St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 26, 1906, Image 4

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Bonham & Currier
General Merchandise Cochran Block
55 St. Johns the Center of Attraction
Now is the time to invest. In the spring iti
vestors will flock here and prices will double.
7, We have a few Lots left at $200.00
Htisiiiiss I'roKTty I.ots . . . 550.00
j Lots with alleys ... 400.00
3E W. H. King Land Co., St. Johns.
ickner Brothers
Department Store
All Goods Sold at Portland Prices!
A ViiotiR Lnnyrr'n I'lril Cnae,
Judge Jnmei J. Hanks, the well
known Denver lawyer, Is u native of
the south. It was Id Illrmliighnm,
Aln., tlmt be bung out tilt lit .st shingle.
Tor a long while Judge llniikn .111 1 In
Lin office nnd wondered what n lav.'
client looked like. He would rend nnd
study to pass tlie long hour nwny.
Every tlmo lie lienrd footsteps In the
ball ho would straighten up, nssumo nn
air of knowlclgo nnd wait, only to tie
disappointed, One day an old negro
wouinn cntercil his olllce.
"In yo' do tawynli man?" she asked.
Judge Hanks linuicdlntcly wax all at
tentlon. This surely was n client He
answered In the nlllrtnatlvc.
"Well, snl," said tlio old wouinn, "Ah
wants ter nx yo' advice. Now, yo' see,
Ah owe rent on 11111 house. Ah knln't
pny hit, en do lau'lord suy he gwlno
put mo out ne.t' week of Ah doim fotch
round do cn&h. What's Ah gwlno ter
do, Mlitnh Lnwynh Man'"
Judgo Hanks gave himself over to
deej) study for n inouient; then ho told
-a few-
The Mm
" " V
ICtwV u Inihc (dock of (Icuenil Mfirliiiudio, iiii'ltnliiiK Dry (JooiIh,
HonU nml Shotw, (Iniieiien, llniilwuie, Houho I'uiniidihigM,
I'Vcd, i:ie. In fuel ovoiyllilng. 'I'lieir I'licus mu
light. I Ion 'l waste your jmu going to
I'uillniid, Iml como in mid h;o nur
hlotl; nllll plirVN.
I Remember The Big Department Store
j! Corner .luixoy 'Sheet mid llinmhvny
g Ht. John, Orogon
Appeal To Adertisers.
. .
l now couitciiipmie oixmmg a
lnirenti for the propagation of tes
timonials. I will create these to
order for anv hue of business at
Work of n nearer Colonr,
If the beavers continue their work
on a dam across tho North Fork Just
above tho bridge across tho, river cast
of Hotchklsa they will ultlrantely
cause sovernl thousand dollars worth
of damage to property In thnt vicinity
when high water conies In the spring.
At present the little fellows have near
ly twenty feet of their work complet
cd, and tho water is rushing against It
without appreciable dainngo.
Mr. Thomas Ulackwell, who has
1phh. on tho Mctcalf property, wrote
to tho state game warden asking what
can be done about the matter, tho law
nit nlliiwlnir beavers to bo killed. The
witi-ifon renlled that the beaVCID be
longed to tho state, but a permit could
be granted for ?1 to kill ten or twelve
heavers, provided they were doing
damage, but that tho pelts must bo
carefully prepared and Bhlpped to the
warden for sale, whereupon one-half
of the proceeds will ho returned for
the "trouble" In catching tiieni.
A dam such as the beavers build
will back tho water up on to the Met
reasonable prices and guarantee to calf property and wash away a large
pleuse the most prurient of partial- pirt of the ploco. liesldes that the
Inr people. Here are a few samples beavers arc cutting down a large num.
Co other simples
1 erms will be cash
1 -
or wuat 1 can
on application,
in advance.
Dear Doctor; I'doii nrrivliiir
home I found that von had vaulted
I . . . . 1
out uie oniy two .sound teeth I had.
her of trees now on the place, and, sit
anted no near town, the growth Is of
some value.-North Fork (Kan.) Times
Jettelrr Without Owner.
"Do you know," naked a prominent
man In the Jewelry trade in .Miinieii
"that there are thousands of del-
It s a Mire thfmr tlmw iu-vit'II nnlw Inne,
but it's them pesky ones that do ll,M l,,nP hundreds of thousands,
aclie tliat bo I , lt JT 4 1 nil I w"r,h of w'",, I i,09""'
rn ... , ,, .? 1 I" the safes nnd safety deposit vaults
come do vn and have you pull 'em of ..i,,,,, nml jewelers?
or could I drive 'em in? "These valuable articles consist el-
"inn All done inurri:i homktiiinT
the old woiiiau that, with duo process
JOHN AKI'.INO. thor of Jewelry left to be repnlred nnd
Dear Mr. I'atwr I'ddittir- I wnnt wllUh Mcvor ,,c,'n cnlkl for lT
, .. . : owners nnve simuemy ivu uiu mim i
goal idvertissutg uicejuin. Last tM. living without. leaving any record
1 litir.Mlay I lost my appetite; ln- 0f the valuables. Many on executor of
day I put nu ad in your pajer, and n tangled estate will ho glad to get this
.Saturday I etiddent get cnuff to hint.
"Last November I had two relatives
of persons who wero killed In the 8lo
cum disaster Dually trace heirlooms to
me. Ho far ns my records show, my
pntrons left articles to be repnlred, and
shortly afterward tho fire destroyed all
records of the transfer. I am always
repairs, but also because they are re
garded ns hoodoos,"--Nev York Press.
j. r. roi l'
Hrlir In
A. Jll.Z N'li.SflMAN.
t Dear Dock: Your corn cure is nil
right. 1 put some on n soft corn
one night nnd the next morning it
was so hard that I couldn't cut it
with on nxe. The next nh.lit t
of law, tho landlord could be co elled UJI'H! to the hard corn-ami "''!'' rU ot. lpft, m
t glvo her a month's notice. Tho llrst ll-' following nioriiinif I jm,i iult only because wish the cash value of
... ..... 1 r . .. . - 1 mini 1 m itiii niiA nnnnuitii 1 inr nrn rn.
client was iiengiited. or iocs on tlmt foot. I am about
"Well, now, young innn," xhe said, to apply some to my assessment
"Ah'M mlghly much erhllged ter yo. roll and if it reduces that I'll want
Yo' sulilluly es smalil. Oood moliulu'l" four more bottles
"Hold on," came from the young law- Cohnhi m is f'nuvf,u,i
yrr. "Mnven't you forgotten some -OKMtl.ll s U)KM OKTII.
HilngV Dear Doctor: Vour "Ku-)e-iiaM
"Mow's datr nskcsl tho old negress. is a swell medicine. It swelled my
"Did Ah 1I0110 dropped sonielhln'r' liver so that I have twice been tan-
"No." said Judge Hanks, "but my for K,,s y,,,, M, , jt ,
2 .1 P Von "",Ht w "m for livcr.w..rst-b,,t itscenK'd
to me that it struck the weincr
wurst. In fact I am not sure what
Kin 01 me 11 tun work the worst
N the above square you will observe a tiny dot.
Noticed it, didn't you? Now if YOU saw that
little speck think of how all the rest of our
readers noticed it. Then, if vou. Mr. Hue!.,.,-
w "..OIIIV
man, hud placed an attractive announcement of your wares, at
correct prices, in that space, you'll have some idea tlmt it would
have brought you trade. Hettcr try It next week.
LSaLLaLia life "
ff wpjpSVw ftf
HnUltia Illnrk I'M",
A Mnlno fanner who raises nothliig ST. JOHNS WORK
The old negress hesitated; then she
took hold of tho door knob.
"Mlstnh," she said, "All (loan want
yo' olo device. Keep hit. Hat rent
nln't but foah dollahs." And out she
went. Denver Post.
l'rMii IMIirry mill Ownwt 1'ilfn
I'hoiio Union IllOl
Your Banking?
MOW LAUtili,
The Peninsula Bank
will give it en refill attention
upplich to the men and the
This meige
uomeii ulike.
W. I'umiitv, l'ii!dtmt It. V. Vt..rr, Vice Pumideut
C, A. Wotiii, Cii4iIit.
huihI UI44' v.. ii. Uiii,
..1.1. u t.. Hi twir wwtlti ...... 1 .1
W llM I Hlll.1 ,
aUuIuii, Mrth....i 1
I W lx 1. iirw l I.I
.'i.l I.Mltf. H.Hk lTtllu.l...B'
.l ..1 III hlu. Mt ..lllcu.l
WISH HUOS. Demists
IIuiMiiik 1I TI1I1.I mi.l Ui'
llH II . i.Hia llll v l III sin l,v I
l ' III Mum
it I Sill
k Ml
1 Mil
Ml: 11
I'olliwril III l.rnilrr.
The other day. when a question of
order was Involved In a vote In thu
limine Charley IjiihIIs of liidlaua en
tens! tho house hurriedly, Just ns his
mime wax enlhsl, snys the Washington
correspondent of the New York Times.
lie lookisl ti roil ml mid then nskis)
Aehesou of Pennsylvania how (iron,
venor voted. When Hie Peiinsylvaulii
member replied that the snowy beard.
1st member from Olifc hnd voliil In the
nlllrumtlve, Uiudls dld'tJio same.
loiter ICehesoii imluil UiihIIh why ho
did thnt, whereupon Ijindls lold n
lie' said that luiek In the old days
when John Allen of Mississippi was the
wit of the house ho came In one day In
the hiiiiio way and heard hU name
called Just us he entered the hull, lie
nt once trtrncd to old Hilly Hreckln
rldgo of Kentucky mid ticked him how
Tnulbeo from the same state voteil.
"Taulbin voted yea," said itrcckln
ridge. "Yeul" yelleI Allen ns loudly ns he
Some one asked John why he wanted
to vote the same as Tniilhco did.
i.i.i 1 r....i .1....
"in 1 ivri-i inui 1 a 111 a lieu innn
Wife says that anv man wnnl.l lu.
k-tter than I was .so she is pleased
at the result.
but foxes claims to havo dlscoverisl
that the black fox Is not a freak, and
ho Is proceeding to prove this theory by
mixing a black fox from Ohio with a
rod one caught In the Maine woods.
Prom tho cross lie has a pair of Hue
black foxes ten weeks old, and ns these
twins nre not the ilrst he has raised the
same wny he Is conlldeiit Hint hi tlmo
he may bo nblo to replace nil the red
foxes on his farm and nilse for the fur
market nothing hut the ilnest blacks,
whose pelts sell for fi'OO to JINX) each.
Judging from sales mndo In tlie past,
tho four black foxes he has now are
entered on his stock list as worth
Second Door West
of Posloff cc
ST. .101 INS, - - ORI-aON
Located in
Peterson's Cigar Store
Cochran Block
Jers y Street,
St. Mm
Faulk & Merrill
Coal, Hay, Grain, Flow
Ground Feed,
TMt, Oik m4 Buildinf Mtltriih
Phone East 713
University Park,
Dear Doctor: Your hair renovator f im, "V'1 utwU r iI "" '"'
is a lulu. On that bald stxt 011 mv " wire fence sixteen
head , .H ' ' . nnd running down to the
..r.vtM,4MI IIUk uiiiy
ncnii one HDD cat ion nni
brought out the hair but-.secured
for me three boils and a carbuncle.
Aecidently I dropped 11 littli? mi ,1
couple of link .sausages on the
kitchen table and U'fore we could
cook them the next morning we
had to singe the esky things!
our reined also makes a splendid
lumicss diessinir and lmpbi..
hslge, so Hint the sly rascals cannot dig
out. Ho feed the animals nml lots
them have tho full run of the farm,
which looks like n weed garden Willi n
few trees growing In It, but pays n
proilt with Hiniill outlay for labor.
Worcester Telegram. Iilliim,
Wo nro told thnt "bwlad" Is not Irish
Should be looked
after at frequent Intervals. If
neglected you are doing it nu
injustice and it doesn't givt
the watch a show. Cleaning it
is one 01 our seclalties. Reg
ulating is free, of course.
Wilson, the Jeweler,
lacoma m., M. Johns, Ore
' hC'OTT, Pres. Phone III.ACK 31
I!. W. CROSIIY, See'y.
Houses For Rent
SS Portland Jobbing Co. WANTED
the tongue, HAKKV IIakkison. the mere Kaxon Is cheated of his best PlumMns. Oa.fltllns iYL 1 1 LjU
.Mr. urn iractor: Your work is
all right or will lie when I eel
1... il . t r
i nt- mud pi.iueti down, the win
uuetsiotes. ir llio IrWiinan does not
say "iMSliid," begorrah. what does he I
say? if you may not say "bedad" you
may say at every opportunity, "Is It
Slc.imlllllnx. Koofi
flullcr Hie.
Al ll.ik..f.1.1.. II... .... t!t
v....i ' Vt .' may say at every opportunltv. "Is n i. .-inivr, runincciF
.... ,.. ,,,1-y oui ie ojK'iicd, destroywl that ye aroj" A blind wo- """ Tliiwure Kejulml. Quick
uic iloor.s m re-hung that I'll not man Is a "dark" womnii: you must say Service. All Work Oiurau.
IlllVe to OIH.II them With nn nv.. "Whisht" Inslonit of hn.l. xr n 1
. . - ...... ....., ....1, M IVWIli
and some of the liens off. Those answer Is to be wrung from you. N 7 N Fifth St Cor Ankenv
who have M.11 tli,. I.niiw.. ,t....i,., which can uenerallv ho hv.iMiM i ir... 1 1 ,,,n ol rHKeny
they never mv aiiythinu like it ''"",' you Jlut H"' ",t '" r "Ye are" PORTLAND, OREGON
nd 1 agree, with them. Veutila- I ' ".?, .","..c.,!?t: ? !:e.bu,
I a Tuulh lriibirtrf
X Tl'i'w rt? lamulrles and Ituuidries -some
(urn out poor work and some turn mt
I wor,su sometimes get disgusted
with the work that Is returned to you:
I out il you patronize
i The West Coast Laundry !
mh -i.l ill; si'Kli TO get the
J l?t;al,,tl,y ,ro:(;i's'd, this steam laundry Is doing the fin-
1 iii 1 11 ; oncies at Portsmouth and
ersit. Park. Work called for and delivered.
The Hazel wood ,R J. Koerner,
H. I'. I'roj).
Is nu yii-ttt-dale quick Lunch,
Wfar, GHifeotiaimry and KewJ
bland. Tlio Coluhrated llanel.
wotul Cieaiu and Hutter kept
in htgek.
Ooruor Jersey St. and Broadway
St. Johus, Orofiou
"Well." drawhsl tho nrlint,.. "I nl
wit) do that. Taulbec Imiks just like 1)0 a Kl house to sell bv mail.
my colonel In the wnh, an' 1 fullered C. I)r Wood
him nil through nml never got Into any , . , ,
trouble." , Mr 'Ker: Your bank paid uie
oeiter intcust uiau uny I ever iic
ju.i I. 11.. .........1 tv-iivu 111 1 uui two uunrts nf mi
" . , ...... , - - - ..., ... .,,-,,1111111. 111,1V
J, WeHton of Oxfonl couutr. Me.J rom 01l' I'ank and put in a bae. ever, It has just been deeldwl thnt n...
tell the following xtorv of a nelirhW I hat same uinht at 1 :m :i in l tooth still belongs to tho limn iiflnr K
of Id who had tin misfortune to fall saw a "Dippy Plug" come out of a lm8 left hls Jaw' dfntUt coutend-
iruiu 11
uiro everni niw. have ltn ,1.11 .. .. , " mu consent of Its lumllani !,.
After n long nnd tisllomi Illness he Ln I l.ii 1 .. .1. . .' ... cttI11 owuerless and derelict, nml as ti,
The cithens of St. John to knovvt 1
imve n mine mute In tliucttv. run
milk delivered at )niiriloor(orii
uiouiii. Additional (puru at ;c.
Taken Thumlay and SatunUyi.i
iivemi I'rmays ami .iioiuiiijy: i
gullon, SciulorJcrito
U lif f ATTTAII (Icncral DtKi0.
in. ff.Urtl I Ull SI. Johni, OnfM
It I well known that n eorjise Is not
1'rupiTi)-, uiii wuat niHiut nu extracted
tooth? So far as we know tin. nnit
has not arisen In tho courts of this
country. .t Hern. In Oeininny. how-
Not.ce is hereby given (hat nt the
meeting of the Council ot (lie
City of SI. Johns, Oregon, hel
on the 8lh day of January, A,
II inn .1... f i, . .
iuu, ui. lunuwing resoi i
Hon was adopted:
n rieaffold In Ids tmrn and frnc place in North Portland that should wl "",t 0 r"' cvlc,pd from oectipauey
overal ribs. mve lKvu cla-cd at 1 : 00 a 111 nnd U' ruU wn8e"' Us landlord be.
'r a long and tedious Illness he so I hit him on the "coc, ' ! Ctt"l? 0,tvuerlt,S8 " derelict, nml as the
roposed to keep It tuv St- JoIiiia. Oregon, decnn, it ex-
1 wishes! to have It. C ! i , a".'1 IiroI0kW improve Crow,
won rati Mnii n 'V.ri,,,rcct iro" "ie wecrly line ol
won. 1 ail Mall Oa. ,'ituburg street to the easterly line ol
was able to walk around, ami he want
ed to nhow 11 friend how he met with
the accident. They went to the tmrn.
mid he laboriously climbed to the ncnf-
"I was staudlng right here nml start-
ed to cross at Just this place." he said,
"and wheu I put my foot 011 this board
down 1 went aml-taruatlon bhuoa,
here 1 go again."
It Is mvilless to say that the "lust
utate of that man was worse that! the
An Intuit rrrttU,
It Is recalled that tho most touching
farewell MVtie which Sir Henry Irvine
! had was In Cardiff. After Hie play had
concluded ttwj Welsh ontliuliu:x broke
out Into tho hymn "dod He With You
UIII We Metit Again." Surely never be
fore la tho annals of the stage has an
nctor Ikhu gnvUsl thus with a hymn
It was a remarkable sight, sir Henri
standing reverently on tho stugw listen,
lug with bowed luatl to the sacred
OJig, charged as It was with uffectlou.
ate retard. Western Mall.
St. Johns Market
L DO.NSCLLV, l'rvpWl.
The Mouse of Qualjt"
nm 011 the "coco" with
your sum imj.. interest: $3,
one .shirt Mud stxirkler. a
gold baud ring, one yellow ticker
and n 1 owcr Albina transfer.
C. Mini St.i ooi M.
My Dear DiKtor: Your niul.t..n..
Hivilcr came all right. I mixed h
particular tooth In question was curl-
uiimy sunpisi ne proposed
mu me patieiit also
mul the patient has
ltit.soi.vitn: That the Council of the
Notice is hereby given that at the
mcetiRftf the Council of At
. Cky ot St. Johns Oregon, Mid
PR the 8th day of January, A.
D. im, the following f m
(ion was adopted:
Brlcandt at Italy.
That Sicilian brigands are still living
Un to their nu.l.vlr.i.. n.i .
. , . . ....i.v ll.lllllHIIlS is
as duectwl bin fear that I put in n"'' bJ" following bit of news
to wit UCCl '"llowhi manner;
l . . a a
io esuiiiun the necessary grade foj
iving and to improve said Crawford
reel, lay side walks, trade, elr. .Sal.l
improvement to be made in accordance
Rusolvkd: .That the Coancil of
City of St. Johns, Oregon, Urtawnw-
Iietlient und proposes to Improve n1,
urg street from the WilUmette Ri
to the southerly line of Crawford rt"
in me lonowing manner, 10 wu;
To esUblith the m-cessary gnw'
Ivinir and to im Drove aid lWr? I
too much vcasL Mv littl.. 'iii!..MW that Island: About n 1.. I street, lav side walks, crude, etc, .50
lias swelled up so that I have l)iiL8.!L"?r V Mnr,'0' "Sicilian of gtnxl 'Sl.0!"!?' Plfi. Tl"1Zd1
forced to dress him
Hubbard for ten
6 12 sic h it has bee
.... . uul ,s now to small.
Miiie is ctrtamly increasing in
sizeand the mere fact that his
uase gives out a sound like the ex
haust of a gasoline engine is doubt'
less owing to the overdose of yeast.
Dear Divtor; The two sets of
teeth ou made for uie are all right
at times although I smvmi i...
other day and the lowtrs struck a
ix.-t iKHHlle while the
sniashctl the glasses of a fat blonde
Wild WW ncl-.'.... n ..
..., ...,llti u juiivxinau Uie
nearest va to a drugstore. Gee
I was almost arrested for mavhenii
I sort of think thev have
hi . w
uuie Because twice tliev l,,,,.
strong- wife uses the lowers to use1
estimates of the City Ungi.
t.l. I " .mw m,,v. .111. w.
.T .. -""! im... o. Il ...I il nlml UMVI
mic 01 uie Heconler "VV o. juu, am, ..v t --.
The cost nl I "" mi rwiHiaics u " r. 1
; to be assessed as
necr, filed in
vutav v 1.1
the office of the KJ
1 ne cw " 1
11 . - , . . . , - v.i.vill im ur asieivii aa .m
iicra lu aenri'ii rnr him m., I ,. . i'-i .l . ., ti,.
iIphi! Iwvli- I..., ,... 1 V . ") me city ciiarter upon the u ,BC -lJ J"""1
2r. r ,r M "'" Kf l Kcnliar . iWeBt from the
nropertv specially and iiecnliarly bene Mid improvement from the M"2
titled thereby and which is hereby de- $ver to westerly side line of J
dared to le all the lots, twrts thereof ford tTnt to Xc P9"1 hi' the S,7 -3
and parcels of land uithV, n t: . ' Ferrv Coninaiiv and the balance ass
Ite !lrom the outside line of each side ol imjwovewcBt to be assent Jv
Mid Crawford street. vided by the city charter ui-on tkef
O-laugb," Tbo numerous itnivv-in.QJ ti, , ,1.. f-.fmt
urn .lMN.K.ut r, .. " . , !."v !!'"'" flmcauous anil estimates ?'" V" :v
- v .? u,aualnS crows ounecity Engineer for the imnmv outside line of each side 01 i
llaakoa ,na the HawkU-,,.
You pronounce tho double "aa" In
naakon like "aw'' In "awful" and the
Mar In Olaf as "laucu." Th t-
tomeU boats
bawk flay.
not tho raven, but
1 -.-.
the tt,,.Inea
the Civ
barg street.
A Jamaican 1 mU u. ... . Mmprov
u..J . . "iSniy Uf provided by thecitv M,: 7".
s.".uovr.ain s Lough Remedy. Remonstrance against he abov
The HsiriBecr's estimate of the J"
"r-'".; ' nai ine tity Recorder of I "u,c louu eos r luc U,J"W'
P Pill- rlf C, ll ,. ' . . . . I.ol.l .. . 1. J. .U .O
directed to iive notice nf n, X A The nlaua. aseciakations and
ement of said Crawfort street as I
e 11a.
of the City' Kagiacrr for he '"jSLr I
tacnt of said Pittsbuni street are BW3
kksolvro; That me tuj rj,
. -Mrs. .Mic lae Hnrt .r . r . n'Wmwritini; with .
I ... . . --- .ataw. ui Llltr I U till VI 9115 lltrll Wlltllll tar ,1..... . a I I III" t lW srvff t IAD1U Ila". alllll 1
eshif. ?"v" t of Cart Service at M? of the first publTca
iwlate , ,UP10"' Jamaica. West Indies Is. "V.10' , iwproVeet i said Wtuburgt-
. I lUIlllS. Vi ,l,.,. ..I.. , . I UV Onier nl lm lnm,. I nmuM k. lb. li rhirta.
mill I J "mi OI1C Inr
I ) and specifications
Umu!iel un application,
done wHh neatnesa and
All work
We take sjKvial care to buy only " Ie ' twice they
the choicest, Gowriiment Iuspcctctl ar5,M,ul and uear,' l)it
Meats so leave us your order for a Ulcy are Sl I
very stronu- wife uses th.
Primfl Rlh Rnsct Mh"P ,hV of her Pi -and Rfme,l for ghs, croup an I'ubiisll i the m t ,C,,yJ Re?ri,e
or anything tu the meat line. Tiiou.v. S,"1'., She has implicit -
J. W. Hanks,
nu.. ii .' 1
Phwt $C 402 H3 Jrey Stretl Keep Your liye On St, Johns.
: . " 11 would not be
milium U P nf 1 ii 1
, jaL,Bo1, s 1'iiannacy.
At This Office.
Neatly printed bool- nf tinted
" Je at tins office.
a4 mj ta . aWirf "
RemoMtacea against the
provemeHt way be filetl n wr" &
the umlersagBed within 15 day l1r
.1.,. .1. c. n.ihlii-atioa
v msw w . .
notice, . 1
Ilv ixl council.
4 CityKeca'
PablistMd !h Use St. Jeins Rcvw
uu-v m. a utU February 1, f t