Vsiioiiid Patronize The Home Paper. It ,ml thl mean a better city H 011 work wIth THE STJOHNS REVIEW ST. Johns review Advertise InTfw Mm lit rin-til.itlon U urtiu-iiu- .unl it i-ovori tlio IWM. in ln-tirr than a daily in the field. IT WILL REPAY YOU Devoted to I ho Interests of the Peninsula, (ho Manufacturing Center of tlio Northwest VOL. 2 ST. JOHNS, ORUGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 19, 1906. NO. ti I m&&&&&&&&&&s&& I cqunql HAD FULL HOUSE 1 St, 1 Sang "Mr. Nye, We Are Only Teasing You" On One Key. ,V Johns Land Co. ! 5 IS I' i s ft t 1. Shepard, Dofaie & Peterson REAL ESTATE Will tell you all about some fine buys in Acre Tracts. Temporary quarters with the Peninsula Bank. Phone Scott 4061 Shepard, Dobie & Peterson I i 1 Mayor King presided af the council meeting on Monday even ing and nil members of the body were present. There was also a large audience of on lookers some coining for business and others from curiosity. Councilman Leggctt reported that the warehouse at the dock was nearly completed. He also re- were the betterofithe two. It was over-lapping, practically agreed' that Tomliuson declared that matter of the ordinances regarding the board of public works and a plumbing to the next regular meeting. Tin matter of SASH GLAZING DOORS WE CARRY "ODD" SASH IN STOCK Columns Spindles Brackets Lime and Cement Wwm Paints Oils .Glass Redwood Gutter insiector was laid over ( Chicago street extension and the improvcuteut of Monteilh I t street weie carried over to next meeting. The license ordinance ciiute for-1 ward, limping sadly and with one, ported that the bids on John street discolored optic, for its semi-weekly had been investigated and that the investigation. UjHm careful diag-'i figures given by?l. N. Tomliuson nosis it was found to have four ribs Councilman Shields j lif ivmiIiI mil witi tnr would receive the contract 1- it until it was so amended as to n though the matter was passed to permit no return of the license fee j the adjourned meeting. A rciuon- when the license wac revoked. l strance signed by'.9 purported tax- Upon motion of Councilman payers against the vacation of the Shields the matter was once more j ' three streets desired by W. C. laid over to the next regular meet- , Francis and his associates was iug (Febi nary ,s) and amended so read, lly the city charter the as to allow the full license fee to te- l matter of vacating the streets was main the property of the city if for ; forced, by this remonstrance, to lie any cause the license was revoked. on the table till the next regular On roll-call Councihnen I.cggctt,' meeting. I.imhptist, Kdwnids, Shields and Mr. lfrancis then gaveaexplanar Hriee voted affirmatively: Council- tion of why the vacation of these men Thompson and Peterson uega-'j; 41 PHONG U.NION 310-1 Monday, January 15 is the Inst day on which lots en it be bought nt the old prices Choice;, Buiine lots ou jWsey 25.moo, $t 000.00 ntl upward. tots will double fu value hi one THetc streets was desired and assured lively. the council that unless some way A communication from Hnginecr could be devised for such vacation V. Goodrich regarding a Cur it would be necessary to either negie library was read. It urged build a much .smaller plant -or that correspondence be opened with abandon the plan altogether. Carnegie by our eiti.eiis to se how Councilman I.cggctt reported on exjienslve a building could be se ! the proposed vacation of Charleston cured, and just what weie the steps On and nftcr January 15, 1906, prices, of nil lota in St. Johns Perk and Court Place will be ndviiuccd 10 percent street that he had been unable to necessary to be taken to secure it. secure any written agreement from Mr. Goodrich offered to donate his Smith Hrothers regarding the laud fees as architect for the purpose of j occupied liy tlie puiilie dock. 11 liuyiug encyclopedic and scieutilic was the desire of the council to do works; also to donate the daily everything jiossiblc for Smith Hro- Oregonian, Scientific American, thers but it was not reasonable to I Iarpers Weekly, Leslie's Weekly give a sixty foot street unless some to the institution, and Mr. Good concession be made. rich is heartily in with this move- Mr. Smith declared that such a incut of a free public library. It deal was not to be considered: he had proceeded with the construc tion of his plant with the under standing that Charleston street would be vacated, and il wa unjust and unfair to force him to give a foot of land. As for the laud whereon the dock encroached it was all right: lu- would not cause bother in any way: but he would not sign any agreement to that efTect. Councilman Hrice believed the street desired wast too valuable to give away except the city should receive a quit ilaim deed to the ten-foot strip occupied by the dock and Councilman Peterson agreed with him. The matter -together with the advertise The would prove a splendid meut tor bt. Johns, 'i lie com muuicatioii was placed 011 file. ' Daniel Ilrecht announced his readiness to pay the $50 he prom ised toward the warehouse ou the dock or to turn the same amount 011 a lumber bill the city owed him the latter was dour. Councilman Pctcrttou, having tried ou a pair of handcuffs and declared them the best he'd ever used, moved that the saiuv be pur chased by the city for $5 and all j voted in favor of the motion. 1 I). I). Woods whs allowed for care of electric lights two mouths. Adjourned t Wednesday even ing. January 17. Imiiu MblS in St. Joluit PWk, jaj6, with iG-fuQt alloys $250.00 iid tip winds $5'.qq down and $5.00 jr month. St. Jo Land Co St. Johns ii""c un mm Oregon Itratich Office mul Ai;oncy on the Ground. RAILWAY MAY CHANGE BRIDGE SITE There is a hi kick over the pro- the Willamette at or near Pweuden posed bridge siu- at tha dry dock j slreit as this paper Mated a couple and if the rivei pilots, backed by j mouths ago. It is possible, as TllU the 0. R. & N- railway, are sue- j Ritviuw has stated at divers time, cessful with t'nir remvnstrauce, it , that this calculation has uver been is jwssiblu that tlie Northern Pacific altered or n.nended: purchases in road will cros the Willamette here ; dicating otherwise having Iweu in St. Tnlms a-. oriL-inallv nlauucd. ( made merely to throw puonle oil It is claimed that the natural by tlfe river men site for another St, Johns "D." ST. JOHNS SASH AND DOOR CO. PHONE SCOTT 4063 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL JERSEY STREET EDMONDSON CO., R. WILCOX, Baggage Line 1 i Dray and a I'lionc Scott 130S. Hardware, Tinware, Plumbing i i.eave iXrlrKlacutrn 'urnitre M,IV) IIHTT Mi vj O store audtliey will receive jiroinpt . , attention. Tin Roof. Gutters, etc. I Pkone sVh iAi. n. J6H. Or T Unr Rent" and "Ifor Sale" cards lor saie ai w umv... bridge is not wiierc the channel isj limited as it is near the dry dock but where then- is plenty of harbor room. Last week the Northern Pacific jKopU-, possibly cognizant of a refusal to ullow o bridge where it has been n- utly contemplated, bought a big waterfront near the Weieriiaueser tract-rpaying tfisooo for 65 acres. It was the original intention of this railway to bridge the scent and thereby allowing rights-of-way to be picked up the more easily. Remember we curry a nice line of Shoes, Underwear and Hosiery with our complete line of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES COUCH & CO Phone L'nion dOort 200-20S I'hiladulphin Street - lie dry dock site as an ; i to tlie big bridge may be j I ic work of the Northern ' T The contention of the river men I against the dry approach simply the Pacific itself in order to make the change in location seem more like a forced movement. Just why it purchased this last 65 acres if such is not the case must be explained later. FARM SOLD AT GOOD FIGURE Among the prominent sales of 1 The price paid for the tract was, real estate last week was that of ( $30,000. The buyer was the the G. W. I-'or.-e river farm. It is Northern Pacific railway company located near M. Johns between the and now there'll be more guesses ,011 the work of that road. , T S Do yon know that we have tilled 18-16 Proscription in the last .six months and evory person has got well ??? Don't yon think that Pure Drugs and Prescriptions Carefully Compounded have something tu do with it? ELLIOTT'S PHARMACY Help Advertise St. Johns by Subscribing for The Review