St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 26, 1906, Image 2

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I'uiii.wa r.ttrr rur
An inlatit of Joy a moment of mirth
Thun follow tlic Iwur of vjrrow:
Joy ami frrlef arc kliiK of Hie earth
jvonc- Know wno'ii ruic on uie inurrmvi
Lllli pijitl. flrit of itch
PUrlrIKn nlri, ll.OU ptr Mf la tdrinrr.
Adtrrllilnc riln, 11.00 pr Inrh pr tnonlh
All airiuin(
IIIIU far Jml
All (ornmiinlratloni thooM ! tddrtiird la
Th RTlw, flt. Johm, Orfon.
T..?.Vi"J. A" ""JS "! .,IT" I burned
I iinnut h wh ufiiifii
Tllit Kiivikw it ctiterrd at xft office
In S.dnt Johiif, Ort'Kon, ns limit matter
of tlic K-onml clnf under the Act of Con
KrcMiif March J, 1879.
OfScUl Ktpipr of th City of Bt. Joim.
Phono Scott 0090.
tint dojm shoveled out by
puncher who advertise
Men Only," "For Women
Only," nnd the like, supposed to
he 11 religion of God and Hi love?
It is done tinder the cloak of the
church hut twoplv are heiiiiuiiiir
to nit tip and breathe easier since
they realize the humorous .side of
The antique kK "f KM"K
handful of slush tinder the f
"For Men Only" is heiiitf revived
by a jiersistent I'ortliind preacher.
The seductive title was .selected be
cause it apietiled to the curiosity
ol men they, fiurlm; upon hear
ini; something trille off color,
would attend: and as people enjoy
Kcttiiu; fooled audiences would in
crease in si.e.
If the church Iiokjs to make
people better, grander, nobler, it
should preach of the Clod of love,
of charity: it should Inculcate the
spirit of doini; things: should do
moie "lifting tip" and less "look
ing up." It hardly tends to draw
coplc neater to (iod ami make
them puier, btoader, mote manly,
more wouianly, to hear a pastor
tell the niicieut tale of the tramp
who, when the woman .said she
gave him the bread for Christ's
sake, added "for God's sake put
011 mote butter." Yet that is a
sample of what they havu in Pot l
I11111I pulpits.
It is the slim; ami the ill-bied
familial ity that blinds back chinch
audiences far moie lliiiu tlicpicnch
meiit of GimI ami God's Word ill
these days of swift tivalry along
chutcli lines. The slang of Jones
and the foolishness of Martin heled
out the subiiibau car trallic last
.Sunday, .Such prenclieis seem to
preach for self-aggrandizement and
to fill the jHjihonal purse. They
yield iitilhiii); beneficial to the hun
gry soul: they make the church a
thealtical vaudeville of a second
It is simply rot: a travesty tiMu
icligiou a huilctxpic against Gcd.
"lie not deceived: (iotl is not
mocked:" but the Mrnwitioiml
pruclit would mock If it were
lHibUi to bring in a linger
audiencu. Thin world will not
grow Utter on si or nobler or
rnoic charitable loi such bliiMpheui-
out. fiction, lot it muM bebliikphemy
to use the dihnt of luligion for
feeding the devil.
"Woe unto me if I pteach not
the gonpel." The osel of (iod is
of love of kinduei of charity
of iwttcc; not abounding In excite
ment, comedy, or hutlesipic. To
linteu an hour and not go forth
with iucietiMsl love for God and a
gieiiter iliwiic to do Mis will as one i
seek it, it merely to wiute time and
lower tliPiellgioui. Mauduid.
The fttku pienchei . like the cir
cus advertiM?r. get hits of tuitoi iety :
but lh it of the light Mit?
THH awful death of those two
men who lost their lives in the
boat on Wednesday seems
to lw the more vivid localise it was
a "home hnpciiiug." It is the
close proximity which makes a
grief or a happiness the greater; It is the more appreciable.
liven the awful fate of the Valen
cia, 011 the Vancouver coast, seemed
less gruesome than that which be
fell the engineer and fireman of the
Regulator: yet it was but two as
against a hundred.
Hut Death is always the victor
to his summons none can refuse
and to his will all must bow. Yet
to know this hardly assuages the
grief of they who are left behind
TOM Gregory writes in some of
the metropolitan p.itcrs about di
vorces calling the custom of sectir
i 111: these extensive luxuries "Our
Nation's Shame." In America
out of every 1000 marriages'there
are fit divorces. In Germany out
of the same number there are 16
and in France but eight. These
figures conclusively show that the
dwellers in America are by far the
most particular people: not .satisfied
with any old thing for a life part
tier they are desirous of any iitim
ber of trials till they get the best.
The divorce laws give a remedy for
ttnhapplucss which no medicine
could alleviate: like a much-adver
tlsed soap many married couples in
America "wont be I nippy till they
get it." Wije out divorce laws
and the hell of which pastors seak
in awesome tones would prove
1 cully an attraction!
It is a matter in which all resi
dents of St. Johns are Interested
this smelter proiiositimi. To the
best of our belief the matter is not
a confidence .scheme but is teuiti-
male ami it will lien r close inves
tigation. After it has been closely
investigated one can buy stock with
the feeling that it is money well
At University Pnri.
"Unseen Forces" will be the
topic on which Rev. John
will siieak at the morning scrvlccdii
the llaptist church.
I lis evening address will boon
"What Mum We DoTo lleSaved?"
mi. . .1. .. . .
1 ne service will lie loiiowcd liy
.Men Perish And
Haily Hunted.
It was precisely three minutes be
fore one o'clock Wednesday after
noon when a hot drill was bored
through an oil tank on the steam
boat Regulator: a lighted torch
struck the fluid that oozed out:
and then came an awful explosion of
the confined gases!
Of the three men beside the tank
- who were enveloiied in the
deadly flames but one escajicd:
and he was severely burned about
the face, neck and hands. His
eyes and features were not dis
figured, however, and he at once
was taken for medical treatment.
He was Harry Reed, of the boat's
One of the burned men, William
Saytou, wasdragged, dead, from the
burning vessel by G. h. Orr and
others. Mr. Saytou was a fireman
on the doomed boat, and was help
ing make the necessary repairs.
The second engineer, De Monte W.
Wade, could not be secured by
those who tisked their lives in an
attempt and it was not until the
flames were wholly subdued that
his charred trunk was taken from
the old hulk.
The Regulator well known by all
was 011 the stays at the plant of
the St. Johns Ship-Hnildiiig Com
pany. She had been there about a
week undergoing repairs - but the
work was being done by the crew
and the Sliip-Htiildiug Company
jointly. Her oil-tanks were full
or nearly full, but no fires were
kept up.
It was 1:00 when the woolen mill
whistle gave the alarm, and the fire
company started witli Die hose.
And although the road was a diffi
cult one the boys did finely. Two
streams were kept ujhjii the boat
and ways and the water service
was a most admirable one. Hut
nothing could have saved the vessel
as it liurncd like tinder am the
several explosions of oil spread fire
from one end to the other.
The big smoke stack-fell at 1:3.1,
and eight minutes later an explo
sion scattered most of the uprights:
yet the local firemen never quivered
but worked the harder. It was that nothing of the boat
could be saved the .sole idea lielng
to save the ways and the plant of
the Sliip-Iluilding Company. At
3:05 everything was under control
ami at 3:13 there was showered
from the l'ortlnnd fire boat three
splendid streams of great force.
1 he boat was very slow in getting
started, apparently, but her ctew
did fine work in extinguishing every
Aside from the sadness' caused
ty the thought of the burned and
dead the fire was it pretty one to
view. A lii'ht wind from the south
iclped protect nearby property:
out tlic names went almost directly
Odd Fcllowj Install.
Laurel Lodge 186 had n gala
affair last Monday evening when a
.semi-public installation was held in
their hall.
Nearly one hundred guests were
present including the visting
brethren and the installation was
keenly viewed by all. The work
was very interesting and from the
view-point of a layman, was well
The following-named are
officers of Laurel Lodge for
current term:
G. M. Hall, Noble Grand.
II. S. Hewitt, Vice Grand.
H. KIHott, Secretary.
C. Stratton, Treasurer.
A. W. Lantber, 0. G.
S. M. I'lcencr, I. G.
C. H. Thayer, Conductor.
W. V. Johnson, Warden.
O. W. Alien, Chaplain.
T. J. Monahan, R. S. N. G.
O. L. Chapel, L. S. N. G.
V. M. Parsons, R. S. V. G.
G. W. Clark, L. S. V. G.
N. A. Gee, R. S. S.
L. V. Johnson, L. S. S.
At the conclusion of the cere
inonial work a pleasing program
was given. A piano duct by Mr.
and Miss Young, an impersonation
by Mrs. G. M. Hall, a cornel solo
by Miss Donna Hcach, of Arbor
Lodge, with Miss Young as accom
panist, and singing by the Congre
gational choir, were worthy of the
W. E. SWENGEL, The Harness Maker
We use the old-fashioned
genuine Oak Tan
California Leather. Very
best obtainable. Gives
long, faithful service.
Trimmings perfect.
Thread, Irish Linen.
My work is all hand
sewed: and it is seldom
that a stronger or more
durable harness can be
found than thoe I han
dle. We make a specialty
of repair work -doing It
neatly and satisfactorily.
One trial will convince
you that we do pleasing
IA C" QiAiriViriri T?ma Street
ww. 1. w WW k.1 Ml-l., st.
Johns, Ore.
. 1 1 1 . . 1
oy 1. J. Monahan and others.
Then came cheering refreshments
of the kind that really refresh:
sandwiches, coffee, cake of many
kinds, bonbons, and the like. All
the refreshments were encored sev
eral times. This very pleasing
entertainment held till near the
midnight hour and was highly enjoyable.
Our Local Grist
Postal mice Bad
Better Register Now.
Registration books are now open
at the office of the W. II. King
Laud Company and every legal
voter in this district is urged to at
once register. The law of registra
tion in this state seems hardly to fit
the city of St. Johns -whose elec
tion is pulled off on the second day
of April as the time limit is too
If the registration books for this
city were to close 55 days prior to
the city election registration must
cease on February 7. Ostensibly
the registration being now taken is
for the June election in county and
state and the books close about the
middle of April - or some time later
than the election in this city for
municipal officers.
It will be well for every voter to
register at once and thus be sure
of a chance to exercise his right of
suffrage. It costs nothing to "get
in .shiie" except n few moments
of time.
W. C. T. U. Nolo.
The W. C. T. If. of St. Johns
Held Its lust mothers' meeting last
week. Our district superintendent
was iircxcut. She a very good
paiwrou "What shall we do with
the boy?" Am sorry more of our
inoiiicij. were not present. Give
., 1 in tne Home the same care
we do our girls: dress them just as
well: give them just as nice things
in tneir looms: push them to the
fiout, and, above all, teach them
music and the bible. I lielleve that
micii naming would lit time give
us as many good hoys as girls.
We have seen it work out that
iierjiendicular while the nuring of
burning oil .sounded ominous.
The Ship- Building plant carried
no insurance but its loss was very
nominal. Hut for the local fire
company there is no doubt it would
have Ik-cii destroyed. The only
thing saved of the boat :..., the
hugesiem wheel.
1 he Regulator was of about o
tons burden 157 feet long and u
feet wide. For fourteen years she
has been known by all tiver men
having been built in Portland in
8yt. Her value wasabout $50.-
RUGA RUING thomilroad dmw
btidgeat thu diy dock thrre mu
two fuel.
In nivinis testimony us to whether
or not a btidg at that ioiut would ,
be huimfut the liver mutt uxpcitsj
hired by the Northern Pacific toad
.swear it would not bo. This is a
fact sworn to. it must be ttue.
It is eqiiHllv true and therefore,
a fact, that a bridge at that jmint
would lw vety daiigetotis for all
navigation bocniuo the experts
hiiwl by the O. R. & N. say so.
'Tisaud 'tUn't: 'tisit't and 'tis:
truth always depends on who biros
the exjiert wituo
Dangers Of A Cold And How To
Avoid Them.
Moie fatalities have their origin
111 or re-Milt 110111 a cold than from
any cither cause, 'l i s fact alone
should uiuke tk-oplo more careful as
mere is no danger whatever from a
cold when it is properly treated in
uie oouiliuuii!. for llliinv vears
... . . . .-' .. . rf-
tnainneriaurs Cough Remedy hits
own tecognued as the most prompt
and effectual medicine in use for
this disease. It acts on nature's
plan, loosens the cough, relieves
the luiign. oK-ns the secretions and
aids nature in tcstoiiug the system
to a healthy condition, Sold by
J tcKsou s t'liaruiacv.
Sw the Peninsula Hank for fire
Furniture Store Bought
Messis. Wicker K: Blackburn
have sold their furniture store in
the Hicks block the purchaser
ociug Ktiiioii ualliierg. who has
lieeu in the furniture business at
Baker City. The interests of
Wicker & Blackburn elsewhere was
one of the causes for the sale.
Mr. Hallberg is now makiiiu
uotanic alterations m the Mote.
I he stairway to the upper floor,
now in the center of thebuildiui;. is
being placed at the north side, the
windows loweied so that a tietter
showing may k made, ami the in
terior altered .so as to tnvc better
Mr. llnllluM.r will ,v,m. ,1 umi ot some ahaudonetl car which
.stock of up to-the-hour goods and M''V promise to put into good shape
will make it tHissihle for the home . " ""'" ti is to oe nopci mat
trade to lie kept in St. Johns by MUir 1H;,'0' will be granted.
making as low figures as can Ik?
secured elsewhere. In fact, he in
tends to draw the outside trade
here. I his can lie done bv ituli
cious work until he intends to do
Smooths The Rough Way.
KiiiTim Ruvuiw:
I think you unwittingly did Mr.
Killiugsworth an injustice in last
week's pajier. He advocated a 5-mill
tax levy, after conferingwith myself
and others, and nt otir request and
suggestion I tb.Mik he acted from
the best of motives ami that he
lierfornied a signal service to St.
Johns in taking the stand he did.
I advocated at nil times a 5-mill
levy ami von are in error in stat
ing that I was in favor of eight mills.
The council showed good busi
ness sense and judgment in fixing
the levy at s mills and is in my
opinion - to 1h? commended along
with Mr. Killiugsworth and all
others who contributed to this end.
For Improvement.
The lads of l'olnt View have
formed a league under the name of
the "Boys Good Order Club." and
projwse to follow the lend of their
colleagues of the Heights.
The officers are Arthur Carlson,
president; Archie Anderson, vice
president. Harry Samuels, secre
tary; bred Moriite, treasurer.
The Club has already sent a peti
lion to Manager Fuller, of the rail
way company, solicitimr the loca
cook stoves $7.
sota, was in the city yesterday with la view to locating. Mr Kmc
11 i.Kiii neaicrs i.5o: o-toot ex- Deeu in the painting and decoration
Misiou aWws SV5 8-fot extett- business in Duluth. He was guest
SO virtuou. a spasm has never
before struck Poitlaud as the one
now on against a cettaiu restau
rant. If the authorities so bent on
investigation mean business they
will get down to facts and jump
upon the "way-ury and not the
stool-pigeons: but it may hurt less
toilet the afluir drop. But the
proprietor seems bound to lose out
in any event,
I lie groat modern system of
hoahng. hudor.sed bv the leadini?
... . . "
inituis in an ptotcssious.
Dr. J. J. Wiggins, the well-known
Utcouthtc physician of Portland,
will lo at the parlors of the
Central Hotel. St. Johns,
Tuesday, January 30, and
Satuiday, February 3,
from 0:00 a. m. till 4:00
p. in.
lie will lie pleased to meet and
explain the method to those who
desire to investigate or give Osteop-
iiiny u uiai.
The doctor will also demonstrate
and use in his practice Professor
Rikards "lilectric Radiator" which
attnieied so much attention at the
Lewis & Clark Fair last year.
Consultation free.
Residence: 680 Kast Attkeuy
street, Portland. Telephone Hast
(kiting Fixed.
The St. Johns Grocery Company
is now almost completely settled in
its new quarters in the Holbrook
block. Of course there vet remain
many little thines to lie completed
and arranged but one can now
understand what a nice place it is
1. .
to oe. .Manager wageuer lias a
strictly business spot ivirtitionetl
off for his private use and is an
xious to have everyone call und
view the whole plant.
Contemplate A Saloon.
Parlies are now figuring on open
ing n saloon ut Smith's Crosstni;
just outside the limits of St. Johns
and it is Muted that a site bus
lecn purchased for the buildinir.
It is Mieved with the railway men
ami uie tew trout bt. Johns thai
the saloon will prove u payer from
uie grassroots.
We Are (laming, Also, And
Is The Reason.
Good No. S
air tight
sion tables $5 00: kitchen cabinets,
the 1.50 kind, $2.50; large arm
rockers (.wood, cane or cobbler
seat) J2.00 high back dining room
chairs 65c: iron leds, any color or
size, 2. 35 wire spritics Si.sor
dressers, imitation oak, 7.50. Old
furniture taken in exchange.
Goods delivered free to St. Johns.
M. J. McGrath, 66 North Third
street, Ivetweeu Davis and Kverett;
Main 2oS7.
Try the "Par F.xcellence'
champion .ic cigar: made
Recorder J. W. Hanks is
proving more quickly than was ex
ectcd. J. J. (Doiiuie) McCami attended
a wedding in blast Portland Wed
nesday night.
Among my list can be found
some fire insurance to please you.
W. H. King.
C. C. IIovcii, wife and sou, of
Goble, Oregon, are visiting Mrs.
Frank Smith.
Is your home insured against fire ?
If not, see M. L. Tufts at the Pe
ninsula Bank for the lowest rates.
Charles W. Whitmere, who litis
been living in the McGinn property
at Point View, will move his family
to Irvington.
"I notice that Poff & Carey have
another car load of that good coal.
Say! but they do sell coal and its
fine, tool"
It is rumored that a wedding in
high life is soon to occur in St.
Johns with a grand wedding feast.
Keep guessing.
See that tun cunt bargain win
dow at Potter it Goold's Hardware
Store! No need of going to Port
land for bargains,
Mrs. Frank Peterson, of North
Chicago street, has been entertain
ing 11 large number of Mormons.
Among thcin were ten elders.
A I.sikaiii.k Ti'.nant wanted.
Rent reasonable. See agents, Shop
ard and Dobie, St. Johns, or, tele
phone owner, Dr. Amos, Portland.
Kinis Collins, who assaulted
Lafayette Copies it'coupFe of weeks
ago, plead guilty in the circuit
court on Monday. He was fined
$S " costs.
Work along the lines of forming
n Masonic lodge here grows nicely
and the list is about full. A lodge
of Knights of Pythias also is being
arranged for.
Have you seen Potter & Goold's
show window? It is j'fi.i. or
iiakoains at 10c each. Any ar
ticle in the window for ten cents.
Rev. A. Wilson, of Salem, was
guest of W. Ii. Swengle the first of
the week. Mr. Wilson is one of
the heads of the Church of find
and is known throughout the whole
It doesn't pay to have your life
insurance ikiiicv written bv
stranger. Have it done here in St
Johns by a home man. I have the
best company in the world. W,
II. King,
A. A, Johnson has just opened a
iisu marKet on Tacoma street
opjHisite Sweugle's harness .shop.
uc juujHJses 10 carry u line of all
uiai pertains to a
Louis Frost, of
Portland papers are advertising 1
the fact that the local post-office iii'c
mat city mis too nix inctuoos in
distributing its mail. Tint Rit
VI nw is it victim of this notable
slow delivering and even tele
phone messages fail to hurry mat
Tint Ruvikw is mailed from the'
St. Johns office every Friday.
Sometimes the entire list is in the
postoffice here by ten o'clock but
always before noon. The Portland
packages leave here 110 later than
five o'clock every Friday afternoon
-reaching Portland one hour later.
From six o'clock Friday evening
until Monday morning Tint Rit
vitiW remains in that office. In
stead of going out 011 the first
delivery Saturday they are out 48
hours later. Just why this delay
should be made no one seems to
know but that it is made every
subscriber to this paper can make
It is surely a tough proposition
when 72 hours are required from
the time the papers go into the
office here before they are dis
tributed one hour awayl Rapid
transit should Do urged.
Office: Koom 9. Ilrccileii nBu.
big, corner Third nn,l WndiltiX
utrcctd, l'ortlnn.l. "nMm,Kn
Kesl'lc,,cc! Saint John,
Kcnldcncc: 404 Tocoiim Sticct.
Phone Scott i.vo. Office lint
hrook llrlck lil(jGk,rooi,j.X
8l,j0,mS' " ' Oregon
Goodrich & Goodrich,
hint Jolum ninl I'orllanil,
Dr W.
trown ntul llrlilc,e
Rwin 1 juiil la, Ilollmxik lllock.Sr.johM
Wood For Sale.
At the ferry lauding at foot "of
Pittsburg street, we have oeued n
woodyard and are prepared to de
liver good dry wood in any part of
Will furnish planer trimmings,
blockwood or slabwood either
four-foot wootlj or stove length.
Let us have a trial order. No
wood is better than ours.
Brink & Fosthk,
Foot of Pittsburg Street,
St. Johns.
Anniversary' inty.
A very pleasant occasion of re
cent day was the charming until
ver-sary nanqtiet held Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph
incKiier, ,",31 aotitii joint street.
I he day was the first anniver
sary of the marriaire of this- well
known couple and the affair was
tt most happy one. Covers were
laid tor twenty and the excellence
01 uie Danquet was surpassed only
uy the charms and grace of the
nappy hostess.
1 ....
.nr. ami .Mrs. Hickuer content-
..In,.. .? .. rr .
i'iuic iiiiiHicaoug tne nuair every
) mi .
Ph)lcUn and Surxcon.
KmI.Iciicc Phone Scott 4064.
Oflkc: llolhrook'f New llrlck Illock.
Keililcncc, St. Johns Hotel.
Office next door to Klllott'i ilru.
tore. Hioiic. Union jofii.
dence 011 John utrcct, lint iloorfouth
of Wrinkle's rvIlcncc. 1'hone.
St. John,
market of that
Duluth, Minne-
The Ladies AidvSociety ot the
Congregational church will meet
Thursday afternoon at, 2:30 at the
home of Mrs. Ftunk Horsman.
present as it is the regular business 1! ,? ; , .8ft of ProPccy to fore-
meeting utut very important thiuus
. r .1. w . . . 0
ui v. ,m. r.urnoiHison,
We have iu Ivoe n verv iior..
ting bit of matter turittshed by one
ui me oesi writers ot the peninsula.
It describes so vividly the Maegley
Junction affair that it is worth pro
ducing even so latcjjs next week.
It is crowded from this issue.
The Catholic Ladies of St. lohns
are to give a whist party at M.
A. hall on the evenimy of Fri,in,.
Februarys. With the whist will
go light refreshments and the
,1101c itrtng will cost but 15 cents
me proceetis are to go to the
cnurcri ituut at University.
One need not he Ivnm .;.i.
To Rent.
ice house for small family: in
I mnt View: four lots: city water:
iiiiiisiieo: an tor $5 per month.
inquire at cjeder Park store, or F.
o. rowers, 72s Charleston street.
W Ournlt to I'ln
I!. T. Hokfc, 816 UUUincllt tUiukmi.
C W. Haltn. JJS Ttltr Sirr.i
ST. JOHNS, ...... OkCOftX
Heal I'.state, I,oaii, Iiuumucc ml
HiuIiicsh Chance. S. C. Norton,
corner Ilruniwick ami Hudwn ,
street, Resident Axcnt. 1'hone
Union 1140.
Prices Reasonable. SutUfaction
Giiarontet-d. Entrance at rear
stairway, 301 lUchnioml Street.
ST.J0I1NS, . . . ORKGO.V
To4ltose wanting work done in
tills line, call at my residence,
401 Tacoma ktreetk three blocks
west of the car truck. ;
New Building.
T . . ..
v;u ivaunoe anil L'nti n stnu
not ut t m t.A r 4
site has been soured for a building r-
to be used as a meat market and Hnter
Illock, net uoor
Office: Cochran
to jiostoffice,
Saint John
lite builder has a belief
& Dolbow
hat the city will ljesodensely popu
latetl m that district as to tnaki stores a necessity.
arc to be presentil,?SiiCKKTARV.
List your property with the St.
Johns Title Abstract and Trust
Company, rooms iiaul 12. Hoi
brook's new block. In7 addition to
- - its real estate and abstract businoss foot, will win.;.. :. ..
neatly retM red ut t he tlii nunmnn n,..i?. . 1 ' . ' l".uu) J
St. Inline llr.wc S,: ,Y.V: ' . " vafc'"- uway, sen tor one thousai
., rf .........,.,...,,., , c u, Hre uisurancc ' per trout foot
see mat tots between Fisk street in
University Park and Macnitu ave
nue iu Northern hill on Dawson
street which extends through the
centre of that rapidly growing dis
trict between the rii-ru ... n .1 1
uuu now sennit rnr cm r ( :
... . r ' H
iy years rrom
thousaml dollars
Can You Afford
1 o carry uie risk of total
your buildings when a small amount
will insure von arr:dnt t.
noes not pay to do it. See the Pe
iiuisiwa uantc about rates.
ClothiiiK cleauetl. pressed ami
Old rotoffice. RuililitiR
jjiui jonns
Plasterers, Urick Masons and Ce
ment Workers. l'stltuatcs eiTtn
anil satisfaction guaranteed. KttVr
to editor of this paper. 755 wjf
landstreet, University Park, Phoae
Union 6797,
Shop next door
on Tacoma street.
St. Johns,
to Anderson's Bi7
Give me a trial owf.,
. - Oregon
I). S. Walton,
university Park.
. Crook. 606 Jersey
I'hone Scott 6690.
Crook & Walton
l'lans Drawn and Ksttmates Furnished
.General jobbing and Repairing,
Shop ipAFcssenden streel, near Jersey.
Goods delivered, crateil or na
c rated, in city or Portland. P
auoa specialty, Leaw orders
at Bickner's. Pkone Union 699s-
J. S. CAIN, Proprietor.
Meals by the day or week.
per week, lt.00. ,
Cochraa Block - Jersey Str1 ,
. -.. . . On
Saint Johns
Puel fureisUrd. ekher short r
louir; Drayitiir'Mid teain-woiit
of .every kid. Pfewpt sni-
4Aniu rim 111 nj Ixuf
I Comsr Jersey a4. ,(Jtlii