St. Johns review. (Saint Johns, Or.) 1904-current, September 08, 1905, Image 1

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" l..'iur,.Sl lollllt
' . .1. . Iirltrr
IT... ( vou work with
VOL. t
t)otni to the Inttrrtti of the PtnlntuU. the Msnufacturlng Center of the Northwest
Advertise In The Review
lt 1 ih ul ill. in i x 1111
! nii'l il "iit tin
hrl'l Its Utttt iIimii
i .IkiIv hi Hh I.i 1. 1
NO. 4
Keep Your Eye on St. Johns
Have You Given the Acme Lum
ber Company an opportun
ity of Figuring Your
Lumber Bill
Lath, Shingles
Stove Wood, Etc., Etc.
Once It Looked Fiery Hut Peace
mid Harmony Prevailed.
What was expected to be a warm
time was (mlled off at the city hall
Tuesday night with very eold feet:
and probably one hit ml red people
went home feeling that they had
Announce Complete Redirection
lire Ruins Cense Burning.
itclore the brilliant Unities had
ceased to throw their light over the
ruins of the St. Johns Lumber Com.
putty's plant Messrs. Hrecht &
Douglass had declared that as soon
not gotten their money's worth, j as the debris could be cleared away
THE stove protxrrty is offered (or sale. It has one o( the finest river view
M.Johns. The lot Is (num. The lions In modern throughout ami
tight room, including bath, lavatory and toilet, laundry, electric lights, city
cement wall. Tine lawn and cement walks. My price is $3500, Call
- UUuc ami let me show you this property.
R. CURRIER. Owner.
W. H. KINO, President.
M. L. HOLBROOK, Vice-President
Abstracts of Title carefully and accurately prepared.
Charges Reasonable.
Office: King's Building, Jsrssy St., St. Johns
"ff a Mttttt
Hardware, Tinware, Plumbing J
Tin Roofs, Gutters, etc
fbone Scott ms $T. JMNf, f
Electrical Gas Supplies
WelaateH LlfMhtf usi Power PkoU
and ravaJr Motors Dyaimos.
Hum aad BtH Wlrlaf a apaclaky.
Portland Journal.
For its own sake the admin
istnition of the city of St.
Johns should come together.
A few mouths ago 110 section
of the state .seemed to have
such an outlook immediately
ahead of it. There was every
thing in prospect in the way
of improvement, and it looked
as though St. Johns would
surely double its population in
the course of a year. While
every condition was favorable
nud while the eyes of many
prospective investors were
turned in that direction the
city election was held. Since
then everything has been topsy-turvy.
For their own sake the peo
ple of St. Johns should force
the jarriug factious of the city
government to come together,
adjust their differences and
start the government out in a
businesslike fashion. So long
as these squabbles continue
much harm is being done to
the town and every property
owner in it, and if the trouble
continues very much longer it
may be very hard to repair
the damage which has been
and will be done.
There nre always those who like to
have n rough house if they are
near enough to the edge to escape
the flying bricks.
The meeting of the council was
allied to order byiMnyor King, and
roll call showed present Cotiiteilmeu
Leggett, Thompson, llrice, Peter
son, Littdqttist, Shields and IM
wnrds. Also a trio of attorneys
Messrs. Greene, Vaughn mid
Young. Absent thesilver-throatcd
canary of the Cascade range, At
torney McGnrry.
Attorney Young inatle a talk for
reconciliation, lie sjvoke of the
damage being done to St. Johns by
this iu-coitiicil strife: he yearned to
pluck the hobbles from
dove of cacc and let I
n magnificent lumber mill would
commence to rise, Phumix-likc,
from the ashes.
Portland papers were quick to
take the figures of Tint Kuvmw,
and, in fact, the account of this
paper was accepted by them 11s the
I St. Johns Park
I No. 2.
only thing. Had the fire ha
a couple ot weeks sooner it ts a
question whether more than one of
them would have been re-constructed:
but it Impious that new
life mid additional capital had been
merged with the former owners of
both plants, and these new
leople i
over the council ciiamncr. lie
metaphorically shook the branch of
scripture above the heads of the
council and asserted "that a house
divided against itself cannot stand."
Mr. Young suggested an easy and
somewhat inexpensive method of
settling the mooted question of
are hound to push ahead in
work in spite of all obstacles.
The St. Johns Lumber Coiimauv.
the fair ' under management of Daniel Hrecht J
ler flutter and A. S. Douglass will have a
Lots 50x1 06 ft.
With a 1 6-foot Alley back
of each lot.
much finer and more complete plant
because it will now lie built entire ;
and not by frequent additions. Be-i
sides that, the management knows !
just what is needed and how to
handle the raw material and finished
products better U1.111 ever before.
Then. too. there Is an nhitndimce of
whether or not C. I). Kdwnrds was capital to carry on the work: as the
a member of the council. He be-j new firm is quoted at about;
licved that the attorneys ujion each $300,000.
side should prejure n statement of The Oregon Fir Lumber Com-
f until mill linvt! tllt illlll'i' Of tilts 1 nniiv will ul iiiui mliiillil -iilllmiiuli T
-! I. .... ..!..! t- it i. . .. ..
cncnii conn lemicr n decision ironi ( n it siiouiti see III to (USH)se 01 lis
which there should lie no tippenl. holdings there is an offer of $20,000
He suggested farther that while I for its site. As stated last week (i.
that decision was iiending Council-! Y. Cone had just gone into a
man Ivdwards withdraw from the newly-formed company when the 3
l)odyaiid.iuiio wayj1itij:ipate in its I disaster came, and it is hardly s
deliberative action Mr. Young's 'probable that the new corporation
suggestion was coincided with by will allow so good a business as it
Attorney Vaughn. was doing to go for nothing. J
Mr. Leggett believed that the Instead of lieing n blackeye for'J'
f ......l... o ...... U. 1 ...... ..J ...I.I. !
1111111 111 witn.v.iiiiiv n.-i 11 uifiki iihi.-. 01. juiiiis 111111 tmiMiii; men wun
The tieoiile desired to sec a council families to move from this city
united lor the good of the town fire will be n betterment for
and he thought this would lie a community and will nuickly give
'satisfactory proeeediugi employment to all the old force and
Mr. iiriee ecnotn tne ieire 01 many workmen liesidcs, The lire
the previous -qK'aki-r. He wanted will have served its own end of
I mnlishing and destroying: ami
man will counteract all that and
commence to construct and create.
$200 and Upwards
Terms '.
I $5 Down and $5 per month
These lots nre located on Jcru;y street, three blocks
from car line and
to see the mutter legally settled,
'and thought that there should lie
jati understanding la-tweeu the attor
neys and the factious of the council.
Mr. Leggett thought it would be a
good idea to first see Attorney Mc
Gnrry and Mr. Shields suggested
that a brief rcces Ik- taken.
Mr. Jvdwnrds considered the
proM)-.ition n fair one. If lie was
not a legal member of the council
he did not desire to tit and act with
that body: he was willing to get
down -but he did not me.ui to be
booted out. Mr. Ltudqiiist stated
that he had always desired to see
this matter under discussion settled
legally and thought the proposed
plan an excellent one, Mr. Peter
sou and Mr. Thompson coincided
in the matter.
Attorney Greene stated that nil
through this atfair he had tried to
sutler time to spread out the grub.
Mr. Brice was willing the minutes
should be read and Mayor King
asserted they should be read if it
was the intention of the council to
do business.
Attorney Greene just then stepped
into the ammunition wagon and
pinched out the fuse by suggesting
that as a meeting could soon le
arranged between the attorneys it
might be well to adjourn for one or
two davs. It .seemed a pity, he
said, when so near a peaceful settle
ment to nave anomer session 01
shot and shell.
Tt was then moved to adiourn to
Thursday evening, September 7
aud the meeting ciosea.
Bring us $1 and we will send the
Review to your friend for a year.
livery Night at Candle Light They
Alccl for on Adjournment,
Thursday, Friday and Saturday
evenings Mayor King and Council
men Liudquist, Peterson mid
Thompson met in the city hall for
the purimse of choosing 11 successor
to C. I). Kdwards. Kaeh night no
quorum was present, aud each
night an adjournment was made to
the next evening.
Monday was a holiday ami it was
thought that 110 business should be ,
transacted. It was, however, the
the' I
1 j;
niL'lit of the recti ar meet nil! Hence
stand aloof; had endeavored to do Councilman Leggett added his pres.
what he thought to be his duty in tiice in order to have a legitimate
an impartial manner. The matter quorum answer roll-cill. An ad
had become so imiortaut that to jouriiment was then made to Tnes
remain neutral was a matter of (jUy evening, Senteiuher 5, when it
extreme difficulty and he hoped the ' was understood the full board would
could be settled as sug- Ik; present ready for business.
Near the Great Weyerhauser Mill Site.
Don't pay $350 and S.joo for building lots only 100
feet deep, and without alleys, when yon can get extra
sized lots with 1 6-foot alleys, all high and level, and in
the best locality in St. Johns for $200 and upwards.
Let its show you this properly. We can sell only
the first fifty lots at these prices. This is done to ad
vertise the property. When these are sold prices will
advance 25 per cent.
Within one year, when the great Weyerhauser mill
is in operation, these lots will be worth double the pres
ent prices.
St. Johns Land Co
St. JollllS IMione Union 3101 OrCgOU
Branch Office and Agency on (he (irotiml.
Right here Mr. Leggett suggested
that in view of the anticipated
settlement the matter might be al
lowed to drop for the time being,
and work of the council in some
important matters lc taken up and ,
acted upon as if all had been settled.
Attorney Vaughn feared that the
vote of Mr. Ivdwards upon any im
portant matter might invalidate the
legality of action 111 case of any
protest but Attorney Greene dif
fered in this, he claiming that
Kdwards was a de facto official,
even it tue circuit conn siiouki
relegate him from his seat, and his
vote could not be questioned.
Mr. Brice said he was ready for
any business to be transacted which
did not refer to the matter of hd-
Father Dangerously Hurt.
Humphrey Jones, who is father
of Mrs. William Hvaus, of this city,
was seriously and probably fatally
hurt at Oregon City Saturday
morning by being run. into by u
Southern Pacific passenger.
Mr. Jones, with a daughter and
her girl friend, endeavored to make
a crossing which is dangerous to
those whose senses are perfect.
Being a man 74 years of age he was
somewhat deaf and not very clear
sighted and neither heard nor saw
the approaching train until it was
upon the team. The engineer thrmv
011 all brakes or, it is thought,
none of the three occupants would
have gotten out alive. The girls
Strictly Fresh Goods at the Rigid Prices
is Our Aotto I
U. . ...... , , I. ....... I...4 (1.
wards. At this point came up the f!" w" ";
question of reading the , minutes. -"3 w,
Mr. Leggett foresaw-a " leap o' V, ,7 i i 1
..i.witf .1.,. .i.,..tcnr 11. J inc. I Mrs. F.vans has !een closely attend-
regular and all adjourned meetings ,nK
were read and moved that thei ...
reading of the same le suspended. uuw' u,tu'
Mayor King declared that it being l Bessie, infant daughter of Mr.
a regular meeting it was in order: and Mrs. F.J. Carter, died after a
that the minutes be read and ap- brief illness on Thursday, August , t
31. The little oat was a sweet
babe and her death is deeply
mourned. Funeral was -held 011
proved iti order that the entire
council might know what was
pending and what was needed.
For 1 00 seconds it looked as it
the peace commission had merely
suspended hostilities to allow the
Friday, Septemljer 1 , and the inter
ment took place at Columbia cemetery.
Of all Kinds.
Sole Agent for
Universal Stoves and Ranges
Do not fail to see the Universal
Steel Range before purchasing
141-143 First Street, Odd Fellows Building, Portland, Oregon. Phone Main 1382
H. ,1.1. UU