St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 19, 1906, Image 2

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Pubtl.hed Krrrr Krldr
MiiUcrlptlon rutfi, $1 .0(1 prr rrsr In tdrnc,
AilrrrtliliiR rate. $1.00 per inch per month.
ah aatemiinr unit pajraiia aril oi etch
Job Printing lecuteJ In flrit-eltie itjle.
hub iur rfou iTiniiDC cum on aeuverj.
All communication ihoald be tddrtued to
The nenew, Ht. John, Orecon.
Till'. Ri'.VlKW Is entered nt jioit onice
in Saint Johns, Oregon, n nmll tiintlcr
oi tnc second emu under the Act ol Con
grcsnof March 3, 1879.
omelet Newipiper of tb City of St. Jokm.
Phono Scott 0990.
0If ronl politics there seems to be
none in Oregon. If there is one
real politician in the stntc tic lins
failed thus far in mnk inir mi itn
pression upon the ordinary ludiv
True, tliero are ntiincrotts jiccwec
people vainly endeavoring to pret
lily pose before a prurient public a.s
anxious to serve their .state in an
oflicial capacity but, up to this
date, we have heard of none but
uiose wiii) song in 10 ticati-neal tlieir
way along the whole trip.
If the press of Oregon carry out
the promises made 110 candidate
will receive free puffs for any pur
Ilf all America could be divided
into two classes "the grafters
limited" and "the suckers' consoli
dated" not more than thirty
millions of our population of eighty
millions would be without a society
and most of these would be child
rcn under 21. This is a nation and
an era of graft: and the higher the
graft the more respectable are the
suckers who contribute.
As a nation we are ruled by
City Council Figures That Deputy
Recorder Must Be Appointed.
At an adjourned meeting of the
council Held Wednesday evening lulci, to have made an eight-mill
.Mayor King an mcmuers ,cvy which wouk, ,mve suffi.
cient for all practical purposes but
He Worked Us.
livery day there are more and
more regrets that the city officials
were led away by the specious pal
aver of Czar Killingsworth and
seduced into making a tax levy of
so low a rate as to be dangerous
It was the intention of the city
were present except Messrs. Shields
and lirice.
The bid of I. N. Tomlinson hav
ing been found to be much lower
than that of Rechell Brothers it was
moved bv Councilman Letrirctt and
graft tmsslbly graft disguised, but seconded by Councilman Thompson
graft all the same. It may be that the contract tor the improve'
1 tt ii i 1 iiiniiT nr iriiiti crnmi 1 in nunrfini t r 1
wrmcti a-pun, or a "sianu-in, 1 thought comes upon us and
or a "scheme," or a "bit of recinro- 1 :..1?mli,T' ,1,e m,esto . St. Johns is under the velvet
C,lv"h.,t. it, the broad sense of "..."!. . !T i . .' of Killingsworth and his
, : ... " , i .. ".a:. ... r. , '"?.n,..9. ' nK,n ;,ymc" While there is no remedy
uiu nuiu 11 i.i im-ik-ijr kiuii. uor me ciiv iiau sue was discussed
No special act of legislation at length and it was decided to
whether state or national can be nwnit uU of tIlc interview
I I... it . . T ii .1
enacted except by a graft: "vote , ? ' T t 7B t
, . ..... W. M. killingsworth before taking
for my steal and I'll support rnr.iw,,.
yours," or "I'll scratch the back Plumbing ordinance was reported
of your harbor fake and you tickle not complete.
the ribs of my exposition humbug." , CIcrk. wns ordered to have the
Is the world urowimr better? c' engineer post pro)er notices on
j s tut worm fcrottinj, nuurr iII)l)r()Vcmcllt of Mouteith street in
No thinking or reading man can onIcr to rccdve miy rt.ni0,ls,rullCcs;
for a inotneiit pat himself with the while the matter of Chicago street
idea or belief that it isl There is extension was carried over to next
not a state in America nor a citv meeting.
of considerable si,o In any state- ,,,31
in which King Graft does not sit froI1, tle General Klectric Company
upon llic ruling pedestal and require lor a less term than five years, ant
hoinauc. much discussion followed. The
Millie n .Hlftctl.iii riiil.. II. t In ill., light committee rctioitcd the follow
f'WVn l 1 1 IIV.OI.Vf II VUillV III' V'f IIIW l . " . . .
I ill. luiilllu .1 ........ ..1. ...... I T..M ll...
iii iijiiitri ii.i iiiv.i 'iini'.i iui nil;
... .... 'K iikf
pose. Heretofore it has been only . """" . ""w street lamps
necessary to issue a circular or send ie suppression oi an evil or uic Ivauhoe and Chicago.
puiiisiimeni oi vice it is answered
out a M)stal card and the press of
the state Hies to the relief of the
party so issuing with great avidity
I his is a cheap way of seeking
political preferment.
I he business man realizes the
necessity of advertising. He pays
for it as is jierfeetly proer,
i here seems to be no retis'ou why
he should pay for what others get
for nothing and the business man
should either make a kick or the
pettifogging Hliticiaii should pay
for all favorable mention.
fit ... . Ik.. . . . i i t e .
i iiu ivitviiiw win iigm no tree
battles even in a local campaign.
not by "What will be right or
just?" but by "Will It be policy to
disturb it?" or "How will it effect
my next candidacy or the strength
of my party?" We have the trait
of selfishness much developed: more
past-masters of the Grand Grafters'
Guild than the wildest novelists
ever contemplated.
Hurlington and Hayes
Richmond and Willamette Itonle
Oswego and Willis Houlevard.
Pittsburg and ltradford.
I'esseudeu and Fillmore.
Hradford and Richmond.
Alleghany and Portland Iloule
This will make the best division
of the eight new ones placed by th
city. The car-line has placed one
"Hlin as 'as, gits" homely but at Point View, an Cedar Park, at
trltu tells It all. The wise gazaboo Heights, and at the French
L-ralw the ..raft-works it In l i jersey
7 , " . . ... and at Jersey and Richmond: and
iiii'..ii. nun inv. iuuin.v.111 nuv.Kv.1 l ...ll l.
the two nreviouslv in
. . ... . i - i j
pays to give the other fellow what there will be 16 in the city.
he wishes. The worst of it all Is city attorney was instructed
n l.a m i . l.l.llll 111.. ..!... ......1 .. A
A.... t i t i i t int t ie fever J stin-ni Iiur uti- uiu iivvunrt.iiy tuiiiuiti.
.., miiuivi.inwiiiuiviH HIS Ml . , . , ..WU,
. . t . 1 wt(illU If t 1 kit t .! ((, u tiau r 1 ' " '" e
aim me general tun ol news-iiairers r - - - . . . . .
docfi moie for the community than miiculatiou to kill off the ilevasta- Ureatly suffeied the past three
any dozen men can or will do. it ""K miliaria. No Mate or large months by the illness of Recorde
can frequently undv what a dozen municipality can stand investiga- I lanks which has incapacitate!
I... f..!.. 1..II.. I. lllllll! il.Ml'l'll ll llliui
nun mi. mi un iiiiiuei ce is a limine i ..... r...n ...... ...
evei sum . umit.l with ",v '"V 1"'"
lence is a public
tine auii is puniieiy lull. P, , n""" ness will reotiire a long time for
This pajk'r gives no flee adver- Skl" 11 ' ""iiesi grand jury siiotild rcCuK:ratioii, W. I,. Thorndyke
tisiuir to anv niivnto ItKllvI.lni.l Investigate. Occasional cleaiHips Was appointed deputy recorder -
even if he is anxious to servo his of Kn,fl merely cause the countless Mibject to the approval of the coun-statc-his
county-or his city-as " " '" the more pion.- fj' JJ W?. J,"
a public ollieial. It might well '" " increase of grafters P Sid fe'iyUWrt
ami iuc vast acquisitions to tlie the seven members: hence an ad
sucker fraternity show beyond a burned meeting is called for Fri-
doubt that the revered and formerly "'' evening, January 19, to accept
admlted fool-killer has reported or V Vul lllu
"nothin'doin'l" Adjourned.
It KM KM HKK THIS. A flood Firm.
mavv 1 1 I another column will be found
........ .. ...nviium nnw mv,i .... ri.Pl 1... n.l fnr ll... r..l I.I..
, . 1,1, . I I . "t..M tiff iwt HIV VWMIIMIMII
mud. The whole aim of the joint ,,w ,lK"i"i" auvertising rates lor Woolen Mills Tailors, at Portland
meeting or the Kditoiial Ak-mk-'Iu- coiniiiercial publicity figures 1 his 111 m, although a young con
tionaudtho vaiious Develonmunt w,a'n ,lc sc,,lcs ,,is monthly bill wni, has Micceetletl by fulfilling
I.etiiMies soeiiut t.i l. t.. ...l.,rti... e uas uiit lor all tlial the r,v ' ,M "". i'
Oiegon-not mmiic particular Mr- ,,ewslMlw lms ,lm,c for N'" One may have patro
1 Kill Kill I llniimi in itu ....I....I..
to paste this in a scrup-liook,
I III, bamiuet to the visiting
editors given Friday evening by the
Portland Commercial Club cemented
still closer the bonds uniting the
entire state with the city of Poit
Tom Richaidson ov.-rvl
' '
kiiows Dim so well that oven the
stranger has to call him "Tom" or
get away fiom the place was, as
usual, the piime mover in the
"piihli" husiucM.. Iuder his .skill
ful management Oukou has re
tvivetl more than any
other state in America and bv
rouicd every
tailor in Portland and vet never
..... .... . 1. . . .
11 if true mat ne lias paid all the Have bought of a lit tit whose every
bill calls for but there is some- Karuieni gives sucn terlect satis
thlni? that he eiinimt ii.iv fnr. 'n.,.t faction. 1 his paper knows of
I ...I.,. I tl ....,t. I l...o .... I.... !
1 i.iiii. i. iiiMi.i 111111 iiiin nil iivjii
IHiini . I tu (.. in elite llrni V
1... ... 1 J r ...... .( ....
"'iv.Hiicy 01 an gtxxi tilings tnir- resit cut of tins communitv can
tiuenttothe piogress and growth afford the ready-made" when the
of the city ami the communitv. garments turned out by this firm
Kveiy buc of every good paper ,,rovu Wclory and at no
- . ... .....
It will pay ami more than pay
contains a certain amount of mat
. . I . t . a I
nun uas now iKHiii utiMHl a fund of ,v' '" y iwm pime; every every man who reads this to
$yxx to iidvcitiMj it. Tlilx fund ,SMU' ,,v'l,s mu' "ids every citizen look up the ad and then look up
is to be usttl, as the donors slim.. of ll,u "mimuuity wheteiu the
latvsl, to give publicity to the en. lMlH"r is piil'Iislunl
titefctate not to P01 Hand. "Pun. I he paper does more for the
laud lives in Oiegon," saitl Tom. !K'PIc of it!i C'V than the cople
"If Oiegon isn't fat Poitlaud will 'lo fnr lMlH"'- And every clt-
le tleinml iHor!" He could not uen nm's al somw moment the
secuie a nickel to advertise the M,PIH """l good will of the pajer
big city" yet the fiftv thousand ll,0e e tealies until the
the firm.
See the Peninsula
Hank for fire
IJillcc Killinirswortli, the Toffee
King, put up a plea in so seductive
a language that tnc entliusiasm
spread and all were happy at a 5
mill levy.
Now the question comes up
Was it right? Sober second-
asks if
for the
complaint and kicks will prove fu-
.!, f . . .. . .
uic, 11 is conceoeu tuat me extra
three mills needed would have been
a mere bagatelle for all tax-payers
but would have been a great aid for
tnc city.
M. L. Holbrook would have
been satisfied witli an eight-mill
levy and he is possibly the largest
tax-payer in the city. Hut Killings
worth, who, with the aid of his
associates, is endeavoring to build
up other communities at the pos
sible expense of St. Johns, comes
and puts up the baby act: imbues
alt with his m!fguetic spiel: and we
are Ills.
After this we thould all shy at
New Realty Firm.
As may be seen by n specially
displayed ad tu tuts issue a new
real estate firm is in the field a
new combination of old dealers.
For some time Messrs. Shepard &
Dobie have been handling real
estate their office being 111 the
Peninsula batik room: while at the
same time P. J. Peterson has been
handling much property and mak
ing many sales.
These men have joined issues
under the firm name of Shepard,
Dobie & Peterson and will put
money, time ami hustle into in
ducing new-comers to make paying
investments here.
For the present the firm will
occupy the Cochran block with
the Peninsula bank. A little later
there will be several chauues in the
bank which will necessitate the
firm's seeking new uuartcrs, when
they will occupy u portion of the
1 .
store now used by Peterson & Com
pauy a.s a cigar manufactory.
1 ins linn is composed of men
lliorouglily acquainted with the
local real estate conditions: men
who in the past have conducted a
legitimate business and who will in
the future so continue. Those who
ileal with them can depend upon
receiving good service.
To Improve Streets.
M. L. Holbrook has no superior
as an cuergetec pusher for public
good. Since his advent into this
locality lie has done more in this
line than anv lialfdozen men. It is
true that he is largely benefitted by
this work but many would prefer
to shove the brunt oi the work on
someone else.
He has now bought the property
of Mrs. P. T. Smith lying between
Hurlington and Kast Chicago in
order that he might open up the
latter street to the legal width, 60
feet. Through the plat he will ex
tend Willis Houlevard which will
open the property in nice shape.
The old wire hen-yard that has for
a long time occupied a portion of
Harriet street will be at once re
moved which will be a needed Im
provement. Tin's will increase the
width of Harriet street to the
necessary extent.
Nearly all lots in Court Place
have been sold by Mr. Holbrook
within the past three weeks. Some
of them were sold upon the agree
ment that Chicago street should be
extended and made 60 feet wide:
and Mr. Holbrook has now made
good Ilis word.
It is an understood fact that
when' Holbrook says so it will be
Weather Man Forgets His Locality
And Orders Wrong Variety.
It was witli much difficulty that
the citv fathers succeeded in get
ting to their homes Monday night
Office: Room 9, Breeden 11. .1 .
lag, corner Third and' Wm'i,, U ld
streets, Portland. 4"Mll,"gtotl
Residence: ,. ,
.... rr
the snow almost causing several UK L. u. HOLLANh
mg the road. In fact, PHYSICIAN ami n.,J
39- Office:
St. Johns,
deaths along
during the council meeting a tium
her of them had cold feet and
didn't thaw out enough to even get
hot about anything.
Tuesday morning with eighteen
inches of snow locomotion was in- Goodrich & firwvlr.Vi.
deed difficult. Many groups of uowr'Cll,
boys and even men were taking
magnificent toboggan rides down
.1. I... ..)..'.. I). ..I.'. ...In.. I
iuuu.iiu, 1 iiiuiwiiii..., Snint jolms nnd
ami such uuiit airceis u vci iiuu u
clear throtighfare to the river, and
so great was the of the nr w P hadtpi
hastily-constructed vehicles of travel T nAKluL,
that the opposite bank of the Willa
mette was reached ere a stop was
Along the banks were tied the
many launches and the ferry-boats
put out of requisition by the
vagaries of Dame Nature and the
weather bureau: while the distant
grumble of the "t-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-t,
t-o-O'O-t. t-o-o o-t of the river
boats indicated full well the troubles
those vessels were having in break-
Wc Arc drawing, Also, And This ing the ice before them. They
Is The Reason.
Good No. 8 cook stoves S7.A0;
air tight heaters St. 50: 6-foot ex
tension tables S.V.So: 8-foot exten
sion tables S5.00: kitchen cabinets.
the $4 w kind, 2.5o: large arm
rockers (wood, cane or cobbler
furniture taken in exchange
Goods delivered free to St. Johns.
M. J. McGrath, 66 North Third
.street, between Davis and Kvcrctt:
Main 20S7.
From A Major.
A. Fones, mayor of Lyons, Kan
sas, writes to this p.icr as below:
Lyons, Kansas,
January 1 1, 1906.
Gentlemen: I herewith enclose
Crown and llr!dKc Work a
Rooms 1 and a, Holbrook Illock, St. Job,
Piiyrtclan and Surgeon.
Residence 1'Iione iim , ,
Olfice: Holbnk'.NcwnrickB l3
Residence .Julius Hotel. '
Office next door to Mltou'.
store. Phone, Union "S". &
--."..ill-, none.
" " " 0rrW
II. T. Jlohn, 8A W lll.mtli. luZi.
c. w. Bokn. 21 t.i;; gz":"
I ST. JOHNS. . . . . I Br
N. F. NOREN & CO. "
Real itstate, Loans, Iniurancc and
lltulncss Chances. S. C. Nortonl
corner Ilrunsw ck nn.l 11.. t. "'
streets, Resident Agent,
union 1140.
For Sale.
100 cords of stove wood urcen.
dry and mixed.
819 Kellogg street, St. Johns.
G. V.
Saint Johns
lloulcviml mid Central
f tftoo HoiiH' unit two lot, a fine buv.
f iu Houm.' ami two full lot, fine river
view, uirKiln.
Witntt'd IIoiik' and lot to ciut from
f.SootoiaM. Siwt CMh. Mut be
tt lureaiii.
fjJj Two lot f )o down, twlnncc fj 11
lot ivr inouth.
f jyw-iliuiH' and eluht lot a fine buv.
f y l'our lot.
Ivttiy ti'tin on nil aliovc.
()pKsite S,ish and Door JJtoro
floundered about like n four-bit
lawyer explaining the workings of
a sawmill
The street railway was attempt
ing no service. I lie early car to St. Johns,
town was stalled tins side of the
Heights while the first car down HOI FN IlDrkTi-tnne
... tmrUI t tl.n I. f t. troll,.,. UIU 1 M tHj)
seat) Ss.oo: high back dining room i,nt.,.... Point v.w. .....I r.,i .V "IVH',HTERS AND
chairs 6jc: iron beds, any color or Park-snow having drifted nt that w. oV. .,,. ! n?
i f. 5.9e? u-ir,. nr Hire! ..... ... .1. . . ...V f . ....... ir t n?! Mr.Y??'.' 10 ""I"
...-, '-o; '.'r. IOIHl IO UIC UCIHII OI UUUUl IWC1VC
tiressers, imitation o.ik, 57.50. uiti fcc, At :,. O.,.loct. ,ir..e sarct.
ing parties went in pursuit of the
milkman and at noon he was found
in the (luagmire near Harriet and
Chicago streets unconscious and
witli a milk-leg. Ready hands dug
Him from the mud ami snow and
he is believed to have rallied
enough to talk.
Kverything was changed from its
accustomed garb. Hut for the
signs at the street corners most of
the the few who dared to venture
nut trm.lfl lint., uti.llt Inc. tin. I.
i..n.. t .-'.ij i ".
yon uiicuu ar 111 payineiii ior your )Car lu:sa o t nd-niarks linv
very excellent pajier 1 iih Kit ,, .cen obi teratetl. Fuel uns
,,tw " U.? I 7 l ,,,,M preunum-when in the houses
iuii:u.M, Kiiesi oiiine lauiiiv 01 my i.m,l 1'.,. .t.u 1.,
brother, J. I. Fones: I also met ,i.,.r ..... .1,. ....' t" ..1.... CAPPP.T VVPAVlwn
. 1 ,. . I . t .1 I .....I .IIIIIVIOVIIIVl 1 IUIIUIW I ' ---N- II llJ
uiii-uiiiv: ni.i.iiiiiiuiiiii.e.t 111 me tier- ll..rl-..,l ... ,.v..r.. i. .....I t
t t ilf II I M..l . " ' ' J l'"llll Hlin ILUI
nuns ill . , ivuscr aim .liaite.S U in.f... nmim, ......n. o ...!
. ,,,,.,, nnj wi iui. nun
'.rilt.ll. . nil li.u.,,11.., tli.. ....... il... I... 1
1. I ...If I tl I.I I '."iiim. niw ..VIIIIIVI WIIIV.tlll llllll
mil IIIIVK II lieuilllllll WUV Willi I mlnl.... I,,..., 1 It,.. ...... ..I...- .11. ..!....
r. ......... ..........!.... ... .. 1. . .1 """"".v.i mi. ....iiiiivi uinilM.ll
iiiiv: iuuin.-vi.i 111 KIUWHIK lull 1111 ue r., .. ., ,., , ,,
it.etrotKills-voiir n.ilrtw.U. L V Cotllicl lllilll Shields was
ping, manu)actures and the like
mimics. I wish to keep paste
vonr citv mwl tin. ii..W4 nt tl... ,i..,. ?"ra .'' applied ami ne wus
there. May come out there iigahi ' : " con
v. iiwuiii uie mini
found at an early hour
morning sadly fatigued
and in-
AIRS. C. T. A10E
Triccn Reawtmblc. S,itlftlon
(.unrantctd. Hntrancc at rwr
talrway, 301 Richmond Strttt.
To thoc wanting work done In
thU line, call at my rculdtnct,
401 Tucotua itrcct, three block
wct of the car track.
Illock, next door
ill give you magnificent opjHir- "V"""'?, inBUi ami in-
inituk I wish to keep posted on Lf?!' , mu eriug. Kcstoru.
I til .itialil ft o
come out there ugaln ,
unnii fn trl tint mua rt tw tlntni. I
ami the good things you have for V,. , , ,T V . ,U,e 'ifw
....... " I hotel: declared thut until ll... ii.-.lln.
;. A. i'UMlS. ... - - -. -
uubb- niiiii.ii iu.Miiveiy wuetuer it filler a uvwow
Office: Cochrun
to xtofiicc.
Saint John
..fin tf ll. .II..1.I.....1..I...I !.,!. .1
n. iti. itfii v '"''',"lll,, oxtuueti
uo ii) uoni. copier lie couitl not vote for it: but
For Portland and way points opiates were given and his life wus
. . . . I 1 v
hikc steamer uazeiie at public dock, saveti.;
Leaves St. Johns at 9:15 n. m. and
6:15 p. m.: arrive Portland (Stark
street dock) at 10:00 a. in. ami
7:00 p. tu.
II . 1'. t. I his was what the
. r . - " 1
editor dreamed after he returned
rluttcrcr, Ilrlck Makoti and Cc
incut Worker. lHtiuiatc Kiwa
mid MtUfuctlon Kuarantcril. Keltr
to editor of till paper. 755 Vr,
landitrcct, University I'ark. rhose
Union 6797.
home front the council meeting. F. J. CARTER
What some of the counclhneii
Quarterly .Meeting.
The last nuartcrlv conferenee of
.. - ... . ------
uic coniereuce year will lie held at
the F.vangehcal church over Satur-
day and Sunday. Key. II. L
Pratt, presiding cider, will preach
amumuy evening at 7:30, ami Sun
has not yet been made
Shop next door to Andrnon' lUlrrr
on Tucoum trcct. Give me a trial onlr.
The drip.
St. John,
"Hefore we can svmnathize with ST. IHHNC RYDDncc
,!,- , , ' ' , ...... wwi.iiw
w.iivi.-., nc HiuM nave iSiiucreu our
selves." No one can realize the
.suiieriug attendant upon an nttack
nav norn mir at n. nun Sum m
evening at 70. Quarterly coS a tS Sr en ' There T
nimi iiui- uuieiui is reottesttii ...i.ti. ...... . -
Good delivered, crated or ua.
crated, in city or 1'ortlaud. ll
ano a specialty. Leave order
at llickner'. l'lione Union 998.
tiiustila Dank about rates.
Iinur TIM Vmt AnVCOTKR CT inline Dmcn rmu v minuiK un n. '
uvn vra. ivu niii.niuu ji. juiiiw ULIILK IllrtH ! JC1UIHIU inC KCVICW CAM 10 lUUK FRIENDS ?
to lw. rH...,t f . " w cceiuiiy
"""iiwii avivttv mill. All ,l,,,..... t.
W lki he il Sinn ..v,, 7 ......fcv. nuiu
- ' ",w t" However, niav w. ....!,j.wi 1... ... '
prompt use of Chanilierlaiii's Pn....i.
Cnn You Afford Remedy. Among the tens of
To carrv the risk of thousands who have used thu
" '- Will 1 v l -
your lmildiiiL'S when a sinnll num.. i.t I not one case has ever lu'pn r...
will insure you against loss? It P01 'hat has resulted in pneu
does not jwy to do it. See the Pe ".,01mi or tm,t ,ias ot recovered.
the grip.
For sale by Jackson's Pharmacy.
Had N
ciucial moment arrives,
knows he needs it.
Then he
came very easv when the
elToitsweie to give publicity to
every ixxtiou of every section of
me kVhMou last week of the IN any event "Richards' " is re
vjiegou luiuoriai Association skv viui! of .hdhirs' tv.irth
said, by thorie who have atteudwl of "diplayetl hval" advertising
every meeliug, to lw the Ixist yet and no bills aie leing pa-sentetl by
held ami hail ittrong teuduncy to the uewspaiKjr. Some assert, how-
eradicate all hvctioualisin. Ami the ever, that it is not as "pure" ad-
Commercial Club proved e.xculleiit veitisiug as it might lie.
ami iavin eutertaimus.
THAT gtent milliouaiie mer
chant, Mauhull Field, whose name
is well known over all America,
died in New York Tuesday even
ing. He was one of the very, very
few inilliouuiiewhohd the esteem
of the world in general. At seven
teen 'without a dollar: at seventy
worth one hundred millions: never
gave a note or mortgage: never
bonowed money: and Mid taxes on
more jwiNonal property than any
other one individual in America.
A good record.
Keep Your 15ye On St. Johns.
I have for sale or trade a good
IHiny. W. H. Sweugle, the har
iie.s.s maker.
Uvnuuelical Church,
Onler of exercises at the Kvun
gelical church for next week :
Sunday school at 10 a. 111,
Preaching 11 a. m.
Junior K. L. C. K. 2:30 p, m.
.Senior K. I.. L. h. - 6:30 p. 111.
Sermon 7:30 p. in.
Wednesday 7:30 p, m.: Choir
pi act ice.
TlmrMlny 7:80 p. 111.: Prayer
We extend t( ivrsonal invitation
to eacn cltien of ht. Johna to tr
ticip.ite in and enjoy the services as
announced. K. H. McVickuk,
W. E. SWENGEL, The Harness Maker
We use the old-fash
ionetl genuine Oak Tan
California Leather. Very
best obtainable. Gives
long, faithful service.
Trim mi tigs perfect.
Thread, Irish Linen.
My work is all hand
sewed: and it is seldom
that a stronger or more
durable harness can le
found than those I ban.
We make' u sjKcialty
of rejviir work -doing it
neatly and satisfactorily.
One trial will convince
you that we do pleasing
The other dav
showing a pro.-,jective customer
about the citv when, i
home, the stranger looked at it and
inquired, "What denied fool built
that house?"
nuts looked at the
kT:.:.7"' ",ai..M "Kt "lane no Saint lohn
Ulllllll(r JltWI rrvl 1.,1 . I
"I did!"
Most men would hnv i
totally dumb-founded
would have hastetietl away. Not
so this man. Ho .n. ...!.-.
K ose, then at Moses,
then back to the house. Ti, ui
coolly ejaculatetl
. "Uid. eh? Nice
J. S. CAIN, Proprietor.
Meal by the day or week. Boird.
per week, I4.00.
Cochran Illock . . Jersey Strttt
Saint Johns Ortgea
Fuel furnUhed, either hort er
long, Drayitig and team-work
of every klml. Prompt trvict.
Term reasonable.
Comer Jersey and Catlin, ST. JOILNS
IIoum ovtr and Rrpalrtr
House movetl, raicd and re
paired. Odd jobs of all kia4.
I'roinpt service, resonable chrg.
Ivauhoe and Catlin street.
Ckkac RMMiBg Houie. ,
Gool rooms from fi a week f
Corner Chicagoaud Ivanhoe str
house. Then he Saint John8
house, isn't
flnlliltii. rUuvl. nrfsed
W. E. SWFNr,FI Tacdma street
St. Johns, Ore.
Dangers Of A Cold And How To
Avoid Them.
. More fatalities have their onV;
m or result from a cold than from
any other cause. This fact nin,, J I. H. Crook. 606 lersev D.S.Waltoa.
clesned. pressed
lnrn.letl with rare anil nroniPtl".
Indies' clothe a specialty.
Old I'ostofice Building
SaintJohn -
l'honc Scott 6690. University
SllOllIlI mnlre nwnU . .
uiuic earetui as
there is no danger whatever from a
ri....r.. , . , ) curs 1 wsm w t w-----
viiuiiiiicriain s unttnii 1
been recognized as the most prompt
and effectual medirm,. ; r?
this disease. It act n, i
Plan, loosens the m..). .n
tli 1....... . icucvca
the luuga, opens the secretions and
?'Js"a.U,rf..,u coring the system
Platu Drawn antl Kstimates Fbtbi
General JebMn); and Repmg.
, ,rt "ca"u' condition. Sold bv
Shop 10S Fa4c ret. near Jf'
Jackson's Pharmacy.