. !T.LIJ.J THE ST JOHNS REVIEW t'ublliti.d T.ttrr 1'rldsy IIV McKliON & TllOUNDVKH. Huliirrlptlon film, 1 1. OU per er In idrance, Ail.rrtlilnc rstn. 11.00 ucr Inch Der month All mUr t llilnjc bills mrll flrit of each mourn. Job l'rlntln? iieutl In Aril-etui, itjle. Iltlii (or Job l'rlntlnr eh nn eiellterj. All cornniunlctloni ihouM be iddrened to Til RsyIow, HI. Johns, Oregon. Till', KitVlKW Is entered nt jost office in H.ilnt Jolnu, Ureuun, as limit matter of the second class under the Act of Con Krcst of Mnrch 3, 1879. It Offldtl Htwiptp.r of th. City tf Bt. Joim. Phono East 6100. FRIDAY. . .IMiHRUARY iG, tyo6 Road Commissioner Simmons litis been making .some more improve ment) on iiis highway!,. Try tlie "I'ar Ivxcellence" : the chnnmioii .sc citmr: made in St Johns. Nuarly everything tliat we really desired to limit this week lias bee crowded out by a lot of city lega notices. Don't pay any more than 25 cents per pound for ri high grade baking powder. The St. Johns Grocery Co. has the Crescent. I,nst evening the Kvangclica church, in 11 body, visited the Sec ond church at Alblna located on Kirby and I'argo streets. 1. J. Kocrner lias commence! work 011 the McChcsncy building He is first building a corrugatci iron woodshed 100 feet long. Fred Valentine remarks that every dog has his day, and that he gets one once a year. Mr. viileii tine's day was 011 Wednesday. Attention is called to the ad the Hill Addition in this issue The lots advertised ate esiecially fine and are valuable piocrty. Rev. J. J. Stobbs, of l'ortliim will occupy the Coiigregatiotia pulpit hete. Services in the M W.A. hall at thReo' click. All in vilcd. C. Cat roll is the name of W C. Adaiim' new architect. Mr, Catroll is well and favorably know both at AnIiIiiikI and N'cwhcrg, am comes well iccomuicmlcd. The latest reiKiit fiom J. V Hanks, who is yet in the hospital is to the effect that he In getting along nicely. It Ik expected that he will Koou be able to be biought home. T. J. Mouahan took up a collee tion on Monday to procuie some schoolhookx for the childien of Mrs. Vork. It took him but a few moments to scenic the neccMuiy amount. 1 lie women ol Woodcrull aic plaiiuiug a pleasant caid p; their hall for this evening. The admission wilt Ik. but 10c and general invitation is extended, ptomises to be a nice affair. Harry wngener letuructl 011 'luesday fiom Outaiio, Idaho wheie he has completetl all arrange meiitN for the cieaiuury to be III' stalled by his coiiip.iny. I le is Imu in his praise of the country in that community. ill do all kinds of sewing at very k-iimhirIiIc pi ices, and in sutio lactory iiiunnei. Mis. H. .Saiule .110 Chilis.'! street. Mm. V. A. lUgeiton. of Ninth fin lull, will soon letuiu from he Illiuois dip, accompanied by hut mother, while the family of George Campling, who have been living Willi Mr. KdgeUou, will move North St. Johns. I'.vanjjeiihiic service will liegiu at the Kvaugelical chinch oil Sun duy evening, March .. Rev. Guy Kitch I'lteliM and mother will con duct the service .insisted by the pasloi . MciiiIhm of all denoininu tioiis, with the geneial public, ate invitwi to attend. K. 1'. Togiiini of The llaelvvo.Hl has udded 11 first class teatuiiiiint to Ins establishment. A uieicliauts lunch fiom 11 to 2 daily will Ik; sen ml. One of the best chefs is in chaige. When you ate hungry give 1 lie jineiwoiKi a mm. W. U. Swennle is expecting thi week Hie hi rival of his In other, lieorgeW . Swengle. fiom I, mimiue, North DHkota. It will be his first tlip to this fK-ctiou of the couutiy Mi. Swengle is cashier of the Hlk alley Uuik. at Laiiiuoiv. Don't foiget that the livuiiueli cal ladies w ill hold their annual sale on the afternoon of l'riday, Feb ruary j.v In theevening the siilon diil pHHtram will Ik? leudeivd when that wedding 111 high life will take place, l'rogtaiu will bu publishctl next week. Any one wishing to tout a six room House, near business center, with line liver view, cull at this office. l)n Wednesday afternoon Miss Minnie McClavc entertained the Jtiuioi League of the evangelical chutch in the class-room of the church. Thcio were some esK.c ially invited gueats Ivsidcs the League. (James, a valentine Kvt oHiev and ictickhmcuts made the young jKuple happy. St. Johns W. C. T. U. met in the Advent chutch Monday after noon. Alter the regular business meeting a good piognim was ten deied. Mesdaiiui. Scott, Rildwin, Sacketl and Churchill lead very good articles on our woik which is the piotectiou of our homes. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mis. Scott. U will Ikj a "mothers meeting." It will com ineucc at -V30 in the afternoon. 1 hope that all the mothers of St. Johns will be ptasunt. I'lUfciS Stn'lJKI.VTii.NllHNT. NO FINAL PASSAGE, City Council Refuses to Place Ordln tinccs on the Pinal Passage. An adjourned meeting of the city council was held Wednesday even ing, Mayor King presiding and nil members present except Mr. Peterson. Upon the final disposition of the sewer ordinance Mr. Urice moved "that it be adopted" which was seconded by Mr. Shields. This was the first time in the history of the city that there has been a failure to move "it be placed upon its final passage" after the third reading of any ordinance and a dangerous precedent has thus been created with a view to retroactive legislation. The mayor hesitated about put- tine the motion. He paid that it would do no harm to incorjorate a motion to "place upon its final passage" with the motion to adopt but he feared this would render the acts invalid. It was then stated that the new attorney had in structed that course and it was per sisted in. The motion prevailed. Imtirovcmcut ordinances for Salem, Crawford and Pittsburg streets were actum t'ro.v in this HA Ml! MANNI'.H. The city engineer was ordered to prepare plans, stHjeirtcntions am estimates for the improvement o Charleston street. An application for a liquor license from 15. 0. Magoon was referred to the license committee It was thought, however, that the location (104 South Jersey) placet! the saloon illegally close to th schoolhotisc. The marshal was instructed to sec that the billiard hall closet promptly at midnight instead o running till two or three in th morning. Adjourned. Poller & Ooold have a large line of the Heath Milligan paints. Try their ' lite" the best interior am paint ever made. Cieo floor (living (lood Service. J. l nrliiK is certainly giving good service hi his ferry pro'tosi tion, and oil Monday he coiiuicncct a I.iuuton service a fact wbic pleases the citizens of that town Prior to this the citieus of Liuulon were forced to walk up to the ferry lauding at the Claremoul Tavern a walk which leipiiied time am muscle. Now the boats make reg ular Hips each day ami the traffic will be increased as time goes on We enjoyed a ferry trip 011 Sun day on the Rover and it was really enjoyable: worth double the price cliaigcd. 1 lie boat is a swift one has a neat little cabin, a toilet, am nlcutv of deck room: and is canabl of doing much work. In addition to the Rover Mr. brink has it half doen little gasoline launches am tovvhouts all of which arc for hiie. Potter & (loold have a good assortment of garden seeds, onion sets ami a variety of lawn grass seeds. to United llvnngclicnl Church. Rev. K. 15. McVickcr, pastor. Services next Sunday: Morning at eleven. Subject: "The Disadvantage of Holding McmlKitship in a Large church or .None At All." livening at seven-thirty. Sub ect: "Piom The Creation To The Plood." nought More Property M. I. Holhrook cannot refrain from buying unimproved real es tate. it is second nature for htm. Just this week he purchased th glove beside Hie .sclioolliousc 0 Mrs. Mary K Swiuert, mying for the same, It 1,000. There are iboul two blocks in the tract. Wanted : Cook niul kitchen lelper at once. Central Hotel. At Methodist Church. Rev. l. I.. Voting, pastor. Sciviecti next Sunday; Sunday school at ten o'clock Mrs. C. K. Thurston, .sutcriuteii cut. Pleaching and baptism of child rcu at eleven Pleaching at seven-thirty. A Valentino social was held Wed nesday evening at the home of L 11. Chipinau which was a delightful tlair. 1 he house was U-autifully ccoruted and teficsltmeuts of the aleutiue older. Several novelties were introduced- - ami the proceeds netted a nice sum. lively thing in mint and oils at Voj it Kugland's, French block. 1 he furniture tirm of Rudolf Halllctg has now nicely arranged the store and has placed a nice stock of goods therein. Mr. Hall- crg is an artist in his line and is now leuuy tor business. A large announcement from him is crowded over to next week. People of the Peninsula should not fail to jutronie and patronize ell the new bakery which will be iKined next Monday by C. K. .inue. Mr. Linnets an experineetl ktker and will make and sell the IkisI of goods at his new store, 670 Dawson st revt, University Park. Council Harmonious (Concluded from pntfc one.) street, passed readings, and were referred to the committee. Res olutions to improve Leavitt ami Ivnnhoe streets also passed. t All these were carried to first adjour ned meeting, with a destre to have proper publications made this cur rent week. The plumbing ordinance was in definitely tabled. The laundry was given permis sion to construct a temporary run way for waste water over to Ivan hoe street, from which point it will be taken down on Uurlington street. Work on the sewer will be hastened for this purpose if for 110 other because if the laundry is again forced to close, it will remove. Adjourned till Wednesday even ing February 14. NOT US. liven if the gas plant does come to St. Johns there'll be very little need of piping the city hall. After a ten-minute smoke the clouds of blue were so thick in the council chamber that Recorder Downs tried to force a lot of it into the stove for an imitation heat. Recorder Downs became very itidiimaut at one time during the ineetimr and intimated that if any one was really set on bullyragging him they'd have to Increase his salary. f. 11. Shields' law library and grip were handled this time by J. H. Nye. There was a jealous feel ing shown by Mr. Shields when he noticed that W. R. Mctiarry Had changed armor bearers but Nye didn't see the joke till it was ex plained. Then Nye shifted his responsibility to V. W. Valentine who is "also reading. Correction. Through n misunderstanding this paper last week credited M. L. Holbrook as having purchased the interests of h. B. Chipmati in the St. Johns Land Company. This was an error. The interests of L. II. Chipman were bought by Charles Bailey who has been in the office for about a year and who has proven him self a young man with a good head for business. He has been making many sales and has really had con trol of the office Mr. Chipman havingother interests. Mr. Bailey is now part owner and completely manager of this office and is fast making a rep utation for square dealing. A Wedding. The ladies pf the IJvangclical church will give their annual pro gram at Bickncr hall on Friday, February 23. They will have a sale of goods. Ice cream and cake served from one to six p. m. Doors opened to all. In the evening there will be a program of recita tions, vocal and instrumental music, and will be concluded with a wedding af'.r which ice cream and cake will be served: 25c will be the charge for the entertainment ami refreshments. Smoking is a pleasure if the cig ars are bought at Valentine's. Goodrich & Goodrich, ARCHITECTS Saint J0I111.1 and Portland, Oregon W. E. SWENGEL, The Harness Maker We use the old-fashioned genuine Oak Tan California Leather. Very best obtainable. Gives long, faithful service. Tri minings perfect. Thread, Irish Linen. My work is all hand sewed : and it is seldom that a stronger or more durable harness can be found than those I han dle. We make a specialty of repair work doing it neatly and satisfactorily. One trial will convince you that we do pleasing work. kt C ClAIE-IUnn Tacoma Street " 1 V,, HOW CAN YOU ADVERTISE ST. JOHNS BETTER THAN BY SENDING THE REVW EAST TO YOUR FRIENDS? 1 THE RESOLUTION Poller & (loold buy their diiltry netting, nails, screen doors, etc., at the factory, ami are daily receiving large ad ditions to their well selected stock of haidware and paints. Sad .Mishap. Tuesday, just before noon, a serious accident occurcd at the'bas- ket factory, whereby Roscoe, son of Mrs. II. S. Magoiie, lost his right hand. The victim was at work 011 the small joiner, where grape bas kets are made, when the sad uffair hapiicued. No one knows just how it happened us the lad wa4s used to the working ot tlie maciilue. Manager Carlson was busy some distance away but heard the cry of pain and in an instant was at the scene. A lialfdozeu co-laborers at Notice is hereby given that at the niceline of (he Council of the City of St. Johns Oregon, I 011 the 14th dnyof Fcbnmry, A D. 1906, the following r.solu lion wn adopted: Ititsoi.VKit: That tlie Council of tl City ol St. Johiii, Orcuou, ilccinn It ex peiiicnt and jroKe to Improve Ivnnlioc direct ironi tne caticriy 1111c 01 imriiii ton ittrcct to the westerly line of Kiel innml ittrcct in the following manner, to wit: To cAtalilmt the ncccsKtry entile fo paving mill to improve tuiiil Ivnnlioc trcct. lay side walks, entile, etc. Sal improvement to he uiinlc In accordance with the Charter mid Ordinance of the once Drought me mimed boy to city of St. Joltiu, ami the imitu, iiwclfi the office of Dr. Holland where it cation mid cttiiiintisol Hie City l!n was found the wrist was severed completely. Magouu was later taken by ambulance to a Portland Hospital '11.1.. . II! ncvr. Itlcil in tlie oince ol tlie Kecori of the City of St. John. The cot of mIiI Improvement to tie nM.'Hcd in pro viueii 1 iy tne city ciuncr upon tlie pro) erty nii-emuy linn iectmiiriy icnciiite TMiU Occident fulls with crushlm? thereby and which U licrcliy declared to "W-"1"11 " W "M!,m "1 l,c nil the H. ptru thereof; mid parcel ce iiiKiu the whole family and r ,,, .,,(' ne I0() ccl ,rom l)u. force is also deeply deplored by all the InuUlde line of cuch utile of salil Ivnnhoe nssiuMiiles ill tlio fuelorv its well ns I street. Mr. Carlson, inaiiaiier. As closelv .The Hiiglncer's citlmatc ol the prol as can be learned there is no blame to be attached to anyone for the affair except that sullicicut care was not shown in running the machine. , (lo lly Boat. For Portland and way ixilnts take steamer liaelle at public dock. Leaves m. jonns at 0:15 a. m. ami 6:15 p. m.: arrive Portland (Stark street dock) at 10:00 11. m. and 7:00 p. 111. Is Branching Out. W. C. Adams, whose ad apiKuirs in tins issue, is now making a strenuous bid for' business in the line of cariK'Htcriug and contract- ug. He now lias with him at his otlice cottier Philadelphia and Ivan- hoc a resident architect whose work is mi id to lie of high quality and whose services may be secured at nominal figures. .Mr. Adams linns mere are some who desire to build better homes than their means will allow and or such he has a stxx'ial olitu to furnish the extra money. This will enable a better grade of homes to Iw erceteq and ujKin very reasonable terms; it will repay those about to build to sec Mr. dams. able total cot (or the improvement of Mid street U ;( 1,108.33. The plan, siiecillcutloiu mid estimate of the City Hnglneer for the improve ment of said Ivanhoc ttreet arc hereby auopicii. kksoia-iui: Tluti tiieuty Recorder 1: the City of St. John lie. mid I. hereby directed to i-ive notice of the pmixincd Improvement of said Ivanhoe street u provided by the city charter. Kcmoiiktnincc uuahut the atxnc hn movement m.tv be filed in writltik' with the tinilerslgncil within 15 day from Ihe date of the first publication of till notice. lly order of the Council. J. V. Hanks, City Recorder, lly 0. It. lMwiw, Deputy. PnblUheil in the St. John Review l'eb ruary 16, 33 ami .Murcli 3, 1906, RESOLUtioN Notice is hereby given that at the meeting of the Council of the City of St. Johns. Oregon, held on the I Ith day of February, A D. 1906, the following resolu tion was adopted: fire may destroy your Home tiny time. Are you protected auaiust uitial or total lass ? If not, call at the Peninsula Hank and learn the small amount that will give you U'OtCCltOII. On ruary Had Pine Wedding, Wednesday morning, leh- 7, St. Francis church at Port- Ri',so!.vii: That the Council of the City of St. John, Oreeoa, deems it ex pedient and proposes to improve I.eavitt trectsftm the northerly line of Hayes street fo tne totititeriy line ol jersey street in the following manner, to wit ; Toestabluli the necessary eraile for tMvtiiK lotmpruvcMtiui.eaviiifcireei ay klilc walk, eraile, etc. S.(iil hit' provemcut to be made In accordance with the Charter and Ordinance of the Citv of St. lolitu. j tut the iilaiiij- cation uiiil etlumtes of the City Hnei neer, tiled in the orticc of the Recorder of the City of St. John. The cot of dd improvement to ue assessed a pro viueii uy nte city charter upon tne pron- atul, was tlie scene ot a Cbarmiuir " sjvetany ami peculiarly oenentteo wcldiug wherein A. 11. neitkeinicr ami Miss Ktithcriue M. Siutiott were the chiefly interested parties. The ceremony was informed by Rev. Kather Watt at nine o'clock and a wedding lunch was served immediately following. 1 he gtoom is n cigar maker of us citv and the home of the couple will lie at 415 West llur- ingtou street after March 1. The bride is well known in Portland here hasts of acquaintances wish her and her husband the greatest future happiness. For Side. 100 cords of wood green, dry and mixed. Also 5000 cedar posts. Orders soeieited. 1. H. Williams, Phone Kast 6399, Siy Kellogg street, bt. Johns, thereby uttd which is hereby declared to be all the lots, rurts thereof, ami parcels 01 latui wtinui a line 100 leet I rum the imUlde line of each side of said I.eavitt street. The l-.neiuecr's cstluiate of the irob able total cost for the improvement of -kita street 1 !k7.67. The plan. kPeciricatlous and estimates oi trie v-tty unsineer lor lite Improve, ment of said I.eavitt street are hereby adopted. Rksouvko That the City Reconterof lite Ultv Ol M. lohiii tw. anil is. lierrhv directed to eive notice ot the proposed improvement of said ivauhec street ts provided by the city charter. Kcmousirauccs against tne above lui- provemcut may be rued in writing with the uudersh-tied within l dav from the date of the first publication of this no tice. Uy order of the Council. J, V. HANKS, Citv Recorder. Uy O. R. lWiii, Deputy. Published in the St. Johns Review Feb- ruarj-16, 33 and March 3, 1906. Star -:- Market UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT We shall handle only the finest of MEATS and our patrons may be sure of being sat isfied in every case Pull line of all Meat Market Sundries YOUR PATRONAGE SOLICITED I Bickner Brothers Department Store All Goods Sold at Portland Prices! Keep n huge hlock of General Meidinntlit-e, ineludiiie Moots and Shoos, Giwuiicp, Hardware, lloimo Fumls Peed, lite. In fact everything. Their Pricon 1110 right. Don't wnstto your linio going to Poi'llaml, hut romo in and too our Htoclc ami priccH. Dry CIimkIi. liings. Smith & Hoover Next door to Kdmondson's JHRSIiY STRMIiT, ST. JOHNS ORDINANCE NO 6!) An Ordinance Assessing the Cost of Const tiding a Sewer or Sew. crs : Commencing nt Ihe In ter ect Ion of John mid Jersey Streets In the City of St. Johns, thence to Phil tdclphin Street, mid thence to (lie Willamette river on said Phllailclph a Street, and Directing nn l:ntr, of such Assessment In the Docket of City Mens. The City of .St. Johns doe ordain a follows: The Council of the City of St. John having iiKcertuincd the cot of eoutruct ing said sewer in said Citv of St. Johns, as shown by resolution of council of said city, of record und date DccemU-r i6, noj,nud notice thereof having been pub lished in the SL Johns Review for three consecutive weeks, from December jo, 1905, to January u. 1006. inclusive, us shown by the affidavit of the foreman of sam ijK-r 011 tile, anil the legal posting of notices of such construction, a shown by the affidavit of City Ktiglnccr on file with City Recorder, as provided by said resolution of December 16, 1905, mid that the City Hugiuecr's estimate of the iroiuuie cost ot saiiiscuci or sewers is t3,99l.io. as a preliminary estimate made y said City linelneer. to be more nccu. ratelv determined bvsaid Citv Hnidneer. and us to time within which Mid sewer or sewers is to be completed, which i now fixed at sixty days from last tmbli cation of notice for proposals for Mid worK ; proisisais to im? tiled I96, at 4 o'clock p. in. Now. therefore, it is herebv ordert-il that said sewer or sewers be constructed accordingly, and that the Recorder shall give notice by publication for three in sertions in successive weekly publications in the St. Johns Review, a newsumcr of Kcucrui eireumuou 111 me tuv ot .st. Johns, Oregon, inviting propoufs for the coiistnictlou ot said sewer or sewers, and said sum us estimated by City Kniiiiieer s eosi wicreoi, or sucn sum us shall nnauy ie iixeu ami uetermluetl by Citv KriKiueer not exceetlini' said sum . U ucreuy assesseu 10 tne lots, ami parts ot mis anu tracts in tneir several proiwr tlous in the asesitieut district of said sewer or sewers aforesaid in the resjH-ct- ivc uiuouiiis 10 oe uereaiter iieterminr.i and ascesseil to said lots, parts of lots and tracts, as being benefited bv said sewer sewers, vii : The district bounded : Commencing at the uorthwest corner it pot aituition m sant Remember The Big Department Store Cornui- Joincy Street ami Hrondwny Ot. Johtif, .O.rogon Best Buy in St. Johns LOTS IN SCOTT'S ADDITION Fine Bearing Fruit Trees on Each Lot EASY TERMS SHU I'S I'OR .PARTICULARS St. Johns Title, Abstract and Trust Co. Holbrook Ihilldiiij: Willis Motoii 1.1 I'srkcr Citv of St ilme in I.. ... . . , wvmv w jviwrj- street ; ineuce lonowing luiiitnore street to the Will amette river; thence following the meunderings of the Willamette river to uisourg street ; ineuce on I'ittsburg treet to Orcsham street ; theuce to lolm iiwi , uicuee 10 Ncaoee Street, follnw. ng John street ; thence to the northe.m corner of Depot addition on llurlingtou iucuwv lunuwing tine ot Uepot addition to the place of beginning. The Recorder is hereby directed to en ter at the proper time the said assess ment hereby made in the Docket of City Liens, and cause notice thereof to be published as provided bv the .-it v ,i,,. tcr. ' ' l'assetl the Council Fcbnury 14, 1906. Approved Vebruary 14, 10.16. . W. II. Kino, Al,,cu . Maor' J. W. Hanks, Recorder. By O. R. Iowus, Deputy. Published in the St. Johns Review Feb- luarj- to, na ilarch 3, 1906. YOUR LAUNDRY? WHO DOES IT? There are laundries and laundries some turn out poor work and some turn cut worse. You sometimes get disgusted with the work that Is returned to you: but if you patronize The West Coast Laundry YOU'LL BE SURE TO MOST SATISFACTORY GET THE SERVICE Recently re-opened, this steam laundry Is doing the fin est and best of work. Agencies at Portsmouth and University Park. Work called for and delivered. CALL PHONE SCOTT 3103 ' ST. JOHNS Hardware, Tinware, PliJhibinf Tin Roofs, Gutters, etc. Phone Scott 4065 WANTED The citiicns of St. Johns to know we a "uie in tuts citv. Iure uuik ueavereilat your door for 2 a MUni, uuuiunai quarts at 7c ORDERS FOR BUTTERMILK Taken Thursdays and Saturdays, de livered Fridays and Mondays: jqc a KJ- Send orders to W.W.GATTONsWns.Te Dr. W. E. HARTEL, DENTI5T Crown and ltridbe Work a Specialty Rooms 1 and 3, HolbrooU Block. St. lohus - 0. M.FAULK Faulk & ST. J0HM. r Merrill Coal. Hay. drain, Ground Feed, Phone East 713 UnlvaivHy Park. OtH F. M. LASHBAUGH . ... ... -V. rt AT Fuel funiisliea, eiiuer :k long. Draying and ofeerykind. mP n,t' Terms reasonable. . Comer Jersey and Catlin, ST.