lias What the Doctors Say In their prescriptions, GOES with us. No Substitution iiiiiin - ii mi ii iniiMaMiu 2 n the coiurary tuncti. miiiiii hi niv: uuiuutsi o J Ko customer leaves our store harboring any suspicions. . . ... R nutation care for, therefore we cannot afford to trifle with the public when dealing with them. SUOHNS PHARMACY THAT'S TALKING u a nrvii a ncti HlAVlALTTmYL:!: If r. .11 I Inn stf DiiSIIaic' H orfur am I v. J lull Line Ul vuuutia iiaiunaic: i s 1 Shelf Hardware, Ranges, Cooks, Heaters, Oil Heaters, Tin- Jfc tffire, Knameledwarc, Woodcnwnrc, Banner mid Oc tin r Wave Uotary Washers, Wringers, Cable Clothes I Lines, Hcnth & Milligan "Nest Prepared f 1 Paints," Wright & Hill's Five Boil- S 1 p.l lnrc Linseed OH. Inside 1 Puinis. Creollle. the best floor tnint iiuuie; Chi-Nninel, Varnishes and Varnish m cinitw iiitnn mill juatnev i oo s. uarocn :ccus. a I Special Mixture for Lawns, Big Assortment of Garden Too!, Screen Cloth, Poultry Netting, Paint, "rushes, utc.ete. V i . i POTTER & GOULD I IT 4 ft. 1 s. (VC : : Remodeling Sale! Mta'i ,U0 Suits - 19.75 Men's $15 Suits Men's $20 Suits - 14.75 Al.n's $10 Suits Alen's $8 Suits - fl.95 Hens' Suits and Pants almost half value. $ .75 7.45 WELCH, The American Clothier f 221-223 Morrison, Corner Pint Street D, C. ROGERS Real Estate and Insurance South St. Johns Lots a spor ty In Real Estate. Phoenix Assurance Com ml of London a specialty in btrancc. D. C. ROGERS Scott 3104, St. Johns. W.J.PEDDICORD REAL ESTATE lrv tiff.. cni..nit '""J'. fenced; bearing trees; I GO X IOO. fnmcp f""Mt 50X100. central -r oncli m fVSttlSi. j room house. It;!r S0100- 6-room house, near Mw. Terms, "iw.Croom house on Blvd. close In, business tot, - THE - MARKET NEW MANAGEMENT We shall handle onlv Hi, r;.,. r (M E A T S "r patrons may of being sat. in every case P..II 1! . .. y ii nne ot all i Market Sundries WTMNAGE MUOTEI th & tinnvr tdoortoEdmond'son's WOOD Good seasoned,' stove-length delivered anywhere on the Peninsula. The best wood. Orders may be left at Don- nelley's Market or phone East 297. Peninsula Feed and Fuel Go, PORTSMOUTH RESOLUTION Notice is h:rcby given that at the meeting of the council 01 nte City of St. Jultns, Oregon, held on the 8th day of January, A. D. 1906, the foil wing resoiu tlon was ado. ted: itKsni.vitn: That the Council of the rI... t Ci I.i1,n nrrcnti. ilceins it CX pnlient Pltd jirujwse to improve Salem street from the northerly Hue o( Crow. fonl street to fc weMcry nnc on.ur lliiKton street m the following manner, To establish the necessarj- graue ior jay sitle walks, grade, etc. Said im- t iii tnniii in acconiance IllUIVillVlli " - ... with the Charter and Ordinances oj tne City of St, Johns, ami tne pians. sj.i .f . o.,.l tttinip of tlie Citv Enui aii in tlie nlHre of the Recorder o i ritv of St. lohtit . The cost of vlded by the city charter upou the prop- :n.. rynHarlv benefitted thereby and whidi is hereby declared to be all the lots, pans wnwi, .vw.. of land within a line 10a feet from the nutslde line of each side of said Salem tet. . . ., 1. able total cost for the improvement ol The plans, specifications and estimates went of said Salem street are hereby J Rksolvkd: That the City Recorder of the City of St. Johns ie, anu is, uwuj ...1 ,,ntire of the nrooosed ImDrovemeat of said Salem street as provided by the city charter. t... in wntine with the undesigned within 15 days from the date of the hret puDiicaiion ui n "" By oroer 01 ine couutu. ' J. V. Hanks, City Recorder p,lt.lUhfl in the St. Johns Review January u, 19 tm '906' Our Local Grist 4 Insure with the Peninsula Dank. Several bttcketsful of rnin worn scattered about the city on Monday l6r fine citrars it will nnv von in can at valentine's: opposite city hall. Bythewav. foossiblv vou've tint a.wtiwwvi ivy Ik lUUll-U Unill IU1S WCCKa Guard voitr nroncrtv nirniiiQf firr Insure with the Peninsula Bank. The Women of Wondrrnft nrc in have a social in their hall this even- ig. Smokinir is n nlensuri' if tho nV ars are bought at Valentine's. Henrv Vnlentinp. nf A tin' tin tt'ne If "I BBVaaf I Ui) guest ot His brother. Vm. nn Sim day. Eor best fire in.mirntiv W. tr King. The Concreeatioiml A hi RnriVtv met with Mrs. M. L. Rowland yes terday afternoon. Harness neatlv ren:iirwl nt thi r.. . . . 01. jonns Harness Shop. Two carloads of 1 mrses worn 1111. loaded here yesterday for work on the O. R. & N. railway. Will the nartv who fotiml n roll of straw matting last week please return it to Key. I. L. Young? A. D. Osborn. who cnines from North Dakota, has bought property ncre nuu win maxc St. Johns his home. Eatimr and winter noolcs nkn good potatoes for sale. See C. N. nraascu about them. J. H. Howard, state organizer, as in St. lohns this week to see the prospects for forming a lodge of Kcumcu. Try the "Pur :xet.llcllLL.,, the champion 5c cigar: made In St. Johns. Moses Tuft.l hits 11 new nmhrolln. Of the 21 he has owned since April , 190.1, this is the first one he has bought. When vou insure vour nroncrtv secure only reliable companies. See the reumsuia Hunk about them. Dentist Hiirtol ii lmviiii' mi cv- cellent dental practice and is gain inn tne reputation of doinir only the best of work. I'nr first cla&n and rt-Hnhlt fire in surance companies see the list at the Peninsula Dank. D. O. llimliv. who livoH nt tlu Heights, is erecting uncouple of nice little residences which will soon be for rent. Smoke n St. Tnlnm eiirnr lk'St 10c cigar on the murket the "White trow. A. S. Stone, guest for a few- weeks of D. G. Busby, of the Heights, left on Saturday for his home in Corvallis. At the Boston I Tome Bakery Sat urdayelegant Angel Cake made by our new baker. Try it. Prom the manner in which women going to church Sunday evening iad to return home it seems as tt most of them were Baptists. Remember I You cannot buy finer candies or cigars than the goods Valentine sells in his neat store. The electric mill has now been rntirely dismantled. Some of the material will lc useU In the new mill of the St. Johns Lumber Co. I have an oil stove, nearly new and in Ai condition that I wish to trade for a heating stove. Inquire at V, J. Carter's shoe shop. Circulars have been issued by the W. H. King Land Company to announce" some special bargains now offered before the increase in price. We 1'iiaraiitee our bread: six loaves for 25c 25 for ft: nt Doston Home uattery. jersey street. fipv. Prank fJoufrev and wife attended the Methodist church ser- ices on Sunday evening. Mr. Godfrey organized the Kpworth League here. Anv one wishine to rent a six- room house, near business cehter, ith fine river view, call at tins ot- fie'e. Vm Valentine was exllibitillE his face last Monday at 5c a throw. Unci nronle threw a fit. He had iust taken the Past-Master's Degree . , . , ol lixauea nrysipcma. Til lt Is none to cood for the people of St. Johns. We claim to . ... i i:.. ri,,a tn iinve tne uesi 111 uui hhc us a trial. The Boston Home Dak ery, Jersey street. n m Ttmnscli has laid several nionie nlnmr the street ( ?1 in front of hts Mouse, anu niu nmuiw ort nf the rrossintr so that no more teams shall become embedded in mud. Poff & Carey have genuine Rock Sorincs and Cumberland, wyom intr. coal. Try it. It burns up Vn elinkers. no soot, and LIVUill very little ash. TM. T adies' Aid of the Evan gehcal church is planning for its ,..! nnntial entertainment. This tx. aiven on the evenine of Thursday, Februarj' 22, at one of the society halls here. r We the best life insurance iw found in America: hu Union Central Life. The ,t anA liest at a fair price r- 5n mul talk it over. W. . wvuif' ... King. Some More Stuff Mrs. Guy Deebec is very ill. Mrs. C. N Draasch is slowly im proving in health. 'Father Maples" predicts four more weeks of rain and snow. An ad for the Peiuinsula Feed and Fuel Company appears in this issue. Good firm. Among my list can be found some fire insurance to please you W. H. King. C. N. Braasch started for his Vancouver farm on Wednesday and will return today. Evangelical "Johnnie" Natiglc has been assisting at the Methodist church meetings this week. Smoke a St. Johns cigar best toe cigar on the market the "White Crow." Leroy Carr is about to move his family back to St. Johns and be come a permanent resident. Dr. Roberts, of Tacoma, Wash ington, visited his niece, Mrs. W. E. Hartcl, Thursday of last week. Is your home insured against fire ? If not, see M. L. Tufts tit the Pe ninsula Bank for the lowest rates. The bowling alley ' run by Ross has been bought by Knight & John- sou and is being installed in the billiard hall. "I notice that Poff & Carey have another car load of that good coal. Say! but they do sell coal and Its fine, tool Dr. Holland and wife have rented the Hayes house, (formerly belonging to J. II. Shields,) and will soon occupy it. A D1t.stUAi11.1t TitNA NT wanted. Rent reasonable. See agents, Shcp- ard and Dohie, St. Johns, or, tele phone owner, Dr. Amos, Portland. The man who keeps his subscrip tion to his local p.iper paid up and who patronizes the same paper is always sure of the best obituary notice. It doesn't pay to have your life insurance policy written by a stranger. Have it done here in St. Johns by 11 home man. I have the best company in the world. W. II. King. The leading feature of the "mothers' meeting" held by the W. C. T. U. last Monday was u patxir on "What Shall We Do With Our Boys?" Try the "Par Excellence": the champion 5c cigar: made in St. Johns. Mrs. Collard has organized a night-class in stenography. Pupils desiring to enter class will leave their names with Miss Daisy Caples, nt office of D. C. Rogers. List your protwrty with the SU Johns Title Abstract and Trust Company, rooms it and ia, IIol brook's new block. In addition tu its real estate and abstract business this company presents an attractive line of fire insurance. Mrs. Carl Robinson, Mrs. Percy Sibley, Mrs. G. B. Cellars and Miss Mary Cellars, all of rortlaud, were served five o'clock tea Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. W. E. Hartcl. Reduction in stoves. New par lor heater, ft. 75; second hand heaters and cook stoves at low fig ures. Kitchen cupboard $3.00; matting 10c per yard; lamps 25c; opaque shades 40c; fall leaf tables 51.50. McClave's Furniture Store. 202 Jersey street. In our ad columns this week will be found the card of Crook & Walton, contractors, who have been successful in their many coutracts. Just now they have under con struction a couple of fine cottages for Mrs. V. T. Smith on wtlltauis avenue, near Piedmont with sev eral others in view. One need not le born with u veil or the gift of prophecy to fore see that lots iMitwcen FIsk street in University Park and Macruni ave- m ttll A nue in iNormern uui on uawsou street which extends through the centre of that rapidly growing dis trict between the rivers in Portland, and now selling for $10 per front foot, will, within twenty years from today, sell for one thousand dollars per front foot. Piling Arrived. A big raft of piling for work on the plant of the St. Johns Lumber Company has arrived and it is understood that work will com mence at once. It is believed that an amicable arrangement will be made regarding the acquisition of the streets sought. Ice Plant (lone. The Rankin ice-plant, which has in the past been over nearly halt the world in years past but which has been lying on the water-front for a lonir time has been sold to the Blue Mountain Ice Company, of Portland. New Hotel. Ground has been secured comer Osweiro and Dawson for a three storv brick hotel. Complete de tails have not been made public- but a $1000 first payment upon the land would indicate that the report is not mere rumor. At Methodist Church. Rev. F. L. Young, pastor. Services next Sunday: Sunday school at ten o'clock Mrs. C. E. Thurston, superiuten dent. Preaching at eleven. Epworth League at six-thirty. Mrs. W. F.Matlock, ton, Oregon, is guest Brenner. Mrs. W. E. Parthcmcr and son, Robert, of Newport, Urcgou, are visiting here. Mr. Castccl won second, third and fourth premiums nt the poultry show on his white Plymouth Rock birds. The shingle mill is again in good shape. A new crew of men have been put on nud record cuts are being made daily. Mr. Eastlake has the good will and confidence of his employees. Mr. Cole is a first- class filer. Wednesday evening Rev. E. A. Leonard, of the Baptist church, united in marriage John A. Bald win and Miss Pearl Gibbs. The ceremony was performed at the home of the bride in University Park. Thomas Taylor and wife left the Park reluctantly; for they had never found such an easy lot of merchants to bunko. No less than nine firms catered to tnelr wants while loin made cigaret money at the shingle mill. Something like $150 in bills was run up in about two mouths. When Tom couldn't get more credit, Mrs. lout went home to mamma. UNIVERSITY and PORTSMOUTH of Pcndel of Mrs. M. START RIGHT Use Electric Light Begin the NEW YEAR -nt the Nlv W RATES. 1 ne 25 per cent reduction in rates for ELECTRIC LIGHT I NO puts this only modern method of illumination with all it ucneius all Us conveniences all Us economies within th means of every householder, every storckccer EVERYBODY. No home is really UP-TO-DATE in its furnishings if i be not electrically equipped. The numerous electrical conveniences such as electric fiat-irons, chafing dishes, ten and coffee pots, heating pads, nursery milk warmers, curling irons, and n hundred other electrical devices save TIME, STRENGTH and MONEY for the busy housewife. The cost to operate these electrical conveniences is so smalt as to be trifling. IN THE STORE Electric service oh"crs the solution of every lighting problem. THE LIFE OF TRADE IS ELECTRIC LIGIIT-ntid trade follows the light. ELECTRIC SIGNS SELL GOODS they burn the name into the public mind. ELECTRICITY FOR YOUR EVHRV-DAV NEEDS. Portland General Electric Co., t Tolophono Exchange 13 PORTLAND, Seventh nnd Aider Streets, OREGON Celebrate Wedding Anuivcr nry. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Arnold cele brated the tweiitith anniversary of their wedding Friday, December 22, 1005, at their residence, 176.1 Hnwes avenue, University Park, I hey me the parents of three child rentwo sous, Stanley nnd Eucll, mid one daughter, Velma, The louse was beautifully decorated with evergreens -suitable to the occasion. Whist, which with music and singing, made the evening pass more pleasantly. 1 he prizes given were ilowers and the first prize, carnation, was won by Mrs. M. Brenner. The guests present were Mr. and Mrs. Cochrane. Mr. and Mrs. Faulk, Mr. and Mrs. Hink stone, Mr. and Mrs. Osborne, Mr. and Mrs. M. Brenner, Mr. and Mrs. Slaiiderback: Misses Johnstone, tends, Viloua Anuld: Messrs Natei Smith, Stanley Arnold and Eucll ruold. The gifts were costly chiunwarc and were uuiiurous. ! fter partaking of a suinptiocus supjier, served nt a late Hour, there being refreshments during the! evening, the guests departed well j ilcased with the hospitality ol their lost and hostess May they live to celebrate their golden wedding. I t t Baptist Church. Sunday school at ten o'clock. Preaching at eleven. Topic "Clouds and Rainbows." 1; veiling service at teven-lliiily. Topic "John, Tire Baptist." Thursday evening ut seven- thirty prayer meeting is held. All are cordially invited to attend these services. All services will be held in the new building on uiucago street, near Harriet. E. A. Lhonaui), Pastor. N the above square you will observe a tiny dot. Noticed it, didn't you? Now if YOU sow that tittle speck think of how nil the rest of our readers noticed it. Then, if you, Mr. Busiuewi- iiiau, had placed nil attractive announcement of your wares, at correct prices, in that space, you'll have some idea that it would have brought you trade. Better try it next week, A Snap For Someone. Good house, three large rooms, pantry, woodshed, etc., on lot 50X 100: Kood well, lots ot 1 run, witu plenty wood, stoves, etc.. ready to move in. Three blocks from Lone ir station on Mount Scott carliuc. Everything goes at $515 cash if taken at ones. F. M. Freeman, 41st and Division streets, care of J. F. McMahau, Portland. This is a big bargain call and .see it. To The Hospital. City Recorder J. W. Hanks was taken by ambulance to the Good Samaritan hospital in Portland Wednesday evening. His condi tion was extremely preanrious nnu an operation was necessary. His troubles are complicated and the operation was considered one fraught with danger but there was no other course. The ojera tlon was performed yesterday morn ing at ten o'clock. Another Business Sale. W. II. King has sold the lot oc cunied by his laud office and the Donnelly meat market to W. II . Stine of Charlotte, Midi This is projM-rty that Mr. King has fre quently refused to sell but when he saw 43,500 laid before him he had to yield. The property is a tood one, and is bound to increase in value. The purchaser is highly pleased over his buy. Two Salei. W. F. Steidleman of Portland has purchased a nice home on North Fillmore street. The consideration was $i,ooo. Everett W. Niies and his son-in- law, B. Hagerman, of Oregon City, have boucht thirteen lots in 1 liomp son's addition. The price paid was 2,500. to To Form Lodge. The application for a charter form a Good Templar lodge here in St. Johns isjbeing quietly but per sistently circulated. Mrs. M. E. Perkins will give information about it if asked, Here is mi opportunity to help some one by joining, and it should be pushed along. Keep Your Eye On St. Johns. A. SCOTT, I'm-. - 1'hone III.ACK 32 It. V. CKOSIIV, Scc'y. Portland Jobbing Co. I'lnmbliiK. Onifltllnjc SlcamdltliiK, Roofs duller I'.tr. At ItisiMiimhlr Rutin. Stou, l'uriinrrs aint Tinware UvMlred. Quick Service. All Work Rimruu- tml. N 7 N Fifth St CorAukcny PORTLAND, 0KI-00N Bon Ton Barber Shop first eltus work and clean hut towels for atrimii. Hair rutting 11 sM-ciiilly. Agent fur Vel Cm1 I,uuinlry. Jersey street St. John RESOLUTION Notice is hereby given that at the meeting of the Council ot the City of St. Johns, Oregon, held 011 the Klh day of January, A, I). 1906, the following resolu tion was adopted: Unsoi.vitn: That the Council of the City of St. Johns, Oregon, deem it ex- ticdient and jiroxc'i. to improve (.raw lord street from the westerly line of I'iUshuri; street to the easterly Hue ol Salem street in the following iimiinvr, to wit: To establish the necessary grudc (or pivliiK "ml to iiuiirnve Mid Crawford street, luy side walks, gmde, ete. Said improvement to he mude ill accordance with tue uiarier uun iinnuauces 01 me City ol St. Johns, and the plans, s-cifl- cations mnl estimates ol the Lity Kugl- ueer. filed In the ollu-e ol the Kecorder Housekeeping Apartments Smli sof two to four r . tli '-Ingle looms hitu it- 1 cm- I.Ih k (inn, C'olumliia t uivi . for of I'lhk St and Ikmlnaid. I'liiuUhitl or t'lifiinil-linl. A ilt-iiMiit walk from St. Johns, suitable for mill iiu-11. UNIVERSITY PARK A. W. DICKSON Phone Scott 120(3 OSCAR DoVAUL, mTd Dllwr IwuM. stutia u, . 1 KM . omrc I'bonr, mhi n KoMtitrc I'liuiir. 1'nton mrclii Ultlvrtsllv Ih(V. Ilttm Mmt. RESOLUTION Notice is hereby given that nt the meeting of the Council of the City of St. Johns Oregon, held 011 the Kill day of January, A. I). 1906, the following resolu tion was (idopted: of the City of St. Johns. The cost of I j'erry Coiuuny mid the UUuje of mUl Kksoiaiid: That the Coum-il of tin City o( St. Johns, Oretfou, ileeuw it OK iicillcnt mnl irotr to Improte tNtU l)ii rj; street from the Willamette Kivtir to the soutluuly line til Crawford strut ill the follow ing manner, to wit: To establish the uttcestfiry urmltt fur (laving mid to impiove Mild PltUlwis: street, lay side walks, erode, etc. Sftbl iuiprowmeul to lie made In uccordiiice with the Charter mnl Ordinance of the City ol St. Johns, ami the plans, wdfl cattous anil e-aiuutet. ol the City- !(nii ueer, PiIimI 111 the office ol thtf ItevrtrUer of the City ol St. Johns. Tlu coal ol saitl imptovemuiit from J lie U'lllamalle river to the wistorly sldu Hue of llmd- ford street to be imid by the St. Joints said improvement to be ussessed as pro vided by the city cuurter iiou me tiroerty socially and ineuliarly bene fitted thereby and which Is hereby de clared to be all the lots, pirts thereof, ami pircels of laud within a line 100 feet from the outside line of each side ot said Crawford street. The Hngiucer's estimate of the prob able total coit for the improvement of saitl street is f 57J.4H. The plans, scciflcatious and estimates of the City Hnincer for the inprovc ineiit ol saitl Crawford street are hereby adopted, Kl'.soj.Vl'.n: That the City Recorder of the City ol St. Johns bo, mid is, hereby directed to give notice of the proxsetl improvement of saitl Crawfort street as provided by the city charter. Keuituistrauces against the above im provement may be bird in writing witli the undersigned within 15 days Irom the date of the first publication of this notice, lly order of the council. J. W. Hanks, " City Kecorder. Published hi the St. Johns Review Jan uary 17, 19 and 26, !', improvement to be a pro vide ul by the city charter uiam tue prop erty specially anil peculiarly IwncfiUtd thereby and which is heieliy tlm-lured to be all the lots, part thereof, ami urrla ol land within a line luu teat from tut outside line of each side ol aaiil lltts burx street. The liugiueer's estimate of the p 'li able total cost tor the improvement ot Mid street is The plans, specification and uvtiuustes of the City Itngiuver for tht Improve ment of s.iiil Pittsburg atrst are h uby adopted. Kitsoi.vitn: That thuCUy Recorder f the City of St. Johns Ihi, ami is. In u by directed to give notice of Uiu prtM-tl improvement of said I'ltUburg strut as provided by the city charter. Remonstrances against Uie aivc im provement may be filed in wilting with the undersigned within 15 ila- imm ilu date of the first puh!ic.tii"ii "I ilu, notice, lly order of the council J. V. Hvnkx City Keturtlcr Published in the St. John-. Kmnv, Jau uary u, ly and 2b lyoo. M )u I Mi e Till)' 1 bi STREET, ST. JOHNS Keep Your Eye Oa St. Jonas.