St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 26, 1906, Image 3

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    the Doctors Say
In their prescriptions, GOES with us.
No Substitution
On the contrary, correct filling in the minutest detail.
Ko customer leaves our store harboring any suspicions.
We have a
to care for, therefore vc cannot afford to trifle with the
public when dealing with them.
Foil Line of Builders' Hardware! :
Shelf Hardware, Ranges, Cooks, Heaters, Oil Heaters, Tin
ware, liiinmelcdwarc, Woodcnwarc, Banner and Oaiiii
Wave Rotary Washers, Wringers, Cable Clothe.4
Unci, Heath & Milligan "Best Prepared
Paints," Wright & Hill's Five Boil-
cd Pure Unseed Oil, Inside
Paints, Creolite, the best floor paint
made ; Chi-Niuncl, Varnishes and Varnish
Stains. Disston and Stanley Tools, Garden Seeds,
Special Mixture for Lawns. Big Assortment of Garden
TooU, Screen Cloth, Poultry Netting, Paint, Brushes, etc., etc.
mwm m w. r-4 s: : mim s: m.m m-m m.-m m -m mzm mim m.m a:vi
... 4
Remodeling Sale!
Xto'i M Suits - 519.75 Alcn's 15 Suits
Xn'i $20 Sulls - 14.75 M n's $0 Suits
Alcn's $8 Suits - $4.95
IIo s Suits nnd Pants almost half vnluc.
The American Clothier
231-223 Morrlton, Corner Flnt Street
Real Estate and
;$tli St. Johns Lots a spc:
rlocnix Assurance Com
of London a specialty in
Scott jioi St. John.
I Dcnninnnn
u.i i uu iiiinii
wivjTirin tit ,- i
1.. - n4IUUlUU1Vl
Jjjjj " iviiui liven,
- xiQo, corner.
JJliGO. f ,1..
... HUHH.1
vixirki . . t
.J ' "ivwu uuusc, ueur
"J I0Q,6.-Toin house on Blvd.
'iiioo. eiosc j, business Jot.
i in hi m Hm
We shall limuiiA
the finest of
i1 ur patrons may
" ever)' case
Full line of all
Met Sundries
& Hornor
t 40Gr tn TM , .
Good seasoned, stove-length
delivered anywhere on the
Peninsula. The best wood.
Orders may be left nt Don
nelley's .Market or phone
East 397.
Peninsula Feed and Fuel Go.
Notice is Iwrcby given that at the
meeting of the Council of the
City of St, Johns, Oregon, held
on the 8th day of January, A
D. 1906, the following resolu
tion was ado, ted:
Kksoi.vkd: That the Council of the
City of St. Johns, Orchil . deems It ex
pedlent and proposes to improve Salem
street from the northerly line of Craw
font street to the westerly tine of Hur
Huston street in the following manner,
to wit: , ,
To establish the reccury grai'c or
paving anil to improve said Salem street,
lay side walks, grade, etc. Said im
provement to be made in accordance
with the Charter and Ordinances of the
City of St. Johns, and the plans, specifi.
cations and estimates of the City Engi
neer, filed in the office of the Recorder
of the City of St. Johns. The cost of
said Improvement to be assessed as pro
vlded by the city charter upon the prop
erty specially and peculiarly benefitted
thereby anil which is hereby declared to
be all the lots, parts thereof, and parcels
of land within a line 100 feet from the
outside line of each side of said Salem
tet" . . .
The Engineer's estimate of the prob
able total cost for the improvement of
said street is (699.76.
The plans, specifications and estimates
of the City Enineer for tlie improve
went of said Salem street are hereby
sdopted. , .
RksolVKo: That the City Recorder of
the City of St. Johns be, and is, hereby
directed to give notice of the proposed
improvement of said Salem street as
provided by the city charter.
Remonstrances against the above im
provement may be filed in writing with
the undersigned within IS days from the
date of the fint publication of this notice.
By order of the council.
j. W. Hanks,
City Recorder,
Published in the St. Johns Review
January 13, 19 and 36, 1906.
When you insure your property
secure only reliable companies. See
tbe pMtwula Batik about them.
Our Local Grist
For best fire insurance see W. H.
Monday, April 2, will be city
.-1v.-1.-uuu in oi, 1 onus.
N. H. Sttitter has been living in
vjLKicy urcen tor several weeks.
1 lie new deposit vault for the
eninsttla bank was unloaded yes
Smoke a St. Johns
A . .. . --0---
Y uunr Oil t ip tnnrl-nt l. HUM.:...
j ...... ,v iiiiv;
1 ne water company commenced
on us new well the latter part of
last week.
Smoking is a pleasure if the cig
ars are bought at Valentine's.
t Another grocery is about to open
11 mi- store vacated uy tlie St. Johns
uroccry iompany.
Guard your property against fire,
Insure with the Peninsula Bank.
Mrs. E. I. Clitic, nf filntln Wnat,.
ington, is in St. Johns visiting her
mouicr Airs. 1. A. Palmer.
Eor fine cigars it will pay you to
call at Valentine's: opposite city hall.
There will be work in T.mirnl
lodge next Mondav eveninir. All
Odd Pellows urged to be present.
fry the "Par Ext'clk'nee"; tl.n
champion cc ciirar: iiihiIl In fit.
Mrs. Maud Smith. whnvu lino.
band is captain of tlie fire-boat, was
visiting the Valentines on Wi'iliii"!.
bating and winter amiles also
good potatoes for sale. See C. N.
Urnascli about them.
Mrs. M. E. Bray ton, of Snokauc.
is guest of her mother Mrs. L. A.
Mckcoti. She will remain for .unnif
Smoke a St. Tohtis eiirur In-st tne
cigar on the market the "White
P. C. Kuapp, of the Peninsula
uniner company, left on Mont av
ujwii a business trip to various por
tions of Michigan,
Por first class and reliable fire in
surance companies see the list at th
euiusuia Hank.
Mrs. Mac Writ-lit sol c Is ntinlls
. . . - . . . 1 . .
in voice culture and elocution. Cull
at resilience 011 Burlinntou street.
or drop a cartl in office.
At tlie Boston Home Bakery Sat
urdayelegant Angel Cake made
y our new baker. Try it.
G. W. Ovcrstrect now lias his
mimbiug shop nicely located in the
loibrook block at ioa South Jer
sey street. He has a fine location.
wc guarantee our bread: six
oaves for 25c 25 for $t: at Boston
Ionic Bakery, Jersey street.
Mrs. Charles Bloom, formerly of
SK)kanc, is now the guest of Mr.
ud Mrs. P. J. Peterson. It is
Mrs. Bloom's intention, so pleased
is she with this city, to purchase
iroperty and build a home here.
Remember! You cannot ouy
finer candies or cigars than the
goods Valentine sells in his neat
W. K. Pettigrew, carcutcr and
contractor, left last Saturday for
Oil City, Pennsylvania. His wife
nd daughter accompanied him to
lis old home but it is believed the
family will soon again return here.
he family is well liked.
Any one wishing to rent a six-
roam house, near business colder,
with fine river view, call at this of
Word comes from Dallas that the
Cone sawmill is doing good busi
ness: in fact, that company is figur-
ng several bills of lumber (or tt.
ohus parties. J.ogs are coming iu
rapidly. Ten new steel logging
cars are to arrive soon, when logg
ing will commence on an extended
scale for commercial purpeses.
Poff cc Carey have genuine Kock
Springs and Cumberland, Wyom
ing, coal. Try it. It burns up
can. No clinkers, no soot, and
cry little ash.
St. Johns Centre. Cliolce lots
only one block from business cen
tre of town, fa,oo and upwards.
asy terms: $25 down $10 per
month. This property has a great
future and at these prices is the
cheapest property iu St. Johus
considering location. St. Johns
,and Company.
The best is none to good tor tne
people of St. Johns. We claim to
to have the best in our line. Give
a wt T ... W W Tl 1 -
us a trial. I ne nosion xiome uuk
ery. Jersey street.
The Methodist Aid society new
most delightful meeting at the
beautiful home of Mrs. S. B. Chip
man on Wednesday afternoon of
ast week. A very pleasant social
lour was enjoyed, supplemented by
delicious lunch of sandwtcues,
salads, coffee and pumpkin pie.
This was followed by a song and a
tour of the large and elegant Chip
man home.
I have the best life insurance
policy to be found m America:
The Union Central Life. The
safest and best at a fair price.
Come in and, talk it over. W. H.
J, B. Schaefer, representing the
old reliable Albany Nursery, is
taking orders for spring planting
for all kinds of fruit trees, berries,
nuts, ornamental shade trees, roses,
etc. Prices reasonable. Reserve
your orders for him. For full par
ticulars address J. B. Schaefer,
Linnton, Oregon.
Reduction in stoves. New par
lor heater, $i.75J secowl hand
heaters and cook stoves at low fig
ures. Kitchen cupboard $3-;
matting 10c per yard; lamps 25c;
opaque shades 40 fall leaf tables
i.5o, McClave's Furniture Store.
202 Jersey street.
Closed Its Dances.
1 lie Narcissus Club gave its
closing dancing party on last Tues
day evening iu Artisan Temple,
Portsmouth. The hall was beauti
fully decorated iu red ami the large
crowd present pronounced it the
most successful of the many enjoy
able dances given by this nomilar
. " -
Everest's orchestra furnished an
unusually brilliant program and
every number was thoroughly en
joyed. Much regret is expressed
at the closing of these dances and
it is hoped that they will resume
them later on.
Charming rinfertaiiiment.
Mrs. Z. A. Licgh entertained the
Dorcas Club at her new home at
Mocks Station, Thursday after
noon, January 18 nineteen of the
members being present -besides
several visitors. Guessing contests
occupied the guests' attention early
iu lite afternoon, prizes being won
by Mrs. A. S. Clark and Miss Zula
A short business session was also
leld, during which plans were dis
cussed for a series of entertainments
which the club contemplates giving:
the first of which, au "I'uclc Sam
Supper," is to be given iu Artisan
Temple, February 22. At four-
thirty the hostess served refresh
1 he members present were Mcs-
names Alucrtson, Brenner, Cumin
ings, Clark, Carson, Faulk, Gil-
man, Iloyt, Hinkston, Hudson,
Hcimstock, Leigh, Magoou, Mc-
Kcnita, McKeen. Kosctistosk. Slat-
tcrlee, Smith, and Miss Zula Faulk.
Visitors were Mrs. C. W. Ransom,
Mrs. II. V. CarjKMiter, Mrs. Baker,
aim Miss l-.tliol Hoyt.
1 he Club's next meeting will be
ncid at Mrs. D. C. Hoyfs Thursday
evening, January 25, when the
members will bring their husbands
and best friends.
With Electric Light
ill your house you have also the means for using ELECTRIC FLAT-IRONS,
the Electric CHAFING-DISH, Electric COOKING DEVICES of all kinds.
These appliances are ECONOMICAL in operation SAFE, CLEAN and
Electricity for Your Every-Day Needs
In view of the increasing demand for installation of our service AT THE
REDUCED RATES, patrons are requested to make application AT ONCE.
Fill out COUPON and mail to us TODAY. Our representative will call
Portland Ghnkkai. Elkctkic Co.,
Seventh and Alder Streets:
Please have your representative call nnd see me with
reference to electric lighting.
Address , . ..
Convenient time to call
Portland General Electric Co.
l-lcct New Officers.
A siecial meeting of the Univer
sity Park Board of Trade was held
at the Artisan hall, Portsmouth,
last Friday evening. A grand re
view of tlie work accomplished
during the past year was given by
us president and other members.
A number of concessions have
been made through the persistent
ellorts of its members but nothing
to compare with what could be se
cured by concentrated action by the
wliolc KMiiusula.
1 ne dooks were otKMied lor new
membership and about twenty were
enrolled. The annual election of
ofheers resulted as below:
J. W. Peddicord, president,
Russell V. Hoyt, secretary.
Dr. Oscar DeVaul, treasurer.
The president after thanking the
members very kjudly for the honor
gave tlie board some very good
advice and timely siiggestious which
were Heartily received uy tnosc
present. 1 he board is starting out
under very flattering conditions for
the new year.
rue loiiowing committees were
then nppolutcd and started out
with their sleeves rolled up to get
what they asked for:
Committee on lights: F. I. Mc-
Kctiua, (chairman): V. G. Dan-
forth, Alex McNamara, J. A. Ren-
shaw and J, M. I.eaxar.
Committee for extension of water
mains to Northern Hill: F. Ket-
chum, A. W. Bagley and M. V.
Committee to secure siicakcrs for
next meeting night to be held at
same place on tlie evening 01 Feb
ruary 12: C. L. Mckenua, Dr.
Oscar DeVaul and Russell V. Hoyt.
A cordial invitation to all.
040000D0000vivv000000000000C 000OK00000000 3
Seventh and Alder Streets
Portland, Oregon
For $22.50 wc will make a suit to your
measure and give you an extra pair of
trousers of the same or different material
You may choose a .suiting from a
black Thibet, a blue Serge or an all-wool
Come in today and see the fabrics.
The drip.
"Before we can sympathize with
others, we must have suffered our
selves." No one can realize the
suffering attendant iuon an attack
of the grip, unless he has had the
actual experience, There is prob
ably no disease that causes so much
physical and mental agony, or
which so successfully defies medical
aid. All danger from the grip,
however, may le avoided by the
prompt use of CliamlK-rlain's Cough
Remedy. Among the tens of I
thousands who have used this rem
edy, not otie case has ever been re
ported that has resulted in pneu
monia or that has not recovered.
For sale by Jackson's Pharmacy.
Ordinance Authorising The
Mnjor Ami Recorder To Mnko
A Contract For The llcller
Lighting Of The City Of Si.
The City of St. John doc nnlithi in
The iniiyor mid city rtvnrdor nf the
Cltynf St. John tiro hereby mithor inl,
einMmt'rcil mid illirctol lo filter Into u
coiitmct ill the niiinv of mIiI City of St.
John wllli tlu- Portland Ci niTiil Hlri trio
Coniviny for the 'tlod nf live yirn
from nnd after UiU ilnle for tho nluclng
mid iimintiilimni'i' of ellit iidilitioiml
iiltcrimting current cnrloM-d nrr t'lcvtric
llnlititof fourteen hundred nuidle miwit
tsu'Ii, lit plitrtu heretofore liqui d iihiii by
the ouiuril of Mild oily, to bo mi for
monthly nt the into of livi' nml JW-U
dollar tfy..vl lor oilondur month for
wit h of Mid tin (iiiiiw, mid in mt'orilmiiH
with the Iitiiih o( thr iNMilim i hurulnffiit
Milmiltlcl to tin council of Mid city by
Mid I'ortliiml (H'litmil Itlii'trlo Coitinny.
I'iimcI thf Council JuiiiiHry 19, 111.
Approved Jmiu.iry ty, i4.
W. II. Kl.NU,
Altint; Mnyor.
lUfonliT I'm Twin.
I'ublUliitl Iu The Hcvlctv Juiiimry 36.
An Ordinance I'rovMlug For The
Appointment Of A Deputy lie-
The City Of Si.
Fhlug Ills Com.
Public Meeting.
University Park Board
Trade will hold a public meeting iu
Artisan hall at Portsmouth Monday
evening, February 12, to which all
are invited. Young men are par
Evangelical Church.
Order of exercises at the Evan
gelical church for next week ;
Sunday school at 10 a. in.
Preaching 1 1 a. m.
Subject; "Pressing Forward."
Junior K. L, C, E. -2:30 p. in.
Miss Minnie McClave, superinten
Senior K. L. C, E. -6:30 p. in.
Sermon 7:30 p. 111.
Subject; "The Man Sent Home."
Wednesday 7:30 p. m,: Llioir
TJiursday 7:80 p. in.: rrayer
We extend u personal invitation
to each citizen of St. Johua to par
ticipate in and enjoy the services as
announced. E. E. McViCKHK,
flo By Boat.
For Portland and way points
take steamer Gazelle at public dock.
ticularly requested to attend as one Reaves St. Johns at 9:15 a. in. and
principal subject considered will be 6:15 p. m.: arrive Portland (Stark
better fire protection and formation street dock) at 10:00 a. m. and
of a Volunteer Fhre Frigade.
Speakers from the city will be
present and a pleasing program
Russki.i. V. Hoyt, Secretary.
7:00 p. in.
Carnation Club.
The popular dances of this Club
still continue but commencing to
morrow (Saturday) evening the
dances will be given iu the M. W.
A. hall iu place of the Bickuer hall.
It is to be hoped that a large au
dience will be present at this
Illustrated Lecture.
On Monday evening, February
5, at the F.vangelical church, there
is to be given a stereopticon enter
tainment of excellence. A series of
.1 n.-..:.. ma., nt riv.
Views 01 Wic 1 aaaiuit " uw p cf,,
ommpnrnti is to be orescnted to- ' '
yether with scenic views and illustra- 100 cords of stove w-ood green,
admission will he dry and mixed.
.iinrwit.ut a contribution will be J- H- WlM.IAMS,
taken 8,f Kellogg street, St. Johns.
f IIotiM.- uud two lot". 11 fiuu buy.
futty IIoum! uud two full loU, fine river
view; Iwrniilu.
Winded IIoiih! mid lot to cost from
fy) to fiuKi. Sjxit ciuli. Miut Im:
11 tariilii.
jtjjj Two loth fo down, Ikdnucv fa a
lot er mouth.
fiS" Mouse and ciht lot a fine buy.
f 15" I'our loU.
I'.iisy terms on h'.I nlxive.
Opposite Sash and Door Store
jhrsi-v sTumrr, - st. jouns
Ifolbrook block, 1 03 South Jersey
corder For
Johns, And
The City of St. John ilow 011L1I11 111
SittTioN 1. The HtH'onler of lliu City
Uf Si. John, in huieby uuthorlud to
niiiolut 11 iH'iHily City Uicordtir for tlm
uuexiired portion of Iiih term of offiuu,
; who shull Imvc nil the Miwern iinivlilwl
1 by the Ch iller of umIi) City.
miction j. llie coiuiKiiiMlluii ot mill
Depuly City Kecorder Mull bu it iKir
mouth during mid turiu; to Ikj jnld
othrr 0lfici.1l MiluricN me ikii ill itd
City or St. John.
Passed the Cimiiell Junuary 19, 1906,
Approve! January 19, UfA,
II. Kino,
Altut; Mayor.
City Kewirdur I'roTyiu,
I'uhlishud iu The Htiviaw Junuary rf,
House Mover ami Urpalrcr
House uiovud, rulsgd uud
uilrul. (Mil Joint ol all kiiuu.
rioiuiit survice, tewinalile elwrMMi.
Saint Jolim
IvuiiIkh: uud Catliii
Saint Julius
Chicago Roumlng lloiue.
Good rooms fruiu f 1 a wuuk up.
Comer Chitaiiaiiil Ivuuhuu itruaU
Saint John
Watchmaker, Jcwcleri,
Importer and Wholesale Dealer
286 Morrison Street, ISfrfttfj; PORTLAND ! o i-i.m. t hi-
KrUtcucc 1'hoiic. Union Vji.
Bon Ton Barber Shop
Office hour.. 9 to 11 a. m., j to j p. m.
I'irst class work uud clean hot towels for
(Kitrous. Hair cutting it
AkciiIi for West Coast laundry,
Jersey street St Johns
(Mice In University I'uiL lliui:Sioir.
No. 186 I. 0. 0. !',
Meets each Monday uvoiilug III Odd
Pel lows hull, at 7:30. VUlturt wrli-omed.
Cm. M. Hull, N. (i.
H. HIHott, S-orctary.