St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 09, 1906, Image 4

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    I Bonham & Currier
General Merchandise
Cochran Block
St. Johns the Center of Attraction
Nm iN the time to inn-d In tin- opting in
vector will llKk lien? mul pri? will double.
W? have a few l.oti left at
Buiiin- Prnwtt l,oK
l,ot with nlle
$ 200.00
; I HUMS TO SI 1 1 -CAM. AM) SKI: ,t
; W. H. King Land Co., St. Johns, f
II I .1r'imlin-l In ir tiMIM
tfl ''t'l ilv bating tl. IliHl
tor iu bare lb I tt UrumWi trrtt
In Dtp tM4 f itf e4l MhiM I
rvMit'Mnl at an wiity dt I1tr unnu
Ulnl rw4HIM f IhU rlpfp k bwn
ah crtwwe to lW American tmr;t
Mini illtlc-m of VklNCtHl fur IliAuJ
)i-r. tliuHRti It ban turuMml lUr inoit
fii-tialnlHK Mt nf dt-wrlrHloH Riven by
I1i frMt I altawt mwity tlio feet
nlxtrr tho HMtlw Msf Uh mpittl at
lllll lMKf of Uh Iowm. It llfJlU tx
(M-ht In lb IfMorr f IH' HJlld
1 frfHii tlw tlWM tf It tirnrj down ti
: a mi.1 Jwt (trter t ttw- Itotwltitioiiary
7 war
It llp-lo UW dliHlO With tlw lXritlMI
i uf ntmnt flflJ? fot of Wank wall lhe
9 denlaim for llw vmIoim ww are tin
,t work of llraitihll, who atari) M cxe
i cute trwrti hlniMlf, but In l' ho fell
O . . I.,. OT,tt., !.. Btul I. II.... III ft lUlf
Horn (xmIHoii above th marble floor
until li wan rearuwl by n wntrhninn
It U believed tin; Mrnlu mulling from
thin oxperlcneo wna ropoinlblu for hW
death, which occurred on IVb. I, ISM).
Another foreign nrtlat, fllllpo t'oi
tnuRRii, tried to complete the work uti
til May, IMSIi, when tho painting wna
MiiNiintlc-tl. CoitnKK'nn hml crowded
llrtmilill'H IlKiintt In onlur lo mnUo
room for two hcpium of his own do-
-a few-
The Mm
Did you c r notice that a big
wreath on a casket covered n multi
tude of menu .ids
In Paris when there are church Common Colds nre the Cruise o
OlJcl Conductor On I he M. Jolht
Kun Wilhiirnws.
Thi wrck T. J. Moimhiiti
known l Auexw tc'ilca Toir
lc.Mjntel hi roination ar. tii
ductor on tne rorimmi'ai. join
run. This cnnie n a MirjitiM? to
his iniiiiv HcouuiutauOf.s foi lw
whs ttvanlwl a fixtuie with tht
. . . . .
For .sixteen years lie nn oven on
the rotid iMrre and In mm'ii h
tniffic crow from a two car a da
service to from 50 to 75 trin. each
iln ' At tne coinmeiiceuicui me
one enr it is yet lwiiketi at in
renr of the Holhiook block ivh
drawn bv an entitle: and Innil that
has grown the txcelleiit service u
now have. . .. .J.
Mr. Moiiahnu is now with the
General lilectric Coinpany.
fights eyes are blinded by red pep
Icr. In this country we use .sewing
circles for the same purjiose.
A new story is called "Solving
The Unsolvable." I presume it is
Bickner Brothers
Department Store
All Goods Sold al Portland Prices I
K 11 liui) atocil; ni' (Iniicinl .Mciclmnilin-;, inelinting Dry (IooiIh,
lliHita and MImiiw, (lioiiioa, lliiidwniit, Ihiimo runiixiiiiiKH,
Kil, I5l. In I'ni'l (ivoiylhiim. Tliulr I'iIcoh am
light. Don't wnli your I inn.'
1'inlliiinl, lint mine in anil ft'( our
Mock and iiiriw.
Rcniciuhcr The Big Department Store
A ('ui'iier b'iiMy Stn-i't and llinadwiiy
A Kt. Jiiliim, Oroeoii
j. i'. 1 1'
l'rw't t irltivr jr khi I'utrpfl I'rlrn
IMioiiu Union HT. JOIINH, OREQON t
:x:hXmx,xx,x,,:X'0,,0'X":'0 oxmX"X,,x,xX"Xooooc
Your Valuable
Papers !
An- 'ii 1 it 1 1 1 1 i 1 ic the 1 ik of hMiiiK (hunt by
ktrpiutt them atouiid til- If o, you
had Utter tint a vif. dt'ioit Ihix at once.
Thvy 01 fioiti f s fo Us war, aci-oiding
to mv. .single t'lmlop - iMitd for at Hilling
Peninsula Bank
IHHH U'I b44. U"l
1 . . 41. r(irltiil 1 111
II- In III )ll WUiilli . .
w W h I "i" 1
I. .Il l....lulilv .,n.
I- dill Mt .I I I I
1.1 1 liti m.mL I'm
- .1 In
k V
hint . 4ir mL t
, lUlilillltkt tm I tin
uil,(. till ( )i
1 ,1, ni,. i
i II Ol .VUilt .
I'K M I i I
1 '': KHIEflilHi
tm r r
There are laundries ami laundries --some
turn out poor work and some turn ut
worse. ou sometimes jct disgusted
with the work that is returned to you:
hut if uu patronize
The West Coast Laundry
OL M l, III; SI Ul; TO OIT Till
nlgiiliur. Coiibtom would not accept hy the author of "btopjuttg lite
tlio ('oMtiiKKiin (itiitiit, nun nifiiiijrr.i
hiivo hi'cii tintihli' to iiKrco on any oth
I'rlnlril n Sit Dollnr lllll
A unliitio hcrlM of (ointilnnllon tin
tlotnil tmnk hllli wiih printed n fun
iIujm iik'o at the hurt-nil of uiikmyIhk
mid printing, whlih In liclne colled Joe
ultirly "tho now Mix dollnr hills" ninoim
U10 eniploj'i'Oft of tho hnrcnu.
A plnlo rnnkcr hy mltnko Ustiwl to
n prlnti-r n pinto for 0110 side of 11 otip
dollnr hill nnd a (ihite for one nldu or a
llvi- dollnr hill Instuinl of tlio two plntos
of n ilv dollnr hill. Th.. work wont on cl tclti" t dare commit bigamy.
nil riKiii ror niioni 1111 nonr, worn mu
Klrl who nsslstisl tho printer In wnsii
lint tlio plntw nftcr ench Impresslnn ilia
Recently re-t)pened, this steam laundrv is doing the fin
est and Iwst of work. Agencies at' Portsmouth and
I'niversity lark. Work called for and delivered.
The Hazelwood
It. 1'. T.H.MNI. lOJi.
U an npto-dnto ipiick l.uimh,
Cijrur, linfoliimiy ami N'own
Stand. Tim CoUhntUl llraol.
wuod Cimux aud Hutlur kupt
iu ttoiik.
Corner Jersey St. and Broadway
St, Johui, Oregon
F. J. Koerner,
I'hms and poihYatii)n8
fiiiMisiliwl on upilieation.
done with matnes and
All work
covered thnt tho hills as printed cnlhsl
for (it on ono Nldo and J." on tlio other,
nnd sho k'ito a nhrlck thnt Mtopptsl vv
cry press Iu the room.
Ono hundred hIiccIm of hills hnd heen
printed, nnd thoso wcro duly hitnicd
nnd tho fnet fully ostnhllnhcd hy all)
dnvlts thnt nro now miiukIv on tlio In
tho archives of tin treasury dcpnrt
AiMriitlnl Colour nr ('niilliil.
1.1'ndliiK inemhers of tho Hoventh Dny
Advcntlsls any thnt tho illffcrmieo of
opinion ln'twi'cn I'rophctfss r.llcii fl.
Whlto and Dr. John II. Kelloitg will ro
suit shortly In tlio removnl from llnttlo
t'rct'k of ahout ,1,000 tnoinhi-rs of tho
church. They will eoine, It Is Minted,
to Tncotna I'nrk, nenr Wnshliutton,
whore tho church linn cstnlillnlip,! n
Tim I'lUt LViilrmilnl.
Ilcpri-Mcutatlvo llroiltM had a tnlk
wllh Iho president tho other dny ahout
tho inllltnry foMtlvnl to ho hold In Polo
rndo lo cotuinomornto tho 0110 htm
dredth imnlverxtiry of ohulou I'lko'a
oxpiilltlon, The prcHldont Hhowisl In
tcrcst In this historic event nnd dt
reeled tho Mwrclnry of wnr to co-oper
nli ns fnr as posslhlo hy Ncndlng moiiio
trisips lo I'olonulo next November,
when Iho rcntounlnl will nko plnco,
Mr. Ilnmlis hns Introduced In the huuso
11 hill providing for striking off some
uushils, Tin president 11W0 expressed
tin lulerest In Mr. ltnxitis' effort to cro
ntii a untlonnl par It off tho region
around tho Itoynl gorgo of tho Ornnd
Cniiyon of tho ArlcnnwiH,
Tim Srr.l IIiiUI,'.IiIi,
Tlio few srsaus who know nliout tlio
plmiH for tho newest lmtllelitps for tho
iinvy any thnt when the plan for dts
IHislug tho eight twelve Inch rllles
whleli nre to constitute the innlu but
tery of tho levlnthnus becomes known
It will constitute tho grentest nensntlou
In imviil iirchltecturo thnt tho world
hns known kIiico the siicccsiful iluht of
tho Monitor with the Merrluinc. The
pluu Is to bo ki'pt Heeret ns long na
An I.VItu of Hip II Wr.
An Interesting lueldoiit of tho civil
war hns been recalled by the Intro
uuetloii In tho house of a bill to relm
Inirso the town of I'redprlek. Mil..
known o fume throuuli Itarhnra
rreltchle. This bill pronses to par
f.'OO.isH) to the town of 1'ivderlek In
return for f.W.uoo which was levied
upon u by (leueral Julml A. Unrly. It
appears when Knrly was rnldlng Iu the
Klienandoah valley country In ISO I,
prior to the Unto of his defeat nt Win.
Chester by Hherldiiu, ho took posnes
mIoii of the town of Frederick mid
threnteuetl to bum and pllhigo (he
plaeo uuliNts he wns given f'JOO.000.
The atim was paid, nnd the town hns
lieen Iu debt ever since. Now It asks
to tm relieved of Its burden, The jhw
tlon tnken ly the Frederick cltliens s
that as Maryland did not secede and
ttie town of Frederick wns loyal to the
1 niou In tlio civil war It was entitled
to bo protected by the Federal govern
tuent against hostile acts of tho Con
riuurara Cravti llvtuiif ultlou.
At this Into day, after the lapo of
nearly ttfty years, the soldiers of Mas
I Kschusett and lVnnsylvanln who were
; the tint to reach Washington In tv
I spouse to the call of l'resldeut I.lncolu
for troops on April IS, ISUI, nro seek
lug appropriate rveoir.iltton. A bill has
: been lutrtxluced Into the houao by Mr.
I I'attersou of FenUBylvnuIn to provide
uicdnW for these men. Six Massaehn
setts troops and live companies of
Fenusylvnnln inllltla, whoso korvlces It
Is propoiM to revoguUe, hurrliHl to
Maxhlugtou within a few days nftur
Fresldeut IJucoln'a call aud wer
roushlj tmudltM by mobs In llaltlmoro,
iMnin Serious Diseases.
Physicians who have gained
national reputation ns nualysts ol
the cause of various tliseascs, claim
that if catching cold could be
avoided n long list of dangeroti
ailments would never be he.ird of
livery one knows that pnetimoiii
aud comstiiimtion originate from 11
rnlil. mill rlimnir ratorrll. linill
bevcrulgruttersnuve dlitis Ull( Mj untj ,m
there. It is to be trouble are aggrnvnted nud rendera!
more serious by each fresh uttack
Do not risk your life or take
chances when you have a cold
Jliamberlniii's Cough Remedy will
:ttre it before these diseases develop
this remedy cointuius 110 opium
morphine or other harmful drug
uud has thirty years of reputation
back of it, gained by its cure
tinder every condition. Ifor sale
by Juckson's Pharmacy.
Unstoppable." Uttlly book.
Salt Lake City is getting u vir
tuous spasm,
been nrrested
hoped that the habit will not spread
to the westward I
A woman 111 .Minnesota paid n
muii $1000 to marry her mother.
Kvidcutly she had u hunch that the
muii was needed in the family nud
An "absent treatment mental
heuler" was arrested last week in
Florida nud jailed. She wanted to
go to juii by the "absent presence"
but the judge was not absent
A miticc'itient manufacturer of
Chicago is in jail for stealing -f too,-
000 worth of bonds. I always
knew that stuff was adulterated
but I never sitpjiosed they d put
bonds in itl
Al Dallas 11 traveling man has
Invented flood Thing.
I'rof. W. W. Williams, of the
Vancouver high school, and wel
known in St. Johns, is the inventor
of an appliance that bids fair to be
come a gteal aid iu the teaching of
iKMimuuship, aud, incidentally, to
be a great source of revenue.
consists of a small pneumatic luiiu
or tube on which the arm may rest
and produce the muscular move
incut effect iu penmanship. Tin
been found who had forgotten his device is inflated with air nnd i
name, his home, aim the linn tor
which he was working. This was
something like Henry II. Rogers
who "couldn't remember."
I see no use iu howling because
Mrs. Charles T. Yerkes married
six weeks after her first husband
died. He was as dead as he ever
would Ih. and Mi.ner is a much
easier name to pronounce than
"My wife's neice, who is stop
ping with ns, talks iu her sleep,"
said the host;, uud when one of the
guests ticked "I low do von know?"
there was such a stillness that one I lIolcvootl
could hear the freight-curs brake
over iu the switchyard!
A sign 011 n Denver restaurant
says "Take the other door." I
saw 11 man try to take the other
door (after he had taken too much
elsewhere and a ioliccmuii took
made to strap around the forearm
It will prove valuable in the i 11 it in
essous of the pupil iu tciimanslilp
Those who have given it 11 practical
test pronounce it satisfactory iu
every restKxt. i'rof. Williams has
many letters of inquiry
from f .astern colleges iu regard to
his invention, nud is arranging for
its uiaiitifucttire.
Wood For S;il..
At the ferry lauding nt foot o
Pittsburg street, we have oiieued 11
woodyiml and are prepared to de
liver gocxl dry wood iu any part of
Will furnish planer trimmings,
or slaowood eithir
four-foot worsi, or stove length.
Let us have a trial order. No
wood is better than ours.
H8" I Hkink & Fosthk,
Foot of Pittsburg Street.
St. Johns,
Crushed His llniul.
1. Xttlt'flMt fill nil nvi.irt
1.:... .i st I t.-M'vn i
t ink. 'vi its www wv r wirilt I lirsftttt ll-ttll HWit utttlt
nut the culprit was broke and dent
took ten days iustcod. 1 hese tak
nig signs don't always take, any
My kwcethciirt's name wiu Georgia, nud
.lie wiu dear to me;
she csnie out to this western coat its
Iwmitle bhc would m-c;
Hut he m brokeiidieuited uhen the
peky little Ilea
Commenced to march through
Come on! Come onl" Chirj vd every
little. Ilea:
an ncc
on Saturday which lmdlv
crippled his left hand. Mr. New-
ton was engaged tu drilling and his
hand wns crushed very badly be
cause, ns he states, he couldn't
keep his eyes iu sever il places nt
once. It is believed that the hand
will lie saved although all the
nerves and cords were laid bare.
.Nineteen sittciies were taken to
dress the wound
Mr. Newton is well-versed iu the
matter ot oil, having been in tin
business for the past twenty years-
ami ue oeueves mat
CS that Mvrv nidi
... . .... i . ; -
"ionic oir tomeoni uere s room lor I cation tends In shnu' nil in -I.V
.'.in n.i.l mi.t'l I '11 i 1 ...
...............v. miwi. lie unuen wen 1 nnw
1 1 .1. 1 . i. 1 . ...
11u111e) iivki uieir uurtue races irom (iovnsoo feet but is not in oil
uer nee ciear to ner knee indications nt this deotli. It tin
ii iinv vy viv uinivilllig llirougll
And when the dawn was breaking, al
though unknown to fame,
There w.u no pot in Georeiu where
Mime ilea 'd not filed u claim:
They'd had no introduction but they got
tlwre ut the Mine
While they were marching through
,11 ,. . I.. M.
iieic ue. ; oruer uie cnorus came
ki clear,
m wct.t a treat comes M.-ldom to us
ud they plowed ami cultivated fnuu
her ankles to lieriMr
While they were inarching through
iwssed through several oil strata.
and has gas now: aud all who have
investigated the matter ha VL COM.
fideuce that a paving well will be
To Rent.
House for small fainilv; in
Point View: four lots: eitv ni.r-
furnished: all far 5? ner month'
Inquire at Ceder Park store, or 1:
G. Powets. 72S Charleston Mrr...
Now Oct Real Busy.
There are in this man's trmn n
number of good, substantial cross
walks built in a thoroughly work
manlike manner. Full V IlillP.tHll'llC
of them are buried
inches ot mud and for some hW
past have been of little servict in
IK.-ues.naus. niere ts one walk
Things You Need to Know
About Piano Buying.
A busy world this and 11 very busy ngc. We cannot be
Ited on all things nrouud its too busy. Therefore there
things we need to know. In the matter of purchasing our ijail0
you are too busy to shop around and look the matter up, The Mm
plctwayislhe KILKRSlWAY. It saves time ; it saw y0'"j
lA-rvcs. No "patitnee tried" in Jhe Filers way.
Simply this : Cut out the coupon below and mail it to its, arid
we'll m.-ikI you uselnl piano information that you ean look ov
nud sftdy in the iputt of your own home.
You wniil to know about reputation and wearing ijtmlitj..
you want to know about the piano that is best .suited for tins par.'
ticular climate, about the guarantee nnd what it means. You
probably want to know nbottt our "little payment plait that
makes piano buying easy," and above and beyond all you want
to know about our
I'crtlan.!, Oregon.
Address. . .
N the above siiuure you will observe a tiny dot.
Noticed it, didn't you? Now if YOU saw tint
little speck think of how nil the rest of our
renders noticed it. Then, if you, Mr. Htisinta-
man, had placed nit attractive announcement of your wares, it
correct lirii-i-s in llmt sivirn vnn'll linvx wnmn iili.n thnt it unnt.l
. ...... ... ...... .r..w, J . ..... ..W.l.ta .1... ...... .. IIV.
l have brought you trade. Better try it next week.
Second Door West
of Postoffce
Real Estate and
Lame Back.
This ailment is usually caused by
rheumatism of the muscles aud may
I I 1 1 ; ...
ik: i.iui oy applying luatUDcriatn s
Patti Balm two or three times a
day aud rubbing the parts vigor
ously at each application. If this
does not afford relief, bind on a
(Concluded from jvie i. column 4.1
Mr Petirson then moved thnt It
Ik? plucwl on its final jmssjige and "far t,ie Clt' ,,al1 t,I!t s kept clear
ine motion received Mr. Thonip- anu mm ' that pair of
sous seeotut: but wlteti it was ",,aiH:"i " v v.arey. There s
shown that an ordinance must se- " rcaso why all other crasswalks
cure its tuiul passage by a majority ? ' . . kept cIean- Whose
vote ol all ccuticilinen the motion "l,M! . ,s u ,0 t"e matter?
was withdrawn and the matter 0r' ls !t a"ylxxly's bin iness? Clean
was again iHtooned to the nevt rvriv5Waiks are a convenience and n
adjournetl meeting. necessity. Will the people who
J- Hnnk siwke reganlinir ."J.c.un:, "latter m charge kiudlv
sjK?etal trips of the ferry and it 11 "P ad see w hat can be done
South St. Johns Lots a spe
ialty in Real Estate.
Phoenix Assurance Com
pany of London a specialty in
C4" Itlar AAnttrhi
K. DONNIXLV, l'rortkl
"The House of Quali!)"
We take sjiecial care to buy cc'j
the choicest. Goverimicnt InsKfteJ
I'lVHM V t V t V. J "HI -
Prime Rib Roast
or anything in the meat line.
J. II. Crook. 6o6Jerey I). S. Wsltcs.
Phone Scott 669, t iihewty M
Plans Drawn and Ksttoiate FupIitJ
General Jobbing and Kcjisinet.
Shop joS Febseiiden trtet, ncJr.'
I nnp A t-ntr a
Carry the finest line of
- m n
liaint atil Wflll Kl
Varnishes and Oils.
If you have work in our line let
Willi ou UII WIC
r 4 .. . Krenca
v rnimi nvriiuc - -
Phone Scott 3104. St. Johns.
piece of flannel slightly dampened allowed to chargi
with Pain Balm, and ipiick relief is trips.
was agreeil that he shotild be
e extra for special
almost sure to follow
Jackson's Pharmacy
lorsaleby AdjourueAl to IHiestlay eveuiuu.
I February t.
In 1 ik.iim .1... nVMr : . . r
. .., Li,Lji;iiiii' pit ni 1 r..-i
I , 1 ' J
ucuis ami keep their footw
ciean aim dry.
Should be looked
aner at trequent intervals. If
neglected you are doing it au
injustice aud it doesn't give
mic wmcu a snow. Cleaning it
is one of our specialties. Reg
ulating is free, of course.
Wilson, the Jeweler,
Tacoraa St., SU Johos, Ore.
1 jtaunll
1 i'hiiuii:
w -
:!.. . t.,.c tiith aourt
acre ot lana ; cicai. .
nl u.ll house sealcu. (i""
papeml. This i on car W
Slose to tUtion. l'rice fifi
Corner lot, clearett ana
1 , ti.:. 1. .nan at t-
UwUv. . . . .,,-ve-
These will be som ai fi
t or..l tr vr manth per K.
wv mum rj , nar
hnxnlinf house. Ill" "J '
Aoftnalifi Slash and DOOT
Keep Your Eye On St. Johns.
irnppti rrnri?T Si