St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, November 17, 1905, Image 3

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    eiCKc04oca o
Buy Your Winter Supply of
Empty Capsules
Get The Best
of Drug In Your Proscriptions
but to do so take them to the
"The Square Deal Drug Store"
R, D. JACKSON, - Proprietor
HARDWARE Builders' Supplies :
Locks, 25c to $6.00 each
A full line of S.ish Locks, Lifts, Dolts, Cupboard Turns, w.
JP Catches, etc., etc.
i I
ninDrUTCDPi See ilie "HOLDFAST" Screwdriver, Crescent 2
, UAnrtri I tnO Shingling Gttuge nnd the Patent Hip Shingle, gl
Niagara Stoves and Ranges X
The Cheer til, Redwood, Sturdy Oak, Oak Home, Jr.,
' nnd a complete line of AIR-TIGHT HEATERS &
K Our goods nre nil new und guaranteed S
to please our customers. A trial will 4
convince you thnt our prices arc right, m
Of course
we have everything that
is to had in a first-class
drug store.
-- -
Remodeling Sale!
Men's fJO Suits - $19.75 Alcn's $15 Suits
Men's 20 Suits - 11.75 M n's $10 Suits ,
Men's & Suits - $4.95 '
Hois' Suits and Pants almost half value.
The American Clothier
321-233 Morrison, Corner Pint Street
Notice Is hereby given that at the
me.ting of the Council of the
City of St. Johns, Oregon, field
on the 6th day of November,
A. D. 1905, the following res
olution was adopted;
Ci??ilcVHI!' .T,ut tlle Council of the
1. S,,oh,' Oregon, deems It ex
gwtat and propo to improve John
wtt from ,ilc north ,jn of jj
To 11, , " """"ier, 10 wu
ttnn,1.'1', ,lle "eccisarj- Krate for
Ut,l?, ,,.toi",;'rove "Id John street,
W in accordance with the
ami Unhnances of the City of
a,'" Plans, specifications
M 'matt:i ' "le City Engineer,
CTlfe,,fficcof the Recorder of the
JSr,.,oh?1' Thecal of said in.
tte St 1 .t0 U aised as provided by
PccU 1! cha7w uIn he Property
V?'1 wmc" u he declared to
U Sri J" hereof, and parcels
Buid is!"1"? a Hne 100 ft from the
feline of Mch side of said John
We'tow tstimae of the prob-
sStfiSojf: iwvemeat ot
it rnr 'I'fications and estimates
aeat of ,Kl,neer for the improve-
m, J" strett ar hereby
Stv of 5. T,3t Ule ciy Recorder of
X a? U f,led in writing with
eof ihl nea wiU,m "5 days from the
Bj ord .tlpub,ication of this notice.
Jwofthe council.
J. V. Hanks,
Pubr t. City Recorder.
"06 lo, i7 and 24, 1905.
Located In
Peterson's Cigar Store
Cochran Block
Jcrs y Street, - - St. Johns
Suites of two to four rooms, alto
single rooms. Situated one block
from Columbia University, near
, cor. of Pisk St. and Boulevard.
Furnished or Unfurnished. A
pleasant walk from St. Johns,
suitable for mill men.
A. W. DICKSON Phon Scatt 12f
Qf6w boqr. 9 to ll . m.. to i P. .
Office Phone, Scott 1104.
Keildcncc Photic, Union jjoi.
Office la UnlrerdtT Prk Drn Stott.
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance and
Business Chances. S. C. Norton,
comer Brunswick and Hudson
streets, Resident Ageut. Phone
Union 1140,
Our Local Grist GOING
City council meeting next
uny evening, .
Sec the Peninsula Hank for fire CI.OSIMLOUT SAL!- OP l:P0SI
Insurance. , TION INSTRU.MKM'S M! VR-
Onc of the children in the S. A.! KM AT IIII.URS.
Crone family has been scriotislv
with pneumonia.
Smoke a St. Johns cigar best toe
cigar on the market the "White
Mrs. Logan, of the cast side, was
guest of her mother, Mrs. N'ornh
McCnnn, over Sunday. Her two
daughters were with her.
All kinds of bakery goods nt the
Hostou Home Ilakcry nt reasonable
A marriage license has leen
issued to Krncst W. Plaice and
Miss Susie I.iudlcy both of St.
$2$ worth of jewelry given nway
at 111c bt. Johns Ilazar.
Ily way of variety we have cu
joyed several foggy moruings
Reminds one of Luiinon. don' cher
Is your home insured nirainst fire ?
If not, see M. L. Tufts nt the Pe
ninsula Hank for the lowest rates.
P. J. Peterson admits that his
cigar trade is getting a trifle too
large for him to handle comfortable
lie ts nway nearly nil the time.
Men's horse hide gloves nt the St.
Johns Uaznr.
C. N. Uraasch harvested two
hundred boxes of apples und ninety
sacks of xtatocs from his Wash
ington furm with more to follow.
Wanted for Thanksgiving week
only a girl who can cook nnd do
general housework. Inquire this
Dr. Hubert Leonard, nu ostoc-
path from Portland, was a caller at
the Thorndykc home on Sunday.
Dr. Leonard is a lormcr Colo-
Cream Puffs, Hostou Drown
Dread, Doston Daked Deans, every
Saturday nt the Doston Home
Iinkery, Jersey street.
Mrs. Anna Sultter has decided
to rcmuin in St. Jphus with her
sons throughout the winter, she
considers this climate better tliufi
that of Maine.
Thread : Six spools for 35c ut the
St. Johns Daznr.
C. N. Draasch and family have
returned from their "life down on
farm" near Vancouver nnd
to be found ut their St. Johns
mine hereafter.
Try the "Par Hxcellence": the
champion 5c cigar: made in St.
It will require n couple weeks
more work by the St. Johns Ship
building Company to put the h. K.
Webster into shape to run as a
ferry. It appears to be a bum
When you insure your property
secure only reliable companies. See
the Peninsula Dank about them.
Pred 0. Simmons and wife, from
.ovclaud, Colorado, en route to
Washington, called on Mrs. W. h.
Thorndykc on Saturday. The
couple were former neighbors of
Mrs. Tliorndyke, una will now
make their home in Washington.
Por fine cigars it will pay you to
call at Valentine's: opposite city hall.
The Doston Home Dakcry uses
only flour milled from selected hard
wheat, thoroughly purlueu ami
conditioned by the "Ozone Process"
the latest invention in modern
Men's extra heavy fleeced under
wear 35c at the St. Johns Dazar.
Mrs. D. T. Livingstone, of
Rhode Island, with some other
officials of the W. C. T. U., held
temperance services nt the Metho
dist church Sunday evening. A
ocal W. C. T. U. was formed,
beginning with twenty-nine members,
There is uo need in being short in
T I t .1
your luel. ine reimiMim recti
and Fuel Company is always at
your orders. All sorts of wood and
coal quickly delivered. Orders
may be left at Donnelly's Market.
Pltone Uast 297.
W. V. Jobes refuses to longer re
main in any sanitarium to be found.
He has made several attempts to oe
satisfied at one of these health pro
motors in Portland but each time
has made a kick and struck out
for home. Mr. Jobes has been
used to an active, strenuous life
and the confining air of a sauitar-
ium has a depressing enect upon
The Aft rtnalh of the Pair. .Music
Lovers Taking Advantage of the
Greatest Bargains liver OffercJ
in the Piano Trade. Dona Tide
Reductions of Prom .10 to 60 Per
Cent. Only n Pew Choice Left.
Specially linsy Terms.
Sign Work
Keep your money here
at Iwmc, Patronue the
people who patronize
you. I have located In
St. Johns to stay, and I
shall spend my money
here. Anyone wishing
Sii-Writing, Design -Work
House Decorating or Painting
should not fail to see me.
Burlington Street,
This sale of Kxpositiou and used
pianos, Pianola pianos, Orchcs
trclles, Pianolas and organs, has
broken all previous big selling
records of Kilcrs Piano House. It
has enabled scores of homes
throughout the northwest to se
cure n much-wanted piano or
Yet there nre hundreds of fam
ilies who really need n piano, nnd
who have felt heretofore thnt their
means would not permit the pos
session of n really good one. A
cheap or poorly made instrument,
such ns is frequently offered nt
"bargain" prices, they would
never care to own.
it is 10 inese people tnat we de
sire to direct our remarks just ut
this time. We put you in position
now to secure n really fine piano or
organ nt u saving of from 30 to Co
per cent from the lowest cash price
obtainable 011 same grade und
quality of pianos ordinarily, nnd
besides we make arrangements for
you to pay for nn instrument nt
tins reduced price nt virtually your
own convenience.
Come in nnd ascertain how
really easily you can own one, nnd,
incidentally, look nt the greatest
display of fine pianos und organs
ever shown.
Dear In mind thnt a few dollars
down nnd u little elTort each mouth
now solves the music problem
once nnd for nil.
We'll let you select n piano now
und store It free of charge for de
livery us u Christmas Pteseut. You
name the hour und the day und we
guarantee, barring possible delays
by rail or steamboat, to make the
Christmas delivery of your instru
ment when und whcte you desire.
Inquiries by mail fully and
promptly answered. Out of town
orders filled with utmost care and
accuracy. Kilcrs Piano House,
351 Washington, corner Park.
In Time Of Pence.
In the first months of the Russia-
Japan war we had 11 .striking ex
ample of the necessity for prepara
tion and the early advantage ol
those who, so to sienk, "have
shingled their roofs in dry
weather. J he virtue of prepara
tion has made history mid given to
us our greatest men. The in
dividual us well us the nation
should be prepared for uny emer
gency. Are you prepared to suc
cessfully combat the first cold you
take? A cold can be cured much
more quickly when treated ns soon
ns it has been contracted nnd leforc
it has become settled in the system.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is
famous for its cures of colds and It
should Ik. kept nt hand ready for
instant use. Por sale by Jackson s
Another Brick Block.
Arrangements are now lciug
made for the erection of another
rick block nt the west end of the
Woodmnu block, M. L. Holhrook
s getting estimates, through his
contractor, I. J. Koerner, for re
moving stumps, excavating, brick,
etc., and the building will com
mence as soon as the present brick
s completed.
The new building will !e 50x80
feet in size and two stories high.
It is to xi finished in Koeruer's
usual style all A j. Work will
be well under way by the first of
A Wrong Impression.
There is n prevailing impression
that a person is obliged to take u
prescription to the drugstore men
tioned by the doctor or designated
on the prescription blank, but such
is not the case. Let your own
judgment decide where to take
your prescriptions. If you have
more confidence in one druggist
than in another, send your liusi
ness where you have, placed your
confidence. May it le "The St.
Johns Pharmacy."
Is Of Some Use.
A long time ago I?. D. Hurlbcrt
loaned his cart to someone and
for the life of him he couldn't re
member to whom he lent it. On
all hallowed evening" a crowd of
kids on mischief bent stole a cart,
drew it a long distance, and placed
it in Mr. Hurlbert s yard. When
he looked at the acquisition next
morning Mr. Hurlbert was sur
prised and pleased to note that his
owircart had lten returned.
A place to exchange or buy new
or second hand furniture, stoves and
carpets. All kinds of house fur
nishing goods at way down prices.
Square Deal. M. J. McGkath, 66
North Third, between Davis and
Everett streets, Portland.
How I Mith I could kerp you nUy,
In that calm and snrrt rep'
As I kne )ou thru, in my childhood
Your rhrrk rrt" blmhtne the rnv
Tu. when, in the wild uixhU ealhrritn:
I've nwineil the ea the wmld ocr.
I've cnm'd the iimtiuent's tmil,
l'e Kh'rird in the hurricane' wmth,
I Imv felt the Ire KIiil'' (mil:
Hut oh! how I mist you, dear mother.
Hccaikc your love will ne'er fall1
How oft 1 lov'd to g.tthcruith vou
The wild (lowers near the rill",
As the flashing suncls shone brightlv
Pur olf o'er yonder high hill,
And to sweetly look into your f.iee,
And drink of pure love inv HIM
Well docs that just Mil'ning reminder
Your deimrture lone iijji
To those brilliant nnd stnrrv plnticH
S'Mrkllng with glndnen liehm;
much ine Heavens weleuiu d you.
To umnsiotu of IiIIm, I know.
I oft wonder in 111 v MillUnle
Of the flowers blooming there,
tf there is one ns bright nnd Joyous
And as sweet as you are fair?
I)o they bless that'woudnius landscape.
And their fragrance All the air?
All altout when you were here with me,
Was that fraurauce of rich love!
It is the sweetest of nil perfumes
1 nai welcome 01 lite above.
When the angels welcom'd you, dearest,
as 11 rose 01 jHirieet love!
Yes, the roses of Inlinlle love
Are the loved ones here of earth;
They were like you, mv dearest mother,
The loveliest from their birth.
All such are nnt fragrant blossoms
UI incalculable worth!
Note. The nlnive lutein, by William
Wanlswortli C.oodrich. was funded in
with this explanation: At the annual
meeting of the Gridiron Club, nt Wash
ington, I). 0., this H'in was repeated
from memory by Hugene Pleld. At the
Inianl were Jniues (,. lllalue, President
Harrison, nnd many others of the
country's great men, Eugene Pield
ald, "tleiitlenieu, here's to our mothers!
The nuucU of tierfect love!" Mr. lll.uiu-
added, "The American mothers' lullti-,
ence weaves the warp and woof that
will make ours the moot roMcclcd of nil
nations, and, as ouec said bv Mr. Lin
coln, 'Our mother's is the one Influence Is iiunerishab c" The toast was
drank In silence nnd the guests stood
several moments with Istwed hends.l
Sells iMorc Of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy Than Of All Others
Put Together.
Thomas George, a merchant ut
Mount Klgin, Ontario, says: "I
have had the local agency for
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ever
since it was Introduced into Canada,
and I sell us much of ll ns I do of
all other lines I have on my shelves
put together. Of the many dozens
sold under guarantee. I have not
had one bottle returned. I can
personally recommend this medicine
us I have used it myself and given
it to my children und always with
the best results." Por sale by
Jackson's Pharmacy.
Some More Stuff
l'tiuiiy how the truth hurts
sometimes, isn't it?
Say I Have you noticed that fine
coal ut Poff & Carey's feed store?
Paschal Hill is about to plat und
sell lots off his fine fruit farm along
the car-track.
Guard your proerty against fire.
Insure with the Peninsula Dank.
Sidewalks now put one in mind
of those notes he gave they are
all "over due."
Coal I Coal I Coal I Prom $5.50
up at Poff it Carey's,
It is now Poff vS: Carey. John
Poff has "been promoted." Yet
he isn't stuck up.
The Daptists are figuring now to
secure 11 suitable lot whereon to
erect n church nnd parsonage.
W. T. Caples has now decided to
nut his fine team ut work mid
lias started another local dray.
Yeomen initiated some twenty
candidates last evening. After the
work u pleasing lunch was served.
Mrs. Norah McCaiiu has made u
needed improvement in front of her
projK-rty on Jersey street. A nice
sidewalk has been completed.
The St. Johns Bazar is the place
to save money. Lome and see for
J, H. Shields contemplates n
visit to (.nllloruin jKuuts. lie was
to have gone this week but public
matters caused him to defer the
trip a few days.
Try the "Par Kxcellence"; the
champion 5c cigar: made in St.
A. J. Kdwards who has been
for some time in British Columbia,
is exacted back to St. Johns this
week. His family is now stopping
nt the home of H. V. Kdwards.
For first class und reliable fire in
surance companies see the list at the
Peninsula Bank,
On Priday last Mrs. W. L.
Dullis entertained at dinner four
teen jeople. These were some of
her acquaintances who intend to
buy, build and locate in St. Johns.
When in need of lime, cement,
plaster, sash, doors, builders' hard
ware and dry wood and the lest of
coal for domestic purixxscs leave the
order at Donnelly's market for the
Peninsula Peed and Puel Co. to fill.
In aothcr column wiil be found
an ad from W. K. Swengel, who
has ojcued a harness und leather
repair shop on Tucoma street, at
the rear of the St. Johns Sash and
Door Company's plant. Mr. Swen
gel is an all-right citizen.
Lady wants work by the day
at i.s cents an hour. Phone Union
Removal Sale
Prtaratory to the time of moving we will offer a number of big
lwrgaius in everything in our line, to reduce the stock so a to make
moving easy All show cases, scales in fncl. fvcrvlhing in the
store. isolTctcd for sale, as we intend to put in new fixtures. The
entire building is now offered for lent.
Absolutely Free AVS
We want every lady in town to call at
our store and get n sample of Seal Brand
Coffee. A nice little container and enough
coffee to make six cups of fine coffee, abso
lutely free. It does not make a bit of diff
ereiice whether you trade here or not. come
get the sample it Is free. We guarantee
the coffee in every way, and if you do not
like it, bring it back nnd get your money
Honey I Honey I j Black Tea Special Small Hams
A fine lot of white Tl,is is m,r
clover honey funic In "
with our last shipment j removal sale it goes,
and will be sold nt the Ins lonir ns the simnlv
regular price of t $ cts ' htsts, ut only 25 cents Unit will be sold nt the
ter H)ttud. Honey is ! lcr lol,na' No morc special price of only
going up fast. KKon
By u special buy we
have secured it large
lot of small picnic limits
Mi-2 cents per pound
Our new location will be ready for its about December 15, und be
fore that time we want to clear out every dollar's worth of our pres
ent stock. New stock will have been ordered und several new lines
will be added just us soon us possible. Our iiiitis nre to be the lead
ing store in this section our customers ntc helping us accomplish this.
SI. Johns Grocery Company
Sc't 1145
The young woman who came
through such 11 sad cxcricticc two
weeks is out ueaiii.
Vile Peninsular mill is about to
iistnll new boilers. Another in
crease iiinl more help!
Dr. DcVuul has removed his
office from the Park to the brick
mildiug ut Portsmouth.
Mrs. Starr is doing well In her
maiding house veutuie. Her
rooms nre nearly all occupied.
I'he shingle mill is running
steadily, witli n full force. Mr.
'.nstlakc has been nut in charge of
the lirst floor.
Millaid Sciseel is ut home siek
the past week. He has been a
ti listed employee of Olds, Wortmaii
iV King for some time.
Mr. Temple is about to build
another new house on Piske street
soon. He will have one hundred
feet of concrete sidewalk,
William Siscel says his occupation
that of digging ccssmkioIs has
increased considerably the past few
weeks; he thinks Tun Uitvntw 11
good, wide-awake pater und has
become n subscriber.
Mrs. I). O. Webster is on her way
home from Doston, She sloped
olT at Chicago for u shoit visit with
relatives, Dr. Webster is now
making his culls hi 11 cuuopy-top
buggy so extensive has his prac
tice grown.
Ladies of Holy Cross Parish
will entertain on the evening of
Priday, November 24, in Artisan
Temple, Portsmouth. It is to be a
whist party nnd the price of ad
mission, including refreshments, is
to be 15c. A gold watch will lie
Mrs. Schiiiiiau has it box of con
fections 011 her counter which some
Nice rooms ami gtv 1 I oard cn:i
be obtained of Mis, ll.itli Id, ir,
Piske stieet, Tniveisity Pa k:
Phone Scott 070.
Rev. K. R. llermistiiti, the noted
ex base-ball player now n noted
divine, will occupy the pulpit of the
Daptist cliuivh, ut University .,rk,
next Sunday evening. He will de
liver the same address he gave to
the V. M. C. A. nt Portland IiimI
Sunday evening. Uev. John llunt
zeln will occupy the pulpit ut the
morning sei vice.
Hurry Cnsteel, son of William
Custccl, of this place, died ut Pine
nix, Ari.on.i, Thutsdny of this
week. Mr. Cnsteel did not know
of the boy's illness until Wednesday
night when he received 11 telegram
from the Plnenix hospital stilting
that I lurry was very low. Thurs
day morning ituother telegiumenme
announcing his death. Mr. und
Mrs. Cnsteel stinted for Piltsfield,
Illinois, to which point the body
will be for interment.
Iluny was well-known In the Park.
U. V. Iloyt, watchmaker und
jeweler, has ocucd up for biisiiie
in the brick building at Portsmouth.
A general repairing hiisiucMi will be
conducted. Mr. Iloyt is a propel ty
owner heie und has 11 number of
fiieuds who will take pleasure in
watching Ills htisiue glow. When
Tint UltVIKW cotiesK)iideut culled
on Mr. Iloyt he was busy getting
his store in order, but on the coun
ter were 11 half dozen clocks brought
in to Ik.' mended the first day.
There is 110 doubt that the venture
will prove a paying ouu. A limit
little stock of jewelry is shown In
the window.
At University.
Mis. Callie Howe, Statu Lecturer
mwl Oririmittr for Mlmuiliri In VI'.
little rascals thought an easy mark, r p m work, will at the
Methodist church ut University
A crowd of them cutcicd her store
and engaged Mrs. Schumaii in con
versation while a confederate pro
ceeded to fill his pockets, hi less
time than it takes to tell it the hero
was sei.ed, stood on his head,
made to disgoigc and soundly
The generous-hearted onus had a
chance to spread themselves last
week when a smooth-looking young
man with his wife struck the Park,
and began to strike its good citiens
individually. With the promise of
a job at the shingle mill ami 11 siek
wife as the "game several good
Samaritans "bit," After doing the
town the pale faced youth with the
golf cap and big wife bade us ndieii
lust .Saturday,
Park, Tuesday evening, November
21. She is u sH.iikvr of rare
ability and it is hoed that a large
audience will greet her.
Died Very Suddenly.
Roland, the six-yeurvold sou of
Mr. and Mis. C. P. Jeuisou, died
at their home on Vuudurbilt trut,
University Park, Priday, Novxsiu
Ikt id after an Mine of but
hours. The lad hud about re
covered from an illuuMi when he
was taken with niieiimouia from
' which he did not reecver.
Ptineiul services we held at the
home of the parents on Sunday
' Rev. Waters olliciatiug.
Is YOUR Subscription Due, Too?
Yor Financial Future
is likely to be exactly what you make it. What
you do now in the way of saving may determine
what the future will bring yon. A savings ac
count is a great helper; let us open one for you.
W, II. Mooru, 1'rMldvnt.
" I'.. It. I.ytlu, Viccl'rtsident.
W. Coojxir Morriii, Cashier.
S. Iixan I lay, Asst. Cashier.
W. II., 1. K. Lytic, 1'riode,
W. II.. Copland, V. CoojKir Morris.