ST. JOHNS REVIEW Ifl V" Advertise in The Review Its circulation it genu ine and it rowr the field. Its better tlinti 11 daily in the field. IT WILL REPAY YOU THE ST.;JOHNS REVIEW Devoted to (he Interests of the Peninsula, the Manufacturing Center of the Northwest - ST. JOHNS, ORKGON, FRIDAY, OCTOMiR 6, 1905. VOL. I NO. 48 Keep Your Eye on St. Johns oooooo OOOOOOOOOO 1! You had better get your STOVE WOOD before the "Oregon Mist" sets in. Our Telephone Number is East 1846. Acme Lumber Company P. S.-We are selling cull lumber for wood sheds. Have you seen the grade? ACME LUAIBER COMPANY POSTPONED Two Days' Delay In Granting Perry Franchise Across Willamette. mmm SASH DOORS MILLWORK WE CARRY ODD SASH IN STOCK Columns Spindles Brackets Acme Cement igjf St. Johns "M" Bevel Plate Paints Oils Glass Redwood Gutter ST. JOHNS SASH AND DOOR CO. pH0NE SCOTT 4063 . JERSEY STREET HHUAAAAAAaaa The regular meeting' of the city council Inst Monday njght showed almost a full house P. J. Peterson being the only absentee. The audience was smaller than usual. The first of the evening after the adoption of the minutes was devoted to discussing the communi cation from City Knginecr W. Goodrich regarding the domestic water condition and a proposed im provement. There was much pointed comment ttiwu? the matter and many iHirtiuent remarks were made. The talk finally merged to the fact that the council desired a mass meeting of citizens to express their sentiments and it was officially decided to have the tuicctinu on Saturday evening of this week. A legal call for the same may he found in another column of this issue. Several other communications from Mr. Goodrich then followed. These were mentioned in Tint Uh Viitw last week. The one pertain ing to the re-naming of several streets was placed in the hands of the proper committee and the one favoring numbering nil business places, vacant lots, and residences was favorably received.' The com munication stating that several obstructions were now to be found protruding over and uimn the public sidewalks was considered: but it was thought that for the present nothing would be done to bring expense or bother upon those who had erected such places. The chief business of the meeting was to have been the granting of a ferry license a ferry to add to the business of St. Johns iiid accom modate the several thousand people. The council had agreed to settle the matter at this meeting but a strong plea was made to have the settlement laid over till Wednesday evening. Chairman I.eggett, of the com mittee t) investigate the ferry I proposition, reported that he could 'say practically nothing more than he had previously refuted. lie, with the rest of the committee, had viewed the pnierty across the river where the llrink ferry had a lauding, and it looked good to him. He had endeavored to learn from T. T. Parker who formed the local combination and had privately learned of three of the men but of these, one, G. W. Cone, had with drawn from the enterprise. Mr. Maun, representing the Drink syndicate, presented a fair, business talk. NOW TO GROW. St. Johns Is Hound To Lnreclv Increase Very Soon. Now that the assertion made in Tun Riivncw rcgardiim the advent of the Notthern Pacific railway has been verified by James J. Hill", ciliens of this community realize that this means much to St. Johns in many ways and there are some not slow to take advantage of it. There will be a great investment of railroad capital during the next few years in this state, and the advent of the Northern Pacific along the north shore to Vancouver, tnettce to bt. Johns nnd Portland, is ff but a starter which will stimulate1 i I i i i 3 St. Johns Park No. 2. other routes. None of these roads will cut into any of the existing "traffic arrangements" among gen tlemenbut they will, each and alt of them, enable good towns to build up along their lines and thus make the investor In farm lauds feel that his market is near to him. This enhances all values and brings the rate of taxation to a minimum figure. J. J. Hill is lauded to the skies just now because he has seen an opportunity to make a neat bit of money by planning a new road and promising to push il through to Portland in time for the iyo wheat crop. Mr. Hill may take his praises now with good grace: it may not be long before he is being skinned because of some refusal to pay a levied tribute. 3 i 1 $ .i I? Lots 50x1 06ft. With a 1 6-foot Alley back of each lot. $200 and Upwards s I'lifil Sit Tnlmtt will In. tinniirilliwl by this road there is no doubt. Demand for certain lines of goods! J is a great price-regulator: and the demand is already being felt for laud nil along the proiwsed right of , Ji way. to illustrate: a couple of( mouths since a inotorueer on one of lo the St. Johns ears saw a chance to St nick no two acres n mill out of ; town for $850. He bought it 011 easy terms, I.ast week it was learned that his land was along the ... f . .. . riiiui-oi-way oi me projected roan, and he was offered 51500 for his! J purchase. He refused to sell not ' J because his profit was not highly enough but because he promised to hold it for at least fifteen years , JJ just for a business investment, j! With this railway comes the' many investments here to make this the division headquarters: the plant to build and repair cars, the , engine shops, and the like. With these comes the home-builder and his cottage and the increased trade x of the merchants. All these tend j to add to business of St. Johns; and these things are now upon the verge of dropping in on us. They are practically here. Terms ! I $5 Down and $5 per month These lots arc located on Jersey street, three blocks from ear line and Near the Great Weyerhauser Mill Site. Don't pay $350 and S.joo for building lots only 100 feet deep, and without alleys, when you can get extra sized lots with 1 6-foot alleys, till high and level, and in the best locality in St. Johns for $200 and upwards. I,ct us show you this property. We can sell onl the first fifty lots at these prices, lhts is done tout vertise the property. When these are sold prices will advance 25 per cent. Within one year, when the great Weyerhauser mill is in operation, these lots will be worth double the pres ent prices. I l T r... ,..!....... .... - ....... I. ...II.. v 1 J. .ikwiiumiii n Will, ifmil (W crushed while switching between Jj Monroe and Morris streets on , ; Williams avenue. The switch split as the cars were backing uimmi the ' reverse track and squeezed Kinney between the motor car and a U car. For a space of five minutes the man was helpless while he was being relieved. Kinney was taken to a hospital after an examination and it was found 110 bones were broken. He recovered consciousness while in in the ambulance and talked freely mid it is considered that he'll le alwut in a few days. He lives at 147 Killiugsworth avenue. EDMONDSON CO, Hardware, Tinware, Plumbing Tin Roofs, Gutters, etc. 'scours sr. mm. R. WILCOX, Dray and Baggage Line I'iano Moving a Specialty. Leave orderf at Blackburn's Furniture store and tbey will receive prompt attention. "For Rent" and "For cards for sale at this office. Sale" square business talk. lie sjokc ot the length of time which had Conductor Klnnev Hurt. elapsed since lie first made request j ....,,,.. mornInir r a Kinnev. lor a a m ue 00s ac es C()11(,lclor of the trailer following ttiliirtlt lind nniiklfinlli) ltit:t lilt? . path. He called to mind that the council had promised definite action this evening and now it was about to ostpoue the question in order that a lody of unknown men might make exertions to secure what would be almost impossible for them to use. Mr. Parker took tin? floor to ex plain matters. The company he represented was not an incorporated concern nor was it yet complete; Mr. Cone's withdrawal had crippled the prostK'Ctive organization; but he did not mak.t known those with whom he was associated, Mr. Parker did not U-licvc that the city should pay for improving property of those who owned the riverfront r his company would agree to pay 10 per cent of gross receipts if the city would make approaches for the lauding or three jer cent if it did not: he had never agreed (he said J to pay 20 per cent. If his company built the roadway to the dock it I would le 30 feet wide and a bond in the sum of 51,000 would be executed for the faithful perform- j ance of all promises. Mr. .Maun made a point wiien lie ...jn spoKe 01 ins company wnom an knew being pitted against an unin corporated corporation of whose constituency no one outside of Mr. Parker knew. He said he came in good faith: his clients were known to Im; absolutely responsible in every way and already had a fine land ing upon their property. His boat was ready and, if the council would but say the word, work would commence the next day. His company would keep up a 60-foot roadway from the railway track to the landing and would look after tlie oiling of the highway from St. Johns to Portland. After much discussion it was St. Johns Land Co St. JollllS IMione Union 3104 OrCgOU Branch Office and Agency on (he Ground. Poor Doggie. Some people pay license dn their dog others do not. Those who do pay look upon those who don't as jets or favorites of the marshal. The marshal doesn't like that lo calise it is not so: nor does he like to chase a dog five blocks and then have the owner of the canine tell him to go to Astoria. Now it will le different. If the owner of a dog refuses to pay up he be notified: and if the cash isn't dug up within three days thereafter the tail of Mr. Dog or Mrs. Dog will cease to wag when the loue comes his way. He will be dead and the marshal will be the legal murderer. He is a good shot and he will shoot to kill un less the license is paid. It is now up to the owner. decided to have an ordinance pre pared (to be afterward filled out where necessary) and present the 1 same at the council meeting on Wednesday evening. After some minor business the council adjourned to meet Wednes day evening. REMEMBER! Remember the Number : ..Union 4066.. Is where you can save money. COUCH & CO J. J. KADDERLY Hardware Of all Kinds. Sole Agent for Universal Stoves and Ranges Do not fail to see the Universal t Steel Range before purchasing 141-143 Firil Sired, Odd Fellows Building, Portland, Oregon. Phone Main 1382 8