ST. Johns review you Should Patronize The Home Taper. It ,BJth means a better city If ou work wl.lh THE 5T. JOHNS REVIEW Advertise In The Review Its rimilatioii Is KClitl hie and it cover the field. Its hctter than n dally in the field. IT WILL REPAY YOU Devoted to the Interest of the Pcnlmula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest VOL. 2 ST. JOHNS, ORKGON, FRIDAY, DKCKMBIJR 29, 1905. NO. 8 LEVY OF FIVE. MILLS, UL.U111U 11111 nuunuuLi m 3J s fa 1 3 Council Ami j Throws DoVvn Portland Rumor Of MO-Poot Cut Not (loner- Underbids That Clt. nlly Believed By C.tlzens. J. There was a full couneil present I" spite of repeated assertions J! at the meettiHT Tucsdav evfiiiiiir that the Northern Pacific will run f.. ...... t-i.... !.. !. I !.... ,.t. ...... I ..... .'nil ui rviii in wiimi. 1 mi 1iiii1u.11 siiiiiiu iuiusc iroill 'IM.. .......... ...... 41... ... i I X., ........ rt .. !...,. ..I .1. A iiv mijil .1 ui I III; U.MIMIMUII 1 iiii.uiiwi tun Ullll JUM uuuvi: me 'of Grcslniin street through block 3 lry dock the course tloes not seeiu rjof Adams Addition and through I practical nor probable. The toad lots 1 .and Q of the Heights as I now has rights-of-way around the well as on the extension of Chi- northern edge of St. Johns, eon 1(J cago from Jersey strctt to Harriet 1 necting with the sites of the pros- I made their report; The board 1 poctive stockyards and the Wever- 1 .. e t .. . rf-t. II !li 1 . 1. . 1 . . 1 wn i-uiiiposiu 01 miosis. vimries nemiser mm, aim me nriuge ap-1 Hiederson, W. 1,. Thorndyke and I pro.ich could be made with a cuive J Willis Moxon. 1 iiio gtcater than is used along the 1 ; The Oiesham .street! extension re-1 load in many points. quired the full Go-footjlot owned by ! If the route as stated by rumor .J! Or. W. lf. Amos formerly owned . sb.ill be selected it means along'' by Mrs. Adams and the damage tunnel through sand or etuvcl or '! Ho him was placed ill S;oo. He1" cut of 1.1a feet in denth. The,!' ft 1 11:10 a claim or sioao. he in- elevation at t ie iioint onnosile tic St. Johns Land Co. 1 I'HONU UNION .1101 would 4. PATRONIZE US AND BE HAPPY Acme Lumber Company V SASH GLAZING DOORS WE CARRY "ODD" SASH IN STOCK Columns Spindles Brackets Lime and Cement 1 iSiiSi5i5Si l 1 K Paints Oils Glass Redwood Gutter St. Johns "D." ST. JOHNS SASH AND DOOR CO. PHONE SCOTT 4063 JERSEY STREET miiVLMiuHtls win' ikusu i iw fnl. hriili'i' is tHn IV. t -uIiiili At I lows; 1 rnets "O ' uiul "N, $50 make a cut of about i.0 leet to each; tract "P," $1751 tract ")" lIc biidge 30 feet above low fe 1 f22j; lot 6 in blockj2. $20; lot , 1 water. This would necessitate a e I block ., $20; lot 4 block $,v: lot cut fully 300 fet wide at the top 1q 5 block 3, 50; lot 8 01. Kk 4t, jo; or about one and one-half blocks . lot 7 block ,v 550 I wide. When it is considvted that " hi the extension I of Chicago thcte are several nice residences on Sh street the damages to II Van Dtiyne every block where this cut is con J9 1 were placed at S2.W. t The benefit ti'ii.plated. and that the n iblic weie ligtlivd as $250 , highways would have to be bridged navaole si2c hv Mr.M.fP. r Sinitir lor everv street, tin' imniiMisc i-nsi 0 and Ii2j liy M. I,. Holbrook. j of that route may be roughly csti-1 Dr. A moss, owner) ol the lot 'mated. which was "npproprfjited" by the Were this route taken it would,!; appraisement committee, stated that, it Is true, be shorter: but it would he had filed notice of ndciuaud for prevent the location of any docks 1 51 51050 for his lot -in place of the along this water front which is an ; 5700 awarded him. lend strongly sought by the North- ! liy motion it was. decided to em Pacific. In all probability the j! lace t le nearine- in cases Iiehl matter set ortli In tne da v nross 1 ' at the next regular meeting Tues- Is merely to throw the owueis of day, January 2. The report was property along the loop route off filed but the committee was not the scent so that all rights-of-way discharged. may be easier secured. Tint Kit- A plumbing ordinance, seeking' VI KW still believes the Northern compulsion in making sanitary 1 Pacific will build along a route ' plumbing, was introduced at the where it can have good wliarfdi't. ! desire of C. W. Overslreet but it nnd where its iiuineiise grain ware- J was considered that it was too houses lor the wheat from the complex for this city. It is be-'upper country may be easily stored lieved that such an ordinance is for .shipment to foreign ports, necessary and Messrs. Greene,! The shipping facilities are largely I.eggctt and Urice were apixMnted , considered in the advent of this a committee to draw in collusion road and foreign shipments must Choice, Business 25100, $1000.00 lots will double lots on Jersey street and upwnrd. value 111 111 one Venn ...SPECIAL BARGAIN... 100 lots, two blocks from car line, for $7000. Regu lar price, $10,500. Owner will sell at this price for THIS WEEK ONLY Proud Of City. ' 41 ' ' t I. Mile with 111 lots i6-feet St. Johns Park, 50.x 106, alleys $250.00 and up- with Mr. Overslreet a protcr le taken as a business proiHisition. ordinance oifthar'toiiic. "" Thcrels no territory in Poitland l'he question of the city tax levy where favorable sites for grain was then taken up. The assessed elevators can be scented: hence the value of St. Johns is Si , 1 16,460 Northern Pacific must secure them uud it has been figured by some at the lest and nearest iMiiut. that the income of the city would 1 ins is in ht. Johns. be .something over 1,000: this was done by enthusiasts who assor ted that the city needed no other source of revenue because a ten-; M. Mattson, of Poitland, who is mill levy would give Mifficicut n regular reader of Tun Kuvntw, funds to carry out all plans. ' was in this city on Wednesday. Jitit as the weeks have rolled 011 He owns some 600 feet front 011 the change has come over the tax- proposed extension of I'iske stieet, payers and an 8-mill, and even a Portsmouth, to the business ceiitte ' f ...... 1 1 1 . ... 1 i. u-iiiiii levy uas own mivocaicu. 01 joiius. iiioiil' toe canine, ami Waiting to see what levy was to be is anxious to have that thorough- made in Portland with n desire to fare improved. Mr. Mattson in c equally low or even lower the tends to invest every dollar he can council ascertained shortly before spare in St. Johns proiterty. this meeting that a levy of 5 1-5 mills had bcxMi made in Portland. ' UcimjmlK!r! v, . f.1.?.1 "'L finer candies or cigars than the nun iiih ici 1111 vii inn hi utui; .loo.u Vik'nliiiL. stills In liis iiuut At this point W. M. Killings- h .? ' -sells 111 his neat worth, well-known throughout St. Johns and Portland as a progressive and enthusiastic rtalestnte dealer, a deep barrier between St. Johns was caueu upon 10 siaie 111s ideas nud the territory to the south. He of the levy. Mr Killiugswortli urged that the council take some was one of who pushed the steps to show how deeply it objected St Johns charter through the legis- to so unsightly and uiibusiucwilike lature and while he felt good over the measure. the fact be aiK)logi.ed for the sort iTjxm motion of Mr. l.eggett. of a child he fathered. seconded by Mr. Thomson ami wards $5.00 down and $5.00 per mouth. St. Johns Land Co Si. Johns ,'e Unl()" mi Oregon Uraucli Office ami Agency on (lie (irouiul. Mr. Killiugsworth paid a glow ing tribute to the entire peninsula ."Iecause he believed in it." Portland must ultimately grow in this direction as it was the only others, the levy was fixed at five mills the projwsal passing unani mously amid applause. M. I., Holbrook complained that water was settling at the corner of ! EDMONDSON CO., ! Hardware, Tinware, Plumbing Phone Scott 406S Tin Roofs, Gutters, etc. ST. JOHNS, Or R. WILCOX, Dray and Baggage Line Phone Scott 1308. Piano Moving a Specialty. Leave onlere at Wacklmrn'i furniture store ami tney will receive prompt attention. "For Rent" and "For Sale" cards for sale at this office. available territory contiguous to his new brick and seeping through that city and every business man imo his cellar. He asked that a realized that fact. It would le but conveyor he installed so that the a very few years lefore every wutcr would be carried acrovs available foot of projwrty on this Jersey street and thus rid the cor peninsuJa would be utilized for m-r of the nuisance. It was de business and homes. cided to have this done at once What was needed was a low tax and Mr. Holbrook will cement n this year. Next year the valua- gutter all along his corner, tions would le so increased as to The engineer's estimate and area allow a still lower levy uud it of the projKjsed sewer district was would be better to put off some of accepted, and the attorney was the bills now due and await another ordered to prepare for publication year when a two-iinlliou mark was the necessary resolution, reached. To that end he offered The city is to furnish lumber for to pay $1000 cash on demand and a crossing on Hurlington street near accept the city's agreement to pay the Valentine store and F. W. in one or two years and thus keep Valentine is to construct the walk, the levy as low or lower than Port- The matter of accepting North laud. M. I.. Holbrook lias taken Jersey street was laid over to the $2000 on the same terms and the regular meeting, city was certainly good for it. ; Moses Tufts having resigned as Mr. Killingsworth's talk was an chief of fire department C C. excellent one and drew much ap- Oihuse was appointed to office plause. He spoke also upon the and asked to form a volunteer coin proposed deep cut for the Northern party for fire protection. Pacific which would largely de- Adjourned to Tuesday evening, tract from all laud values and form January 2, 1 WHEN BUYING YOUR GROCERIES Do not forget we carry a full line of Men's, Ladies' and Children's Underwear at rlht prices. Phone Union I06Y. COUCH & CO. J. J. KADDERLY ttt t Hardware Of all Kinds. Bole Agent for t t t t 4 Odd Fellows Building, Poitland, Oregon. Phone Main 1382 1 Universal Stoves and Ranges Do not fail to see the Universal Steel Range before purchasing 141-143 first Slreel, LFour Brick Blocks Under WaycoooooJ