i4 jlIMmL - . .. ST. Johns review Advertise In The Review It . in ut.ilinM n ffrllli UK' .lll'l It -if lllr flcM lu U-td r limn a llly in tin; Arid. IT WILL REPAY YOU The Home Taper. It ii tint work with ST, JOHNS REVIEW Dvote4 to tl latere! of tho PeafeMk, IM Minufactarlng Cwrttr of tho NorthwMt VOL. 2 ST. JOHNS, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 12, 1906. NO. 10 r olahM DtfrMi?! J. I I UIIW"" St. Johns Grocery Co. '1 GENERAL MERCHANTS We want you to call and see :: :: us in our new quarters SATURDAY SPECIALS 00 i5-ccnt package H-0 Pancake Flour - 5c All Cash Prices i .1 i.Hiii- hxii 1 .rn 1111. mm- m 1 mm m v litffi Mil! ir ft. 1M11S IMUC IN.1WWUH aui kuw 1 3-1.1; II I UilUKilKC n-w UUCKWI1C.11 C 1 KcPlllar 20c cacu. - - - - r i-iuur 1 ft, u I nn.i vnwMllni I . 4 v 7 cans "",u",v-i,i Sr lo-ceui can American aoup, sat- ; only - - 11 uruuy special w KKcnt can of Pineapple, Satur- tZr day Special wli, OUR NEW QUARTERS are in the Corner Store, Holbrook Block ST. JOHNS GROCERY CO. ilMMHM SASH GLAZING DOORS WE CARRY "ODD" SASH IN STOCK Columns Spindles Brackets Lime and Cement Paints Oils 47. uinim v. Glass Redwood Gutter ST. JOHNS SASH AND DOOR CO. :HB SCOTT uir ;WH(-ESALE AND RETA'L JERSEY STREET urn - - www N4 EDMONDSON CO., Hardware, Tinware. Plumbing i Tin Roefs, Gutters, etc Scott 4065 ST. JMNf.tr R, WILCOX, Dray mn Lln Iobc Scott 1308. PUao -Movtag Specialty. Leave order at BUckbum'i Furniture tore Bd Uey mi receive piuiupi tteatioa. A CHANCE TO INVEST Belief That The Proposed Smelter Will Greatly Benefit St. Johns. Shall St. Johns have 11 .smelter? I Bohemia company lias large hold- shall St. Johns secure nn hi- ings both in ore ami timber. dustry that will employ at the com- Shares in the company carry with mciiccmctit fully a half hundred , them participation in proms from men? every source including these Ihcse are two. questions the an- J mines, the timber, the contemplated swers to which mean more to this electric road and the .smelter, city than is commonly 'supposed. Those who have followed in any Consider this matter in u busi- measure the growth of the smelt- ncss light and view the advantages Ing business know full well how which will accrue to this iicninsula enormous it has been. Possibly in if this industry be established. no other industry are profits so It Is claimed by everyone who great as those made by smelters has investigated the matter of conducted upon a business basis Alaskan trade that, until Portland and competent to handle all unities can buy what Alaska has to sell that of ore. Front this source alone the country will not buy what Portland stock-holders in the Bohemia can has to dispose of. No vessels will safety count upon dividends of 110 run empty one way for the sake of small dimension: and when these dividing its patronage no matter shall have been increased by the profits from the Bohemia holdings of ore, put through its own smelt ers it can easily be seen that hold ers of stock will find their shares at spasmodic effort to sell her goods to a big premium and a nice dividend Alaska that arrangements lie made accruing. When the smelter shall be located in St. Johns every foot of land in the peninsula will have added value. It will mean more homes to be built and maintained, more supplies to be purchased, and more coplc for our people to St. Johns Land Co. what may be asserted by a few en thusiastic individuals. ' It becomes necessary, therefore, lcforc Portland shall make any to take alt ore that may be brought here. To do this requires but the earnest co-operation of the business men of Portland in the erection of a smelting plant of sufficient capacity to care for all ores shipjied here. The llolicm a hmcltimr and Kail. way Company, incorporated under cater to in all lines of business. Oregon laws for $1,000,000 (one What will be good for this city million dollars), stands ready now will be good for Portland. It will to put in the plant that is necessary mean the opening wedge for secur- ..II . ........ ' IM.t.. I.... At....!..... .....I !. ...I... f-- 1111 tin ik-iiiuiciuciiia.' 1 111.1 mm- iiiu iiiunKUii nuuc ' uiui imr.v: iui auy asks no bonus, is ready to dc- which the business men there arc liver the goods, and istout for bust- striving. By 110 other means can uess: but it will not locate where this trade lie secured for common there is manifested no interest. .ssnsc tenches that where the ves- The Bohemia Company was sel sells there wilt she buy for a formed for the purpose of putting cargoless ship declares 110 divl iu a smelter convenient to the dends. mines of the company in Douglas Portland will be directly bene- county where its property is fitted by the location of this sine!- ocatcd. It has, up to a recent ter at St. Johns. Her board or date figured upon the erection of trade should take up the project this smelter about 16 miles from and push it because this can le Cottage Grove, at Bohemia June- done far cheaper than to put on a tion: and from this jwint an electric line of boats which, perforce, would road owned by the comply would not be a paying venture, transport the ore. For the txrnefit of those who con- But now the Bohemia company sidcr tnc location 01 a smelter 111 contemplates larger ami better any residence community detrimeu- things ane among them is tins tal to uealtli and vegetation lint smelter at St. Johns. The erection t Ritvutw would say this: Alt mod of a smelter here of proportions ' cm amcltcrs now consume their suitable to care for all the ore that own gases: hence the poisonous may be shipped here means much 1 vapors formerly so disastrous to to St. Johns. I life arc eliminated. A smelter next It means the erection of a plant door to a home would not le dls- which would employ about fifty tasteful so fur as any noxious men and smelter-men are a class vatrars would be concerned nor of people commanding the highest would it be harmful to life or vegc- scale of wages. It means the com- tatiou. letion of a set of furnaces capable 1 Subscriptions are being taken lor of handling any grade of smelting this stock this week. The liitcn ore which might come to it. I tion is to sell about one-third the A little later it means the erec- Micccssary amount Here and tlicu tion of a refinery where all the there should be 110 difficulty in (lis mattes could be cared for in order posing of the balance in Portland to avoid the exiieuse of shipping because the business men of that these together points which in turn means that St. Johns would be an immensely advertised loca lity. PHONG UNION .1104 Monday, January 15 is the Inst tiny oti which lots can be bought at the old prices Choice Husihess lots on Jersey street, 25XICV. $1000.00 and upward. These lots will double in value in one vent. On and after January 15, 1906, prices of all lots in St. Johns Park and Court Place will be advanced 10 percent lfine lots in St. Johns Park, 50x106, with i6-feet alleys $250.00 and up wards $5.00 down and $5.00 per mouth. city wilt largely profit by the smel ter's proximity. All who can do so, it aptwars to us, will te not only aiding St. All this requires money but, us Johns by subscribing for stock but this article lias already asserted, wilt confer a favor of nice propor the projectors of this industry ask tious tioii themselves. The plan or no bonus: nor no uiey require seems to nc one uiai meriis me anything for nothing. , confidence of the people. Here is the plan of action: the bliall we do itr St. Johns Land Co I St. Johns Pllone Unl()n 3104 Oregon $ Branch Office and Agency on the Ground. t )i if $ t S t t $ $ . IK $ t i i ASSMM AND THIEF. Qeneral Lafayette Copies SluafeJ Byj His Dependant. "For Rest" and "For Sale" cards for sale at th eSce. At freauent intervals in times past Lafe Caples has taken in and aided a fellow who gave his name as "Kinrie Collins." The man would do odd chores, cut wood and the like, for his keep: then would depart for some other portion of the I world. I A few weeks atro lie came to the city and at otice went to Mr. Caples' home. He was taken in as usual Monday eveuintr as Mr. Caples was reading beside his table Collins camd in and, before lie could de fend himself the aged mau was badly beaten atout the had and elsewhere he bore material wounds. His watch (which was a very nice oae) was stolen by this man Collins, it is asserted and the thief was not to be found. William Canles. a son. was up with his father nearly all the night and a "tracer" was at once sent out for the arrest of Collins. It is to be hoped that he will be apprehended. Oh, Mc! Oh, My! The city election will take place in St, Johns next April, and already the political pot is leginniug to simmer quietly, but will increuse from now on. "Fattier" B. II. Downs is the only one mentioned for mayor, outside of W. II. King, 1 incumbent, "Fattier Downs" is al ways present at all council meet ings, and is a sort of encyclopedia of municipal information on every subject that comes up. It is not known whether Mayor King will be a candidate for re-election or not. W. h. Thorndyke is con sidered a candidate for recorder, although he has been mentioned for mayor. Willis Moxon also is being mentioned for recorder, as also is E. C. Hurlburt. Recorder Hanks will likely Ik a candidate for re election. None of the councilmeu have said whether they want an other term or not, but it is under stood that Councilman J. H. Shields' is on a still hunt for the mayors job. There promises to be a warm contest, and at least two tickets will surely be in the field. Port land Oregoniau. Remember we carry a nice line of Shoes, Underwear and Hosiery with our complete line of Staple and Fancy GROCERIES COUCH & CO. 206-208 Philadelphia Street Phone Union 4066 Smoking is a pleasure if the cig ars are bought at Valentine's. - - Do you know that we have filled 1816 Prescriptions (, in the last six months and every 0 person has sot well ??? u Don't you think ittni Di.ri ni.tnk! flill DrncrriiW inltc t Carefully Compounded have something to do with it? f 1 T :: ELLIOTT'S PHARMACY J Help Advertise St. Johns by Subscribing for The Review BY SUBURBAN EXPRESS Reasonable Rates Quick Service 358 PHONE MAIN E.0.MAG00N, Agent at St. Johns