St. Johns review you Should Patronize The Hotnc raver- mean' helpi ami t ' , 7,1. Si if you work with THE! ST. JOHNS REVIEW Devoted to the Interests of the Peninsula, tho Manufacturing Center of the Northwest Advertise in The Review Its circulation is nmti itic mill it cover the fulil. Its licltcr than ft dally in tho field. IT WILL REPAY YOU VOL. i ST. JOHNS, ORKGON, FRIDAY, OCTOHHR 20, 1905. NO. 50 )0000OOOOOOOCH3OOO Keep Your Eye on St. Johns C loOOOOOOCMDO OOOOOOOOOOl 1 J, You had better get your STOVE WOOD before the "Oregon Mist" sets in. Our Telephone Number is East 1846. THE SIMPLE LIFE City Council and Lawyers Hold Joint Session Acme Lumber Company P. S.--We are selling cull lumber for wood sheds. Have you seen the grade? ACM 13 LUMBER COMPANY SASH DOORS MILLWORK WE CARRY ODD SASH IN STOCK Columns Spindles Brackets Lime and Cement 1B131; 11 St. Johns "H." Paints Oils Glass Redwood Gutter ST. JOHNS SASH AND DOOR GO. PHONE SCOTT 4063 JERSEY STREET WM At the meeting of the city coun cil Monday evening Councilman Peterson was the only absentee: but there were lawyers to burn nil sorts and sizes. The first business after the adop tion of the records was a ctition front Willis Moxon ct ill., for the grading and sidewalking of John street front Jersey to Modoc streets. Laid over till adjourned meetimr but referred to the street committee. At the suggestion of City Kngi- neer uomiricn a resolution was adopted making obligatory the car rying out of all public" duties by tuy uiiiciius mm private cm.cus. An ordinance was ordctcd drawn at the suggestion of City Kngineer Uoodrlcli, making the destruction of or the disturbing of any grade stakes a misdemeanor. From Mr. Goodrich came also the following communication: "There should be established at as early date ns the council uiav deem wise, at Jersey and Fcsscndcu and at Richmond and Jersey streets, lights, like the ones now in use for lighting the streets of St. Johns. This same will be of pleasurable advantage to tne citizens of .St. Johns." Also this one: "lhirlineton street should bo ox. tended to the city Unfits, so that the country and St. Jbhys procr -adjacent thereto can have a direct out let to the new ferry accommoda tions, and for Vancouver direct. There nrcccrtniu i&cicsts, becom ing a possibility in,Jihc very, ttear future, that will dtlftuvd tliinve uue from the center of St. Johns or Hurlingtou Place (Cochran and Ilolhrook blocks and the pla.a uicrcai; tor direct lines 01 ingress and egress to all parts of the greater St. Johns." 1 hese were laid over till the ad journed meeting. Information re garding the projKwed sewer was tendered by Kugiuccr Goodrich in the following communication which was read ami passed till the next meeting: "The sewer in the center of Philadelphia street will start at low water mark; running thence to the north line of Jersey street. Jlegiu- ning with i . inches to IMisou street: thence 13 inches to Ivauhoe street; thence to inches to the north line of Jersey street. Said sewer will be of vitrified salt-glazed drniu or sewer pipe, laid in cement, with brick man-holes and inlets at each laterul street. Said sewer will be laid so as to take the drainage from all cellars, water closets, home washing and baths. This will ne cessitate the same, and the Y.s therefor, to be laid ten feet below street grades, as per the profile for said street. The cost lor the same will .be jwr lineal foot, complete, one dollnr and forty-five cents (Si. 45). This can be assessed on all property that may bs benefitted." A resolution was men introduced by Mr. Thompson condemning in no uncertain tones the present water system, and in a measure taking preliminary steps towards a munici pal plant. Mr. JJrice desired to jwstpone action ujxm this resolu tion in order to carefully look it over. Mr. Shields moved its adoption. Attorney Vaughn obtained per mission to speak. He was the father of this resolution and it was merely the commencement of the To Dallas or Palls City. George W. Cone has, with asso ciates, formed the Cone Lumber Company and will install a big null either at Dallas or Falls City. This is a fact. Just prior to the destruction by i ; EDMONDSON CO., A I t Hardware, Tinware, Plumbing t W W T Tin Roofs, Gutters, etc. T t . SotMM5 ST. JMNS. R. WILCOX, Dray and Baoo0 Line PUno Moving Speculty. Leave order t Blackburn'i furniture itore nd they will receive prompt attention. "For Rent" and "For Sale" cards for sale at this office. I work of securing n municipal plant. He proposed a scheme wherebv his clients could be "hired" by the citv to put in a proinir, highgrnde plant and then be "lured" to run it for a term of years: during all these years it would be managed by a St. Johns board of public works, mid at the expiration of the term the sys- J tent would be turned over to the city free of all encumbrance. This sounded so good (Mr Vaughn is detieedly clever, don't you know) that when the matter of adopting the preparatory resolution came up all voted for it except Mr. Ilrice. He explained that he so voted because he desired time to consider it. In view of the fact that there is a probability of vacating many thousand dollars' wotth of public waterfront it was deemed best to pass an ordinance regulating the St. Johns Park No. 2. s niiinuer in which the vacation shall be made. This passed the second ' t reading Kdwnrds and Shields vot- J ing "no," because they (like Mr. ; Ilrice) desired to think It over. v A resolution was then offered, 2! the adoption of which would insitic the vacation of a bit of street which V Smith Brothers desired to occupy with their marine and boiler works. They wished to at once commence work but, unless they could be as sured that the council would vacate that portion of Charleston street be tween Albany street and the river, it was rumored they'd not build. When the motion to adopt was put Messrs. Shields and Hd wards voted' J "no." It was carried. A representative of the O. U it X. Company, Mr. Kddy, was pres ent, and gave due warning that he would soon apicar before the coun cil and ask for another free gift of streets so that his road could do business with Smith Brothers' foun dry. He merely mentioned the matter so that it might, meantime, be considered. The jump-off on the newly-grad- cu riiliudeipuia street was discussed and there was universal condem nation of the street since it has been "improved." Mr. Messenger, who lives at the foot of the street, stated that the whole business had been a detriment rather than a bet terment to all owners of abutting proiierty: he was perfectly willing to pay for an improvement but it hurt him to pay out good money and then have his proticrty depre ciated in value. There seems to have Itccn some bad blunder in calculation on the $ street, because the grade is Kteeter now than lnifore any work was done upon it. Residents are anxious ; that some improvement be made and the street committee is doing some hard thinking. Woods, electrician, was allowed $. for looking after the arc-hgiit one mouth: although a caudle in u hollowed pumpkin would have been an improvement on tne service tne greater part of the time. The committee on re-uaming sev eral streets had no rejort ready, Mr. Shields kicked because that committee was so slow: declared that a committee should be named who would act when directed by the mayor: and would rejMirt some time within a year or two. Then someone stated that Mr. Shields was a nienilKT of that committee and he was struck dumb! Adjourned to Thursday evening. Lois 50x1 06 ft. With a 1 6-foot Alley bad; of each lot. Prices "m $200 and Upwards Terms ". I $5 Down and $5 per month I I t ( 3 i These lots are located on Jersey streeT,tlfree blocks from car line and Near the Great Weyerhauser Mill Site. Don't pay $350 and S.joo for building lots only 100 feet deep, and without alleys, when you can jct extni sized lots with 1 6-foot alleys, all hih and level, and in the best locality in St. Johns for $200 and upwards. Let us show you this properly. We can sell only the first fifty lots at these prices. This is done to ad vertise the property. When these are sold prices will advance 25 per cent. Within one year, when the great Weyerhauser mill is in operation, these lots will be worth double the pres ent prices. St. Johns Land Co St JollliS Plume Union 3101 OrtOM Branch Office and Agency 011 (lie Ground. No Names Mentioned. Two of the sports of St. Johns last Sunday went hunting. They took with them something besides the necessary weapons and had "a warm time." Starting for home one of them realized that his con- fire of the sawmill here Mr. Cone dition was not quite right, and sug- WHEN BUYING YOUR GROCERIES Do not forget we carry a full line of Men's, Ladles' and Children's Underwear at right prices. Phone Union .1066. COUCH & CO sold a two-thirds interest in his plant to the Ulagens contemplating the erection of another mill. The fire hastened action on the part of Mr. Cone and he at once went to Dallas and made those people a proposition. On Monday of this week the citizens commenced the raising of a $2000 bonus and, if successful in the attempt, the mill will le built on a site donated by the Dallas and Falls City railroad. Otherwise Mr. Cone may build at Falls City where the same company will donate a site. gested that he'd walk ahead a bit while the other took observations to see if the wife would notice any' thing when he'd reached home and if the walk was eminently straight. "Am I all right ?"asked the head man. I "Yes," replied the other, rather thickly, "You're all right but who's the other fellow with you?" J. J. KADDERLY Hardware Of all Kinds. Sole Agent for Furnished Mouse Guard your property against fire. Insure with the Peninsula Hank. for rent. Four rooms and bath. W. C. Adams, contractor, two doors from postofiice. Insure with the 1'eiiinsula Hank. Universal Stoves and Ranges Do not fail to see the Universal Steel Range before purchasing 141-143 Firtl Street, Odd Fellows Building, Portland, Oregon. Phone Main 1382 . 1 IB,, lift. , . . -.u.M!uea,aM,M,, MMmMM,.,t.,; nrtmxiKCMrvm m - t 1 i '