THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW rubllihed Ererr Frldsjr I1V McKifos & TllORNUVKIt. fluburrlpllon rstM, 11.00 per er In tdtsnee. Adrertlilnc rstei. $1.00 per Inch per month. All iltertlilnic bills prlle first of esch month. Job Printing eiecuted In flut-cltsi stjle. Mllli for Job Printing csih on dellterr. All rommunlcstlons ihould b sddrsued to The IUtIsw, 81. John, Oreron. Til it Hitviuw I entered nt jost office in Saint Jolins. Ori'Kon, ns innil twitter of tlic second clnsi timler the Act of Con KrH of Mnrcli 3, 1879. Offlclsl Hwippr of lb Oily of BL Joins. Phone Scott 6990. IMUDAY . . DI'CliMHKR 29, 1905 MUST HKI.P. JUST now the jicoplc of Portland arc cryiiiK for the csteihlislitnuiit of n linu of .skinners to ply between tlmt city nnil Alnska in order to se em e the Knitter ttortioii of the trade now Koinj; to the sound ritieM. In theory tints fur the seheine in first-rate: hut do the Portliiiidite consider for a moment that in order to et the Alaska trade it will be neceiwary to buy what Ahiflkit hint to sell? AliiMka ihi vast quantities of ore and her vessels are not to send the ore to one port and buy her fronds 1,1 imoiliur. That is a certainty. Portland cannot take that ore at the piesent time because thuie Is no nearby smelter where it mil be hunted. There in a lilan on foot now to elect a smelter in St. Johns but it will have to be done III a ieater part by Portland money because that city would icceive nine-tenths (and even mote than that) 01 the benefits acciuiiiK fiotn the cuter tirliH-. The laden vessels from l Alnska would diMiw of their vast loads of wealth heie at St. Johns but it would be the iiieichautH o Pottlaud who would fuinish the return lo.uU. Theie would be a cetlain auiouiit if pitntiKe in Ibis city's toiii.' a public smeller, fully iiiiiicd for uold, copiter and silver, because it would fut iiisli woik for some of our fieoiitc: but the actiiiil benefits would amiic to Poilliiud. It should icqiliie 110 lime at all to sell the ucccMiiy auiouiit ol stock ( in this cntcipiise amiaiK the wvttlthy business uicti of Poitlaud as soon as thou. men nol out of the coiifiuiiu! tut which has so loii); helil them. We lielieve theie aie men in St Johns who will uiidily put some money into the cntcipiihc meiely as a divHlciid-pioducci : but they will not feel like holding the cow while Poiilaud men suck all the p,ip. A u iiMiial tbiiiK the Poitlam whiilewdvi U the mnnlUM thiliK to be found: ami the majoiity tf the letaileiT timt the outoftowil buyer nii tlcnltii lv Mhabbily hence a sub inlwnite dudikc to Mil his money into ftlaiiH to piomote the welfaie of that clam, of eopk-. Poitlaud can uevei xccuie the Alanknu Imde until she'll buy what Alanka lias to m'II: and without a nwnby MiH'llvr it would be a fool's woik to buy 01 e uitd maud am huld it! A twi if Puttkml dctdtuti a smltui ultv II ItNve to tttt a move on and "let down" foi Mime stock. UUVIKW All HAD. W'llH.N tliii m't deckuetl that tlw rUtwt railway would light iu Motion that aie now tlaik if the city council would but iiuiM Uhi it the staleim-ut whs laughed at: yet TllM UKVIMW ikmuUhI iu the declaration ami adduced Miyiiinuiiu which coukl nut be lefuksl. Councilman l.egttett saw the tight of tUU iiMpei's iilumliugs and had a lung Ulk with .Mutineer ImiIIci. of the railway company. As a ivtMilt. irf the six ncis dviiud at lailway jkmiiU (Point View, Stewart, Jerm'y, John, Mucks and Height) the luilway is to four if the city Mippoiu the temain iiiK two. Till make a saving at th pujwnt uite of tvi uuiHth, or $j$...o jhii yimi, to the! city ot St. Julio. Phis come. ku1y thiouh the COUktHUt plugging of Tuil Ritvntw. Mr. 1. egged himndf considered that the application would lw curtly tut nod dowu Utt the several inaiked cepie 0 this hiki sunt to Muiiiigur Putter Uclpol in the argu ment, and, added to the talk of the councilman, produced the de sired effect. THlt DimMtKltNCIt. IN the oust Christmas reigns. Iu Oregon Christmas rains, l'os. sjbly thujc itjn't inugh tlillurunce, anyway. NO SOFT JOH. TIIOSH who have any contem plation of seeking public office in St. Johns next April will find when elected that they have no sinecure. Theirs will not be a bed of roses or a path strewn with lilacs. There will be conditions not theories confronting them: be cause the treasury will not be bulg ing out with surplus coin. The present council has had a hard path through which to struggle and there seems to be a desire upon the part of the present body to leave its successor a basket of roses whose thorns protrude through every opening. The low levy made on Tuesday evening is an excellent thing both for the city itself and those interes ted iu it: yet it must be understood by those outside of St. Johns two thirds or more of the amount to be received has already been expended UK)ii public utilities and salaries. The city started business handi capped: there was no income for the first year and there were, un fortunately, a few bits of indebted ness. Some of this was incurred by the previous council and some by the present body: but it all had to be paid. If the income of the city shall be but the five mills levied then th coming fiscal year will be one i which much economy must be user ami great patience shown by cred itors. Another year will show a smaller levy with plenty of money for every necessary improvement The next assessment wili show values coming close to the two mil lion mark if not passing it. Sev era! industries are waiting com meuceiiieiil till alter (lie assessor has made his rounds iu order to avoid listing but the assessment will show a vast iuciease iu al lines. Nevertheless, as we stated above those who dcsiiu to have office uex April wilt have it good and strong They should hold up their heat and hands now both will be droop ing low by the time they've servct a twelve-months iu the city hall I PUOOUKSSIVK. TURKIC weeks after Tin; Rii VI it w piloted the lesolutious of te siect for the late Josephine Preston tesohitions cicatcd by the teachers' of the St. Johns schools, the Oiegoiilau saw the notice of the same and made a pleasing com merit. The name of Tint Ritvntw was, however, caiefiilly left out o the notice, l lie Uregoulau is ptogicive and very courteous. Moat To Portland. I'or some lime Captain C. J. Me Lean has krn contemplating a ImhiI Hi vice between Portland, hi. Johns ami l.iiiulou, for freight am uiMeuger tiallic. This week he has commenced the service. The steamer (bielle will ply be Iweeu tlieM? ixiints twice a day with the intention to iuciease the mm vice as quickly as the patronage will jiiHtify. The lauding heie iu St. Johns will be at the public lock. Tin (iiiflle will leave the Staik stieet dock each morning at 7:0 amltacli afternoon at a: 10. I he boat will saipply vessels along the unite with sloteti and will reach St. Johitb at about S:oo and 5:1x1. Prom heie the (iaelle go.s to I, button leturning here so as to Icnve lor Poitlaud at 0:00a. in. and 0 15 p. m. Laptaiu Mcl.eau will make .tiling bid for fi eight as well as irticugcis. A brief announce UKMit apKius eUewhere. Haptlst Church. Sunday whoo! at ten o'c-Wk. Pleaching at eleven. K veiling jcivice at seven-thirty i uuiwiay eveiuue at seven- thiily prayer meeting is held. All are coultally invited to attend thee ei vices. All M't viceii will be held iu the new imikluiif on Chicago Mi eel, near 1 Ian nt. 1. A. Uhonakd, Pastor. I'or those nice "home" baked beaiu and luown hi van go to the HuMou Home Hakery, Jersey street. l.ooKlug por A Site. H. V. Swtetier and J. R. Street- or, of Chicago, Illinois, were in St. Johns yoMciday afternoon looking over the city with a view to putting iu a plant lor the manufacture of structural steel. They wcie shown about the city by V. V. Cioodiieh ami will soon Ik? heie again when H T. I.eggett will put iu a full day with them. These men desire from 14 to 20 acres with at least 000 feet of wa ter front if it can Iks .seemed. The site should In easily accessible to a railroad. These men apparently mean business and if suitable ar rangements can Ik; made work will commence iu a few mouths. Many muu will Ik; employol IkuIi iu the erection of the plant and after its completion. Our Local Grist Good time now to make those advertising contracts for 1906. Cheer un: it may rain in a few days and lay this infernal dust. Swenglc: harness-shop: St. Johns A real estate exchange is being talked of by the dealers in this city Hetter commence today to write it " o6 " iu order to get the habit Misses Hcssie and Lillian Me Vicker came home for the Christ mas holidays. See the Peninsula Hank for fire insurance. The city needs a plumbing ordi nance in order to commence now and get things right. Couch it Co. want to see you be fore you buy your holiday groceries, Next Tuesday evening the cotin cil will learn what the immediate income of the city is to be. A large family Christmas tree and party was held on Monday at the home of P. J. Peterson, wltn relatives from far and near. With the exception of the lack of snow Monday was it typical New KniMand Christmas: cold, raw windy and decidedly unpleasant It was an actual dismal day. When you insure your property secure only reliable companies, bee the Peninsula Hank about them. The Haptist women cleaned their new church on 1 uesday aim to niirht C Friday) there will be ser vices conducted by a half do.eii Ilaptisl preachers from out of town Smoking is a pleasure if the cig ars are bought al Valentine s. The new comers from the eastern states, mid they are numerous in St Johns, were not a bit pleased will the weather on Christmas day. 1 dri.liug rain was not al all to thei liking. Try the "Par Ivxcelleiice" : th champion cc cigar: made in St Johns. Prank I.ashbatigh is hugely pleased over his "little farm" on the Heights. He has four lots- ami believes he has a smiI whereon he can build a nice home and lie I do it, too lulling and winter unities also good iHitatoos for sale. See C. N llraasch about them. Jesse (iidbraith, who has been one of the loom fixers at the woolen mills, has lesigned his position am exiccts to move to valley iu short time. Mr. Little, of Salem has seemed the tositiou Mr. Oat braith resigned. The lush of the heating stove trade is past, (let our sjiecial prices before you buy. Potter V doom After all, the school district o St. Johns isn't so small. With a valuation ' of over one and one fourth millions it runs far above the total valuation of the whole of Lincoln county which is some thing over 900,000. Manhattan Horse Pood the great lile builder: lor sale at the Harness shop. Now is the time to use it. One of the kindest Christmas acts noticed iu St. Johns was a gift of fruit fiom a woman who is a comparative stranger iu our town to another whom the giver knew was also homesick for her eastern home. The motive, iu a case lik this, not the mete gift, is what helps make Christmas blessed. PolT & Carev have genuine Rock Spiings and Cumberland, W yoin lug, coal. Try it. it but us til clean. No clinkers, no soot, and very little ash. Dining the past week it has been a difficult task to keep any track of the owners ol real eMate. In every direction property has ehauget hands light and left. To illustrate the rapidity iu which sales wete made: last Tuesday a prominent rea estate dealer was seen trying to sol a man his own property at a price s.aoo above what he asked for it The Iroshest of filk-rls, luiglish walnuts, etc., for Christmas am New Years at Couch & Co.'s. We wish to warn the party who lias Ik-oii making sundry visits 111 search of fuel to certain woodsheds 011 south joliu sttccl. Certain sticks of wood and pieces of iu tliese store houses have been loaded, and if the right piece of combustion s cut led away a minister will pio ubly le called uihiu to to say some thing soothing and comforting over the mangled ictuaius of one of the members of the family of a low lown ornery wood-shed thief. For first class and reliable firo iu surauce companies see the list at the Peninsula Hank. The way the Portland merchants run up the price of Christmas tur keys 011 the tardy buyers last Sat urday afternoon and evening was a lisplay of avarice ami greed that would gladden the heait of any of the sure-thing men. Only a few birds wcie displayed iu some of the markets, and these were exhibited to the prostvetive customer with the remark "Here's all we have !" A purchase leiiig made, another bird was hung up. On ton of this de ception the price was run up to 27 niul ao cents per Hniml. 1 hese Port- and philanthropists are a wise lot when it comes to getting rid of cold storage tut keys held since Thanksgiving. EIGHT GOT HURT Brand New Pianos to Go at a Discount of SI 18 on Each. During the tremendous holiday rush, when we handled sometimes as many as three and even four car loads of instruments a day, and the large number of sales necessitated much shifting of stock, seven pianos and one orchestrelle were more or less marred. Of course, we could send these to our shop and nut them in such shape that the slight damage would hardlv be discernible. Hut this is not our way of doing business. Instead, we will sell these seven brand-new pianos and the one orchestrelle at a reduction of $tooo 011 the lot. You'll save $118 on each one of these pianos, and a clean $174 on the orchestrelle. A beautiful mahogany Pease, the very latest style, in fact was only taken out of the car two days ago, at a reduction of 118, Pay 58 per month. A genuine mahogany case Chick ering baby grand at a reduction of $118. Pay ?I2 a month. A fine mahogany-cased Claren don, beautiful design, marred, but very slightly, at a reduction of 5118. Pay 6 a month. A very choice genuine rosewood cased Weber "baby" upright at a reduction of .fn8. Pay fid a month. A niussivc oak-cased Story & Clark, most striking design and a good reminder of our glorious World's Fair (Forestry building), at a reduction of ttS. Terms, 1 10 a mouth. A superb art style Kimball, a special design, at a reduction of f 1 18. Terms Si 2 a mouth. Fanciest style mahogany Stock, extremely beautiful case, with ele gant carvings, at a reduction of f 1 18. Terms $10 a mouth. An $850 Orcliesttelle iu ttcrfect order, but mars quite noticeable, nt a reduction of $174. Terms, f 15 a month. This is the oportuuity to turn Christmas cash into a most profita ble investment. Remember, all the instruments are brand new, fully warranted and in the very latest designs and most costly styles, at bona fide reductions at $1 18 each. Call or phone balers Piano House, A5i Washington treet, corner Park. "I notice that Poff Jt Carey have another car load of that good coal. Say! but they do sell coal and its fine, tool" Condemn The (lully. At a meeting of the city council Tuesday evening, at the suggestion of W. M. Killiiigsworth, the following condemnatory resolutions unanimously adopted: "Ritsoi.vro. That it is the sense of this council that such cut as seems to be contemplated by the Northern Pacific railway lctween the Columbia and Willamette rivers will be exceedingly detrimental to the material interests of the city of St. Johns, and that all honorable efforts should lie made by the city and its citieus to prevent its con struetiou; ami be it farther Ritsoi.vitn That copies of these resolutions lie furnished the uj)er.s lor publication, and that a copy be -l.l -nf. e loitvaiucu to uie projicr omciais o said railw.iN . Can You Afford 1 o carry the risk of total loss on your buildings when a small auiouiit will insure oti against loss? does not pav to do it. See the Pe iiiusula Hank alout rates. likvtrlc Road Coming. Three months ago Tint Kitvntw tatetl that arrangements were In?' ing made for another electric line through this city and that the line would come in from the west. crossing the illauiette here at St. Johns and run direct to Vancouver. 1 uere was cousiuerauie laughter over this assertion but now those who smiled are sitting up ami tak ing nonce. The St. Helens Public Service ComtMiiy is now doing business and more than miles of the route has been surveyed and staked out. .Most of the rights-of-way, also, have kv secured. The line will reach the coast and will even strike down as far as Tillamook and is backed by the Hill interests. lTom the west the hue will reach St. Johns over the Northern Pacific bridge and will be really a better thing for this city than to have the .Northern raeitic road here. There is to be a capital of four million dollars bemud the enterprise. u is reported that the surveyors will be in this vicinity next week ... . . . . in uuvc suikos ami iook alter rights-of-way. It will be a good thing to push along. Wo need it iu our business. Larue Panes. There are three windows in the new store of Holbrook's brick the corner to be occupied by the St. Johns Grocery Company that are of extra size. One of them is 160 inches wide while the other two are each t6S inches wide. Kach of the three are 62 inches hich. They were set without mishap. A CLEVER SCHEME, Northern Pacific Lays Grade To Which 0. R. and N. Aust Come. By a nice bit of over-work 011 Sunday and Christmas the North ern Pacific won a point over its adversary. Roth roads are anxious to get to St. Johns but the the sur veys cross each other five times be tween the Vancouver bridge and this city. The road first securing its grade can force all other cross ing roads to come to its grade: and the O. R. & N. was slow in its work. There have been, it is true, a number of purchases of property on the Heights, said to be iu favor of the Northern Pacific road. Among them are properties of Messrs. Moe, Harris, Marcy and McLeod for which more than f 6000 have been paid. At the same time this docs not preclude the possibility of the skirt road around the city. Whatever may be the outcome and whatever may be the route chosen it is evident that the O. R. & N. was nicely played by strategy. Until the matter is adjudicated by the court it is probable no farther steps will be taken al that point: work, however, will progress till along the line with as much rapidity as possible. Go By Boat. For Portland and way points take steamer Gazelle at public dock. Leaves St. Johns at 9:15 a. 111. and 6:15 p. 111.; arrive Portland (Stark street dock) at 10:00 a. in. and 7:00 p. 111. BI1I1I ng On lis Own Work. To become an active bidder for work to which it has invited coin iK'tition, is a decided novelty iu the domain of contracting, yet this is being done by the municipality of Toronto, Ontario. Not that only, but, from all reports, it has worked admirably, resulting iu lower prices and first class work When sewer and paving work is to be let the city engineer makes 11 bid, in exactly the same way as other comttetitors. If any respou sible contractor bids under the engineer, he secures the contract, but if the engineer's bid proves to be the lowest, ami he cannot in duce some contractor to take the ion 011 his nanus at the same figure, the city proceeds to do the work with day labor. During the past year forty-three concrete sidewalks, seventeen pav tug contracts, one grading contract, ami twelve sewer contracts were executed in this way with a net saving to the city. This mode of procedure might well attract the careful consider ation of other municipalities. The weak jHiiut of the plan seems to rest 111 the circumstance that a cor rupt city engineer might, through collusion with contractors, indulge in graft methods, but this would not be M)ssible iu a large city where tunny contractors were bid ding. Using proper judgment and always allowing a reasonable ami fair margin of profit 011 his bids. the engineer could so place them as to tio away with excessive prices. Hut, though the citv so placed its bids us to .secure but little work on its own account, its action would have n pronounced effect tioii the character of the work done by those who secure contracts, since that done by the by the city would serve as a model that must be followed. The plan of a city doing its own work by hired labor has not proved very satisfactory where tried, but this modification might well be exteeted to work well. I:vatigclicul Church. Order of exercises at the Ivvan gelical church for next week : Sunday school at 10 a. in. Preaching 11 a. m. Junior K. L. C. li. s:ao p. in. Mrs. McVieker. superintendent. .senior K. L. c. 15.-6:30 p. in. Sermon 7:30 p. ui. Wednesday 7:30 p. m.: Choir practice. lhursday 7:So p. in.: Prayer meeting. W e extend a personal invitation to each citizen of St. Joluia to oar- ticipate iu and enjoy the services as announced. K, IJ. McVickkk. Pastor. Couch & Co. can save vou mourn- on underwear. Incorporation Papers F.led. The incorporation of The St. Johns Hotel Company is now an actuality papers having leeii filed on Wednesday. The company has a capital of f 21,000 -and those in terested are J. H. Nve. Adam .Mueller and I;. I;, Coovert. Tli, lotel is now nicelv under vrav- the first floor being oracticallv completed. For genuine manle sinrar m to Couch vS: Co.'s Bakery Change. Clarence Young, one of the nart- ners m the Enterprise llakerv. h sold- his interest to Mrs. V. 1. Uullis and retired. This hnt-prv which is an excellent one. has built up a large trade in the short time it has been open. HOW THE SHAH SLEEPS. The shah of Persia never, under any circumstances, sleeps on a bed Btcnd, and 110 matter where lie has stayed, whether it be in royal pal aces or hotels, lie has cither had the bedstead removed from his sleeping apartment or clso lins relegated it to some remote corner, so as 10 emiuie him to sleep in the exact center of the room on a couple of huge cush ions or soft oriental mattresses stretched upon the floor. And just behind the cushion upon which his head rests there is always a sma Inblo. unon which arc five portraits The center ono is of himself. It is 1 flanked on either side by those of Kinir Kdward and Queen Alexandra while beyond them on either side are the pictures ol tno emperor anu em ornos of Russia. Those portraits ac company him everywhere and may be said to watch over his slumbers in his own dominions as well ns abroad. Street Accident!, Twelve nor cent of all the ncci ilmiU In iipmili' lii cities happen on the streets. Statistics show that the average citizen, if ho should meet with a hundred serious mischnncca on his walks abroad, would slip on the ice and fall down under other circumstances sixty-eight times; ho would get hurt ten times in board ing or dismounting from cars; ho would bo knocked down or othcrwiso injured by horses and wagons six times; ho would bo bitten by dogs four tunes nnd ho would step uisaS' Irouslv unon banana peels twice The remaining mislinps would bo miscellaneous and might include ono or two collisions with motor cars, which have taken the place of bicy ties as perils to the- pedestrian. Pearson s .Magazine Nw York a City of Holeli. It surpasses comprehension how nil tho new hotels in New York city find sulllcicnt business to support them. Magnificent now structures nro constantly going up, ami even1 lending hotel appears to bo nil The public lins become so accustom ed to the opening of new million dollar establishments that sue events create hardly a comment, Now York has become the first ho lot city in tho world, nnd it is tho height ot every landlord s ambition everywhere to become tho nropri dor of 11 successful hotel in tno me tropolis. It is said that tlicro is now over $100,000,000 invested in first class hotels in Isow iork city Leslie s Weekly. Facti About Cotton. The world's cotton production for A. ...l.t t.t l. I- ii'wi entering commercial cuauuci wni 18,01 1,850 bales, with n totn consumption of 15,171,980 bales, This indicates a surplus in the world's factory supply of cotton amounting to 2,500,870 bales. Tho total production nnd consumption of cotton, however, do not repre sent tno mil statistics lor tho world. Large quantities of cotton are grown nnd consumed in China, Japan, Asl atic Kiifsiu and other castcnt conn trios nnd in South nnd Contra America, which do not enter into commercial chnnnols nnd cannot bo ostinintcd with any certainty. Hnr jH?r ueeKiy. Octavo Thintt. Miss Alico French chose her pen name of Octavo Tlmnct in curious fashion. Octavo was tho namo of 0110 of her schoolmates nnd was so lectcd becnuso it gives no hint na to whether the person who bears it is a man or a woman. Thnnot was adopted from n passing railroad car 11.-4 l:.- 1 1 1 1 1 1 mm .miss rreneii cuanccu to gee anu is pronounced with tho accent on tho second syllabic. Horn and edu cated in New Kngland, tho writer has lived most of her maturo lifo in tho west and in tho south, which has mnuo ner familiar with widely vary ing phases of American civilization Her first magnzino storv was written ami neeepieu m 1B78. . . "Hamlt" Mlnut tho Ghot. An Italian actor. Simior Fuma- galli, has been creating a mild sen- eation in Homo by playing Shako swnre's "Hamlet,r with tho totn! suppression of tho ghost. Tho new doparturo has been the subject of se vere strictures in tho press, nnd Do- menico uiivn, a Shakespearean scholar, has taken Signor Fumagalli vigorously to tnsK. "It in remem ber, ho savs. "that Shakesnonre himself nssumed tho nart of tho gho9t on tho stngo of tho Globe theater." "Hnmlet" without tho melancholy pnnco himself remains to bo tried. An Old Roman Altar. A Roman altar four feet high and 01 square iormntion has been un earthed near Melrose, England, at tho sito of an ancient Roman camn. An inscription chiseled on it reads. TV 41,- , 1 1 -i. T ., ' w iiiu K,voi mm imgjiiy jupiter, Carolus, centurion of tho 20th Le gion, tho valiant and victorious. cnceriuuy, wmtngiy and deservedlv paid his vow." Houses For Rent BY DANIEL BRECHT IP VOU WANT A HOUSE CALL OX ME ST. JOHNS. OREGON AN OF1-1C1AL DIRECTORY S. H. GREENE Attorncy-at-Uw. Office: Room 9 llreede,, Bu. lug, corner Third and Washing L streets, Portland. "asmnKton KcS'tlc"C!! Salt Joha DR. L. Q. HOLLAND, PHYSICIAN AND SURfJEON Reiencc nn.l Office: 404 Taconu strect Miotic Scott 1J0, bt. Joims, - Ortg, on Goodrich & Goodrich, ARCHITECTS Saint Johns and Portland, Oregon Dr. W. E. HARTEL, DBNTIST Local or general nnasthcilcs a,i ministered If desired. 1'rcednmu Dlock, Sl John Dr. MARY MacLACHLAN Pliblan and Surjcon. Office hours; 9 to la . ,. , , !" .Residence Phone Scott Ju6i Office Miotic Union 6ogi. nSSi'. deuce M. Joints Hotel, Iteil. Dr. E. W. ROSSITER PHYSICIAN Office next door 10 Hlllotfs ,lre. store. Phone, Union 43, Kc.l. dencc oii lolm street, f.rst .loorjouu, ol Wrinkle' residence. Phone. ai-J" Ortgon MISS SCOTT (1RADUATH NURSE Residence: 611 I.cavllt Strict. I'lionc Union 1133 ST. JOHNS MRS. C. T. AlOE PASIIIONAIILU MODISTE Price Kcnsonnblc. Satisfaction (iimmntcvd. Kntuncc at rear fttulrwny, 301 Klcliinoiul Street. ST. JOHNS, - . . OKIiOON HARNESS SHOP Nice stock of new good. Iwnt cash price. All sons ol Iiumcm rt. pair neatly made. All our koo.1i are guaranteed to lc itj-to-l.ttc ami satisfactory. W. G. SWENOHL raconm Street, near Jersey, ST. JOHN'S T. T. PARKER, Allorncy-at-Law. Office: Cochran Illock, next door to ttostofficc, Nihil Johns . Oregon Carpenter & Dolbcw Plasterers, llrlck Masons ami Ce ment Workers. IMimatct Riven nnd satisfaction Kunrniitccd, Hcfcr to editor of this jntcr. 735 Vjr. liitnUtrect, University Park, I'lionc Union 6797. F. J. CARTER HOOTS AND SHOES REPAIRED Shop next door to Anderou' lUkfrjr Jti Tucoinu strect. Give mc a trial order. St. Johns, Orrooti ST. JOHNS EXPRESS IIAKKV LYIXS, Prvprblor Good delivered, crated or un crated, in city or Portland. Pi anos u specialty. Leave order at Illckner's. I'lionc Union 699S. ST. JOHNS, - - ORKG0N THE EASTERN HOME J. S. CAIN, Proprietor. Menls by the day or week Hoard. per wecK, w.oo, Cochrun Illock Jersey Street . . Orrjion Saint Johns N. A. GEE House Mover and Repairer Houses moved, raised and re paired. Odd jobs of all kinds. Prompt bervlce, resonable charges. Ivaulioe und Catliu Streets. Saint Johns - Oregon P. W. HINMAN Chicago Rooming House. Good rooms from fx a week up. Corner C)iicae,oaml Ivaulioe streeU Saint Johns Ortgot MRS. N. McCANN CLOTIIINQ CLEANER ClothhiK cleaned, pressed nd mended with care and promptness. Ladies' clothes a special t Old Postoffice Building Salut Johns - OW G. W. OVERSTREET, PLUMBER Columbia Avenue. Houlevard and Ceutrsi Saint Johns Oregon MISS AMY B. ROWLAND INSTRUCTOR ON PIANO 50c per Lesson In St. Johns Wednesdays and Stunlj 1671 Portsmouth Avenue, University The Hazelwood E. P..Tognini, Pror. Is an up-to-date quick LubA Cigar, Confectionery stjd.,fy Stand. The Celebrated H wood Cream and Butter in stock. Corner Jersey St. ud lroiT St Jokaa, Orefea