St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 09, 1906, Image 3

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, n t"'vctl to discontinue our suit to measure
,nl i-xtm trousers frve prnponition on nc
st.ick becoming exhausted.
Jiiptucnt lins just arrived.
i IikIuv and seLct the pattern.
s , 1 1 your measure for $22.50 and an extra pair
t the same or different atenal free.
t count ( ' :
i I1C v
Our Local Grist Our Loca! Grist'0 "',0t,f M,,,0
Run No Risks!
In these days of adulteration and fraud
there cannot be too much car, taken when
one buys drugs of any sort or has some
very important prescription compounded.
Have you ever considered '.hat a grain
too much a poor grade of seme valuable
ingredient, or some trifle of that sort
might work sad affliction upon you and
yours. Will it pay to patronize him who
has no interest in you ; or is it better to
ltlll.LH.t ...... I....... ,-.. 1 1 . . 1........ .1. .1
l HI I Wit Ull UilUW. Ueillilliy KUUVt, U1UI X
the compounder is absolutely sure of his 2
"i t f a C
won: r we unow 1111s line; unci asu your
St Johns Pharmacy
P. S. We
erals lines.
cany a fine stock in our sev
Come in and sec us.
IFull Line or Builders' Hardware!
Sbtlf Hardware, Ranges, Cooks, Heaters, Oil He-iter.-., Tin
ware, Iviunulwhvnre, Woodeuvnii II inner ami Ocean
Wave Rotary Washers, Wringers, Cable Clothes
Mil' s, Heiith & Milligan "lUt Piep.ired
I'aints," Wright it Hill's Five Roil-
ed Pure Unseed Oil. Inside
Paints, Creolite, the best floor paint
made ; Chi-Nuniel, Varnishes and Varnish
Stains, Disslonand Stanley Tools, Garden Feeds,
Special Mixture for I.awns, Dig Assoi tment of Garden
Tools, Screen Cloth, Poultry Netting,. Paint, Urtishes, etc., etc.
Best Buy in St Johns
fine Bearing Fruit Trees on each Lot
5-Johns Title, Abstract and Trust Co.
llolbrook Building
No. 186 I. 0. 0. F.
Km '.,,J0,,SS. 0REQ0N
'tiSii .TVh' evenhijf In Odd
. .i 7 y, visitors welcomed.
Chif""' Insurance and
r Banc' S. C. Norton.
5j. R 1 ' k ancl Hudson
to. "
siii r Pan 1.
- - iiuL uju riti ifir
Hair cuttim. n
St. Johns
0Ur Eye On St. Johns.
Suites of two to four rooms, also
single rooms. Situated one block
from Columbia University, near
cor, of 1'isk St. and Boulevard.
Furnished or I'nfurnUhed. A
pleasant walk from St. Johns,
suitable for mill men.
A. W. DICKSON Phone East 6268
J K Kgt wd lanul. t
INvnI Kivr k-vttuI Un-s lt
l'tir MliitliiR nimI pa;Ht In0n8
Tje t IlMKbutd. PrMlih0dc.
Mrs. C. N. Hmh hu it
ctHvtcd Midicifntlv tn fH out -of -
ItiniTnl nt Klvcrvi'W evitwltryoti
Pnr fine ciijiirs It will tmy tm to
all t VnlentW's: txWie city halt.
Another Mort littiMlnR is goittg
ni) Ht Centml avenue ,fwite tbt '
I'tench block.
!.t U Prliinlllk . t k Mitrw
a litr inMtmtKT pnli.
AfM all. tbt 8t , dim In d.
paMmvttt m l s '?
tlwrr are ttMyR totitnra
Mcmia) MNtii uk- mras wait)
wwlly titt1MR In the twto txt
thitiK tmerady leafc.'l like pti?,
ny rrnt apin)w rtt !liw. M.
Frvtl Hn.Hn. 43 lust ChkMO,
The l)otkrrs mmI m.u ltitwry bftvo
own rvnromi liwti the wrtck of
thv Kegtilator. nnd will he uken to
Mrs. P. P. Toeniui. of tb HimI
wihwI, jetnrnwl fntm her CuWoriii i ' th Jnpi for rvfifttf
MMiuu imsi.iv . I Khaldv iiiMimitcc ut the lowest
V A. (,ee aihl J.w nr put- .rate at th Pmlnatil.i Hank.
iniK in n iMtewnt on tH MKtier of thir wh-rrlirrR adumtw thU
I vanillic nnd Catlin Mrw-ts. J m k how new onnU far Mrs. Mac
h. 1. May nnd family moved i Wiinht. Dr. S. C. Cuok awl the
this week from the Hlintine nron-. Aller-IhriKS-IIlHCk'liurii firm
..... .... . .
eny to me ow joite hoii-e. Kllwtt'.s dmjf .store lirtis a flue
Iry the "Pnr Ivxcxllcnee": the frtmetit of vnleiiiiik. on hatul
ehnuipiou 5c cinr: made in St. ' ",r tut the t.jth hint.
lf. J. Koerner with a crew of men
bean the erection of a cottage in
North St. Johns for l.eroy Carr.
If yon contemtdate hiivinir shoes
for your children read the new ad
of Couch oc Co.
I C. knapi). mnnaeer of the
Peninsula mill, is extectcd to re
turn from the east next Sunday.
First class and reliable insurance
companies only are represented by
the Peninsula Hank.
John Wesely, of Scio, who has
)roierty in St. Johns, was looking
over the city the first of the week.
Among my list can be found
some fite insurance to please you.
W. II. King.
The woodchliek saw his .shadow
last hriday but theie will not be
six weeks of winter in this valley.
At the Ponton Home H.ikery Snt-
tuday elegant Angel Cake made
y our new baker. 1 ry it.
Rev. J. W. Hrougher, of the
White Temple, Portland, preached
the St. Johns llapttst cliurcli
'riduy night.
Will do all kinds of sewing nt
very reasonable prices, nnd in satis
factory muuuer. Mis. K. Sanders,
io Chapel .street.
J. II. Mills and family, who have
oug Hvctl neur the scho(dhouse,
lave moved to their newly limit
home at Northern Hill. .
Kenienilier! You cannot buy
finer candies or cigars than the
goods Valentine sells in his neat
Travel was so heavy St. John-
.vards last Sunday that the rail
wav was comiKii'.u to tiouwie
service during l':c ufternoon.
N. Friedinni. is building a stoie
milding in Vancouver, Washing
ton, that he will occupy with 11
stock of goods when completed.
Have you seen Potter it Goold's
how window? It is I'tn.i. 01'
akcains nt 10c each. Any ar
ticle in the window.for ten cents.
Mrs. Fred Valentine went to
Washington on Monday, where
she will visit several relatives In
arious towns, including Knlama
and I.aCrosse.
Any one wishing to rent n six-
room house, near business center,
with fine river view, call nt this office.
The Methodist women will hold
an Aid Society and Valentine social
on Valentines day, at the home of
Mrs. 0. 15. Leonard. 1 lie social
will occur in the evening.
Protect vour oroierty from loss
hv fire bv insuring in only first class
companies. See the Peninsula Hunk.
Fred Valentine and wife attended
the funeral of n young relative
near Portland one day last week.
Another child of the same family
was not expected to live.
Fire may destroy your home any
time. Are you protected against
partial or total loss t it noi, can
the Pen nsula Hank and learn
the small amount that will-give you
The stumns and rubbish on the
lots west of the Holbrook block are
being burned and cleared away, and
no one would be surprised to see a
fine brick block in course of erec
tion ere long.
iln-to-date modern cottages for
rent at St. Johns Heights from $10
up. Inquire of J. H. LampiK-n, at
boat house.
Harry H. Reynolds, the accom-
lished and successjul mistier, lias
red his connection wim me
r 1 1 : nwt'iiui u'luri Iir
looes w , -K ' ,r "I We were olead to learn that he
,as oeeu mllstt!rcd ,, alIlhition to quit
llllll 1 lltKZll 1UI UIUU.11
The siwinl meotitiK at the Hnn-
list tiiDernncie will cloae Sunday
evening. The topic tonight (Fri
day) will be "The K videuccs of
W. J. PeIdicord has moved from
his ollice on the conur to the room
in the north half of Tiik RvitutW.
He vety much desired to get on the
religious side of the street and, 11s
he is not particularly noisy, this
paper had 110 objections.
An insurance policy in a reliable
company is as good as money in your
pocket in case of los by hie. Ask
the Peninsula Hank.
Mis. Hattie WoodiKckir, an as
piroot for congressional honors, was
111 the city Saturday last interview
ing the politicians and others. She
promises her hearty co-operation in
in the effort to secuie the bridge
across the Willamette.
See that tun cunt baigain win
dow at Potter & tioold's Hardware
Store! No need of going to Port
land for lmrguius.
Did it make you wish you were
in God's country last Sunday when
you lead the dispatches in the
morning impels that "the mercury
dropped 60 degieeti in the past 2.)
hours and a howling oh.ard is now
raging over the states Iowa, Minne
sota and the Dakotas."
"I nolLc that Poff Carey have
another ear load of that good coal.
Say! hut they do sell and its
fine, too!"
M. I.. Rowland, the expert
horseshoer and blacksmith at the
corner of Ivauhoe and Tacoma
streets, is enlarging his shop by
building two additional-forges and
its! udditig a complete new stock.
I With the increased facilities he will
be in a position to take nil work
offered him.
It dociiirt p.iy to have your life
insurance policy written by a
stranger. Have it done hcie in St.
John by a home man. I have the
lest comiNiuy in the woild. W.
II. King.
Those who know statu that it is
iiiieriitive that ull who wish to
vote at the election to be held in
April should rettihter in this city.
Several have rendered in Portland
with the idea that registration in
the county would hold good for this
precinct. To vote in St. Johns one
must register here.
Poff & Carey huve genuine Rock
Springs and Cumberland, Wyom
ing, coal. Try it. It burns up
clean. No chukers, no soot, and
very little ash.
Mandud Hanks chased a man
Sunday for a hull mile, pulled his
gun, tried to shoot, turned five
summersault and lost his man.
When the fellow was arrested nt
Portsmouth InU-r on he said he
"couldn't remember of lieing
chased any." Mr. Hanks will not
enter nny stiaiuht-away matches
till in bettor prai tiee.
J. It. Schaefer. rure.senting the
old reliable AHuiiy Nursery, is
taking order for spring planting
for all kinds of fruit trees, berries,
nuts, oriiumeutal shade trees, roet,
etc. Prices riuoouuble. Reserve
your orders for him. For full jmr
ticulars address J. H. Schaefer,
Uniitou, Oregon.
C. K. Seeber. fr some time em
ployed in this ollice, left Saturday
for San Francisco, presumably to
take the place of some first class
printer now on a -trike in the Hay
City. We can ricoinmend him as
a champion time killer. If there is
any one who can turn out less work
in a week than the above individual
we do noi wm 10 cnijuuy mm
With Electric Light
in our hoUM .mi haw aloo tin mean lr Mmih HI.KCTRIC l'l.AT IRONS,
the lllectrtc CHAFING-DISH, KkcUfc COOKING UKVICliS all hind.
The appftMK an ItCONOMICAl. hi jmtku SA I'll. CI.ltAN and
Electricity for Your Every-Day Needs
In view of the iiurcntiug demand for installation of our service AT THU
RKDl'CKD RAT liS. patrons are te.Uested to make application AT ONCK.
Fill out COt'PON nnd mail to us TODAY. Our tcprcsentntive will cull
Watchmaker, Jeweler,
Importer and Wholewle Deateri
286 Morrison Slreet, s4, PORTLAND
I have the lest life
rviiov to be tound in
Tin. Union Central Life.
safest and best at a fair price.
Come in and talk it over. W. H.
The Portland Labor Press is
authority for the statement that the
Pnrtlmul Railway Company has
issued an order compelling its em
I One need not be born with a
insurance veil or the gift of prophecy to fore
America: i see that lots between Fisk street in
University Park and Macruni ave
nue in Northern hill 011 Dawson
street which extends through the
centre of that rapidly growing dis
trict between the rivers in Portland,
and now selling for $15 jwr front
foot, will, within twenty years from
today, sell for one thousand dollars
Iusure with the Peninsula Bauk.
tn be nhotoWaphed and, per trout loot
measured on a sort of Hertillion
The Portland and Seattle rail
road has begun condemnation pro
ceedings against the Western Tim
ber Company for a plat of ground
on the hill in the vicinity of the
dry dock. It is said the ground
sought will be needed for a site for
the depot the company will need ou
the peninsula.
Five of Miss Amy Rowland's
pupils gathered at her home 011
Modoc street, last Saturday after
noon, to form a musical society. A
pleasant afternoon was passed, and
the society will meet every two
weeks. I hose present were: May
Huskirk, from Portsmouth, Krnest
Rossiter, Reco and Archie Ander
son, WylenaThorndyke and Sylvia
l'OKTl.ANI) OU.NHKAI. lil.KCTUte Co.,
Seventh and Alder Streets:
Plimsc have your representative cull and see me with
reference to electric lighting.
Name .
Convenient lime to cull
Port and
Electric Co.
Seventh ami Aider Streets
Portland, Oregon
Till: us gUe ym olinmUHt mi
terciilioold nave added ad- n . n 11 1
ft : Painting, Paper Hanging
Cutter, the shoe man, has the
Glance over the new ad of the
Peninsula Hank. ,
Potter & Goold
rear of the store. Their siiriui!
stock is begining to move. and Interior Decorating,
Carriage repair ttiinming and
painting neatly done at the St. Johns ,
Harness Shop. ;
S. M. Flcener and family have
moved to Portland (805 Oregon
street east) where they will conduct
a boarding house this .summer.
For lest fire insurance see W. II.
Mrs. Mae Wright will meet all
who wish to join a vocal class,
Monday evening, at at tht'l . t t
Methodist church. JO)Q & EllglaiUl
ICverylhiug in Paints, Oils ami Varnishes.
Try us 011 Oil ami Lend.
cigar on tne uiarKei me
When Marshal Hanks would pull
his gun, by lleeiug culprit go;
lid mill
'oailed :
he found the pesky thing was rot
or else it wasn't loaded!
Next Wednesday will be St. Val
entine's day. Hlliotl's drug store
has a fine hue of valentines,
II. A. Dougherty Saturday (3)
found a string of rosary beads.
Owner etui have litem by applying
to Mr. Dougherty, 706 North Fox
street, and describing proierty.
i'oix; iS: l'ngland, the painters
and decorators in the French block,
have an announcement in our ad
columns this week. Ihese men
are artists and are 011 to their busi
ness in nice shape.
F.verything in paint and oils at
Toe iS: lingland's, French block.
Miss Nellie Reld, one of the
promising music teachers of Port-
laud, visits St. Johns every 1 burs-
day. Lessons given 011 piano, man
dolin, guitar anil banjo. Address
199 Hast 7th Street, Nortli, Station
li, Portland.
Probably the worst piece of road
in town is at the corner of John and
Ivlison streets. Whether on horse
back or in a vehicle the place is
dangerous to the traveler. Cautious
teamsters avoid the place, and tliey
arc wise in doing so.
Smoke a St. Johns cigar best 10c
cigar on the market the "White
Strolling about town last Sunday
afternoon were several well dressed
Indians. A short distance behind
were three negroes, and following
the colored men were several Jap
anese. Oh, we are a bit cosmo
politan in the population in St.
Now is the time to fix up your
house. New opaque shades, 40c.
Matting, per yard, 10c. Iron beds,
$2. 75. Mirrors, 30c. S. Mc
Clave's Furniture store, 203 Jersey
II. S. Gile, who came "around
the horn" to Oregon in 1849, and
settled in this state, was in (he
city yesterday to look about. Mr.
Gile was one of the surveyors for
this whole state and has seen this
country grow. He came to visit
S. II. Norton and others.
Phone Iviixt 6,)i
Central Avimiiic I'rcmli lllmk
OfTrt-r liuurn, l' II u III . J In i 111.
OIRrr I'liuiir. llu)
Kr.ldrmr I'lionr, I'nlmi Vl
Olftvrlu l'nl.illv Talk lliuti Slmr
Frank Stewart has returned from
Sail Francisco.
Mrs. K McKcou is ill with bron
chitis at her home 011 Portsmouth
avenue 1101 th.
S. Gibbs, of Dawson stieet, will
move this week to the new home at
Arbor Llge.
The Loyal Legion has organized
a Hand at the Park. The hcl way
to defeat the rum traflic is to train
the boys and girU not to touch it.
We welcome the Legion.
At the Uuiversty Park Haptist
church Rev. John lleiit.ieu will
preach at the Sunday morning ser
vice 011 "A Man Sent Prom God.
In the evening he will speak 011
'Men Who Cannot He Hid."
I'he ordinance of baptism will be
Tint Ritviuw would like to sug
gest to the brethruu at University
Park ami Portsmouth that the first
step toward better fire protection
will be to oih:u up more streets.
Fire engine cannot be run through
trails and brush. Kvery street
Mshible should I- improved.
The University Park Hoard of
Trade will hold a maw meeting at
the Artisans Temple. Portsmouth,
for the purKHe of making arrange
ments for butter fire protection.
Assistant Chic! Holmau will be
there to give a talk on "how to
organize a volunteer fire dt-jwu t
ment" or "bucket brigade." This
meeting will le of intercut to every
house owner on the lower jHiuin
sula. It may mean the saving of
your house. F.ucourage this meet
ing by your presence. Remember
the date, Monday evening, Pebru
ary 12.
The Civic Improvement Associa
tiou will furnish a musical program.
The meeting will be both hcuuficial
and entertaining, come every
Star -:- Market
We shall handle
only the finest of
and our patious may
be sine of being sat
isfied in every ease
Full Hue of all
Meat Market Sundries
Smith & Hoover
Next door to Hdiuoudsou's
Till' i'ltli IIS of S JnliliN l'i know Wi
ll t i- n milk riti in Hit-. 1 it . I'ii t
milk ili-liwi'lat iir il'wr for f i .1
inoiilli. iiinrW at 7c.
oiiimks 1014 11UTrnu.Mi1.iv
Tiikrn TharMliiyi. Hint Saturdays, dv-livi-rccl
l'ric!uMiiii Mmiiliiyi.; iv it
gallon ordi r to
M.W.GATTON Kil'tt:
Houses For Rent
Located In
Peterson's Cijjar Store
Cochran lilocU
Jers y Street,
St. Johns
O. I', .MI'.KKII I.
Faulk & Merrill
Coal, Hay, Grain,
Ground Feed,
Paints, Oils and Building
Phone Hast 713
University Pork, - 9i58n