ST. JOHNS REVIEW titr ' J"u rtEffJOHNS REVIEW VOL. t Octoted (a th Interttti of the PcnlntuU, the Manufacturing Ctntcr of the Northwctt ST. JOHNS, ORHGON, FRIDAY, SKITKMllKR jo, 1905. Advertise In The Review It nrvitUtiou i K,nii- Ittf BM.f It r.iir ttl fit lil lu W-tt, r It ll.tllv III 111!- licl.l IT WILL HEPAV VOU NO. 47 -w w ar ar ar ar ar ar aar ar a ar mf Va Tmf WWWWW w WWW Vvaar'a' aafaarWra'VrarMr'ar Keep Your Eye on St. Johns ooooooo O O OOOOOOOOOO 8 You had better get your STOVE WOOD before the "Oregon Mist" sets in. Our Telephone Number is East 1846. Acme Lumber Company P. S.-We are selling cull lumber for wood sheds. Have you seen the grade? ACME LUMBER COMPANY 1 5 HOLD A SPECIAL MEETING SASH DOORS BLINDS We carry the most complete stock in our line on the Peninsula Columns Spindles Brackets HaHKHfP.H aaaaaaaaaaaaaflaaaKV-'aaaaaal .HaaaaK ' aaaH''lH aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalaaatlaaallilaaaSrZ!H Qable Ornaments Four-Light Sash Door Paints Oils Glass Dim nsion Shingles DOOR EDMONDSON CO., Hardware, Tinware, Plumbing Tin Roofs, Gutters, etc. Scott $t. mm, R. WILCOX, Dray and Baggage Line Piano Moving a Specialty. Leave orders at Blackburn'. Furniture store and they will receive prompt attention. 'For Rent" and "For Sale" cards for sale at this office. To Consider the Matter of Ferry Franchise Across Willamette. l Uy n call of the mayor a social i Mr. Thompson "never said a meeting of the city council was held! word;" Mr. Kdwards ditto, ditto, Monday evening to consider the ditto. situation of the ferry matter. j Mr. Mann then desired to say n The nbsence of Couneilmcn IJrice word or two more. Ills company and Shields prevented a full roll-call ' was in the affair as a matter of but the other members were present. J business for them. He was making Mr. I.eggctt, as chairman of thei no denial of It. At the same time committee which investigated two he believed the plan would help St. of the three propositions, made his Johns in several ways. It would report. igive the city direct business relit lie said that the committee, tions with the twoplc ac crossed the river and considered , river and in the vlcit '3 St. Johns Park No. 2. :ross the'! a 1-, 11 lA 1 f 11 river ami in the vicinity or tier-'! fc V M. uer&Hoeh Xm V-r V- Vt company nail scented the oiling of 'J; the proposition of Mr. Hrink who. mantown. The Illumaucr it I loch was repreeeuted by Mr. Maun and backed by Illumaucr & 1 loch. This the public thoroughfare from I'ort-. company proposed to build a plank laud to the roadhouse and it was driveway on this side of the river contemplated that the road on this at ths foot of whatever street was! side the river should be treated the selected from the railway track to .same. the dock, and would make it the! Mr. Maun farther asked iin full width of the street. The com-' mediate action. If a pledge could piny wottld put in a good scow of be given that the franchise would about 8o-ion or go-ton capacity be granted them his company would until the regular ferry boat could be gotten iu trim. The company represented by T. T. Parker nrojwsed a jo-foot walk from the railway to the lauding at the foot of the selected street. Mr. I.eggctt had endeavored to ascertain at once commence work, iu order that 110 time should be lost, and in a very brief time the tcmKrary ferry would be lu action. Mayor King stated that no txisitivc agieemeiit could now be given as such action would reflect s 3 3 who formed the local company, but ttiKn the council and Mssibly iu-t had been unable to do so. There validate the legislation. It was 3 were rumors as to w 10 were in tne t lien suei'cstcd that no action could l With a 1 6-foot Alley back of each lot. Prices . $200 and Upwards enterprise also denials: and, until be taken at the called meeting, but ,3 it was ascertained who were hack- at the regular meeting on Monday ing the enterprise, he should hesi- evening next both applications. tate about the matter. could be considered, where all Mr. Peterson, also, had tried to , conditions were similar It learn the men backing the local company nut Had leeii unsuccess ful. Still, the 20 per cent looked good to him: the other company had made no offer as to tcrcciitagc, and he believed the best all-round offer should be accepted. Mr. I. unionist could add nothing to what Mr. I.eggctt had said. It was as the chairman had stated. ADVOCATES SEWER, City Hnglnccr Goodrich l;aor$The Construction of Sewers. Iu stK'aking of the sewer proiiosl- tiou City Kugincer Goodrich makes the following comments agreeing closely to what Tint Kitvntw has advocated iu the past: "There should be laid, iu the very near future, n sewer, from the Willamette river to jersey street. The said sewer should start from low water mark iu the center of Ilur liugtou street, twenty-four inches iu diameter; up to Greshaui street, was an unwritten law that St. Johns citizens should be favored: at the same time it was not yet known who comjioscd the company. It was finally agreed that prior to the regular meeting full details should be secured and the matter settled at that meeting when every member would be present. Adjourned. WILL BUY MORE The Cnllfonilan Inlcmls To Kvci In Touch With St. Jnlini. Terms ! I $5 Down and $5 per month i i $ Alex Forties, owner of the large I ... II. 1 till . .l.l.ljwtt.k ,1... C T.kl.l.L? Hotel, lias returned to his hoiiieiu Kurcka, California, but will remove 3 to this city lefore very long. '3 Mr. Forbes believes that St. Johns lias an excellent future and lias determined to j assess more 3 projHrrty here when he learns the city lias concluded to net down to business and transact matters on a legal basis. at this point to lie reduced to, .Mr. monies says; "I leel sorry twenty-two inches; to Hayes street, over the condition ttiat the city at this point to be reduced to twenty council is now iu. There ain't a inches; to Ivanhoe street,- at this; hit o' need o' such a thing: and it xnut to be reduced to eighteen is hurting the place. I lelieve it is iiches; to the curl) line of Jersey all just a bit o' ersoiial spite or street on the north line thereof; else there is too much outside with a catch basin at this ioiiit mid , pressure U-iiig brought to !car. If on the opposite side at the Ilolbrook so many eopIe from outside the comer, us these jwiuts are the low- city hadn't butted iu it's my belief est on the line iu the business center the folks would liuve lceu together of said city of St. Johns. lefore this." "When said sewer is living built , ttiere should lw 'Vs' at eactt street Another Really Company, of the same diameter ns the main, j As , , lje , n, n(, , and at each twen y-five feet there anotlier co,unu ww company ,ns should he an eight-inch " for f(irm,i ,rt iinil(ii,. n,i n;i..,.r. House service use, on doiii sines oi These lots arc located on Jersey street, three blocks from ear line and Near the Great Weyerhauser Mill Site. Don't pay $350 and 5.joo for building lots only 100 feet deep, and without alleys, when you can jet extra sized lots with i6foot alleys, all high and level, and iu the best locality iu St. Johns for $200 and upwards. Let us show you this property. We can sell only the first fifty lots at these prjees. This is done to ad vertise the property. When these are sold prices will advance 25 per cent. Within one year, when the great Weyerhauser mill is iu operation, these lots will be worth double the pres ent prices. SI. Johns Land Co St. Johns IMione Union 310-1 Oregon Hraiich Office and Agency on the (.round. ; the main service main sewer, thus obviating broken mains for service connections. The said sewer to 1m; laid with a fall of two feet on each one hundred feet from and iu front of the Klliott drug store to Circsham street; and from Greshaui street to the river to le laid four feet under ground to the top of said sewer. " When said sewer snail nave iK-en aid block lengths, all the abutting property shall thereupon le com pelled to connect their soil water and water closets to the same, with vents as jier the just sanitary laws that may be enacted for the same to vent the said sewer and to keep the same fresh and free from foul gases and from nauseating odors." Went to Iowa. Willard Shepard left on Saturday for an extended visit to his old home iu Hillsdale, Iowa, lie came here Use St. Johns realty The Ilanneri Real Kstate Company, Thousands of circulars are to be printed and i sent to localities where it is known cople are anxious to learn alxmt i this city hence the advertising' to be received by St. Johns will largely augment what has already been done. Until quarters for the company are secured of the right sort those I desiring to list projx.-rties may do so at the office of Tint RitViiiW where projer blanks can !e found. Next week's ad will give the loca tion where the company will do business. REMEMBER! Remember the Number : ..Union 4066.. Is where you can save money. COUCH & CO Will Have Services. Rev. W. I,. Uiwhnw's assertion that he would still have charge of the church iu St. Johns seems to have lecu an error. He secured a good position at Alhiua, which lie finds will occupy all his time. Rev. nearly a year ago through the talk House, who seems to Ihj at the head ( nf l.U i.rntltpr. tt oliarfl Slif-nnnl. 1 ot tne congregational cuurcu in t n,1 litM St Inline Vf-rv mtirli. H UllJS district, IS tO SCe tliat tllC J - J - - . , : ,. puipu nere is suppneti cucn Diuiniiy having the best talent tie can secure. has a yearning, However, to once more see the state where blizzards breed and cold corrtiscates hence the trip. He expects to le here again iu a few months: just going back to get some winter climate, Tint Ri'.VH'.W is well worth the dollar and we need it at this time, J. J. KADDERLY Hardware Of all Kinds. Sole Agent for Universal Stoves and Ranges Do not fail to sec the Universal l Steel Range before purchasing t -- 141-143 Fiat Street, Odd Fellows Building, Portland, Oregon. Phone Main 1382 :