St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, December 29, 1905, Image 3

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    ihj.awwhi iim iiina m w t 11 i i mm ihhih'miii ih'iii
Ulake This a New
Year Resolution...
I will hereafter trade where the stock is
(he best, the price is the lowest and the
treatment is the nicest" --and
you'll find yourself trading with the
"The Square Deal Drug Store"
r, D. JACKSON, - Proprietor
' Wc arc nddin? new designs to our stock of LOCKS &
and HOUSLf TRIM All NOS all the time, and, quality f
ronSIUCrCll, win jmwwo uiw ua iun tia lou lUUlIU
Our Holiday Stock of Pocket Cutlery is on the
road mul will be her. in a few days. livery Kni c
Don't forget when you buy the boy a Christmas
Present that lie will want a guaranteed "Cattaraugus"
Pocket Kni.'e.
lull m Nfegara Stoves gild Ranges
Compare, our REGULAR prices with
SPECIAL sale prices made by others
Tissue paper, all colors,
Crepe paper the same.
If anything else you need
Please name
r i i t s i i if nu a r-imi a I
Remodeling Sale!
Mtn'i .30 Suits - 519.75 Akn. SIS Suit
.Men's ,20 Suits - l-t.75 Al ns 10 Suits
.Men's $8 Suit - S-1.95
Hos' Suits nnil Pnnts almost half vnluc.
5 .75
The American Clothier
321-233 Morrison, Corner Pint Street
Remember we carry a nice line of
Shoes, Underwear and Hosiery with
our complete line of Staple and Fancy
Plione Union 4066 206-208 Philadelphia Street
J. C Fcott Retires After An lixten
ded Service Fcr People.
Nearly seventeen vonra mm
when there was but n little handful
oi people Here St. Johns now is.
j. v.. scott conceived the idea of
putting in u water 'supply for his
personal use. He was not n fmt
of work that hp iiml in i!m"
water for his house and his st
ana lie believed Hint hit lmr.,1
should save his heels.
Accordingly he came tin H10 tiiti
to the snot whereon
the city hall and sank n lentl
Then he laid nines to his
Then some of his few lieiirlihnru
considered the matter and wanted a
like service and he began what is
now a great necessity in this trivial
way. The number of his natrons
was less than a score for some1
In those days cvervonc lived
tinder the hill." W here U tiniv
St. Johns proper was a forest of
mighty trees, traversed 1 I ero mill
there by winding tra'ls and crooked
paths. In the wildist dreams of
fancy no onetlien thotght what lay
before St. Johns: the little hamlet
thought, if it foresaw nt alt, that
ipwn on the river-front would be a
nice little village where some lum
ber interests might be developed -but
that was all.
There was no way of communi
cating with Portland except on
foot, by boat, or following by team
the rough road and cros.sinir on n
rude ferry. The crude water sys
tem would be ample for the village
through all time, it was calculated.
A few years later the demands
ution Mr. Scott's system became too
great for the old well, so he began
other arrrnuements and kent nil-
ding to the business. A couple
years ago II. I.. Powers, of Hart
man, Thompson & Powers, saw a
chance for investment, and mir-
chased a half interest in the nlant.
Then commenced the work of over
hauling the plant and putting it
in .shape to. supply future needs.
No one at that time. even, figured
just what that meant in fact it is
asserted mat 11 the present owner
had considered the great outlay
necessary he would not have b it it
Hut the work lias gone bravely
011. New mains have taken the
place of the primitive system: new
pumps and dynamos have been in
stalled as rapidly as the increased
demand necessitated: a large res
ervoir lias been constructed for re
serve tire protection: and now two
new and immense tanks have been
purchased and will soon be in place.
The outlay has been excessive
the income mencre but Mr.
Powers was planning for the future.
And now Mr. Scott has severed
his connection with the company
as manager. As owner, part
owner, manager, he has been here
nearly n .score of years and feels
that he is entitled to a rest. lie
intends to do 110 business for a year,
at least, unless it is to look after
his realty here: he desires to rest.
His successor, 1. II. hdlefsoii,
is a man well recommended, and
one versed in matters pertaining to
water. He has lor the past two
weeks lieen obtaining an insight
into the system, its requirements,
and the desires of the tieonle: and
it is said by those who know him
that he is amply capable of filling
his position.
In terminating his career with
the water company Mr. Scott pays
high tribute to those with whom he
lias been connected. He says:
"I am free to state that I have
never been associated with anyone
where relations have been so uni
versally pleasant as with Mr.
Powers and his colleagues. I here
has never been the slightest friction:
and matters of moment have al
ways been quickly and satisfactorily
adjusted. I consider they are
gentlemen with whom anyone can
net along pleasautly in every way:
and I sever these relations with the
best of good-feeling I"
Some More Stuff
and jeweler i
Rework guaranteed
n Located in
Peterson's Cigar Store
Cochran ulock
Lost: Between Point View and
Jersey street on Wednesday a purse
containing ring and money: reward
for return to Mrs. bclielter, 525
Brunswick street, Point View or
this office.
Street, - - St. Johns
Paper Hanger
and Decorator
Until January 1, 1906
to old or new customers
Five Pounds of Tea
Baptist Rally.
There will be a rally at the Bap
tist tabernacle this U'riday; even
ing. Services will commence
promptly at seven-thirty. A num
ber of short addresses will be made
by ministers from the city. All
are cordially invited to be present.
wn 1 left at Couch's store
Jtenuo,, Given to All Order
Ait!35 making short runs
. ttv?ty aU yesterday mora
,put,inB n a heavy
1450 transfers were necessary.
(lave Turkeys.
When W. C. Adams gave his
workmen their checks haturday
night last he handed every one of
them an order for a ten-pound tur
key at Donnelley's meat market.
This was a pleasant surprise lor
them all and made a happy feel-
A .... riictnnipr linnflllf to US a
receip't for purchase of five pounds ing for those interested.
of tea trom our agent, ui rcnuim
price, will be entitled to china or
crockery to the value of $1.25 Or
ill accent the yellow slip as
cash on a lamer purchase of crock
trv. china, pranite or tinware. The
yellow slip must bear address, day
and date.
Now let's everybody be decent.
The foundation for the new Con-
igregational church is under way.
I The announcement of D. C.
Rogers is to be found in another
James King, who has been put
ting in a couple months "on the
farm" at Corvallis, was home to
spend Christinas.
Rev. John Natigle, of St. Johns,
occupied the Grace Methodist
church, over which Rev. I). I.. Ruder
is pastor, on Sunday evening. 1
1). C. Rogers 011 Wednesday sold
ten lots in South St. Johns to
parties from Idaho. Lots in that
vicinity seem to be on the move.
George Salt, Miss Louella Allan
and Mrs. Anna Strom', all of the
Woolen nulls, are spending the
holidays at their homes in Albany. 1
There is to be a sacred concert at
the Methodist church on Sunday
evening next New Year's Kve.
A general invitation is extended to
all. !
The firm of Rogers & Vunlloutcn
is no more Mr. Vtinllouteit hav
ing withdrawn. I). C. Rogers will
conduct his real estate office by
Miss Julia Michael left for her
home nl Sauliam, Thursday morn
ing. She will stolid a few days
visiting relatives and friends in
Albany. j
After Christmas the attendance
at Sunday school always shows a 1
large decrease. This once more
strikes the normal just prior to the
picnic season.
Smoke a St. Johns cigar best 10c
cigar on the market the "white
Bolcii Brothers, who have been
building several houses for a Mr.
Campbell, in the Heights addition,
have a business card in the columns
of Tint RuviMV.
Ifor those nice 'home" baked
beans mid brown bread go to the
Boston Home Bakery, Jersey street.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. Shaw, ac
companied by Alfred Shaw, lelt for
Napa, California, Friday evening
wheie they will send the holidays
visiting relatives.
Surveyors were at work yester
day preparing the site for the new
McChesuey block on Jeisey street,
and excavating is now being done
for a full basement.
Craubeiries & Couch & Co.'s.
Word has been received that Mr.
Henderson, father of Btett Hender
son, who is C. N. Braasch's son-in-law,
is lying at the point of death
at Green Bay, Wisconsin.
If the name of the new smelter
here would be "The Portland Smel
ter" let's not have it located in St.
Johns. If it is here it should be
"The St. Johns Smelter." See?
Ifor fine cigars it will pay you to
call at Valentine's: opjxisjtccity hall.
P. J. Peterson has been distribut
ing some particularly pretty
calendars among his patrons. They
were ads lor his cigar lactory nut
were highly prized by those getting
Our grocery stock is new and
clean and patrons are finding our
prices correct. We are here to re
main, Why not come in and get
ncmiainted whether you buy or
not? Scales Brothers, Cedar Park
"your grocers."
At the Baptist church of Univer
sity, Rev. John Bentzein, pastor, a
series of evangelical meetings will
commence next Sunday evening.
There will also be a watch meeting
Sunday night.
Smoke a St. Johns cigar best 10c
cigar 011 the market the "White
All of St. Johns churches held
pleasing entertainments 011 Satur
day or Sunday evening or 011 both
e v e 11 i 11 g s commemorative of
Christmas. A large attendance is
reM)rted at each of them.
List your projierty with the St.
Johns Title Abstract and ' Trust
Company, rooms 11 and 12, Hoi
brook's new block. In addition to
Us real estate and abstract business
this company presents an attractive
line of fire insurance.
Percy Mouahaii, grandson of T.
J. Mouahaii, of St. Johns, aged
eight, died at the home of his
parents in Portsmouth 011 Sunday,
December 24. The cause of his
death was diphtheria. Burial was
in Greenwood cemetery.
I'or high grade tanned goods at
reasonable prices call at Couch &
Mrs. C, N. Braasch, who has
been very ill of eritouitis, suffered
a relapse last week, and her life
was dispaired of 011 Christmas day.
Kva Uraasch who is in Chicago,
has been notified, and will arrive
It must be remembered by those
who comment upon the taxes that
for one year the city has been run
ning 011 wind, trust, and happy
anticipations. Bills have accumu
lated: $3500 for a public building
site, J1800 for fire apparatus,
salaries, printing bills, and the like ,
all of which must, ultimately,
be paid.
One need not lie lorn with a
t i - - a . A et
rrcuy Airnir.
Kveryone likes to nttend a per-
I formance given by children hence
the 250 guests assembled in Modern
Woodman hall, last Wednesday
: evening, were highly elated at the
entertainment offered.
, It was given under direction of
Mrs. Nona Coovert, music teacher,
1 and many if not all -who par
ticipated were her pupils Mrs.
Coovert explained that the affair
1 was not to be considered a "fin
ished performance" as some of
those taking part had been under
her tuition but a short time but
the recital was more to please the
As it was a "flower recital" the
stage was appropriately bedecked
with flowers and the children,
large and small, were emblemati
cally decorated.
The music was specially clever
and the numbers, both vocal and
instrumental, proved Mrs. Coovert
n teacher of no mean ability. To 1
go into details of each number T
; might do some an injustice: it was T
all very pleasing. The vocal duet f
of Anna and Kvclyn GeBott was
'doubly encored as was also the i
one by Gertrude Baldwin and
I Hazel Couch. Little Alice Bald
'win was the "star" of the whole
affair her gestures and innocent
air being absolutely original. Kuch
participant was pleasing.
Those taking part were Hazel
Couch, Irleue Atliey, Lola Walker,
May Merrill, Alice and Mary Bald
win, Khno Coovert, Kvclyn GeBott,
I.ouisu Couch, Beatrice Golen, 1
Katie Stewart, Anna GeBott, Rn-(
niona Page, Nellie Young, Maud
Cole, Maud Peterson, Anna Perku
son, Gertrude Baldwin, Muriel
Page, Germonde Ketchuin, Kditli
Golan and Merle GeBott.
I'.lectnc light has always been admittedh the
artificial light known. But some have heretofore
based objections to its use on the scoie of cost. The
just announced entitely nullifies this objection. After January t
1006. no store or residence in St. Johns need be without electric
light on the score of cost.
The reduction is from 20 cents
to 15 cents a Kilowatt-hour,
or 25 per cent of the base rate.
In view of the increasing demand for installation of our
service at reduced rates in stores and residences by Jan
uary 1, patrons ate requested to make application at once.
Portland General Flpctrin r:n :
Telophono Exchnnoo 13
Seventh nncl Aider Strooti.
- 4
Is YOUR Subscription Due, Too?
A change of ad for the St. Johns
Laud Company was handed in too
late for the first change. It an
nounces that the prices of all lots in '
St. Johns and Court Place will be 1
increased on the 15th of January!
1111 even 10 ier cent. Belter get in
The St. Johns Title, Attract
and Trust Company, formerly the
St. Johns Abstract Company, has
moved into elegant quarters in the
new Holbrook block, occupying
rooms 1 1 and 12 wheie also will
be found the offices of the St. Johns
Brick and Tile Company.
DY .
I!. T. Ilnlcn. (lift WllUmrllt llmilctii.l.
C. W. Ilolcri. JJH l)lcr Slrccl
sr. JOHNS.
P. NOREN & CO. I'.ktate, l.niuii), Insurance unit
lliikineiwi Ounce. S. C. Norton,
corner Urnnnwli-k ami IIiiiImiii
utrectit, lUnliknt Agent. Phone
Union 1140,
701 Harvard Street, (Cluh Hull)
I'hone Scott U'i l'nivvrit I'.uk
Real Estate and
South St. Johns Lots a spec
ialty in Real Estate.
Phoenix Assurance Com
pany of London a specialty in
Second Door
of I'ostoffce
St. Johns Market
II. IMISM'.I.I.V. I'ruil(lr
The House of Quality"
We take secial care to buy only
the choicest, Government IusiH.-clcd
Meats so leave us your order for a
Prime Rib Roast
or anything in the meat line,
Phone Scott 4062 llii Jersey Street
n lt r nrAnliAAU in . ... ...... .
. ni ui ki j'.wj'..vvjr m iuii- tlle tlty 0 ht.jonii in.- ami ik nereiiy
see mai 101s im.-iwh.-ii -i.ik sueei 111
414 WklWi STREET. PttflUlU, IWtWli
Keep Your Eye On St. Johns.
His New Office.
Next week Dentist W. E. Har-
tell will be nicely installed in his
? 1 f MfX?nAf ... 1" . '1.11 .
nrw suite ui uuilu iuuum u... ,
Holbrook brick where lie will 1 University Park aim Macruni ave-
have as complete dental parlors as nue 111 Pioruieni uiu 011 uawson
one nuv wish to see. His rooms street which extends through the
are in the corner of the block where j centre of that rapidly growing dis-
it is sightly: and every convenience 1 trict between ttie rivers 111 rortlauu,
necessary is aooui me piace. ur. 1 au now w.-ihh iw piu num
Hartell is making a splendid rep-1 foot, will, within twenty years from
utation in ins line ot woric anu louay, sen ior one iuum&uuu uuuar
continually making new patrous. per front foot.
I'lionc Scott 310.I. St.Jollllk.
Notice ik hereby given that at u invi t
liiK of the Council of the City o(St.
John, Oregon, hulil on the ijth d.iy of
November. i''5. the following resolu
tion wui. adopted:
KHSoi.vnn: That the Council of the
City of St. Johns, Oregon, dueui it ex-H-ilieut
mid roiM's to improve- Mon
tuilh ktrvet from the center of its inter
section with lluchaiimi ktri-et to tht-ct-ntcr
of its intersection with Learned
street hy eluding fll width of said
street, to estuhlish (rude and huihl a six
foot sidewalk and curlmij; (and ulso the
name of Mid.Montcith street he chunked
to the name of Jersey street.)
Said Improvement to be made In ac
cordance with the charter and ordinance
of the City of St. Johns, ami '.he titans,
sH.-cificatfou and estimate of the city
engineer filed in the office of the
' Recorder of the City of St. Johns.
I The cost of wild improvement to be
' assessed, as provided by the city charter,
iiwtii the property specially and cu
liurly benefitted thereby uud which is
hereby declared to 1m: all lots. .irts
thereof uud urcels of laud within a line
, too feet from the outside of each side of
said Monteith street.
The F.nnineer's estimate of the prob
; able total cost for the improvement of
said street is 1787.41.
I The plans, specifications and estimates
of the city engineer for the improvement
of said Monteith street are hereby
The cillens of St. Johns to know we
haven milk mute In thisellv. 1'ure
milk delivered at vour door for i 11
lunula. Additional ouarts at 7c.
Taken Thursdiits and Saturdays, de
livered l'riduiuiid Mouduys: ih- h
ealloii. Send orders lo
M. W. GA1 1 ON sV Johiu!)OrcKoii
directed to give notice of the projoscd
improvement of s:dd Monteith street us
provldeil by the city charter.
Remonstrances against the alxve im
provement may be filed in writing with
the undersigned within 15 days front the
date of first publication of tins notice.
Ily order of the council.
J. V. Hanks.
City Recorder.
Published in The Review December 32,
9i '5; January 5, iA.
Notice is hereby given at the
luccting of the (. it y Council of the city
of St. Johns, Oregon, held oil the Jdlh
ilay of Deeeuilier, A. I). l'3, tile follow
ing Resolution va adopted:'.ir That the Council of the
city of SI. John., Oregon, deems it e xh'
diont and neeeMury. and for the ImssI in
teretof the jHihlie health, illteiest and
convenience, 10 construct a sewer or
hcwcr in the following streets: and ill
the manner herein stated.
Slid sew er or wers to be eoiistrueleil
in accordance with the chaiter mid ordl
nance o( the city of St. Jnhn, ami tlle
ilius, sKHilHati'ins and estimates of the
city engineer, filed in the olliee of the
recorder of the city of St. Johns. The
cost of said sewer or setters to be usseed
us provldeil bv llie city charter uixni the
iroiuriy 01 tne nisirici iKMieimed aim 10
ic aswsMl for sueh sewer or sewers.
Which sHid sewer or sewers coimucm-c
11 1 the iutersei'tloil of John uud Jersey
streets, theuee to Philadelphia street,
and thence to the Willamette river on
said Philadelphia street; that the 4an,
sjecificutiou and of the city
engineer are hereh) approved, uud it Is
hereby deteriniued that the district beli
cfitlcil by said sewer or sewers, and
which are to bu usesed therefor, is as
The district Ixminled: Coiiiuieueiii
ut the northwest corner of l)cil addi
tion; thence to Jersey street; thence
following lUltimore street to the Wil
lumette river; the new following the
iiiuauderiugH of the Willamette river to
Pittsburg street; thence on I'itUburg
street to C.resliani street; thence to lohu
street; thence to Kellogg street folio
lug John street; thence to the northeast
corner of Depot addition on lliirliugtou
street; thence following line of DejMit
addition to pluce of legluuilig.
Tlle engineer's estimate of the prohibit-
cost for such improvement and sewer
i .V-i.
And le it further resolved that the
city recorder of the city of St. Johns be,
uud he is hereby, directed to guc notice
of the promised improvement uud sewer
us provided by law uud the city charter.
Remonstrances against the alme im
provement uud sewer may Ik- filed in
writing with the undersigned within fif
teen days from the date id the first pub
lication of this notice.
Ily order of the Council.
J. W. Hanks.
City Rccuidsr.
Published in The Review DcGcmlxjrja,
190SI January 5 und 1 j, 1006.
We shalliliautlle
only the finest of
and our xttioiiH may
be sine of being sat
isfied in every cum."
I'ull line of all
Meat Market Sundries
Smith & Hoover
Next door to IMmoudMiir.s
Should bu looked
after at fieipteut interval.. If
neglected you 11 re doing it an
injustice and it doesn't give
the watch a Mtow. deeming it
is one of our secialties. Reg
ulating is free, of cotitse.
Wilson, (he Jeweler,
Tncoinn .St., .Si. Julius, Ore.
Faulk cS: Merrill
Coal, liny, (iniln,
(iroiiud Feed,
PaTnfs. Oils and Building Material
Phone l-nst 713
University Park,
Wnlcliuiukcrs, Jcwclcr,
luiiortcrs niitl Wlmlcvile Dwlcrs
286 Morrison Street, PORTLAND
Bon Ton Barber Shop
I'irst cIhm. woiU and cleuii hot towels for
tiM. Unit cuttiiiK
Agents for West Coast laundry,
erscy street St. JoIhik
Proposals for Street Work
Sealed iiroin.viU mil l- received at
the olliee of tin- Recorder of the L it) (
St. Joliiix. OreKoii, unlit Junuurx H, ii,
ut o'eltH-k i. in. for the oiiiioveuH'lil
of lohll street Iroui thr North line ul
Jersey street to the South line of Modoc
street, in the City of St. Johns , in the
manner oided hy ordiiuture No. 6-1.
siihieet to the nrovinioiM of th etirter
uud ordinuuees of lite City of St. lutiiiv
and the iiImiis, siweifuatious mimI esti
mute of the city enxiiieer oh file.
Ilids must U- strictly in weunUin t-
with jiriuted hluuks which will be fur
uUhel on upplieatiou ut ttte office of the
Iteeoriler of the City of St. Johns, and
sunt iuiproteuienlt utHst Ik- eotupletvd
in or iteiore ou tuys iroui tuv ule oi
lust nuhlieutiun of i
for xi Ul work.
No nrotMtl or lads will he couidred
unless iiccouiMiiied by it certified cbrek
yuiiie lo llie oriier oi the Jinyor ol the
ol St Joints, certlrltMl by a rcvouu
e uhiik, ior uu amuuut mm to leu
er cent ol tlle utfgiwgate UO)AMill.
I lie nuni Ui rente l any uiui ui Ulils u
hereby reserved.
liy onler ol the city eouueil.
J. W. IMnkh.
Recorder of the City of Si. J
notice for Kuiuaals
City i
uhlished in
The Review
jj, V), 1005.
. John.
December is,
Olliee luwr. fluua. w., J lo 5 p. ut.
Offac I'Ihww. Seott llo(.
KUI(r I'lMtsw, UuktH fu.
Odifc In UnlmtUr liV IS)M ihtic,
Keeji Your Eye On St. Johns.
iiHllll I W-m ... : -..