St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, December 08, 1905, Image 2

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    the st. joiins review
Ar MiRwtM .V Tmokhuvkh
.fc.SU, .... i. - h r.r i. .4..m:.
J4. IVtatrttr trM In Urn ) tl'
(Una ha"i t 4drtt4 U
Tin RTlw,
TIlK Hkvirw l entered al oee
in MM Juhii, OtTjjtm, m mull waller
( Use wcofx! elm MMfer the Art ! Con-jtn-M
of Mareh j. t7.
oml Ntvipiptr of tb cit; " Bl- '
Phono Scott 0000.
UMln tltu tuiuHtU nvritimi (if
New York mid INfiumylvuniti one
1. ....,f.-,.i.. .r.. in namiriiiiw ilmi
in IV1IVM mm ill ""ft .
the Northwest lm the gteiitent mid
the mllkt lot of xtnftm yet found
in America! And that tin; mont of
it ia done for wi low a figutc is 11
fuel tlmt uiiikes tile offence seem
tlie greater !
Tile fact is that when a man has
the oiMrtunity to xtaf t lie should
make it July him so well that there
would l an oikii Utility to live the
work down befoie the next one was
played, 'flint K a rare art.
As we say, the Olefin tiii)tations
ate low. Conmewnien and United
Stales senators run from $.yxo to
5000. State senators range from
$l.p to $175 although there is a
teudaney to "bull" the next season
to $200 while legislators go slowly
al fiw for the term.
State officers me much lower in
the tunning: to $05 with a
few choice at $100. Dislrict
iillorueys aie Niictualiug with a big
slliui in itosect. A few choice
ones have tun ii as high as J 150
hut the maiket is a drag at $60 to
A tendency to "hear" the run of
city officials has kepi scculiilors on
the jump for fear of ovet loading
and ovei paying- Instances have
been known of Singh's selling as
low hm nnd some have jumjKtl
to 1111 even $100: while some have
been bunched ill It ion at f 125.
The one unpleasant featuie about
the tiling is that thete is no closed
season. Possibly Natuie was all
wise in not making that piovisiou
because the iuciease might be far
in advance of necessity if the ocn
season was not continual.
IN view of the lad that the
public dock plumules upon the
Uaiiklu pioH.'ity it might be well,
in older to avoid any futuie in-
laiii'lement, to have Mr, Uaiikiu
legally vacate that space occupied
by the dock befoie the city vacates
the stieel deiied by 1 1 i til. This
would be only fair play and might
avoid unpleasant liligation in all
futuie time. And it should be
dour now.
lllg llrich llloch.
Ill, Joph McChesney, of
OuiiK'y, Califoinia. is having ohm
pieMiusl by lr. J. Koeiucr for a
two story puwd biick block on
Jeiuy Mtieel. It is to be Koxioo,
iiini 1 1 (lilt, steel giideih, plate glasx,
and will Ikj thioiiKhly iikmIuiii.
Ilaplisl Church.
Sunday school at ten o'clock.
I'leiK'hiujl at eleven.
Hveuiiig M'lvice at seveu-thitty.
Thuisday evening at suvuu
thltty pmyer ineeting is held.
All iiiv cHtlially iuvilisl to attend
the mm vk'e.
U. A. I.konakii. Pastor.
' CiniiiuoiKCil On llnlcl.
Itxciivation has been going 011
this week for the new hotel, comet
of HuiliiiKlou ami 1 vaiihue utiecU.
It is to Ik- a two Morv biick stiuo
tine, .i;xiu. but will have 15 inch
walls mi thai a thiid stoty may Ik
added at any time.
Woik will In- ImMeiusl tiMin thU
buildiuK as tapidly as mible be
e.nis- Manager Nye is anxiiius to
Itet into the place as mo 11 a he
can. Theie will bv ten mount iu
the hotel and nit will Ik- neatly fin
ished, liHiHUouicly furnished and
well catwl for.
Mr. and Mi. Nye will conduct
the hotel in iwrwiu, and Tint Kit
Vlitw is usitiitvtl by those who have
lieen their Mtioui elsewheie that
the whole ist,tblUhiueut will lie
mauaisl iu the bent nvsnible man
net. The contmi't for the buildiiiir
was MKiiiwl by J. K. Keoinei, who
luit built n htrgo hhaic of the build
itiKh iu St. Juiinti.
livauuclical Church.
Oidr of eNenjboh at tlw Hvau
gelical chuivlt fu- next week :
SuiuUv .si-lnHl at to a. in.
Ptenchiug 1 1 a. in.
Topic "Title Uiehtw."
Juuiiw K. I,. C. 1. j:jo p. m.
Mrs. McVk'kcr. kUH.'iiutcudcut.
Senioi K. I.. C. It. 6:0 p. in.
Sermon -7 o p. 111.
Topic "Systeituitie IW of
Wednesday 7.J0 p. 111.: Choir
ThuisHlay 7:80 p
in. : Pmyer
We extend a ie,iM)uul invitation
to uich citixuu of Sl. Johua to jur
ticipate in and oujoy the scrviccs as
announced. 1'.. 11. Mc ickuk,
Pastor. I
jOur Local Grist
A w brick Muck will com
It 4 1.
urntcv in W4K raiK ncxi wcvk
, Mr. Tom Cochran, of Unlm-
The wrMnuRc for the Methodist
church i ImHiir jhisIiwI along and
llntm-lal Hlliott has Ik-cii
knocked out this week confined to
Ins home by painful illuuss.
'fable oil cloth is only 18c jcr
yard at the St. Johns Hauir.
Mrs. li. A. Palmer !eetinie
hoinewek for St. Johns and re
turned from her Newk-rg trip.
Guard your projwrty against fire.
Insure with tlie I'emiiMiIu Hank.
I'.. I. I'M), ill HUil'llui, wiiuii,
tt tt t, t t 1... ....... ri...ii.n
was a visitor in St. Johns on Satur-
He is a property-owner
Mrs. Allen Kogeis bus closed
her millinery store in St. Johns and
moved to Albiuu to lake up a
A nice line of correct girdles at
the St. Johns
The street crossing between the
city hall and Valentine's cigar
store is very discouraging for those
who cannot swim.
Will Reed is day watch ut the
government moorings across the
river. He has moved from Wood
lawn to St. Johns.
Congregational services will be
held uexl .Sunday afternoon at
three o'clock in the Woodman
hall. All are invited.
When you insure your proerty
secure only tellable companies. See
the I'eiiiustila Hank about them.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Venable, of
Minneapolis, Minnesota, were scv
end days last week guests of Mr.
and Mrs, W. I.. IluIIis.
Poh tSr Carey have genuine Rock
Springs and Cumberland, Wyom
uig, coal. I ry it. It burns up
clean. iNo clinkers, no soot, and
very little ash.
The losy complexion of Hoi
in 00k s new lirick mock is very
attractive and attracts the alien
tiou of all who see it.
b'or fust class ami tellable fire in
suiauce companies see the list at the
reninsiila Hank.
Still they come! J. II. Campbell,
who hails hum Kidgeheld, Wash
ingtou, is one ol tit. minis' new
lesideuts and he says he is hcie
to stay.
"I uotite that Poff & Carey have
another car load ol that good coal.
Say! but they do sell coal and ils
fine, too!"
(. II. Carlson, of the Portland
Manufacturing Company, returned
1 ncMiuy mini an exicutieii trip
aiouud Paget Sound iu the iuteiest
of his linn.
Captain and Mis. CO. Ilmusou,
national evangelists, weie guests on
Sunday of Mr. and Mis. W. If.
Johnson. I he travelers were en
mule fmm I rnutdalc to llmoks,
A fine grade of men's cashmere
hose 25c al the St. Johns llaar.
C. M. McKiuuie and his datigh
ter, Mis. Uucker, left St. Johns a
couple mouths ago for a visit with
iclatlve iu Centie, Kansas, After
a pleasant (tip they lettitucd to this
city this week.
Insiieet the stock of Christinas
candies and nuts at The I lael
wood licfoie buying elsewheie.
Prices right and they treat yon
The dctlicatiou of the United
Itvangelical chinch at Ocklev
(hecu was held Sunday iifteriioou,
Key. li. . McVicker, largely
thioiigh whose efforts it was built,
had chaige of a tKirtloii of the
mi vice.
My the "Par Itxcelleiuv" : the
chaiuptoii i ctgui: made iu St
vine v. inner, who lias iievn a
builder and distiactor iu this cit
foi seveial months, has llowu the
coop. His s,tutt was taken to Port
laud on Sunday and his familv
eft on Monday. He left nothinn
neiiiuti nut a mui memory.
i m-mii v imsiuias iirc.seuis c icao
at McClave's b'tiruittitc Store, near
.SaMi ami DiKir Comiuiiy, Sofa
pillows, 1.50 Kockers, 75c to
J.3.1H.1. Stands, f..oo: Desk.
7.00: Diesser, S.txi: Dishes,
(ihiMiwate and house fitruishiues
01 an Kiuiis.
1 U. Coon, of I'iveiMtv Paik.
1 .1 . . .
uu mKvii up a resilience on ins
I ranch near l.yle, Washington. He
'teports gieat activity iu the con
stiiuiioii of the north bank road iu
his vicinity. Scvoml towns have
been platted and the new mad
piomises wondets for southern
Our baker knows his business
and the goods he turns out aie
espial tu quality to any bakery
goHls muted out by the largest city
b.ikeueei. Give us a ttial and you
will be convinced. The H0M011
Home llakeiy.
.Vales lliothers have concluded
that a guveiv bete iu St. Johns
will pay in the - Oak Park precinct.
They dime from Toledo, Washing
ton, and have leased the store for
merly conduct ed by O. W. Curtiss.
The firm will stmt conservatively
and will use printers' ink to help
their btisiucvs.
A place to exchange or buy new
or .second hand furniture, .stoves and
carjicts. All kinds of house fur
iiUltiiiK kihkIs at way down prices.
Square IK11I. M. J. McGk.wh, 66
North 'lliinl. tetvvexii I.ivi nml
Hverett streets, Portland.
An Ordinance to Define Ihc IMrc
Limits of the City of St. John,
nnd to Prohibit the I i reel Ion or
Ucpalr of V(HHlcn Itul iIIiirs
Within Such l.lm.U. ( St J'liH oftUlti n
Suction I Th fire limit ( the City
Ul St. Jhn hll I- InhumIm! ili.iw
CominrnciHi; t lh? IntiTKCtfrMi of John
trvt Hint Jffey Mttl nnd ctinncniK
one liMitlrel li'"' ft 011 turh Mle of
Mitt Jet)- tri"et t" the lntfrwtlMi f
Jcrwy uttri't iiihI I'rofcewluti utrtit.
A li commrwlnK al the lnti,rv.Ttfin
of IvhiiIhh.' trt hihI Jolin tret unit
ctiilitnclnn out- limnlfiif (im feet n
vaeh Mtlf of IvriHhoe otrevt to the tntt-r-ctloii
of Ivmihoc utrrrt ami New York
Al commencing itl ttte Intersection
of Itnyea tret ninl John ittteet ami em
liriic'itig one IiiiimI rtl ( ij feet on encli
side ol llnye ntnut to the intersection
of llnytw street nml Tiieonm street.
Skctiok J All buihlhiK Iierenfter
cn-uteil within the fire limits shall le
tnntle nml cotistrnctud of brick or stone,
or both; mnl every ImlliliiiK of brick or
stone, or both, thut slmit be newly
riMiiI or covercil, Miall Inr constructed
of slile wulls or jKirty walls of lirlck or
stone, or ImjIIi, anil such slilc walls or
party walls Mmll extend from the
foiiinlation to the top of ami thioiigh the
rmif of the buildings, ami said tl shall
lie covereil with Mich material as will
afford motectiou against I'n v, .aid said
walls shall lie v tonstnicte I a to sep
arate nil woodwork thoroughly mul com
pletely liidcH!iident of the exterior mid
Interior, mid from all am! every art of
the interior and exterior of uuy adjoin
ing building, mid eery such side wall
or nartv wall shall iwss through the
roof of the building to which it may cr
till! In such manner as to break entirely
any communication of wood whatsoever
iictwien such root nun any oilier iiuiiii
Suction 3 Hvcry iierson, firm, or
corKraliiiu, or menibcr of any firm or
.orKnilliMi violating any 01 nie pni
visions of this Ordinance shall, tiisin
conviction theieof befote the MiiuIcImI
Knurl of thv City of hi. Joans, lie pun
ished bv a fine of not less than leu dol
lars nor more than one hundred dollars,
or by imprisonment not more than three
(t) uioutiis, or ny until sucn line mm
I'asHil the Council IKvember J, l'5.
Approvtit by Ihe mayor December I
W. II. Kino,
Attiwt; Mayor.
J. W. II.XNKS, lUroider.
I'ubllshe la Tim Itiivntw hecembvr
H, n15.
An Ordinance Asscsslnc (he Cost of
liuproliig John Street fr 111
the North Line of Jersey Street
to the South Line of Modoc
Street, In the C ty of St. Johns
nml Dlr cling mi llnlry of such
Assessment in the Docket of
City Liens.
The City of St. Johns dues ordain as
The Council of the City of St. Johns
iiaviiii: iiM'ciinincii nie toot 01 imiitov ui!
John stiect from the North Hue of Jersey
street 10 nie houtii line 01 .iioiioe stieel
hi the City of St. Jolux, its shown liy
resolution of Council of Ueeord and dale
NovciiiUt 6, i?k, mul notice thereof
having been uhlilicd in the Sl. Johns
Uevlew for three consecutive weeks from
November 10, 1115. to NovemU'r 31,
i5, inclusive, as kIiow 11 hv ullidavit of
(oieui.iii of said Ms'r on lile. and the
leeul isliHu of notice of such street lui-
movement as shown bv atlidavlt of City
Itugineer 011 file with City Recorder as
provided by resolution of Novcmlier ,
to Ik.- the sum of nrf.Si, as a pre
liminary otim.itc made by city engineer,
to Ite moie accurately dctctmiucd hy
city engineer, mul as to time within
ulilcli Mine is to lie completed, which is
now fixed at sixty davs from at imlill-
iMtiou of notice for prosiU for said
work: ins.iU to U tiled by January H,
ii, ai 1 p. 111.
Now. therefore, il Is heiebv ordeteil
that Mid sticet Ik- iuiprovetl aceoidingly
and that the Kivonler slmll jjive n.itlce
liy puiilicaiiou lor inn lew. tli.111 three
hiseitioii in iu-eisie piildicalioiis In a
ueusuiiH'r of lieueml eirtiiUitloii in ihe
Citv of St. Johns, inviting proiwiU for
making Mid impnivemeiit, and Mid Mini
or sucn sum as nall linally la-deur-
mined by city enuiueer, imt escewlinir
Mid sum, is hcteliy assessed to the lots
11. !L! J'Vi !Vi
t ets,uan
and pots of lots and piopcrt.
anil iHiiui.iriv luneiillol
which is iKvlaritl to he
V, .V v" i"!' 1
all the lot. 1
puts thereof and pireels of laud within
! leet troiii me ouuide line ol each
ide of Mid John street, iu their several
proiirlioiis 111 the Mid actucut dis
trict of Mid John street ufoa-Mid, in the
rejsvtle amounts to In- hearafter deter
uiiueil and nsccl to Mid lots or lurts
of lots and tracts as U'tuu beuenttitl liy
Mid street improvement.
1 lie U coo 1 ile r is hereby diu-ctisl to
enter at the proper time the Mid assess
ment hereby made in the docket of citv
liens, mid enuse notice thereof to W
pulillsiiiMl in. pruvuletl liy the Citv
I'aseil the Council )ccitiWr 6, nij.
ppnvel IKvember 7, H)5.
W. II. Ki.Mi,
Attmst: Mayor.
J. W. Hanks, Recorder.
rulilikluil in Tun KnvtHW Diveniber
s. I')j.
Adiiiiuistrator's Notice For
Notice is hereby eiven that the under-
sieued li.i U-en ilulv uioiutsl by the
ivunty eouit of the state ol" Oregon, for
Multuoiuali county, admiuistrutor of the
estate of M. A. Towuseud, ileceuel.
Ml ivrxms liaxiue claims against Mid
estate are hereby wpiintl to pre.svut the
Mine 10 me. properly veriiietl us ny law
reiiuiixtl. ut the ollice of T. T. Parker, in
ltolhrook HUvk, St. lohns. Orceon.
within six 1.6I mouthk of the date thenvf,
iMletl tins iitli iUy ol Novemlvr. A.
I). 1W.
ItLWlHltl It. y.iAV,
T. T. IMiker.
Attorney for Administrator.
Piiblihel iu St. John Review Novein-
txr 14, iK-wmtvr t.h, mul ij, 1115.
Watchmakers, Jeweler.
Importcrt anJ Wholesale Dealers
286 Morrison Street. IVJTCsK PORTLAND
Por Union Meeting.
There Is to lie a meriting of
teachers in the jifiwary room at the
schoolhousc on th afternoon of
Friday. DcccmWr 15, from one
thirty to two-thirty. Parents of
pupils are urged to attend and take
jiart the desire lcitig to have a
meeting for disunion of almost
any subject.
Prom two-thirty to three-thirty
the same afternoon a meeting will
l held iu the grammar room and
this, too, is for the public. There
may lie many little topics to lie
discussed and there may Ik- some
rulings which are not understood.
It is hoped that a large gathering
will follow.
Will llne linear.
The Ladies' AM of the Metho
(list church will hold a and
stipjier on Wednesday afternoon
and evening, December 13. Sup
jer 25c. Various articles wilt le
on sale tit the bazar. All are in
vited to attend.
One Thousand Plunks.
V. M. hashbaligh has sold his
little farm north of the city to Sam
Cochran and now has 51000 more
than he did before he let go, Mr.
Cochran bought the piece of laud
merely because he hud more cash
than he cared to carry 'round.
Hemcmberl You cannot buy
finer candies or cigars than the
goods Valentine sells In his neat
F. J. Koerner,
I'lnllri nml kiiiw.llti-nlliiiiu iirnttiiillv
I'liriiislieil 011 npplieatlon, All work
00110 with ncnl ness and illspntch
Proposals for Street Work
Sealed tiroiKixils will he received at
the ollice of the Itecorder of the City of
ni.joiios, ureon, uiiiii in.-cemucr 3J,
K15, at o'clock p. in., for the iiiiprovc-
incut of ThomiHou street from Meyers
street to Lively street lit Hie manner
provided lie orilin nice No, 6, subject to
1111- imviiuiis 111 1111-1 miner aim orill-
nances of the Citv of Sl, Johns, mul the
plans, sccil1cattoHs and estimate of the
wily liiigiiieer 01 inc.
y liiigiiieer of lile.
bids mast lie strictly hi accordance
with printed blanks winch will be fur
nished 011 implication at the otfire of the
ifcorncr 01 ine vity 01 m, joiius, ami
Mid Improvement must be counileteil on
or before sixty davs from the date of but
publication of notice for iniial for
Mill worK,
No pnisiMl or bids will U- considered
unless iii-eoiiipiuicd by a certified check
uiyable to the order of the Mayor of the
City of Sl, Johns, certified liy a respou.
sihfe buik, for 1111 amount etpial to ten
cr cent of the aggregate prostMl.
The right lo reject any mid all bids is
hereby reserved,
ny order ol the city .council
I, W. .VKS,
b City of St. Johns.
Hecorder of the
I'lihlisheil Iu the St. Johns Kevlew
emlier H, 15, jj, hij.
u OrdiuaiK'c Assessing the Cost of
ImproWiig Lively Street from
the North Line cf Thompson
Street to the South Side Liue
of Cntlin Street In said City of i
it. Johns, nnd Directing an
Hnlry of Such Assessment in
.1... IS... ...-!...,,
iiiv.- iinnei ui .ii i.ieus.
The Citv of St. Johns does ordain us
Suction 1 The Council of the Citv of
St. Johns haviiii! ascertained the eo.t nf
h'M'o'vniK l.uely street from the North
iim. f 1 h..inp4)u street to the South
"Mv ,IIU' ,,f -",il UvvX i -'ld City of
st. lulu,. .Iuiuii 1.1. u ...
Louucil of Record mid date Seitemler
is, and nutiee theretif havine been
iil)lislu.l 01 the St. John. Review for
three ciiki utive week fromDcloberi?,
i'5. t S' Uiiilier 10, 1905, niscluslve,
as shown In ullidnvit of foreman of Mid
vier on lib- anil the lej;al tlunof no.
ticeof ikH sticet impruveuieiit a shown
liy ullidau! "t city engineer on lile with
City Res -id, r, us provided bv resolution
ofSeptemkv iS, 1905, to U- ihe sum of
M09.40 us a preliminary estimate made
,m uu vMKiuvvr, 10 oc more accurately
ileteriiuiied v city enjjineer and as to'
i. ... . ------,
time w until wiucli Mine is to be com 1
tileted, whuh is now tixed ut sixty days
linn me i,m ihiuiicuiioii 01 nonce lor'OfYvwTI f n
proistal nr Mid work; proisMU to be
tilwl by January a, 1906, at 4 p. in.
Now . lh. refu're, it is hereby ordered
that Mid strut be improved accordingly,
and that tlu Recorder shall Hive notice
by piililu.ituni for not less than three
insertion, m -.uceessive publications, in
u iiewsipv r of jjeuerul cerculation tu the
Citv of m lohns, inviting propoMls for
mukiiiK k.11,1 impruveuieiit. and Mid
sums or ueh sunn us hall finally be
dcteruiiiie.1 by city eiiKineer not exceed
iua Mid sum, 1 hereby uesed to the
lots and ivirts of lots ami nmivttv
ieciall and mvuliarlv benefitted
lerebv, aiul whieh is ilcolarr.1 in l nil
the lots, rurts then-of and parcels of
.urn uiiiii hvi icci irum tlie outside
line of cadi ide of Mid Lively treet,
iu their m. vera I pruiwrtions iu the jid
nssesMiient district of Mid Lively street
ufarcMid 111 the respective amounts to
U- hereafter determined and afeeetl to
Mid tot ur jvirts of lot and tract as
U-inj; U.nerittet by Mid treet tmprov
uient. The Recouler is hereby directed to
enter at the proper time the Mid
uient hereby made in the docket of City
lieu, and eanc notice therof to be pub
lished a tiuvidel bv the Citv Charier
l'aed the Council lVcuiber6, ioo5.
Appruvetl IKvember 7, 1905.
W. It. Kino,
ArriKT; Mttj.or,
J W. Hanks, Recorder.
iniblished in the
IKvetidvr !. 1905.
St. Johns Review
m 1
' fjKiW
Second Door West
of Postoff cc
0. 1'. .MimKIIX
Faulk & Merrill
Coal, Hay, Grain,
Ground Feed,
Painls, Oils and Building Materials
Phone East 713
University Park, Oregon
Should be lookci
after tit fretiuent intervals. I
neglected you ate doing it an
injustice nnd It doesn't give1
the watch it show. Cleaning it
is one of our seeinlties. Reg
ulating is free, of course.
Wilson, the Jeweler
Tnconta St., St. Johns, Ore.
The citlens of St. Johns to know we
have n milk route In tills citv. rare
milk delivered at your door for i
month. Additional ipiarts ut 7c.
Taken Thursdays nml Saturday, ile
llvered 1'ridavs and Mouiliivs: ioe 1
eallou, Send orders to
M III P ATT AM llciicrnl Dcllvco
iTI.TT.Utl lUll Sl. Johns, OrcKon
Wo .slmir.Mmndle
only the finest of
and our patrons may
lie sure of being sat
isfied iu every case
Pull Hue of nil
Meat Market Sundries
Smith & Hoover
Next door to Kdmondsoii's
tkrsKV STRKKT. sr. inHvu
I ' V
Houses For Rent
1 Ps3 NlO SfO psO
iu . . . II
, 11 r v
x VV A I I I 1
raper nanger
and Decorator
Orders can be left at Couch's store
Special Attention Given to Alt Orders
You ran lw dp,na on ,bt d,olc,
srnpudte 1'cror,..i,.rfn,
St. Johns Meat Market
lnlr lrJ w b ipprccUu J. nJ is,.
wu .uppiua i tt,,r V,l.f."loB!hb,'
St. Johns Market
7M Harvard. Street, (.Club Hall)
Phone Scott t J?6 University Tark i
Palace Oi LIceiic Ordlimnte WnltJ
-or Pull Council.
iidioiiriiol uieetini! of city
on WetlucMlay eveninc
1 found Ma
'absent. 'I
Mavor Kinii tiiesidine but
Peterson ami litems
The former was out on
lb., ma. w th cmars winie ine
i.ttcr had not returned from his
California trill.
The oidiiiance for the ferry frau
o.i.ssed and adopted. It
u vhnun in another column.
The mutter of the license ordin
ance was taken up but, in view of
th.. fuel that it would hnve re-
mi ir. it the affirmative vote of
everv member in order to suspend
the "rules and pass to the third
t-ixiilitiir. it was deemed best to
posttKJiie the matter five days.
Mr. Mr cc. a thotiKli votiilK "no
on the license question, was almost
tempted to vote "yes" 011 suspend
ing the rules because, as he said,
"the ordinance will go through,
rnvwav. " He realized, taking the
accent votes as n criterion, that his
one lonesome vote bore no weight
when all cotincilmtn were present
but, he argued, as there was no
' . . .. .. .in .1... 1. .....1
Haste anotil a license tin ine uuiei
was conin luted, it would do no
harm to nostnone action.
George G. Carhart was granted
permission to make certain tuv
nrovements 111 front of Ins pro'
perties 011 Richmond street and the
Mr. Leiriritt had 1111 idea that
more street liuhts were needed in
the citv. and Mr. Urice coincided.
It was the general idea of the entire
council that more should be secured
and the projwr committee will take
the matter 111 charge.
Ordinance 6.1 was adopted. It
was for the improvement of John
street and the engineer's estimate Is
An ordinance was ordered drawn
for the closing of all billiard and
pool halls, bowling alleys, shooting
galleries and card rooms promptly
at midnight.
Adjourned to Monday evening,
December 11.
Now Is your time to buy I.ogan
Kerry tipps at 500 per dozen. Uuy
the tipps and make your own trans
plants and save 1 1 on a do.cti. See
b. P.. Maker, (old Organ place;,
aircnt for The Carlton Fruit Tree
Iliiilding (More Houses.
S. I.iudley has for more than
two weeks had a contract to put up
another house for V. G. Kvnus on
I vaulioe street. He had not com
meiiceu worK upon 11 wueii nie ore
limit ordinance was passed hist
Monday night.
As the house was to be located
within the urea prescribed ns fire
limits Mr. Kvnus was iu 11 hard
box because the dwelling was tob'e
a frame (22x12) nml not of "brick
or stone or both." The council
could not consistently effect .special
legislation for Mr. hvans. Hut, ns
the ordinance did not become a
law until it apiieared in Tint Hit
Vlitw, and as this paper could not
publish it till today, the work was
commenced yesterday. The law
cannot le construed as retroac-
tile: hence any building now under
construction cannot' legally come
under the ban.
Hut it was an awful close shave
for Mr. Kvnns!
Can You Afford
To enrry the risk of total loss on
your buildings when a small amount
will insure you ncainst loss ? It
does not pay to do it. See the Pe
tiiiiMtla Hank about rates.
Another Resident.
W. II. Warner, who has been
dwelling at Independence, Is now a
.aiuviii ui qw juiins. lie nas
moved his familv and eoods Into
the Lttrrier house on Tacoma street
winch he has jnst t)urcliased--aiid
proj) to reside here in the
January 1, 1906
to old or new customers
uying Five Pounds of Tea
A 1 1 r-1,ctr,,.AW I.-! ! .
receipt for purchase of fi
..... v.,.uiut UilllUllllT IO II II
of tea from our agent, at regular
in.!..-, win ue entitletl to china or
crockery to the value of $1.25 Or
we will accept the yellow slip as
cash on a larger purchase of crock-
.! , cniiia, granite or tinware. The
a.e,ddatehp mu,t atldress'
N. F. NOR EN & CO.
Real btate. Loans, Insurance and
business Chauces. S. C. Norton,
corner Ilrunswick and Hudson
streets, Resident Agent. Phone
an u.-.-iuAL DIRECTOR
lug, corner ThlAi .!.
Koom g. tit,.,i
street, Portland. """"IKoa
Resilience: ,
DR. L. Q. HOLlANd! "
Residence nml Office: Com.. ,
TaeoiimamllUy.. I'honeSl
St. Johns, . .
aoodrich & Gotvirirt,
bniiit joliiw and l'ortlan.l
Dr. W.
1,0cm or v
ministered if desired
nnastbetlci ttj.
l'recdinnu Illock.
St. Jobtl
Dr. MARY MacLACtll am
Physician and Surjeon hoars! 9 to ti a. ,,'.,
p. in. Residence Phone Scott iW
OlTicc Phone Union 6i. nSSt
over KUiotfa dri.K e.
dence St. John., lore' Res-
PHYSICIAN next door t P.lliott', ,,..
store. Phone, Union 4061. nj3
TV,, 1 , V . "V" ""I iioorsontl,
of Wrinkle's residence. Phone
St. Johns,
Resilience: 611 I.eavltt SUwt.
mono union 1133 ST. JOHNS
Prices Reasonable. Satisfaction
rtunmntcttl. Richmond Strut
Admin' Addition.
Mce.htock of new kooiU. I)t
cash prlci. All mirtsnf liarnturt
pairs neatly tiindc. All our eooit
are Kttnninteetl to be utlo-date ta4
w. n. swnNop.L
Tiicoiini Street, near Jcmcy, ST. JOHN'S
OfTicc: Cochran Illock, next door
to ioslofncc.
Saint Johns - . Orrroi
Carpenter & Dolbow
Pliutercni, lirick Matons and Ct
incut Workers. IMImatc itirta
and iiatisfactloii tiiaraiitccil, Kcftr
lo editor of this paper. 755 Viy
landstrect, University Park. Jtiost
Union 6797.
Shoo next door to Amlcrvui'i HAnr
on Tuconm street. Give me a trial order.
St. Johns,
IIAKRV l.YLi:S, I'rvpktof
Goods delivered, crated or no
crated, hi city or Portland. Pi
anos 11 specialty. I.caicordcn
nt llickner's. Phone Union 699.
J. S. CAIN, Proprietor.
Meals by the day or week. BonL
er weelc, W.oo,
Cochran Illock
Jersey Stxett
Saint Johua
. . Ont
Mouse Mover and Replnr
Houses mo veil, rahed and re
paired. Odd jobs of all kinds.
Prompt service, resonable clurjrt.
saint John
ivanlioe ami ratlin ireci.
Chicago Rooming llouw.
Good rooms from ft a week
Corner Chlcanoand Ivanlioe uw
Saint Johns
Clothing cleaneil, pressed
mended with care and prompt"
Ladles' clothes a spcctalt.
Old 1'ostoffice Duilding
Ct.,. 1.1... . .
Columbia Iloulevanl nd Cestrf
Saint Johns
50c per Leiwn
In St. Jobns Wednesdays and
1671 Portsmouth Avenue, Vniren
mi J
The Hazclwoocl
E. P. Tognini, Prop-
t- .... ... .!. nuiek'Lf
IB HO UH-11" n ...1 VfS
Cigar, Confectionery aJ.
J?tnnd The Celebrairo
wood Cream and H""
in stock.
loorwr Jersey St. aad Sroai
ST. JOHNS I St Jokaa, OnfM