ELECTRIC LI G H T POWER i A talk with ti will comma you that IH.IICTRIC I.K1IIT ih the only light von tan afford to ny in your home, or put m the Iioiim. you nre building Vour prop erty will rent more tendlly, will pay n higher Income, nml ntttnet a letter class of tenants IP IT IS IIQUII'WH) WITH m.l!CTKIC I.K1IIT. If joti contemplate establishing any business rcqtiir iiu: I'OWI-K. it will le to your ndvnntnge to talk with us Ix-fnte placing your order for mncliiucry. The iim. of l;l.l!C1UIC jmwer means: Lesser cost of oerntiou, .smaller nmouut of .spaa rcfjiiircd, nml gient suviiig in uitichiiiery nml initial cost of installation of plant. Advantages in the cost of producing jwwer in Port Inml, in comp.irisou with other cities ol the country, en uhle us to make lowest rates mid j.pvc inicjuullctl service. Portland General Electric Co., S.v.nth and Aider Str.eti, PORTLAND, OREGON i Bickner Brothers Department Store AH Goods Sold at Portland Prices! Keep n liirgi! Murk of Onernl Merrliiiiiilim', Incliiiltntr Dr lloitlK mill Shot's, (Inici-rii-H, 1 1 mm I ware, IIdiinu Fiirnlii rei'il, hie. In fuel everything. Their Priced nro rigid. Don't wiihIij your limu gnliig to Pnrllmiil, hut ciiiiin in nml hod our xtork nml price. y UootiM, IlillL'H, P Remember The Big Department Store 6 Corner Jut-nay .Street ami Itronilway 8 6 lit. Johnu, Oregon O0OXO0OO00OO0O0O0O00OO.0j?O OO0CmO000OOO00OOOOOiOOOOOO mm ucomcs, awjVT (IH TV rftltWSliM llv thr kln.lni-M nl Mr I'.nliWI mt Mr IIUkk the MhtitMii lcir nun i ircrtitlr invltH t thr wunlv wtfV rn t e tin wwtk jrlonrr rre dwlhc tul lixw they ATff trrsted The whale thins w yrty Mtltfartnrv awl much Iteywml rrctitlH Tbu n. which It alut our and titir htll tnilr Mow- l.lnnton. ttrtHii-ht here Imm I'tillnn lust Nfvctnlprr. ! urrunlcd by hoard Irnre about twrlvc frt-t In hleht. It It trtiitl tnrtl)' on the Mite of prtry hill t" enlle jrtoticr ti jrt t the rock, of which there It tufliclml to last until tint ttitim. Tlirrr It a muni Iiuum Nt Uie fitith end mil) another at the north end of the construction. In each It ttatloueil an armed guard. In the northeatt comer of the jcn l the cnuhcr. At prrvnl there arc forty prisoner although thit iiiiiiiIkt varies, All ate under sentence not ekrecilliig one rr. ,Vtenty-fnc yrr cent of the prisoner arc unilrr twenty-five year of age, Oltcn wc hciir now cruelly prisourr arc treated ami how hanl they arc inntle to work, the great Infliction for slight fault put uin the priMiucr ami nil such thing. It it certainly fnltc in thit instance. No licttcr treatment could lie wished for limn these prisoner receive. In thcte iens there it not the nngging o often kIvcii cttiployeca. Hverythtni,' for the jirivnirra' convenience It hnudy. I'rvsh ilrluklni' water, easy ixitlm for wheelbarrow, no imosllle tliuij,' uivcti privmcra to do, They linve ixxl tooK and every thini; that could isihly he demanded. Those who nre weak mid infirm or who may he n trille ill iireM.'t to work nt ruiwitiK wood, reilriliK tixil), or nt something within their koic. Thotu who nre seriously ill are sent to the hiMiitnl nml t;iveii the host treat inent. Some mlht think It wron to tint these men to such tusks, tt Is real I v kindness to let them work us it kecs thctn in henlth, nud this outdinir work keens their minds iiormnllv eimiloved nud makes them happier. If contlnimlly confined to the cell prisoners become discontented nud utihnppy. Although the men nre piid only fifteen cents n week (for tohncco) thev work with an interest in what is nccompllshed. I'.vcry mini Is n hustler. Of course, when new men come who have !ecii sentenced for tlx mouths or more they, ns n rule, feel "blue" nmt reliirtiml iilxint worklntf. This the K'narcls expect nud the prlsoiicn nre nllowcd to net thus for u day or two. If this condition continues hints lire given through the older prisoners nlmut punishment. This Kcucrnlly stos it. Those who continue refusing to work nre culled up to n guard house and leetured in the presence of others. Hut one man in the history of this eulteutlnry has ever continued obstinate nml he wits immediately sent to the iiuneeon, Tlie ilnneeon Is nu uuilvr- E -a few- THORNS a Ierouml cellar Niseasiii neither light nor lied, having a cement lliMr. The uufor tllliate ects half it loaf of bread nml u nlnt I of water every twenty-four hours, lie Is leu (Here until lie is reiuiy to work ngniti M. J. Walsh Co., The well known nml jxipulur dealers in I -Hoc trie mid ('.us Chanduliers, us well us Mmitels, Crates mid Til in, declare that of the many heiititiful homes Iteiun huilt in St. Jtihns they are fuinlshiiiK eleven out of twelve of them. An Elegant Stock of Electrical Goods A hH.-ciiilty of house wiring mid wis piping, del cs tiiuntes ftoiu them at their show rooms mid lie pleased. 343 Vasliini;toi) Street, corner of Seventh, Portland. W. II. KINO, Problem. At. I.. IIOI.IIKOOK, Vlcc.Prt.Ucnt ST. JOHNS ABSTRACT & TRUST COMPANY X Abslnicts of Title carefully ami accurately nrennrcd. w Charges Reasonable. Office: King's Building, Jersey St., St. Johns I'. A. SMITH j, p. ,.()pir t SMITH &. POFF, X llr Ik FEED, HAY, LIME, CEMENT, SHINGLES LATH, COAL. KTO. IV. I IMItrml t I'urlUnJ I'tlrn t'lui Otiv Half 'ifl(ht Ch.rt.t l'rsiuil lrlit f rjr sn.l (Virvl I'iIcm l'hono Union 3101 ST. JOIIN8, ORGQON 0XXKXXXXXXXXXOOOCKKXOO'XXXKXmX I If You Had a I Bank Account It Would jj l-'ncdiitac thrift ami economy. nysteimuize your ousutess. dive you a nermauent record of vour busiue actions. (live a good impression to all with whom business relations; And give you more confidence in yourself. I The Peninsula Bank CmXmXXhXOOOOOXXXOOOOOO ooooooc ss trans- s you have I Tllilv to Ki'iH-rnlly iilxint hull a day. This in tin only piinUhmi'iit u mini evt-rKetx. Alter return ne tli i mini lnVL no Interest In the work unit nl pirtlciuiten In the klmlneM which the other nave U-eil receivlui!. CimmI order In nhviiv innlutnlueil: no iittcmiitH nre ever inmle I to ntlr mi ii ilUtnrluiui-i!. I'vrrt- mini I coiiijillin willingly mill without licniin. lion Willi tlie liitvn nml reeulnUonn of the l'. A little while neo tht-rt- wn om- inlM-'hlcwMii fellow who iU-lrcil to nniVi hl etk-iiiie. When the- orlsoni-H nrrlvi-,1 one niornhie they fount! thut there were wiikoii remiy lor them to (111 with ilirt I iimiilc the tilnce. Out- wiil'oii u-:i nlnn-il illrix'tly nuiler n K'uunl Iioiim.- out of the emml'it nlht. Thl prisoner cIIuiIkiI Into the curt while the other eunril wiu not wiitehiUL him nml lit the other cover him with dirt, nii-nuine to i-h-jim.- when it wit ilmueil, .Meiiuwhlle IlrinK HU1M.-.I uie inmi nun inmiKUt that lie hml Unit tlteit li-i'llue. mi wcnl to hunt him . knowing that lie hml hail no chance to CH-mie, Nowhere wan he to lie fount!. Mr, rf KKM ' the wiikoii mnl, mnelllnK' ii rut, went to the K'Ue mnl wot nwuy the teiiuikter. The whkou wii left there mi hour when Ihe pMir fellow who would have i-hiih-iI "NMiiMled" mnl wu ilue out mniilkt khoutH anil jeent. Noueiif the mint.U Mid miythiuK mitl he went luick to work huImIuciI. HverylhliiK in coiiiltuted kyuteiuati. cully. Hut thin U not to My that they nre rentrlcted fniui nil fun for they nre iilltiued to talk mnl joke, pl.iy little tricks mnl make fmi, u uiueh u thev pleae. ThN klmlneM nut! kyutcmntic order which prevuiU U ilue to the unllr in; effort mitl tuct that Mr. Urie,, nml Uie oilier eiupioyeii, khow, So much for the t re.it ment of the priMiner, The work to Ih- iloue hy thee men in eriililnn riuk for the comity nun!, The renter ipiaiitity of the rock U hrokeii liv the cruoher. Ihe ir.i l.v hum!. 1'tmileen tire einplnyeil in w heel iiij,' It to the crusher, two nt the feeiler, mnl the rekt eel alter the rock with kleilKe luunniern. 1 ho UuiiiK i done by three priMinerS. One nit over mnl holiU the Wire while two ouutl. Thin U culletl uake hole mnl the iuktrumeut hk-iI ii drill. The llrst tlrlll tueil In Ix-L-iiinlm. ii liol? U eighteen Iiu'he lonj", the next elht InclieH loueer, uiul mi on to lteeii feet which is tlie lenj'tli kounht. The klwrivnliiK' mid teuiH-riUK of theke uteel drilU iw a very illlhrult feat u it reipiire Kreut skill and practice to teuivr them n Imnl in kIius ut the kharn eilee. Will uutchell tia the reputation, which no nuecnii ilikpute.of IhMiik the ln-kt man in the country ut li.irivuln: nud teuiK-riuK ilrilU, No time or l.iUir 1 lit on account of tirokeu drills when those of his make ure luetl, The comity has U-en very fortunate in employiiiK Kxl nun us Will Hatch?!, It llkiutlv takes fourteen hours to Uin- a sixteen-foot hole. No hired help ever Ikiks liole through wilitl took in such khott time, UlaktiiiK is iloue after the prUmers are scut liouie, thus avoiiliiiK euauces oi accuieut, Comuienciun the blast with five ktlcks of elaut owiler, each charxe is increased till us uianv as duty sticks are used w hen the tuck "is in jiiei-es, and next morniiiK the fniKuieuts are ready for work. Theerusher-Feediii) is dillicult ami two men work on hull hour shifts at the machine, Three siies of rock ure turned out: No. S, iviiuKn, j-4-iuch uicklr, No. j, pisstne a l l -i-iucli mckli. No i. ttusim. u i.ini-ii Jcam Janic lia liecn rrWK.J of toy. Now he ktiow-n how It K-cnu to lc "the other fellow A WhitiKtou nhcrifl nV) for a divorce liccattsc Ms wife whfpjctl lilm. Poor little, .soft httlc, kid. Indiana'. i fttntc nuditor lias Molcn from the Mate $l4.ooo Must k nuothcr of Indiaim'n favorite wus. Some eople call daiicinK "pray iiiK with the feet." If this is m a clott-dnncc must lie n prayer in Chinoe. Mrs. Tnnnait's lawyers have lieeu roasting the nev.siK:rs. Thnt's nil rilit: the ijers roasted her first. t i a m-nver couple scuratei nun father took the bahy while mother took the doj. That mother oulit to feel doK-uonc nsliainetl of her self. kcpuhlicans of Nebraska in their .state platform wish railway passes abolished. Is that tt fact, honest now, or is it merely a bluff for votes ? A woman sup'xxscd to lc dead arose from the bier nt I.as Vcjjas, New Mexico. last Tluirsdav. Manv a man stays nt his leer till he tuicht ns well be dead. The Western Union TelcRraph Company has decided not to handle nny race news nud track specials. Hint "tainted money ' fad seems to be .spreading. The "frojj cure" is now recom mended nsn cure for typhoid fever. Wo presume this means KcttiiiK down on nil fours, looking wise and snapping nt insects. In Saint Louis n uinn wns ar rested nnd fined S300 for trying to Ilirt with a married woman. Put that rule in force in Portland and 21,062 fellows would be broke financially. I Mr. Renin, of Toledo, Ohio, last week won $90,000 in it jncktxH. If one "ream" could do that n ouirc" ought to get enough for n printer mid n "bundle" secure enough for a ixditicinn. Just ns wc stnrtcd to make n few "verses" on the river flowing by St. Johns we were .struck with the thought that our religious principles forbade us using the expression that rhymes with Willamette. We (piit. Now that William Jerusalem Hryan is out for Joe Folk for presi dent jxiople nre wondering if he'll work for him along the same lines he Inborcdfordeniocracy'sln.st enndi date. If he does, Polk is licked for .sure. "The spirits" in Chicago put n man on the wromr scent and he lost .several thousand dollars. Now he has sued the medium. Any man whom the spirits can work would lose his money in some easy way so what's the use? 1 heie are iiirls one cannot nick- name. Martha may be made M attic; Uatlieriue, Kittle; Mary, Molliej Frances, Pantile; Sarah, Sallie: Wiiinifred. Winnie: but a cirl niinied Ilelle they neverwell, they call her Ilelle nil the time. I Dan MeAlleu, the baby-show sixmsor, is now suffering from ner vous prostration (possibly) from the effects of his baby show nt tlie fair grounds last Saturday: There were lieautiful babies, And cross-eyed babies, And babies with golden hair; There were bow-legged babies, ...1 n 1. . . . 7 . ' .iiu iiai-iieimeii names. I And babies whose features were fair; There were blue-eyed babies, And brunette babies, And babies with hair like flame; There were romaii-uosed babies, And pug-uocd babies, (They were babies just the same) ; There were smiling babies, And howling babies, And babies "too awfully sweet;" irOisOrjrsOrOrOrOn i? T " 15 ? 5 Portland and Suburban 5 I Express Company . . I rOrisOrOrOrOrO (()jcrating cars over Pottlmul Con solidated lines) OUR FAITH -IN- ST. JOHNS Rales Reasonable Service Prompt We have made arrangements to transfer all frieght in the city mid nt St. Johns when necusiry by team at reasonable rntus. IVi not move vour luruitlire (of course you nre going to St Johns to live, Portland is moving that way; until you get our prices. Portland & Suburban Express Company W. R. STEARNS, AlanaRcr Real Estate Mortgage Loans ; We hnve two good real cs- i tate mortgage loans on first- class real estate: One is n $200 loan on n $400 piece of property. Another is $4,500 on an 11 ncre track worth nt least f 1 0,000 when divided into town lots. Then we have n nice clean loan for building purposes of about 52,000. UNITED TRUST CO. I ST. JOHNS, ORBQON 1 oooooooooooco W.J.PEDDICORD REAL ESTATE joo Lot 50x136, near station. ' I'our lots In Point View, corner. Sloo Lot ioxloo.finerlvervlew, half cnOi fJ5' '.t 50x100, close in; jj cash. Installment. f. 10 2-room house iixjH, small bum, a few hearing trees, lot oxioo. MJ J-rooui house, lot 54x181; fin; Installment. f6js .'-room house, lot 50x100, sightly, vium: io union; iiiiioiuilie lot tll.iy lie hail. f9 7-nx)in house, j-ootl well, cistern nud city water. Terms on pirt. fi(5o j-room house, plastered; nice lawn, lot 50x100, in j-rooui house, wood-fihcrj lot 50x101), near station. $1150 6-room house, lot 50x110; line lo- cation, lloulevurd, fl65 6-riMm house, river view, lot 50x100, f Jlus 8-rooui house, near station, plenty of fruit, lot 100x100; fine home. One 5-rooui house for rent, river view. aiso 11 i-rooui House. Is liest exprcsscil by our guaranty of 20 cr cent increase in value of projK-rty during the coming year 00000000000400 This guaranty provides that in ense the proper ty you purchase does not increase in value at least 20 per Cent 20 er cent during one year from date of purchase wc will refund your money with 6 er cent interest This same gatiranty we have been offering since we first undertook to get industries nt St. Johns, .something over three years back and up to date 110 one has ever asked for his money back. Lots and Acreage on Installment Payments Hartman, Thompson & Powers 3 Chamber of Commerce. Portland. Or. O. L CHAPEL, Agent at St Johns. VanrJermeer lias Special Bargains in St. Johns Real Us late. ' See his List. . Office opjwsite St. Johns Sash nnd Door Co. tursh. l'.uch grade has its chute on the outside of the pen. Pur the month of Aueust there were 1917 cubic yards of roeV crushed, an average of 70 cubic yards jer day, or one yard eerv six minute. The prisoner work seven hour each day, from Sjo a. in. until WOUld like tO Save dinner. 1 here was a net pront for the county of f tioo for the month of Auguat, clear ink' lt exrnsc liucludine hlretl helnl at the !CII. oil used for uiarhinrrv. aii.i supplies, such as food, tools and steel for mtttr. his is what is done bv tiri.in.-r im,lr kind and good luuiutcmeut. S. A. Wilson. 25 per cent on your Fuel and can do it D. A. SMITH He's In Town Phone East 3035 you Mall Schedule Mail arrive at St. lohti .1 !. ... I .... . j . ... . nd 1115 p. in. i.cc at IOJI5 a, m., and 4:50 p. w. There were well -feci babies. And light-weight babies, And tubics too busy to eat; There were dinmled-chiu babies. And freckle-face babies, And babies that wanted to frolic; There were quiet babies, And little blonde babies, And babies that had the colic; There were bald-headed babies, And pudgy-browed babies, And babies that chewed their toes; There were roey.faced babies, Kxprcssionlcvs babies, And babies that run at the nose; There were heavy-browed babies, Atut (louuie-cliiu babies, And babies with dulcet tones; There were broad-chested babies, And swayback babies, And babies just skin and bones; There were hael-eyed babies, a ...1 ... . 1 . r .sim 'iiiiK-iocu oaiiies, And babies in evening dress; There were babies who'd smile At the babies they saw, And babies you couldn't caress; There were babies named Mattie, And babies named Hattie, Ami Hassie and Tootste and Pink; There were Kittie and Helen And Mary ami KHeu, And any old name you could think: There were babies much blessed And babies c-are&ed y MeAlleu, the baby matt; And these Iwbies when growu Will go all alone And say "Bully for Uucle Dan." TllOKN, IW. M. KILLINGSWORTH THE PIONEER REAL ESTATE DEALER Or THE PENINSULA . . . The fines! list f resiileiu'e nronertv 111 the dislriri. Wnlmit Park olTem the most desir able homo sites trcls graded, lots mxnm. hold at jmeei' 'lie most fav orable in thy market. W. M. KILLINGSWOHTH a03 Chamber of Commerce. Portland 1 000OO00000OO0 D4O04OKD4OO0KiO00 a i Best Bargains in St. Johns. 3.000 THG CENTRAL HOTEL I Mrs. L. Tyncr, Proprietor First CU Rooms Cuisine excellent aT. JOHNS, 0REQON l A l-'INl IJI.OCK, river view, only .... HOL'SK, with block of ground, and plenty of fruit of nil kinds, fine view of river, for 1,0 1 h from ?2oo to ?350 in South St. Johns, ten pe, cent cash, balance nt $10 per month. NORTH ST. JOHNS PROPERTY at bargain prices and nt terms to suit. PINE LOTS We also have fine lots at $200 ; $5 cash ; balance nt $5 per month. W. H. King Land Co., St. Johns. SHEPARD & TUfTS Will sell you lots in North St. Johus, overlooking the river, near the Weyer haeuser mill site, for $300 per Lot, leu per cent down, balance $10 per month. Inspect this property. Office in Peninsula Bank Building. Phone Scott 4061, Notary labile. I'ire Insurance. s O.M.FAULK O. P.MEBDILL Faulk & Merrill Coal, Hay, Grain, Flout Ground Feed, Piiih, Oils lid Building Maltmts Phone East 713 UnW.rtltjr Prk, . Or9on NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS. In order to Insure a change of ad- should reach thl. office not later thin Wednesday, at 3 o'clock p. m. PIm remember this and save the printer tote of -overtime" work. ' English Walnut Trees!! Now is the time to f INVESTIGATE ! I We are special growers. The Best Soft-shell varieties, adapted to this locality. Abundant bearers at early age. They thrive in Oregou. Big nioney cati be made. Good invest ment: small capital. Greatest oppor tunity in Northwest. We also carry a general uursery stock. Write for Frh descriptive catalog a treatise on Waluut culture. You need this. BROOKS Walnut Nursery, SONS, CarHoa, Orcton - a TTTTTyyfff fff fff ffff fff ffftft Our .sfJiTJ ni bl?J'c ' without pais i? u ? fi,,,Xouf moulb comlorubly. uLk .7 . ?V ,:m,n'1 wr o ex Tn.i te1.' 1" "P5 . fillinV.nJ cro-n wbca uiwge wort. tr.r.in pUtr or brklgc. ,c otrVd. WISE BROS. Dentists, to 11. OrM.law. UK, W A, WISH, UK. T. P. WW"