(o. oo Qur Loca Qris ABSOLUTELY FREE To immediately introduce our new special br of coffee, for which we are the social sel rt,t.iit- for St. Johns, we are L'oititf to nive a See the Peninsula Insurance. Dank for fire Some More Stuff Coffee rti'f lll" 1" n nk"(? liltlt' mm. l'Ii of oar Coffee runs of Coffee. livery huly brand Hint? fioitiir to irive nwiiv Container that holds just to make six most delicious who will send us her name unci miciriw., ui tun mm icave it at our More will have one of these delivered to her free of all cost and full of our best 25-cent Circle llt.ni.1 Coffee. Don't hestitate if you are not irith'in here, as we want von to have the sample tin" "' The Container shmiltl then 1 c kept in your coffiiJ can for eonst.'iit use. One cup of fjrotimt coffee inakei six cupi one-half cup three cups. Haucly, don't you think so? Paul Rice S workimr I iaciory at Uciro Woolev, Wash Ingtoii. r . ... XM)r line enrars t will n.iv von in . . i j .v call at Valentine s: opposite city hall. A marriace nerinit was nrnntifl lihner Ii. Wood and Miss Kiln bclittltz, of St. Johns, last week. Smoke a St. Johns cltnir best ioc cigar on Uie market the "Whit Crow." Airs. C. N. Hraasch mid Miss Hattie Bransch snout Kridav mid battmlny of last week in Vancouver. Por first class and reliable fire in surance companies see the list at the I T ! reninsitia uanic. Another dead one at Williinnntie. Louncctitic. from football. Tun .0000a OO400oooooowoQ wait till the Thanksgiving returns St. Johns Grocery Company General Merchants f lil Fresh candies in nice variety and M i at modest prices nt Valentine's op- $ llinnilf ALL KINDS OF i Psitccity ,la11- Cnllandsee. U A If I lUll A K L .. . . & W. C. Drown, who is a cousin of HAnUfffVllL Builders' Supplies i &.'. SVlS i.t . Thorndyke last week. ! Locks, 25c to $6.00 each. T K A Ml Hue of Sash, Locks, Lifts, Uolts, Cupboard Turns, S. Vu rwant, n, c,ca" roPm n,l(1 & Catches, etc., etc. 'Ji ,,e, St, f bard at UlC Cc"- - 1 tral Hotel, under new management. i ninDCUTCnC' Sec the "HOLDFAST" Screwdriver, Crescent Mr. and Mr. Frwl Brown, from Hin Pninnf Tttt A Mien, nave been visiting Mr. niul wi i Niagara Stoves and Ranges & NOTHING BETTER MADE Tlic Cheer til, Redwood, Sturdy Oak, Oak Home, Jr., and a complete line of AIR-TIGHT HEATERS 3 Our goods are till new and guaranteed to please our customers. A trial will convince you that our price. are right. isitinir Mrs W. L. Uullis. The Browns will soon locate here. Is your home insured against fire ? If not, see M. L. Tufts nt the Pc ninsula Bank for the lowest rates Roy Wilcox was at Vancouver 011 Saturday, to sec If nc could fin ti pair of horses that looked good to Dim at a price he could stand. H couldn't. Take your extra meals at th Central Hotel The best the mar ket affords. t Mr. ana .Mrs. v.. iv voie were visitors to Vancouver on Tuesday Notice our ad for free sample nt. joints Uroccry Loinpanv. lmt KKVtKW pnntery has been installing a large new Peerl printing press this week. i ne oest letters are written on our stationary. St. Johns 1'har macv. POTTER & GOOLD "THE HARDWARE AEN," ST. JOHNS, OREGON Ji JEWELRY AT COST! I Our Drug business has increased so much that we have no time to sell Jewelry. There fore we will sell out our stock of JEWELRY AT COST! Come and see it! ! ELLIOTT'S PHARMACY Remodeling Sale! Men' .10 Suits 519.75 AW $15 Suits Men's $20 Suits - 1-1.75 At n's $10 Suits AUVs $8 Suits - $1.95 Ilovs' Suits niul Pants almost half value. 75 7.45 WELCH, The American Clothier 22 1 -223 MorrUon. Corner Pint Street 444444.4 Clin a irv f rwrvnir t Will sell you lots in Oak Park for $150; 55 down and $5 per month. These lots will advance 50 per cent in the next 30 days. One six-room house in North St. Johns, all complete, only $1,000, easy terms ; Office in Peninsula Bank Building. ; l'hone Scott 4061. Notarv l'ubllc. l'irt? Insurance. .1 SEE FOR BRICK AND SAND Johns Brick and Tile Co. ! PHONE SCOTT 6997 ST. JOHNS, OREGON 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Sl Johns Real Estate Co. center of St. U'DERMEER i I in business Win V ? len"S rrnnih ' uown anu fS f uo Retev?d.and Unimproved - In 5fy terms. Yr.nr " " T ' " -cvjn&t. Joh as. W. L0UGHEED WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER FINE WORK GUARANTEED Located in Peterson's Cigar Store Cochran Block Jersey Street, - - St John Horn nt l'ortstnoulh, Thursday Octolwr art, to Mr. and Mrs. I A Kcnney, a dnuijhter. The enter prising blncksinlth declares "Am so we Krovv. Try the "Par Kxcellcuce": the clmiiipion 5c cigar: tuade In St Johns. A iold medal has been awnrda the Portland Mamifacturinn Com tinny (veneer factory) for the superiority of its products exhlhl ted at the fair. I-or the best meals In St. Johns, i:o to the 'Central Hotel. Under new nmnneinent. Mrs. Susie Page, from Mlchimtu, uelce of Mrs. Kdwurd C. Cole, together with her family, is living one door cast of the btnr meat market on Jersey street. Ilreak tip your cold with Hob sous I.uxutive Cold Tublcts. St. Johns Phiirtnncy. Mr. and Mrs. M. Smithwlck, of Moscow, Idaho, were in town dur iiig the week. I hey were well pleased with the outlook, and will probably return and take up a resi deuce. The St. Johns Hazar Is the place to save money. Come and see for yourself. An Aberdeen, Washington, policeman has Ihxii arrested for robbing u saloon. Must le making a record: usually tuey merely rou the ' 'sella da peanutta" dago along their beat I Razors from $ 1.50 to 3.00, sold on an absolute guarantee at the St. Johns Pharmacy. The worst bit of street to be found in St. Johns is located in front of C. N. Ilraasch's residence. Really, it is a fright which a half, dozen loads of gravel would remedy, Mr. Hraasch puts in quite a bit of time in fixing walks and it is a pjty that just at present the street itself cannot be repaired. ' The countryman from Vancouver was movinu frQm one seat to another in, the St. Johns car when it stopped for a moment on Williams avenue. Russell!" yelled the conductor. ' Cosh!" ejuculated the old man in a semi-querulous tone, "they said it 1 came Here tliat I'd have to hustle and rustle but darned if I thought any conductor'd holler it at me like that." Wanted: Pupils by competent teacher of instrumental music: 50c per lesson. References furnished. Inquire of A. R. Dunham, Filmore street, St. Johns. Homer Davenport s "tarm, as exhibited ou the Trail at the Lewis and Clark fair, will soon have a ri val in the the game birds and ani mals now being collected by Thos. Cochran and his son Paul. In the Cochran farm are a half dozen Chi nese pheasants, a pair of Golden pheasants, numerous quail and rab bits and several specimens of wild ducks and a crane. A short time ago two pairs of California plumed quail and a Golden pheasant escaped and are supposed to be enjoying their freedom somewhere on the Peninsula. If in immediate need of lime, cement, sash, doors, builders' hard ware or wood or coal for fuel call up East 297. Orders left at Donnelly's Market quickly filled by us. The Peninsula Feed and Fuel Company will suit you and is re liable. N. O. Isaacson hits none to Clio California where he will still con tinue 111 the railroad business. Men's horse hide gloves at the St Johns Hazar. J. B. Campbell, of Uidgefield, Washington, was 111 town the first of the week looking after business interests. Family Recipes filled the cheap est nt the St. Johns Pharmacy. Rev. Alfred Thompson, of Lebanon, who owns several acres of good realty In St. Johns, was in this city last Wednesday. Lady wants work by the dav nt 15 cents nn hour. Phone Union 4066. Through some ttuforseen nee dent in the electric headquarters 1 iic.-Ai.iy mgiii uie iirc-iigiu 111 me niblic square shed a bright irlow all the evening! Your prescriptions nre reason ably charged for when filled at the St. Johns Pharmacy. Rev. Kerr nnd wife, of Wood stock, and Mr. Turner and wife and several other persons from Ceti tral church, Albina, were visitors at the ht. Johns Methodist church on .Sunday evening. Smoke n St. Johns cigar best too cigar on the market the "White Crow." UNIVERSITY and PORTSMOUTH William Hall and wife, from' laeoina, are here. Now, watch the I'ark grow! .Mrs. bears and her mother, Mrs rurker, have left the Park for their home at Hood river. Miss Loretta Brown was a visitor to the Park this week. Miss Brown and niothei spent last stun mer with us. t !..!.. II' . ... . i.iiue .wis.s nuiev. who was down with diphtheria, is out again aim 11 is supimscu the dreat disease has been stntniKxl out. About one hundred feet of nelv sidewalk is beitttr built on Kisk street. A few more dies from T11 RttVlHW will complete the work. uoiuow uartwnter, the new A . contracting iinn 01 tne rnrk, nre doing n fine business. Those who know the two men personally are 1.. .1. uciigiucu ai ineir success. William Mast and wife, with Mrs. Nelsson, are here from Utah. Mr. Mast thinks well of the Park and will settle here for good. He is mi experienced inill-wright. lhe crusade 111 Tint Ruvtuw against foul back yards has brought good results. In three cases out-houses have been moved nd yards cleaned up and funii gated. K O. heaton, rcnrcsentiiur the Northwest School Furniture Coin- any, was at the Columbia Univer- ity the other dav lookinir alter a large order for school furniture. Mr. Seaton sold to the St. Johns school this spring. J. J. Knox, the Piedmont ex press man, is talking of putting on two wagons betweoii St. Johns and Portland, ills Idea Is to have a ..... . 1 A A t. I . . wuguii muii irom doiii cutis 01 uie 6, entertain an us mentis ai an open meeting. The nltatr will he held in Odd Fellows hall, over Illckners1 store, mid 11 general invitation is extended. Dainty confections ht Jackson's 1 he ht. Johns Pharmacy. Gresham Is to have its church ell tolled at every death in the Villlli'L' strikintr miL-ii lor noli vimrl t,... U.nc...i i..,aiUMH. 1. ' A- " "ecidcl to reiimlii for 11 t lr";"? look ,, round, He 1, fn.,r.c t... :.,i. f 1...11.,:....:.... "my made up ills mind to h "Z7 J"" '"Nhere ..eruiauently. Judge Appl route, morning and evciiiiur. nick On Monday evening, November M'lg up freight on the way, thereby i.aurcl Lodge. I. O. O. F., w nuiKieng up a tierinanent business I his is a ventttie which should be encouraged by all residing away irom tue carliue. judge Apple. 01 Lolorado. ar rived in the Park on Monday. Th little judge Is very enthusiastic in lis praises of Portland, ami of the Park. When he left Colorado h was not sure whether to settle I Seattle or Portland, but on arriving few as cate j. . ui lvil-l IIIWIIIK I I .1.. I I..., ivi in-uiiiim-iiiiy. juiige i has been for vears 11 well. to-do One way of being patriotic is to farmer of Colorado. loost for St. Johns and the St. I . . . t...u Di iieavy iieecen miner wini.i utn ituivt t I ... . i t .1... . it wvui ji; ui irn: oil juiuih nu .nr. r I IIhIlM, f'.l... D...I. "' Utl'H heilMlll IS III Mil ? V'r "'"''' "n M 11,1, lk, , f1 1. l!..l....u. uts cosed t he same and moved h s . " family to Content, Alberta. Can- ., X. ' ,wVru ada. He already has stnm i r,IU1" '. P'"'" Hint nlnr-.. xvhMl U nn II ,f ' mw I the 1 1 01 1 It III)' team ....... V,.ii....... 1 ,i.i..m it. " te morning, mid the first team to liliu. nvc ,llu Y M' C' A' ntliiKeiit 11 .... . invvwit cijiiilllg will 01 llie ttiiwujuu iiinini; vuui iiniiiviiy frnv In tin. tnin t( t in .w.tlil..,. secure only rei nlile companies, hee ,,L. vlsillmr men not scorhii; one tint WnniMi-nl.t ..l.m.l tl. ...... I . . . " . ' " iiiu 1 . ni urn iiiinrv uiAiiii. uiwiil. I Intirllf mvii. In t imim.v tin. Mrs. S. C. Calkins gave 11 very Moore boys distinguished them pleasant Hallowe en party at her selves by sensational runs. louieon luesdny evening. True ah nriWu far tn. u-ui t..ii.. ..r....i I. "'". . ituiuw vii ikiiiaiiiiivmn wl Ielt lit Ilniiiii.Ilv'uiniirL-nt 11 r......1i. served tuwn the noor, pumnklu I, ,,, 1 ii,.iiti,,., THEY HAVE ARRIVED ! Those 4-Hole Eclipse Ranges Monday morning we received a carload of 4-hole Eclipse Ranges and can now supply those who have spoken for (hem. They have the oven thermometer and all modem improvements. The price (T fir will continue during November at p33 But the price will advance very soon thereafter. Get in your order now, while they nre down. $1.00 DOWN, $1.00 A WEEK Best HeatingStoves i'C iitttcrus, autumn leaves and Ore gon grnies were used lor decora tions, the lights were turned out while ghost stories were told, and a will get exactly what they order, Peninsula K-cd and Fuel Co. Sensational rumors are in the air peanut game was indulged in, in alKjiit the finding f nn iitiforunate which W. h. Uullis won the prize. irI " wxfn. after being away irom iiome iwo nays and nights. Coining from a restiectuble family and she leing a handsome uirl ?35 worth of jewelry given away nt the ot. Johns Hazar. vat .1 . til we see mat uex nuieins is limp ing around town again. He had an enjoyable game at football, and it came near breaking his knee. We 1 oik; to see the day when the Hu mane society will extend its author ity and forbid this heathenish game, at least among children ou the play grounds. It has thrown this young. ster out of school for a week, but te says he does not care to play foot ball again. Insure with the Peninsula Bank. m. 111. Evangelical Church. Order of exercises at the Ivvnn gelical church for next week ; Sunday school at 10 a. 111. Preaching 1 1 a. in. junior K. i L. iv. 2:1a p, Mrs. McVicker, sttcriutendcntl Senior K. I C. 1.. 6:30 p, hermon 7:30 p. 111. Wednesday 7130 p. in practice. Thursday 7:80 p. in.: Prayer meeting, followed by 11 congrega tional meeting of the mcinlersliip, when each member is exacted to !e present to discuss some vital questions. We extend a personal invitation to each citizen of St. Johna to par ticipate in and enjoy the services as announced. K. K. McVickkk, Pastor. muxes tue extierieuce an tue more startling, niie was totiiid lying under 11 tree 111 a dazed condition by the postman n short distance from her home. Suffering from exposure mid blue marks ou her arms she lies at home in a serious condition. It is said two men were seen with heron Friday. the parents huve not given the matter much publicity Tint Ititvutw withholds names for farther 111- vestigation. ur. ue vaui is in attendance. A Correction. In last week's Uilviitw there up- wared uu ndvertismcut stating that a certain Peed and Fuel Company were soul agents for iiiumerable coals, among them 'Diamond." Allow its to impart to the iieople Choir M'S vaci"'ly tllat the sole agents lor tue genuine Wyoming diamond Coal is the King Coal Company, of Portland, and the agents for this company throughout the Peninsula and ht. Johns are Faulk Merrill, at University Park. 1 he genuine Wyoming Diamond Coal is a seml-Aiithiacite coal while the advertised so called Diamond" is a I.lguite coal and of a much cheaper grade. Ileware of imitations and when you buy your Diamond coal get it either from the King Coal Com pany, foot of Kerney street, Port land, Oregon, or Faulk & Merrill, University Park. Peninsula Feed and Fuel Company will sell for cash in University Park and Portsmouth: Uran, 60c per sack; shorts, 80c ter sack; clover hay, 50c per 100 pounds. Guard your property against fire. we nave tne only dry wood on Insure with the reniustilu Hank. the Peninsula and are sole agents for Rock Si-kings, Koslvn, Rknton, Nkw Casti.k, Richmond, Diamond, Ravknsdai.k and fkankmn coai. If others sell you these coals in Baptist Church. There will lw services held both morning and evening, Sunday, by the Baptists at the Ad ventis church. Subject ol morning sermon will Ihj "lhe Church; Meaning of the Word, Membership and Duties this territory they cannot deliver Arising from Church Relation." uie goous; iney musi suusmute an 1 opic 01 evening service at 7:30: interior coai. i-honk j'.ast 207. "i.oss and uain." All are cor- Orders may be left at Donnelly's dially invited to attend these scr- Market, ht. Johns vices. Ji. II. I,konakd, Pastor. If you nre looking for n well-hiiiK Move, rolled sleet bo.ly with cast-Iron lining If you arc looking for one that will burn large blocks of wood its well as chips If you arc lo iking for n S(ve thai will give you more I Man vour ntouo'.s worth THIS IS THE STOVE Air-tight Heater with 17-inch cq ca fire box, only PO.tJV GEVURTZ & S DNS "GEVURTZ SELLS 173-175 First St. IT FOR LESS" Portland, Orcrjon YOUR LAUNDRY? WHO DOES IT? There nre laundries niul laundries some turn out poor work and some (urn tit worse. You sometimes net disgusted with the work that is returned to you: hut if you patronize i The West Coast Laundry YOU'LL W; SURI; TO (HIT Till A10ST SATISFACTORY SI-RYICI! Recently re-opened, this steam laundry is doing (lie fin est and le.st of work. Agencies at Portsmouth and University I'ark. Work called for and delivered. CALL PHONG SCOTT .1103 ST. .101 INS : 5 t KEEP IT UP Saving U like mi umbrella "a shelter In time nt sturiii." mil you wont ci mucn f uu uiiilirellii II you ueuint only u few lolluro ami tlien juit. "keep it ujil" To Ket every reasonable advantage ol the mvIiii! habit. Iiaml your ilollart. over our counter!., have yourelf ereliteil with the 4 er rent interent ve .iy, Willi tlutcoiii jiouuileil every kix mouthk, ami your 'umoreiia ' win im: worm wiiuu ieiore you re lilty, II you kiari in wneu you are ouiik ami kiroii. WE PAY CENT INTEREST OREGON SAVINGS BANK 321 A10RKIS0N STRUI5T PORTI-ANl) Ol'lMCIiKS W. II. Moore. President. 15. H. Lytic, Vice-1'rei.l.lent. W, Coojh-t MorrK, Cashier. S. IK'i Hayh.Ab.st.Cai.htec DlHHCrOHS W. II. Moore, i. 15. Lytic, I.eo 1'rie.le, W. II. Cojc land, V, Coojier Morris. IttKh-Kratle manicure supplies at le St. Johns I'hariuucy. Housekeeping Apartments .Snlti-t. of ti.i l ...ir r""iiix .ilvi sinli rodin-. itn ii . on. I.Iih k from C'liliiml.i.i I mm r-it , m-,ir cor. of l i.k St iii ll..ulur.. I'uriiikhetl or I Him itisltt-.l. A ilt'MHiit walk fr.'in St. Jolma, Miiuilik- for null men. UNIVERSITY PARK A, W, DICKSON Phone Scott 1206 l.cnl Notice. WIII'.KIiA.S The Couiuil ..I the City of St. John iljil, at a mu ling hehl itt the Council CliainU r mi lhe 71I1 Uy ui SeptemlM-r, ls, ile lare the le Ulel Hi rhiluilulphia lit reel to Im- iiuiwuitv, ami ilirittiun the I'hief ol I'tilWv ol U City to ailvertike for fuur Hevlu itt St. John Kivlun ami tlit n tll lUv mi a to the hiKhekt l.itMi-r, Now, therefore, iwitice i hertlty givcu that ou the luth ilay of .Sovewher, at the hour of 10 o'clock, . ui., I will kcll uiiil Miles to the highvkt liitttier, uu the Krouml, for rah in Imml. Dated at the City of St. johiw, (ngo t, thik ith day of Octolier, l'JS- l'irst iuhlicatioii OrtnlK-T ju, J. M. IIAKKS, Chief of l'olice, City of Si. Juki rublUhcd in the St. ohns Review, (cl.. her 20, 37, Novemher 3, 10, n$. OSCAR DeVAUL, M. D OIHcr hour., tu uu. ut., 1 lu t M. Ofl'wr I'liunc, Sunt liu. KmlilriKr I'liour, IJtllou yai. oilHrhi Uuivrtklly IViik lliuuSjc liriiigns i and vu will scjnjf thi: Review to your friend for ti ytxir.