St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, January 05, 1906, Image 2

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I'ublltlied r.itrr Frldr
SiiWrlptlon rtlt; tl.00 ptr er In dfnej.
Ailrertlsliiif ml". 1.0 P'r Inch pf month.
.Ml aihertlitng bills payalls flnt of etch
Job Printing iiecnUd In flnt-eUti style.
Hllla (or Job Printing tli on dtllrerjr.
All fommunlctlon thould b iddretied to
Tin Rerlev. 8t. John. Orrcon.
Till! RitviHW Is entered nt txest office
in Saint Johns, Oregon, ns nmll matter
of tlic second class unilcr the Act of Con
grW of March 3, l79-
OfflcUt Ifwipper of tns Oltr of BU Jokns.
Phono Scott 0990.
TO tliosc wlio lmvc in times past
syintxitliizctl witli tlic hand of ns
Missins and cnt-tliroats nnd dyna
inltors iiiHKquurmliiiK under Kitise of
the Wentcru Federation of Miners
tliu murder of ex-Governor .Stciiiieit
hurtf, of Idaho, will he hailed with
lee. To the lovers of law, order
and decency, however, the dis
patches will hrltiK gloom and evil
At the door of the V. F. M. has
been laid and proven more thnn
two score mnrdeis and "disappear
mice." It is a i?atin that will stop
at nothing to bring lawlessness Into
prominence and it has done more
harm to labor than can
be undone in a decide.
Ilufore the present year shall
have heun brought to a close no
doubt exist that two more names
will be added to the duath 10II of
this denplcable organization ex
Governor I'etdiody and Sherman
licit H,th of Colorado. They
wciy wrxely limtriimuntul in caus
ing trouble for thin IiiwIckh brigade
ami their live have many times
been thtuatvni'd.
Thciu heeiim to hi a radical wrong
in tliu laxucwi of national laws that
Hiriuit the banding together of
thw.0 latter-day "Mollie Maguiies."
Moie thnn foity ier cent of the
mcmbcndilp is made up of iteiiltcn
tiary gradiiateri who have served
from one to thiee terms for serious
olTuuceii: and their axle seems to be
"malm, inuider, destroy."
Ux-C'oveinor Steuueubeig was
so maimed by a dynamite explosion
ai he was entering his home Satur
ilny night that he lived but twenty
minute. In 'yo he acted towatds
the V. F. M. as did Peahody and
llcll in iyo,v. nnl ther.' has been
no privacy legaidlng threats of
imiidur by that gang towards- these
tine muii.
Now one is dead. The others
will follow. So long as the govern
ment jHirinits the F. M. to exist
Jimt no lung doeii danger of death
tlirtantun all law-loveis. There is
but one precautionary mvasitie
every louder should be imprisoned
for life. Many of the rank and 111
of the gang aic ignorant of the inner
circle working but the devilment
i the concoction of brainy men.
If a half bundled of the leaders and
tiiutod lieutenants could lecutve a
life sentence capital punishment
would It lM;ttui tlioie would be 110
iuuiu of thik murduious gang.
Yut there in no law to justify such
1 hi till 1 1 not 1 1 -no direct evidence to
What, then, is the temedy?
AT lnt the North Polo is to he
dkcuveied. filet I umiu and "proved
up" HCGOiilIng to the latusl and
lt Aniorlrain muthods. The only
ajiparuntly fmtsilile plan has been
thought uul ly ,nu Chicago Record-
llerekl ami Walter Wclluiau, the
great newpar coit voudciU.
With an ntaliip 190 feet long,
having m currying caiwcity of four
toiik iti addition to iu own weight
of four ton, iitvd built UK)u the
tales l huproml Hues, it is believed
tlMt tint round-trip from Spitsber
gen can lie tumlu iu one huuilreil
Tlte vayHgeuu vxpvct to shut
about July 1. About July an
Qthvi' kllip kiiould ktatt to discover
(be Uikooverets- and on, ad
finltlw. Hut the tpiastiou is what
gHx 'twill it Iks when the Pole is
di-coviued? Poos some company
pipQn to place an aru-light on tlte
UD1TOR llcuuett, ofthe"Irrigou
Irrigator, Irrigon. Oregon," has
'em once uioic. The othet tuorit
ing at two o'clock he counted 1555
coyotes swiuuuiiig across the river
to his piintshop. Mr. ltcunctt has
heretofore borne au unblemished
. 4s
Keep Your Hye Qn St, Johns.
WE fail to realize wherein any
benefits would accrue to St. Johns
by ntlowing another electric com
pany to erect poles and string
wires. If the Mt. Hood Electric
Company desires to get to the front
it should be willing to pay some
thing for the privilege.
St. Johns is a different proposi
tion from what it was when the
present company came in here
and while the existing company
gives a trifle for its rights here any
new company ought to be forced to
give something handsome.
In all events no franchise should
be. granted until satisfactory rates
have been guaranteed the city.
The ordinance shown by the com
pany was far too loose in its con
struction to ever make a success
upon the city's part.
The council should make its in
vestigation upon the matter very
deep because unless there shall be
a big incentive for admitting a
second company it would be better
to keep it out. And, after nil,
"the difference iu rates is but n
clever manipulation of figures."
ONLY a few weeks ago the Ore-
gonian was scrapping the O. W. P.
company in nice shajc. Every day
was a roast, and every roast was a
warm one. The great daily rought
"for the people"?
As no unfavorable mention to tne
O. W. P. is ever made at this late
date it is a foregone conclusion that
the railway capitulated, ami made
good for all demands. It may be
a huge adveitising contract for the
next season at "the oaks" or some
little thing like that has been "dis
covered" on the business manrtger's
Now it is the gas company tliat
Is eettini' it in the iiImIoiiicii. For
n few days the Oregonlan will show
up evety bit of meanness it can un
burv leuarding that windy money-
grubber: then It, too, will grace
fully bow to the daily's dictates.
and the daily will, just as grace-
fully, be stricken with petrifaction
of the toasting digits!
It is dangerous to monkey with
a newspaer.
IT will be a much more difficult
matter in the futuie to get new
stieets oencd through the various
tracts iu the city than it has been
in the past. Petitions have leen
rretMilaily signed and the city has
been to considerable excuse only
to find that the streets were not de
sired by those to be lciicfittcd.
No one should sigh a petition of
any kind unless they are taxpayers
and exited to Ite lieuefilted by what
is sought. Men are apt to sign
volitions merely to get rid of the
presenter never reckoning upon
hearing of it again.
Oretdmin stieet will not be opened
and the chances are that Chicago
stieet will be but thirty feet wide.
Women Of Woodcraft.
The following-named are the
new officers of the local camp
women 01 wooaeran:
Past Guardian Neighbor Mary
if Tluimt-
Guardian NeighlHtr l.illic M.
AdvUor Maebelle Clark.
Magician l.oretta Armstrong.
Cleik Mary A. llickuer.
Hanker Chin lotte Carlson.
Attendant Ethel Thome.
Captain of Guards Carrie Hick
Inner Sentinel II. H. llickuer.
Outer Sentinel -Nellie Crook.
Musician Stella Armstrong.
Manager C. Arnett.
For Sale.
100 cords of stove wood green,
dry and mixed.
J. E. Williams,
8i) Kellogg street, St. Johns.
Uvaugcllcal Church.
Order of exercises at the Evan
gelical church for next week :
Sunday school at 10 a. in.
Preaching 11 a. in.
Subject 1 'Related H icksliding
Junior K. I,. C. E. 2:30 p. in.
Mrs. McVicker, superintendent.
Senior K. I.. C. E. 6:30 p. in.
Sennou 7 :.v p. m.
Subject "The Two Broken
Wednesday 7:30 p. in.; Choir
Thursday 7:80 p. nr.; Prayer
We extend a tvrsonal invitation
to each citien of St. Johna to par
ticiMtc in and enjoy the services as
announced, E. E. McVickhk,
Can You Afford
To carry the risk of total loss on
your buildings when a small amount
will insure you aguinst lass ? It
does not pay to do it. See the Pe
uiusulu Hank about rates.
Good Resolutions.
Xfrnulnv wits new leaf day.
of the St. Tohns oeonlc turned
over a new leaf and wrote like this:
B. T. LcL'tzctt That I will get
those arc-lights whether I vote or
P. T. Peterson That after this I
shall sell real estate only to men
direct. E. C. Hurlbcrt That I'll never
sign another petition for n street
D. C. Roirers That I will keep
close-shaven anyway, till the new-
wears off.
Mayor W. II King That I
shall vote every lime I have nn
Dentist W. E. Harlcll That a
mill is much better for my work
than a push.
J. II. Shields That I'll never
go to California till the license
question is settled.
Charles Lindouist That this
hfgh-grade official life is altogether
too strenuous for me.
C. S. Thompson That I've kept
still long enough, and by-and-by
I'll let off my exhaust steam.
S. II. Greene That hereafter
my occupation tax shall be paid
promptly and on the minute.
G. G. Gould That I'll never
again have enough curiosity to pay
$387.65 to see my appendix.
C. A. Wood That I'll not uo
duck-shooting ngain without a club.
I can kill 'em better that way.
M. I.. Holbrook That I shall
erect no more buildings in St. Johns
(till I can get mort' brick.;
J. W. Hanks That I will not
0 . .tit
use my new safety razor tin me
election of a democratic president.
II. C. Ilrice That I will not
blow the foam off anything even
whipcd cream till the hotel
General Lafayette Caples 1 hat
I will not have a scrap not even
au argument with any boatman
this year.
C. W. Potter That I'll form a
Knights of Pythias lodge here or
Damon. Pythias and I wilt lie down
and die together.
A. I). McDonald That I shall
within six mouths have a nice two-
story brick business block on my
Jersey street lots.
W. II. Warner That, as I have
lived In the valley thirty years and
am well water-soaked, I'll not care
whether it rains or not.
A Snap For Someone.
Good house, three large rooms,
pantry, woodshed, etc., on lot 50X
100: good well, lots of fruit, with
plenty wmmI, stoves, etc.. ready to
move in. Three blocks from
Fir station 011 Mount Scott carliue.
Everything goes at $5,15 cash if
taken at ones. F, M. Freeman,
4 1 st and Division streets, care of J.
F. McMahan, Portland. This is a
big bargain call and see it.
At Methodist Church.
Rev. F. I,. Young, pastor.
Services next Sunday:
Sunday school ut ten o'clock
Mrs. C. E. Thurston, sticiiutcu
deiit. Preaching at eleven.
Epworth League at six-thirty.
Aid And Talked.
Mrs. Sophia Tufts, never liefore
having been the proud intssessor of
silverware, Invited the Methodist
Ladies Aid society to her new home
on Wednesday afternoon, iu order
that they might enjoy the sight of
a most elegant coffee set of lustrous
silver which was a Christmas gift.
Iu other words the Aid Society en
joyed its regular meeting at the
home of this estimable woman, who
served delicious coffee, sandwiches
pickles and cake iu abundance.
A jolly afternoon, combined with
business, was spent, and the guests
reluctantly departed. The game of
the afternoon was to ascertain who
could talk the fastest, loudest and
longest, culminating iu a noise like
a sawmill.
W. E. SWENGEL, The Harness Maker
We use the old-fashioned
genuine Oak Tan
California Leather. Very
best obtainable. Gives
long, faithful service.
Trimmings perfect.
Thread, Irish Linen.
My work is all hand
sewed: and it is seldom
that a stionger or more
durable harness can Ik;
found than those I han
dle. We make u sH.cialty
of repair work doing it
neatly and satisfactorily.
One trial will convince
you that we do pleasing
Some More Stuff
Mrs. W.,W. Goodrich has almost
wholly recovered from her recent
For genuine maple sugar go to
Couch & Co.'s
Lillian McVicker returned last
Monday to Dallas to continue her
college course.
For best fire insurance see W. H.
Bessie McVicker went to Hills
boro Tuesday morning to open up
the school again after a week's
Smoking is a pleasure if the cig
ars are bought at Valentine's.
The gang of men that laid the
"hurry-up" grade of the Northern
Pacific lias packed its goods and
hied away.
Couch & Co. can save you money
on underwear.
I have an oil stove, nearly new
and in Ai condition that I wish to
trade for a heating stove. Inquire
at F. J. Carter's shoe shop.
Guard your property against fire.
Insure with the Peninsula Bank.
Tint RrtViKW prophesied last
Friday that the dust would soon be
laid. As usual we were correct.
It rained a little on Saturday.
The K. L. C. E. Society will
hold its monthly business and
social meeting this (Friday) even
ing at the Evangelical parsonage.
At the Boston Home Bakery Sat
urdayelegant Angel Cake made
by our new baker. Try it.
The Congregational church ser
vices will be held in the M. W. A.
halt 011 Sunday of this week at
three o clock as usual. AU arc in
vited. Try our bread, cakes, pics, etc.
The flour of which these goods arc
manufactured is throughly purified
with ozone. The Boston Home
Considerable routine work was
transacted last evening at the city
council meeting. Full details next
week. Another meeting will be
held Monday evening.
A drill team is to come from
Portland nt the next regular meet
lug of the Woodmen of the World,
livery W, O. W. and every Woman
of Woodcraft are urged to attend
the next regular.
Couch & Co. want to sec you be
fore you buy your holiday groceries.
A gotxl thing for a boy or girt
or even older jKirsons to learn is
stenography, If there arc those iu
and about the city who would care
to enter an evening class of short
hand we would be pleased to have
their names.
For fine cigars it will nay you to
call at Vnlcutiuu's: opposite city hall.
Edward Cole, who has narrowly
cscaiKtl blood x)lsoniug, is now
getting along nicely. Iu opening a
can (he is a cook) his thumb was
cut by the tin. It is nearly three
mouths since the accident, and Mr.
Cole has had two amputations 011
the injured member.
If N. A. Gee hadn't Imxii so
mean on Sunday that his conscience
wouldn't let him sleep he would
not have driven away the men who
built a fire amidst Paschal Hill's
hay. And then Paschal Hill would
have been minus one lot of hay.
Gee is a pretty good old crank,
It will not be necessary to go to
the mountains or seaside for your
heaith if you use the goods baked
at the Boston Home Bakery. The
flour we use is throughly ozonized.
E II. Parker and wife had a
family re-uulou last week that was
worthy of note when seven of
their children were at hotueJ The
iMrcuts were 62 and 58 years of
age and the eldest son, T. T.
Parker is u resident here. The
other children who came home were
II. II. Parker, S. S. Parker, J. A.
Parker, E. O. Parker, Bennett
Parker, and Mrs. Lena Frize.
Mr. and Mrs. Purker, senior, came
overland from Missouri to Oregon
in 1875.
Lofs Of Matters Touched Upon And
Aluch Accompl shed.
Regular meeting of the city coun- j
cil was held Tuesday evening.
Mayor King presided and all mem-
bers were present.
Owing to the illness of Recorder
Hanks. W. L. Thorndyke tem
porarily acted as recorder.
Aftnr tviecSntT titlOll ttrCViotlS 111111-
utes the matter of the acceptance of
North Jersey street was (iiscusseu.
Street committee reporicu me
street in fair shape with a little
mnrn In iw flniin ns soon as rains
ceased. Mr. Hill agreed to do this
J. H. Crook refused to withdraw
his remonstrance till the street was
completed and the matter was
held over to adjourned meeting.
Remonstrances on tne uresuam
street opening were made by
V. Ainoss, K ai. runups,
w nnd K. C. Hurlbcrt. It w
then learned that the appraiser.--were
a careless, ignorant lot of
tvnnli?. ltnvinir no idea of land val
ues and but few ideas of the rights
of others -and possessing noabilitv
for the sccuriiur of money from thts
who wouldn't give it.
T ie remonstrances were sustained
nnd it U'tm decided to allow Gres-
ham street to remain forever closed,
Mrs. P. T. Smith remonstrated
ntmiiist Chtcaco street and that
case was carried to the next meet-
iti rr
'I'lm u. Hood Electric Contnany
II. 1 f- .. f ..-!.!.... ,. ...1 .... irtf.
applied lor ll inuitinni.- mm un
nance was read of tnai itupori.
The company did not offer any con
sideration in return for the fran
rl.Ui. tin'mlv iiitittinltni! that ans
change of rate by a company was
merely a juggling 01 ngurcs ami
that comjetition would necessitate
more juggling, l fence tne cu
would get lower rates.
The matter was referred to the
Writer nnd Litdtt committee.
A remonstrance was read against
the cnintiiiir of saloon licenses.
bore 100 shrnatures. The saloon
ordinance matter was carried to the
next regular meeting.
Matters pertaining to the plumb
ing ordinance, vacation of Charles
tmi mri'i't. it frelidtt-housc on the
public dock, and one-year contracts
for arc-lights were carried to nex
The matter of revising and
nini'inllntr the ordinance, creatittir a
board of public works was turned
over to the city attorney with in
struct ous to renort as soon as
Treasurer Valentine made Ms
annual retwrt showing $56.95 on
hand and the same was accepted.
Adjourned to Thursday evening,
January 4.
Come To Sec Our Specials.
Four-hole cook stove, $4.00
Kitchen Treasure, $5.50: Tables,
50c: Opaque Shades, 35c: Matting,
loc per yard: Iron Beds, ?2.50
Oak Dresser, 58.00. McClave's
Furniture Store, 203 Jersey street.
Held Alcetlng.
The regular meeting of the St.
Johns W. C. T. U. was held Mon
dav eveuimr at the home of P-e-d
d.-iit Mrs. Willson. Te.i ii.cmbv s
were present. Some necessary
business was done. lwo vice
presidents were appointed Mrs.
E. E. McVicker and Mrs. J. C.
Scott: also a committee on contest
week Mrs. Toruluseu, Mrs. Mae
Wright, and Miss McClure. Mrs.
McClurc was appointed supcrintcn
dant of mothers' meetings: Mrs, M
E. Perkins press suncriutcudant.
The hour of meeting was changed
to three o'clock Monday afternoon
at the Methodist church. The first
Monday of .each month will Ik; open
meeting commencing at eight p. 111
We will meet in the Methodist
church for the month of January.
after that iu any church that will
open its doors to us. Come to our
meetings. M, E. Perkins, Press
Keep Your Eye On St. Johns.
Tacoma Street
St. Johns, Ore.
When Clancy Homo Failed io Run Up
to Expectations.
A noted man in Springfield was
Michael Clancy, a contractor, who
had become rich. He bought d
string of horses and entered them
for the Saratoga meet. He raced his
horses for the fun of it and rarely
b-it. One day lie had a horse entered:
that Encmcd to have so excellent a
chance to win that ho bet $10 on it.
When the horses got away Clancy
stood in the grand stand watching
"wunnn is roun iionsn wowr cuwet
them through his field glasses. Some
of his friends, knowing of the $10
bet. crowded about and began to
jko.!im- .
"Where a vour liorso nowr" uian
cy wos asked.
Clancy survoyed tho field careful
ly. "I can't quito make out," ho re
plied, "whether ho is last in tho
third race or first in tho fourth."
Boston Herald.
Nvtr Called Again.
While Senator Ilanna as chair
man of tho national Republican
committee was conducting tho cam
paign in 1000 ho was greatly an
noyed by a man who applied for tho
portion" of messenger at tho nation
al headipiarters. This mnn had call
ed to kco tho senator four days in
succc'iion to present his applica
tion. After tho fourth visit Senator
Ilanna cent for tho man who wan
then serving as messenger.
"Vou caw that man who was hero
just now?" inquired Ilanna.
"Yes, sir," said tho messenger.
"Do you know what ho wants?"
"Xo, sir."
"Well, he wants your place, and
it I sco him again ho will get it."
Senator, Ilanna nover saw -the ap
plicant Vguln.
' Placing the Blame.
John Philip Sousu was condemn
ing tho voico of a comic opera come
dian. "It is such a voice," ho said, smil
ing, "as belonged to a young man
whom I know in my boyhood in
"One night at a men's party this
young man sang a solo. It was 010
erablc. In tho midst of tho hideous
racket bin II old Squire Ilacr entered.
"Squire Baer eat down and folded
his hands on. tho knob of his stout
stick. He waited patiently till tho
young man finUhed. Then ho said
to him:
"'Well, my boy, I don't blama
you. You did your best. But if I
knew tho man who asked you 1o Bins
I'd crack him over tho head with
this club.'" Washington Post.
Calling the Doctor Quick.
Dr. Sonhroniu Fletcher of Cam
bridgo is halo and active at tho ago
01 iiineiy-one. rn a criticism 01 a
somewhat emotional and bombastlo
person Dr. Fletcher said tho other
"This gentleman reminds mo of
a friend of mine, a woman now dead
theo many years. Tho woman, with
n tragic air, rushed upstairs ono day
11 mi crieu 10 tier mam:
"'Celeste, put my curling iron
in tho firo at onco. James has been
bitten by a mad doc'
"'Ah, bravo madam I' said Ce
leste. 'Madam is going to cauteriro
1 no wound."
J"Xo,' said tho lady, T)ut I am
troing to curl iay hoir so I can run
Old Nick and Old Harrv.
President Nicholas Brown, for
whom Brown university was named,
was fond of quizzing small boys. One
uay wmio walking m the streets of
Providence he camo upon a little fel
low who attracted his notice.
"How do you do, mv boy?" said
mo presmem. "What is your samo?
"My namo is Harry, sir," replied
the child. v
"Harry, is it?" returned Presideut
nrown. "Ana aid you know the
evil one is often called-Old Harry?"
"Why, no, sir," answered the boy.
I thought ho was called Old Nick."
Chicago Inter Ocean.
Baptist Church.
Sunday school at ten o'clock.
Preaching nt eleveu.
Evening service at seveu-thirty.
Thursday eveuimr nt
- O w.VM-
thirty prayer meeting is held.
rtii are corutally invited to attend
these services.
All services will v 11 Mia
new building on Chicago street,
near Harriet.
Office: Room 9, Dreejett r ,,,
lug, comer Third and W?lhl?" M
streeU, l'ortlattd. "a,m"gtfcn
Residence! c ,
. """" johni
DR. L. Q. HOLLAND, """"
Residence nnd Office: joj Tar.
St. Johns, .
Goodrich & Goodrich,
Saint Johns and Portland, Oregon
Crown and IfrfdKe Work a
ROotns 1 nnd a, Holbrook lllock, St. J0hM
Plt)lilan and Surgeon.
Residence. Tlionc Scott jc.
Office: Holbrook'. New hrlcklft
Residence, St. Johns Hotel.
Office next door to Elliott's drmr. '
store. Phone, Union 4061. ReJ).
of Wrinkle's residence. Phone.
St. Johns,
Rent Kttatc, Loans, Insurance and
llitslness Chances. S. C. Norton,
comer Ilntuswlck nml Hudion
stretts, Resident Agent. Phone
Union 1140,
AIRS. C. T. A10E
Prlecs Rcnwiinblc. S.itlftlou
(tinruittctd. I'.ntruncc at mr
stnlrway, 301 Richmond Stttet.
To those wanting work done In
this line, call nt my rnMcnct,
401 Tncotim street, three llocki
west of the car track.
Office: Cochran lllock, next door
to poiloflicc. v
,"aiiii joints urtpi
Carpenter & Dolbow
Plojitercnt, Prick Mmoii and Ce
ment Workers. I!tluiatc glttn
nnd satisfaction Kturoiitccd. Keftr
to editor of this jwpcr. 7iJ.W7
landstrcct, University Park. Those
Union 6797,
on Tncomu street. Give me a trial wist.
St. Johns,
Goods delivered, crated or ua
crated, In city or Portland. Pi
anos a specialty, i.eavcomcn
at nickncr'n. Phone L'ttton
at. luitno. ...
J. S. CAIN, I'roprietor.
Meals by the day or week. Bond,
per week, 4.00.
Cochran lllock - Jersey Stmt
House Mover and RcMlftr
Houses moved, raised and re
paired. Odd jobs of all ki
Prompt service, reonable cflrg-
ivauiioe ami taittit ntv
Cklrnwa Doamlne HoUM.
Good rooms from f ' atk,J!
Corner Chicago and Ivanhoe u
Saint Johns
. . - nt..l!lC
A. SCOTT, I'res, vuum -
E. W. CROSP.Y, Sec'y,
1 ui uaitu """"'"s
PfuasMaf, ChuflttlBf
StMaafMtif. Ror'
fllliLkM Etc
. . r. i. 11 - ctm'rs. Fa
Ai Keuonauic mw . .
and Tinware Repaired.
Service. All Work lit-
N .1 N Fifth St CorAa?
ratw lilAni afU f AD
PefenMi's Cigar
E. A. Leonard, Pastor,