1 i v 8 V Bonham & Currier St. Johns the Center of Attraction FOR THE MANUFACTURER Now is the time to invest. Iti the spring in vestors will flock here and prices will double. Wi have a few I.ots left at x Hiisiu ss I'rojierty I.ots 2 Lots with alleys ... TliRAlS TO SUIT - W. H. King Land Bickner Brothers Department Store ! I ! V I I All floods Sold at k'i't'p a Inijie slink of (It'W'inl Mi'ielmnilihO, Ini'hnlliuf Dry (IooiIh, lloiitH ami Simon, (Jriieoiirn, llmdwari', IIuiimu KiiriiiHliltiKN IVed, i:ic. In fact uvorytliini;. Tliuir I'lices are liuht. Don't- Mitxl.t .u r limo ki!iu to I'oillniul, Itnt ciiino in anil mu our Hlnck ami pi-iron. Remember The Big Department Store (,'ui nor .lorwy .Sheet ami Itrnnilwny fit. JoIiim, Oregon 8 - t J. i. I'Oll' t POFF &, Dmlrf FEED, HAY, LIME, CEMENT, SHINGLES LATH, COAL. KTO. ! I'riiii llrllirrjr 11111I Phono Union IllOl oo:X(OOOooooo'00;'00xoo If You Had a Bank Account It Would Kncotiniuo thrift and economy. Systematize onr business. dive yon a permanent record of your business trans- actions. ( live a uood impresKion to business lelations; And jjivc you more confidence in yourself. The Peninsula Bank oooooo.hoxo;oooooooooooo : The Edward Holman . Funeral Directors Mk ru 1nlu1l UK t - Te-lanhonu B07 220-222 Third St., Corner Salmon, -t- 1 mr-f iU . i.mii ami liit.lu.' uml. uuli tv v I ll.lt iHt.ni rttmlcHtv IK I't.l. u V. til nil. u. .i i i.hii tu.iwtli iMiii itjti'i 17 ' ' J '" " A I i. M ' " 1 l",h l''lllll J ' V it 1 HrMi . !.. HI, HH. ll.IIM.IIMg I If .1 I ! ! In t.li MIC il.Ull.l WISH IJIiO.S. Dentists. ' , I Ailing HuiLtlNg i. ii lfH ri linn, nil v lu 11 III I'K W Ull O I U I K O. I'. MI1KKII.I. Fnulk & Merrill Conl, liny, drain, Plour (iromul Peed, Painls, Oilt and Building Materials Phone East 713 University Pork, Oregon 1 YOUR WATCH Should Ik; looked after at frcipu-nt intervals. If neglected you are doiuj it uu iujiutic ami a doesn't fcivc tho watch 4 Jiow. CluuniiiK it U one uf cMir H.viais. Kor ukitint; w dev. of vourNe. Wilson, the Jeweler, Tacuaia Si , Si. Juhm. On; V 1.AUR1-L 1.0 Dill: No. 186 1. 0. 0. V. ST. JOHNS, OKIMIOV Mit t I'uclt Mouihy vvvaiiiK in Mil 1'vIIom hull, at 7:30. VUltnr urloomril. O. W. 0crtict, ii. 11. 1?, HIHoU, SccKtuty. 1 200.00 550.00 400.00 CAM. AND SHE Co., St. Johns. Portland Prices! II. II.CAUHV CAREY, III Cirrrrl I'llrre 8T. JOHNB, OltEQON 00000000000000000000000000 all with whom yon have oo:'ooooooooooooooootooooo ..... Undertaking Company and Embalmers ,udy AmUIuuI PORTLAND, Oregon 4 WW ' I ct Mllllclll (i I 1 ij.U Miiiti; . mi Thml mill Wd.li r n i HI KUIl'lDll 1 I AUiii uu UK V I' WIMi The llazelwood K. r. TiHi.MM, lroj. In an tip to-dato ipiick I.unch, t'igitr, t'onft'etionory and Nvn htaiul. TI10 Cck'liralt'd Hatel uooil Crouitt anil Mutter kept in stuck. Corner Jorsey St and Broadway St, Johua, Orcs'Jj Houses For Rent nv DANIEL BRECHT ik YOU WANT A HOt'SK CAM, ON UK ST. JOHNS, OREQON The 6. HEITKEMPER CO. YUhituUr, JcMtUf, Slltcrtmltlu, Importer an J Wholmle Dealers 286 Morrison Street. tlSui POUTLAHB 00000 Forced To Yield Bottle. Last August a man died nt Kalama, Washington, under cir curnstances jxjculiar. When iound his room was on fire but no signs of violence were seen. Coroner li. V. Wicker, now of St. Johns, held an inquest. A small bottle of white powder was found by the coroner in the dead man's room and this was taken by Mr. Wicker who has since re tained it. The widow has been having trouble In getting the $10,000 for which O. M. Kosenclale was in sti red the company refusing to nay on what it deemed a suicide The company has also been very anxious to get hold ol the bottle o powder but Mr. Wicker has stead ily refused to yield it. Last Saturday an order was issued from the federal court which could not be iiiiiored. The bottle was turned over to the court on Tuesday but precautionary meas ures were taken to avoid attorneys for the insurance company tamper nir with the contents. It wouh be a very easy matter to Inject jwisoii in the bottle where so large ti stun was at stake even if the present contents were harmless. The court has ordered mi iinaly sis of the powder. The drip. "llefore we can sympathize with others, we must have suffered our selves." No one can realize the suffeting attendant upon mi attack of the grip, unless he has had the actual experience. 1 Here is prou ably no disease that causes so much physical ami mental agony, or which so successfully denes medical aid. All danger from the grip, however, may be avoi'ied by the prompt use of Chamberlain s (. ough Kemedy. Among tne tens o thousands who have used this rem edy, not one ease has ever been re ported that has resulted In pneii nioiiia or that has not recovered. For sale by Jackson's Pharmacy. Contractor Was Hit. The latter part of the week rumor was rife regarding the brick block being erected by W. C Adams for the Chinese. It was asserted that an iuiliuelion luu been Issued neaiust farther work on the building, that it would have to be torn down, and that it was uu safe. These stories coming to the ears uf Ailiiiim In tun.ti-it 11 nutlet? llmt was sharp and to the oitit. This notice reliites nil these claims ami declared that the btiildiui; was to be a very fine one. lust where these rumors oriei untcd Tint Kitvntw does not know. The heavv rains nenetratetl the soil about the brick walls so that the foundation settled and the walls were braced in order that the whole wall might settle evenly: and it is (MKiihlc that this gave rise to the rumor. Mr. Adams when consulted about the notice said: "That means itist what it snvs. Hy gracious, I tell you I'm loaded lor oearl I ve had enough of this knocking on me these stories that the building is falling down, and that I've been stunned workini? on .. .... r it! Theie's eoliu: to be trouble if someone don t quit it. the build ing is going right along and will Ik; the lcst ?.sooo building in the city wueu 11 is iinisueii." Dinners Of A Cold And How To Avoid Them. More fatalities have their origin in or result from n cold than from any other cause. This fact alone should make cople more careful as there is 110 danger whatever from a cold when it is properly treated in the Degiuiiiug. lor many years L hatniRTlain s Lough Kemedy has been recoguted as the most prompt and effectual medicine in use for this disease. It acts 011 nature's plan, loosens the cough, relieves the lungs, oiens the secretions urn: aids nature 111 restoring the system to a healthy condition. Nml by Jackson s niarinacy. Abide A Trial. K. V. Wicker was awakened about midnight Sunday by a niuf lied noise and noted the glare of a iiasuiigui. lie sprang trout his lcd and called to bis urtiicr, Mr lllackburu, at the same time reach ing for his gun, A moment later the premises weie clear but he awakened in the nick oi time, The same night a couple lellows were driven away from Paschal mils property and it is lwlicvvu they tried to fire the barn. Some burned ivuter. shavings, and charred u-ood placed against the bant arc evidence toward this accusation. Levy Is Made. The school Uvuil has made its levy iiton the valuation of $1,543, 594 1 d J fio mills is the figure selected. Of this amount 1.7 mills is for the general fund; street im provements, .4 of a mill: outstand ing notes, .66 mills: bonds, .33 mills: interest, .5? mills. New One. St. Johns man to Portland man. "We'ie eoiinr to have a nice sa. loon in St. Johns." Portland man to St. Johns man; "Do tell!" St. Johns until to Portland man: "No: ho tell" -A FEW- THORNS The Man, ass A man with a fireplace seems to have n contract to heat all out doors. Wonder if anyone has wished the Russian potentate a "Merry New Year" ? They are going to hold n goat show at Dallas. Turn to the left, please, and butt in! Cupid had the busiest year in the history of Portland but the divorce court showed a mighty spritely second. liver notice how much better the fire burns when vou are tin enrlv than it docs when you're twenty minutes late? liver since Potter & Goold have gotten their stock of calenders Ooold has Ik'cii ciissin' umbrellas (This is not an nd.) "The Hluck Heifer" was recently played by nit Oak Grove Dramatic Club. Here s hoping none of the actors made a bull of it. C. T. Ycrkis, the rapid-transit king of the world, died in New York Friday night. He knows now what real "rapid transit" is. The trust has gobbled nil the catch of Maine lobsters and now the only lobsters left there arc those who join the get-rich-immcdiately concerns. The Portland Journal's "benuly column" gives a rccitc for n lotion "for 11 red nose." And we always thought eop1c desired to get rid of a red nose I It is claimed that the "STattie of Satan" over which so much usli has recently leeii read bore strong resemblance to Jojin I). Kockef -r. Well? The man who wrote "Throw Out The Life-Line" received but $25 from his publisher for the work. Iividctitly he threw the life-line to the wrong crsou. A message .was sent around the earth last Monday in eleven sec ouds. Next to the spreading of a bit of spicy gossip nt a sewing cir clc that is the swiftest record made Key. Dan Under Sxke in Port- laud Miuday aiteriioou 011 "Losing The Man." It is understood that a sccial invitation was extended to the Portland oIice mid detectives. A new railway nd says "Quick lime to a warm clime." Po.ssibly prosieetive passengers should look up the crcciitagc of fatal accidents on that toad before touching their tickets. Arizona is getting pietty mighty particular. Rather than to go into the union in conjunction with New Mexico her jteople .say they'll wait a score of years ami go in like 11 gentleman. Isn't it oild that whenever a de faulter hikes away he always leaves a "luo'a'ii hiartcd" wife? If he leaves a full purse it doesn't take long to )utclt tip the heart so it 1 work all right for another man. At Mc.Minnvllle, so the News Keorter asserts, is a cow that can wiggle lur horns. A cow who couldn't wigwag signals ol distress would be of no use in McMiuuvilU uiilc;s they run her for city mar shal. A Chicago man went home Christmas live without a present for his wife This so enraged her that she Veat him with a poker til the police came and arrested her. She hung her stocking up in the mill-pen that night. A Houston (Texas) editor had his throat eut from 'ere to ear last Saturday by one of his type-setters. Possibly the editor persisted in "marking out" the final "me" on program and the compositor didn't like it that way! Philadelphia's Y. W. C. V. has decided to turn out all members over 35 years old. But who ever heard of an unmarried woman of 35? However, if they do quit there'll be a chance to form an O. O. C. I'. (Qld Girls Christian Union.) Professor Paul Carus asks "What Is Forgetting" Forirettinir. Paul. is neglecting to agitate the yellow matter in your imagination bulb so as to definitely settle whether you were to take home a chunk of short ribs, order a cord of short wood, or get your teeth filled and be short for six mouths. Forget it J The swectot one I've ever met Are dear old maids: You'll uevcr we them In a pet Thoe dear old maids: They exereix, at people know, that good old chrutiaa ck'arity, They take the gilts that come to them without undue Hilarity: And keep their VoubleV to themselves wnicn surely I rarity Those sweet old maids ' 1 Thorn, i E 'A Ma V HBKZJvj ALL OVER THE HOUSE. jiit to B Obstrved In Cooking Vae table. Onions should-fllwoys ..lo.boilcd.la hard water, salted, because they lo3e much of their flavor and aroma it boiled in pure soft water. String beans usually need to boil forty-fivo minutes. The addition of small bit of salt pork will general ly minimize any rank flavor und will improve them. When done dram thoroughly, season with Bait, pepper and butter. Turnips, carrots, cabbngc nnd on ions fchotild be boiled in a great deal of water and taken up immediately and drained when sulllcicntly done. Overcooking destroys the taste, and too little wntcr will allow them to turn dark in color. A very little sugar added to toma toes, squash, peas, corn, beets nnd turnips will improve them. Turnips will cook more quickly when cut into thin slices; otherwise thev will need to cook a long time. Cauliflowers should bo tied in a net to prevent boiling to pieces. Potatoes on Half Shell. Hake large, smooth potatoes of uniform size until they yield to the pinching fingers. Divide each care fully in half lengthwise, scrape out the interior, taking cure not to break the skin; mash the potato with 11 lit tic hot milk nnd melted butler until vmi rnn limit it into a cream: salt nml iiiMitwr. IWt iii two tublcatJOOn ilia it ifrri li.il plm.i4i fur two cunfuls of potato and return to the waiting shells. et into the oven until not through and slightly browne Serve in the skins. To Clian Ribbons. Pin lliimi iiimii a board covered with 11 clean white cloth and scrub with 11 bit of soft white flannel from end to end with cold wafer to wind: vou have added a little houschol ammonia. Do this faithfully, nm! lrv iiiwiii iliu boii nl in the sun bleaching at last if necessary with tiornxldo of hvdroL'cn. then exoosini! to the sun. When almost dry, cover with thin muslin and iron on the board. The Oust Cloth. A damp cloth is the best of al dusters, nltliom-li many women wil not use it on any account, claiming that it injures the polish on the itir niturc. Tills objection is absurd for if tho cloth is clean it will not harm tho furniture in the least. I mav remove tho uloss. but this can easily be brought buck when tho surfuco 01 tho wood is dry ny run bing hard with 11 dry, soft cloth. Deviled Chicken. Tnko thu left over meat of cob cooked chicken and cut into neat nieces as hiruo as possible, dust each piece lightly with cayenne pepper and suit and brush with a little made mustard. Melt a tablespoon fill of mustard in n chafing dish am: put in tho chicken with n quarter of n citn of stock or milk. I lent thor oughty, turning the pieces over in the gravy, and 6ervo on toast. To Avoid Taking Cold. Stop worrying about diseaso germs, which you cannot cscnpo any how, and fortify your system against them by hardening processes. Keep thu foot dry nnd avoid sitting in drafts when heated. Harden the body by reasonable exposure to cold air and cold water. Then you wil never have a cold, ami tho grip nni pneumonia germs will nover bother you. To Brighten the Hair. Uso yolk of eggs with a bit of bak ink' eoda beaten un in it nnd a little claret added as a slmuqioo to bright en your half. Honey and rhubarb btalks steeped in threo parts of whito wine is also a good hninpoo ior urigniening unrK liuir. Let it Btand twenty-four hours, strain ami uso by wetting hair, roots and all ijil dry on. To Drive Out'Rats. Tho rat has a very sensitivo foot covered by a very delicuto integu ment, which is burned bv unsluckei lime. If wo sprinkle the holes am! runways of the rat with unslucked limo ho will dtsert the houses, fie u also u very thirsty animal, and if wo eut oil his source of water ho will desert tho region. Baked Cranberries. Fill n casserole or stone crock two-thirds full of fino largo buries, not overripe, cover with hot water, put on a tight mting lid and bake until tender. As thev homii in ir.. soft stir in carefully" half as much ujpr as there are cranberries, and nnisn ouking. Tomato Bouillon. A con of tomatoes and a quart of strong bouillon, one email onion, (dimtruvl ftnn n liniimml ......I.. .:n. . wum.uvi umuc mill six cloves, twelve whole peppers and linlf . .... ..I 1 tr , a.i u ivaspuumui ui eeiery seed wrapped in a bay leaf. Roil and ill ll.. 1 Ml 1 '". me uouillOU 10 C001 heat again and serve at once. A Jamaican Ijtdy Sneaks Hichh Of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Mrs. Michael Hnrt .if r "I ...v v., C supcnmeiKient ot Cart Sen-ice at Kingston. lanmim ivi t..,i: t- lauds. SslVS thllt Cllfb line fsNt- years used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for coughs, croup and whooping cough ami has found it verv benefiei.il. ii i.... :...i::. IIIU "111111111 confidence m it and would not be Without a bottle nf 11 in l,Ur l,. - . ... ..v. IIUIIIC ix.d by Jacksou's Pharmacy. OUR FAITH in sj. JOHNS aT Per In from date of purchase we will refund ' our money with 6 jier cent interest. This same guaranty we have been offering since wo first undertook to get ii di'striis to St. Johns, something over three years back nml up to date no one has asked for his money back. Lots and Acreage on Installment Payments Hartman, &Dau7AIC I UWvl 3 0. L. CHAPEL, YOUR LAUNDRY? WHO DOES IT? There arc laundries and laundries some turn out poor work and some turn rut worse. You sometimes get disgusted with the work that is returned to you: but if you patronize The West Coast Laundry YOU'LL BE SURE TO GET THE A10ST SATISFACTORY SERVICE Recently re-opened, this steam laundry is doing the fin est and best of work. Agencies at Portsmouth and University Park. Work called for and delivered. CALL PHONE SCOTT 3103 NOTICH. To Am. Whom It Mav Conckknj Notice is hereby given lhat there is now iH.-niliiiK More the Common Coun cd of the City of St. Johns, County of .Multnomah, State of Oreguu, a petition akiuj; for the vacation of all that por tion of Albany street ifonnerly North Second street) in James Johns First Ad ditiou to the town (now divl'nf m Johns, County of Multnomah, State cf ,.vKuii, Hum me wieriy une oi uur lington street (formerly Wuddueton street) in said chv. to a mint fnrt feet northwesterly from the westerly line ..v... .mvvi 11'iiiiiiv ittyiur sireeii wid city; which said petition was uuiy llico Willi Ilie Cltv rrrnn pr nf cni.l viiv 01 m. jonns on tue utli day of Dec. VMS Irs. 1 . IUUN. That said jKtition will be called up said council on Muml.-iv. the mil .In,. ,A iui iicanni; ui ine reim ar 1,111.1.. ,f January, 1906, ut the hour of 8 o'clock, W. C. I'KANCIS IMblished in Thk Rkvikw December 23, "J ''5. januar)'5, . 1900. F. J. Koerner, CONTRACTOR AND BUILDER Mans and srteeinVntinn.. 11.. furnishetl on nnnloiw... in ..! 1. S8$S$8888S8 Is best expressed by our guaranty of 20 per cent Increase in value of property during the coming year. This guar anty provides that In case the property you purchase does not in crease in value at least Cent One Year Thompson 3 Chamber of Commerce Portland, Oregon Agent at St. Johns ST. JOHNS NOTICE. To All. Whom It Mav Conckk.n: Notice is hereby giveu that there tt now pending before the Common Cow cil of the City of St. Johns. County Multnomah, State of Oregon, a ptbtw asking for the vacation of all tn P?' Hon nf Inlin iliwt in the Said City W ' Johns, running from the southerly "f of Bradford street to the harbor m the Willamette river; which &aiu pcuw was duly filed with the city recorder said City j( St. Johns on the 1 Ith day , December, 1905. ... ' That said petition will he calledaf for hearing at the regulai -Meeting otst Council oa Monday, the 15th dy. JJ uary, 1906, at the hour of 8 o clock, p. W. C. Franc Published in THK RKVIKW Dccea' 29, 1905; January 5, H. NOTICE. To Ait, Whom It Mav CoscfH.v: Notice ia kereby given Uiit tbew- now peadiMC Mtore the Coawe- Council of the City of St. County of MtUtnotaaB, State of Orat". a petition" for the vacation of " portion of Sakm street (formerly TO" street) in Jaaaes Johua First Addit the tbwa (now city) of St. John, , Jiomah CoUBty, State of Urrgou, the southerly lisc of Bradford " harbor line ia the Willamette nm. which said Bctkioa was duly bled the cltv nconlsr of said City of St. ou the nth Mr ot Vtctmixr, y. That said prfkkw will be called W - bearing at the regular wi.j, - -couneitoa Moad.y, the 15th 1 - JJ uary, iqob. k we iri o -W. C. FbaW t". ' IMbllalUHl iaTUK KKVIKW 1, worn done with neatness and dispatch. 9i 19& JMMX 5'