs, Patent Acdiclncs, etc., unc sold at the same prices. ELLIOTT'S PHARMACY Help Advertise St. Johns by Subscribing for The Review 1 tr? !