St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, February 09, 1906, Image 2

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Pabtlifctd r.itrr rrlAtf
11V McKttOS & TllOKMlVKK.
Hut,ifrlpllnti mln, 11.00 ptr ttt In Jof.
Ailtrrllilnc rlr, 11,00 pr Inch pr month
All tditrtlilnf litllt pa at l Dril of irh
Job Prltitlnr iffoUJ In flfit rUi tl;t.
Ullli (or Job I'rlntlnc ( ni dell vvrj.
All rnmniunltttlont iliould b JdrMfd to
TBI BTlw, Ht. J ohm, Orfon.
THit KitVlHW U entered nt tt office
hi Snlnt Johns, Oregon, " mnll mutter
of the neeonil class under the Act of Con-
Kfutwof March j, 1879.
School News
Tills is the doting week of the
Unit. I'upiU tire being examined
in reading, grammar, spelling,
L'eonrni) iv. tistorv ami nr unmet c
l'j to this time the for piomotion to the next higher
HACK in the snowy climate of
Dtilttth, Minnesota, the question of
the mother-in-law has been defi
nitely settled
mother-in-law hus Ik-cm abused she class
has ken ridiculed in sonK and "'I"'" "" 'mv-' rvcctvwl an
, ,. , average of Ms ter cent both in the
sioiy: s nc ocim spur nc- y w e ,,,,.,;. ...illations , j daily
Kod and condemned by the wicked: uork nw t.xcsi fn fii t.xa,.
she has been tossed with gladsome nations and are promoted as honor
glee from the daughter-in-law to ary.
the .son-in-law-and then flung 'INie new term m.'us next Mon-
wiv. uii mm iiuy new iiiiiui.t win
Offlclil Ktwiptptr of lbs CII7 of St. Jokni.
Phono East OtOO.
I'KIDAY. . . .1MJ1HUJAKY 9, 1906
IT docs not become manly upon
the part of any seti-farlng man to
apply the epithet of "coward" to
any of his colleagues who refuse
to rush into danger to save life: yet
that is what is being done to Cap
tain Cousins and others because
they failed to rescue from the Val
encia those who were still living.
It was Josh Millings who once
sarcastically remarked, "I' v notised
that them as ar always tetllu what
they'd of dun ii they'd been tlinr
never git thar." It Is not a diffi
cult task,
the awful
dieil away, for other officers to re
count Instances where they have
rushed in and .saved lives and
have fought with the elements and
come out. victorious In just as wild
storms an that which crushed the
Valencia. Vet it comes with ill-
grace to assert that those captains
who refusal to risk
Now all is different -in Duluth.
An old woman has Ik-cii unearthed
who Is so much of a model that
each of three sons-in-law are after
her to adorn their homes! Last
Saturday the three held a council
of war and tried to form a board of
arbitration for her possession: but,
pshaw I before they were done there
was a rough house and shooting
followed. Where the m.-i.-l. will
make her home now will not be
known till the men get out of the
Talk not to me of awful hnte
When men will Unlit nml claw
l'or the Mnipte satisfaction of
Supporting mothcr-ln-lawl
Till? Kitvutw has received a
number of nicely written letters
le received, the pupils wilt be as
signed to their new classes, and
book-lists will be given out.
The following honor roll gives
the name of those whose K-rcen-tage
enabled them to gain promo
tion without examination.
(TO H 11)
Josie Voting, Loin Herald, Ches
ter Massey, Maude Peterson, Lola
Walker, I?va York, Hessie Philips,
Abbie Graves, Melvin Iloyle,
Arthur C. Clark, Jessie Hanks,
Flossie Ogdcn, Clyde Teeling.
(TO 8 A)
Anna lirice, Howard Jlricc,
Arthur Carlson, Hazel Knight,
Wyun Manning, Hcrtha Merrill,
Palmer McVicker.
(TO 7 !)
Gladys llredesou, Myrtle Hrodahl,
Hessie Hughes, Amy Lavilette,
Valkyria I.arsen, Agusta Madison,
Charles Stutter.
(to 7 A)
Gertiude Haldwiu, Clarence Con
roy, Hazel Couch, Louise Plan
. . . f 1.1 tit... ... I... It. .
now tlial tile Horror ol 'nim woiiiii-iikc-io-im: cniinmaics
.. . . r.. ........ ..n; ..1..!...- 1. ..if "vi i ......
disaster lias SOIIiewnai Mine unite.-, tmiiniiiiiiK nun , ,.r. K en Hnt mwnv. Anna Heat'-
tones mm jK-digrees, and also a re- eney, Lillian Oihus, Inn Peterson.
ipiest that the same be published.
As no check accompanied these
epistles they are not noticed. There
was a day when a printing office
was a public snap, but that day has
gone by. Any one who is wilting
to sacrifice himself 011 the altar of
the lives of public opinion .should be wilting to
thuir crews are cowards. True, he
who seeks to aid wlieie there is
greater probability of saving life
than of losing his own, Is manly
and courageous: but he who re
fuse to v act when those con
ditions nie transposed is 110 i-owntd.
Suitors mid officers ate not cow
aids. If one commander refuses to
subject his men to what he believe
is certain death, and another com
inauder believes differently mid
actually saves life, it is not to be
declared that the fust mail is a
cowiiid or the other a hrnvc man:
it Is meiely a case wheie each com
mander is allowed to be judge of
what he deems most cxcdicut.
It is eiuel to stigmatize a 1111111 a
cowmd because he lefuses to lisk
his ciew's lives wheic the chances
of death me too gieat. And it is
for nveiy man to be his judge as to
what is his duty,
SKVKKAI, who have rcgistciwl
leceutly have been shocked by the
inipiihitivenn of the legisteiiug
nllicois when the iiuestioiiof "What
political p,uty uio you a incmlicr
of?" This impiiry should not be
construct! ah an am out 011 the hiit
of the official. It is one of the ie
iiiiieineiitKof the new law, and
p.iy for it. That's what Tint Kit
vniw is here for. It's only stock
in trade is publicity. And it has
that to sell.
ON I? million visitors willprosjK-ct
Oiegon dining the coming summer.
This is one of the ic.stilts of the ad-
vet lining done during the fair last
summer. Still there ate .some
K-ople who say advertising does
not pay.
IT is said that transcontinental
liueswill inaugurate n $,io rate for
cairylug tourists from New Vork
city to the coast and return during
thecomuiliig summer.
The uieiiibers of the Pott of
Poitlaiid coiumissiou should bear in
mind that they were apxititcd by
the governor. Their attempts to
put a lew nunc livets in the iron
I mi i n I that Oiegon has worn for
years will undoubtedly be leinein
k'usl by those who have the wel
fate of the state and community at
heuit. Miut be some iolities in it,
(To 6 II)
Ernest LiiKpiist, Ethel Thayer.
(to 5 it)
Harry Hughes, Eugene Thur
mond, Albert Wrinkle, Prank
Carlson, Ralph Carlson, Hessie
(to 4 ii)
Clifford Peterson, Jessie Ilerald,
Clara Rutherford.
An Alnrm Prom Old St. John
Motel Call Crowd.
It was three o'clock Monday
afternoon that smoke was discovered
in the upjK-r rooms of the St. Johns
hotel on Jersey street and nn
alarm was on ck'lv turned in. The
fire company was promptly on the i
scene but not until a bucket bri
gade had done iu best to quench
the f bimes.
Ready hands quickly removed
the furniture from the front rooms
on botli Moors aim bill little ot it
was injured in the removal. And
when the two streams from the
hose were directed into and upon
the building the flames quickly
subsided and the damage was
The property is owned by wag-
eticr Hrothcrs but the hotel is con
ducted by Mrs. M. J. Cameron who
sustains the loss by smoke, water
and inconvenience. The building
itself is a mere shell, and had the
flames once obtained a foothold it
is presumable that the buildings in
the whole block, as well as the
oiock to tlte norm, would nave
gone tip in smoke. The breeze
from the south was not severe
but the flames would have added
to the force and the fire would hav
been disastrous.
Some time ago a fire was dis
covered about the same chimney
but it was extinguished and the
fault was remedied so it was sup
posed. Mrs. Cameron liau no
knowledge of this fire tilt told by a
boarder but she remained very
calm during the whole trouble
The entire damage to the building
will not exceed $200 and is covered
by insurance. Mrs. Cameron's
loss is not so much but her incon
venience by water and disarrange
inent of her goods was very tin
of the eiiteitaiiiment to be given in
M. W. A. hall Priday evening,
February 16, by the ladies of the
Coiigiegatiomil church:
Piano solo Miss Delia Voting.
Reading Jack Douglass.
Vocal solo Miss Kthel Horsmaii.
Reading Mrs. Downey.
Piano duet Mrs. and Mrs. Voting.
Vocal solo Miss Kitty Douglass.
Reading Miss May Shepard.
Male quartette Messrs. Gee, Storr,
ouug, Horsmau.
Reading Miss Otterstead.
Vcnral duett --Mcsdamcs Hartel mid
Piano solo -Miss Rowland.
Reading Miss Pntilk.
Vocal solo Miss Holland.
Reading Miss I'aith VaiiAukeu.
Vocal solo Miss P. Horsmau.
Reading P. J. Warren.
Cornet solo Miss Reach.
O. P. R. A. Mesdaines Chambers
mid Voting, Messrs. Storr mid
Is Ik-conilm; n Most Beneficial and
Remedial Agent.
It cures Rheumatism, Lumbago
sciatica, Nucralgia, Headache
Indigestion, Constipation, Catarrh
Hrouchitis, Asthma, nnd'ninny cliro
tile troubles that have not yleldec
to drugs.
A trial will convince you.
Dr. J. Jay Wiggins, Osteopathic
riiysician, of Portland, may be con
suited at the Central Hotel parlors,
nt. Jolius, 011 1 ticsditys and batur
lays. Residence Phone hast 1183.
Ilccuiisc Height costs them $1.69
vt bundled by rail and towns 1 2
mile distant tuy .17 cents for the
the legisteiing officials aie ic.uired Lame weight, delivered by
the hufciucss men of Keuuiwick, on
the upper Columbia, have sub-
sorilk-d $.t5oo to clear the channel
mi that boats can laud near that
hiihtliug buig.
Souk one, we believe it was the
late Col. Pat Doiiau, desciilK-s a
It) nn iv out its niovisions. The
new older of legislation also pio
videi that "No jk'oii who is not
a qualified elcetor and a legisteied
iiiuiiiIkt of a Mityjiiakiug its iioiu
iiuitioim tinder the piuvisions of
thi law khall Ik.' qualified to join in
signing any etition for nomination,
or to vote at said pi hum y iiomiua-
A Wedding.
The ladies of the Kvaugelieal
church will give their animal pro-
gium at Hiekuer hall 011 Friday,
I'eiiruary ii. 1 ney will nave a
sale of goods. Ice cream and cake
seived from one to six p. in. Doors
oK'iied to all. In the evening
tlieie will be a program of recita
tions, vocal and instrumental
music, and will be concluded with
a wetiiiiug alter which ice cream
and cake will be served: 35c will
be the charge for the entertainment
mid lefresliiueuts.
Nicely Arrnnijed.
1 he new dciosit boxes nt the
Peninsula bank are now ready for
the renters. The safe Is a beauty
ind the boxes will prove a great
convenience to nil business men.
The interior of the bank office
has taken on n new air since the
irrival of the safety vault and
those who have not seen it should
call and inspect the place. Those
who nave any nuortaut paiK-rs
cannot afford to run the risk of
keeping them in insecure places
and as the numlx-r of boxes is
limited it behooves nil to hurry
their requisition for 11 box.
PouinleJ Deaf Mute.
Portland pajK-rs had an account
ot the frightening ot two girls last
Saturday evening at Portsmouth,
intimating that the man was to
blame. This is an eiror. The
man is 11 deal mute, has a familv.
There will Iw n musical and
literary entertainment given in M.
W. A. hall, Priday evening, Feb-
ruary ift, under the nuspices of the
l. attics Aid of the Congregational
."liurcli. This is your chance to no
mtl be entertained fully. Do not
forget the dutc as it has been
hanged one week sooner than ex
pected. February 16.
Secretary. They should alt Iks tagged
or eUe compounded.
The grain fields cast of here ate
iKvoining tinged with green. This
is one of the sights that tickles the
visiting fanner from the east.
IM !. I I . .
1 111: uiiis weie uuMiicucki ov ills
actions and lie was Kuudcd: but.
upon investigation, it was found he
was oiameiess aim 111s onuses were
healed by a salve of cash to pre
vent a suit for damages. Mr.
lute 1kws an excellent leputa-
St. Johns now has about .',500 Lty, Jersey sheet
ieidonts. Pour years ago it had
about joo. How many will it have
a year hence?
to have the lest in our line. Give
us a trial. The Hostou Home ltak
piomotor as "a man who has every
ting election, and 110 iwimiii shall be thing behind him and not one damn and lives at Herkcley street.
qualified to s.igu any nomiiiutiiiu cent in fiont of him." Right now
iwtltlon of any other pilltid juity Oregon has quite a number of this
foi the pi unary nominating ulection gentty wandering through the
than that with which he is legis
tcied as a member."
A Pottlaud paper has Ik-cii ut.iug
eoimideruhlo sMee of lots in framing
a jKilitiwd state for St. Johns. Who
is doing the woik or wheie the in
foimatioit in obtaiunl s a mystery.
Theie is nothing at all doing in a
iwliticnl way in StJohns. livery
body in attending sltictly to Iium
uiMaud letting the futuie take
cate of itvlf. Then- may Ik a
time when the eitv will need advice
u to who khall and who shall not
eampow its city government, but
that time has not m lived. Let our
kuhuihmi ueighbois take eaie of
the mixup in its own municipal
affaiis and St. Johns will attend to
the selection and election of its own
THIt piiumry law may coiujh:1
i-audidattss to go a trifle deeper into
their KHJkets to gain the desired
end and prove uiisitisfaetorv to
them in inoie ways than one. but
the rank and file seem to be satis
fied with its workings. This is the
history of the status where the law-
Keeps In Practice.
I'he big dredge Chinook that has
been lying nt the uovernment
Nation opposite St. Johns for nearly
1 year gets up steam once n mouth.
When asked why this was done one
of the workmen said: "We steam
up and start the machinery to see
that it is in goo.l workinir order.
No one knows nt whnt moment the
lHat may lw ordered out. Just to
I'he iK-st is none to good for the ptart a fite it takes seven tons of
jK-ople of St. Johns. We claim to coal, and that amount makes quite
W. E. SWENGEL, The Harness Maker
We UM. the old fash
ioncd genuine Oak Tan
California Leather. Vir
Ik-sI obtainable. Gives
long, faithful service.
Trimmings jwrfect.
Thread, Irish Linen.
My work is alt hand
sewed: and it is seldom
that a stronger or more
durable harness can 1
found than tho I bun
dle. We make n sjwcinlty
of repair work doing it
neatly and satisfactorily.
One trial will convince
you that we do pleasint:
IA r C:AACMriri TacomaStreet
Johns, Ore.
uni.t -in vnti tmicnTicr cr innwc Dcrrrn t hu nv vi.mmiiui: 11 1- ui-vii-ur kact m vnnn rm,.,. .
hum win iuu nuibniui, . ivbn miLnU)
A Heavy Deal.
M. L. Holbrook bus recently
closed n deal whereby he disposes g
of noo feet of water- rout or i.00.-
Commltlce Appointed by the School J ooo. This is the largest transfer
am Anrisi 1 1 xt.
Hoard Investigated
W H. King and T.J. Monahan,
the committee appointed at the last
meeting of the school board to in
quire into the availability of the
funds left by the late James Johns,
will at the next meeting make their
I?d Hronaugh, one of the trustees
of the funds, informed the com
mittee that the estate was not
settled and closed up as it should
have Ik-cii some time ago. Mr.
Hronaugh said had Ik-cii
turned over to the trustees, and
that he thought, all told, about
there was -fSooo belonging to the
estate. He also stated he thought
arrangements could be made where
by the district could use the monev,
and advised the committee to cal
UK)ii Judge Webster.
the judge was seen, and, after
on examination of the case, dictate
letters to Robert Catlin, ndminstra
tor of the estate, and also to II. II.
Nicholas, nttoruev for Mr. Catlin,
revuestiug them to appear and
show cause why the estate should
not be settled up nt once.
Judge Webster requested the com
mittee to keep in close touch with
him and asserted that he would see
that the estate was brought to
final .settlement and the funds
turned over the trustees.
made here to date and shows that
there has been n big upward trend
111 nil values.
While the purchasers of the
proK-rty will put n large manu
facturing plant upon tlte premises
in the immediate future it is the
desire nt this time to have ns little
as possible said about the matter
until all details are complete.
Atlorncy-at-Uw. .
wince: Kooni 9, llreolcn Hull,.
r"F,r Third .! Wanhlngu,,,
mrecu, Portland. 8
KcsWlciice: c.i... ...
Residence: 404 Tncoum Stmt.
Phone Sscott 1309, office Ho).
brook llrlck Illock,rooniiincj
... . .
ol. IOI1I1S. .... n
A Habit To He I:nceiir.iged.
The mother who has nemtired
.. ...... . .
me mum 01 Keeping' 011 Hand a
Kittle of Chamberlain's Cotitrh
Kemcuy, saves herself a great am-
otiut of uneasiness and anxiety.
Loughs, colds and croup, to which
children nre susceptible nre ouicklv
cured by its use. It counteracts
any tendency of a cold to result in
meumouia, and if niveu ns soon as
the first symptoms of croup npiwar,
it will prevent the nttack. This
remedy contains nothing iuiurious
and mothers give it to little ones
with n feeling of perfect security.
Sold by Jackson's Pharmacy.
. bit of work to transfer it into the
..... .1 1..
ais nie nougiK at valentine s.
Hertha Hambisba, of Pottlaud,
has Ik-cu a guest of Lilly Jones, of
Point View.
We guarantee our bread: six
loaves for aje .'5 for ?t : at Hostou
Home Hakery, Jersey street.
For the utst two weeks, Ida,
daughter of Mr. and Mts. Jumes
Jones, ol roiut View, has Ik-vu tin
able to attend school. La gripjv.
1). K. Hrodahi'sgrccuhousc at the
Heights will Ik ready to supply St
Johns with jnit plants, flowers and
rases by Feb. 15. We solicit your
ivitrouage. D. 1?. Hkoiumi..
Mrs. Kmimi VnnCealer, of Soap
jKKwe. and Mrs. G. W. CotTman,
of Ceutralin, Washington, were
llfllt4.tlJ ftlt2. ...... t tl.
i.,.c UU. ..: f..: 1.1.. ,. " " uieir
. , " " sister Mrs. Jutucs Jones, of Point
trial. View.
Hazehvocid Rcstat rant.
1;. P. Tognini has once more re
arranged his lbuelwHHl and is
now open as a full-fledged restau
rant and short order house. From
eleven to two he furnishes a mer
Smoking is a plcasuic if the cin- chant's lunch and from five to
C. K. Palmer has bought him
self a small farm in Noith St.
For Sale.
100 cords of wootl ereen. drv
and mixed. Also sooo cedar twsts.
Orders socicited. J. 1?, Williams.
Phone Fast 6399, 819 Kellogg
stteet, St. Johns.
Marching To Us.
"In n week or ten davs the van.
guard ol the army of eastern home-
eeicers will reach the coast. Then
00k out. There will be somethim?
oiug in the real estate line." The
above remark was made bv a wel
known realty dealer the first of the
week. No doubt St. Johns will be
visited by many of the prospectors
for a new home. They should be
met with a warm welcome am!
every courtesy shown them. One
ot the redeeming traits of the
Seattle boomer 111 Ins hospitality.
.iui .ir. cmie is wmeiv and favor
ably known it behooves all Oregon
tans to imitate their neighbors in
uie norm.
Belter do.
I lie Royal Neighbors nre pre
paring for n pleasant time Thurs
day evening, February 15, nt M.
W. A. hall. There will be a short
program followed by n dance. Good
music. Price of tickets for every
body, 35c inch.
Joseph AlcChcsncy, M. D.
Ofilco In Holbrook Illod
bl. JOHNS, . . ORCQ0N
At .Methodist Church.
Rev. F. L. Vouug, pastor.
Services next Sunday:
Sunday school at ten o'clock
Mrs. C. h. I hurston, superinten
Preaching and baptism of child
ren nt eleven.
Preaching at seven thirty.
l'h)lclan and Surgeon,
KCHlilcilCC fhonp Knill i,,
UIIICC! llollirook't N'cu- Ilrirk Mt
Kcmiicncc, at. olin Hotel.
of Wrhik
St. John,
rckltlence. I'lionc.
eigm gives a regular dinner at 35c
including pie, pudding and
coffee. It will pay to try him
A DiisiKAtii.t; Tuna nt wanted.
Rent reasonable. See agents, Shep.
am ami uoine, at. joints, or. tele
phone owner, Dr. Amos, Portland.
United l:aiHielical Church.
Rev. H 1?. McVicker. mstor.
Servici-s next Sunday;
Morning at eleven. Subject:
"The Messing of Tithimr."
livening at seven-thirty. Sub
'NjIoiuoh's Temple." Illustra.
tetl lecture.
Baptist Church.
Rev. 1?. A. Leonard, pastor.
Services next Sunday:
Sunday school at ten.
rreaciuug at eleven.
(lo Hy Boat.
For Portland and way points
... . .-. .
uikc steamer uazelle at public dock.
We Are Growing, Also, A11J This
is 1 lie Reason.
uuu " i cook stoves S7.s0:
.in Hum neaiers M,5o: 0-foot ex-
t ...1.1 .... .
itiiniuu moies .50: s-toot exten
sion tables 5.00; kitchen cabinets,
I the $. $o kind, $2.5o: large arm
jrockers i.wood, cane or cobbler
I seat) $2.00: high back dining room
1 chairs 65c: iron beds, any color or
1 size. $2.35: wire springs $1.50:
uressers, imitation oak, $7.50. Old
furniture taken in exchange
Goods delivered free to St. Johns.
J -Mcuratn. Oft .orth Third
sireei, oeiweeu Davis and I-verett:
.lani 2007.
Undertaker ami limlmlnicr
Night ofllee iooj Ovvgo nt., St. John
Zcllcr-Byrncs & Blackburn Co.
Undertaker and Umbnlnnr
209 Jcncy Street
l'or jMrik-nliiri. Impiire of C.i-orgc Pack-
IIIKIMIII, MVTiy kt., M.JUlllll.
(v11cr.1l llhickmnithlne mid Kciulr-
Ing. HorviMKMiliig 11 ntK-clnlty. All
worn Wiiirintcil.
Cor. Ivunhoo and Tncoma t., St.Jolpu
HolbriMik block, ioj South Jersey
utrct-t. Phone Union 383,
vuiu jgiiiu . . Oregon
l-lotlilng cleaned, iiroied mid
We (lufnft o I'Icim
C T. Ilolcii. 816 WllUmcllt Itoukurt
b. Yt . liokn, Jilt Tkr SUttl
lUKd. I. A1UU
t I . .A
iiimiiiiucvut I'.iuruiirc hi rru
jo iiiosc wanilttg work none is
..... .,MV, VM.
401 juconm street, uircc uiocu
west of the cur truck.
Carpenter & Dolbow
i'iHiHrHN iipiv iimw iu anil l.
Hiitifiivvii uinikifoj -
Union 6797,
1 11 w care pro"pt"css
..miv iiuiucs h sieciai(y,
Oltt l'otofncc lluihling
ainijonns . . Oregon
Chicago Roomlnj: House.
Oool rooms from i a uwl- ....
Corner Chicagooml Ivanhoe streets'
Ol .1 l...ln'il
illlUII 1ILML 1U tltttl.t'H w
St. Johns,
Saint Johns ...
I'uet furnUhed, either stiort or
long. Drajiug nml team-work
of every kind, Prompt sen ice.
Tenns reasonable.
.u.l I.. All., nm l'l-TfltW1 ir
I -J - ,
Comer Jeny ami Catlin, ST. JOHNS
Goodrich & Goodrich.
Saint Johns and l'ortlaml. nr.nn MDC M1DV WOlfiHT
. --ft -1 ntiu mnrv -
House Mover and Rrpil"'
nouses inoveti. rui .
. - e -11 frtK.
1 ruiiiiiL &c:r lire. 1 ijuuiw .
Ivanhoe and Cathns treeU.
Hast 6189.
Saint Johns
Alet Promotion.
v-naries llai ev. who lir
I'reaching at seven-thirty.
Topic "The Good
All are inviteil.
Leaves St. Johns at 0:1s a. m. and w,, tlle St. Johns Land Comnnnv-
f:5 1- m.: arrive Portland ( Start r a year mst. as clerk. um
street dock) at io:oo a. in. and "lo1 this week to chief of tt,
7: co p. m. wivisioii. t fie interest of L. H
.nipman was purchased by M. L
Paul Rice is home from Seilro. Holbrook, and Mr. HaiW
Wooley and at work at the Pcnin-, P11 ' charge. He is a narticn.
.. w. ..u.v , v.u.,... Hum iiiia 1 vureii a position witli Olds, Wort-
man vV kiiht
Keep Your Eye On St. Johns.
Crown and Bridge Work a
Rooms 1 and I, Holbrook Block, St. Johns
Teacher of Voice Culturt
aad Elocution
jwstoffice tor rales, cu.
Mitrlinninn street
&OO Lot ;oxlOO. near slirll,,,,,
fc6o Lot 40x131, fence.1; beariiiL' trees: I
(Vnlnll 0 '
f 375 Lot lOOxIOO. corner
40o-Lot 50x100. central, ;J5 cash: fio
fSSO Lot .UXlSl. l.mun hm.o
fijoo Iot joxioo. 6-room house, uear
mvijii. icruiii.
J1350 Lot 50x100, 6-room houseon Blvd.
Ji5-Lot 25x100, cloe in, business lot.
c- -1 inn 1 Mini. r
delivered anywhere on
Peninsula. The best wo
nr,lurc nmv lw Iell 31
w . v. x. . .1 ... " - - - ,
ue ev's Market or
East 207.
Piniisiia FNd and FNi