ST. JOHNS REVIEW Advertise in The Review Its circulation N netni ine nnil it covers tliu field. Its hotter than n tlnily in the field. IT WILL REPAY YOU ... tttimf It city j THE ST. JOHNS REVIEW Devoted to the Interests of the Peninsula,' the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest VOL. 2 ST. JOHNS, ORKGON, FRIDAY, DKCUMUKR t, 1905. NO. 4 MAKING PROGRESS, V I i mKuIMJ-IEIS Warning lilKjHI PATRONIZE US AND BE HAPPY Acme Lumber Company SASH tlGLAZiNG DOORS WE CARRY "ODD" SASH IN STOCK Columns Spindles rackets Lime and Cement 1 8pE I Paints Oils ' Glass Redwood Gutter ST. JOHNS SASH AND DOOR CO. PH(kr cm JERSEY STREET EDMONDSON CO., Hardware, Tinware, Plumbing Tin Roofs, Gutters, etc. Phone Scott 4065 ST. J8MNS, Or R. WILCOX, Dray and Baggage Line Phone Scott iy&. Tiaiio Moving a Specialty. Leave order at Blackburn's Furniture store and they will receive prompt attention. i "For Rent" and "For Sale" I cards for sale at this office. I FOR A MARKET. Merchants Of St. Johns Should Work Up A Larger Business. For some time past several of the business houses here hnve been contemplating a trip to the rich and fertile valley across the river for the purpose of getting acquainted with the dwellers in that locality. There is no reason v. hv the trade of the farmers in that locality should not be diverted to St. Johns as soon as the ttew ferry stiittt be in operation. If the men-hunts of this city will get together and so arrange matters that there will a market for their products, and will properly advertise the goods carried in stock it stands to reason thn the trade of that community cati easily be diverted to St. John-t. Hut this will require tin effort a united effort upon the part of the busi ness men. Citv Ktigiiieer Goodrich has his own Ideas upon the subject. lie favors this reaching ut for the trade that is legitimately our but he desiies the city to t ike the in itiative. He has the following to say: "Now that a ferry Is a near to certainty, there should be a central site purchased by the city of St. Johns at once, upon which there should be erected 11 commodious market building with, a public hall above, and stalls or booths below for all classes of hucksters that may come to the splendid, city 01 at. Johns with their wares. "This same market louse will be tin imperative necessity tor me citizens of St. Johns, where at all ' times of the week day they may Hud the household supplies fresh from the gardens, and eggs just from 'ye gentle hen'." Just at this time we consider that the city, by itself and unaided by private enterprise, could not erect a market-house such as Mr. Good rich would desire but his sugges tion is a good one. His plan is to have the affair a municipal one where everyone who desired could have a booth and where n market for products could be assured. The increase in tllCValue of the site would, in n few years, amply repay the expenditure for the building. Hut, whether or not tlie city shall build such a mart, some steps should be taken to secure the trade from across the river which now goes six or seven miles to Portland. If ourmistness men can ty caretui advertising show those people that they can do as well or better by ferrying their produce across me river and that they can supply their needs by buying here there is no reason why the business can not Ik: secured. We believe that the owners of the ferry soon to start would make some satisfactory rate for the re turn trip of those tanners wno would bring their produce here and buy of St, Johns merchants. It will Ihj for the interests of the company to no so to encourage new trade wnicli would iw 01 'id vantage to all concerned and to get the citizens jeopliug the fertile and prosperous community to the west of us into the "habit" of trading here. If the business 11101 of this city could but see the business which would naturally trend to St. Johns if such a market could be put into proper shape, and how valuable would become the holdings as time passed, the merchants would not be averse to going into the deal. This is a matter that should re ceive the prompt attention of every business man in nt. joiius. Do it now! Orim Death Wins. At Sedalia, Missouri, Robert hrnu-n died on TtlCttlav. He was sixteen. Football injuries killed him. There is no moral to tins slight incident. Things Seem To Be Looking Up All Over St. Johns. , The next twelve months will see ! 1 1 ! V 4 4' 4: 4 1 4 :i ' 4 ' : $ Most of the shack office-floors ought to be caulked and pitched about this time of year. It's no wonder so many have cold feet. ment places, the city on a more solid foundation and raises all values approximately over the en tire city. St. Johns will spread out. It must. It will be more thickly built up. It must In;. F.very foot of tlits Peninsula will come to a good figure as time passes. It is bound to be a locality ofjntsiness and of homes. greater impetus in all lines of busi-1 ness in bt. Johns than has ever i been seen here before. This is not ! 1 stated to "boom" anything or auy-IJf . . . . . ... 1 oouy: it is a tact wntcii every present condition forebodes, and which every careful man may easily discern if he will but in vestigate. Outside parties as well as our own home people reali.e that there is a great future for St. Johns and are commencing to sit up and take notice. Values all over the city are striking a lively gait because the trend of careful buyers is here upon this Peninsula. With its fine water-front for all sorts of manu factures iud its magnificent resi dence district there can certainly be 110 money lost by those seeking careful and conservative Invest ments. At pieseut there are eight brick buildings under contemplation. I hree of these are ceitainties. Uxcnvation work for the llolbiook block will commence at once. This is to be beside the M. W. A. hall and will be 50x80 feet in area and two stories high. Then theie is the new hotel and the large brick to be erected by the chinamen. Pmiii'rti' vutitiot nri mv-vl -.tint not prohibitive. W. II. King lias refused $3000 for the 35-foot lot1! where the St. Johns market now stands just because he believes that it is really worth in excess of j ! that figure. The lot whereon is'! the little office of Dr. Hossiter has J IVkVlitlJ I VI. 1 1 Itl 1WII IIIV 11111 time It sold for $1300 - and a few days later It was bought at $1500 by a man who has refused several hundred dollars In advance of what he paid. II. V.. Wagoner has purchased the St. Johns hotel projierty which includes three lots and the building at a figure somewhere IllWiailii till. .IWW r tillta Mii.t already refused an offer in advance of what he paid. He bought for an Investment untHvill rMH-scll even 1 in the near future. It Is ossihlc 'that he will erect a brick block I with a 75-foot front in the spring. ! Just north of the city' .practically in St. Johns thi Am-'! ,er!cau Investment Company has j sold 52 acres off the Gatton tract, ! embracing some of the bottom laud, for $20,000. This was bought by J K. 11. Holmes. I I On Charleston street on the river ! front the OtMiernl Kleetrie Cnmnanv ' lias bought a fCioo lot whereon It I will erect a sub-station. This company realizes what a vust in 1 crease will come to its business here 1 in the next few months and pro : noses to be strictly in touch with 'the public demand. ' transformers each of capacity have been brought hero ' and even now are awaiting to be in stalled in the building not yet erected. This sub-station, it is hoped, will render the service for , St. Johns much more efficient. ! P. J, Peterson has sold to a party ; In Ockley Green and she to the St. Johns Hotel Company his corner lot on Hurlington street, just east of Poff & Carey, (opiositc the city hall), for a very tidy sum. The price has not yet been made public but the location for a hotel will Im; an ndmlrable one. All adjoin ing property will le benefitted by the erection of so fine a hotel as has 1 1 11-. 11 tirniiiiu-il lii tin. iimii-Hnrt;. Work upon the Marine Holler Works is progressing ns rapidly as conditions will jwrmit and the building will soon be ready for occupancy. The new St. Johns Lumber Company Is still under way Manager Francis now buying machinery for the plant ami will, lefore long, le an actuality. A rumor was current last week that the company had "sold out" but how this could have originated is a mystery, ns nothing of the kind lias leeii ever suggested. The company is a strong one in all ways -and will push its plant in stallment as soon as Mr. Frauds returns from the east. These are some of the things which add to the interests of St, Johns, These enumerations are but the mentions for a few days; and each day makes its own I record. As the weeks pass records j like these will increase rather than 'diminish because all environ ments are conducive to growth and betterment of the community. Every teii thousand dollar improve- St. Johns Land Co. PHONG UNION 3104 Choice Husiuess lots on Jersey 25x100, $1000.00 and upward. lots will double iti value in one veat street, These ...SPECIAL BARGAIN... 100 lots, two blocks from ear litte, for $7000. Regu lar price, $10,500 will sell at this THIS WEEK Owner price for ONLY I ine with 111 lots i6-feet St. Johns M'ark, 59x106, alleys $250.00 and up wards $5.00 down and $5.00 per month. I 14 , imt Two huge 375 kllowat St. Johns Land Co St. JollHS IMionc Union 3104 OrCgOU Branch Office nnd Agency on the Ground. WHEN BUYING YOUR GROCERIES Do not forget we carry a full line of Men's, Ladies' and Children's Underwear at rlht prices. Phone Union 4066. COUCH & CO. 44tt $ 1 i rvrvrni ir J. J. IVAULICKL i Hardware Kinds. Of all Sole Agent for Universal Stoves and Ranges Do not fail to see the Universal Steel Range before purchasing 141-143 Firtl Street. Odd Fellows Building, Portland. Oregon. Phone Main 1382 LSt. Johns Is Growing Nicely V r i t . t i t t V 1 i i t -